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Quality of Life Research - Science topic
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Questions related to Quality of Life Research
how to transform my results in the EuroQOL EQ-5D + EQ VAS to get an overall score that can be presented as “good, moderate, poor“ quality of life?
we will use it pre and post bariatric surgery research and it is not the main topic so we would like a short and easy to use questionnaire that is easy to calculate and easy to present
I am conducting a study in the topic of COVID-19 & Quality of Life of Children and Adolescents.
We are collecting data in Indonesia using Google Form. Samples are children and adolescents age 10-18 years-old.
If you are interested in conducting the study in your country, please feel free to contact me.
I would be more than happy to share the questionnaire in English with you all.
We can do comparative studies between your country and my country.
Best wishes,
I am currently scouring with the web for an inventory which can assess the overall well-being of people/students from ages 14+. The qualities that I am looking for are:
- <30 questions long
- Ages 14+
- High validity and reliability
- Multiple choice, not written
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having so much difficulty because I am skeptical of very short questionnaires(e.g. SWLS, BRS, BMSLSS), but I do not know if that is fair.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Endowments (Al-Awqaf) are one of the historical entrances adopted by ancient societies to revive, sustain and preserve some essential objects, whether buildings or otherwise, on the one hand.
On the other hand, in examining Sustainability, it is clear that it has environmental, social, and economic approaches.
Through these aspects, and under the current conditions of societies in different countries, concerning changing ways of thinking and scientific and technological capabilities, the following questions arise:
1. Can the role of endowments be revived, organized, and managed?
2. Can it be activated strongly commensurate with the capabilities of the current era?
3. Can it be considered one of the recommended approaches to achieve sustainability as an ultimate goal?
We are conducting a survey among Arabic-speaking refugees and need a validated version of this questionnaire. Other questionnaires concerning functional impairment, mental health etc. in Arabic will also be appreciated.
I have some mammogram images which are too large. How can I reduce size of images into 8 bits?
By using EORTC QLQ C30 and EORTC H&N35.
In my research into Sustainability Engineering, Time Use shows itself to be a very important variable. Together with ecological impacts (Ecological Footprint or Planetary Boundaries), Time Use to meet needs is a required unit of measurement. I am using both Max Neef's theory of Fundamental Human Needs, and Doyal & Gough's theory of Human Need.
In my current paper, I am wanting to make a number of statements, and I would like to know of existing publications that have made similar conclusions:
• People are, at all times, acting to meet their perceived needs
• People are generally not able to distinguish between their actual needs and their perceived needs
• People will always act to minimize the time used to meet their perceived needs, so that the time available to meet their wants are maximized
• People will generally act to maximize the portion of their perceived needs that are met
Are there sources you would recommend?
Suppose I am doing a Case control study. Lets say Group 1 is a clinical population (N=30), Group 2 is a healthy control population (N=30). I have measured various variables (Continuous data) in both the groups, and using t-test I have found the difference between the two groups. Now, suppose I want to find relationship between the two variables, can both the groups be clubbed together (N=60), or do I do separate correlation analysis for each group?
For Example: If "satisfaction with life" and "quality of life" are research variables in two groups, specifically Patients with anxiety vs Healthy control. I can get continuous data for both these variables using a questionnaire, and I can do a t-test and establish if there is a difference in satisfaction with life and quality of life between these two groups. Now, if I want to know the association between satisfaction with life and quality of life, can I club both patient group and healthy control group together? If yes, is it applicable always, or, are there some conditions? Please explain as my research question is different, and I have just given an example here.
btw, my research topic is the 'preserving the landscape physical quality to enhance the social sustainability in the traditional Malay settlement in Kuala Terengganu' . anyone have any articles related to my study?
Questions on Life Satisfaction (FLZM) - A Short Questionnaire for Assessing Subjective Quality of Life. Thank you.
I am looking for potential research collaborator(s) on following research topics:
- Links between wellbeing and services industries – opportunities and challenges
- Corporate social responsibility and customer wellbeing in service settings
- Corporate social responsibility and employee wellbeing in service settings
- Corporate social responsibility and community well-being in service settings
- Corporate social responsibility and environmental wellbeing in service settings
- The role of the service industries in facilitating value creation for consumer wellbeing
- Examining wellbeing and quality of life issues within different cultures and service industries.
- Establishing interrelationships among competitiveness, issues of sustainability, consumer, and societal well-being
- Impacts of service activities on consumers’ subjective wellbeing
- Development of wellbeing and quality of life indicators for service industries
- Replication and validation of wellbeing indexes in service settings
- Case studies and best practices of wellbeing and quality of life measures in service settings
I'm unable to find any studies (other than the original) that used this instrument.
Thanks for your help,
- Application of Rasch analysis and IRT models are becoming increasingly popular for developing and validating a patient reported outcome measure. Rasch analysis is a confirmatory model where the data has to meet the Rasch model requirement to form a valid measurement scale. Whereas, IRT models are exploratory models aiming to describe the variance in the data. Researchers seem to be divided on the preference of one over another. What is your opinion about this dilemma, in development of patient reported outcome measures?
Dear experts
What is the difference between narrow-band and broad-band transducers?
Among the possibilities I can think of are personal transformation and social transformation. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
For the conduction of an EQ5D survey I want to add some questions about profession, salary, family support after surgery etc., does somebody could help me with experiences, a list or literature reference?
An easy question for oncologists :
As I know, measuring quality of life in patients with thyroid cancer is routine in the process of treatment and even after finishing that. How knowing Qol of patients can help oncoligists decide the best treatment? In other words, why do oncologists measure Qol?
Thanks for your help.
I am doing research with adolescents in Mexico City who have cleft lip and/or cleft palate and want to measure quality of life related to the facial difference. I need a measure that has been validated in Spanish, not just translated into Spanish.
Thank you.
We would like your opinion if it is acceptable to use the average age of death among people who are obese and also have chronic disease conditions as causes of death. We have found that on average persons with this profile die on average at a younger age than people who only have chronic diseases. We are not sure if this is acceptable for an analysis, since we are not estimating life expectancy.
Hi, there. I wonder if anybody can provide access to the types of instruments (tasks) used to assess metalinguistic awareness. Thank you so much in advance.
Hi. I am looking for a test that could identify differences in quality of life according to drug administration routes. Thanks
I am carrying out a study on Assessing productivity of Nurses in District Hospitals in Ghana.
Some of the most current arguments that promote the postgraduate as a process of continuous updating of the labor competencies in the present society of the knowledge
The study is on health-related quality of life of women living with HIV in an African setting Please assist with information on the recent valid instrument.
For example, I assess the anxiety with the STAI to a given subject for the first time and the score is : 100. After 2 months, I assess the anxiety a second time to the same subject and the score is :120. So the increase is 20%. Is 20% significant ? I looking for an article that has already show or use this significant percentage of variation because I want to use this a priori.
I'm interested in pharmacological end-points and gender-specific responses to titrated palliative sedation medications; also other patient-related factors that might affect the sedation trajectory over time; ie how much of a medication will reduce pain and suffering but without inducing unconsciousness.
Work life balance have mediating effect.
I am doing a pilot study on chronic conditions and QoL using SF-12 V.2
Can anybody help me in getting scoring guideline for India specific?
Dear colleagues.
I need calculate the QALY using the EQ-5D questionnaire. I have found many different formulas (no consensus...), but I need one to calculate it in a intervention with pre, during (2 months) and post test (4 months). Is a randomized controlled trial.
Thank you for your help.
.Any recommendations for an instrument to measure quality of life in diabetics in South Asians ( Pakistan)?
Recently there are many reports that indicate the association between use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) and increased risk of dementia. On the other hand are well-known correlations between helicobacter pylori infection and poor cognition / Alzheimer's Disease and autoimmunity . It is also known that the use of PPI determines an HP infection underdiagnosis. (Three links attached). Finally, we must take into account that the Helicobacter Pylori infection in Western countries is more common in people with problems related to the low quality of life, (poverty but often cognitive / degenerative problems). So if all these parameters are not rigorously evaluated, I think there are too many possibilities of errors in data interpretation.
Is anyone aware of recent research which has shown the validity of Rush's (2003) QIDS inventory with older persons or used this in their own research and able to provide their views on its applicability with this group?
We are currently developing a data-driven quality management system for solid organ transplantation.
As per a WHO report, by the end of 2012, 64% of the global population used improved sanitation facilities which means almost 1 of every 3 person still have less / no access to proper sanitation. What steps should be taken to make it a near 100% of the same?
in case of a study with 20 rats divided into 4 groups with 5 rats in each group, due to lack of animal at a time we planned to do first two groups in one time and again within short duration we will do another two groups. first group consists of control group and remaining three groups consist of three modes of experiments. when first two groups will be enrolled, the animals for remaining two groups will be mature enough and then we planned to do experiment in remaining two group.
I'm using the Rand 36 HS score in my research on MSA and PSP. I'm able to calculate the 8 sub-scores pretty easily. I know that there is a way to produce two composite overall scores; lots of papers discuss them but I cannot find a method. Rand Corporation sent me an impenetrable pdf...unfortunately my statistics is pretty modest as I'm primarily a clinician. I was wondering if anyone could guide me or has the formulae to produce these? Many thanks!
I am finding that my qualitative interview participants are very similar in level of education and job roles. I am unsure if this is a product of the type of lifestyle I am studying, or a product of the type of people who are willing to participate in research. Is anyone aware of published data in regard to the profile of the type of people who volunteer as research participants (aside from undergrad psychology students)? Thanks for your time and assistance.
Are there publications on studies showing solid facts that living in the forest or near the forest or large green groves really prolong the lives of people or their life expectancy? Any citations?
Among the publications of the city of Yekaterinburg were once the results, that the life expectancy of people living near the forest is about 8-9 years longer than people who live in the city center or in industrial areas.
Also need data on catastrophic illness caused by lack of health care in same age group for my thesis project.
I'm studying quality of life using the FACIT-Pal survey. Our study has treatment and control groups and we are measuring the treatment effect of an intervention using a change score model. Unfortunately, model fit is low and the variability of responses are high. Even using a variety of methods to adjust for selection bias, it is difficult to get a comparable sample. We also struggle with attrition bias and models we create to adjust for attrition are extremely poor predictors. The FACIT-Pal contains a physical, emotional, social, functional well-being domains in addition to a palliative domain to assess quality of life for people with advanced or life-limiting illness.
In order to improve the comparability intervention vs control patients, I have considered using one of the domains (post-period) to model the total change score. My hope is that this would provide a way to account for anchoring bias--induced by peoples' outlook on life (ex: some people are stingy and almost never answer a 5/5) as well as momentary issues (ex: woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning).
What are the potential problems of creating a change score model in this fashion? Would I be inducing an effect that potentially does not exist by doing this? Do you know of any papers that utilize this method?
Thank you,
Does anybody have experience with quality of live questionairre in treatment of idiopathic scoliosis?
I'm interested in exploring the links between changes in physiology due to medical treatment, and resulting changes in quality of life. However, I would like to explore quality of life through the actions people produce, and how these might change in relation to physiology.
It seems that interviews and surveys are not able to capture the material aspects of a person's life, such as a pair of running shoes that sit in the hallway of an active person.
In addition, it is the actions that people produce that reflect their quality of life, and when people make changes to their lives that are sustainable, these actions are likely to be mundane and habitual. Therefore they may be difficult to access through an interview or survey.
Lastly, how can we explore the links between physiological changes and the actions that people take?
Does anyone have thoughts about this, or papers that address these ideas in some way?
Hello,I am using the Caregivers guilt questionnaire made by Losada in my dissertation and i have some problem with the scoring.I have to divide guilt in two different levels 2.1. Low and 2,2, High. I am already aware of the range scores in total and in each item, however I would like to ask for your advise regarding the Low and High levels. Is there a score number that indicates the levels of guilt.
Thank you
Dear colleagues
I am studying the effect of well-being (luxury/ quality of life) on ethical behavior in the workplace.
Could you provide me with article contains questionnaire to measure well-being (quality of life, or luxury)?
Kind regards
I am about to dig myself into & conduct a research on health marketing, more specifically health-consciousness & prevention in general. I would be more than happy to know which the top relevant papers in this field are. What is the best scale to measure health-consciousness & prevention in general?
I will do my research in Hungary. Should you be interested to collaborate to compare research findings in different countries/cultures, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
1- Its said that RLS affects approximately 10% of people in the United States (American College of Phlebology "Healthy Veins Healthy Legs - A Patient's Guide to Phlebology).
2- Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) may occur without visible varicosities. Deep vein insufficiency, perforant vein insufficiency and saphenous insufficiency may be misdiagnosed by duplex ultrasound scanning (DUS). False negative are common and a physician without experience with phlebology may receive a negative DUS and conclude that there is no CVD.
3- But then why would the patient improve symptoms when they start to loose weight, return to do physical activities and use compression stockings?
4- We've been doing our own DUS since 2003 and the amount of patients that did a DUS and had false negative result is alarming.
5- Other interesting data we collected in our clinic. We do DUS in 100% of the patients and 33% of the asymptomatic patients have at least one segment of long reflux on the saphenous vein. Clinica Miyake is a private clinic in Brazil devoted 100% fo Phlebology since 1962. More than 90% of the patients have aesthetic concern on the legs).
6- Why would an asymptomatic patient have a long saphenous reflux and no symptoms? They normally are not overweight, exercise frequently, and have a good quality of life. Then the calf pumping compensate the reflux.
7- a careful clinical history may detect that an "asymptomatic" patient have heavy legs and/or swelling in a long flight or long standing day. When finally resting the legs, the better circulation may cause symptoms known as RLS.
8- Vein diagnosis is still improving. A perforant vein with 2mm diameter and no reflux detected by ultrasound may cause pain during palpation and we have seen for many years improvement after proper surgical ligation.
9- patients with no reflux on the saphenous veins, no painful perforant vein but with telangiectasias and feeder veins may be diagnosed as RLS as well. Augmented Reality (Veinviewer) may help detect the feeder veins. After treating the telangiectasias and feeder veins, we've also seen symptoms such as aching, burning, heaviness and itching disappear after CLaCS treatment.
Indicators for human well-being exist in many forms especially at national level, but it seems that few exist for measuring impacts of energy development in particular. Are there any examples of studies of this type on the community level, using indicators? I am thinking beyond the traditional social indicators of health etc and more of the qualitative aspects of human well-being such as those laid out by Max-Neef.
Can we assess health related quality of life (HRQOL) among dengue patients by using short form 36 version 2 questionnaire (SF36v2). One of my friend told me that HRQOL is usually assessed for chronic conditions, not for acute illness e.g. dengue, typhoid or some other diseases that can be resolved within 1 week.
Kindly guide me in this regard, because I am assessing HRQOL for dengue patients in my project. Actually, my objective is to compare HRQOL among dengue patients with and without acute kidney injury. The purpose here is to determine that either occurrence of acute kidney injury in dengue infection cause poor quality of life or not? (It means we will compare quality of life in two dengue groups, one with kidney injury and other without kidney injury), as dengue infection causes kidney injury.
I am looking to analyze the psychosocial, cultural, and coping for patients with chronic disease. What are good research studies on the effectiveness of interventionists who can improve a paitents well being by allowing them to communicate their problems.
I would like to research the efficacy of psychological distancing as a tool that may assist family care-givers to cope with long-term care of a relative with dementia. As part of this study I would like to address the expectations of family care-giving in the context of traditional family values and culture and hypothesise that Australian cultural bias towards family caregiver roles may increase care-giver burden.
Hello! I am currently working on my dissertation and am having a really hard time finding participants to complete my survey. I am conducting research on health-related quality of life among cancer survivors, specifically adult survivors, aged 18 years and older. All cancer diagnoses will be considered and there is no limit to how long individuals must have been in remission. My questionnaire is posted in many Cancer Support Centers in the Chicago area, as well as in Ohio. Additionally, the link to my research can be found on the National Cancer Institute Facebook page. My survey is accessible online via SurveyMonkey and takes about 20 minutes to complete a short demographic tool and a 41-item self report measure. Currently, I am well below the sample size I need to obtain significant results, so I am reaching out to all the avenues I am aware of. Please let me know if you have any connections to this specific population (any cancer type) or recommendations of organizations that would be open to disseminating my information to their participants. I am looking forward to any feedback and appreciate your consideration! Thank you in advance!!
Among older people, or in general.
Is there a data available for prevalence of depression among patients undergone cardiac catheterization (specially in Canada)? Do you think that cardiac catheterization may be associated with increased quality of life and decreased likelihood of depression? or vice versa?
There is bulk of research on the association of CVD and depression but I couldn't find any thing about depression after cardiac catheterization. What do you think of the topic?
The involvement of parents and families in outside school Hours care services continues to be a challenge for many educators. The provision is impacted by the limited time for which children are in care and parents work commitments. Often caregivers discover that it can be stressful and challenging to involve parents in their childcare program.
Primary care environment to prevent depression from opportunistic approach. What is the quality of life implication of that?
Previous waves I have seen from the ELSA mention a general measure of cognitive ability which enable the analysis of cognition over all rathern than the singular tests themselves eg. word list immediate recall. Is there a general cognitive measure for wave 6? If there isn't a general cognitive measure is it ok to run several Multiple Linear Regressions on the cognitive tests I am looking at or will multiple comparison issues affect this approach?
EORTC QLQ C 30 is mostly used for QOL assessment in cancer patients.But if the patient is illiterate or doesnt know english,how do we administer it.Can a trained personnel read out the question for the patient and record their answer?
The scale would be preferably related to mental health, physical health, substance use, social milieu, but any other continuous measures where migrants were compared with native populations are welcome.
The women's specialist services we are working with seek to improve 'safety', 'empowerment' and 'well-being'. We are particularly focused on effective work with/for Australian Aboriginal women. Thanks
I'm looking for studies (empirical and theoretical) that show that there is a link/correlation between psychological well being and career satisfaction.
I'm also interested in studies that show that career satisfaction is a component of psychological well being (at work).
what dimensions/ indicators of Quality of Workplace Life (QWL) directly or indirectly impact two components of Absorptive capacity ( Knowledge acquisition and assimilation ) in context to work shop floor employees? Generally employees were observed as least interested in gaining new knowledge.
Absorptive capacity is the ability of organization to acquire, assimilate and use new knowledge in its processes.
Thanks in advance
My research is about this topic!
Please send me references about quality of children's life (Kidscreen-27), motor skills (TGMD-2) and motor abilities.
Thank you!
Social support is essential for patients with chronic diseases. Is it useful for quality of life promotion for hemodialyss patients?
If yes, How it can be used?
Mental illness and cancer are two forms of chronic illnesses. Were as mental illness is rather non fatal because the sufferers rarely die from being schizophrenic for example. For cancer it likely may lead to death. The research is asking if caregivers for this two groups will have different levels of psychological distress. Other variables like personality, duration of care and emotional involvement are various forms of psychological distress to be investigated.
Is there anyone working on the SHARE data, who could share some experience on dealing with the different scales of life satisfaction used in the survey?
In WAVE 1 there is a 4-point scale (1= Very satisfied; 2 = Somewhat satisfied; 3 = Somewhat dissatisfied; 4 = Very dissatisfied).
In WAVES 2,4 and 5 they switched to the commonly known 11-point scale ("On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means completely dissatisfied and 10 means completely satisfied, how satisfied are you with your life?")
When looking at the development of life satisfaction over time - how can I compare the results? How can I transform them to get comparable data? Any literature or concrete advice would be very helpful!
I´m working a new research addressing privacy and life satisfcation. Does anyone know good references for this empirical study in social networking sites, eg Facebook? Any suggestions?
There are many articles explaining that the Energy Return on (Energy) Invested (EROI, or EROEI) of the sources of energy which a society uses sets an upper limit on the quality of life (or complexity of a society) which can be enjoyed (for example
I understand the arguments made, however I fail to understand why any energy extraction process which has an external EROI greater than 1.0 cannot be "stacked" to enable greater effective EROI.
For example if EROI for solar PV is 3.0, surely one can get an effective EROI of 9.0 by feeding all output energy produced from one solar project as the input energy of a second?
There is obviously an initial energy investment required, but provided the EROI figure includes all installation and decommissioning energy requirements I don't understand why this wouldn't work. Also I realise there are various material constraints which would come into play; but why does this not work from an energy point of view?
Harvard University conducted a study of 600 women under the age of 40, finding at least half of early-onset breast cancer resulted in early mortalities. In terms of early diagnostic service for young women under age 40, I addressed this in my dissertation research related to the pros and cons of the recommendations of the United States Preventative Service Task Force. The attached article examines research conducted by Harvard University in young women under age 40. The critical issue relates to a standard needs to be established for young women related to breast cancer.
I am doing a study on the impact of government initiatives on the quality of life of workers in the unorganized sector or say in any industrial clusters. Kindly help me in getting a suitable questionnaire.
Prof.Sudhir Kumar
In working with post concussive patients who are dealing with chronic post concussion symptoms, we are attempting to identify quality of life factors that we can use to help target treatment and assess outcomes. Thus far, we have not been able to identify anything in the literature and were just wondering if there is something that we are overlooking or unaware of.
I need how the scale is used.. I know more point means more high life quality. but what else? How can I calculate the points?
i am interested in finding or developing a fall risk assessment tool that looks specifically at a population of persons in an in-patient drug/ETOH facility. While I know that there is some overlap with other assessment tools, most of these assume acute or long-term care with a primarily older adult population and do not specifically address this population.