Science topics: Political SciencePublic Policy
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Public Policy - Science topic
Public Policy are policy, politics and polity. Problems, actors, policy-making process.
Questions related to Public Policy
I propose a discussion on my PDF-PowerPoint "Thoughts on Amartya Sen". I used this PDF-PowerPoint for the lecture held on Sunday, 17th November 2024 at the International Conference “RECLAIMING ROOTS: THE ADIVASI QUESTION AND THE ROLE OF MEDIA, MOVEMENTS, POLICY, AND POLITICS IN DEVELOPMENT”, organised by the CARD Odisha in Association with IIITM Gwalior, IIT Mandi, IIT Bhubaneswar & Ravenshaw University, Cuttack (15th, 16th, 17th November 2024).
I am working on a text which develops the contents of the PowerPoint.
In my contribution, I would like to present through some aspects of Amartya Sen’s works that a model for a new public policy consists in the uncovering of specific forms of deception strategies present in the political and social scene. These deception strategies aim to persuade individuals that there is no alternative to certain ways of thinking, to certain ways of organizing societies, to certain ways of interpreting concepts: thus, these deception strategies aim to persuade individuals that a kind of single, dominant, irrefutable thought rules and that it is right that it be so.
I shall develop my contribution through the analysis of some aspects of Amartya Sen’s philosophy. My principal aim will consist in finding, with the help of Sen’s observations, instruments in order to show that a new model for public policy first of all means – at least in my opinion – the process of uncovering that concepts and events are not so simple and not so univocal as they very often are presented to be. For instance, a concept like “development” can find interpretations that are very different from each other, depending on whether development is exclusively identified with economic and income growth, or, alternatively, depending on whether development is to be interpreted as the whole growth of the capabilities and freedoms both of the individual and of the society (the second interpretation corresponds to Sen’s interpretation of the concept “development”).
Sen’s thinking can be portrayed as a teaching against fatalism, indifference, resignation and inaction, on the one side, and as an appeal to the assumption of one’s own responsibilities, on the other side: Sen wants to uncover the deep roots of political and social fatalism, since this kind fatalism is, actually, not neutral, but, on the contrary, aims to conceal precise responsibilities. Sen fights both in economics and in ethics against every kind of deception: he often denounces that, within the economic, social and political thought, deception strategies aim to conceal, behind the mask of the unavoidability allegedly dictated by the nature of things, failures actually due to human mistakes; unavoidable economic destiny is, actually, not so unavoidable as someone would like to present it.
Therefore, Sen’s project regarding development and freedom proves to be, among other things, a project of uncovering deception strategies: for instance, Sen’s opinion that famines are not a natural, but a social phenomenon aims to uncover all attempts to present famines as something unavoidable, in relation to which the only solution is resignation. Sen points out that all those presenting famines as a natural phenomenon, actually want to conceal their own responsibilities for the occurring of famines. Hunger and famines are not, in other words, natural phenomena against which there is nothing to do; they are social phenomena having precise responsible agents; neither do famines represent an integral, constitutive, unavoidable element of the modern world: they can be prevented if there is the political will to prevent them. Sen continuously aims at promoting the control of government and of public authority: governments try to blame on nature the cause of catastrophes, whereas the causes of social catastrophes are to be connected to the inefficiency of governments. Sen’s meditation proves to be a continuous defence and promotion of democracy, rights and freedom against all attempts to diminish their value: in particular, Sen sees democracy as a system which is compatible with economic growth, thus opposing all those who consider democracy as an obstacle to economic growth. My attention will, thereafter, be concentrated on Sen’s interpretation of the concept of development, which in Sen’s opinion cannot be limited to the income of the individuals or to the growth of GNP, but should be extended to individuals’ freedoms, human rights, health care, opportunities of education and further entitlements. Development is, in Sen’s opinion, the progressive growth of the individual capabilities, whereas all interpretations of development based only on the measurement of the gross domestic product and of the individual income are insufficient.
I shall finally refer to Sen’s pointing out the dangers related to the absolute view of the cultural identity, if this view is connected to economic and political strategies: certain interpretations of cultural identities do bring about catastrophes, as it can be shown by means of the attitudes of British politicians towards Irishmen as possessing an inferior culture during the Irish famines, or by the attitudes of British politicians towards Indians during the Great Bengal famine). I shall finally refer to Sen’s pointing out the dangers related to the absolute view of cultural identity, if this view is connected to economic and political strategies: certain interpretations of cultural identities do bring about catastrophes, as it can be shown by means of the attitudes of British politicians towards Irishmen as possessing an inferior culture during the Irish famines, or by the attitudes of British politicians towards Indians during the Great Bengal famine). The analysis of the connections between Sen and Mahbub Ul Haq, whose books and articles (for instance, “Reflections on Human Development”) are always referred to by Sen, will close my presentation. Sen’s works on which I shall concentrate my attention will be, for instance, “Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation”, “On Ethics & Economics”, “Capability and Well-Being”, “Development as Freedom”, “How Does Culture Matter?”, “Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny”, and “The Idea of Justice”; moreover, I shall take into consideration the book “Hunger and Public Action”, which Sen wrote together with Jean Drèze.
Nations across the globe could see their power rise or fall depending on how they harness and manage the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Regardless of whether AI poses an existential risk to humanity, governments will need to develop new regulatory frameworks to identify, evaluate, and respond to the variety of AI-enabled challenges to come.
With the release of advanced forms of AI to the public early in 2023, public policy debates have rightly focused on such developments as the exacerbation of inequality, the loss of jobs, and the potential threat of human extinction if AI continues to evolve without effective guardrails. There has been less discussion about how AI might affect geopolitics and which actors might take the lead in the future development of AI or other advanced AI algorithms.
As AI continues to advance, geopolitics may never be the same. Humans organized in nation-states will have to work with another set of actors—AI-enabled machines—of equivalent or greater intelligence and, potentially, highly disruptive capabilities. In the age of geotechnopolitics, human identity and human perceptions of our roles in the world will be distinctly different; monumental scientific discoveries will emerge in ways that humans may not be able to comprehend. Consequently, the AI development path that ultimately unfolds will matter enormously for the shape and contours of the future world.
Source: AI and Geopolitics: How Might AI Affect the Rise and Fall of Nations?
- The emergence of generative AI marks a transformational moment that will influence the course of markets and alter the balance of power among nations. Increasingly capable machine intelligence will profoundly impact matters of growth, productivity, competition, national defense and human culture. In this swiftly evolving arena, corporate and political leaders alike are seeking to decipher the implications of this abrupt and powerful wave of innovation, exploring new opportunities and navigating new risks.
- The world is facing a narrow window of opportunity – what we call the inter-AI years – to shape the AI-enabled future. This window will be brief – a few years at most – then views and strategies will harden; norms, values, standards will be embedded within the technology; and the costs of changing course will rise. While AI-enabled technology will continue to progress, decisions made today will determine what is possible in the future. A generative world order will emerge.
- The US and China are the world’s top AI competitors, but they are also the top AI collaborators. However, in generative AI, most of the cutting-edge innovations today are coming from the US, and China faces an uphill in training LLMs, for now. This technology competition will see geopolitical priorities drive economic decision-making, including through export controls, sanctions, tariffs, industrial policy, investment screening, and other measures deployed to increase absolute and relative advantages.
Source: The generative world order: AI, geopolitics, and power
In many countries, surveys are carried out with certain frequency that measure the population's perception regarding a certain issue. In Mexico, for example, they are widely used to measure indices of perception of violence in states and municipalities and with this the most and least unsafe are defined. Can these types of tools be considered sufficient for the design of accurate indicators and, above all, for the generation of public policies and institutional programs?
I am currently working on a research about the impacts of migration programs and policies on migrants moving to the EU. My research questions are;
1. Are migration policies honestly made with the intention to favour of migrants?
2. Are there fair balances put in place by the receiving countries to favour both the parties when these policies are made?
Kindly share your thoughts concerning these questions if you have vital contributions. I am also open to collaborating with other researchers if you are currently working on something similar or if you want to work with me on this project.
La politique de financement est en soit une politique publique. Comment les évaluer dans un travail de recherche scientifique ?
What has been the social protection outreach like in Yobe state. Which areas are challenging for the government departments and what capacity building would be most effective? Comparison of the performance in relation to Nigeria as a whole in health and education.
I am looking for a recent research methodology for the evaluation of public policies.
publications if possible.
Is subsidizing mortgage loans installments by the state from the state's public finance system a good instrument for increasing the availability of housing for citizens?
By granting loans, commercial banks introduce credit money into the economy, which is significantly responsible for the level of liquidity and circulation of money between economic entities and, consequently, also in the economy as a whole. Consumer and installment loans granted to citizens significantly activate the scale of consumer purchases and thus increase the level of consumption. Increased levels of consumption by increasing consumer demand in the long term can generate an increase in the scale of investment demand. If the increase in the scale of consumer demand is more permanent and long-term in nature, i.e. it is not, for example, the effect of annual seasonality, e.g. in the pre-Christmas period, then it results in an increase in the level of scale of production or service offerings of products or services for which demand is increasing. In a situation where entrepreneurs find that the said upward trend is permanent then they increase the scale of investment to create additional plants, production lines, manufacturing parks, the use of additional durable production factors, etc., to increase the scale of production potential, so that they can produce more of a certain range of goods. On the other hand, when the availability of business loans, including working capital loans and overdrafts granted to businesses for short-term purposes, to cover liquidity gaps, pay current bills and facts arising from the continuation of business operations also increases, the scale of financial security of the business operations of companies and enterprises increases.
When the availability of economic investment loans also increases then the scale of investment in the manufacturing processes developed by business entities, improved logistics of production or generation of services, increasing production capacity, involvement of new technology in manufacturing processes, purchase of additional machinery and equipment as part of the expansion of production processes, improvement of the quality of product and service offerings, development of commodity-directed offerings, increasing the scale of diversification of product and service offerings, acquisition of new markets, etc., increases. When this process involves the credit offers of many commercial banks cooperating with many companies and enterprises, then the increase in the scale of lending translates into a significant level of increase in the activity of business entities operating in the economy and becomes one of the key factors in improving the economy's prosperity, accelerating the rate of economic growth, which is particularly important when the aforementioned level of economic activity of companies and enterprises is low and at the same time the prosperity of the economy as a whole is not optimal. Therefore, when the economy is in crisis, the level of consumption and investment is low then, in order to activate economic processes, the government, as part of its anti-crisis and/or pro-development economic policy under an informal agreement with the central bank, launches certain state interventionist measures, which should result in an increase in the activity of economic processes that are realized in companies and enterprises. The central bank can then lower interest rates, resulting in a decrease in the oproc. of various types of loans on offer by commercial banks. In addition, the drop in oproc. of bank deposits and treasury bonds also activates economic entities to invest their financial surpluses in speculative investment risk financial instruments, i.e. in stocks, corporate bonds and derivatives.
On the other hand, it is also a motivating factor for companies and enterprises to decide on further investment projects, to increase the scale of investments and reduce the level of reserves. Cheaper credit contributes to an increase in its availability, to an increase in the level of creditworthiness of citizens and business entities. In addition, in a situation where there is an improvement in the economic situation in many sectors and industries of the economy, commercial banks can also additionally relax their credit policy and increase the availability of credit, for example, by reducing the scale of procedural steps, the amount of documents and information required from the potential borrower necessary for the analysis of creditworthiness, etc. More readily available loans encourage borrowing by citizens and business entities. In this way, a kind of synergy of cheapening credit, increasing scale of liquidity between cooperating financial improvement, acceptance of higher levels of investment risk, revival of economic processes, improvement of prosperity simultaneously in many sectors and industries of the economy, easing of credit policies in commercial banks, improvement of repayment of bank loans, improvement of the quality of banks' loan portfolios, etc., works. In principle, as long as the aforementioned all factors of the aforementioned synergy work then the process of increasing commercial bank lending, activating the level of economic activity, improving economic prosperity in the economy, increasing employment, increasing income, investment, consumption, increasing liquidity and circulation of money in the economy, etc. can continue to work without leading to an increase in the scale of the risk of the appearance of reverse processes, a rapid downturn in the economy, an increase in the scale of insolvency of many companies and enterprises, a significant increase in the scale of bankruptcy of economic entities, the occurrence of a banking, financial and/or economic crisis. The aforementioned synergistic process, in which a high level of credit actions and good quality of granted loans is correlated with good economic prosperity, may act without generating crisis factors, without causing over-investment, over-credit levels of both consumption and investment, as long as the level of credit risk, which commercial banks accept when granting further bank loans, does not increase.
On the other hand, the aforementioned process of many interrelated factors typical of an upturn in the economy can also continue to work if commercial banks reliably carry out credit procedures, do not overly relax their credit policy, carry out creditworthiness analyses of potential borrowers in accordance with the guidelines of the methodology, carry out ongoing monitoring of loans granted, do not neglect credit risk management processes. Unfortunately, such situations when commercial banks applied credit policies too leniently and carried out credit risk management processes not fully reliably occurred in the past. In such situations, excessively increased levels of lending and credit for investment processes carried out by business entities acting as borrowers became important source factors for emerging financial and economic crises. This kind of situation occurred earlier at the beginning of the current 21st century on a large scale and led to the occurrence of a global financial crisis in 2007-2009, which in many countries also turned into an economic crisis and in some countries, such as the countries of Southern Europe, also to a crisis in the system of state finances due to a significant increase in the debt of the system of state public finances. However, before this kind of situation can occur and when the level of economic activity of companies and enterprises is low, the level of unemployment is high, the level of income of citizens and financial revenues to the state budget from payments made by many entities operating in the economy is low, then political pressure grows for the activation of anti-crisis and pro-development interventionist measures available under the government's economic policy.
The above-mentioned economic processes realized within the framework of the improving economy generated, among other things, by lowering interest rates and increasing the availability of bank loans, increasing lending, increasing the scale of investment generates an improvement in the functioning, state of finances, achievement of business objectives in companies and enterprises operating in various industries and sectors of the economy. The magnitude of such cyclical economic processes, for example, is particularly high in the cyclical sectors of the economy, i.e. those whose economic processes taking place are strongly correlated with analogous processes taking place in the economy as a whole. The conjunctural sectors include, among others, the construction sector, including the construction of housing estates. On the other hand, regardless of the conjuncture of the economy as a whole, what happens in the housing development construction sector can to a large extent be modeled by interventionist actions of the government as part of its housing policy. In a situation where the government deems it necessary to stimulate economic prosperity in this sector, which should also result in an increase in the scale of new housing directed for sale, the instrument of public financial assistance applied to stimulate a selected element of the process of either the construction of housing estates, the process of selling built houses and apartments, support for the process of lending for the purchase of real estate, including, for example, the application of subsidies to loan installments repaid, the bank's required own share in financing the purchase of real estate or other types of financial support may be applied. In a situation where, thanks to the application of public financial support, the scale of construction investments is increasing, more housing estates are being built then the demand for raw materials, components and construction materials, as well as housing interior decoration items, including furniture, sanitary equipment, household appliances, etc., is also increasing. As a result, the scale of production at the factories of the manufacturers of the aforementioned various types of building materials and interior furnishings increases, the scale of production at component suppliers, co-ops, etc. increases. Employment in many companies and enterprises operating in the environment of the construction sector is growing. The incomes of a significant part of the population, i.e. people employed in the aforementioned companies and enterprises, are rising. Consequently, the economy as a whole is also improving. Therefore, in a situation where the level of activity of economic processes was significantly declining, the level of prosperity in the economy was low, unemployment was high and tax revenues to the state budget were low, and at the same time there was a shortage of housing for some citizens, then the government, using active housing policy, tried to improve the aforementioned prosperity in the economy.
At the beginning of the current twenty-first century in the United States, the housing sector was also recognized as one that should be activated in order to improve the economy. However, the applied solutions of extreme relaxation of credit policies for granting mortgages to the public, including borrowers with no real creditworthiness, with other previous outstanding loans, credit cards, without steady employment, a regular source of income, etc., the use of specially created derivatives in the form of subprime bonds to raise additional funds to continue to carry out lending in a situation of steadily rising real estate prices, the insurance of most mortgages by a single insurance company, the maintenance of record low interest rates by the central bank..., in spite of rising real estate prices, deteriorating labor markets, the still growing highly overvalued valuations of securities on stock exchanges, some commercial and investment banks losing liquidity, worsening financial problems in many companies and enterprises operating in non-financial sectors, unethical practices by brokerage firms in the sale to investors of financial instruments linked to the issue of financing the ongoing credit actions, the issuance of factually incorrect recommendations by rating agencies, ratings for subprime bonds sold to other banks, etc. led to a situation where credit institutions accepted excessive levels of credit risk. In addition, banking procedures for credit risk management processes were also unreliably implemented. All of the above-mentioned factors generated a strong increase in credit risk levels and led to the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.
On more than one occasion, in order to activate the boom in the construction sector, the government, as part of its public financial assistance, used the support instrument of subsidizing mortgage loan installments paid by borrowers to banks. This type of solution has been applied since July 2023 in Poland. The program of subsidizing mortgage installments from the sources of the state's public finance system was organized in such a way that, under the so-called "2% safe loan" program, the state subsidized loan installments in such an amount that, for the borrower, the remaining part of the loan installment paid to the bank corresponds only to the interest rate of the loan at 2%. This program in such a solution is to operate in terms of mortgage loans launched under this program for 10 years. After 10 years, the borrower is to repay the remaining portion of the loan at the market oproc. level set by the lending bank. Over the following years, both inflation and interest rates should continue to fall from their current still-high levels. Therefore, in the following years, the scale of committed funds from the state's public finance system, which will be used for the aforementioned subsidizing of loan installments, should therefore gradually decrease in connection with the projected decline in interest rates determined by the Monetary Policy Council, which operates at the central bank in Poland, i.e. the National Bank of Poland. On the other hand, however, the scale of committed funds from the state's public finance system may be higher in the following year 2024 compared to 2023 if the program is extended and its scale is increased. However, as the scale of commercial banks' mortgage lending has increased strongly since mid-2023 in connection with the launch of the "2% Safe Loan" program, and has reached levels previously recorded only during periods of exceptionally good housing market conditions such as. just before the onset of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, developers directed to the market the majority of the number of completed construction projects, a greater number of housing developments built, including apartments with areas complying with the specified guidelines of the aforementioned program, and market interest rates are several times higher than 2 percent, then both the level of lending increased strongly in the second half of 2023 and the number of housing purchase transactions also increased strongly. The aforementioned upward trends have generated a rapid level of growth in the price of new apartments sold by developers. As the level of citizens' interest in purchasing an apartment using the financial public assistance provided under the "2% Safe Credit" program exceeded the number of apartments completed by developers and targeted for sale, the result was a several percent increase in real estate prices in all major cities in Poland. The aforementioned increase in real estate prices was exceptionally fast, as the recorded increase in the average real estate price in Warsaw, for example, in the range of about 15 percent, took place in just four months from July to October 2023. Since the large increase in real estate prices and the high level of recovery in this market mainly benefited commercial banks selling mortgages and developers building housing developments, the housing policy implemented in this way is mainly to achieve medium-term goals of activating economic processes and not long-term social goals concerning the key issue which was to be increasing the availability of housing for citizens representing the middle class with an average income level. Due to the increase in real estate prices that took place over a period of several years, it was for citizens representing the middle class, mainly working young people, that the possibility of buying their own apartment became practically unattainable, because due to the level of income relative to real estate prices, the level of oproc. loans, the bank's required contribution to co-financing the purchase of real estate, etc., they were not creditworthy. They also couldn't get social housing since they work and earn income, and there are far too few rental apartments in the resources of local government units, and the PIS government's previously launched Mieszkanie Plus program has not been implemented, so middle-class citizens in recent years have become the social group that has been most excluded from the possibility of buying and owning their own apartment. In view of the above, in the context of the ongoing discussions about the possibility of extending the operation of the Safe Credit 2% program to 2024, a topical issue for consideration is the question of subsidizing mortgage installments by the state from the state's public finance system as an instrument for potentially increasing the availability of housing for citizens. Potentially, because in 2023, unfortunately, the key strategic social goals were not realized through the introduction of the program "Safe credit 2 percent."
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is subsidizing mortgage loans installments by the state from the state's public finance system a good instrument for increasing the availability of housing for citizens?
Does subsidizing mortgage loans installments from the state's public finance system increase the availability of housing for citizens?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
A new 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 article challenges characterizing people as irrational and argues behavioral science aimed at policy should start by assuming people are reasonable.
Traditional models often label deviations from 'perfect rationality' as a seemingly never ending list of biases. Maybe this is less useful lately? The article gives examples that what may seem irrational can be appropriate responses to specific contexts.
From climate change to COVID-19, they show how assuming people are reasonable shifts the focus. For instance, trust in health authorities correlated with higher vaccine uptake, which makes the behavior appear reasonable.
This reframing encourages participatory methods, turning targets of interventions into partners. Methods like citizens' assemblies and 'nudge plus' highlight the value of engaging those affected by policies.
By recognizing reasonableness, maybe behavioral science can craft more effective, context-aware interventions. What do you think of this argument?
Hello everyone,
We seek to study public policies, particularly in OCDE countries, that relate to a specific theme in education. We are interested in understanding if there is a methodology that would facilitate the rigorous and exhaustive implementation of such a survey.
Such inquiry strategies may be pertinent to professionals in political science, public administration, and related disciplines. I would greatly appreciate your insights and expertise on this matter.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Best regards,
Por ejemplo en el Perú, se ha trabajado una interesante política de seguridad ciudadana con claras directrices, sin embargo los resultados de sus indicadores son contraproducentes, además el gasto del estado para afrontar la problemática de inseguridad es cada vez creciente.
Explain the concept of complexity theory
Discuss the link between resilience and complexity theory
Explain how these relate to public policy
illustrate your discussion with appropriate example
I am a student of public policy studying the policy cycle. I am curious about the potential role of citizens within this cycle as well as critique about the current situation I am writing from New Zealand, interested in health policy and also issues regarding the Treaty of Waitangi
For many years, in punctuated equilibrium theory in public policy, which is a borrowed metaphor from punctuated equilibrium theory in evolutionary biology, several political scientists used the statistical kurtosis and l-kurtosis to claim that public policy punctuations exist. Recently, numerous peer-reviewed articles have concluded the kurtosis or l-kurtosis approach is sub-optimal in terms of measuring public policy punctuations.
The Gini coefficient has been proposed as a much better approach to determine punctuations in public policy. However, can the Gini Coefficient determine if significant and sharp policy punctuations exist? Furthermore, can the Gini Coefficient differentiate between small, in-between, and significant policy changes?
Historically, the Gini Coefficient has been used to measure wealth inequality. The Gini Coefficient is a relative measure. Relative measures are "…a context-specific assessment approach in which the value of an individual score depends on its comparison to other scores within a group or subgroup." The Gini Coefficient for public policy punctuation does not provide a *context* as to whether actual large and sharp actual policy punctuations exist over time. Like kurtosis and l-kurtosis, a small, in-between, or significant policy change can be measured using the Gini Coefficient and can erroneously be described as a large and significant policy punctuation.
Fortunately, a methodological approach has been recently confirmed to rectify this in the peer-reviewed article, Punctuating "Happiness": Punctuated equilibrium theory and the agenda-setting of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) policy in Bhutan' published by Uygen, Givel, and Chophel in 'Review of Policy Research'
The authors of this article conclude that in conjunction with an approach like the Gini Coefficient, a qualitative assessment also needs to occur that includes the following: "These benchmark methods to assess punctuated equilibrium include determining the exact amount of policy changes that indicate policy punctuation; second, the question of scale, policy significance, and impact; third, determining the period required to characterize policy change; and fourth, means of measuring punctuation. Regarding the means, we find that a stronger and more robust method of measuring punctuation is by triangulating possible upticks in media communications about the punctuation with an assessment of the exact nature of the policy change as determined by examining laws, constitutional provisions, etc. We argue that all determinations of whether a policy is punctuated (past and present) must meet this four-prong methodological test."
Triangulating the Gini Coefficient with this four-pronged qualitative approach is a promising way forward to assess and demonstrate significant and sharp punctuations in public policy.
The discussion around Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria and corporate sustainability has gained significant momentum in recent years, largely driven by societal expectations. is evolving in relation to new production and consumption models (Nishitani et al., 2021). Until the mid-1990s, according to Clarkson (1995), the focus of corporate success was primarily on meeting the needs of a single stakeholder, namely shareholders. However, as time has passed and the overall picture has changed, especially influenced by public policy changes, this perspective has undergone transformations. Gradually, other stakeholders have put pressure on companies, leading to the integration of corporate sustainability into the strategic management of organizations, leading them to practice ESG criteria (Wang et al. ., 2018).
Corporate sustainability performance refers to a company's ability to operate in a way that maintains ecological integrity, social welfare, and sound governance principles, while also creating value for shareholders. (Ahmad et al., 2023; Luque-Khilchez et al., 2023). It includes the effective management of environmental resources, the promotion of positive social relationships, and the maintenance of high standards of ethical behavior (Bellandi, 2023). Assessing corporate sustainability performance requires evaluating both qualitative and quantitative indicators, examining various aspects such as environmental management, social responsibility and corporate governance (Sandberg et al. al., 2022).
ESG criteria are used to evaluate corporate sustainability and the ethical performance of companies and investments (Arora and Sharma, 2022). They are applied by corporations to monitor and control the impact of business activities on the internal and external environment (Viranda et al., 2020). They mainly include: (i) information collection; (ii) develop solutions; (iii) handle ESG issues in compliance with standards; (iv) conduct training; and (v) provide good communication (Boiral, 2002; Montabon et al., 2007; Merli and Preziosi, 2018). ESG criteria include prevention and conservation performance indicators (Gond et al., 2012). Besides, it requires coordination between the environmental department and other departments within companies, and a balance between sustainable development goals and other corporate goals.
ESG criteria incorporate environmental, social and governance factors into investment and business decision-making, and involve conditions related to traditional financial metrics in their analysis investments or company valuation (Madden, 2022). These conditions may include metrics such as carbon emissions, water use, employee diversity, labor practices, board diversity, executive compensation, etc. Therefore, ESG criteria provide quantitative and qualitative information about a company's sustainability activities and their potential impact on different stakeholders (Khalil et al., 2022; Uyar and al., 2023).
ESG integration involves incorporating environmental, social and governance metrics into investment and business decision-making processes. Rather than treating ESG criteria separately from financial analysis, integration recognizes their materiality and combines them alongside traditional financial analysis. This integration can occur at different stages of the investment process, including portfolio construction, risk assessment, due diligence and ongoing monitoring. Integration aims to identify and manage risks and opportunities related to ESG criteria, ultimately seeking to enhance long-term investment performance and sustainability (Gebhardt et al., 2022; Harasheh and Provasi, 2023).
ESG criteria provide data and metrics to evaluate a company's sustainability and ethical performance, while integration involves incorporating these criteria into investment and decision-making processes. business to better understand and manage the potential impacts on corporate financial performance and sustainability (Alda, 2021; Sahoo and Kumar, 2022).
In this sense, the integration of ESG criteria has become a tool responsible for defining, planning, operating and implementing the actions of corporations aimed at prevention and protection of the environment, outside aspects of social responsibility and the quality of their operations (Barbosa et al., 2021).
Both from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals and corporate responses to changing consumer preferences, attention to corporate sustainability is becoming increasingly important (Boulhaga et al. ., 2022). When looking for a relationship between the implementation of ESG criteria and corporate sustainability, the literature presents a heterogeneous scenario. Some researchers support a positive relationship (Harymawan et al., 2022; Kim et al., 2022), and others have confirmed a negative relationship (Rajesh and Rajendran, 2020).
As in the case study of Lee and Isa (2022),
In relation to Public Policy, what should Public actors consider first when taking or making decision that has bearing on the public.
Since Titmus and Esping-Andersen, we have always categorized three types of welfare regimes among developed countries. Could we expand this to Asian, Afrian and Latin-america countries? Would such continents have any kind of welfare?
The theory examines the design, effectiveness, and impact of social protection programs on poverty reduction and income distribution.
In your opinion, how should a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted, i.e. that it is a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, designed and constructed in such a way that it mainly helps to win successive parliamentary elections for the political party that introduced and implements this policy?
In the country where I operate in terms of socio-economic policy, the PIS government in 2016 introduced the Family 500 Plus programme, i.e. a social programme of financial support for raising children provided to parents or other legal guardians of the children being raised. Similar social programmes of financial support for the upbringing of children operate in highly developed countries in Europe. Thanks to the election promises, which also included the announcement of the introduction of this programme, the PIS party won the parliamentary elections in 2015 and then later also the next parliamentary elections in 2019. I researched this issue at the time and in the articles published at the time I pointed out the key issues that should be taken into account by the government in the introduction of this Family 500 Plus programme so that it is a key element of a real pro-social, pro-family and pro-development social and economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, including that the key strategic objectives should be achieved. Well, the key strategic objective of the introduction of this programme of social financial support for families bringing up children was to reduce the scale and slow down the progressive change in the demographic structure of society consisting in the successive and exceptionally rapid ageing of the population since the beginning of the 21st century. The effect of this programme was to be a significant increase in the fertility rate.
Unfortunately, this strategic goal has not been realised. In 2021-2022, the birth rate in Poland was the lowest since the end of the mid-20th century. Unfortunately, the Family 500 Plus programme was not implemented reliably, the government did not take into account the results of research conducted by independent economists in designing this programme and in its implementation. What I wrote about several years ago in the aforementioned articles was ignored. Unfortunately, instead of improving this programme, correcting the mistakes made, in May 2023, the government announced the continuation of this programme in the following years without any amendments, but with an increase in the amount paid per child per month from the existing and functioning for 7 years of the same amount of PLN 500 to PLN 800 from January 2024. On the other hand, the next parliamentary elections are to be held in October 2023, which the ruling PIS party is also planning to join. Therefore, in the opinion of citizens, it is obvious that this Family 500 Plus programme has become a programme of mainly populist pseudo-economic policy.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How, in your opinion, should a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted, i.e. that it is a realistically pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy and not a populist pseudo-economic policy, designed and constructed in such a way that it mainly helps to win successive parliamentary elections for the political party that introduced and implements this policy?
How should a real pro-social, pro-family and pro-development socio-economic policy be conducted?
What is your opinion on this issue?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
I will write more on this subject in my book, which I am currently writing. In this monograph, I will include the results of my ongoing research on this issue. I invite you to join me in scientific cooperation on this issue.
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to discussions in scientific problems, and not on ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
É no contexto de uma população docente envelhecida e de uma camada jovem desinteressada pela profissão docente, que se prevê uma necessidade de recrutamento de professores, para a qual o nº de diplomados em cursos de formação de professores (CFP) não tem dado resposta.
- Qual é a imagem pública da profissão de docente aos olhos dos jovens?
- Os jovens consideram a profissão de docente uma profissão prestigiada?
- Porque motivos é que os jovens já não consideram a profissão de docente atrativa, enquanto opção de carreira profissional?
- Que motivações extrínsecas poderão ser alvo de políticas públicas que realmente valorizem a profissão docente?
I am conducting research for my doctoral dissertation on the effectiveness of the US federal government's National Strategy for Financial Literacy of 2006-2020 at improving Americans' financial literacy and well-being. My dissertation relies on secondary research methodology, primarily from political science/public policy. My academic background is in American Studies, so my research deals with the National Strategy as a US politics project, although I refer to previous research on financial education effectiveness in economics and other fields of study.
The world is currently facing numerous challenges such as climate change coupled with unpredictable rainfall patterns, population growth surpassing the available resources, increased social mobility, high poverty levels, widening gap of social and regional disparities and disease pandemics. Public policies that seek to address these challenges can only provide workable solutions if the decisions made by decision-makers are informed by well researched information.
Research publications are an indispensable way of communicating scientific findings to the world. It can inform policymaking that has the potential to transform lives for the better. However, most people view research as a gateway to achieving academic goals.
Researchers need to ensure their work has an impact on public policy by engaging policymakers at various stages during their research work, ensuring that their published work is simplified that even non academicians can understand and making the findings readily available in non-traditional research article types, such as newspapers and magazines
Furthermore as a researcher, you can improve the credibility to your findings by making your data readily available in various platforms e.g. in Figshare
I've been searching various A.I. projects and have found very little on the role A.I. can play in leadership and government. If we imagine a leader who cares about their constituency and does not have to spend time fundraising, most of that leader's time would be taken up by researching each decision with respect to what does the least harm or harms the fewest people and improves quality of life for the most people.
There are many subjects to study to approach the above idea. I'm not finding anything on it or any foundational research that could support A.I. leadership augmentation. Is this research someone is already doing? Where can I find papers on that?
The importance of the notion of public action. What are the changes or analytical contributions that the perspective of public policies understood as public action makes possible?
A importância da noção de ação pública. Quais são as alterações ou contributos analíticos que a perspetivação das políticas públicas entendidas como ação pública torna possível?
What is the current consensus among historians and other scholars? Apart from his alleged relationship with Mrs. Crawford that compromised his political career, did Dilke have other clandestine romantic liaisons?
In your opinion, can the framework we developed for solid waste management contribute to the elaboration of strategies involving public authorities and private companies?
Aiming to improve the framework developed in the article "Identification of the elements and systematization of the pillars of Solid Waste Management" called Stakeholder Interaction for SWM development, we would like to hear the opinions of the scientific community so that we can improve it in other publications.
For this, we will make a brief exposition of this concept:
We have created a theoretical framework with four pillars for solid waste management, to improve the systematization of the actions of public authorities and private initiatives, increasing the efficiency of waste treatment and disposal processes.
- Public Management and Public Policies are the exclusive responsibility of the public authorities.
- Environmental Solutions and TBL are the responsibility of the public and/or private sector.
- Public Management and Environmental Solutions interfere directly with waste management.
- Public Policies and TBL act indirectly in waste management.
If you are interested in looking at the concepts in more detail, go to:
In the situation whereby formulated policy is implemented without general acceptability by the citizens, what will be the outcome of such policy?
Do you agree that empowering women politically is one of the challenges that are interspersed with many difficulties in several aspects, the most important of which are the public policies adopted in community formation?
It is necessary to know the factibility of a theoretical model that is useful for constructing public policies
Hello Friends,
I have two topics in the area of research, any suggestion or feedback with your thoughts will be appreciated to help drive the success of my Doctoral research thesis. Both topics are from my real-life experience and want to pursue research to find a solution and help society.
I have shared the following two topics with my guide / Mentor for review.
1. Public Policy in Healthcare Management for better healthcare services to people using Technology (AI/ML) - overhead of medical treatment cost due to unwanted repetition of diagnostics, which affects the social determinant of health (SDoH) in a low-income patient ( lack of value-based).
2. Smart Virtual Platform using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Motor-function of Stroke Survivors (Social Determinant of Health) using gamification.
Keywords: AI / ML, Public Policy, Healthcare, Remote care, Diagnostic services, PHC, SDoH, Treatment Cost, economics, Law, Digital Health / Telehealth / eHealth, Virtual Assistant, Chat-bot
Thank you and really appreciate any suggestions and help.
I have an assignment on public policy and I have to use a country case study.
I am trying to craft my Master's Research Proposal And I am beginning to question how I can bag a cum laude for this degree.
Ongoing peer reviewed scientific research at the US state and federal levels has shown that US tobacco policy has never been punctuated as has been claimed in public policy-oriented punctuated equilibrium theory. Falsifiability is a key feature of scientific research including the testing of scientific current theories. When a current scientific theory is found to be false in whole or part, the proper protocol is to update the scientific theory or even replace it with a new scientific theory (subject to scientific testing). Has this happened in the case of punctuated equilibrium theory related to tobacco policy research and why or why not?
Can someone recommend a case study
empirical case study of the implementation of a public policy in the real world – and assess the obstacles and challenges to the delivery of that policy.
Thanks for your comments, but I have an assignment in choosing a public Policy Case Study
Welcoming suggestions Thanks.
I am looking for studies and articles that can shed light on the development of public policies for the conservation of historical heritage in cities and local communities. Contributions are most welcome.
Changes in social protection sphere are almost inevitable in many countries during and after Coronavirus crisis. What are they?
How should the systems of nature protection and biodiversity of natural ecosystems be dispersed in order to increase the effectiveness of these systems and reduce the scale of degradation of the natural environment?
What do you think should be improved in nature conservation systems and biodiversity of natural ecosystems in addition to just increasing financial outlays on nature conservation policies conducted by government agencies and ministries of the environment?
A significant part of financial expenditures of nature conservation and biodiversity policy is devoted to the promotion of nature protection and natural environment protection issues. However, the effectiveness of this type of promotional campaigns is low, because without applying legal restrictions, enterprises do not change their technologies to be more ecological if they do not see in this business realized in a short time. Even the occasional UN climate summits in which government representatives from the majority of countries take part do not cause significant real changes in the policy of nature protection and biodiversity? Usually, the largest industrial economies in the world do not sign the obligations of rapid reduction of greenhouse gases and the issue of increasing spending on environmental innovation in the energy sector. Why, despite the growing scale of public awareness, there is no significant improvement in the implementation of nature conservation and biodiversity policy, there are no real measures that would result in a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the slowing of the global warming process?
Please reply
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Best wishes
In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted and promoted on a large scale?
Does the housing policy based on the state-supported construction of affordable housing for citizens and the system of family-friendly benefits paid to raise fertility in society as part of social policy are good instruments for pro-development socio-economic policy? In a situation of well-managed public finance, in a situation of a balanced state budget, whether the low level of national finance debt can be developed on a large scale, the aforementioned housing policy and social policy? In a situation of well-managed state finance and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted on a large scale in order to improve housing and living conditions, raise the income and financial situation of citizens? Can this kind of pro-development social and economic policy be a good solution to the situation of a decline in economic activity and the cyclically slowdown of the country's economic growth?
Please reply
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Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
What should be the economic policy for supporting the development of entrepreneurship and innovation?
Should an active, Keynesian and interventionist policy be used to increase spending from the state budget on the development of entrepreneurship support programs and innovativeness of business entities?
However, should neo-classical economics expenditures from the public finance system for programs supporting entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities be small, according to the concept in which the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation lies in its self-acting objective initiation, organization and development?
Please reply
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What socio-economic policy is appropriate for reducing poverty and social exclusion in contemporary social market economies?
Please answer
Best wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG,
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
Dear all, my name is Aricela , from Belize a developing country in Central America, I am a student at QMUL enrolled in the MSc International Public Policy. It's a pleasure for me to be here and learn from these discussions. It will help in my studies.
Suggestions are welcome and thank you.
In highly developed countries and economically fast developing countries there are analogous processes of changes in the demographic structure of society consisting in the aging of the population and the accompanying process of depopulation of cities, agglomeration, decreasing number of births, decreasing fertility rate in families. These processes, which are unfavorable for the economic development of the country, usually have at least several causes.
Extending the average life expectancy of citizens results from improved living standards, increased income and related improvements in quality of life, improvement of nutrition and improvement in the health care services sector. In addition, some of the lowly, educated people go to look for more interesting jobs and higher salaries by hiring in other countries. In a situation where young people paying off housing loans, are also burdened with various taxes, they are forced to work, to professional activity all adult members of the family of working age.
As a result, the pressure, the need to have more than 1 or 2 children are decreasing, and then the fertility decreases, which contributes to the decline in the number of citizens in the long term. In order to counteract this disadvantage for the national economy, this country should develop social policy to support young people, including subsidizing the purchase or rental of housing, establishing guaranteed income related to raising children, developing programs supporting the nursery, pre-school and education, pediatric health care system, etc.
Examples of such programs of active socio-economic policy are: Family 500 Plus Program and Flat Plus Program (Mieszkanie Plus Program). Because these programs have been developed only for 3 years, so you can not objectively assert how they affect the demographic structure of society, or motivate you to make decisions about having a larger number of children. In order to be able to answer this type of questions objectively, ie with regard to relevant scientific data, these Programs should be conducted with a minimum of 2-3 subsequent generations of citizens.
On the other hand, there has already been a noticeable increase in consumption for various types of goods purchased by citizens, which has a pro-development effect on the economy as it increases the level of economic growth. It may be one of the key elements of the socio-economic policy of anti-crisis, countercyclical importance, ie increasing the resilience of the domestic economy to global economic crises and the slowdown in global economy growth, e.g. the currently observed slowdown in global economy caused by the so-called war wars and other restrictions on the development of international trade.
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How can changes in the demographic structure of society affect the economic development of the country?
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Recently, discussions have been held in the public debate on issues related to the development of the green economy concept, the need to introduce pro-ecological policy reforms, etc. to make it possible to achieve globally sustainable pro-ecological economic development in the perspective of the next years.
In the context of the problem of determining determinants of sustainable pro-ecological economic development, the following question also appears:
How should the new economy be developed in accordance with the green economy concept in the field of renewable energy development by means of which instruments and reforms of green energy policy, so that it is possible to achieve globally sustainable pro-ecological economic development in the perspective of the next years?
How effective green economy philosophy should be developed in a pro-environmental energy policy in order to solve key development problems of human civilization, ie environmental pollution, effective and quick to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus slow down the global warming process , activation of the development of electromobility, development of modern non-emitting harmful waste to the environment, renewable energy sources, development of organic agricultural production, development of biodegradable packaging production, etc. with the use of electricity produced from renewable energy sources?
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
How should pro-ecological energy policy be developed according to the green economy concept in the field of renewable energy development?
How should programs for the development of renewable energy sources be financed?
Should the state co-finance, within public-private partnerships with public funds, large investment projects for the construction of power plants producing electricity based on modern technologies of renewable energy sources?
Please reply
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Due to the crisis in 2008, this theme is no longer exclusive to the poorest or considered on stage in developing countries.
There are currents of thought that points out that the Government should not take care of social aspects, for claiming that things naturally settle. On the other hand, there are ways of thinking that the Government should focus on the social, and sometimes end up creating so many tools of "aid" that stifle the freedom to do business. What could be a fair approach?
What is your opinion about the impact of monetary policy on the stability of financial systems in the context of the analysis of the sources of the global financial crisis in 2008?
Please reply
Best wishes
Dear fellow researcher.
Please recommend reputed journals in Energy - focus subject areas on Renewable Energy policy, governance, technology management, energy economics. Preferably scopus indexed, and easy to publish. Thank you.
I'm a Masters Public Policy student. The question is related to the course on Research Methods where we've been instructed to write a critical review of three articles that pertain to the main research question. In reviewing the three articles I selected, I note a few glaring gaps, which the authors themselves do not address. Therefore, my question is can I/should I cite other literature in order to back-up my observations of these gaps??
Thanks for any guidance.
Public policy is enacted with the vision to govern the particular sector fairly and achieve optimal social welfare. Is it possible to develop some holistic indicators that particularly identifies the impact of public policy in absolute as well as in relative terms?
What is your opinion to really measure the impact of public policy?
How do we detect whether there is an issue with policy provision(s) or implementation strategy?
How should the national, pro-development housing policy be shaped as one of the key factors of the state's economic development?
In my opinion, construction is such a booming and developing sector of the economy. However, in the context of the current processes of long-term business cycles, the slowdown in economic growth recorded since the end of 2018 in many countries and in the context of the state finances, the following are the current questions.
In my opinion, construction is the key pro-development sector of the economy, which also significantly affects the material situation of citizens. Housing and social policy are usually important elements of socio-economic policy, which significantly affect the standard of living of citizens. However, in the context of the current processes of long-term business cycles, the slowdown in economic growth recorded since the end of 2018 in many countries and in the context of the state of state finances, the following question is up-to-date:
In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted and promoted on a large scale?
In connection with the above, the key questions are as follows:
- Is the housing policy based on the state-supported construction of affordable housing for citizens and the system of family-related benefits paid to raise fertility in society as part of social policy are good instruments for pro-development socio-economic policy?
- In a situation of well-managed public finance, in a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of national finance debt, can the above-mentioned housing policy and social policy be developed on a large scale?
- In a situation of well-governed state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and social policy be promoted on a large scale in order to improve housing and living conditions, raise the income and financial situation of citizens?
- Can this kind of pro-development socio-economic policy be a good solution to the situation of a decline in economic activity and a cyclically slowdown in the country's economic growth?
- How should the national, pro-development housing policy be shaped as one of the key factors of the state's economic development?
Please reply
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Thank you very much
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
In many countries there have been terrorist attacks against civilians. These operations were carried out by people from different religions and countries. For example, what happened in England.
In your opinion, what are the causes of these terrorist operations and how are they addressed these operations and the elimination of the terrorist ideology and their leaders?
- In general, there are types of data that interact with different types of policies, for any thematic involved.
- It is important to identify the types of data that are transversal to the public policy evaluation steps, so that they can be reused several times.
Problem description:
In socio technical systems an idea of technological initiative can emerge and different groups can be organizing around it. Each groups little by litle are organizing sponaneously based on common interest, shared values including ethics, around of an idea of progress and potential benefits that sometimes is vague.
Sometimes those groups start to interact each other and at certain point of development a macro context start to be needed in order to reach the necessities of the society.
Lately despite of the potential social benefits of the new technological initiative, the political body do not create the institutional conditions for the development of a new regulation and public policy (this is what I call the macrosystem). So the socio-technological initiative do not thrive.
Some of the hypothesis about why this issue is happening are:
1) Politicians do not take care or interest of the posibilities of the new technology and initiative.
2) Politicians sees the new technology as a loss of self power threat.
3) Politicians want to take control of the different technical groups resources and assets but not the values and real purpose, because they want to have more power for themselves.
In consecuence the work done by different technical groups will never be enough organized and coordinated as well as is required by a common purpose that reach societal necesities.
What I want to do is describe the problem in terms of the interaction of technological working groups (the system) and the political and policy level (the macrosystem)
Do yo know if there are a systemic theoretical framework that can help me to analyse and describe this problem and dynamic?
In my opinion, the improvement of pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy is particularly important in a situation of a downturn in the economy.
Currently, this issue is particularly important in connection with the forecasted decline in the rate of economic growth in 2019.
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
What pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy carried out according to the concept of Keynesian economics are currently the most effective in the area of economic growth as measured by, for example, the Gross Domestic Product index?
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
How can entrepreneurship and innovation be stimulated to develop in the framework of improvement of pro-development socio-economic policy?
What are the main barriers to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in your country and what should be improved in pro-innovation economic policy?
What should be changed in economic policy to reduce barriers to entrepreneurship and innovation?
In many developed countries, the main barriers to innovation are high labor costs, high taxes and parapositive contributions under the public finance system.
Are these barriers to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in your country similar or different?
Please reply
Best wishes
I am considering as research an estimate of the equilibrium between supply and demand of pedagogical training, considering how the government makes a decision to offer (or not) pedagogical training to teachers, and, concomitantly, how is the decision making of teachers in participate (or not) in pedagogical training. I thought about doing this using game theory, but I'm not sure what kind of model I should use, or what I should consider to determine that model. Has anyone worked with something similar and could give me any suggestions?
When I see government responses to crises such as the corona virus, I see a non-systematic response that in the end is more painful for the economy and society.
Other things being equal, If governments took proactive responsibility and had a policy of given every citizen a minimum income per months for three months to cover at least rent and basic needs so they stay home at the beginning of the outbreak when people are healthy, they would save money as the number of sick people and therefore, the healthcare cost would be minimal. Proactive responsibility brings social, economic and environmental stability increasing the sustainability of the system during the crisis.
But governments seems to love reactive responsibility causing unnecessary economic and social pain as more people get sick trying to make a living during the crisis and the health care cost goes to the maximum. This is happening all over the world right now.
Which leads to the theoretical question from the sustainability angle, Is Corona virus response a classic case of lack of proactive government responsibility? I think yes, what do you think?
The private sector offering services, private goods usually implements this process more economically in terms of costs and expectations of customers compared to the offer of the public sector. In order to increase this efficiency, creation and provision of public goods to consumers is often ordered by the state sector, ie by central state administration institutions and or by local government units and commissioned to be produced for private sector enterprises through organized tenders. These tenders are a kind of competitions, during which the best offers are selected, taking into account the criterion of economic effectiveness of the delivery of certain goods, costs and time of completion and the quality of delivered public goods. The investment programs of public-private partnerships are being developed in the scope of the creation and supply of public goods that require large financial outlays, such as in the situation of construction of large power plants, eg nuclear power plants.
In view of the above, the current question is: How to increase the efficiency of state delivery of public goods?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the context of growing and increasing environmental pollution and declining areas of natural ecosystems, the importance and need to improve environmental protection systems, natural ecosystems and biodiversity is increasing. Biodiversity is one of the most important issues of natural ecosystems and life on Earth. Maintaining high biodiversity on Earth should be a challenge and one of the main goals of human functioning on the Earth in the 21st century and in subsequent centuries.
In connection with the above, protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable ecological development. In some countries, the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development is implemented successively, primarily in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques and recycling development. However, in many countries these issues are still insufficiently developed.
Still too small financial resources are allocated in many countries for the development of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation and recycling techniques. In addition to the private sector, besides enterprises implementing ecological innovations, it is necessary to increase expenditures and develop strategic pro-ecological reform projects, including restructuring of the mining industry of minerals supplying classic energy sources and development of energy based on renewable energy sources. This development should be supported and coordinated by environmentally friendly state intervention, and due to the high investment costs of construction of power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources should be co-financed from the state public finance funds.
In this way, it will be possible to slow down the ongoing global warming process in the 21st century and thus slow down the process of devastating the natural environment, draining green areas characterized by high biodiversity. Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, in particular, the natural positions of biologically complex ecosystems, i.e. those that are characterized by high biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is still valid:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
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How measuring the effectiveness of public policies can increase results for society ...