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Quantum Entanglement - Science topic
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Questions related to Quantum Entanglement
I want to know how the discovery of the quantum entanglement phenomenon can impact our daily lives.
let's consider
How can we consider quantum entanglement theory and how Neurons may use it within the synaptic space as not only chemical signaling, but also quantum foam signaling? what are physical formulas that we could derive at?
In my recent paper
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, I propose that photons are not just energy carriers but also encode spatial and informational coordinates within a holographic plane. This hypothesis suggests a new interpretation of quantum phenomena, such as wave function collapse, quantum entanglement, and delayed-choice experiments, without invoking retrocausality.Key points for discussion:
- Could encoding "addresses" in photons provide a unified framework for understanding quantum behaviors like non-locality and wave-particle duality?
- How might this holographic perspective influence experimental designs, particularly in quantum communication and quantum gravity research?
- Are there existing experimental setups that could validate the encoding of holographic information in photon properties like phase, frequency, or polarization?
I welcome your thoughts, critiques, and suggestions on advancing this hypothesis or designing experiments to test it.
If each photon of an quantum entangled pair of photons is herodyne of homodyne mixed, shifting it to a different frequency band, does this break the quantum entanglement between the two pairs?
In a sensor it might be beneficial for detection to shift electromagntic radiation encoded in photons from one band to another. This is normally done in a nonlinear element like a diode. Mixing is most often considered as a classical phenomenon and it certainly is highly effective, being present in almost all radio receivers. However, from a quantum perspective, does this break the entanglement between to entangled photons? If it does might there be some way of recovering the entanglement after mixing?
If the entanglement is, or is not broken, is there a way of proving this using the bra-ket notation of the quantum description of the mixing process?
Many thanks, Neil
Isn't quantum teleportation a bit of a con, given that you need to transmit information classical to realise it? You might as well just have transmitted the information classically.
Furthermore, given that you dont know what information has been transmitted, due to the now cloning theorem, how useful is quantum teleportation?
A number of Python modules exisit for modelling the quantum outputs of quantum optical systems. With only one or two optical components and simple quantum states, system outputs can be calculated by hand. However, when the complexity increases, the benefits of having a Python module to check results or just save time is obvious. With quantum comms, computers and sensors being investigated seriously, the complexity is already high.
The availability of symbolic algebra programs in Python and Octave certainly are valuable for checking algebra, so you could start from scratch yourself to build somethings. However, in the case of quantum optics there are more rules for how things like creation operators and annihilation operators, hamiltonians etc act on states, so building from scratch is far from trivial.
Given a number of Python modules exist for performing this symbolic algebra, would there be any kind of consensus as to which one might be the best and most versatile to use, with the greatest number of users?
many thanks,
Based on Einstein's special relativity, light speed is limited, but, the entanglement of the quantum states proves the instant replacement of information between two entangled quantum there any contradiction in this regard?
Although Quantum Entanglement Phenomenon was coined by Schrodinger in 1935 but this phenomenon was described by Maharaj
Saheb Pandit Brahm Sankar Misra, M. A. (1861-1907) at least 25 years before Schrodinger contemplated this phenomenon. In His book Discourses on Radhasoami Faith, First Edition brought out in 1909, He writes: "It would not therefore be unjustifiable for us further to infer that the spirit -force, like the other forces of nature, partakes of the influences of its original source, and that whenever it converges and forms its focus, the conditions brought about are, to some extent, similar to those present in the original source, the similarity being complete when the converging lens or mirror does not introduce an element of obstruction. In the physical universe, such a complete likeness is very rarely met with".(Article 16-Spirit And Its Source)
This question invites researchers from different fields—quantum physics and thermodynamics—to explore interdisciplinary connections. By bridging two seemingly unrelated domains, it encourages discussions on novel applications of quantum phenomena to classical systems. This could lead to groundbreaking insights and experimental proposals, attracting a wide audience keen on exploring the frontiers of physics.
Does "dark matter" make up large proportions of those galaxies?
Newtonian gravity behaves differently at very large scales of mass and distance, i.e., galaxy scales, in contra-indication to the assumption that massive quantities of invisible, or "dark matter" make up large proportions of those galaxies.
… Read more
- 717 kB27.pdf
Preston Guynn added a reply
Your discussion statement question is:
- "Does 'dark matter' make up large proportions of those galaxies? Newtonian gravity behaves differently at very large scales of mass and distance, i.e., galaxy scales, in contra-indication to the assumption that massive quantities of invisible, or 'dark matter' make up large proportions of those galaxies."
The phrase "Newtonian gravity" refers to a very specific equation relating mass and acceleration, so saying it behaves differently under some condition is not a correct usage of the phrase. Newtonian gravity is Newtonian gravity, and it gives incorrect results at scales greater than the solar system. There is a significant body of research on modified Newtonian gravity, and you can find it by searching on the phrase or "MOND".
Your question"Does dark matter make up large proportion of those galaxies?" is the question that numerous branches of research are investigating either experimentally or theoretically. First of course is the search for any experimental evidence of any matter that couples gravitationally but not via the electromagnetic field. No evidence of any such matter has been found. Second is that there is no such matter expected from current models such as the so called standard model of physics.
Even if there were some type of matter that couples gravitationally but not via electro-magnetic coupling, the number of non-conforming physical observations cannot be solved by such matter. The galaxies not only have a rotation that is unexplained by GR, but the galaxies interacting in clusters, and the clusters of galaxies interacting in superclusters could not simultaneously be described by such matter regardless of its distribution patterns. Additionally, gravitational lensing observed due to galaxies and clusters of galaxies could not be described by GR simply by applying such conjectured matter. The number of non-conforming observations cannot be solved by adding matter or energy, so general relativity should be abandoned as a dead end. Newtonian gravity does not apply, and no known modification of Newtonian gravity describes all the observed interactions. Modern physics will only progress when GR is abandoned and my research based on special relativity is adopted. See
Article The Physical Basis of the Fine Structure Constant in Relativ...
Article Thomas Precession is the Basis for the Structure of Matter and Space
For some insights on dark matter see :
Article Cold Dark Matter and Strong Gravitational Lensing: Concord o...
Abbas Kashani added a reply
Dear and respected Preston Gan
Researcher in Guynn Engineering
United States of America
You answered my question very well. Thank you very much for your excellent and technical explanations. You made me proud and I am happy for you because you are a great scientist. Thank you Abbas
Jouni Laine added a reply
According to my theory, the influence of quantum entanglement on spacetime curvature could provide an alternative explanation for the gravitational effects attributed to dark matter in galaxies. Traditional models suggest that large proportions of invisible “dark matter” are required to account for the observed gravitational behavior at galaxy scales. This is because, under Newtonian gravity, the visible mass of galaxies cannot account for the gravitational forces observed, leading to the hypothesis that there must be additional, unseen mass—dark matter.
However, my research proposes that quantum entanglement could be influencing spacetime curvature in a way that mimics the effects of this “missing” dark matter. If quantum entanglement can alter the curvature of spacetime, it might enhance the gravitational pull within galaxies without requiring massive quantities of unseen matter. This would mean that the observed discrepancies at galactic scales could be due to quantum entanglement effects rather than vast amounts of dark matter.
In this view, while dark matter has been the dominant explanation, it might be possible that the gravitational anomalies are instead the result of entanglement-induced modifications to spacetime. This theory could offer a new perspective on why Newtonian gravity appears to behave differently at large scales, suggesting that the need for dark matter could be reconsidered in light of quantum effects on gravity.
Abbas Kashani added a reply
Dear Johnny Line, greetings and respect
You answered my question very well. Thank you very much for your excellent and technical explanations. You made me proud and I am happy for you because you are a great scientist. Thank you Abbas
Forrest Noble added a reply
18 hours ago
No ! Dark Matter, like Dark Energy, is simply a 'place holder' for an unknown source of energy which cannot presently be explained excepting via speculation and related hypotheses. If either or both do not exist, their replacement will do damage to, or also cause the replacement of mainstream cosmology, by far simpler but presently unrecognized alternative(s).
Quantum Entanglement, an explanation.
I don’t know if this is a current explanation for quantum entanglement, but I think it works. I would really like to know if it makes sense, For those of you who don’t know entanglement is when two particles are connected such that what one affects the the other instantaneously, thus transmitting information faster than the speed of light, which violates relativity.
If spin is conserved and two particles are emitted at the same time each having a 50-50 chance of being up or down and Alice measures spin up for particle A, Bob has to measure spin down for particle B even if he measures it at the same time as Alice. Since he does measure spin down then particles A influenced particle B instantaneously, which means they communicated in such a way that the speed of light limit was violated.
Let’s suggest the reason for this is not because the particles are entangled but that because Alice and Bob are entangled. Bob knows Alice is going to measure particle A at 12:00 PM so he measures particle B at 12:00 PM. This I would like to suggest is traveling faster than light, because what is traveling the speed of light but two things happening at the same time over distance because in the light speed reference frame something is traveling infinitely fast because at the speed of light time does not go by.
This is what Alice and Bob are doing, since their consciousnesses are entangled, they are traveling the speed of light. Photons can travel the speed of light because they are massless. But Alice and Bob are massless, they are separated by distance, but with synchronized clocks, they are entangled so the results are entangled. They are massless because their clocks are synchronized, their consciousness is entangled, and consciousness affects the outcome of the experiment in Quantum Mechanics as happens with the double slit experiment.
Thus explaining free will, the self and the law of identity.
Explore the role of quantum entanglement in establishing correlations among qubits within quantum computers, elucidating its impact on computational processes and potential advancements in quantum information processing.
No and Yes. Let me explain why?
Nonlocal quantum phenomena are synonym with instantaneous-action-at-a-distance without involving the transfer and propagation of information thus the non-signalling or non-communication theorem.
When we refer here to the term information speed we actuality mean light energy propagation speed or group velocity of light. Therefore, nonlocal phenomena since they do not involve transfer of information in the form of light signals are said that the don’t violate Einstein’s special relativity (SR) and the maximum speed of light propagation c limit in the vacuum.
However, no light information propagation does no mean that there is no interaction link between an for example, quantum entangled particle pair which is know to be a nonlocal quantum effect.
What I mean is that so far we know that information and signals can be transferred only via acoustic waves and light waves or gravity waves. However, this does not mean that a different than light unknown energy could exist in the quantum world and universe by which signalling and transfer of information is done at speeds higher than the speed of light c in a vacuum thus at superluminal speed and we are not able to resolve and detect.
Under this perspective and context, nonlocal effect could mean a remote interaction, signalling or information transfer that is not done by light energy propagation and therefore undetectable signal by us and our present apparatus. In this case nonlocal would simply point to our inability to detect and resolve this unknown type of energy propagation.
I search the internet for quantum computing and find that it uses qbits. I search the internet for qbits and find that they are used in quantum computing. I'm not learning anything from that. Some discussions on the internet talk about superpositions of quantum states. I already know about superpositions of quantum states. I already know about the deterministic time evolution of states between measurements, and the probabilistic effects of measurements. And I know a little about quantum entanglement. But I still have absolutely no idea how any of this is used for computing. The literature I found on the internet mentions all things above without any explanation of how we use that for computing. Can you help to explain this?
I got inspired by the lecture of Deepak Chopra, Jack Tuszynski about the importance of quantum entaglment for understanding of consciousness.
And then I had found the paper by George Rajna
Well, I know about spin relaxation, superposition, quantum uncertainty, and Einstein's experiments. I know about the speed of light contain, also the fact that we can't control the spin of a particle.
I still think it can somehow be bypassed and used for the greater good. I want to know everything about quantum entanglement, especially, if there is a way it can be USD to communicate.
Answers to individual questions are expected and respected.
I would also like to know if we can measure spin direction of a single electron, and if yes how is it done?
If two entangled particles are not measured, they are like two black boxes to us, and we cannot know which eigenstate the particles are in. Testing quantum entanglement requires measuring one of the particles and then measuring whether the other particle collapses to its eigenstate. But when measuring another particle, we cannot distinguish whether it collapses due to quantum entanglement or due to human measurement.
After sharing that article, I received an email saying
"I have read the abstract. But can not see the connections between the individual topics. They are completely different areas that can not be easily related to each other. e.g. the electromagnetic wave to the Wick rotation or Möbius band."
I admit that I struggled with the connections between topics myself, and I wasn't satisfied with my posting. I'd decided to dispense with a classical approach and tackle these topics from the point of view that everything is connected to everything else (what may be called a Theory of Everything or Quantum Gravity or Unified Field approach). I'm convinced the connections are there, and wrote the following in my notepad before getting out of bed this morning (I dreamed about the Riemann hypothesis last night). It clarified things for me and I hope it will help the other ResearchGaters I'm sharing with.
The Riemann hypothesis, proposed in 1859 by the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, is fascinating. It seems to fit these ideas on various subjects in physics very well. The Riemann hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time (addressed in the article with the Mobius strip, figure-8 Klein bottle, Wick rotation, and vector-tensor-scalar geometry). In mapping the distribution of prime numbers, the Riemann hypothesis is concerned with the locations of “nontrivial zeros” on the “critical line”, and says these zeros must lie on the vertical line of the complex number plane i.e. on the y-axis in the attached figure of Wick Rotation. Besides having a real part, zeros in the critical line (the y-axis) have an imaginary part. This is reflected in the real +1 and -1 of the x-axis in the attached figure, as well as by the imaginary +i and -i of the y-axis. In the upper half-plane of the attached figure, a quarter rotation plus a quarter rotation equals a half – both quadrants begin with positive values and ¼ + ¼ = ½. (The Riemann hypothesis states that the real part of every nontrivial zero must be 1/2.) While in the lower half-plane, both quadrants begin with negative numbers and a quarter rotation plus a negative quarter rotation equals zero: 1/4 + (-1/4) = 0. In the Riemann zeta function, there may be infinitely many zeros on the critical line. This suggests the y-axis is literally infinite. To truly be infinite, the gravitational and electromagnetic waves it represents cannot be restricted to the up-down direction but must include all directions. That means it would include the horizontal direction and interact with the x-axis – with the waves rotating to produce ordinary mass (and wave-particle duality) in the x-axis’ space-time, and (acting as dark energy) to produce dark matter in the y-axis’ imaginary space-time.
The Riemann hypothesis can apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time, and VTS geometry unites the fermions composing the Sun and planets with bosons filling space-time. Thus, the hypothesis also applies to the bodies of the Sun and Mercury themselves. Its link to Wick Rotation means Mercury’s orbit rotates (the Riemann hypothesis is the cause of precession, which doesn’t only exist close to the Sun but throughout astronomical space-time as well as the quantum scale). The link between the half-planes of the hypothesis and the half-periods of Alternating Current’s sine wave suggests the Sun is composed, in part, of AC waves.
Vector-Tensor-Scalar (VTS) Geometry suggests matter is built up layer by layer from the 1 divided by 2 interaction described in the article. The Sun and stars are a special case of VTS geometry in which stellar bodies are built up layer by layer with AC waves in addition to matter such as hydrogen and helium etc. If the Sun only used 1 / 2 (without the AC interaction), it’d be powered by high temperatures and pressures compressing its particles by nuclear fusion. When powered by AC waves, the half-periods entangle to produce phonons which manifest as vibrations apparent in its rising and falling convection cells of, respectively, hot and cooler plasma.
Summation of AC’s sine waves leads to the Sun’s vibratory waves, emission of photons (and to a small extent, of gravitons whose push contributes to planetary orbits increasing in diameter). Because of the connection to Wick rotation, the convective rising and falling in the Sun correlates with time dilation’s rising and falling photons and gravitons. As explained in the article, this slows time near the speed of light and near intense gravitation because the particles interfere with each other. Thus, even if it's never refreshed/reloaded by future Information Technology, our solar system's star will exist far longer than currently predicted.
Two waves Y1 and Y2 are said to be coherent if their phase shift Phi 1 -Phi 2 is constant over time.
The question arises, can quantum entanglement be assumed to be a kind of forced wave coherence similar to that described by Einstein's laser, Amplification of Light by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?.
To be able to transmit or communicate information, you must send data, and is this possible using quantum entanglement.
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two or more particles become connected in a way that their states are correlated, regardless of their distance from each other. It is a crucial aspect of quantum computing because it allows quantum systems to share information instantaneously, which is essential for performing complex calculations and quantum communication protocols.
How Much Of The Universe Can Humanity Ever See?
There was a paper published 19 years ago which said, ““Physicists now believe that entanglement between particles exists everywhere, all the time, and have recently found shocking evidence that it affects the wider, ‘macroscopic’ world that we inhabit.” (Quantum Entanglement in Time” by Caslav Brukner, Samuel Taylor, Sancho Cheung, Vlatko Vedral, [2004]) Such macro-entanglement was confirmed in 2020 when researchers reported the quantum entanglement between the motion of a millimetre-sized mechanical oscillator and a disparate distant spin system of a cloud of atoms. (Thomas, R.A., Parniak, M., Østfeldt, C. et al. Entanglement between distant macroscopic mechanical and spin systems. Nat. Phys. 17, 228–233 [2021] Later work complemented this work by quantum-entangling two mechanical oscillators (“Direct observation of deterministic macroscopic entanglement” -
Oneday, the new-technology telescopes will create entanglement of the scope with the universe 1,000,000 light years away (or infinitely further). Then we’ll be able to look way past the Big Bang and discover an infinite, eternal universe. Even better – we can entangle spaceships with the infinity and instantly visit places that existed 1 million years ago and more. Even better again – we can forget spaceships and entangle ourselves with Earth and those infinite places simultaneously. Then we can explore in jeans and a T-shirt while enjoying Earth’s air, temperature, pressure, solidity, etc.
Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen introduced the concept of subatomic particle entanglement in 1935.
It was also A. Einstein who introduced the quantization of photon energy via his famous photoelectric effect equation which later in 1920 won the Noble Prize.
It was A. Einstein who inspired his brilliant student E. Shrodinger to introduce his famous S.E equation, considered the heart of QM quantum mechanics.
They both went to the Copenhagen conference in 1928 to explain their own interpretation of S.E. but they were shocked by the severe opposition of N. Bohr and W. Heisenberg as well as several of their iron guards.
Now the question arises: can we see Einstein as the adversary of QM or as its father?
If I make entangled particles in free space and then put one of such particle inside a metallic/plasma box will be works the quantum communication between one particle in free space and one particle inside metallic/plasma box?
That the relevant experimental results are rigorous is not in question here, but the explanations imagined by physicists since the first person wondered about the Moon worry me! I do not care whether Albert Einstein or Neils Bohr was right on the EPR issue: physics is about correcting limitations of magnificent efforts in the past. I just want to understand the nature of Nature better than I do now. My questions are efforts to explore; they are not challenges.
To me, entanglement in non-locality means “here and there go we” and the verbiage that treats separated aspects of one self is misleading. That is, “we” is one self (persona), so the phrase is actually “here and there go I.” (“My skin is not my surface.” lfh.) The aspects of “we” are “form on ground,” the rest frame of the electromagnetic field, at least until they are instantiated by interaction. How does that “ground” read its lines in this drama.
That neither of the “separate particles” that are separating becomes its true self until it becomes defined by an interaction is measured. How do their waveforms separate so they may be considered “unreal” individuals instead of two “unreal” ripples on a common wave. When does the second particle become “real?” Setting aside a hidden variable like a pilot wave, how far in advance of the pairs do their waveforms extend, and how broadly? How is entanglement effected in nature as an actual phenomenon?
An internal communication sufficient to effect the entanglement result appears to be unknown. My observations and questions are just more verbiage without that communication. However, were Paul Dirac’s “sea of negative” energy valid, or were the ideas in the cosmology of inflation valid, then the communication could be effected by “the ground,” that sea of negative energy with “backward in time” antiparticles or ~instantaneous negative gravity activity. It’s a thought. . . .
The problem is: “it is measured that . . .” and “it is not known that . . .” and here we are again! Of course these questions cannot be answered – yet. If you give it a shot, your effort will be appreciated and undoubtedly interesting!
No, quantum entanglement does not allow for the violation of the speed of light limit.
Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when large distances separate them. This means that if one particle is measured, the other particle's state is instantaneously determined, regardless of the distance between them.
However, this does not violate the speed of light limit, because the information about the state of the entangled particles cannot be used to transmit information faster than the speed of light. This is because the state of the particles is random and unpredictable until measured, and the act of measurement destroys the entanglement. Therefore, any attempt to use entanglement to communicate information would require a classical channel of communication, which is limited by the speed of light.
In summary, while quantum entanglement allows for instantaneous correlations between particles, it does not violate the speed-of-light limit or allow for faster-than-light communication.
Quantum entanglement (scary action at a distance) as I can understand it does not violate Special Theory of Relativity.
There are a few approaches to prove this, one of which is to combine quantum entanglement with the quantum principle of superposition of quantum states.
The prevailing view of physical reality is influenced by the mechanistic view (compatible with Newtonian physics). How new developments in quantum mechanics (experimental confirmation of quantum entanglement) are changing our description of physical reality?
I've recently seen some references to Dark Energy and Entanglement as possibly being related, but I haven't been able to fully evaluate such claims, though they got me thinking.
My basic question is about the persistence of relationships and correlations created by wavefunction interactions. Reading Penrose's Road to Reality, it struck me that he said something like "much of the wavefunction is concerned with such matters," meaning nonlocal matters.
Entanglement and nonlocal correlations are created or transferred through interactions between quantum systems. When a photon from an entangled pair is absorbed by Bob's detector, is the correlation with Alice's photon then passed on into the wavefunction of Bob's detector? Or is that correlation--whatever it is--completely destroyed, lost to the *entire* system, not just the entangled pair? (If destroyed, then how can entanglement be erased/restored?)
If correlations somehow persist as some form of information, do they accumulate and flow through the vast number of interactions in large local systems, for example, is there a quantity of non-local correlations largely trapped in the core of our sun that slowly leaks out through light and the solar wind?
Conversely, what are the effects of "ancient" correlations that may persist from very early events such as the breaking of the symmetry between the electric and magnetic forces or from the sudden end of the "dark ages" when light began to flow?
Sorry for "big" pile of questions. This is a hard one to boil down to a five word question!
I started studying quantum machine learning, but I did not know the entrance to do scientific research paper in this field, knowing that I have a strong background in quantum information theory and dealing with quantum systems, but I have a simple background in machine learning. Where do I start rightly? Is there simple research or a book to start with? What is the appropriate programming language for that?
I am going to make a setup for generating and manipulating time bin qubits. So, I want to know what is the easiest or most common experimental setup for generating time bin qubits?
Please share your comments and references with me.
Of course, their wave functions almost not intersect.
To what extent is this almost sufficient for their significant mutual influence?
Sometimes it seems that quantum entanglement is the threads that sew this world together. Therefore, if this is so, then we should understand why many entanglements give rise to structure (at least an atom, a molecule, the shape of a finger, a nose, lungs, the logic of thought, ...). Maybe in the variational principle one should take into account the influence of the set (interferences?) of entanglements between objects whose general Lagrangian is being considered?
I wanted to know more about quantum entanglement, producing, manipulating, and realization. Could you please suggest to me any informative resources (papers, reviews, books)?
Thank you.
If for example the position of an electron in a one-dimensional box is measured at A (give and take the uncertainty), then the probability of detecting the particle at any position B at a classical distance from A becomes zero instantaneously.
In other words, the "probability information" appears to be communicated from A to B faster than light.
The underlying argument would be virtually the same as in EPR. The question might be generalized as follows: as the probability of detecting a particle within an arbitrarily small interval is not arbitrarily small, this means that quantum mechanics must be incomplete.
Yet another formulation: are the collapse of the wave function and quantum entanglement two manifestations of the same principle?
It should be relatively easy to devise a Bell-like theorem and experiment to verify "spooky action" in the collapse of the wave function across a given classical interval.
We can simply explain complementarity by showing polarity of light.
We can simply demonstrate that the state function depicts probability by interference of light.
Both are simple and easily observable. Don't need specifically designed apparatus or prior knowledge of some calculations.
Is there any similar observable phenomenon related to entanglement? I know some specifically designed experiments. But what I want to know is if there any simple and observable natural phenomenon.
Quantum Entanglement as a transceiver - imagine a Mars Rover controlled in real-time from Earth.
Given an unknown black-box that displays outputs (vaguely like a Turing Machine),
Given that it is known that the black-box is Quantum Entangled,
Given that there is no access to or knowledge of the Entangled Pair Device,
Design an experiment to empirically demonstrate that the black box is quantum entangled, and that its outputs are the product of input to its entangled pair.
Does quantum coherence relate to one particle?
A fascinating question in theoretical physics is whether it is possible to extend Einstein's ideas beyond gravitation to all aspects of physics. The energy-momentum tensor is usually defined extrinsically over the space-time manifold. But could it rather be derived from the geometry alone ? Likewise our local subjective notion of time is given by a local orientation which need not be globally consistent as in Gödel's famous model.
It has been proposed that space-time may have a foam- or sponge-like fine-grained structure (possible involving extra dimensions) which explains energy and matter and the other fundamental forces in a Kaluza-Klein style. That is, "microlocally" the topology of the space-time manifold is highly complex and there may be even a direct relationship between mass, energy and cohomology complexes in an appropriate derived category. At this fine scale there may even be non-local wormholes that connect distant regions of space-time and explain quantum entanglement.
But why not consider the universe as a Thom-Mather stratified space (one can think of this as a smooth version of analytic spaces or algebraic varieties) rather than a manifold ? In this case "singularities" would be "natural" structures not pathologies as in black holes. It is difficult not to think of matter (or localised energy) as corresponding to a singular region of this stratified space. Has this approach been considered in the literature ?
I doubt a long day.
This is an imaginary suspicion!
Quantum Entanglement, if we understand it better and use it like a live tv through technology,
""" that means it's ( Quantum Entanglement ) transfer information fast like rather than light.
And note: near the black hole (where time goes much shorter than Earth) """
Now if I look from near the black hole, at things happening on Earth through a live camera that works with this Quantum entanglement technology/like, can I see things on Earth as fast-forwarded video of things happening on Earth? Or whatever else happens.
As well as watching "things near the black hole" from Earth that sounds like slow motion video?
Please help anyone, thank you :)
We want to get a stable and reliable quantum entanglement device/system, meaning being double, in order to be separated in order to make long distance experiments with the same pair.
Some recent events point that IBM got a 27 qubit computer (, and maybe 10 years from now one with one million qubits (see same source). Speculations aside, the fact is that quantum entanglement does proves a remarkable advancement in cryptography, among many other applications.
On the other hand let us recapitulate that the Riemann hypothesis (RH) is still out there, unsolved, and that its proof (or disproof) might lead to an understanding on how to factorize much faster than now. We know that today's internet security is based on prime cryptography, and hence its very close connection to a proof of the RE, even if that proof is only existential (the tools for proving it may show a way for faster factorization, and hence to decrypt in way that can't be done now).
It seems that quantum cryptography might arrive much faster than the solution to the RE, and hence the question. As concerns of cryptography, RE would appear that it has lost its most important motivation to be researched, at least commercially speaking. Thus, RE would remain as a pure mathematical problem ( a very tough one, though), connected, perhaps, with many other mathematical statements that are assumed true, if RE is proven true. So, the question is:
Is RE still relevant for some foreseeable practical applications, other that cryptography?
In the literature of quantum entanglement many time we hear these words:
"For entanglement pair of particles, we cannot be described one independently from the other, even when the particles are separated by a large distance".
My objection is:
How we can say: "separated by a large distance"?
How do we know?
This means that the particles have trajectories! or at least that means the wave was collapsed before we measure the entanglement properties!
I think this is a common fallacy, I think it like the "Separation Fallacy".
What do you think?
Nanoparticle are used in Nanomedicine. Doctors have made it clear that these nps are not biodegradable; therefore, may cause damage to cells of tissues of organs they were used to treat. Is it safer to use Femto-particles which are products of Quantum Entanglement? Fps are proton - antiproton pairs.
Dear Researchers,
I discovered aqueous quantum materials. These are aqueous solutions of ionic surfactants and polyelectrolytes. Simply put, we bathe in a solution of quantum materials. Most scientists work with solid quantum materials that exhibit emergent properties at temperatures around 0K. The study of "simple" aqueous quantum materials is of great importance for the creation of quantum technologies for the treatment of humans. Man is a quantum material. It is already being observed by an electronic 4D tomograph in the picosecond range. I received 3 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions, but the editors of well-known journals do not yet accept articles for publication and do not send them for review. RG scientists are also silent. Without good criticism and discussion, it is difficult to create a good scientific work.
I appeal to researchers who work in this direction and to those wishing to start research, read my work on aqueous quantum materials in my profile. In turn, I am ready to answer any question to advance research in this scientific and applied direction.
A femto particle is a particle which is synthesized by preparing Quantum Entanglement of a proton with its anti - proton.
I have a model using two-channel CHSH detectors where a detector can fire D+ or D- and (D+ D-) together which is indeed a correct detection but we exclude them by a rule. Also, non paired events are discarded as common practice. So only paired events having D+ or D- are counted.
Is this acceptable? This way I show the inequality can be violated using local hidden variables.
I am using the experimental scheme presented in the image below. It seems that no matter what I do, I cannot obtain coincidence counting higher than 350/s, although the single count at each detector is about 500000/s. The crystal used is a 2 cm long 10 um period PPKT collinear type II crystal.
Are there some (simple) rules or conditions which dictate whether a physical process will lead to a state of quantum entanglement of two or more particles or systems? Given the relevance of the entangled state for the development of quantum technologies, it would be useful to know the conditions which can lead to this strange state of matter. I’m sure much of this may be buried within existing mathematics of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, to enable a wider understanding and appreciation of entanglement, it would be helpful to have some simple rules (in words) which can state whether or not a process will lead to an entangled state.
thank you, Neil
As photon teleportation is possible in micro-scale as we all know. But can it be possible in the near future to teleport macro objects to teleport from one point to another? And will the teleportation speed be same as the speed of light for macro scales?
The problem of data transmission from Mars to Earth is a big latency time. Could quantum entanglement communication reduce this latency?
Quantum entanglement seems like a very exclusive resource: difficult to attain, difficult to maintain and fragile. How big role it has in Cosmic matters and Life ?
Is there a simple proof that the signal and idler photons created by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) are entangled, whereas those that are created by optical parametric amplification (OPA) are not? SPDC has been used in the optical band to create entangled photons. A view of this is that the SPDC just amplifies the vacuum (zero-point energy) photon to create a signal photon, whilst an idler photon is created to preserve conservation of energy when the pump photon annihilates. In the OPA process a seed photon is parametrically amplified likewise to create a signal photon and idler photon, whilst the pump photon annihilates. What is the proof therefore that the signal and idler photon pair from OPA are not entangled?
Look at the picture, it represents the configuration of a variant of Sciarrino's experiment.
From a pair of photons, A and B, resulting from degenerated down-conversion, A is sent to the experimenter Alice, and B to the experimenter Bob. At each station a beam-splitter splits the incoming wave-packet into a transmitted copy, |v>A, |v>B, and a reflected copy, |e>A, |e>B. The transmitted copies are sent to the experimenter Victor, and the reflected copies are sent to Eve.
In all, the wave-function of the two photons is
(1) |ψ> = ½ ( |e>A + i|v>A )( |e>B + i|v>B ).
= ½ [ i( |e>A |v>B + |e>B |v>A ) + ( |e>A |e>B - |v>A |v>B )].
Sciarrino decided to ignore the cases in which two photons come to Victor, or two photons come to Eve. That means, he truncated the wave-function (1) to
(2) |ϕ> = (i/√2) ( |e>A |v>B + |e>B |v>A ).
This is an entanglement.
Eve brings |e>A and |e>B onto the beam-splitter BSE. The wave-function |ϕ> transforms into
(3) |ϕ> = ½ [ |d>1 ( |v>B + |v>A ) + i|d>2 ( |v>B - |v>A )].
Eve tells Victor in which cases clicked the detector D1, and in which clicked D2. Victor lets fall the photons coming to him on different photographic plates, one for D1, one for D2. He will obtain on each plate an interference pattern
(4) |η>1 = (1/√2) ( |v>B + |v>A ),
(5) |η>2 = (i/√2) ( |v>B - |v>A )
But each one of |η>1 and |η>2 is a new truncation of the wave-function, whose complete form is
(6) |ψ> = ½ [ |d>1(|v>B + |v>A )/√2 + i|d>2(|v>B - |v>A )/√2 + |e>A |e>B - |v>A |v>B].
The initial wave-function, (1), or (6), was not an entanglement, no interference resulted from it. WHICH RIGHT do we have to truncate the wave-function? Isn't that as if writing 1+2=3, and truncating 2 one gets a wonder, 1=3?
The article Quantum Leap in Scientific American August 2020 issue, by Spiridos Michalakis, page 50, following the title, reads in part: How can a quantum phenomenon become macroscopic?
Amend the byline to the Scientific American article to: Is there a common principle underlying quantum and macroscopic phenomena? Then we arrive at the question here posed.
There are reasons to think the answer to the question here posed is yes, based on indirect reasoning. Dimensional capacity would account for the many worlds hypothesis relating to quantum theory. There are numerous examples of dimensional capacity applying at a macroscopic level, many of which are collected in my RG Project, The Principle of Dimensional Capacity.
Since dimensional capacity would provide a resolution to the conundrum raised by the many worlds hypothesis, and since it also has macroscopic manifestations, then, if so, the answer to the question would be, yes. But is that right?
" According to Bell's theorem, the degree of correlation between spatially separated measurements on a quantum system is limited by certain inequalities if one assumes the condition of locality. Quantum mechanics predicts that this limit can be exceeded, making it nonlocal. We analyse the effect of an environment modelled by a fluctuating magnetic field on the quantum correlations in an EPR singlet as seen in the Bell inequality. We show that in an EPR setup, the system goes from the usual 'violation' of Bell inequality to a 'non-violation' for times larger than a characteristic time scale which is related to the parameters of the fluctuating field. We also look at these inequalities as a function of the spatial separation between the EPR pair. "
The experiment assumes that the two photons will have the exact same polarization. Even if this experiment is done under a man made vacuum which is not perfect and EM shielded from environment, nothing ensures that the two photons will have the exact same polarization just before they hit the polarizers. You can not isolate completely the environment. Therefore the probability will be always less than 1/3 due quantum decoherence. To say that because by proof of contradiction one theory of the two is the correct is far fetched and proves neither of the two just that this is not a control experiment. σ figure does not matter if this is not a control experiment.
Here is another voice of concern:
Emmanouil Markoulakis
Research Fellow
HMU 2020
When a kid is looking at an athlete who is jumping over a 2 meter high bar, it says: "Wow, how spooky!". But after looking it for hundred times the kid finally says: "Well, whatever. It happens all the time. And it is in accordance with the laws of physics."
When a physics student encounters correlation in entanglement for the first time she or he is virtually bound to say: "Wow, how spooky!". But after looking at it for hundred times the student finally concludes: "But wait, it is not really an "action" since no force is involved nor is any information exchanged, right? And they (Alice and Bob) only see correlation in their measurements *after* they exchange classical information (at the speed of light or slower) that contains results of their measurements, don't they? I mean, before that, they only have a random gibberish. So, by the time the experiment finishes, light had enough time to travel between them. Well, whatever. It happens all the time. And it is in accordance with the laws of physics."
The only way to feel spooked here is to let be tricked by a story teller (a Magician). The Magician starts his story at the moment when entangled pair is generated and ends it when Alice and Bob realize that their measurements are completely correlated. Then, the Magician starts recording time at the moment of entanglement generation and stops its clock at the moment when measurements are done. He then tells you that this time is too short to explain correlations. Which is true. But note: at that moment Alice and Bob are NOT spooked yet: they only see a random set of their own data and no correlation whatsoever. It is funny that this trick has, over decades, fooled generations of physicists, and that apparently no one has figured out the false logic yet! Well, here it is - exposed! By the time Alice and Bob can see the correlation (the allegedly spooky part) they have to exchange classical information, and in that there is action, force and information travel, and more time lapse than required for light to travel between them. This is the second and final part of the experiment, duration of which, conveniently, the Magician forgot to take into account. And we fell for it! (Shame on us!)
So I believe that the best way to alleviate this spookiness madness is to teach quantum entanglement to kids in kindergarten, right next to teaching of colors and animals, or even before that. Then, no one will get spooked ever again!
If we consider hypothetically and philosophically, i.e., why we always think light is spreading out. May be dark is fading away as an entity everytime faster than the light. Why faster? Because we haven't detected speed of darkness till now. And I want to connect this concept with Quantum Entanglement. Because according to this concept information is transfered faster than the speed of light between two entity separated by infinite distance. Who knows dark entity may be the answer to Quantum Entanglement??
Quantum entanglement experiments are normally carried out in the regime (hf>kT - where T is the temperature of the instrument) to minimise thermal noise, which means operating in the optical band, or in the lower frequency band (<6 THz) with cryogenically cooled detectors.
However, the omnipresent questions are whether in the millimetre wave band where hf<kT:
1) Could quantum entanglement be detected by novel systems in the at ambient temperature?
2) How easy might it be to generate entangled photons (there should be nothing intrinsically more difficult here than in the optical band - in fact it might be easier, as you get more photons for a given pump power)?
3) How common in nature might be the phenomenon of entanglement (this would be in the regimes where biological systems operate)?
Answers to 1) may lead to routes to answering 2) and 3).
In the context of string theory, it has been concluded that space is not fundamental but a phenomena emerging from quantum entanglement. To start a debate on what the core principle behind such mathematical conclusion could be, I suggest that the reason why space cannot be fundamental is because it contradicts the fact that energy is impermanent or otherwise said: continuously changing (and therefore continuously arising).
NOTE: Please answer the question ONLY if you read what is the question.
Consider the well-known polarization singlet
(1) |S> = (1/√2) (|x>A |x>B + |y>A |y>B),
where as usually, the quantum object (Q.O.) A flies to Alice's lab and the Q.O. B flies to Bob's lab.
Consider that in each lab there is a polarization beam-splitter, PBSA, respectively PBSB, spliting the incomming beam in the base { |x>, |y>}. However, Bob has the option to input the two output beams to a second PBS - let's name it PBSC - which splits the input beams in the base { |d>, |a>} (d = diagonal direction, and a = the anti-diagonal, i.e. perpendicular on d).
(2) |x> → (1/√2) (|d> + |a>), |y> → (1/√2) (|d> - |a>).
The expression of the singlet wave-function becomes
(3) |S> = (1/2) {|x>A (|d>B + |a>B) + |y>A (|d>B - |a>B).
Assume now that Bob performs a test, with the detectors places on the outputs of PBSC, and gets the result, say, d. It is useful to write also the inverse of the transformation (2)
(4) |d> = (1/√2) (|x> + |y>), |a> = (1/√2) (|x> - |y>).
As one can see from the first equality in (4), to Bob's result |d>B contribute both beams |x>B and |y>B which exited PBSB and entered PBSC.
But, assume that while Bob does the test, Alice also performs a test, and gets, say, x. However, Alice has another story to say about what happened in the apparatus. She would claim that since she obtained the result x, in Bob's apparatus there was nothing on the output path y of PBSB. In consequence, she would claim that the beam |d>B recorded by Bob was just a component of |x>B as seen from the first relation in (2).
We do not know what is the wave-function, if it is a reality (ontic), or (epistemic) only represents what we know about the quantum object. But the quantum object travels in our apparatus, it has to be something real. Then, what is the truth about what was in Bob's setup? Was there, or wasn't, something on the output y of PBSB?
Nonlinear materials had a fascinating effect on the technology development. For example, in the 1950/60’s the nonlinearity of ferrites (associated with spinwaves) was exploited for microwave and millimetre wave parametric amplifiers, and then in the 1960/70’s the nonlinearity of veractor diodes were used for a similar purpose. In the 1980’s, the nonlinearity of electro-optic crystals was exploited for quantum optics research in the area of quantum entanglement. So what happen to this microwave and millimetre wave parametric amplifier technology and could it be used to develop quantum technology in this band, as potentially they offer a window on the vacuum photons?
The synthetic crystals of lithium niobate and beta barium borate (BBO) were designed specifically to have the lowest possible power thresholds for nonlinear effects for use in quantum optics. Was the design strategy for these only to develop a crystal with a unit cell that had the highest possible electric dipole? Of course the crystal needs to be transparent and have suitable refractive indices for phase matching, but were these the only design principles, or were there other metrics and parameters for these crystals that needed to be optimised?