Science topics: Social ScienceQualitative Social Research
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Qualitative Social Research - Science topic
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Qualitative Sozialforschung und qualitative Methodenlehre befinden sich in einer Umbruchphase. Mit der Entwicklung neuer Forschungsfragen, -felder und -zugänge, der Expansion des qualitativen Lehrangebots, einem Generationenwechsel unter den Lehrenden, hochschulpolitischen Transformationsprozessen und technologischen Veränderungen entstehen neue Mö...
O Programa L’Oréal-UNESCO-ABC Para Mulheres na Ciência premia jovens pesquisadoras proeminentes e, assim, nosso objetivo foi analisar as trajetórias das vencedoras da Química. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa Social Qualitativa. Os dados foram constituídos pelo site da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, dos Currículos Lattes das laureadas e de entrevistas se...
¿Qué piensan los equipos de centros de salud, escuelas y organismos de niñez y adolescencia sobre la respuesta ofrecida desde sus instituciones frente a la develación y/o detección de una situación de violencia sexual contra una niña, niño o adolescente? ¿Cuáles son las opiniones de psicólogas, médicas, trabajadoras sociales, enfermeras, docentes y...
This article discusses some results emerging from qualitative social research about anti-speciesist aesthetic activism in Turin and Verona (Italy). Such activism aims to provoke moral-affective ruptures through the visibility of animal suffering. The social movements under examination are involved in call-to-responsibility action, through affective...
Relationships between adolescents with disabilities and their non-disabled peers are characterised by certain tensions due to low communication experiences, so joint activities in heterogeneous groups can have a unique positive impact on each participant, while at the same time building community and social interactions. As creative and artistic ac...
Der Artikel analysiert Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen jüdischer Schulbildung in Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der I. E. Lichtigfeld-Schule in Frankfurt am Main und der Joseph-Carlebach-Schule in Hamburg. An beiden Standorten existiert eine heterogene Schülerschaft, die sich aus nichtjüdischen und jüdischen Schüler:...
This paper aims to present a process that led to the development of a community-based adaptive governance model for tourist beaches as a significant step toward consolidating an integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) program at the local level. This research spans 16 years of work conducted in Playa Blanca, Santa Marta, Colombia, from 2008 to 20...
Against a backdrop of increasing levels of discontent and division reported in democratic societies, meaningful social interactions (especially between strangers) are clearly important to study. Drawing on observations during previous research projects, this article explores whether and how online focus groups (OFGs) can be leveraged to facilitate...
An investigation was carried out to assess animal biosecurity knowledge, attitudes, practices, and disease surveillance activities in high schools with farms through qualitative social research and educational outreach.
The overall aim was to identify the level of preparedness for, and prevention of biosecurity threats including emergency animal d...
This paper criticizes the unsuccessful strategies currently used in qualitative social research to provide an empirical referent cantered exclusively on informants' utterances. This critique makes it possible to substantiate and concretize the proposal for the systematic inclusion of ad-hoc empirical referents in the production and recording of the...
Bausteine für die nachhaltige Sicherung einer qualitätsvollen Pflege Diese Publikation ist das Ergebnis einer interdisziplinären Arbeit, die verschiedene Perspektiven vereint hat. Für die ökonomische Analyse wurde die demografische Entwicklung mit sozialwissenschaftlichen Methoden kombiniert. Dieses kurze Vorwort dient als Anleitung zur Studie und...
The EU adopted Directive 2010/63/EU, thereby creating an instrument for legally implementing effective measures to regulate animal experimentation. In this framework, the 3Rs principle for replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal experiments proposed by Russell and Burch (1959) is of paramount importance. The highest goal of the 3Rs can be...
Images and texts, their qualities as empirical data, and their entanglements, have been the object of methodological and theoretical debates in social scientific research for a few decades now. Scholars have argued that images and texts are fundamentally different to the point of being incommensurable. Contrary to this line of reasoning, this paper...
This article explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and reconstructive qualitative social research, posing how AI can support complex interpretation processes in this field. The proposed method, Reconstructive Social Research Prompting (RSRP), aims to leverage AI to interpret empirical materials that are intersubjectively verifia...
Simple Summary
How can human–animal studies benefit from philosophy, especially the new phenomenology, which was founded by Hermann Schmitz? This article discuss that question, using the example of human–horse relationships. Based on the results of qualitative social research, three basic concepts of new phenomenology are empirically examined and t...
This study investigates the subjective perceptions of food poverty in Germany by analysing Twitter discourse using the German-language hashtag #IchBinArmutsbetroffen (#IamPovertyAffected) and examines the extent to which various dimensions of a multidimensional theoretical model of food poverty are represented in the discourse.
Die Rahmenbedingungen der Primärversorgung unterscheiden sich zwischen einzelnen europäischen Ländern. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, in welcher Hinsicht Systemunterschiede (vorgegebene Faktoren, auf die die einzelnen Hausärzt:innen keinen Einfluss haben) zwischen Ländern die hausärztliche Tätigkeit...
A Política Nacional de Educação Popular em Saúde emerge como intervenção eficaz para a ampliação dos campos das práticas populares de saúde. No processo de territorialização, evidenciou-se o coletivo feminino como representação potencial na construção desses saberes. O estudo objetivou retratar os saberes populares em saúde das “Marias marisqueiras...
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo geral compreender a produção de masculinidades para homens que se denominam “machos” em aplicativo de encontros eróticos. Partimos de referenciais teóricos que questionam o regime de poder que estrutura as compreensões de masculinidades e sexualidade, tendo por via a matriz reguladora da heteronormatividade. Qu...
Der Beitrag analysiert, wie Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und die zugehörigen Medienkompetenzen in Online-Kommentarspalten von Nutzer:innen verhandelt werden. Im Zentrum der empirischen Untersuchung stehen Online-Kommentare, die auf Nachrichtenportalen bzw. zu Beiträgen über KI auf Plattformen wie Instagram, YouTube sowie Facebook verfasst wurden und...
Entre lo ordinario y lo extraordinario: Estrategias metodológicas para la investigación social cualitativa es una obra colectiva que presenta una amplia diversidad de aproximaciones y experiencias metodológicas atravesadas por una misma pregunta: ¿cómo investigar en situaciones adversas? Estas situaciones pueden ir desde la imposibilidad de salir d...
La accidentalidad peatonal representa un desafío persistente en las ciudades a nivel mundial, con implicaciones significativas para la seguridad vial y el bienestar de las personas. Este estudio aborda esta problemática en la ciudad de Manizales, Colombia, mediante el enfoque bricolage de la investigación en diseño (Yee & Bremner, 2011),integrando...
The debates at the nexus of migration and gender often focus on the supposedly diverging ideals Muslims and Christians have about gender. Migrant femininities and masculinities are framed in contrast to liberal, Western values and they undermine the efforts for more gender equality in Western societies. Only a few studies have addressed non-Muslim...
Desde hace algún tiempo, la retórica de la calidad se viene haciendo cada vez más ubicua en nuestras sociedades, suena en cualquier rincón de la vida cotidiana. Hay una necesidad mayor, precisamente ahora, en un momento de eclosión de este sello "calidad", de definir conceptual y empíricamente qué significa en el campo que nos ocupa de la investiga...
The consideration of research ethics to protect the research participants is a central element of empirical social research. Empirical research in organizations has certain characteristics: the research field is organized hierarchically and characterized by formal membership, specific control mechanisms, positive and negative sanctions, etc. Drawin...
Forum: Oral History in Medicine. Something special?
As in many other disciplines, oral history is a widespread method of contemporary historical research in medical history and is of particular relevance to qualitative social research. More recent eyewitness projects are oriented towards current methodological standards and make use of the various...
Qualitative social research has made valuable contributions to understanding technology-based interventions in global health. However, we have little evidence of who is carrying out this research, where, how, for what purpose, or the overall scope of this body of work. To address these questions, we undertook a systematic evidence mappin...
This article discusses our development of a new form of feminist Creative Analytic Practices (CAP) by creating knowledge through interactive video installation and web-based interactive re-storytelling ( Since the 1990s, qualitative social researchers have been developing alternative methods and forms to ca...
Recording and transcribing interviews in qualitative social research is a vital but time-consuming and resource-intensive task. To tackle this challenge, researchers have explored various alternative approaches; automatic transcription utilising speech recognition algorithms has emerged as a promising solution. The question of whether automated tra...
Wohnungslosigkeit ist in Deutschland ein bestehendes Phänomen extremster Armut. Der in den USA entwickelte Ansatz Housing First wird als Paradigmenwechsel in der Wohnungsnotfallhilfe diskutiert, indem er am dringendsten Bedarf wohnungsloser Menschen im Hilfeprozess als Erstes ansetzt: der bedingungslosen Bereitstellung einer eigenen...
This paper presents the concept of the emigration region that emerged as a result of wide research identifying the causes of emigration and migration networks, as well as the demographic and socio-economic consequences of significant emigration for particular regions. It is an overview based on long-standing research by the authors and draws heavil...
From a qualitative social approach, we seek to de-naturalize visions, relationshipsand practices, de-familiarizing the "natural" (neutral for some) position of those we investigate. To this end, we organize this article in three sections. In the first, we trace a relationship between extractivism and capitalism, models of nature conservation andpro...
In the methodology of the humanities and social sciences, several temporality layers play a role from the outset, which are related both to the historicity of life practice itself and to its investigation. Especially in the context of hermeneutic procedures, three temporal layers are relevant here: first, that of the becoming of an object, second,...
After the long-lasting divestment in the Italian public housing system and the privatization of over 20% of the stock, many public dwellings are vacant or in substantial need of maintenance. The article aims at contributing to the literature that addresses the crisis of public housing, by investigating alternatives to its privatization in Italy, a...
In a project of qualitative social research we analyse the interviews with eight principals of Swiss primary schools. We analyse the attitudes and the practice of parent involvement in these schools, which depend on the socioeconomic status of the community, the professional experience and the actual management style of the school director. We foun...
This paper reflects on an interdisciplinary and method triangulation approach for digital product development. The research project "Smart Inclusivity for homeless people" (SIWo), conducted by the Ohm, is cited as an example. In the project, research methods from qualitative social sciences involving group discussions and interviews were combined w...
This study aims to analyze the impact of a cashless and cardless society on millennials. This research is a qualitative social research using primary data. Problem identification is supported by the VostViewer tool. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and reviewing cashless and cardless practices. Meanwhile, the data analysis...
Tekstini osallistuu sosiaalitutkimuksen painopisteistä käytävään keskusteluun ja erityisesti laadullisen tutkimuksen teorioita, menetelmiä ja tutkimustapoja koskevaan nykydebattiin. Panokseni rakentuu kolmiosaisesti. Tarjoan ensinnäkin kehittelemäni analyyttisen välineen, teoria-menetelmä-pakettityökalun (TMP-työkalu) tutkijayhteisön käyttöön. TMP-...
Este artigo é parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla que analisa os processos sociais e culturais envolvidos na condição da monoparentalidade feminina, enfatizando jornadas exaustivas e responsabilização pela economia dos cuidados e reprodução social da vida. Objetiva-se analisar como as estruturas opressoras patriarcais afetam e refletem nas vivências d...
The article develops a catalog of eleven scientific quality criteria for sociological research papers from an analytical-empirical perspective. The criteria catalog includes quality requirements for theory development and empirical social research. A distinction is made between two basic criteria that address the entire research process, nine core...
This research aims to provide information to BUMDes to create business units that can manage and utilize village potential to advance community businesses while at the same time developing BUMDes businesses. In this study there are several problem formulations including: (1). How to optimize the potential of Duarato village that can be developed by...
Spätestens seit Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie wurde öffentlich vielfach diskutiert, welche Auswirkungen die Arbeit im Homeoffice auf die Beschäftigten hat und ob die Zunahme des mobilen Arbeitens neue Chancen für die Geschlechtergerechtigkeit birgt. An diesen Diskurs knüpft die Untersuchung an und widmet sich der Frage, wie das Homeo...
Synthetic herbicides have revolutionised agricultural weed control. Herbicide resistance (HR) is a natural process through which weeds evolve to be no longer susceptible to a herbicide. Repeated use of similar herbicides can lead to the proliferation of resistant weed populations, with detrimental on-farm effects. To date, 267 weed species worldwid...
The Nicaraguan festivity dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is a very vast topic. In this study, our purpose is an approach to the Gritería, an activity celebrated the day before. It is intended to show that the heritage value of a cultural asset is a process that is built with the creation, appropriation, resemantization and...
Wie beeinflusst der Einsatz elektronischer bzw. digitaler Medien die Produktion von Daten in qualitativen Interviews und Beobachtungen? Während methodologische Reflexionen bislang v.a. auf die qualitative Erforschung digitaler Felder konzentriert sind, erweitern wir die Perspektive auf Felder, die nicht per se digital sind, die aber mittlerweile vo...
La investigación social cualitativa de la vida de las personas migrantes en Chile implica indagar en el sufrimiento social que se erige sobre la “condición migratoria” que se produce. El progresivo recrudecimiento de las políticas migratorias tanto a nivel nacional como internacional desde finales del siglo XX ha profundizado más aún los efectos de...
O trabalho está na área da Educação Física, Esportes e Educação Ambiental, e tem como objetivo investigar possibilidades e desafios no processo de inclusão e aplicação dos esportes de aventura nas aulas de Educação Física, no ciclo II, do ensino fundamental. Os participantes da pesquisa foram alunos de 4ª e 5ª ano do ensino fundamental de uma escol...
Looking at specific characteristics of a photographic image, different aspects are noticeable, such as the constructed reality captured by the camera’s one-eyed viewfinder respectively the designed cut-outs of world. These viewing regimes conserve patterns, which in turn can be reconstructed with methods of empirical social research. In detail, cul...
Digital features like virtual reality have hardly been used in the framework of data collection in qualitative social work research. Virtual reality holds specific promise because it allows the immersion of participants in a situation and has the potential to strengthen the ecological validity of data. In this light, we examined the use of a virtua...
The article addresses the sociology and practices of translation. The main argument is that translation work should be understood in ethnomethodological terms as an indexical, social, and interactive practice that produces an ongoing “third space” of difference. The article provides insights into the practice of ethnographic translation work in a m...
Educational communities are understood as a group of people who participate in the learning processes of an educational institution, academic center, or school. Accordingly, in this review article, the current theory about learning communities and their possible influence on English communicative competence are bonded together through discussion. T...
Qualitative social research has systematically dispensed with the use of accessible and shared empirical referents from which to agree on the production and analysis of the speech under study. From this deficit, what this work does is to analyse the problem of speech used as empirical material for observation from the point of view of scientific wo...
The subject of this review is the book entitled: "Jakościowe Metody Badań Społecznych -podejście aplikacyjne" ("Qualitative social research methods - an applied approach") by Prof. Dominika Maison.
La reflexividad ha sido considerada tradicionalmente una herramienta metodológica en la investigación cualitativa en ciencias sociales, especialmente útil en el trabajo de campo. Sin embargo, en este artículo defendemos la pertinencia de trascender esta perspectiva y posicionar la reflexividad como una práctica trasversal. Entendida como práctica,...
Der Artikel entwickelt einen Katalog von elf wissenschaftlichen Gütekriterien für soziologische Forschungsarbeiten aus einer analytisch-empirischen Perspektive. Der Kriterienkatalog umfasst Qualitätsanforderungen an die Theorieentwicklung und die empirische Sozialforschung. Unterschieden werden zwei Basiskriterien, die den gesamten...
The widespread use of digital communication technologies has created new opportunities for social research. In this paper, we explore the limits and potentials of using messaging and social media apps as tools for qualitative research. Building upon our research on Italian migration to Shanghai, we discuss in detail the methodological choice of usi...
Qualitative Interviews haben pandemiebedingt eine Virtualisierung erfahren. Der Goldstandard der Face-to-Face-Interviews wurde in ein digitales Format übersetzt, d.h., Interviews werden auf Distanz geführt. Die Notwendigkeit, die Potenziale und Grenzen von Interviews auf Distanz zu reflektieren sowie epistemologische Konsequenzen zu bedenken, ist a...
There is limited documentation of cross-tenure collaborative weed management programs, and no consistent set of metrics for evaluating their performance. In this study, twelve weed management practitioners in south-east Australia participated in a qualitative social research project to discuss and document examples of cross-tenure collaborative wee...
Games are popular heuristics of sociological theory. However, their potential for empirical research has not yet been systematically recognized and tested. In this working paper, we attempt to combine qualitative grounded theory methodology and game design in the sense of design games. With the rise of digital media as a major sociological topic, s...
The stay-at-home measures imposed by governments to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic have drawn attention to the domestic sphere. Besides spending much more time at home in general, people also required the private sphere to fulfill multiple functions, including as workplaces, schools, and fitness centers. Within a qualitative social research frame...
Hintergrund der Studie war die Beleuchtung ermöglichender und restringierender Faktoren für einen inklusiven und grenzübergreifenden Sozialraum für Menschen mit Behinderungen (MmB) in der Grenzregion Bayern-Tirol. Im Folgenden wird auf die methodologische und methodische Strategie sowie Erfahrung des qualitativen Ansatzes in der Inklusion von MmB i...
Im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie haben sozialwissenschaftliche Zeitdiagnosen und empirische Analysen Konjunktur. Aufgrund der weitreichenden gesellschaftlichen Transformationen ergibt sich ein erhöhter Bedarf an Erklärungen. Genauso ist aber auch das Verstehen gefragt, für das klassischerweise die qualitative Sozialforschung verantwortlich zeichnet...
One of the most important processes related to the transformation of the spatial
structure of rural areas is land consolidation and parcel exchange, carried out under
the Rural Development Programme. At present, when undertaking land consolidation, it is important to foresee activities to promote creative attitudes among rural inhabitants and eng...
In modern developed democracies, the mechanism of control of the executive structure by the representative body operates at both the central and local levels of government. In the case of Georgia, the analysis of the regional level is important, because the autonomy of Adjara in the country creates an important regional level of governance, and the...
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von Nähe und Distanz in der gemeinsamen Koordination musikalischer Praktiken, genauer: in der intersubjektiven Kommunikation über die Stimme im Kontext professionellen Gesangs. Dazu wird vor dem Hintergrund einer phänomenologischen Betrachtung der Stimme, insbesondere ihrem Spannungsfeld von Nähe und Di...
The modern migration processes in Georgia, especially ecological motives that are caused by the social enviroment have many reasons and they don’t fully corresponds to the socio-economic strategic interests of the development of the country. It is the weak economy mainly due to geographical factors, the backwardness and high cost of the service sec...
The present paper addresses how the concept of double-dialogicality may contribute to our understanding of how to generalize from single cases. Various attempts have been made within qualitative social research to define how generalization is possible from single cases. One problem with generalization in psychology is that any human activity and se...
Social research is a focused, systematic inquiry intended to generate new knowledge. It is the intellectual tool of social scientists, which allows them to enter contexts of personal and/or public interest that are unknown to them, and to search for answers to their questions. Social research is about discovery, expanding the horizons of the known,...
Este artículo trata de ofrecer una remirada sobre la metodología sociológica cualitativa hecha en España en los últimos dos o tres lustros. No hay propósito de inventario, sino de perspectiva, de selección muestral «estratégica», de «muestreo teórico» (Glaser y Strauss, 1967) y muestra «estructural» (Ibáñez, 1979). Esto nos ha llevado a recurrir a...
El presente artículo aborda los inicios del concepto de bricoleur y sus implicancias en las investigaciones sociales cualitativas, específicamente en etnografías colaborativas al sumar nuevas herramientas, disciplinas y técnicas de representación. En este escrito se realiza un recorrido de la disciplina antropológica, hasta encontrar un punto de in...
This text addresses the problem of information privacy in qualitative social research developed in the context of the digital world. For this purpose, the concept of privacy is reviewed from an analogical view towards its incorporation in the digital plane with the figure of information privacy and some elements of Gadamer’s hermeneutics. First, th...
This article addresses the sociology and practices of translation. The main argument is that translation work should be understood in ethnomethodological terms as an indexical, social, and interactive practice that produces an ongoing “third space” of difference. The article provides insights into the practice of ethnographic translation work in a...
This article addresses the onset of the bricoleur notion and its implications in qualitative social research, specifically in collaborative ethnographies, by adding new tools, disciplines, and representation techniques|. In this article, a journey through anthropology as a discipline is taken on to find a turning point between bricolage and collabo...
Este artigo tem como o objeto de análise dados diagnósticos, produzidos por órgãos de governo nacionais ou organizações internacionais e intergovernamentais, sobre a prática esportiva no Brasil e na Espanha, coletados entre 2013 e 2015 e no caso espanhol de 2015 e 2019. O principal objetivo da pesquisa é analisar, comparativamente, as característic...
Society, culture, and the state profoundly impact the body; bodily practices also play active roles in combating social ills and (re)constituting heterodox cultural mores. This paper analyzes the unorthodox bodily rituals of the followers of the famed “mystic minstrel,” Fakir Lalon Shah, in contemporary Bangladesh. This ethnographic research with t...
Water infrastructures are often living infrastructures, whose operation relies on processes involving other-than-human living beings. This article considers the materiality of waterscapes by attending to this liveliness. We argue that critical water research can benefit from situating social relations and water transformations within more-than-huma...
The objective of this article is to present a methodology that can contribute to the
development of student emancipation through education and formation in the classroom
according to the point of view of the Critical Theory of Society. Adorno believed that the school context commonly works with an excluding education, which is only interested in...
El objetivo de este trabajo es confirmar empíricamente, por medio del análisis de los municipios con Presupuesto Participativo en la Comunidad Valenciana después de las elecciones municipales de 2015 y 2019, que la voluntad política es un elemento fundamental para la puesta en marcha y la continuidad de las experiencias de Presupuesto Participativo...
Este artigo busca compreender como Alcides Prado Nogueira exerceu a liderança política no município de Lafaiete Coutinho – BA, desenvolvendo atividades políticas e também sociais. Utiliza-se aqui a metodologia da História Oral para dar o aporte necessário na escrita do trabalho de pesquisa, recorrendo as narrativas de pessoas que conviveram com ess...
This case study reports a two-phase research project into tourism development in a rural district, Timaru, in the South Island of New Zealand. It addresses a lack of research into small town regeneration in New Zealand. The research is set within scholarly debates about small-town tourism-led regeneration, place promotion, and the impact on tourism...
Este artigo busca compreender como as famílias Lomanto e Borges exerceram poder político no município de Jequié – BA, desenvolvendo forte liderança na política local e também a nível estadual. Utiliza-se aqui a metodologia da História Oral para dar o aporte necessário na escrita do trabalho de pesquisa, recorrendo a falas de pessoas que conviveram...
We report on qualitative social research conducted with stakeholders in a local agricultural knowledge and advice network associated with a collaborative water quality monitoring project. These farmers, advisors and researchers allude to existing social dynamics, technological developments, and (more general) social evolution which is analysed agai...
The qualitative paradigm is at a new stage of development. That is the position of the well-known international journal FQS (Forum: Qualitative Social Research), which started the discussion “Quality of qualitative research”, where it raises topical issues of further development of the field as a kind of “Where is the qualitative paradigm going?”.T...
Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie einerseits die Hochschulen als Organisationen auf die pandemiebedingte Umstellung auf digitale Lehre im Sommersemester 2020 reagiert haben und wie sich diese Umstellung andererseits auf das Erleben von Bildung, Raumerfahrungen und Zeitlichkeit aus Sicht der Lehrenden und Studierenden auswirkte. Als e...
Herbicide-resistant weeds are a growing challenge in agricultural systems worldwide, leading to additional management costs and yield losses. Best practice management guidelines have been promoted for decades, yet incidences of resistance continue to increase. In New Zealand, herbicide resistance might be more widespread than commonly assumed. To r...
Im Rahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Projekts be_smart werden die Teilhabepotenziale für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Behinderungserfahrungen im Rahmen von Musiziersituationen mit digitalen Geräten und Musik-Apps ausgelotet. Da es sich um komplexe sozio-technische und sozio-materiale Settings handelt, kann es innerhalb dieser Musiziersituatio...
Es werden zunächst zentrale Aspekte der internationalen Debatte um die Archivierung und Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten vorgestellt und diskutiert. Diese Darstellung ist an der These orientiert, dass viele der in dieser Debatte verhandelten Probleme mit der für die qualitative Sozialforschung konstitutiv erscheinenden engen Verbindung zwischen d...
Este artigo é resultado de pesquisa do Projeto de Educação Ambiental (PEA) Pescarte, que é uma medida de mitigação ambiental exigida pelo licenciamento ambiental federal, conduzida pelo IBAMA. Descrevemos e analisamos o papel das metodologias pedagógicas empregadas nos processos de educação não formal, na vertente da Educação Ambiental Crítica, pro...
Este trabalho buscou analisar o esporte no serviço ofertado na Política de Assistência Social brasileira, o Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos (SCCR), tendo como eixo central de análise o seu programa qualificador para o público de 15 a 17 anos, o Projovem Adolescente. Em suas linhas explicitamos o entendimento teórico-conceitual d...
Co-production of knowledge, where academic and lay researchers work as partners, is a central characteristic of participatory action research. It requires the participants to engage in a transformative dialogue. But how can co-production of knowledge function in the care home setting? We addressed this question in a specific interaction between aca...
This chapter describes the emergence of solidarity actions in two European countries—Greece and Hungary—in response to two recent crises: the arrival of large numbers of refugees in 2015 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Focusing on the experiences in two European countries with different socio-political, historical trajectories and civic traditio...
Qualitative social research
Reviewing Space and Place: The Geography of
Euclidean Space to the Space of Experience and
El artículo propuesto centra su análisis en la reflexión de los problemas, dificultades y desafíos de la investigación social contemporánea, para lo cual fue necesario partir del debate histórico entre métodos de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa y la inserción del positivismo en las prácticas de los investigadores, llegando a señalar sobre...
Im Rahmen des Beitrags wird der Blick auf den beruflichen Habitus von Lehrkräften in Bezug auf ihren Umgang mit Sexualität, Nähe und Distanz in schulischen Kontexten gerichtet. Mithilfe der Methode der Sequenzanalytischen Habitusrekonstruktion (Kramer 2018) werden die habituellen Dispositionen in Bezug auf diese Themen am empirischen Fall von Nikla...