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Queer Studies - Science topic

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Questions related to Queer Studies
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
1 answer
Who agrees genetic engineering should individualize life? Elaborations desired. My answer: I agree genetic engineering should individualize life because queer lives matter and human asexual reproduction supports the LGBTQAA+ community.
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Individualise life? Well by your description it looks to me that sexual relations aren't important.
Nevertheless even if the genetical studies reach pinacle, it will not try to dehumane the love hetros
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
1 answer
@TheLaurenChen Just to clarify, I am NOT attracted to you. I am aromantic and asexual. And you are married to Executive Professor Producer Donovan.
#laurenchen #asexual #aromantic #LGBTQIA #BenShapiro #twitter #clarify #professor
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
7 answers
I was wondering whether there are any texts on the experiences of Romanian scholars in gender and queer studies vis-a-vis the governmental attempts at banning "gender theory" in higher education. Anything would help - academic texts or other media.
Thank you!
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Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
5 answers
I am researching LGBTQIA+ ageing and the unique experiences and challenges that people face. Any recommendations on insightful publications on these topics would be most welcome?
I am also interested in connecting with music therapists or psychotherpaists who may have worked with LGBTQIA+ older adults or LGBTQIA+ individuals who have engaged in music therapy.
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Hogan,S.(2019).Arts Therapies and Gender Issues. International Perspectives on Research. London: Routledge
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
5 answers
I apologize in advance if I come across as ignorant. I am trying my best to educate myself on LGBTQI+ community and how to write them in academic writing.
I have a sample of X participants in a qualitative study. One of them identifies as a transwoman. 3 belonged to other sexual or gender minorities. I don't want to end up being insensitive in my writing. Of course, a transgender woman is a woman. What I am having trouble with is that - are the terms "male" and "female" assumed to be cisgendered?
Should I mentioned that: Y number of participants were cisgendered: M males and N females. And Z participants were from gender minorities (and include trans participants in the second sentence?).
Or should I take the route of M males and N females (where trans participant is included). and Z participants were from gender minorities.
It took me some time to put forward this question because I feel like I am not able to frame it properly. So feel free to ask if you need clarifications from my side.
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Hello there! May I ask you about your study's theme? If it's something directly related to gender questions, It would be interesting to provide more detail about gender identity (e.g. X were cisgender, Y were trans woman, Z were non-binary, etc etc). But If it's not a Topic directly related to your theme, your second route (Man and woman including trans people) sounds correct as Well. You Also can check other qualitative studies in your field and see How they tackle this question.
Good Luck!
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
10 answers
How political should a University be in recent times? Do you believe that the University is (or can be) a neutral space without politics or do you believe that the University, as an institution of society, maybe even has to be political?
I think this question becomes even more crucial, when we think about different sources of funding for scientific research or specific interest groups, lobbying etc. Or in terms of certain Majors like Gender/Queer Studies, Cutlural Studies, Philosophy but also in sciences like physics or even mathematics.
We also can find this question about the University, about politics and the roles the various faculties can (und shall) play in the work of e.g. Immanuel Kant (Conflict of the Faculties). So maybe this seems to be an 'old' question, but it is still a current issue, too, since it affects our work (and self-concept) as scientists in my opinion.
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This is a great question, and I would say that in certain fields we have a responsibility to highlight the politically-driven root causes of certain social phenomena, so in that respect, I'd say quite political. I think the Chronic of Higher Ed just had a piece about how university presidents should all make statements about protecting immigrant rights, so that might be worth checking out!
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
3 answers
I am working on the further development of my earlier works on pedagogy, didactics and school culture for youth with emotional and social needs, with the focus on their lifeworld and their own cultural activities. In this endeavor I draw from HipHop– and Rap-Pedagogies, Place-Based Pedagogies, Gender– and Queer Studies, Urban Education, Teaching for Social Justice, Transformative Learning, Experiential Education, Metropolitan Studies, and Human Ecology Theories. Since 2015 I started to perform extended field studies in the metropolis of Berlin. What is happening in this `greenhouse´ for future social, human, and cultural developments might help to sketch out a new theoretical framework for the described pedagogical sphere. The quarters of Berlin offer a wide variety of multicultural, diverse, queer, vibrant, creative neighborhoods and settings, with participative projects, creative music or artistic scenes, from Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain to Neukölln,Tempelhof, or Wedding. Berlin seems to be innovative in many ways. Also locations which foster intellectual or historic learning are widely spread over the city. Highlights and dark sides, characterized by drugs, violence, and hedonism, lie close together... Modern identities and biographies are shaped through these spaces and the experiences people make in them. If we delve deeper in all these worlds, what will all this mean for the development of school cultures and supportive pedagogies, school-community-relationships, particularly when looking at the social and emotional development of kids?
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Thanks for your feedback and input, Georgina, I will think about your proposal, Greets Jo
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
27 answers
I am putting together a (hopefully) comprehensive list of literature on various topics of qualitative research. I would appreciate any recommendations on the following:
queer studies
arts based research
case studies
feminist research methodologies
Other areas (e.g., grounded theory, narrative, phenomenology etc.) I've got covered, but if you have any recommendations of any kind I'd be grateful.
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Dear Prof. Jacob,
I'm using (between many books about qualitative research) these books and I think can have some good articles.
Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Method -
These books contain articles that relate to your topics.
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
1 answer
What is appropriate content for this age category? How do you bring it ? What are the benefits?
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  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
8 answers
Dear All,
I am interested in working on the topic of financial exclusion of Transgender. I need some literature for the same. Can anyone suggest me good articles or links for the said study from any country.
  • asked a question related to Queer Studies
10 answers
I'm beginning my research in this topic and I'd like to improve my literature review.
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Thanks Volker and Richard, I'll begin to read this books. Joaquín