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Publication - Science topic
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Questions related to Publication
Do you know of any free Scopus-indexed/ DHET or DOAJ journal or book in education , technological integration in education, SDGs, Language education, Artificial intelligence, digital literacy,... accepting papers now?
Does it have a high rate of acceptance? What is the duration from submission to publication?
I am currently exploring options for journal publication and came across ARDA Publication. I wanted to reach out to the researcher community and inquire about any experiences you may have had with publishing through ARDA Publication.
Any information or personal experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Dear friends
Happy New Year to you all!
The open access journal Religions (ISSN 2077-1444) is pleased to announce a new Special Issue entitled ‘Europe, Religion, and Secularization: Trends, Paradoxes, and Dilemmas’. I – together with Grace Davie – am serving as Guest Editor for this issue which should be seen as a follow-up to an earlier, widely read, publication guest-edited by me. See You can find the details of the forthcoming publication here:
We expect to receive the abstracts by the end of this week (January 12), on the basis of which we will make an initial decision on whether to accept your work. The deadline for the full manuscript is 1 October 2025 but feel free to submit your article sooner if it is ready; it will be published as soon as the review process is complete. As with all Special Issues, full manuscripts will undergo double-blind peer review before they are finally accepted. Could we also remind you that submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
All good wishes
Jorge Botelho Moniz
I would like to be updated on the conclusions of the public international law committee regarding the domestic and international armed conflicts.
Md Yunus, M., Ang, W. S., & Hashim, H. (2021). Factors affecting teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) postgraduate students’ behavioural intention for online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 13(6), 3524.
Need Answer with Publication or Research references
1- Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology - ISSN 2321-435X
2- Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology - ISSN 2415-6264
3- Scholars Bulletin - ISSN 2412-897X
Learning English has now become a most public thing among learners. It is a language which is international and emerging day by day.
It will surely change your life if you show seriousness towards learning of language. Now, if you are going to learn English, you need to keep in mind the top 6 tips for learning English.
What is your opinion over this?
Publishing in high-impact journals is the dream of every researcher, but there are many challenges, some of which are complex. One of the main difficulties is the large number of researchers seeking publication, which makes journals stricter in their publishing policies and impose tough conditions for accepting scientific submissions.
I have completed a research on the fractional-time modification of the Black-Scholes equation which I wish to publish. Please can you explain to me how I should go about it and where I should submit my work for review before publication.
Osman Awoto Soltani-Koroma
PhD Statistics
What aspects are expected to achieve public value?
I would like to publish my Scientific Preprint Paper free-of-charge in an international Astrophysics journal with a satisfactory Impact Factor. Can you please suggest such a journal?
I have published my Research Results on a New Orbital Model for Moving Bodies in the Universe that I am asserting as a result of my scientific analysis, which can be found below:
"Everything Is A Circle: A New Model For Orbits Of Bodies In The Universe"
(Paperback Book)
(Kindle eBook)
I will be presenting this work to the general scientific community at #COSPAR in Sydney, Australia, which will be broadcast Live according to Congress schedule on February 2, 2021
and will be available as Video-On-Demand in more detail.
To provide an introductory idea for readers and scientific community in general, here is a short video giving an overview description of the main and most significant findings:
Whenever I request a publication marked as "private text" and then receive it, I cannot thank the author who sent it. Researchgate then tells me that I can only send a message to a member who follows me. I find this very rude and wonder whether good manners are not being neglected here. Besides, the author in question will never know that his work is appreciated. Can you please change this function so that it is also possible to thank someone who does not follow you?
Dear Sir/Madam,
First of all, I wish you all the best for the New Year.
Attached is a publication in which my works were cited twice, but this was not reflected on your website.
Could I kindly request that these two citations be included?
Assistant Professor Dr. Eng. Mahmoud Hsino
What things should be kept in mind while submitting your work for publication? How should I access that my work is worth a good impact factor journal, how to deal with acceptance rate, and also other factors like time to acceptance and revision?
We earlier uploaded a preprint of an article prior to its publication. Now, may we substitute the DOI copy? Both have identical titles. Also, will the reads and other statistics of the Preprint carry over to the published copy from the DOI link?
I have a publication request from Tiya Tony through ResearchGate. And I cannot send a message to the person even though I know he/she is on the network. What do I do?
The file I am trying to send is big and are separated into four, but I could upload just one in the request. Any suggestions?
I've added the detials of one of my publications and get the following error message:
An error occurred
You can not claim this publication
Hi everyone,
In this beginning of year, i shaŕe you this question to help junior scientists.
What are your advice for PhD student/early research carreer to publish their research paper in Quarter 1 of your discipline?
Would you agree that the broadcasting of deliberately false psycho-viruses should be prohibited in mass media, so banning the dissemination of Trump's socially dangerous messages was a necessary measure to protect public consciousness from cognitive distortion of reality?!
The book Natural World Order and The Islamic Thought is being shown to me as available but it is not available to public for which I have reports. The same is the situation about my research papers.
Hello I have a publication at HURRIAN EDUCATION journal. However, I cannot add its name under publication details, instead ResearchGate suggest a different journal. Is there a way to fix this issue?
i have prepared a research paper about cultivating mushroom in a specific agro waste and its effect on yield (BE) and time (production duration) but unfortunately when i try to submit, the journals reject it because of not matching the aims and scops.
can i receive any recommendation about journals that accept this kind of subjects for publication?
I was a co-author on HC Papes publication from 2003.
That was before I changed my name from Elisabeth Ellingsen to Elisabeth Ellingsen Husebye. This publication is regustered under my name, but as a single publication under my name. I have another user under my name with my other publications. Is it possible to merge these accounts.
I am both Elisabeth ellingsen, elisabeth ellingsen husebye, and Elisabeth Husebye
Best regard
Dear Researchgaters,
this publication
- DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2482-2_32
is listed in Researchgate with me being indicated as a co-author.
This is not true.
I do not know how to change this.
Please remove or advise how to do.
Thank you.
Best regards
Jochen Fröhlich
I want to see my publications h index and I10 index in researchgate
Situ Gintung Dam Controversy, Rebuilt or Removed? 2009
was one of my publication.
How can I claim it?
I need the information about most used genomic databases
If we are being encouraged to share our publications here, it is ridiculous to not be able to communicate. That flies in the face of what you are trying to do here (or at least what you used to prioritize). How on earth is somebody supposed to even guess who they should be "following", unless they are allowed to communicate. If I receive a publication from somebody, I should be allowed to say "thank you" whether I know them yet or not, and I should be allowed to say thanks if somebody is interested in my work as well. I should also be allowed to make more specific requests and comments than to simply send a generic request to see a publication. Case in point, often there is supplementary information attached to publications which does NOT appear here at ResearchGate, and which must be specifically requested. If we can't specify what we want to see, it's pretty hard to share it. To receive a notification saying that I can't even say thank you is a slap in the face too.
And, lots of people choose not to "follow" everyone, because they don't want their emails to be clogged with useless notifications (which may or may not be the case here at ResearchGate - I admittedly don't know the reality in this case - however, this is the assumption that is made by most people relating to "following").
I don't know what the motivation or reason is for this change in your policies, but it's not appreciated by this author and researcher.
David J. Ferguson
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Are you interested in scientific cooperation conducted within the framework of team-based implementation of research projects and writing scientific papers that include the results of team-based scientific research?
Dear researchers, scientists, friends of this Research Gate portal,
I believe that the development of good scientific cooperation is an important factor in the effective development of science and the solution of various problems, including the generation through new scientific discoveries of solutions to the key problems of the development of civilization. This Research Gate web portal equipped with the functions of a database of scientific texts, an indexing database of scientific journals and institutions, researchers and scientists, and also acting as an online social network greatly facilitates the establishment of contact between researchers and scientists operating in different scientific communities, different institutions, countries, continents. Thanks to this, there is an opportunity to remotely establish cooperation, build a working team, carry out team-conducted research work, team-publish the results of conducted scientific research, etc. Team-based research projects that are carried out by researchers and scientists representing different scientific institutions can also be interdisciplinary in nature, if the members of the research team represent different scientific disciplines. I am particularly interested in the problems of applications of new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics and generative artificial intelligence in economics and management, including applications in sustainable economy, realization of green economy transformation, sustainable economic development, development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, protection of biodiversity and climate, construction of sustainable, green, zero-carbon circular economy. In addition to this, I have also conducted research and published academic papers on the issues of credit risk management, Internet banking, cyber-security, economic globalization, economic and financial crises, including the 2008 global financial crisis, the 2020 pandemic economic crisis, the 2022 energy crisis, anti-crisis economic policies, central banks' monetary policies conducted during economic and/or financial crises, etc. In addition, I am particularly interested in issues relating to the key problems of the development of civilization, developing formulas for solving them, analyzing the possibility of counteracting the development of various types of crises related to the development of civilization, including the developing climate crisis, environmental crisis, loss of biodiversity, and the impact of these processes on the economy and on the ability of future generations of people to exist on the planet in the future. Dear researchers and scientists, colleagues on this Research Gate portal, if you are conducting research in some aspect of the above-mentioned issues, on any topic related to any of the above-mentioned issues then I invite you to join me in scientific collaboration.
As inspiration for establishing potential scientific collaborations, including interdisciplinary research, I present below a selection of my scientific articles representing various issues in economics, management and other aspects of the social sciences:
Key aspects of the circular economy, including the green, sustainable economy are described in my article:
In the following article, I included the results of the research I conducted on the connection of the issue of sustainable development, the genesis and meaning of the Sustainable Development Goals, the essence of sustainable development in the context of social, normative, economic, environmental, climate, as well as human rights aspects, etc. The research also addressed the issue of key determinants of human existential security as an element of the concept of sustainable development.
I have described the key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 in my co-authored article below:
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
And the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management were described in my co-authored article:
The key issues of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy and financial markets are described in my article below:
Analysis of the effects of post-2008 anti-crisis mild monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank
I invite you to get acquainted with the issues described in the publications listed above and to cooperate with me in scientific research on these issues.
I also invite you to familiarize yourself with my other scientific publications, which are available on my profile of this Research Gate portal.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Are you interested in scientific cooperation conducted in the framework of team research projects and writing scientific papers that include the results of team research?
And what is your opinion on this subject?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

if yes, how can i submit a paper for publication? how much is publication fees?
I want to know the difference between publishing research work in a conference and a journal.
I've added an article to the site and by mistake I've checked public access. I'd like to make access to the article private. Thank you
Are there quality indicators for measuring programmatic and institutional performance in emerging public universities?
I am looking for researchers collabrate with me in data analysis, manuscript preparation and publication of veterinary bacteriology, virology,biotechnology through covering Publication.
Hello. I have a problem. I can't make the works published on my ResearchGate profile visible to the public. I tried everything but nothing. I was forced to delete the same article and re-upload it several times but nothing. I also chose the "public article without private copy" option and nothing to do. The article I upload is visible only to myself from the app or if I enter my profile. If I copy the URL and send it to third parties they see it but in reality it is not on my profile (just look at my profile without being registered or accessing from other profiles) (I just uploaded the following work: Dati inediti sulla nidificazione del Regolo Regulus regulus nel Parco Nazionale della Sila - Appennino calabro (Italia meridionale)
Can you tell me how to solve this problem that I also encountered a few days ago when I uploaded the latest work on the black stork?
It is urgent. Thanks
I am writing a manuscript in MS and want to cite the 2024 McDonald criteria but am not sure how best to do this in advance of their publication
Dear researchers,
I am excited to announce the launch of a new collaborative research project on the essence of knowledge. I hope to collaborate with a small group of researchers, producing a preprint, which will be uploaded on ResearchGate and, if possible, submitted for publication in an open-access peer-reviewed journal. I would be honored to work and coauthor a paper with PhD holders and professors from various backgrounds. Although I don’t have a PhD and only hold a Master’s degree, this is an intellectual challenge for me to step out of my academic comfort zone and lead a scholarly project.
This project will be entirely asynchronous, allowing for flexibility. Participants are welcome to join regardless of their disciplinary background, as knowledge is a concept that invites diverse perspectives.
Project Description
The goal of this project is to collaboratively author a research paper that contributes meaningfully to the exploration of knowledge, demonstrating its multifaceted nature from interdisciplinary perspectives, historico-cultural contexts, analyzing it through philosophical insights, and other field-specific aspects.
Participant Criteria
• Must be a PhD holder or professor.
• Willingness to work asynchronously and collaborate effectively with other team members.
Key Information
• Research questions, project structure, and other information will be available at the beginning of the program.
• Contributors will be listed as coauthors in the final preprint.
• Number of participants: 5–7, including myself.
• This is not an institutional or university project but is independently led by me.
Contributors’ Roles
The central role of contributors will be actively contributing to the paper’s development and coauthoring alongside others. Additional tasks may include refining ideas, editing sections, and providing feedback.
Project Coordinator: Amalya Sukiasyan
As the coordinator, I will take the lead in starting and managing the project while also contributing and coauthoring alongside other participants.
Deadline to sign up: 23 December 2024
How to Apply
If you're interested in participating, please contact me on ResearchGate or send an email at
I look forward to collaborating with you.
Best regards,
Amalya Sukiasyan
1. Why this system does not recognise copies of same publication and remove them?
2. Also: My article on influenza and Pneumococcal vaccination was published in December and is my latest publication, yet your system decided from its head to make it published in January 24 and put it down in the list. Why is that?
what research is there on successful approaches to reducing public school absenteeism?
An article I co-authored has an erroneous near duplicate in LinkedIn which includes someone who was not an author of the published article, along with all the other authors in a journal that is not listed in LinkedIn (SSRN Electronic Journal) which pre-dates the genuine publication. I am no longer in touch with the lead / corresponding author, and couldn't find contact details for him.
This question addresses a critical issue in making academic publishing more equitable and inclusive. Exploring solutions ensures that high-quality research is recognized regardless of an author's institutional affiliation, ultimately enriching the global body of knowledge.
Hi all,
Some of the publications I have contributed to can only be published privately. How can I make them publicly accessible?
Tnx. Olga
This question addresses a critical issue in making academic publishing more equitable and inclusive. Exploring solutions ensures that high-quality research is recognized regardless of an author's institutional affiliation, ultimately enriching the global body of knowledge.
I am open for collaboration for paper publication and special issue proposals. You can message me in inbox
It seems that is is possible to post information about an academic journal on Research gate. But I have not found how to do it.
trust in leadership and teacher readiness on digital assimilation in public schools
I submitted my manuscript in the Journal Frontiers in Microbiology and responded to all the comments/questions of the reviewers. Now, both the reviewers have mentioned this statement on the submitted manuscript 'The Reviewer has finalized their report and endorsed the publication of this manuscript.' What does this statement mean?
I want to add my publication. Is there any way you suggest my article?
I remember you have system to show me the candidates.
What is your thoughts/opinions on which one is better in making an individual more competitive?
Hi there,
Its been a while that my publications are appearing on someone else profile and he is misusing my publication by his name (
Its very unfortunate because after a number of attempt, I am still unable to resolve the issue.
Can you help me in this regard.
Ahmad Nawaz
*Poor Reading Proficiency level
*Poor reading comprehension skills
"The Impact of Media Representation on Public Perception of Domestic Violence"
Need any Assistance in research paper writing and publication... Feel free to contact: 9914380919.
Hello everyone
Every now and then there are a promotion on social media such as facebook or instagram about this publication assistance on scopus indexed journal, recently one of this have contacted me through my mail, the company called itself "Publisher Gate", i have talk to them and they provide me with some of their past client testimonies, but i still in doubt on using their services. Maybe some of you have encountered similar services company, or maybe have used this Publisher Gate assistance, is it safe to use this, are they legit and not just some scams..
Thank you
I am working on the lecturer performance of public university in China, and emailed some authors for their scale and interview list. I will try to read more article and approach more authors. But if you are working on this area and you saw my post, please PM me. Thanks a lot!
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to let you know that Discover Geoscience is currently welcoming submissions of original research to “Advanced Geo-Computational Techniques in Natural Hazards and Disaster Studies: Monitoring, Management, and Mitigation” Topical Collection. As the Guest Editor for the Collection, I hope you will consider this as an outlet for a future research paper.
Discover Geoscience is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal that supports multidisciplinary research and policy developments across the field of geoscience. The journal aims to be an international resource for researchers, policy makers and the general public for recent advances in geoscience, and its uses in research development and society. As a fully open access journal, we ensure that our research is highly discoverable and instantly available globally to everyone. The journal particularly welcomes work that aims to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially Life on Land; Affordable and Clean Energy; and Climate Action.
The publication costs for Discover Geoscience are covered by Springer Nature during the journal’s first year (until 31 July 2024). Authors whose articles are accepted for publication before that date will not need to pay an article-processing charge. Note that the APC-free period does not apply to other Discover series journals, or to any journal to which your article may be transferred if not accepted in Discover Geoscience. Please contact the journal editorial office for any questions about this APC-free period.
If you are interested in preparing a manuscript for consideration at Discover Geoscience as part of this Collection, please let us know and I would be happy to provide further detail. Submissions will be welcomed from 31st December 2023 to 30th June 2024, but if you are unable to submit a manuscript before this date, please let us know as we may be able to be flexible.
To submit your manuscript for consideration at Discover Geoscience as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. On the first page of our online submission system, under “Select article type:” select the option of your article type. Then when filling out the manuscript information, select the “Advanced Geo-Computational Techniques in Natural Hazards and Disaster Studies: Monitoring, Management, and Mitigation” Collection from the collection list on the “Details” tab. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.
All manuscripts submitted to a Collection are assessed according to the standard Discover Geoscience editorial criteria and peer review process and are subject to all standard journal policies. If accepted for publication, an article processing charge applies (with a standard waiver policy).
This article Collection is a great opportunity to highlight this important area of research, and we hope you will be able to contribute.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. For more information please visit:
A critical analysis of eti-owo in ibibio ethics
Dear Mr. Wu, I have a question: Are you the copyright owner of the following graphics?
And if so, may my co-authors and I use these graphics in a planned publication as supplementary material to explain an innovative surgical method for people with spinal cord injury?
Thank you very much for your support
Ralf Böthig
Dear Colleagues,
Zoological gardens are public spaces in which animal species from the region, as well as from other parts of the world, are exhibited. Therefore, their main function is to entertain society (according to common sense). The ease of finding many species concentrated in a unique place is ideal for the public who visit, providing moments to enjoy and learn about the importance of ecosystem preservation and involving everyone from children to the elderly.
Nonetheless, zoological gardens may also be established for scientific research or animal recovery, in an attempt to energize activities in this place.
Given the current lack of investment in natural history museums, zoological gardens can be used to create scientific collections, both for research and for exhibiting material to the public, as well as raising environmental awareness regarding the preservation of bio-paleontological material and the material and immaterial heritage of humanity. In this way, zoological gardens could offer a suitable space for establishing scientific collections, fitting into the context of a Natural History Museum exhibiting biological, paleontological, ethnographic, archaeological, mineralogical and artistic collections, for example.
Therefore, in this Special Issue, we welcome contributions that address the following topic: “The Management of Zoological Collections in Zoological Gardens and Museums”.
We acknowledge Ms. Gabrielle Diniz dos Santos's contribution to this Special Issue.
Thank you in advance!
Dr. Dimítri De Araújo Costa,
Dr. Flavio de Almeida Alves Junior,
Dr. Karina Massei
Guest Editors
Hello. I tried to submit a munscript for publication, but they asked me to upload files from Can someone help me and explain to me what these files are required?

Hello everyone,
I have a situation where the same work appears twice in my profile, listed as two different publications (one published in 2023 and the other in 2024). I don't want to delete one because I'll lose the associated metrics.
Can anyone help me with how to resolve this issue without losing the metrics?
Thank you so much!
I am looking for a template or an example from a publication of a write-up of the mediation analysis results using Hayes' (2018) PROCESS Macro for SPSS (model 4) when the dependent variable is binary. Thanks for your support in advance.
- Dear all I need a fast and good publication journal in pharmacology and toxicology. One month from submission to puplication process ?. thanks
I want options of pubmed indexed journals offering submission of manuscripts in the field of PAEDIATRICS via fast track publication option