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Radio Propagation - Science topic
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Questions related to Radio Propagation
Any new and innovative topics in this field will be appreciated; Radio Communication, Antennas and Propagation, Satellite Communication, Microwave Communication, Radio Propagation
Hello everyone!
I wonder way EM wave propagates in vacuum space unlike sound waves. As we know EM waves are generated by charges in motion. Similar question for Light propagation from the distant stars to earth. Is there any alternative physical interpretation of propagation phenomena ?
The propagation velocity of EM waves depends on quality of wave guide and thier physical properties (for example, it depends on the permeability and permitivity of medium, etc.) and less than light C velocity. This may be mean that EM magnetic propagation need to "medium" to propagate" with physical properties. In the other hand, some cosmic particles have speed more than light speed.
Thank you for your comments!
This is the basis of the ITU-R P833-5/6. Please let us know further validations of this model since 2005.
This is the final report of a 15-month project to develop a generic model of 1-60 GHz
narrowband radio signal attenuation in vegetation. The report provides a summary of
previous modelling of millimetre-wave propagation through vegetation. The new generic
model, which combines edge diffraction, ground reflection and a direct (through vegetation)
signal (modelled using Radiative Energy Transfer (RET) theory) is described. RET is used to
predict the attenuation vs. foliage depth using parameters to describe the absorption and ...
Is the past statement "EM waves can propagate in empty space and don't need any medium"100% valid today?
How its Work ?
Can some one have coding for Indooor Models etc
I have come across series of research papers on radio propagation citing Hata-Davidson model. I have also worked with the model equation through secondary paper. Till date, i couldn't lay my hands on the original document, surprisingly, not even on search engine. The citation of the model is:
Hata/Davidson from A Report on Technology Independent Methodology for the Modeling, Simulation and Empirical Verification of Wireless Communications System Performance in Noise and Interference Limited Systems Operating on Frequencies between 30 and 1500 MHz, TIA TR8 Working Group, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Propagation Committee, May 1997.
I need to estimate the parametters of a binary, Markov information source observed via a binary, noisy channel. Do you know some references on this topic ?
Multi-gigabit Data Radio Transmission: When will we get to 5G?
I currently analyzing diurnal and seasonal pattern of sporadic-E occurrence over Indonesia (equatorial or low-latitude region) and found that the occurrence drop at 12:00 local time during which solar irradiation is maximum. It is hard for me to find specific reference related to this subject. Is there anyone who can discuss about this matter?
How can I calculate the precise (elliptical) polarization of the downward characteristic (ordinary and extraordinary) waves in ionospheric (magneto-ionic) radio wave propagation?
Input parameters that I want to vary are the azimuth angle, the elevation angle and the orientation of the Earth magnetic field. Other parameters are kept constant. My main interest is in steep elevation angles, typically between 60 and 90 degrees (Near Vertical Incidence Skywave).
First situation I want to calculate is in the Netherlands, where the magnetic field has a dip angle of 67 degrees.
So far I have acquired Rimantas Pleikys' book 'Jamming' and several other related articles on the topic however I'm looking for more literature material for my research on the aesthetic potentials in cold war radio jamming.
I'm aware that the query is rather broad but it has been surprisingly challenging to find concise literature on the topic.
I am using two ray ground reflection model having the formula:
Pr= Pt * Gt * Gr * ht^2 * hr^2 / (d^n * L)
After solving the above equation using these values i am getting received power as just 2.25mW which is very low. Can someone please help me where am i going wrong?
Radio propagation is the behavior of radio waves when they are transmitted, or propagated from one point on the Earth to another, or into various parts of the atmosphere. As a form of electromagnetic radiation, like light waves, radio waves are affected by the phenomena of reflection, refraction, diffraction, absorption, polarization and scattering.
Can you suggest a practical and easy method to fabricate an ultra wideband antenna (~300MHz - 6000 MHz), to be used for spectrum measurement (with a spectrum analyzer of 50 Ohm input impedance).
It does not have to have a fixed gain over the entire range. The most important aspect is to know its gain variation w.r.t the mentioned frequency range, with as much stable gain as possible.
During the Ku or Ka real time measurement, specific signal power ref, signal quality and strength are obtained.
Hello everyone,
I am trying to evaluate the performance of a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) based protocol over Nakagami-m fading channel using ns-2 simulator. I came across various recommended parameters, specially when it comes to setting the "m" value for defining fading severity. Following are my resources:
1) "An empirical model for probability of packet reception in vehicular ad hoc networks", 2009, recommends a Nakagami-m = 3.
2) "Broadcast reception rates and effects of priority access in 802.11-based vehicular ad-hoc networks", 2004, recommends the following:
Nakagami-m=3, if distance between vehicles are less than 50m.
Nakagami-m=1, if distance between vehicles are more than 150m.
Nakagami-m=1.5, if distance between vehicles are in between 50m & 150m.
3) "IEEE 802.11-based one-hop broadcast communications: understanding transmission success and failure under different radio propagation environments", 2006, recommends Nakagami-m = 1, 3 and 5, while emphasizing on m = 3.
4) "A comparative analysis of DSRC and 802.11 over Vehicular Ad hoc Networks", recommends two scenarios i.e. urban (m=1) and freeway (m=1.5).
I would like to hear opinion of the research community on which Nakagami-m parameter is the most suitable for evaluating VANETs protocols over freeway (highway) scenarios. I am also in search for the suitable corresponding Nakagami-m fading parameters while using ns-2 simulation platform.
The concept of an "equivalent rounded obstacle" is used to account for radio propagation losses over various possible irregular terrain shapes, including
shapes which cannot easily be described geometrically.
I saw the previous paragraph in the attached paper, but I could not find any other useful document about this concept. Does anyone know more?
Also, I need a picture to see an example for replacing an irregular terrain with a rounded obstacle! I draw my imagination in the attached figures. Are they true?
Traditionally we validate an analytical model by simulation and validate a simulation model by measurements/testbed.
What about validation of measurement results? Are they 100% accurate?
I am looking for information about Radio waves in salt water. I have done some digging and found that very long waves are feasible to transfer information through water at larger distances, and that shorter wavelengths will travel, but not more than a few yards before they are unusable. I am looking to find just about how far these radio frequencies are capable of traveling and still be useable. As of now I can't find any information on it, with the main answer being, "not far enough to make use of". How far is this, 1 metre, 5 metres, 1 inch? When I mean shorter wavelength, I'm talking about something that could be listened to on your old-school Radio Shack radio. I'm not very versed in radio frequencies, but I am interested in the concept. Links, or personal information is all appreciated.
What will be the repercussions if we use horizontally polarized antennas connected with high power sources?
Is there any method to increase, artificially, the cut-off frequency of ionosphere? Or is it only a solar flare phenomenon.
Meteorological parameters. Atmospheric pressure as one of the variables.