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Reading Comprehension - Science topic
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Questions related to Reading Comprehension
*Poor Reading Proficiency level
*Poor reading comprehension skills
Hi, I have longitudinal data of reading skills , language and cognitive abilities of children from the first up to their seventh grade. I want to identify predictors of reading comprehension and examine if and how they change over time. What is the best analysis to accomplish this? structural equation modelling? multiple regression? linear mixed models?
I'd appreciate any advice you could give me on the subject.
Thanks in advance!
Give a list of local literature about the importance of using comics in improving the reading comprehension?
"Adaptive Learning for Enhancing Reading Comprehension: A Case Study in Indonesian Junior High Schools"
How can using the Jigsaw strategy enhance EFL students’ literal reading comprehension in 4th grade in a public school?
The Simple View of Reading formula presented by Gough and Tunmer in 1986 is:
Decoding (D) x Language Comprehension (LC) = Reading Comprehension (RC). Is there existig anything similar for math comprehension? What is student's Math Comprehension (MC) dependent on? Any clearly structured general theories?
In order to read a foreign language text, should one first empathize with the author and understand the disincentives and risks? Why? How?
"How does the parenting style and involvement of parents influence the reading comprehension abilities of learners, and what specific practices or strategies can parents adopt to foster a positive impact on their children's reading comprehension skills?"
Your answer will greatly help me in my studies
Thank you.
Hello, I am attempting to conduct action research based on the following research question. Could you please provide any advice, authors or research field to deeper exploring? Thanks in advance. Problem: Due to different evidence observable in a 4thgrade students, and the aims presented in the national curriculum program from English in 4th grade, MINEDUC (2018) It could be observed that students remain a limited vocabulary which impacts directly in the development of reading comprehension skills. Given that students struggle in the understanding of main and specific ideas in a text because of the time they spend trying to infer meaning of key words in a passage and ineffectiveness of traditional vocabulary teaching methods.
Hi all,
Are there English corpora or datasets that gather texts for L2 reading practice? I'm conducting an intervention study where L2 learners (CEFR level: A2-B1, and B1-B2) practice reading with different conditions in the CALL environment, but first of all, I need texts that can be implemented in the system. Previous research has mainly used texts from textbooks, newspapers, or past TOEFL exams (that come with reading comprehension tests additionally), but it would be great if I could know other sources for text gathering.
Thanks in advance!
My colleague and I are looking to run an online study that requires assessment of general reading level of the participants. We're looking to assess reading level in hearing and deaf samples. I'm finding it hard to find a measure to use. The test just needs to give us a proxy estimate of reading level and be straight forward to deliver in an online format. So far all of the research articles I've been able to find that use a reading test are dated and the tests are no longer available. Does anyone have a suggestion for a test we can use and can point us in the right direction to obtain the test?
Hi everyone! I need to examine interactions between categorical and continuos predictors in a path analysis model. What strategy would be more accurate: 1) including the categorical variable, the continous one and the interaction as separate terms, 2) run a multigroup analysis?
I have the same problem with several models. For instance, examining potential differences of executive function (continuos predictor) effects on reading comprehension (outcome variable) among children from different grades (categorical predictor).
Thank you so much for your help!
The most venerable professors and research scholars
Your critical comments, valuable opinions, scientific facts and thoughts, and supportive discussion on how can structural grammar and IC analysis be justified in the recent pedagogical and enhancement trends in EIP for EFL adult learners.
I shall be thankful sincerely for your kind participation.
Dr. Meenakshi
Please make references to code breaking, text participating, text using and text critiquing activities
Dear community,
I am looking for a short measure of reading ability in the context of an online experiment.
I decided to implement a sentence verification task and I was wondering if there are any item collections available open-source (in English).
Any tips would be appreciated, thank you so much!
I would like to investigate the impact writing clarity and plain language have on understanding technical documents.
Therefore, I would like to know:
1- whether writing clarity ensures readability.
2- whether writing in plain language ensures reading comprehension.
3- whether text design makes the reading process better.
Hi all,
I am looking for suggestions for text sources to be used in reading comprehension experiments. Specifically, I need access to text that I can present to human participants in several different conditions, where I will measure how long they spend reading the text and I would like to also test their comprehension. In short, I need some texts and some established comprehension questions for those text.
Ideally the text source would be normed on things like word frequency, number of words per passage, and reading difficulty.
This will be in adult participants, ranging from high school through graduate educational backgrounds.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
The data is a pre test post test from Phil-IRI english passage reading comprehension test. The passage from the pre-test and post-test is not the same but the difficulty is the same. We we're told to use Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, but I'm not really sure if it is the best tool to use for it. Thank you.
Dear readers,
This is the link to a short study I did and published in the Newsletter Structural Learning.
It explains why the Think Aloud Protocol a good way to assess Reading Comprehension Strategies. What do you think?
Hello everyone,
what do you think-why do difficult text lead to greater overconfidence than less difficult texts?
What could be the reason that students reading a difficult text first and afterwards the less difficult one reduce their overconfidence as answer to a instruction for being able to use text to solve problems, while students reading texts in the reverse order didn‘t reduce their overconfidence?
Hi everyone! I'm currently designing a study to compare EEG brain activity (specifically, connectivity) during online (hypertext) and traditional fixed/linear text reading. I have the following questions: 1) what would be the ideal EEG measure to describe and compare connectivity between conditions? 2) what would be the best way to control for sensorimotor activity differences between conditions (motor activity related to browsing and link selection, navigation-related eye-movements, multimedia sensory load).
If anyone has experience with this or similar experiments, I would be extremely helpful for any hints, suggestions or advice you may provide.
Thanks in advance!
I am studying case study right now
I have a student who has got no international background got the Grade Equivalent of 3.5 (his test performance is comparable to the reading ability of an American average third-grader after the fifth month of the school year) recently. The test report is attached.
And I plan to do a case study on him. Reasons are as follow:
a.The case study is where the researcher takes an in-depth look at a specific situation (Mertens, 2020). Since the student never went to any international school, nor have any family member who is from abroad, but he got such splendid reading ability. I really want to take an in-depth look at his study.
b. Stake (2005) discusses collecting the following types of information for a case study: (a) information about the nature of the case, (b) background or historical information regarding the case, (c) the physical setting for the case, (d) other contexts related to the case, which may include things like the political context, (e) other cases related to this one, and (f) talking to relevant people to learn about this case. I am his teacher and very close to his family. Collecting data would be convenient.
c.Case study research is an investigative approach that can get a new and deeper understanding of a complex phenomenon (Mertens, 2020). Through a case study on this student, I could get some useful learning experience and share it with those who have children learning English. And that will be a great help.
I plan to collect data, such as interviews with his parents, observation in English reading class, his reading records, his test and quiz records. But I don't think those are enough. What else should I collect?
Please correct me if you spot anything wrong.
I’m eager to receive your reply.
I would like to know what strategies should be used to improve reading comprehension in students? I'll apreciate any helps, thanks.
Good day, everyone!
I'm doing a research on Personality Traits, Reading Habit, and Writing Achievement. My data were collected using Likert-scale questionnaires (for personality traits and reading habit) and a writing test. My purpose is to find the correlation between personality traits and reading habit, personality traits and writing, and reading habit and writing.
Does anyone know what kind of statistical analysis I should use? Thank you, have a nice day!
As an inexperienced teacher in the field of online teaching, I have the fear of unconsciously ignoring one of the skills while focusing on not ignoring the other!
Therefore, I wish to make use of your experiences with distance learning/teaching in the field of integrating the four skills-listening, speaking, reading, and writing- in the language course.
Note: the context of teaching is Algeria, hence, some limitations exist concerning the availability of internet and computers.
I'm trying to find the contribution of (1) genre awareness & (2) reading habits to (3) reading comprehension . The data of genre awareness & reading comprehension are in the form of test scores (1-100). The data of reading habits are 1-4 (1: never, 2: rarely, 3: sometimes, 4: often) which show how often people show good reading habits. What statistical analysis do I have to use? Please kindly help.
This can be a silly question to ask, but my main field is not in reading comprehension. While I try my best to phrase my question, it can sound a bit awkward. Thank you for your understanding.
According to the theories of reading comprehension, there are three levels of reading comprehension: literal, inferential, and critical. Literal comprehension means understanding what the text exactly says or describes, and inferential comprehension means deriving the meanings that are not explictly stated in the text, i.e. "reading between the lines".
Is strong literal comprehension a must in order for an individual to make a good inferential comprehension? That is, does an individual need to have a solid grasp on vast literal details of a text for he or she to be able to "read between the lines"? Is it possible for an individual to do a good job in doing the tasks that requires inferential comprehension while he or she performs relatively worse in the tasks that mainly involves literal comprehension?
Thank you,
Is the level of cognitive flexibility positively correlated to the level of reading comprehension (greater cognitive flexibility brings higher level of reading comprehension)? If there is a paper that talks about this topic, could you please give me some examples of those papers?
Thank you,
How are the 3 levels of reading comprehension (literal, inferential, and critical) reflected in grade-level English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum?
In particular, normally, is literal reading comprehension more emphasized in the ELA curriculum of lower grade levels while inferential and critical comprehension are emphasized in the ELA curriculum for mid to upper grade levels?
or if not, are all three levels of reading comprehension emphasized in ELA curriculum of all grade levels?
Thank you,
My main field is not Linguistics/reading comprehension so what I am asking might sound a bit silly or not make a lot of sense. My question could certainly be better-phrased.
Is there a theory in reading comprehension that says something like: "The simple reading questions are best answered via simple text analyses, whereas more difficult reading questions are best answered with more complex text analyses"?
I think this intuitively makes sense, since for example, if a person over-analyzes (over-thinks through) the simple reading questions from Grade 1 classes, such a practice can introduce unnecessary complications in deriving the correct answer for the questions.
PS: I guess by saying "elementary (easy/simple) reading questions" vs. "advanced (difficult) reading questions", I am referring more to their readability/difficulty as depicted in the English classes of different grade levels. For example, the reading questions of the Kindergarten/Grade 1 classes are considered much easier than the ``advanced'' reading questions that are from college-level English classes.
PPS: I think I need to be more precise on what I mean by ``simple text analysis'' and ``complex text analysis''. When school teachers try to teach students on how to analyze texts, they refer to the theory like the "three levels of reading" (literal, inferential, critical). In this context, ``simple text analysis'' would be the analyses that focus on literal comprehension whereas ``complex text analysis'' would be the analyses that focus on critical comprehension.
Thank you, :S
I am looking for options on 'reading comprehension assessment' tools, for grade 4 learners that are appropriate for use in divesified contexts, in respect of ethnicity, language, literacy skills, nationality, race, etc.
Thank you.
In a study with 250 short texts we calculated a number of readability scores. It is quite easy to find information to interpret the values for the classical indeces like the Flesch indeces.
But it is more complicated to find information about norms or the interpretation of those values.
Where can we find this information?
I ran MANCOVA with 2 DV (two measures of text integration) and one IDV (condition: with or without questions). I entered reading comprehension skill as a continuous predictor variable (entered as a covariate), and it came out significant. I wanted to see whether reading comprehension interacts with condition, so I grouped reading comprehension to two groups (low\average-high) and again ran MANOVA. This time, I had 2 DV (two measures of text integration) and 2 IDV (condition and comprehension level). This time, reading comprehension had no main effect or interaction. I am trying to understand what is the contribution of reading comprehension skill to the DV and what does the difference in significance mean...
Scatter plot was not useful as my DV has 4 levels.
Thank you!
What is a structure of reading comprehension skills? Can we measure them any way?
In the primary school reading comprehension skills are developing so teachers need to measure them. In 21st century we can use computerised instruments. How do you think, is there any difference between measuring reading comprehension skill with computerised instruments and without it?
I'd like to establish the link between the usage of monolingual and bilingual (physical, virtual, online) dictionnaries with (literal, inferential, critical) reading comprehension of French as a foreign language. How can I support this hypothesis?
What are your thoughts about this idea ... "improvement in Reading Comprehension Sills leads to decrease in students' perceived costs (means saving more time and getting better results) and that'll make them more motivated intrinsically (based on Expectancy-Value Theory)"?
Good Evening,
The results of the PISA 2018 test were published at the end of 2019 on the OECD website (
Among the available data are
- the Code book (XLS files):
- Cognitive test results (SPSS file):
- Questionnaire results (SPSS file):
I’m questioning about scales computing.
For example, the "Reading proficiency" scale has 5 levels (see, pp. 87-88).
However, in the codebook, I don't see any items related to the "Reading proficiency" scale. Certainly, there are the "CR590Q" items that correspond to a "Reading fluency"... but I don't think that's enough to compute the "Reading proficiency" scale. For example, items identified as "Rapa Nui" also seem to include items about reading.
In short, no matter how hard I look, I can't find information. Do you have any idea where to find the information explaining that item x + item y +... = Reading proficiency Score?
Thank you in advance for your help, best regards,
Hello everyone, I would really like to get your expert input on this inquiry I am exploring. Please give your feedback. I am a grade three teacher with a student whose reading and comprehension skills are way below his grade level. He however has access to a tablet and is really into this bit of technology. My question therefore is how can I use technology such as a tablet to help improve the reading level and comprehension skill of a student who is below grade level?
I read some great books but I feel like I forget most of what I have came across in those books just few weeks after that. So I'm wondering if I'm reading in the wrong way.
I would really appreciate your feedback and your personal experience on this
In my work I would like to study the effect of item format on psychometric characteristics of the items in reading comprehension assesment.
At the moment, feedback concerning the theme of my research is required: is it, in your opinion, relevant; is it an interesting problem?
We are interested in implementing an intervention program which aims to improve reading skills amongst children in secondary schools. We want to investigate whether the program improves the children’s reading skills (both for advanced and less advanced readers), and whether there is a significant difference in effect size when comparing advanced readers to less advanced readers.
I want to study the effects of reading on a computer screen on graduate students' reading comprehension.
We are doing a research about students´reading comprehension in a colombian bilingual university and we need a reliable test to apply it in order to measure their comprehension level.
In a program that was designed for ELLs and had great results by now, the PI wants to include the native English speakers in order to have them also benefit from this program. What standardized measures could be used for reading (with all its subskills) for both ELLs and native E-speakers so the results of those could be compared and analyzed as of which group had more benefits?
Thank you in advance.
Any suggestions on bibliography pertaining to the use of the Bachman and Palmer framework for relevant task characteristics for a comparative analysis of test and textbook reading comprehension tasks?
I have already found some studies in Asian contexts on linking EFL tests to classroom syllabi, but I need to find more.
I am working a project that investigate the cognitive factors on reading comprehension process for second and third grade studenst. Hovewer, I couldn't decide how to measure working memory perfomance related to reading comprehension.
Limited research performed indicate that the student's reading skills including analytical analysis and comprehension of decrease as they progress in the years of study. In the past the students were subjected to a generic reading programme only in their first year.
Any contributions on how to improve their reading skills and experiments performed on Financial auditing.
I want to make sure:
Who is the owner of a top-down model?
Is the owner of the bottom-up model?
Who is the owner of the interactive model?
They are Goodman and kintsch?
Thanks in advance
We would like to know the most important points we check in a reading comprehension test.
In my current study I would like to evaluate the role morphological knowledge in different levels of reading comprehension (Kintsch & Rawson, 2005).
I'm currently undertaking research leading to the implementation of a digital/ software program to help promoting contextual vocabulary as well as reading comprehension skills. That's why, I would like to know more of your ideas, suggestions and thoughts about the topic.
I am looking to study whether an accountability measure for reading proficiency would show in teased results if students were able to select from a variety of text passages on standardized assessment based on their interest. The hypothesis is that having 5–10 passages with the same complexity would allow students to better access their BK Shen reading and give a truer reflection of reading comprehension skill and not reflect the cultural bias of current tests.
I would like to know who have studied about reading comprehension in college´s students recently, specially in second languages.
I have administered a post-test for evaluating reading comprehension of an experimental group of EST learners.
The student have been asked to give (1) the meaning, (2) the equivalent in French, and finally (3) the Arabic equivalent of some technical terms chosen from the text they have been offered.
So, how should I put weights to these three response components so that the whole mark reflects their real comprehension of the text?
Thank you in advance.
If we design a multiple-choice reading comprehension test with the purpose of assessing given cognitive skills in learners, how can we ensure its reliability and validity?
I have an outcome (dependent) variable (scores received from a multiple-choice test/computerized reading comprehension test), and two predictors (independent variables) (the data received from two Likert-Scale questionnaires/Computer Familiarity Scale and Attitudes towards Computer Scale were transformed to continuous scales). I'm trying to probe the directionality of the effects i.e the effect of two independent variables on the dependent one. Moreover, the correlation among the variables should be assessed based on the results of coefficients determination (R2). I came to the solid conclusion that the Multiple Linear Regression may be the best statistical test to examine my research hypotheses. What’s your idea? is it the most appropriate test to run based on the aforementioned data? If yes, which assumptions should be met for running Multiple Linear Regression statistical test?
Somebody says that the results of just two Normality and Durbin-Watson (absen of autocorrelation) are to be reported, and this is the accepted procedure for statisticians. But it seems that those two are not enough, and totally, 8 main assumptions should be met in this case, and the most important ones are .........
1. Linear relationship
2. Multivariate normality
3. No or little multicollinearity
4. No auto-correlation
5. Homoscedasticity.
Would you please inform me if I am required to meet all the assumptions for running Multiple Linear Regression test? or Not?
It is worth mentioning that I'm supposed to report the most appropriate, accurate and subtle results of statistical procedure in order to get the positive judgment of austere reviewers!
Thanks in advance
Warm Regards
All learners/ students need to improve their level of comprehend any given text, and without appropraite methods is impossible to succeed in reading task.
In line with the previous question, I would also like to know if there have been teachers/ researchers in the field of reading comprehension and adolescent literacy who have tried the Critical Elements of Strategies Instruction (CESI) Model as the framework for helping adolescent struggling readers' comprehension and metacognitive awareness. How does CESI Model help teachers and students in their goal to improve reading comprehension for older students like 11th or 12th graders?
Lets use the term "adorn" to additions to articles done by students: Highlighting, writing margin notes, questions, comments, connecting with lines, drawing arrows, doodling - Anything used in the digesting process that wasn't on the page before ;)
For a small research I'm doing, I'm looking for previous work on the subject. How adorning varies, and what are the factors affecting how it's done, it's effect on understanding, etc.
i want to run a mindfulness program in an elementary school in order to improve students reading comprehension. i am not sure that if it is effective or not.
Perhaps an unusual question, but is anyone familiar with any questionnaires used to measure reading comprehension (visually presented word to meaning match) for 4 year olds?
Thank you.
Is there another online survey to check the reading comprehension?
Research related topic about reading comprehension need reference as well
As you might know, I am working on a PhD-thesis concerning the question whether words come across differently when they are sung instead of spoken or written. As part of that project I have created a small survey called: How do we handle song lyrics? Do we even hear them?
I would be grateful if you would help me to find respondents. Either by completing the survey yourself, of by sharing the link with other people.
Completing the survey will ask about 10 minutes of your time. This is the link:
Do you know any tool that measures reading comprehension in secondary school students?
Are there metacognative reading activities to improve reading comprehension of ESL learners?
I am researching in metacognitive reading strategies students of Reading and Writing Workshop( at my university) employ while reading. One of my main problems is to understand the relationship among cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and reading strategies.
Reason being, some common phrases which may not be accredited to only one author, for instance " The majority of respondents reported that" is also taken to be similarity. How does one go about this? In my manuscript, even the references (some, not all) are considered to be plagiarism! This seems a bit odd and perplexing to figure out. Whoever has been through this same predicament, kindly provide guidance and assistance. Thank you
EyeTribe is a limited tool in the measurement accuracy of the saccadic movements. Consider only the fixations and the saccadic amplitude will be enough to make inferences from the data?
15 - sample size
7 - Reading comprehension tests
2- individual tests
5 - group tests
each group tests with shuffled samples.
How to correlate and find out the significance? when group size differs?
Hi Peter,
Are there any implications or current research about training for reading comprehension as related to workplace readiness in people with TBI? Thank you for sending me the other article a while ago!
I want to predict reading times by the conditional probabilities of bi- and trigrams (for bigrams: how likely is word n to occur if word n-1 is given). Do I have to log-transform these conditional probabilities? See the attached figure for non-transformed probabilities on the left and transformed probabilities on the right. I am using lmer-models (R package lme4) to predict the reading times.
I reviewed the existing literature about the effects of portfolio and I noticed that it has positive effect on reading comprehension and writing. Do you think that reflection on a paper can have positive effect on speaking and communication skills or no?
How can the two seemingly opposed approaches to literature reception inform and constrain each other usefully? For example, what can responses to the Experiencing Questionnaire (Kuiken et al., 2012, SSOL) tell an fMRI study on poetry reception (e.g., O'Sullivan et al., 2015, CORTEX) or vice versa? Which models and methods must be developed to drive potential cross-fertilization?
Is text simplification, through the cogent implementation of intelligent algorithms seeking main ideas and supporting details, useful when attempting to accelerate current levels of reading comprehension among English speakers, and English learners?
In which scholarly research organizations, might this type of question be explored fully?
I'm planning a study with students in Year 4 in Australia and I need a good pre-post test that can be administered to a group; unfortunately most of the tests previously used in Australia research are now defunct, so I'm looking for other options. Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone, I am a little confused about the effectiveness of working memory training and its effect on L2 reading comprehension. I need to know is there a significant effect or not, and is there any research in this area. Thanks in advance