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Reference Manager - Science topic
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Questions related to Reference Manager
I've downloaded the new "Mendeley Reference Manager for Desktop" software after the support for "Mendeley Desktop" (latest version 1.19.8) has been dropped. Now I can't find the "Update Details" option in Mendeley Reference Manager, the feature I've been using the most. Is it completely gone? Are there any workarounds?
I have added references using Mendeley reference manager, but it ruined the manuscript; it doesn't take ACS or other journals references properly except elsevier, and multiple duplicates are there. I just want to use a different manager, such as Zotero. Is their a way to convert the style done by Mendeley to another reference manager so I don't need to add references manually again?
I have tried to download Mendeley Reference Manager for Windows but when it is finished setup, it cannot open and remains loading. Do you have any link I could download it for free?
I checked their author guidelines and I couldn't find a Proper answer
I have posted 2 hr full course video on Mendeley Reference Manager. If you want to save time on manual referencing, this is the solution. Mendeley desktop and web version helps us to store, organise and use reference as per any reference style. You may sk query here also and can click on the link for quick and easy learning of referencing tool
If you want to save time on manual referencing, I have posted 2 hr video on udemy. Mendeley desktop and web version helps us to store, organise and use reference as per any reference style. You may ask query here also and can click on the link for quick and easy learning of referencing tool.
My university doesn't allow the New mendeley reference manager word plugin to be installed on the work computer. However, if there was an exe file for the plugin, this could be bypassed. Any ideas/suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.
I installed the new Mendeley reference manager for the desktop on 8th September 2023. However, several menu options are missing. Eg. Under 'File' Menu, the only option available is 'Export All'. Nothing else.
I am trying to add references to a Word document (not too many even, around 45) and it seems that the Mendeley reference manager reaches some limit after a while. When I open the Word add-in it fails to load, crashes, tries again, crashes again etc.
I was able to temporarily solve this when I removed content control from the last few pages, but the problem comes back and this isn't sustainable.
I couldn't find anything relevant online, hoping that someone was able to overcome this. Thank you!
What is the role of reference managers (e.g., EndNote, Mendeley) in improving the accuracy and completeness of citations in academic writing, and how does the proper citation of sources contribute to the credibility and validity of research articles in the scientific community?
Hi folks, currently I got very unhappy with my reference system manager (Mendeley Reference Manager) . I cannot search for catchwords in the main-text of documents like in previous versions (likein 2018 or something). It only gives me back those publications that have those catchwords in the title.
So I downloaded older versions from the web (inofficial websites) but those downloads don't open after installing them....
Any ideas how to solve my problem? I would like to stay with a cost-free software.
I have 22,000 carefully annotated references in Reference Manager v12 which has served me well in over 200 publications so far. Having upgraded to Office 365 I have discovered that the "Cite While You Write" function no longer works. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thompson Scientific and Microsoft do not appear to be interested in providing a solution. Do I have to return to an earleir version of Word?
unfortunately I have been facing problems with Mendeley since I started using it 1,5 years ago... Now I wanted to get back to it once again for a bigger lab report I have to write and I am having the following problem:
I have the Citation Plugin installed in LibreOffice. Whenever I click on "Insert citation" it asks me to run Mendeley Desktop first. I reinstall Mendeley Desktop (have been using Reference Manager eversince), try to log in but the very same Email and password that work perfectly fine when logging in online give me the "PW/username incorrect" error!
Why can I not use it the Plugin with the reference manager? And why would Desktop not let me log in? I really hope to find some help!
Hi there,
I am interested to hear whether you have migrated from Mendeley Desktop to Papers as Reference Manager? Also if Papers can maintain the library structure you already build in Mendeley?
Many thanks for your input!
I'm working with the latest version of Mendeley Reference Manager. I have some references with the same author and same year, and the journal where my paper will be published requires suffixes (a, b, c) in those cases. I tried to edit the citations and manually override them; and though there is no problem with suffixes in the in-text citations, the suffixes don't appear on the automatically generated bibliography. For example, in the attached pic those two "2021" should have "a" and "b" respectively. Please, help out a young researcher :)
I now use EndNote, however I'm considering switching to another software as most scholars recommend using reference manager tools like Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Even still, I would want to know which is better. Please make recommendations.
While doing a systemic review, we have to add many articles (doi and title +- abstract) to a common place. I was using Mendeley to compile. However, I have to manually add all the articles into Mendeley. Is there no way to select all the PubMed results on a specific topic, and export them to Mendeley (or Zotero) at once? PubMed allows us to select all search results and export them, but the export option generates a notepad file with the list of PMIDs. However, can it not be directly exported to Mendeley (or Zotero)?
I am a student and am looking for free options.
Mendeley desktop keeps crashing and the new reference manager doesn't recognize the text editor plugin. I cannot use EndNote because it doesn't run on linux. I'm at me wits end because I need to submit.
Any idea how to convert a word doc cited with both Zotero and Mendeley Reference Manager to a doc cited with only one of these citation tools (or even EndNote)? - without the need to insert the citations back to the doc one by one manually! Thanks!
I Inserted references and intend to add biblography at the end. I could add one in the end. However, it also inserted full references along with citation in the main text. How can I remove it?
We shall assume that funds are limited to purchase licences and two software will be used as plug-ins in MS Word. Is it that EndNote, being a paid app, gives you more options than Zotero? Or Zotero can be as good a software as Endnote since you add the extension to your browser and Microsoft Edge (pdf reader).
I'm looking for a way to download all the results of a Google Scholar search together; Not one by one, nor by entering it in the library and then downloading it in twenty pieces!
I wish to know, how to give references in thesis and research paper writing for the reports prepared by government organizations or other global institutional setups like BP Statistical review of world energy, International Hydropower Association (IHA), International renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) etc. ?
Kindly advise.
Thank You.
I have problems with subscripts and superscripts in the titles. When I import references in .ris format directly from the Scopus, for example, text formatting is getting lost. So, I end up with a title like this one:
"Dy3+ doped tellurite glasses for solid-state lighting: An investigation through physical, thermal, structural and optical spectroscopy studies"
I know I can do it manually by editing all citations individually through "Edit references" tool but it takes a long time. They mentioned about filters in the Endnote forums, to correct this issue while importing the reference but there is no clear explanation. I also couldn't do it by selecting different filter.
Why has Mendeley plug-in suddenly disappeared in word 2007? Also, the new version 2.62.0 is not working in word 2007. Any solutions?
My software list :
spss (statistics)
grammary (language correction)
endnote (reference manager) (plagiarism)
And sure microsoft word
what is your preferred software ( free or paid ) ?
So, I've looked at several reference managers, but either they're not clear in describing their functionalities or they don't have what I'm looking for. I'm currently using Mendeley and have looked at several others (including citavi, bookends, and zotero among others).
What I want is the following: I want to be able to add keywords/tags to each reference (available in most reference managers), then I want to have the files organized in certain folders based on specific tags. Last but not least, I would like the main folder to be in an external cloud service (preferably OneDrive), and if I add new references to that folder I want them to be automatically added to my library. Also compatible with either LaTeX or Word (But this is the case for most).
Extra benefits for me are, browser plugin for easy adding such as Mendeley, easy accessibility through an Android device (phone), plugin or easy way for quick in-text citing in word (or in latex), and preferably free/open source or one time payment.
I'm using Windows 7 and 10 as my operating systems so the reference managers should be compatible with that, I'm willing to pay up to around 100-150€ if it does everything I need and suffices with a one time payment.
To give a bit of an explanation where mendeley falls short, I can set a watch folder in Mendeley, like my onedrive folder where I save references (PDFs). This means it will automatically add them to my references in Mendeley, which is great (I need that). However I can not use that folder as the synchronization/download folder for Mendeley, because if I do it will generate many duplicates. Now the problem is if I add references through the browser plugin, the papers will then be stored in the download folder for Mendeley and not to my folder in Onedrive. This has a few issues/problems, it means that I have every file twice on my computers, once in my onedrive and once in the mendeley download folder; it also means that when I add a reference through the plugin it doesn't sync to my onedrive folder.
Now another section where mendeley fails is the limited capability of it's function of sorting files in sub-folders. I want to be able to sort files based on important/specific tags into sub-folders, two examples are that I often tags files with the tags, "Fabrication" or "Microfluidics", which are two sub-folders in my onedrive folder. Mendeley does not allow to sort into sub-folders based on tags but only on, year, author, title and journal.
I'm willing to use a combination of two, maybe three, programs if it works properly and doesn't break down half the time (Mendeley is breaking down more often these days).
is there a document or video that is quick study to use Mendeley reference management software?
Many thanks
Whenever we start a new research we need first to do literature review in order to both get acquainted with the context and the concepts related to our research and also to situate our research within the existing knowledge.
- The problem is that in order to find relevant literature you need to express what you are looking for into meaningful search terms and the more efficient and robust you make your "search string" (aka the keywords you use) the better you will express your information need and find relevant reference. E.g. If someone is looking for "text classification for categorising books" is better to word it as "book genre identification".
Do you got any techniques that you developed through the years on how do find the perfect wording for your initial literature search? Myself, for example, I try to find first an initial paper that is relevant and the browse through its cited papers to see if there is any paper that describes in their title in a better way what I am looking for.
I want a free referencing software that can work with Zotero
They just deleted all (20+) of my (public) groups which mean deletion of 5 years of references collected by me and my research group ! Time to move on to something better and more reliable. What are the good freeware reference manager with citation (in MS word) option would you suggest ?
Some of us might approach research in several different ways. What steps do you follow when planning and producing your research papers?
We are all faced with the fact that a large percentage of unattached sources remains in the cited literature of our articles. Although we are properly formatting this part of our article. For all bibliographic requirements. Large publishers pay due attention to this work and draw up a list of literature themselves. I have a question: what should we do in order for the work of colleagues to be evaluated on the website. I would be grateful for your knowledge.
I am writing a manuscript and I am looking to get a copy of the following paper below. Although there are references to the proposed urine composition in the literature I have been unable to obtain the actual paper.
Unfortunately, both authors have now passed and the journal has been discontinued. I have tried contacting their old institutions and colleagues and they didn't have any copies of the manuscript either.
So I thought I would try here... with any luck, someone might have a .pdf saved in their reference manager.
Of course we use references when we quote someone else statements or findings, however, sometimes they are bombard to look a research paper heavy.
Can any explain when do we need to use a reference, and how much we can write our own logical statements.
I personally use "Mendeley" Reference manager. It provides online and offline version both. Although I know few more reference manager like "Endnote" and "Zotero". I want to know which suits most for scientific publication. If possible do let me know the reason. This is just a survey.
What is the best tool for adding references (in a research paper) within a word file
I try many ways to solve that issue, I restart my pc, uninstall the Mendeley references manager then install again, but the same problem still appears, so please if anyone knows how to solve that issue type the solution that could help me.
I've been using Mendeley Desktop since a couple of years ago. Recently, they have released Mendeley Reference Manager. Both support cite as you write.The interface of Mendeley Reference Manager and integration with MS word seems better than the other release. However, as far as I understand, Mendeley Reference Manager does not support local storage, while Desktop does. I'm still using Mendeley Desktop because I'm used to read papers through it. Also, having tons of articles stored locally, it will require a subscription and I'm afraid a large library will worsen the performance of this new edition.
Based on your experience, have you noticed any improvement of your workflow by switching from Mendeley Desktop to Reference Manager? Is it worthwhile to shift from one to the other?
The cited references in paper are getting opened through google scholar but elsevier journal says the references are unknown.
I used mendeley references manager
Does anyone knows the how to tackle such facts?
Hello Researchers,
I mostly use WPS and Libreoffice but the problem which is face several times is addinf references and citations. Because even when we change one of the reference it doesn't get updated in the text of research article.
I just checked ENDNote but thats not comaptible with LINUX. So someone who is using such tools or tricks in WPS or Libreoffice , kindly please update me.
Abhinav Nag
A local fault shapefile prepared by a public academic institution was required to complement a qualitative analysis. It was not possible to access a study or technical report documenting the data obtained, so the only reference is the file itself. How should it be reported in the references list?
ReadCube has been a useful tool to read some papers that I don't have access to but what is it like as a reference manager? How does it compare to Mendeley or Papers?
I'm currently using Mendeley but it is not compatible with Google Drive (Google Documents). I need an alternative reference manager software that can insert the citations directly to Google Drive files.
I personally use "Mendeley" Reference manager. It provides online and offline version both. Although I know few more reference manager like "Endnote" and "Zotero". I want to know which suits most for scientific publication. If possible do let me know the reason. This is just a survey.
How to properly cite interviews in the following cases:
1. "in-text" and "footnote" and their bibliography (both with consent of using names and anonymous)
2. using software like Mendeley, Zotero etc.
Mendeley is ok for local management but doesn't sync well across different devices with file.
Readcube is alright for citation links but fails on local file management.
am unable import patents references into a reference manager, Mendeley. Which is the best one?
Is there any renewable or updated database or PFD file for easy handling the valid abbreviations of journal names
I need a more efficient reference manager. I use `Zotero` now, but sometimes I forgot a conclusion from some papers, I have to check most of my papers collection one by one. Beside this, You know I can not find some citing style in its library, I have to edit CSL. Do you have some suggestion about this? Can you recommend some more efficient software?
Hello, I am using Mendeley as my reference manager.
I currently have a merged in-text citation:
(Atterbury et al., 2007; Ramesh et al., 1999; Smith & Huggins, 2009)
I want it to be chronological instead of alphabetical:
(Ramesh et al., 1999; Atterbury et al., 2007; Smith & Huggins, 2009)
How can you modify the style in Mendeley to allow this?
I would like to have different bibliography for each chapter, and each chapter with independent numbering (i.e. bibliography of each chapter starts at 1 instead of continuing the numbering). Has anyone had the same experience while using Mendeley? Can someone help me figure out how to do this? Is it ever possible?
Hi all,
I'm trying to share a Mendeley library with a colleague. I created a private group and included all the references (they all have attached pdfs). However, she's only able to see the references and not to download the files to her own library. Any tips?
I'm planning on conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis. For this I would like to visualise the relationship between different papers in how they cite each other (think of it like Facebook friend wheel) to see if there are clusters (eg. American journals cite other american journals) and then see if their main findings also correlate (to see if researchers are more inclined to cite other supporting papers rather than findings that contradict your own results).
I would also like to be able to add parameters like Impact Factor, Almetric and such in evaluating the quality of my included articles in my systematic review. Is there a tool that automatically adds such information? Does Mendeley or EndNote have that function? Or do I have to find it for each paper using JCR?
All this functions does not necessarily have to be in just one software.
Any tips on visualisation tools are greatly appreciated, as long as they are simple to use. I realise this can probably be done in a spreadsheet and then write code in R but I'm looking for a simpler solution with a less steep learning curve.
I used Mendeley for 5 years, but since 2018 it doesn't work with latest version of MACos. Thus, I try to use EndNote. Since yesterday EndNote also crashes at every opening.
Does anyone have the same problems with reference managers on MAC? Any idea what reference software is it possible to use correctly on MAC?
I have been using Mendeley as a reference management software for more than seven years and was an excited user - nice usability & GUI, open access, good integration with Word, a simple but effective Web-Importer, etc.
After Elsevier bought Mendeley, things gradually get worse in terms of functionality and usability, and after several moments of frustration I finally decided to quit using it.
What are decent open access alternatives with good usability and team/multi-user functionality?
For several years already, there is a fabulous online software ("app") for your book collection. It is called Collectorz Book Connect. Its features and functions have been steadily improving over the years. Please can you share your experiences and opinions with us?
Share and suggest the open source tool which find the reference from the content in the paper or thesis?
I'm considering whether it would make sense to curate an online, annotated, bibliography of scholarly research related to police body-worn cameras. And, if so, what would be good tools to use for such an undertaking? Ideally, the bibliography could allow annotation, maybe something social (but not necessarily so), and maybe integrate some form of analytics, e.g, Google Scholar metrics, etc. Would something like Mendeley provide any of these sorts of features? Some other reference manager? Any plugins or workflows for Wordpress? Thanks!
We are a small group concerned about the biological effects of microwave exposure. We would like one place where each person can go to add more citations to the collection. I would like to be able to tag the articles (put them them in categories) and pull up lists based on tags. Also each person should be able to annotate articles and provide summaries. These then can be viewed by everyone.
Is there a tool that does facilitates such citation gathering and commenting?
I thought perhaps a Research Gate Project, but I don't see how the group can comment on the citations provided, or how to put them into categories.
Perhaps what we want is a wikipedia page on the topic. This is the best solution I've come up with so far.
I have a folder full of research articles as .pdf files, I have uploaded them in a reference manager (Mendeley desktop interface), is there any way to pick up top 10 or 10 most cited articles in the pool of articles?
I currently Papers for PDF management, and Endnote for reference management while writing. They each have useful and complementary features, but neither is a complete solution and they don't work well together. Any recommendations out there?
Has anyone tried the References Cited function built into MS Word or perhaps other popular services like End Note, Mendeley, or Ref Works? Which of these do you prefer?
I'm looking for a tool that can act as both a reference manager and an RSS reader / news aggregator.
Ideally cross-platform (Linux+Mac+Win) or web-based.
Ideally using BibTeX or BibLaTeX natively for the bibliography database (so that I can have fine-grained control over things like capitalisation and complicated names, e.g. with "van" or "Junior" parts).
Can anyone help? Thanks.
Journals like Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB) require references to be in Harvard style and so far all researchers I know have to manually (i.e. actually re-write the references by hand) convert their bibtex references (which you can get automatically from Google Scholar) with the following format:
issn = {1361-6560},
journal = {Physics in Medicine and Biology},
number = {2},
pages = {N23--38},
title = {{The Virtual Family - development of surface-based anatomical models of two adults and two children for dosimetric simulations.}},
volume = {55},
year = {2010}}
to a format like this:
\harvarditem{Christ et~al.}{2010}{virtualfamily}
Christ A, Kainz W, Hahn E.G, Honegger K, Zefferer M, Neufeld E, Rascher W, Janka R, Bautz W, Chen J, Kiefer B, Schmitt P, Hollenbach H.P, Shen J, Oberle M, Szczerba D, Kam A, Guag J.W \harvardand\ Kuster N 2010, 'The virtual family - development of surface-based anatomical models of two adults and two children for dosimetric simulations' {\em Physics in Medicine and Biology}, {\bf 55}(2),~N23--38
After spending a lot of time trying to find a way to automatically convert existing bibtex references to no avail, my question is: Is anyone aware of an automatic way to for this conversion?
I have used papers for mac to manage bibliography in the past and therefore used the magic citations function to in MS word for citing the references. I now want to move to zotero however the I do not want to rewrite all the work again.
Is there anyway to switch the reference manager in my current word document from Papers citations to zotero without having to rewrite everything?
Does anyone know a research and reference manager like Endnote with network sharing capabilities ? I use Endnote and is ok when using a local database, but I would like to set up a central database at my university so that researchers may use and synchronize their references. Endnote is a good solution with its web sync feature but it is limited if one needs to have its own central database for synchronizing. Has anyone used something similar ? The idea is that for the reference database to stay "in house" without external cloud sync.
I still use reference manager to organize my references and prepare manuscripts to publish, however the Internet search function could only extract the abbreviation of the name of the journal?
Currently we are using Zotero Reference Manager to keep track of publications produced by our scientists. However, I feel Greenstone or DSpace would be better suited to house our repository. Most of our publications are published Open Access, though there are some from years gone by that are not OA and so only have links to the publisher's page. I would like to develop a collection that is :
a. easily accessible online
b.easily used for reference purposes
c. whose bibliographic details can be easily extracted and exported
Any ideas?
I am looking for the best FREE alternative to Endnote x7.
There are tens of reference manager packages, that usually are not compatibles among them (you can't export your work). What do you believe is the best reference manager?
I've tried EndNote, Mendeley and Docear and each of these has its advantages and limitations. How do you manage 1) the storage of the articles in your pc folders and in the reference manager, 2) the highlights, comments etc on the pdf file, 3) the insertion of a reference in a word document while writing?
One item for example:
Goebel, G
Hiller, Wolfgang
Fruhauf, K
Fichter, M M
Currently I'm using Mendeley for reference management and an outliner for taking notes. It's okay, but not perfect. I'm often asking myself "What paper did I read last week?", "Which thoughts did I write down yesterday?"
But all programs I test miss a timeline or something like an activity stream. Do you know this problem? Is there something you can suggest? Thanks!
Please advise the program for WinOS as a file manager that allows to create and store groups of downloaded papers and other references, so that it was possible to group them on multiple labels (tags)? Eg, sort by the author, and other categories: theoretical works, experimental, a methods like A, a methods like B... . The folder tree structure allows you to group only by one parameter. But ideally, I would like to do more than 10 categories.
I think, any databases allows to do that, but maybe exist simple solutions specialized for researchers?
I see there are a large variety of solutions
first of all, I need:
- quick and easy access to the already downloaded papers that are in folders on my PC (multiple PC?)
- grouping and sorting them by label
- the ability to quickly export citations to bibTEX
- convenient access to citations for each paper in Google-scholar
What programs do you use?
I am currently trying to find a good, reliable and free reference manager software. I found lots of names on the internet without being clear how secure is my data, what the connectivity power of the software is to databases etc. Please share your experience with what you have used.
For arranging my references in papers and in other documents I use in reference manager RefWorks. But sometimes, after inserting some additional reference, it suddenly duplicate indexes.
For example, before inserting additional reference [45-58]. after inserting it look something like that [54, 55, 55, 56, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 63, 63, 64, 64, 65, 65, 66, 66, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69]
Is there is a reason for this? How I can avoid or fix that?
Thank you in advance.