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Quality Assurance - Science topic

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Questions related to Quality Assurance
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
How to work in mobile learning QA?
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La flexibilidad y accesibilidad son indispensables, particularmente en países en vías de desarrollo, en los que el acceso a tecnologías sólo es factible en los centros urbanos.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
7 answers
I have thought to cover the challenges faced by various functions in managing the supply chain - Procurement, Quality Assurance, Technical, Logistics , Planning and Regulatory
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ResearchGate Link:
(PDF) Improving Lean engagement through utilising improved communication, recognition and digitalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in JLR's powertrain machining facility (
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I need to compare two articles where discussion and choice of Research methods for an Mphil dissertation on Factors affecting Quality Assurance in Secondary schools.
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Thank you for your gentle reply, infact i need to compare to research methods used for research on Quality Assurance and i need to compare them looking for pros and cons as part of my Mphil assignmnent.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
I'm interesting in understand types of updates on QA benchmarks datasets and why it happen.
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That is what I'm interested in. I would appreciate if you obtain any useful information on that.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
Hi! I am working with MODIS images, I need to estimate EVI, to do it correctly, first I need to evaluate the quality assessment data layer and overlap it with the EVI layer to dismiss those pixels that are corrupted. Any idea of a tutorial to do this with qgis?
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you can follow these steps:
  1. Load the Data: Open QGIS and load both the EVI image and the corresponding QA layer into the project.
  2. Understand the QA Layer: Before proceeding, make sure you understand the information encoded in the QA layer. The QA layer typically contains flags or bits that represent the quality or validity of each pixel in the EVI image. Different bits might represent different data quality characteristics such as cloud cover, atmospheric conditions, sensor errors, etc. You need to know which bits indicate reliable data.
  3. Access the Layer Properties: Right-click on the EVI image layer in the QGIS Layers panel and select "Properties."
  4. Define Transparent/Invalid Pixels: In the Layer Properties window, navigate to the "Transparency" tab. Here, you can define which pixels should be considered invalid or unreliable based on the information stored in the QA layer. You can either set specific pixel values to be transparent or use the "Additional no data value" option to exclude unreliable values.
  5. Symbology and Visualization: Adjust the symbology settings of the EVI layer to better visualize the reliable pixels. You can use a color map or a gradient to highlight the areas with good data quality.
  6. Masking: If the QA layer contains specific bits representing unreliable data, you can use the "Raster Calculator" tool to create a mask that isolates only the reliable pixels. The Raster Calculator allows you to define an expression that filters the pixels based on the desired QA bits. For example, you can use a conditional statement to extract pixels with specific bit values indicating good data quality.
  7. Save the Reliable Pixels: If needed, you can save the masked EVI image as a new raster layer, containing only the reliable pixels.
  8. Further Analysis: With the reliable pixels isolated, you can now perform any further analysis or visualization using the clean EVI data.
Keep in mind that the specific steps may vary based on the data format and the type of QA layer provided. It's crucial to refer to the data provider's documentation or metadata to understand the information stored in the QA layer and how to interpret and use it effectively to estimate reliable pixels in the EVI image.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
The commercial QA software programs are not available through my university. I am wondering if there is free QA software with quality similar to that of the commercials.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
All the best
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MAXQDA offers a 30-day free download version
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
I was producing vegetation indices in a study area in the tropics with MOD09 product (Land Surface Reflectance, 8-days, 500m) and also with MOD13 (Vegetation index, 16-days, 500m). I got more or less the same result with some small differences due to the fact that the former product is an 8-days composite and the latter is 16-days composite. But I noticed that the quality flag are completely different, the one from MOD09 is very 'permissive', the could masking is almost unnecessary but with MOD13 is the opposite, because I lose a lot of data due to clouds. I think that the QA flag of MOD13 should be the correct one because my study area is in the tropics with high presences of clouds, but I wonder why the QA flag of MOD09 is so different and seems to be unreliable.
Can someone give me a clue?
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Thanks for your reply Prof. Hack. And yes, I have used the quality flag as it says in the guidelines. I will take a look to the paper you just recommended me.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
The model or another system is looked for. When we act this model we will be able to get an effective quality assurance system in higher education. If such a model is available.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I have had half-hourly downwelling shortwave infrared data for almost two years. It contains large missing values and cannot be used for modeling purposes. As shortwave radiation data include seasonality and varies each day, I tried na_seadec() in R to resolve the issue. But I am obtaining negative values in missing data, though the data do not contain any negative values, and for huge gaps, a kind of increasing pattern is interpolated. I tried the Arima model, but the problem persists, especially for huge gaps.
Please find the articles I went through to attempt this issue.
1. (PDF) Challenging Problems of Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) of Meteorological Time Series Data (
2. Chapter 48 Time Series Modeling with ARIMA in R | Community contributions for EDAV Fall 2019 (
The data is from 09/03/2017 to 31/12/2019. While working with the Arima model, Kalman smoothing the error faced was that seasonality is less than two years.
Kindly help.
I am attempting the problem in R software. However, any help in python would also do.
I appreciate any help regarding this issue.
Thank you
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Hi Richa. Plain-vanilla ARIMA models will not help you because (in principle) they are not designed to manage those gaps. You need to get deeper into a model/estimation method that allows you to specify all those missing data points as non-observable variables to be estimated together with other non-observable variables in the model. I am sure the following (old) reference will help you:
A. C. Harvey and R. G. Pierse (1984) Estimating Missing Observations in Economic Time Series, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 79, No. 385 (Mar., 1984), pp. 125-131.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
Dear Community,
I'd like to ask if you know any studies on the predictive validity of certain individual differences and/or personality traits as predictors for job performance. I'm interested in very specific occupational group (an this group only), that is the quality assurance specialist (software testers).
I struggle with finding such studies, and I believe this is due to the issue with key-words selection. If you happen to know any study from I/O psychology field (or any other similar field) on that matter, I'll be grateful for a recommendation.
Best regards,
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Jaroslaw Grobelny My first thought was in recruitment within Entreprenology we talk sometimes about the teachability index. But here I think you should look within the Big five theory. The attached article might give you some tips, General mental ability, personality, and job performance
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
Software Experts: Ever wanted to write a book? Here's an opportunity close to it that you may not want to miss. Please see
for more details.
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Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
How should one use a cloud mask on Google Earth Engine (GEE)/R for the MODIS FireMask data? The mask should address the cloud, QA (quality band), and other unnecessary bands of the "MODIS/006/MOD14A2" dataset (link given below).
Thank you.
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If I were going to do this I might start with the attached search. Best wishes David Booth
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
GMP manufacturing CAR-T products have been extensively focusing on for the past 2-3 years. However, there is a lack of standard QC/QA testing methods. It's great to be here to update the latest testings and assays for this field.
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Dear David,
It is great to see the discussion here! we are developing smFISH based QC method to quantify CAR DNA and RNA in CAR-T cells. looking forward to further discussion with you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I am currently studying QA systems in NLP. I found that the term MRC and QA System are interchangeable. Then, I found this page that states MRC is an approach to solve QA problem. what is another approach?
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QA systems can be roughly divided into:
  1. Query processing
  2. Database storage(e.g. GraphDBs, unstructured documents,SQL, etc. which goes to the processing for storage and retrieval on such information) architecture and methods of retrieval
  3. Document processing(e.g. extracting the relevant piece of information after it has been extracted from the storage)
  4. Answer formatting (e.g. frame filling, etc.)
Each stage can include multiple approaches. Could you be more specific on which part of the QA system are you interested on?
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I finished analyzing task-based fMRI activations for our data by using SPM12. However, I need to do quality control for the collected data and also for the analysis part. However, I do not know how can I do this?
I would be glad, if you could guide me through.
Thank you in advance.
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Thank you James! I have many more questions and happy to post on your forum!
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
According to my experience Automation test team can come to play their role once after the Manual test team tested several cycles and the product or function comes to a certain, level of stability.
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Test automation developers and manual testers should have totally different skills. An automation team's focus will be different from that of a manual team's. Good manual testers provide a lot of skills that cannot be automated such as exploratory testing, understanding the context of the SUT, company, and industry, knowing the right questions to ask, and the ability to empathize with different groups of stakeholders.
That isn't to say that test engineers can't develop those characteristics as well, but it's not (or at least shouldn't be) the focus of their job.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
Hi there,
can anyone help me with decoding and getting the information out of the ASTER QA Data Planes (txt-files) that come with the ASTER Products (I'm working with Kinetic Surface Temperature)? I'm working preferably with R and ArcGIS/QGIS/SAGA GIS.
Can I use the information about cloud status stored in the QA Data Planes for creating a cloud mask?
Another question is if there is any information about the uncertainty of the surface temperature values itself (e.g. comparable to Landsat 8 *_ST_QA.tif)?
I'm very new working with ASTER data, so any help or tips where to find information about that is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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You would find the documentation helpful.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
Hi there,
how are the values in ST_QA (layer about the uncertainty surface temperature given in the ST band file) supposed to be interpreted? Is it an absolute value and therefore interpreted similar to standard deviation?
As I have only positive ST_QA-values in my Landsat scenes, I cannot tell whether there might be minus signs and therefore directed values instead of absolute values.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
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For Collection 2 Landsat 8 L2SP, the ST_QA band contains the uncertainty of the ST band, in Kelvin.
Data range as 0 - 32767, Multiplicative Scale Factor 0.01
Reference; Landsat 8 Collection 2 (C2) Level 2 Science Product (L2SP) Guide
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
18 answers
Hello everyone,
How can performed DOP test for return/exhaust HEPA filters in the clean room? Because it can not be done by scan method for the leak test.
What will you suggest?
Are there standards or guidelines in this regard?
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Depending on the HEPA position there are multiple options, which also depend on the Different hepa filter housing designs. There is a standard ISO16170, which describes criteria for representative challenge and sampling, which is very useful.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
8 answers
Hey forum members,
I seek a micro-compounder (~5gr batches) for a clinical study batch, meaning under a GMP QA system. Simple polymer. Simple API.
Since thats a small batch I‘m looking at this stage to get it as service. Any idea where to start looking?
thanks all
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Dear Richard,
The MiniLab 3 seems to be among the last variants of micro-compounders produced by Thermofisher !
In our laboratory we have a MiniLab 2 version (volume of mixing of 7 mL), but also other twin-screw extruders going from 15 mL (Xplore micro-compounders) to hundreds of grams, or many kilograms!
I do not have a confirmation that the suppliers of equipment could provide specific compounding services.
If you have the possibility to give me some details about your interest by sending me a message via RG, maybe I will be able to help you with some ideas or we can analyze the possibility to do some compounding services.
Best regards,
PS: Please take a look on the PPT sent by me!
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
17 answers
I am using the ANN for a product reliability assurance application, i.e.picking some sample within the production process and then estimating the overall quality of the production line output. What kind of optimization algorithm do you think works the best for solving the ANN in such a problem. ?
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Optimization algorithm in neural network
The process of minimizing (or maximizing) any mathematical expression is calledoptimization. Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to change the attributes of theneural network such as weights and learning rate to reduce the losses. Optimizers are used to solve optimization problems by minimizing the function.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
7 answers
I am completing a research project using a computed tomography simulator and a phantom with 16 inserts of various known densities. Regions of interest are placed on these 16 inserts. A mean value and standard deviation are recorded for each insert. A software is used to manipulate the images and and the same ROIs are used to record the mean and standard deviation. So for any given insert we have original (mean and standard deviation) and post-processed (mean and standard deviation).
I am repeating the computed tomography scans using the same parameters over a period of time and processing the images using the same software to assess consistency of manipulation by the software. So i would like to compare the difference between (original and post-processed dataset #1) and (original and post-processed dataset #2)
I am unsure how to approach this and what statistical test to use in this case. Any suggestions of where to start?
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
QA VERIFICATION , Dosimeter, radiotherapy
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Polymer gel is a tissue equivalent material that shows changes in its optical and magnetic properties after irradiation, so that the gel could be used for 3-D dosimeter using MRI or optical CT
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
9 answers
Measuring the quality of education provided by the higher education institutes is very important to enhance the effectiveness learning. There many organisations working on different tools and techniques to measure the level of quality of education. The expected answer will help to explore current practices and to develop new measures or techniques.
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I agree with Dr.
William M. Hayden Jr.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
I am doing my thesis on agile testing strategies and would appreciate if you take the time to reply to my survey and/ or share it with your network.
Also if you are a QA, tester, develloper... or have participated in anyway to the testing phase of a project I would love to discuss the subject further more.
Thank you.
kind regards,
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Yi Qin This awesome! it seems I am unable to send you a PM so let's chat on another chanel. Also can you please answer my survey and share it.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
It has been seen that the instrument rating of an instrument mentioned in the operating manual is different from what is mentioned in the technical manual (Not all, but few). If we disregard the typing error, what are the actual reasons accounting for this difference?
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Dear Steven Cooke.
This question is related to Aviation wherein the assessment of airworthiness of some instrument found to be different in Operation manuals and Technical Manual. Operational manual is used by the Pilot/Operator whereas Technical Manual is used by Maintenance Engineering/Team. The Rating of instrument means the avionics component's operating scale with tolerance limit. For more details you can refer the avionics instrument specifications issued by various avaition agencies.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
I was wondering if there is a QA tool (or a review checklist) that could be used for critical appraisal of book chapters.
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Yes, there is quite a number of them.
Kindly, find the below article that might help you.
SANRA—a scale for the quality assessment of narrative review articles
Published online 2019 Mar 26. doi: 10.1186/s41073-019-0064-8
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. According to the quality assurance and accreditation process, it is required from all higher academic institutions to design a contingency plan in case of emergency, so no panic and risk-managed very well.
In a line of coronavirus outbreak and possibilities to close universities are there any contingency plans in a place? if not inorder the mangers to take responsibility and protect their students and staff are they ready to develop one? in your workplace as academicians do you know if there is a contingency plan available and who responds to implement it?is it developed at the level of institutions, colleges or programs?
I would appreciate your thought in this
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thanks Diana
I t would be useful to know what has been done so others could learn from it
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
What are the differences between Scope Creep and Gold Plating in Project Management.
Often these two are confusing and misleading.
Can we discuss it with real time examples?
What are their effect on scope baseline?
If so, do we need change request to deal with it?
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Dear Francine, Thanks a lot for your added discussion.
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
To implement the Novel Strategy to #Control #Population in India, an old Institute is morphed for the new role.
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Dear Bhoj P. Singh,
No government in India has successfully formulated policies to manage the country's human population growth, which stands at 1.6% a year, down from a high of about 2.3% in the early 1970s. India is forecast to become the world's most populous country in 2030, up from 1.35 billion today to nearly 1.55 billion. The two main common causes leading to over population in India are: The birth rate is still higher than the death rate. The fertility rate due to the population policies and other measures has been falling but even then it is much higher compared to other countries. The formation of a national Indian planning commission for population control is viewed as necessary for motivating all people to reduce population size. More statistics are needed in India on environmental measures and population. Environmental degradation lowers economic status, which in turn contributes to poverty. According to a report in the Times of India (6 May 2010) the government of India will not introduce legislation to reduce population growth. Report said, “Population is a major concern. India is the world's second most populous country. Urgent steps need to be taken to stabilise the population for sustainable development.”
Below are the most effective measures which can be employed to control population growth:
1. Development.
2. Easy and Cheap availability of Contraceptives. ...
3. Education. ...
4. Eradicate Poverty. ...
5. Women Empowerment. ...
6. Spread Awareness. ...
7. Providing Incentives. ...
8. Legislative Actions. ...
Hope it work out for you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
7 answers
Quality in education has become one of the worldwide prime agenda and is a concern of most countries in the world, This is due to the growing recognition of the potentially powerful role of tertiary education for growth and other reasons.
To cope with this trend, countries are under pressure to ensure and assure quality of higher education at national and internationally acceptable standards. Almost all educational institutions are in one way or another striving hard to find better ways of achieving quality education through QA systems including IQAS.
My question is that, is it possible to study how efficiencies the IQAS are? in ensuring quality provision of education in Higher learning Institutions?
What are the main main parameters to check in order to determine their efficiencies in the provission of quality education?
Thank you
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Dear Dieter T.
Thank you so much . You have opened my mind to an extra mile on this matter.
Let me work on it then I will come back whenever I need to know more.
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
I'm currently dealing with really large # of samples and want to set my AQL. So far, I've only seen these two as common standards for major and minor nonconformities, respectively. May I ask if there is a trustworthy reference for this? Most that I've seen are websites only. Thank you very much!
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To determine the AQL level of a product use the table that is recommended by ISO 2859, NF06-022, DIN 40080, BS 6001, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4.
The three common levels are 0, 2.5 and 4%. Military and medical often use 0 to 1.5. There is no fixed level. It is determined by the product and the consequences.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
8 answers
How the Big Data applications are measured?
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Big Data database systems can be very diverse, because they can be different in virtually every respect. In individual institutions and companies in which Big Data database systems are built and developed, they may differ, among others: 1. Technical and technological characteristics of servers, disks and other elements of IT and network equipment, potential of data processing speed. 2. The type and generation of operational database systems supporting specific Big Data databases. 3. Installed applications for archiving, indexing, searching and analyzing information collected in database systems. 4. The possibilities of expanding and improving specific, existing Big Data database systems. Therefore, if there is a need to accurately compare specific Big Data database systems functioning in institutions and companies, then a universal, multi-faceted, multi-factor scoring model should be built, thanks to which it will be possible to conduct such comparative analyzes.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
We tested some N550 carbon black collected from our plant day bin following ASTM 2414. Those black was unload from a trailer truck to a silo, then delivered to day bin by air (They look finer than freshly sampled black from truck). The OAN number we obtained from those N550 was around 8-10 numbers lower than usually. We also tested some daybin sampled N220, N330, an N660. So far the results are within QA spec.
From what I read mechanical force on carbon black will reduce its secondary structure which is measured with OAN, but not sure if it is the case here. I am wondering if anyone else has experience with this OAN reducing phenomenon before?
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Good question
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
I am using the RStudio's package MODIStsp. I have downloaded a time-series product of MOD11A2 (LST day & night) and in my PC the following folders were created :
a) LST_Day_1km,
b) QC_Day,
c) QAday_LST_err,
d) QAday_mand,
e) QAday_qual (the same for the night product).
While running the MODIStsp I saw written that QA's were computed. In the first folder (a) 46 images were created, the same as in the rest of the folders.
My questions are:
a) if QA's were computed, only the ones with a good quality were kept?
b) if yes, in which folder are the 'corrected' images?
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Hi Nikolaos,
Here you will find the answers you need!
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
14 answers
I am working on Quantification of HMF in honey by HPLC-UV
Recently i got some test material(honey)
I am getting 110% recovery
Results should be corrected for recovery?
For e.g say i am getting 5.5 ppm HMF
Recovery 110%
After Corrected for recovery :
Results should be 5.5*100/110= 5 ppm
So actual result would be 5 ppm
Is this right?
Please help
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Hello Ankita,
opinions are divided. There are analysts who advocate this and there are also analysts who regard it as manipulation of results. If I were you, I would report the result including recovery. With a recovery close to 100% (above or below) the error is not very large compared to the uncorrected result. In addition, recovery is an important quality criterion, as you have performed your analytics. With values around 100%, you seem to have done everything right. If, for example, a recovery value of 60 % would come out, then I would think about the entire workflow.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
19 answers
Their particular difference in terms of GMP.
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Agree with @ Roman Aleksander Tabisz. regards
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
11 answers
I am currently doing a research to investigate whether quality assurance has an impact in improving the performance and standards in Gulf States (Oman, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia) higher education institutions. The main primary focus of the study are three themes, teaching, governance and ranking. The study proposed to employ resource based view (RBV) as a theoretical framework. The reason behind choosing this theory is because the core research of RBV is performance heterogeneity and capabilities. I want some recommendations or articles that used quality assurance to measure performance improvement in higher education institutions.
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One of the ways to improve the quality in HEI is to adequately prepare for the optimal use of Information and Communication Technology (ITC). These institutes should be run by ITC enabled administrative processes.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
QA Automation Tools such as cucumber, selenium, etc check the quality of code. Is there any tool available that provides knowledge regarding software quality requirements (a.k.a. Non-functional Requirements) analysis at early stage of Requirements Engineering.
Please share your experience.
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No such tools are used for quality requirements ...but some methods are used..
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
10 answers
Quality assurance factors within the higher learning institute. The standards is used for the higher learning institute assessment. Please list 10 factors or standards.
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I follow
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
COTS Digital I&Csystems, platforms and instruments are increasingly being used in safety critical applications. In most of the cases it is seen that the documents realted to QA/manufacturing /devlopment of these products are not accessible at the manufacturer end to verify its correctness. How to qualify such products for safety critical applications and what complimentary evidences/tests to be done to have a satisfactory level of verifcation and validation of COTS digital I&c systems, platforms and instruments (sensors/actuators) to validate their quality to make them suitable in critical applications?
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From the context of your affiliation with the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and from Paul Butchart's reply, I assume that you are focused on nuclear energy. Paul's answer is very good for the focus on nuclear energy.
If you need more general information, standards, or tutorials, then the International Society of Automation (ISA) may be useful. In particular, this ISA webpage may give you some direction:
I am guessing from the brief overview description of your project that you might be involved with developing assessments and qualifications for COTS instrumentation and control systems. If you need general approaches to hazard analysis for system safety, I recommend two books:
1. "Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety," by Clifton A. Ericson, Wiley-Interscience, 2005.
2. ""Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety," by Nancy G. Leveson, MIT Press, 2011.
There is also the International System Safety Society, with a website at: , that may be of use to you.
Finally, my own textbook, "Mission-Critical and Safety-Critical Systems Handbook, Design and Development for Embedded Applications," Edited by Kim Fowler, Elsevier, 2010, may be of some use. It has specific examples found in medical devices, spacecraft, and military equipment. It does not have anything specific to the nuclear energy field.
Your question is very broad, but it does need to be asked. Many people have tackled aspects of testing certification and qualification over decades. I am not sure there is a definitive approach, other than what Paul Butchart has already given you.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
8 answers
I have downloaded MOD09A1 V006 surface reflectance data. I have an issue when using the QA flags to filter those pixels with a low quality. It seems that there exist numerous lines with this flag: 1075838976.
I think that the binary number point out that there is no atmospheric correction. However, according to bit number 0-1 it is "00" "corrected product proudced at ideal quality --all bands". Additionally the word bit for band 6 is "0001", which is a binary code not considered in Table 10 of the User Guide.
Binagy flat is:
10 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00
I would be grateful if you could give me a clue to interpret this or to decide if I should filter out those pixels or not. I am mosaicking and computing NDVI values, so atmospheric correction is important.
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Katarzyna thanks for your answers. I think I am reading it correctly. According to this video tutorial:
The bit sentence must be read from right to left and the bit word from left to right. It is shown in the minute 3:31 of the video tutorial
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I am currently working on a project that requires fault detection of engines based on the available data.
The available information are parameters that were recorded during annunciation of the previous faults, historical data on the engines of that model and obviously the engine itself, and some rules that were defined in the control logic to trigger the faults.
Unfortunately, the triggering logic provides many false positives despite rigorous QA before deployment. Therefore, using an ML or AI algorithm or any other approach that could be helpful in this area, I would like to update the triggering logic that would minimize the false positives and improves accuracy and precision of detection while does not affect performance (speed) significantly.
Any help in this area is appreciated.
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A review of process fault detection and diagnosis
Part III: Process history based methods
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
I am starting to process my diffusion imaging data (b=1000, 99 directions) and I have to perform quality assurance. I have a lot of subjects, and manual methods seem somewhat arbitrary to me, so I was wondering if anyone had used David Roalf's Diffusion QA script. Is it accurate? And is it feasible with the acquisition parameters I have?
Thank you!
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Thanks for the link Jeremie. But have you used it and if so, is it accurate?
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I am working on an HPLC method that separates our target protein from other excipients in the formulation. The goal of this method is to determine the concentration of protein in our sample. We do this by utilizing a standard of known protein concentration to determine the concentration of our unknown.
The standards are prepared (on the bench) at varying concentrations. 50 uL of each standard and sample are injected. The standard peak areas are used to create a linear standard curve against which the concentration of our sample is derived.
This method seems pretty straightforward and not uncommon. However, I am wondering why we cannot take our standard and inject different volumes (e.g. 10 uL, 30 uL, 50 uL, 70 uL, and 90 uL) and create a standard curve from this. It would save a good amount of time in running the assay.
I approached QC and QA about this, but their response was that no one does it this way because this type of method can't be validated. You can't be confident that all different instruments will inject the correct volume of standard for you. Any thoughts?
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It is the mass on column that is relevant and not the injection volume. In addition, you need a 'pure' 99% standard. The method MUST comply with ICH Q2(r1).
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
10 answers
I have been selected for the Quality Commission of my university, and we will start preparing internal evaluation report soon. However, a revision will be necessary about the strategic plan of the university and the KPIs for monitoring internal quality (education, research and administrative quality). I recently read a paper and there was an interesting example about determining stragey based on KPIs rather than vice a versa. This actually made sense since main KPIs are already fixed/widely used on national/international levels (like qualification frameworks, and policies of central higher education commissions), and many HEIs do not have the autonomy or the power to change these expectations. So here is the question: Is it better to determine strategy based on pre-established KPIs when compared to determining KPIs based on strategy?
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Dear H. Serkan Akilli,
Many university nowadays make the same move -- have the pre-established set of KPI (for example, the desired rank in the Times, Shanghai Index etc.) and them put any efforts to reach the formal indicators which correspond to the rank "Xth minus Y". The results are usually awful -- see the enclosed the classical paper on the consequences of stretch goals.
Kind regards,
Igor Gurkov
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
Sequential-Sampling Plan can be defined as a further refinement of the double-sampling plan, in which we randomly select items from the lot and inspects them one by one. Each time an item is inspected, a decision is made to accept or to reject the lot. But is there a particular limitation for the number of samples that we can draw out in this method?
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Yes, the curtailment sample size is just that; the maximum cumulative number of samples for a given sampling plan. If no decision is made and the curtailment sample size has reached the limit, no further sampling is required. Make a decision on the lot disposition, accept or not. This situation can happen (in theory) but with either good or poor quality the decision is made with the smallest average sample number compared to all other attributes sampling. See ISO 2859-5
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
1 answer
I have an argument with QA during SOP writing, regarding nasogastric tubing covered under oral dosing title.
If it is correct kindly provide me a logic.
Thanking you.
pradeep patil 
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I would not accept that an order for medication to be administered by oral route can automatically be administered by nasogastric or PEG tube. Prior to administering (and indeed ordering) any medication via the enteral route the practitioner needs to take into account the formulation, potential interaction with feed, type of tube, site of placement, and site of drug absorption for each medication. The practitioner ordering the medication should seek the pharmacists advice or whether the medication can be administered enterally (which in most cases involves crushing or dispersion eg., Omeprazole and others eg., enteric coated - thus slow release medications cannot be crushed. Each hospital usually has a list of medications which can be administed enterally
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
I have an extremely high R^2 (Pred) of 96% and R^2 (adj) of 99%. Using Minitab's response optimizer I generate a confidence interval and prediction interval for specific settings. Yet when I get to the shop floor to test these settings my results are generally out of the interval. 
The intervals for specific settings are generally .002 wide which is extremely tight for machining processes. 
I am assuming the operator is having a significant effect on the parts.
Have I over fitted the model? Taking out terms reduces the R^2 (pred) but it widens the intervals which may be more relevant.
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Thank you for the reply. All VIF's were 1.00. As far as domain, I'm modeling a machining process in the aerospace industry. I have attached the data file. TIR 1 is the response variable. 
Interesting you say error being too low. I was under the assumption that minimizing your error was the hallmark of a properly performed experiment. 
I appreciate any insight you may have.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
At the moment I have structured data set of profiles of exporters and  pasts results of each tea sample that were tested in the laboratory.  In this process there are 6 main reasons which could lead to reject a sample during the inspection. They are as follows. 
·         Microbial contamination
·         Contamination  due to adulteration (add : FeSo4, NaCo3, sugar,CaCo3 )
·         ISO 3700 Limits (Crude fiber > 16.5% )
·         Silicon Acid insolubility (1%)
·         Fake grade
·         Full analysis
o   Alkaline test
o   Water Extraction
o   Total poly phenols (Anti-oxidant)
Are there any similar researches conducted which could help me to refer as literature for above research?.
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Not at all
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
I need a comprehensive document which describes procedures for quality control of linear accelerators in external beam radiotherapy. There are some documents like TG40, etc. but they didn't describe the procedure thoroughly.
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Check TRS 398 IAEA  document
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
Hi there,
I'm concerned with fire regime modeling based on a MCD45A1 time series in a savanna. I have noticed that burned areas vary noticeably for my region if I restrict them to those assigned with highest confidence (ba_qa=1) as compared to those originating from ba_qa=1:4. However, I find hardly any study dealing with this issue. What's your experience? Would you recommend to also include detections of lower confidence?
Thank you for your thoughts!
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Thanks for sharing your experience, Alan! The paper you provided, however, describes a totally different approach. Those interested in my original question might find the following two articles useful - although savannas are only partly covered there:
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
Quality Assurance in Open and Distance Learning
I would appreciate to link me to Journal articles and other scholarly writings.
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  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
Typically, a Quality Assurance (QA) program has at least 2 goals, which are:
  1. Establish that the software meets the stated requirements.
  2. Minimize the number of errors in the deployed software.
Measuring the QA processes effectiveness to these goals is straightforward (coverage and count reported errors), but the second goal may take years to identify the escaping errors. This brings us back to the question. To make a QA process more effective (meeting goals and costs), we need to know the characteristics of a QA process. Understanding the characteristics of a QA process also provides a basis to evaluate new techniques that may improve both the effectiveness and reduce the cost of quality.
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The viewpoint of a stakeholder as to requirements completeness is entirely different than that of QA. For a business application, the requirements are generally very inadequate for the purpose of QA. In this case, QA needs to play an effective role in making the requirements more complete as to enable better testing. So, one characteristic is to either include QA as a stakeholder or include a requirements review and possible cleanup phase as part of the process.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
21 answers
Currently working for the quality department of a logistics warehousing company. Taking into consideration that some of the supervisors are not working to the level of what is expected as well as the absenteeism and lateness of people working there. Moreover, the HR department does not take into consideration its employee, so what do you suggest ? Also, how can we improve HACCP for cold and dry warehouses in order to be on the top? What actions should be taken to improve the quality department of the company?
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Good you shared your concern.
Begin with creating a good work environment through HR management. Agree with the HR department on SMART Quality objectives which should capture staff motivation.
Develop SMART quality objectives that drives the company wide quality for the various departments. Break down the departments quality objective to individual quality objectives of staff in the department in the form of job roles and functions.
Develop checklists to monitor staff performance by if you like quarterly reviews and appraisals.
Reward, Reward, Reward.
Implement consequence management.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
8 answers
It is against the law in some states to provide care to close family members and many codes of physician ethics contain guidelines not to do so.  
Does anyone know of any empirical evidence whatsoever that physicians provide worse care to their relatives or are more likely to act unethically etc. in the care of their relatives than of other patients?
I'd like to help someone study this.
Relevant answer
I totally agree with the comment of Napoleon Ono Imaah
Jose Luis
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el comentario de Napoleón Ono Imaah
José Luis
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
10 answers
What we need is a pointer for picking spatial points inside buildings and their rooms, and 3D software which can convert those spatial data
points into a 3D model.
We want to pick floor and ceiling points for corners, and frames of windows and doors and hallways and wall-shape-transitions, etc. The idea is
to save a ton of time taking and scribing measurements with conventional tools, and getting actual accurate shapes of rooms into the model very
The model would be imported into Revit for further work, and remodeling to prep for visualization and walk-throughs.
1. How can we get this done, and with what hardware and software?
2. Perhaps finger tracking could work for this, and we would need to know who to contact for more information and possibly assistance
3. This seems like a great R&D project if a system is not currently available. We can make resources available for QA testing at NMSU.
We had considered that Kinect might be used, but expect it would not provide accuracy or be useful with a set of procedures that work the same
in all rooms. We expect that something like an ultrasonic system with wand and reference unit would be useful and accurate for these purposes.
Thank You for any assistance you may provide, and for taking the time to respond.
George Szynal
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Excellent! I also discovered that Autodesk has something along these lines, although as with all of these systems we need to try them to see what they can do.
Autodesk ReCap 360
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
I need an instructor-friendly good textbooks suggestion about the topics below. 
What I mean: Which has presentations ready, code examples, solutions to questions in the book.
  1. Software Reengineering
  2. Software Testing, QA & Security
Thank you,
Murat Gungor
Relevant answer
I would suggest "The Art of Software Testing" by GJ Myers. 2. Secure Coding Principles by Robert Seacord
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
23 answers
What are the human resources strategy/methods to ensure that the workers are effective and efficient.
What would be a good definition of quality from the human resource management perspective
Relevant answer
From a strategic HRM perspective, you could also look at the literature on High Performance Work Systems (HPWS). These are sets of HRM practices that should be beneficial both the the organization and for individual employees. An often cited overview of the literature was published in 1998 by Becker et al. (Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management). More recent papers include Evans and Davis (2005 in Journal of Management 31, 5), Boxall and Macky (2009 in Human Resource Management Journal, 19, 1) and Van de Voorde and Beijer (2015 in Human Resource Management Journal, 25, 1). This literature could help you to answer your questions.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
I am trying to work out the most focussed research topic for a PhD study, having tried to streamline it from a very broad area of focus. First it was Quality and Quality assurance in Higher Education, then the focus moved on to History of Higher Education in a fixed national setting. That again seems to be still too broad. Now I have picked on one aspect or theme in Higher Education and wish to use annual reports for a historical analysis of trends in institutional demographics within a specific national setting over a fixed period of time of about 25 years.
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Thank Dragos, I guess I will have to look into your suggestion.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
I am conducting a study on evaluation of ECD policy implementation and quality service delivery. Therefore, looking for a tool which would help me to quantify quality of the pre-schools environment in Murang'a Kenya
Relevant answer
Kindly reach out to Dr. John Ng'asike of Mount Kenya University, Early Childhood Studies Department , Thika Main Campus for assistance. He is a specialist.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
10 answers
1. Cost of quality (COQ), quality related cost, 
2. Lifecycle cost (LCC)
3. Total ownership cost (TOC)
Relevant answer
Dear Zhou,
Cost of quality is the economic value of all activities/resources needed to achieve quality.  Many authors recognize four types of quality costs:
1. prevention costs, such as personnel training, product/service design, supplier selection.
2.. appraisal costs are those related to quality assurance and quality control activities carried out during or at the end the production process (process/product inspections or lab tests)
3. internal failure costs: the economic value of activities related to the occurrence of failure in products or service (reprocessing, product repairing, waste, extra man hours, etc.)
4. external failure costs: related to activities an organization has to undertake when the client detects a failure in our product or service (warranties, legal actions, replacement, extra freights, etc.)
You cannot expect to reach zero COQ, but the manager's task is to minimize total COQ, by an optimal combination of the four types of costs.
Many authors also recognize intangible costs, like sales lost to actual and future clients.
Unfortunately, I'm not an expert in LCC or TOC, but I hope you'll find my answer a littel helpful.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
110 answers
When we buy, for example, electrical products, we look for the certification mark or logo (as attached) that proves they have been certified to certain safety standards to avoid electrical shock and fire. How much are you sensitive to these marks? Why are standards important? Why are standards needed? What are the purpose of developing and adhering to standards? Please state both advantageous and disadvantageous of complying to standards.
Relevant answer
I think one benefit is that your products and services would more easily accepted both at home and abroad as they comply with the requirements of the relevant standard setting body.
Many thanks,
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
How to create certificate of analysis (CoA)? or is CoA the same as certificate that you got when you identify any sample in some laboratories?
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For the issue of a certificate of analysis you can usefully refer to the requirements of paragraph 5.10 of the EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard. The most important requirements are shown below:
  1. a title (e.g. "Test Report" );
  2. the name and address of the laboratory, and the location where the tests were carried out, if different from the address of the laboratory;
  3. the name and address of the customer;
  4. identification of the method used;
  5. a description of, the condition of, and unambiguous identification of the item(s) tested;
  6. the date of receipt of the test item(s) where this is critical to the validity and application of the results, and the date(s) of performance of the test;
  7. reference to the sampling plan and procedures used by the laboratory or other bodies where these are relevant to the validity or application of the results;
  8. the test results with, where appropriate, the units of measurement;
  9. where applicable, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement; 
  10. where relevant, a statement of compliance/non-compliance with requirements and/or specifications;
  11. where appropriate and needed, opinions and interpretations.
  12. the name(s), function(s) and signature(s) or equivalent identification of person(s) authorizing the test report certificate;
Hoping to be helpful
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
Validation, tablet compression, pharmaceutical industry 
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Risk of poor flow of granules, soft tablets, large weight variation, and poor content uniformity of tablets.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
2 answers
Quality control, process qualification
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In Process Quality Control System (IPQC) for Solid Dosages Form (Tablets)
This should be useful
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
10 answers
Cleaning validation, QMS, Quality assurance 
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Dear Rishabh
from my experience in the food industry 
there should be a documented  description for the cleaning process of each item 
How to clean - what detergent or cleaning, or sanitation materiel you will use   
 when to clean 
 who will clean 
 who will check up cleaning operation and how 
 some times you need chemical test 
 sometimes you need microbiological test  to avoid both mix up - contamination 
 this route or alike should be followed and any step should be documented and records kept-
 corrective actions case of defects should be considered
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
What is the difference between residual solvent and moisture content?
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By definition, moisture content is the ratio of the mass of water in a sample to the mass of solids in the sample, expressed as a percentage.
For pharmacopeial purposes, residual solvents in pharmaceuticals are defined as organic volatile chemicals that are used or produced in the manufacture of drug substances or excipients, or in the preparation of drug products. The residual solvents are not completely removed by practical manufacturing techniques. Appropriate selection of the solvent for the synthesis of a drug substance or an excipient may enhance the yield, or determine characteristics such as crystal form, purity, and solubility. Therefore, the solvent may sometimes be a critical element in the synthetic process. However, the content of solvents in such products should be evaluated and justified. Because residual solvents do not provide therapeutic benefit, they should be removed, to the extent possible, to meet ingredient and product specifications, good manufacturing practices, or other quality-based requirements. Drug products should contain no higher levels of residual solvents than can be supported by safety data.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
How is Quality Assurance framed for Open Distance Learning in indigenous contexts?
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It is interesting to visit the research of Dr Manuel Area. He has write interesting papers on distance training
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
Sources from peer reviewed journals will be appreciated.
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yes, it is possible.  See attached document for more insights 
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
6 answers
I am doing my research in enhancing agile methodology by improving overall quality. Number of challenges are there in agile. Which quality model used in companies for agile quality assurance?
Is there any data set of agile project available?
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There are over 50 quality attributes (e.g. safety, security, portability, etc.).  These attributes are NOT specific to Agile nor any development strategy. They are specific to the requirements of the system being built or modified.
Different strategies are more or less effective in specifying, achieving, and verifying different quality requirements.  While Agile can be very effective in deal with functionality, most Agile methodologies fail to address quality attributes effectively.  XP effectively addresses 4 of them. 
An Agile team may address quality effectively, but only by ignoring most of the advice that Agile provides.  For example, quality attribute requirements should be identified early and often.  This is contrary to the Agile antipattern of Big Requirements Up Front.
You can find more information and a conceptual framework for quality attributes at
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
 Links to peer reviewed articles or journals will be appreciated a great deal. 
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Models, frameworks, & theories are used interchangeably in literature. Although some philosophers try to differentiate between them, they are almost the same.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
4 answers
Kindly link me to peer reviewed journals. I need this information for my Literature Review.
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Dear Evans, I did a brief search on Google Scholar and embed the link to the results.   Good luck with your research.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
9 answers
This question born because I have a disagree with a partner: we need to measure a property in a material, but the method is not standardized, and when we request to a third party lab they have not accredited technician for do it even they have not certification for the test, so that he said that there is no way to probe that the methode he uses is wrong, because the lab cannot reproduce it in and accredited way. Obviously for me is totally wrong, because even when you have not accreditation, if you have the conditions to reproduce the experiment with the same or better exactitude and presicion degree you can do it no matters you have an accreditation or a third part validation. I think about the scholar and prived research that make experiments under certain conditions of control, but need not any accreditation (of course can be wrong but not to be imposible to be verify).
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I would like to agree with the views of our colleague Chris Harrington but add some more points. In case the method is not a standard one, a full validation needs to be carried out in the lab. To this end, the Eurachem Guide on validation could be very helpful. Further to this, in case the laboratory could not find any commercially available PT scheme for the particular parameter and matrix to participate in, a more detailed IQC could be used. In case no (certified) reference materials are available for use in the IQC, routine lab samples could be used under conditions maintaining there stability for a certain period. Furthermore duplicate tests could be carried out by more than one        competent and authorized (not "accredited") members of the staff.
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
31 answers
Getting accreditation for professional colleges has become a necessity in many countries  . Accreditation experts visit  the colleges for 2 to 3 days  to conduct an academic audit and verify the data given in the self- assessment report and then award a rank  . Do you feel the real quality of the education can be assessed in this short time and through quantification of complex variables involved in the teaching-learning  and research processes  in professional colleges?
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Not necessarily as these Agencies do not always take into consideration the culture of the immediate society/institution. I know from experience in the Caribbean, some internationally funded projects at some institutions failed to meet accreditation standards and were not accredited by the International Agencies. In one instance that involved setting up a garment construction training institution with a workforce component, whereby trainees can work and study, the international accreditation standards required that the trainees/employees be searched everyday on leaving/entering the compound. Well, students were not use to such measures and did not subject themselves to these searches. The latter affected the success of the project negatively.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
3 answers
What do you think are the outcomes and impacts of curricular amalgamation leading towards a common accreditation or quality standards of certain disciplines?  How does educational system integration affects the social standing, economic well-being and political empowerment of an individual?
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In my region's experience with such integration, all the Aesean countries may not be at the same level of development, so allowances would have to be made where such integration is done on a phased basis. Here's what's available in ResearchGate;
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Quality Assurance
5 answers
I want to design a scale of Inspectors' performance. Inspectors are the people who evaluate the quality of schools and who are doing the external quality assurance process of pre-university education (in schools)  
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