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RACE - Science topic

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Questions related to RACE
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
Future of all on earth in year 2050 to 2100...
All negative trends for example
Pollution contamination thought pollution broken societies toxins in food
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Thanks for your answers.
Actually my worries lies with future they will get birth in yr 2050 and beyond. All would be mothers and fathers too will be having in the blood toxic residues of heavy metal pesticides plastic..which may fisable the formation of foetod.
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
"DNA is SO unpredictable that they are either fractals or something less predictable, thus a gene is never known to manifest into a trait, debunking hereditarianism and vindicating CRT" (Ohnemus 2024).
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These self-similar patterns are the result of a simple equation or mathematical statement. You create fractals by repeating this equation through a feedback loop in a process called iteration, where the results of one iteration form the input value for the next.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
Yes, so they should follow DEI.
Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
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Reconnecting by Reading: A Selection of Books About Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Part 2
"Today we continue our recommendations for reading about diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility... As we continue to reconnect, it is our hope that you have books you may wish to recommend for continued growth and learning. Please post them in the comments and we thank you in advance for sharing them. In 2020, SSP “Reaffirmed our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and will continue on that path via the work of the SSP DEIA Committee and our active and engaged membership..."
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
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I am fine with agreeing to disagree. All opinions are considered.
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
You are invited to participate in a survey, entitled “Race-based Traumatic Stress and Microaggression in Nursing Faculty of Color.” The study is being conducted by Queyka SaintLouis and Shannon Avery-Desmarais, Department of Adult Nursing of The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Rd, Dartmouth, MA 02368, 508-910-6598, and The purpose of this study is to examine the link between the academic environment and the professional experience of the nursing faculty of color. Your participation in the survey will contribute to a better understanding of the importance of nursing faculty of color in diversifying the nursing workforce and the effects of race and ethnicity in the lives of nursing faculty of color. We estimate that it will take about 16 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire. You are free to contact the investigator at the above address and phone number to discuss the survey. Risks to participants are considered minimal. However, if you do feel discomfort, you are encouraged to reach out to your primary care provider. You can call 988 in the event of a mental health emergency. You are also offered to contact the racial equity support line at 503-575-3764. This resource is available Monday through Friday 10 AM to 7 AM Pacific Standard Time, however, you may leave a voicemail should you call outside of regular business hours. . There will be no costs for participating, nor will you benefit from participating. You will receive a $15 Amazon gift card to thank you for your time. Identification numbers associated with email addresses will be kept during the data collection phase for tracking purposes only. A limited number of research team members will have access to the data during data collection. This information will be stripped from the final dataset. Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question and you have the right to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty. If you wish to withdraw from the study or have any questions, contact the investigator listed above. If you have any questions or would like us to email another person for your institution or update your email address, please call Queyka SaintLouis and Shannon Avery-Desmarais at 508-910-6598 or send an email to and .You may also request a hard copy of the survey from the contact information above. To complete the survey, click on the link below: The password for the survey is M@ther123 If you do not want to receive any more reminders, you may email us at and or follow this link to opt out of future emails [HTTP://LINK TO REMOVAL URL]. This study has been reviewed and approved by The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Institutional Review Board. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact - anonymously, if you wish - the Institutional Review Board by phone at (508) 910-9880 or email at IRB Approval Number: 24.026. If you agree to participate, please press the arrow button at the bottom right of the screen otherwise use the X at the upper right corner to close this window and disconnect. Thank you.
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I hope my content was useful for you.
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
Preprint Nuance
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god means a set of good qualities if you have a patience courage responsibility you can see god in your near about
  • asked a question related to RACE
10 answers
Throughout history, homosexuality has been cause for rejection and discrimination, and those who had this sexual condition were labeled and stigmatized socially, prejuzgados, imprisoned and treated as criminals, being victims of assault, torture and murder. For a long time this condition has been considered even an unnatural aberration and mental illness in different psychiatric diagnostic manuals. Currently in Spain, despite the existence of laws allowing homosexuals to marry and adopt children to form a family, as well as the recognition of their civil rights, remain a social group that suffers from social exclusion and suffer the scourge of homophobia, rejection and violence of those who regard them as different or sick. Perhaps that is the reason why either time to integrate to homosexuality as a plot more than the specialized social services, to combat the situation of social exclusion, and develop the resources and means to combat it.
¿Por qué la homosexualidad no es un colectivo que se incluya dentro del ámbito de los Servicios Sociales Especializados?
A lo largo de la historia la homosexualidad ha sido motivo de rechazo y discriminación, y aquellos que tenían esta condición sexual eran etiquetados y estigmatizados socialmente, prejuzgados, encarcelados y tratados como a delincuentes, siendo víctimas de agresiones, tortura y asesinato. Durante mucho tiempo esta condición ha sido considerada incluso como una aberración antinatural y una enfermedad mental en diversos manuales de diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Actualmente en España, pese a la existencia de leyes que permiten a los homosexuales a poder contraer matrimonio y adoptar hijos para formar una familia, así como al reconocimiento de sus derechos civiles, siguen siendo un colectivo social que sufre exclusión social y padece el azote de la homofobia, el rechazo y la violencia de aquellos que los consideran como diferentes o enfermos. Quizás por ello ya sea hora de integrar a la homosexualidad como una parcela más de los Servicios Sociales Especializados, para poder combatir la situación de exclusión social que sufren, y desarrollar los recursos y medios necesarios para combatirlo. 
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El colectivo homosexual siempre ha sufrido marginación o exclusión en muchos de los aspectos de la vida, privándolo del acceso a numerosos recursos serían de gran utilidad. A pesar de no haber pensado nunca en esta cuestión, tras reflexionar un poco te das cuenta de que es cierto, y que además no solo pasa en este ámbito sino en muchos más, algo que es cuanto menos curioso estando en los tiempos en los que estamos.
Para mí, gran parte de que esto ocurra se debe a su organización. Es decir, los Servicios Sociales Especializados integran en ellos una gran variedad de sectores y colectivos, y claramente no todos se encuentran desde el inicio de estos. Sin embargo, por algún motivo estos colectivos como la discapacidad, mayores, infancia, etc. se consideran más aptos o válidos para ser tratados dentro de estos servicios, pasando a considerar al colectivo homosexual como una minoría frente al resto de colectivos o como menos inadaptados a nivel social que el resto.
No obstante, es cierto que actualmente existen diversas leyes que tratan de “amparar” al colectivo, pero no es suficiente con eso. Se debe hacer hueco a este colectivo dentro de organismos como los Servicios Sociales ya que por desgracia a día de hoy siguen siendo excluidos tanto por la sociedad como por el Estado y contar con un lugar en el que sabes que puedes apoyarte ayuda bastante.
Por último, mencionar que, aunque la situación tiene que mejorar, cada vez se producen más avances en lo referido a este colectivo tanto en la sociedad, como en las familias, institutos, etc. Instituciones en las que cada vez se trata de “normativizar” más esto.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I am interested in relationships between photovoice or auto-photography as research methods and social-spatial difference, either as captured in the photographs, or as embodied or lived by the participants. I would particularly appreciate suggestions of literature from the past 10 years.
Recommendations of reading on participant-photography and social-spatial difference would also be relevant in this case.
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I am also interested in the photovoice method. Is that the same as auto-photography?
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
recently i have been trying to amplify a p450 gene but it kept failing. I was able to amplify a small fragment of the gene but never the whole gene so i decided to go for RACE experiment. With RACE i was able to amplify the gene and then i sent it for sequencing. I have obtained the sequence but both 3' and 5' frangments do not align with the computed sequence i have. Could it be that the sequence was originally not correct? What would be the suggestion? Should i just go ahead and decide new primers? anyone experiencing the same thing before?
Thank you very much
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Hi Fatemeh Hosseini Commercial sequencing kits are designed to ne quite widely used so the reagent concentrations are designed to give a good signal strength over a long range for an average base composition sequence. Usually this means that you can sequence 800 bases from the primer under the kit conditions for use. After 800 bases the sequencing reagents start to get all used up and the signal strength gets weaker. The machine software also sees the background fluorescence and thinks that it may be a signal and amplifies the background signal so that it starts to interfere with the true signal. This happens earlier if you have too much primer or too much template dna when you have a strong early sequence fading early so a weak signal over about 600 bases. You can also get reagent depletion if the sequence contains more than average amounts of 1 or 2 bases ( very AT rich or GCrich perhaps).
If you are only interested in 100-400 base sequences you can increase the amount of primer or template and get strong signals which is fine for short amplimers but bases over 600 may be very weak and unreadable.
In answer to your question any sequence over 800 bases should be seen as long for sequencing although many people will get up to 1000 bases
  • asked a question related to RACE
6 answers
In my anthropological researches I am concerned with names.
I remarked here in the Research Gate, as in the worldly society, that many members have got first names as (Ansar) which make a confusion with the last name, the family name (Ansari).
Are the 2 names family names?
Are there any differencies between the 2 of them?
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No, both are different. Ansari [] is a Muslim surname, while Ansar ( is the first name for Muslim boys.
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
I'm wondering if anyone can help me? I'm new to this subject and I'm finding it easy to find research regarding white researchers conducting research in 'ethnic minority' communities, but I'm struggling to find research regarding a black researcher conducting research in predominantly white communities.
I'm wanting to know anyone can point me in the right direction regarding research specifically detailing the impact of race with regards to a black researcher conducting research amongst predominantly white participants in a working-class area (that is predominantly white)?
I'm interested in research that has been conducted in the UK though I'm also open to research conducted in other countries.
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You might check with Dr. Shirley Wells at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
I am working on a study of African American crime and detective writing in the 1950s and 1960s. What are the best books or articles on the race riots in Chicago, Newark and Lod Angeles in the 1960? Thank you
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Thank you!
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
Hi, I have six transcript variants for my gene of interest for which I am doing RACE (both 5'RACE and 3'RACE). I have a problem in understanding that when I clone, for ex. 10 clones from each 5'-RACE and 3'-RACE and then I do sequence alignment that will give me the idea for different transcript variants expressed in cell but how would I combine the 5'-RACE and 3'-RACE sequences to get full length sequence for each transcript variants that expressed in cell?
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You should be able to use the reverse compliment of primers you designed for the 5' and 3' Race to do a gene specific PCR. Once you have sequenced that amplicon it should just be a matter of matching up the part of the sequences that correspond to the primers.
  • asked a question related to RACE
6 answers
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to amplify an unknown sequence of a patient with a deletion in the last exon of the target gene (ECT2: using the 3' RACE technique. I've managed to obtain the wt sequences of this region in the two positive controls, but once I cloned and sequenced the PCR product obtained from the patient's DNA, what I found is that I had basically amplified and cloned a totally different gene on another chromosome. This is probably due to the fact that the first RACE round amplified non-specific regions, even using a very specific forward primer, since I've had no choice but using a high number of cycles to be able to see sufficiently intense bands. Thanks to everyone who will take some time to read my question and help.
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Design a new gene specific forward primer (upstream to the existing forward primer) and then perform 1st round of PCR with 10-15 cycles. Now use this PCR product (after diluting) as template to perform nested PCR. This will certainly help to get a specific PCR product.
  • asked a question related to RACE
20 answers
For good reasons America developed a segregated system of higher education, which currently means a number of colleges remain open to black people only. In the US, and other countries, students are also segregated on grounds like religion and gender. Is such a system compatible with the aim of a full and rounded education?
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I abhor any kind of discrimination.
  • asked a question related to RACE
8 answers
I have looked at "white racism" research which generally shows up in contexts where there is a majority/minority dynamic. I am looking for racism research particularly directed towards Pakistani community, sometimes including Indians and Bengalis as well. In particular, I want to look at "othering" research focusing on Pakistanis/ browns, and othering by Middle Easterns, Black communities and South East Asians in particular.
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I conduct research on the Indian community in South Africa. Would you like to chat?
  • asked a question related to RACE
93 answers
What is genocide? A quick search gives the following definition: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Now, in this scenario, there's no actual killing. However, it has long been understood that race is not a biologically valid trait. We are all one species and there hasn't been time for actual biologically valid separations from groups to evolve. So, what differentiates one group of people from another is culture.
If a group of people are required to give up their cultural heritage, then that ethnicity is gone. Obviously this is a fairly charged question, but I think the RG community is up to answering it honestly and rationally.
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No doubt in this issue, because it is more painful form the physical excruciating of taken someone away his/her traditions and heritages. It is death in life. It is burial in spite of existing of breath. Such people will always feel themselves living in alien culture and the new life imposed on them will be no more than acting and performance as they are sentenced to death of their own original culture and heritage too.
  • asked a question related to RACE
7 answers
I am looking for articles or any other resources on issues related to social class mobility and how issues of exclusion due to group membership- race, gender, caste, religion etc might impact this mobility. 
Thank you!! 
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This is a very insightful study by a cambridge prof. who was one of eight children of a coal miner in the UK.
Diane Reay. Miseducation: Inequality, Education and the Working Classes (21st Century Standpoints) 2017
GUARDIAN (newspaper) interview:
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
I want to define both 5' and 3' ends of a lncRNA using GeneRacer Kit (Invitrogen). I don't know if my transcript has a poli(A) tail and the manual recommend using an oligo(dT) primer to reverse transcribe the mRNA if I want the sequence information for the 3' end...I wonder if the GeneRacer RNA oligo that we ligate to the deccaped mRNA is enough to the oligo(dT) primer to anneal and synthesise my cDNA (in case it is not polyadenilated). Can anyone help me?
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The GeneRacer RNA oligo is basically just a 5' RNA adaptor and will be ligated to the 5' end of your RNA to provide a known sequence at the 5' end and thus allow you to determine the exact 5' end of your transcript.
To determine the 3' end of the RNA, you can use an oligo(dT) primer if the RNA has a polyA tail. If you are not sure, you can simply add a polyA tail yourself using poly(A) polymerase (NEB #M0276S). I would also use an anchored oligo(dT) primer, e.g.: 5'-(dT)30-VN-3', with V being any nucleotide but T and N is any nucleotide.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
Hello everyboy, i need help How to do Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)?
i have got the sequence of two new genes in my species (Insect) now i want to do Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). so i need complete protocol and guidelines .
your valuable guidelines will be appreciated.
M Hafeez
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Dear Hafeez
There is a published article with this title: Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). i think it can answer your questions about amplification of cDNA.
Yeku O, Frohman MA. 2011. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Methods Mol Biol. 703:107-122. doi: 10.1007/978-1-59745-248-9_8.
  • asked a question related to RACE
7 answers
I am performing RACE PCR and in experiment of 5' and 3' PCR with the UPM and gene specific primer.... I m getting numerous band. Normally we should not get any band in the gel. I do have isolated RNA and then checked the RNA integrity... it showed me perfect. But I don't understand why I am getting numerous bands... U suggestions will help me to troubleshoot.
Thanks in advance. 
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PCR reaction consisting UPM with GSP will produce your "transcript of interest". Getting one or more than one band is usual during the RACE. The multiple bands in the 5' RACE can be explained as
multiple transcripts/single with multiple transcription initiation sites/ truncated cDNA due to thr RNA degradation and finally may be due to the non specific binding of your gene specific primer. Try different Tm during the Nested PCR.
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
I am interested in academics' experiences of attending conferences. How have you found them? Have you experienced or witnessed gender, academic status, 'race', class or otherwise bias?
Is this the status-quo? Is it particular subjects where this is experienced? What can be done about this?
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Dear Yaz,
I think this is a very pertinent question in the context of today’s academia.
In my personal experience I would say that biases or different sorts (especially race/ethnicity and gender, in my case as a Mexican academic living and working in Australia) do play a role in the way academic peers perceive the relevance of your work or the potency of your intelkectual argument.
That said, I would also say this discriminatory biases and racist attitudes are also contingent on the theme/conference organization/host institution/country as different academic centers possess different academic cultures which affect the ways in which scholars interact among themselves. This also impacts the approach towards diversity of different sorts, beyond the merely discursive level.
I hope this sheds light on biases at academic conferences.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
I am interested in knowing why many older people are abused or deceived economically by ignorance or vulnerability.
Many vulnerable elderly people are deceived by their own families in order to obtain an economic benefit.
In addition they can also suffer physical violence by relatives or carers for the simple fact of being defenseless before the physical or verbal aggressions of the same ones. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
My research team is surveying literature on issues of Eugenics in Asia. This might relate to practices and policies of forced sterilization/abortion for women at risk of bearing children with "birth defects," especially intellectual disability/Down syndrome, birth control measures and the like that control population.  It also is rooted in nationalism and racism.  All interest and information is welcome for the discussion.
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So a social group is called a quom. (pronounced quome? or quawm? and is the initial consonant a kw or qu or gw sound?)
The social groups are stratisfied. So each group has a name. What is the urdu name for each muslim social caste? Are the names in Hindi, Pashtun or Malayu also parallel or different? Particularly, is Indonesia or Thailand (from non-caste societies) stratisfied differently?
Thanks for your ideas Dibakar Pal.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
Do I need to have a 1-5 ug of total RNA to get good result from RACE by Invitrogen method?
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Although I've only had success with 3ug or more, 1ug might be okay, so give it a go if you don't have access to any more material.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
when political violence, electoral violence and criminal violence came together what results appear in governance and development? I need evidence and rich texts. would you help me?
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Thanks for your valuable link. It's very resourceful text.
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
I am working on a non-model plant. The sequence of my organism does not exist. I have a RT PCR product that i amplified with primers of the plants within same family. The length of my amplicons are between 70 and 150 bp. We have one unopened RACE kit. But i am not sure to use it. 
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all are right that you need more than 300 bp product for good results. I have used FirstChoice RLM RACE kit successfully. First read its protocol/booklet and you can message me if need any help or if you have questions. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
Do you think that British Political plays are more successful than the American ones? and if so, why this happens? is it due to the audience, the censorship in America or the high quality of  British plays?
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If I can use Vietnam War as an example, my opinion is the British are better than the Americans in fighting communist in Malaysia and Vietnam respectively. 
Here are some articles:
Dixon, P. (2009). ‘Hearts and Minds’? British Counter-Insurgency from Malaya to Iraq. Journal of Strategic Studies, 32(3), 353-381.
Hack, K. (2009). The Malayan Emergency as counter-insurgency paradigm. Journal of Strategic Studies, 32(3), 383-414.
Clutterbuck, R. L. (1966). The Long, Long War: Counterinsurgency in Malaya and Vietnam. Praeger.
  • asked a question related to RACE
12 answers
The age of consent is the age at which a person is considered to be legally competent to consent to sexual acts.
Do you agree that the age of consent is more than 18? Is it a valid index?
Are all of the people mature in this age?
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When I write consent, I mean mutual agreement to bedmate with a man. It is a legal marker. This legal marker excludes rape of a minor by the menfolk. This act is a criminal offence and the culprit is liable for punishment by a court of competent jurisdiction in the state the act was committed. There are brothels and sex workers who offer social services for money. They should be patronized by rapists and not innocent children who are not yet matured for sexual activities. Such offenders should face life jail with hard labour  to serve as a detterent for intending offenders.
  • asked a question related to RACE
6 answers
I am working on Financial Inclusion in India.  I would like to discuss on this topic with researchers, academicians, policy makers and practitioner to enrich my study.      
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Dear Sir, thank you so much for your advice.  If possible, please guide me to who should I contact over there?
Madan Survase
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
The respondents are a minority and marginalized community
They have suffered injustices and discrimination
They were driven out of their land and are homeless
They cannot fully participate in governance and political participation
Their language is classified by UNESCO as critically endangered
My assumption is this is because they remained silent
I would like to be guided on questions that would elicit why they opt to remain silent rather than speak up.
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Yes, the relationship is important. But What do you do once you have attained a certain level of trust. My own research deals a lot with issues of violence, and it seems that broad, very open questions are the ones that work best. Life histories, or asking people to tell you about the history of their group or community are good ways to start the process. The goal should be to encourage the production of narratives, not "answer" that the researcher would see are more "to the point". This way, sensitive topics are approached in a much more gradual way. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
How this relation has been transformed from the apathied to post Aparthied
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In the beginning there was nothing called class in South Africa but very barbaric tribes, in the reefs of Africa and after the advent of Islam, part of them entered Islam and the class never formed, but Islam continued to encourage the tribe, after the influx of missionaries there was a kind of change towards urbanization.Known as a layer and others, but the issue of slaves is always taken to the owners of black people to work in the fields of the rich, that suck
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
I wonder if anyone knows of an instrument that measures prejudice or stereotypes directed against religious people in general (preferable in a Scandinavian context). If not, do you know any instrument that can be used to measure prejudice or stereotypes directed against various religious minorities.
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Vishnu Patil: By instruments I mean different standardized scales, e.g., Symbolic Racism Scale (Henry & Sears, 2002), but one that measures stereotypes/prejudice toward religious minorities/people in general.
  • asked a question related to RACE
20 answers
Education and racism, inequality, unfairness, manipulation, control, bias, gender gap, discrimination.
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I agree with the colleagues who posted the first two responses to the discussion thread. But, the implementation of such an education prerequisites, in general,  the appropriate persons. Are there? Unfortunately, I have serious doubts.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I am planning to do my next research on “Uniforms and its psychological impact”. I would like to know there any standard procedure or instruments to measure the impact of uniforms on public. Interested researchers can contact me so that we can do a better cross-culture study on this topic.
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Thank you, Prof. Nikhilesh Dholakia
  • asked a question related to RACE
10 answers
I want to know about the society's view on rape, and how the society influences the act of raping.
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Another factor that leads to rape is its use as a strategy of war or conquest. Mass rape represents a type of ultimate domination of one group over another. Some examples include the Serbian-Bosnian conflict, Sudan-Darfur conflict, and the system of slavery in the U.S., where the rape of African/black women was part of the practice for breeding slaves. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
I am looking for recent polls (for any country; preferably for European and/or OECD countries) that asked questions about how people judge different forms of discrimination. I am less interested in questions about whether or not people think that particular forms of discrimination are more or less widespread or whether a particular form "is a problem" (this I found online for many countries and for many recent years).
I am more interested in polls/data that show to what extent people think that different forms of discrimination violate norms prevalent in contemporary societies such as norms of fairness or meritocratic principles. Do people think that all forms of discrimination are equally wrong or unjust? I'd like to know the numbers.
For Europe, the most recent survey I found dates back to 2003. Please see the linked document (pdf) and the section "Opposition to discrimination" therein. 
Thanks and best wishes,
  • asked a question related to RACE
9 answers
Is there any anthropological research addressing the question: Why may many of the female workers be aversive to their  female co-workers but may have a strong preference for male co-workers in the workplace in the North America or elsewhere? Can anyone direct me relevant references or research materials?
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There is a fairly large literature examining gender, legitimacy, status, power, and how the confluence of these factors influence behavior (in work places, task groups, and so forth). Much of this is based on findings that demonstrate men more easily gain access to legitimate forms of power and influence (I'm speaking symbolically/interpersonally... not to mention material and economic forms of power). There is also some evidence that femininity (which violates "ideal worker" norms) is punished, yet agentic women (who violate femininity) may also face backlash. While much of this research speaks to gender, it can be at least somewhat extrapolated to other forms of inequality, as the mechanism can be considered that of status, not of gender (in its purest interactional/group process forms--obviously gender has other influences). There is also social psychological research on gossip, which speaks to Alethea's comments.
It's been awhile since I've delved into this literature, but here are some cites:
McAndrew, F. T., Bell, E. K., & Garcia, C. M. (2007). Who Do We Tell and Whom Do We Tell On? Gossip as a Strategy for Status Enhancement1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(7), 1562-1577.
Phelan, J. E., Moss‐Racusin, C. A., & Rudman, L. A. (2008). Competent yet out in the cold: Shifting criteria for hiring reflect backlash toward agentic women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32(4), 406-413.
Rudman, L. A., & Glick, P. (2001). Prescriptive gender stereotypes and backlash toward agentic women. Journal of social issues, 57(4), 743-762.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
In Australia 'Leave early or stay and defend' is used, and 'Ready, Set, Go!' is used in the US. 
I wondered if one exists for Europe, in particular France?
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
Is someone currently carrying out research on the franchise in catering market? Italy, Spain, German?
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I'm interested in all about franchising. I'm in the process of writing the book about franchising in the catering industry in Poland, but also I would like to introduce as develops franchise in catering in other European countries.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
I want to know the political hierarchy or social organization of this particular tribe.
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Hola Iciara. Las tribus siguen todas una organización política y social parecida. Genéricamente hablando, las tribus no suelen tener representantes religiosos ni políticos pero, en ocasiones, los miembros de cada tribu eligen un representante tanto político como religioso (chamán)  para que cuando haya algún problema o rito se encargue el representante. 
Especialmente los Yanomami usan las técnicas de caza y recolección para subsistir. También, referente a la organización social, esta tribu se relaciona por la poligamia. Además, los rangos de respeto se otorgan según las habilidades de caza. 
Espero que te haya servido de ayuda. Un saludo. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
I would appreciate hearing more about your project especially lesbians if at all possible.
Thank you,
Rebecca White,
University of Illinois at Chicago and University of Rwanda
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3 answers
People with disabilities have sexual needs that can not be met normally. In addition, families maintain their sexuality as a taboo subject. I would like to investigate people with disabilities who access prostitution, how are the relationships, what specific needs they have ... I do not find much information about it. Thanks.
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If you search Utube I know you will find material on this topic I am sure the BBC covered such a topic following one mother's quest to take her Downs Syndrome son to Amsterdam red light area there are also utube clips about a group of disabled young people some thing similar to the inbetweeners looking at their attitude to relationship sexuality if I can find its name I will put it up do you 
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I have read previously that in discourse analysis we should not place participants in a box by presenting their demographic characteristics, because the approach seeks to emancipate individuals from such categorisation (highlights inequalities and oppression that some groups face), so we don't want to begin by placing them in a box. Any comments or references please??
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Hi Rebecca,
So I am an assoc. editor for qualitative researcher for an ageing journal. There are several issues to consider:
1. What is your stance as a researcher? In terms of empowering and giving voice to participants, I mean.
2. It's quite common to provide summary statistics in the text, just to provide some overall context about your sample (for example % or age ranges). Anything more statistical is often not advisable as you don't have a large enough sample size for means or std. deviations to be appropriate or in any way representative.
3. I often see, but I don't like when people list each of their 10 participants in a box with relevant demographics (e.g. age, race, marital status, etc...). The reason I dislike this is that I worry that this information in combination with recruitment, setting, and other methods descriptions might make your participants identifiable.
4. Lastly, your target journal may have preferences about these things. I prefer that quotes are identified with a pseudonym and some basic relevant characteristics (standardized for each quote). For example, Jane a 55 year old widow with diabetes revealed that.....
Hope this helps. Jan
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
There are different organizations and institutions that are involved in dealing with orphans, and abandoned children; Kafala, adoption, foster-care, orphanages, modern boarding schools, group homes, and other practices, what are the major challenges or the best practices among the above?
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Thank you very much for your help Professor Munford.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I have some objects and I must make a group of some objects with known characteristics for each cluster before the analysis.. 
In class I study about cluster analysis but the characteristic of each cluster is known after it.
For example there are 20 students, and I want to make a group of some 'best' students , with characteristics : high GPA, tall, etc... 
Thanks before..
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Hi Risqia,
The straightforward alternative is classification based cluster method. But, you could also consider the use of association rules technique.
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
Recent research has revealed that the practice of the female genital mutilation in countries like Ivory, Somali and Sudan is mostly the influenced by patriarchal dominance in these nations in Africa (Poggioli, French Activists Fight FGM,2009; Monagan,2010). For this reason, my project intend to investigate the roles men can play in the prevention of  Female Genital Mutilation using  their supremacy in the societies in Africa.
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The approach described is a form of moral suasion also used in the temperance and foot binding movements-the declarations made act as a moral position to motivate others to do likewise.
  • asked a question related to RACE
6 answers
I thought that this was a common critique of race research, but I cannot seem to find any sources about this. Am I wrong? Am I just using bad search terms? Please help! 
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First, you need context.
Race is different from place to place (i.e, across nations) , so you can't lump everything about race together as if context doesn't matter.
Second, race and ethnicity are not the same thing.  SO, in a technical sense, if you are searching for studies about racial biases, and research articles are being classified correctly, you won't get any that deal with ethnic biases. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
working on civilian-military differences in threat perception of Muslims serving in the U.S military in the aftermath of Ft. Hood shooting by a radicalised Muslim officer and other acts of radical Islam Inspired fratricide in the U.S military.
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I am currently doing research using the grounded theory method (GTM). It would capture the perceptions and is very suitable for new areas of research with little literature.  One of the GTM tenants is doing lit. Search after data is gathered and coded.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
I'm currently investigating the impact of ecotourism on Bali's cultural landscapes, i.e. traditional rice terraces and water temples.
I've already come across Cole's (2012) analysis of water inequity in Bali. 
Thanks in advance!
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Your research is interesting one . I could find out some research work related to you topic and I am sending those papers herewith as an attachments ; If you need more information just mention, because I am little bit familiar with this subject area. All the best  
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
Autonomy is a polisemic concept, it doesn´t say much by itself until it gets into a cultural and political contexts. I´m elaborating a state of art about territorial indigenous autonomy, emphasising the rol of traditional knowledge and how it is shaped by the interactions of indigenous and local organizations with enviromental institutions in charge of accomplish the purposes of the Convention on Biological Diversity. I also would like to know which are the discussions around indigenous autonomy in the global environmental governance arena.
If you want to share some opinion, documents or articles about these topics I'd appreciate it.
Please add your answers in english, french or spanish.
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Dear Pablo:
There are some interesting ideas on territory and language in the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (Barcelona, 1996), which has influenced legislation in some countries. Here's a link where you can download PDF versions of the book version in several languages:
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
We are seeking a measure that:
- does not have substantial overlap with depressive symptoms;
- has been validated with diverse populations with respect to race, ethnicity, immigration status, housing status, etc.
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Hi Adrianne,
Some project used the Linkcare platform in combination with a pedometer to measure daily activity (steps) and sleep.
The measures obtained allow to create automatic warning follow up messages to the case manager to anticipate anormal changes in activity for depression and bipolar disorders.
The follow up is performed under a "collaborative care" model with the participation of the patient, relatives, neighbours, volunteers and caregivers under the coordination of a nurse practitioner or social worker case manager.
This is not to evaluate treatment response....but to detect medication adherence shortfalls and anticipate exacerbations.
  • asked a question related to RACE
8 answers
I am considering the cultural differences between the countries of the Levant and Iraq.  I am searching for a useful measurement tool.  I considered Hofstede's dimensions, but they seem too coarse for the smaller differences in the region. Looking for something a bit more sensitive.
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I suggest link that interrelated with other links:-
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
I want clarification so that I know if I have two strata or one strata. I know that I already have race as one of my strata but was wondering if states are considered strata or not. 
Sampling Design
Research Question: I would like to understand to what extent the racial group (non-white or white) of Americans influences their degree of nationalism. I define nationalism as found in a dictionary: “the strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance.” I will operationalize nationalism as wanting to “build a wall” between the Mexico and U.S border and rate it on a scale of “strongly in favor, slightly in favor or not in favor”. I believe that people who are white will want to restrict immigration flow from Mexico to the U.S. On the other hand, non-white people are more likely to be less nationalistic and will welcome diverse populations and thus will not want to build a wall. My dependent variable is nationalism and my independent variable is race.
Sample Design:
Theoretical population: My theoretical population would be citizens from every state in the United States that ascribe to different political views.
Sampling frame: My sampling frame would ideally be an equal amount of non-white and white citizens from every state in the United States that ascribe to different political views.  My sampling frame will include two individuals from every state: one non-white and one white. These individuals will be selected from a computer device that generates numbers. The machines will be programmed with area codes from each of the 50 states and will randomly generate the last 8 numbers of a phone number (either cell phone or landline). If there is no answer, the machine will select another citizen of the state. The individuals will be asked if they are white or non- white when taking the survey, so as to make sure one of each is chosen. The individuals will also be asked if they are 18 and older.
My sample design would be disproportional stratified random sampling. I would stratify the sample equally by racial groups: 50 % nonwhite and 50 % white racial groups. I would do so to ensure that my population is not representative of the United States because the United States population consists of 77% of whites and most whites tend to favor Republican views which would result in skewed data towards attitudes that are in favor of limiting immigration since that has been the historical trend. In short, I do so to control for bias of political party preferences due to people heavily identifying with ideologies/policies of their group.
I would then stratify it by state, because there are almost an equal amount of republican “red” states as well as democratic “blue” states. Since states are already divided into categories, I would simply select one person as white and another person as non-white.
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Sasha Reyes,
It seems that you have already defined the states as strata in your sample. Although in general terms states are not considered as social strata ( Like class, caste, ethnicity) ,your analysis shows that  it has considerable contribution for the formation of nationalisms which is not exactly linked only to nation states as defined, but to the respective states as well.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I'm trying to identify the unknown gene (phosphoglycerate mutase) from a nematode by RACE technique (Clonetech, Takara)(The CDS orthrologue gene in C.elegans is 1.5 Kb ). I performed 5' and 3' RACE reaction together with 25 cycles (annealing temp. 65C; kit recommended 68C)and then observed on 1.2% agarose electrophoresis. 3' RACE product gave a 600 bp size but 5' is not presence. Then, I performed the 5' RACE reaction with 5 cycles (total 3c cyles). The result showed approximate 10kb of 5' RACE product size (In figure). So, i want to know "Is possible that the nematode gene has 5'utr up to 10kb?" or it's the error on electrophoresis.
Thank you so much,
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1-Make triplicates of this reaction and see whether you get the same results.
2- Optimize your annealing conditions and observe whether you get the same size product.
3- If you consistently obtain the same results, Purify this product and PCR it with newly designed internal primers to see if you are amplifying your target sequence.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
During my experiment (cut stem inoculation technique) to identify the isolate aggressiveness of Macrophomina phaseolina and out of 15, 3 isolates found very aggressive.
Can we go for race identification. If yes, then what procedure i should follow.
Thank you.
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Dear Folks, Note all pathogenic fungi forming pathological races have as Oadi Matny points differentiated response in susceptibility and resistance divulged by screening a range of cultivars and looking at the response pattern. 
Pathogenicity testing under standard uniform condition will be necessary for  your study.
I would select a range of isolates and look to distinguishing cultural morphology many times these show differences in their pathogenicity focusing on stem inoculation and response with a toothpick inoculation technique. 
As for a inoculation technique I would use toothpick inoculation and have the plants under favorable temperature and humidity to look for differences in symptom expressions.
Many times different pathological races show distinctive symptomatology. Beside looking at cultivars within soybean looking at distinctive species of host plants will reveal potential grouping and differences. 
Ultimately these can be confirmation from a fungal genomic DNA analysis. 
Macrophomina phaselina as a facultative pathogen may show less distinctive pathological races as commonly expressed in obligate parasites such as rusts, powdery mildews for instance. 
Good luck keep us posted on your results. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
1 answer
Dear all,
I would like to ask is there any other ways to check the integrity and quality of the cDNA synthesis by using the RACE kits? other ways than the one suggested by the kits/protocol.
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If you use a labeled primer, you can check cDNA length, quantity, and uniformity by denaturing PAGE. 
  • asked a question related to RACE
29 answers
Palaeoanthropology and palaeobiology in human evolutionary biology have well-substantiated divisions of the genus Homo and are relatively clear about the line within the genus leading down to modern humans. Are there any similar taxonomic divisions in present human populations? So far, I have found that the answer to this question is no. I would like to give a detailed account of why this is or is not the case.
What are the current positions in the literature on the matter from a systematics/taxonomic point of view?
Thank you in advance for your time,
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I think the answer about clear phylogenetic lineages in humans is that, by the criteria used in drawing such lineages within other species, NO, Tha answer is fairly simple, but details are given in the two articles by my colleague Alan Templeton, cited above. The basic issue is this: For a species to be clearly subdivided into sub-groups (sub-species, or the older term "race"), using molecular (mitochrondrial DNA) evidence, the lineages must be clearly distinguishable (not overlapping) and the territories occupied fairly distinct, with little or no gene-flow between them. For our nearest evolutionary relatives, the chimps, (genus Pan troglodytes, there are five clear sub-species, each with several clear lineages within each sub-species. Using the same molecular approach, humans show no clea lineages at all within the Homo sapies. Our groups form one big blur on a mt-DNA tree. The reason is that for the entire period of our evolution from Homo erectus, hominid populations migrated and interbred to a degree not matched by any other animal species. While different human geograpphic populations do have differences in their genetic make-up, these differences are minor when compared to true sub-species in other animals. It was pointed out long ago (Richard Lewontin among many others) that there is more genetic variation within any given geographic population than between any two populations.I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to RACE
9 answers
Dear all,
I would like to ask for general recommendations to anyone with experience of using the aforementioned kit for their RACE PCR.
I am currently having difficulties on using the kit for both 5' and 3' RACE of which I am running out of options on where to troubleshoot, and hence any alternative point of view which I may have missed would be most welcomed.
At the moment, I have a total RNA sample that I know contains my mRNA of interest, as using the same sample, I managed to synthesize first strand cDNAs. To my understanding, since I used oligo dT primers to do so, the synthesized sequence should be originating from only mRNAs present within. With use of designed degenerate primers on the cDNAs, I managed to obtain a partial fragment of my gene of interest some 700bp long of which I used to design gene specific primers for RACE.
Unfortunately, after following the protocols outlined from first strand synthesis to nested RACE PCR, I have so far been unable to obtain any bands of any kind. All this is in view of using the same RNA aliquot obtained earlier, with integrity and concentration prior to use verified via denaturing gel electrophoresis via nanodrop. The primers I designed (sense for 3' RACE and antisense for 5' RACE) have been deemed to be good and later confirmed via amplification of the correct size of band.
From this result, and assuming the other components have been administered as sufficient, my main hunch as to where it could go wrong is on the first strand synthesis for both strands, of which the 5' CDS and 3' CDS primers (at 0.5µM per reaction,functions as oligo dT primer shall function) may have difficulty in binding to the polyA tails due to the initial total RNA concentration being low, but again I iterate that this is all a hunch and nothing is certain.
Should anyone else out there be familiar with RACE PCR of a different kind, attached with this email is the User Manual for the aforementioned kit, which may prove useful for comparison. Any help is much appreciated and I extend my thanks in advance for all the kind souls out there willing to do so :)
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I use the same kit for 5' RACE and I got the result. what I do is follow the exact protocol and changes et al and I use every thing from the kit even the deionized water.
Main thing is the integrity of mRNA used, for that you can check your mRNa either by formaldehyde denaturing gel for RNA detection or you can incubate a little portion of your mRNa at 37C for 2 hours and remaining in -80 and then compare both mRNA (37 and -80) by using 1.5% EtBr gel. If the expression is different after 37C incubation that means your RNA contains RNase which is a huge problem. then you should be more careful during RNA extraction
Good luck
  • asked a question related to RACE
6 answers
hello guys, I am planning to do RACE but confused to choose the kit. If anyone having good experience, please suggest me the name.
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mRNA Decapping enzymes and Tabasco decapping enzymes are available to replace the TAP used in 5'RACE.  Here is the link for details:
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
At present I am optimizing the right condition for use of RACE kit with Genomic DNA ? Does any one have any experience , as the kit referred to application of total RNA.
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5'-RACE are designed for RNA/cDNA. I guess you are working with genomic DNA that is not in a database. For your purpose the "Universal GenomeWalker Kit" (Clontech) may be helpful.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
In other words, does it append two-four cytosines to the 3'-end of newly synthesized cDNA strands like MMLV and SuperScript II do?
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Hello!! Did you find the answer to your question?  I have the same doubt.
  • asked a question related to RACE
3 answers
I've been trying to amplify 3' splice variants of a hormone receptor gene, and I initially had great success. However, now I cannot repeat my results. The first 3-4 PCR's ran great, but now I only get a smear. I have replaced my primers because I was worried they were contaminated, but I still get the same smear. When I use different primers as a positive control, I get good clean amplification, so I think my cDNA is still OK. I need this specific reaction to work so I can amplify enough DNA to sequence the splice variants - any thoughts?
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Depending on which step you're up to with your RACE, you can try lowering the amount of DNA you're putting into your PCR reactions. I find that the less DNA I have in my reactions, the smaller the smear and the more specific my product are.
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2 answers
The answer to this question is key to better understand the cancer risk associated with some germline polymorphisms and its relation to race and ethnicity.
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There was a recent paper that looked at this in breast cancer and Li Fraumeni Syndrome:
  • asked a question related to RACE
11 answers
10x Taq buffer and MgCl2 were provided separately, and I am using these at 1x concentration.
Positive control and water controls are working good, but the target cDNA has not yet been amplified.
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PCR products can be cut easily by restriction enzymes, you have to adjust the Mg2+ concentration to 10 mM. If high salt concentrtion is needed you can add some enzyme digestion buffer as well.
You first have to make cDNA with only your gene specific reverse primer, with a reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme, after this you can do PCR with a DNA (Taq) polymerase, with forward (adapter) primer and a gene specicfic reverse primer. After this you have to repeat this (nested) PCR with anoteher gene specific reverse primer, this primer should be located 5' upsteeam of your first gene specific primer. After these three steps you can expect a product of your interest, if not you have to do a PCR again with again another gene specific reverse primer.
  • asked a question related to RACE
5 answers
I want to amplify the uncharacterized gene. First step, I will aplify and sequencing full cDNA of gene.
What is the best (quality and price) the RACE kit ?
(First choice, invitrogen  and   SMARTER RACE, takara  or etc.)
thank you
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Yes, it is very expensive but it is working great and no surprises but the price is here.
  • asked a question related to RACE
4 answers
I know the sequence of my gene but want to do the RACE to confirm the position of 5 end prime and 3'  end prime. Now, I  am confused about how RACE works in this case and we can say by seeing at results(RACE) that this is the start or end point of a gene?
Please help me to understand the RACE technique more precisely and its applications.
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thank  u so much for your reply. i will surely consider the paper.
  • asked a question related to RACE
2 answers
Thanks in advance.
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The TOPO XL PCR cloning kit from Life Technologies worked well for me when I used it to clone 6kb genes. It's quite expensive but everything you need is included in the kit.
  • asked a question related to RACE
8 answers
I need to know how to design GSPs for RACE. Iam going to use Clontech Smarter RACE kit for the first time. My RNA quality is good. Even the GSPs I designed for semi-quantitative works well. Whether I should use the same GSPs or design other ones with higher Tm. My question is how to proceed with cloning my gene using RACE amplification, starting with the primer design for the same.
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I am also using RACE Strategy and we have successfully cloned our 3'end ,
for you : if you know partial fragment and you don't know the 3' or 5' end you could go for 3' or 5' RACE. what you need is your partial sequence and 3 primers which binds Internal to each ....
  • asked a question related to RACE
17 answers
I have 200 bp known fragment. for RACE PCR. I am using Clontech kit. I tried all the possible primers with UPM (with kit), but never got the desired band. I synthesized new RACE cDNA but still the problem persists. The degenerate primers work well to get partial fragment, but GSPs dont. I can't use one degenerate primer with UPM because of high Tm difference. Could you suggest the solution for my problem?
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I found that you can reduce unspecific products by lowering the concentration of the unspecific adapter primer to about half. This will shift the amplification towards the fragments primed by your GSP. Sometimes you get nice RACE products by just using the SMART adapter primer alone (no GSP), so I guess for some samples you get a lot of unspecific products. Me and also other people had always a dubious band at ~1kb . :-)
Also using a bit less cDNA template in your reaction helps sometimes as more is not always better. All cDNAs prime linearly from the SMART adaptor in every cycle. If you have a lot of template you get a lot of background smear. If you use less the PCR might be more specific and most of the reaction is working on your desired product and not spamming it with unspecific linear extension products.
Good luck with your RACE.