Science topics: EconomicsPublic Economics
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Public Economics - Science topic
Public economics is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity.
Questions related to Public Economics
I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to research within the field of Economics. As a postgraduate student at TERI university, I possess a keen interest in economics/econometrics/public economics. I am eager to gain valuable research experience by assisting with data collection, analysis, literature reviews and the writing process.
I am available to discuss my qualification further and explore potential research collaborations.
Will a 5% ten year in 2024 and a impending maturity wall of required U.S.Treasury refinancings lead interest on the debt overtake Defense, Social security,and Medicare as the single largest line item in the Federal budget?How can a government so indebted pay a mkt rate?

I would like to refine my research topic and may be find some researchers who would be interested in collaboration with me.
What is the difference between real growth rate estimation and growth rate (annual or compound) estimation. is there any formula. is it necessary to use regression method to estimate real growth rate.
What socio-economic policy is appropriate for reducing poverty and social exclusion in contemporary social market economies?
Please answer
Best wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG,
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

Do you agree with my opinion that in the context of the forecasted slowdown in the economic growth of many countries in 2019, policies for activating entrepreneurship and innovation should be developed within the framework of active, pro-development, anti-crisis, Keynesian, national socio-economic policies?
Please reply
Best wishes

In highly developed countries and economically fast developing countries there are analogous processes of changes in the demographic structure of society consisting in the aging of the population and the accompanying process of depopulation of cities, agglomeration, decreasing number of births, decreasing fertility rate in families. These processes, which are unfavorable for the economic development of the country, usually have at least several causes.
Extending the average life expectancy of citizens results from improved living standards, increased income and related improvements in quality of life, improvement of nutrition and improvement in the health care services sector. In addition, some of the lowly, educated people go to look for more interesting jobs and higher salaries by hiring in other countries. In a situation where young people paying off housing loans, are also burdened with various taxes, they are forced to work, to professional activity all adult members of the family of working age.
As a result, the pressure, the need to have more than 1 or 2 children are decreasing, and then the fertility decreases, which contributes to the decline in the number of citizens in the long term. In order to counteract this disadvantage for the national economy, this country should develop social policy to support young people, including subsidizing the purchase or rental of housing, establishing guaranteed income related to raising children, developing programs supporting the nursery, pre-school and education, pediatric health care system, etc.
Examples of such programs of active socio-economic policy are: Family 500 Plus Program and Flat Plus Program (Mieszkanie Plus Program). Because these programs have been developed only for 3 years, so you can not objectively assert how they affect the demographic structure of society, or motivate you to make decisions about having a larger number of children. In order to be able to answer this type of questions objectively, ie with regard to relevant scientific data, these Programs should be conducted with a minimum of 2-3 subsequent generations of citizens.
On the other hand, there has already been a noticeable increase in consumption for various types of goods purchased by citizens, which has a pro-development effect on the economy as it increases the level of economic growth. It may be one of the key elements of the socio-economic policy of anti-crisis, countercyclical importance, ie increasing the resilience of the domestic economy to global economic crises and the slowdown in global economy growth, e.g. the currently observed slowdown in global economy caused by the so-called war wars and other restrictions on the development of international trade.
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How can changes in the demographic structure of society affect the economic development of the country?
Please reply
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Thank you very much
Best wishes

Analysis of guaranteed income as a key element of pro-development, anti-crisis, anti-cyclical socio-economic policy?
Can guaranteed income be an effective instrument for pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical and, under certain economic conditions, Keynesian socio-economic policy?
What should be the state of state finances, what level of security, indebtedness, possible public debt and budget deficit would be possible to enter guaranteed income into the policy of socio-economic policy?
How should a system of guaranteed income rationing be established in the society in order for this instrument to effectively increase the level of consumption and investment in the economy?
Should a system of income guaranteed rationalization be built so that this instrument of pro-development, anti-crisis, anticyclical socio-economic policy would also meet the long-term goals of counteracting unfavorable changes in the demographic structure of society, i.e. the aging population in a given country?
I have answered these questions in my scientific publications whose links I have posted below.
In view of the above, inviting you to discuss the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How should a guaranteed income system be built as part of a pro-development socio-economic policy?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

In my opinion, the improvement of pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy is particularly important in a situation of a downturn in the economy.
Currently, this issue is particularly important in connection with the forecasted decline in the rate of economic growth in 2019.
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
What pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy carried out according to the concept of Keynesian economics are currently the most effective in the area of economic growth as measured by, for example, the Gross Domestic Product index?
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

The private sector offering services, private goods usually implements this process more economically in terms of costs and expectations of customers compared to the offer of the public sector. In order to increase this efficiency, creation and provision of public goods to consumers is often ordered by the state sector, ie by central state administration institutions and or by local government units and commissioned to be produced for private sector enterprises through organized tenders. These tenders are a kind of competitions, during which the best offers are selected, taking into account the criterion of economic effectiveness of the delivery of certain goods, costs and time of completion and the quality of delivered public goods. The investment programs of public-private partnerships are being developed in the scope of the creation and supply of public goods that require large financial outlays, such as in the situation of construction of large power plants, eg nuclear power plants.
In view of the above, the current question is: How to increase the efficiency of state delivery of public goods?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.

In modern economies, various instruments of budgetary and fiscal policy are used, supporting the activities of business entities, and also instruments of socio-economic policy, including housing, etc., aimed at activating economic processes.
In view of the above, does Keynesian state interventionism mainly activate growth or economic development?
Please reply
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
In 2020, there was an economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns imposed on various service industries. In order to mitigate the negative, recessionary effects of the pandemic, the so-called economic programs were used. Anti-crisis shields consisting in the applied large-scale public financial aid to commercial business entities. The issue of activating entrepreneurship as an important element of the anti-crisis socio-economic policy applied during the economic crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in 2020 was described in my article published at the end of December 2021. I am providing a link to this article:
I invite all those who study this subject to research cooperation.
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,

Has any of you studied the economic and financial situation, including the material and housing situation of households against the background of a specific socio-economic policy of the state?
If so, please comment on the results of the research or link to the publication in which the results of the research have been published.
What interventionist, pro-development instruments should be applied within the socio-economic policy of the state in order to improve the economic and financial standing of households?
Please reply

What instruments of state intervention are applied in your country as part of a pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy?
In some developing countries, pro-development, anti-crisis, countercyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policies and pro-social housing policies are currently underway, which are a significant determinant of high economic growth and provide citizens with material and economic well-being. In individual countries, analogical instruments of state intervention are usually used as part of pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy.
The applied state intervention instruments also contribute to the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship, reduction of unemployment, investment growth, income and consumption. In individual countries, analogical instruments of state intervention are usually used, including selected instruments of fiscal, budgetary and monetary policy, however, in a different structure of the use of individual instruments and a different share of their financing from the public finances of the state.
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What instruments of state intervention are applied in your country as part of a pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

Why did the governments of many countries, despite a good economic situation, not reduce the debt of public finances of the state and budget deficits in the state budgets?
Unfortunately, for several decades in most countries permanently budgets of public finances, state budgets are unbalanced, they are usually in deficit. Such a situation generates the risk of excessive indebtedness and loss of liquidity in public finances of the state. In a good economic situation, deficits tend to fall, but in a period of declining economic growth, deficits are rising and there is a risk of a public finance crisis. In such a situation, the state, in order to maintain liquidity, raises interest rates on treasury bonds in order to find buyers from domestic and foreign investors. This problem appeared in the countries of the south of Europe after the appearance of the global financial crisis in the autumn of 2008.
In connection with the above, the governments of individual countries should from year to year reduce the state of public finance debt, ie reduce public debt and budget deficit. However, for many years, in many countries, public debt and budget deficit, despite good economic conditions, were not reduced despite good economic growth. Why despite the good economic situation in the 90s and the beginning of the 21st century, ie before the emergence of the global financial crisis in 2008, public debt of the state finances and budget deficit in the state budget were not significantly reduced or reduced?
A fully balanced state budget should not have any deficit. Why do not the governments of many countries care about this issue and forward this unresolved problem of state funs to the subsequent ruling teams? Perhaps the answer to this question arises from this question. Well, usually several summer political cycles of exercising power by a specific government team are not correlated with the period of the business cycle.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
In connection with the above, I ask: Why did the governments of many countries, despite a good economic situation, not lower the debt of public finances of the state and budget deficits in the state budgets?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
This issue is described in the following publication:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

Do you think that the Family 500 Plus and Mieszkanie Plus programs as key social and host policy programs significantly increase the country's GDP?
Do you think that these programs are mainly social or investment in the context of long-term, prospective socio-economic policy?
Will these programs, after their many years of application, contribute to a significant increase in fertility and thus slow down the unfavorable economically progressive change in the demographic structure of society identified as aging (and thus reduce the risk of a strong deficit in the finances of the participatory pension system serviced in the future by Social Security?)?
How many years in the future do you think these programs should still be run under an active socio-economic policy so that you can fully objectively diagnose their real effectiveness in terms of slowing down, stopping the aging process and assessing the scale of investment functions of these programs in macroeconomic terms?
Do you conduct scientific research in this field? If so, I invite you to cooperation.
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

In which economic conditions, active housing policy, under which new housing estates are being built on a large scale, can be an effective instrument for pro-development, Keynesian, counter-cyclical state interventionism?
How should the state run an active, investment housing policy within which new housing estates are being built on a large scale in order to support balanced economic development without generating credit risk growth and subsequent economic crises as part of pro-development, Keynesian, anti-cyclical state intervention?
Please reply
Best wishes

Is the minimum and guaranteed income introduced in some countries a good instrument of pro-development socio-economic policy?
Are such instruments of socio-economic policy an effective anti-crisis measure on the situation of slowing economic growth?
In addition, as part of technical progress in many branches of the economy, human work is being replaced by computers, machines, robots, and artificial intelligence.
Therefore, work for people may be missing in the future. Perhaps the minimum and guaranteed income will be a good solution to this problem?
Please reply
Best wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG,
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial and material situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

Does any of you study the problems of shaping socio-economic policy, whose aim is to improve the economic, housing and social situation of citizens or households? The aim of this type of policy is to increase the incomes of the population, in particular the poorer middle class in the society of a given country. The increase in consumption is the result of increased consumption and savings. As a result, the demand for consumer and capital goods is growing, production and investments are growing, and consequently accelerating economic growth of the national economy is recorded. A derivative of this process is an increase in tax revenues to the state budget due to the growing tax base, i.e. growing income and expenses. In this way, the state as an economic entity can further develop an active socio-economic policy. I conduct research on this subject.
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development keynesian anti-crisis state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

In which sectors of the economy, types of economic activity should be used development-oriented socio-economic policy to stimulate the economic processes of the entire economy?
This issue is particularly important now, ie in the period of the forecasted slowdown in economic growth in many countries for 2019.
What types of business ventures should be supported by state bodies and co-financed from the state budget?
What types of public goods should be developed as part of a pro-development socio-economic policy?
What types of investment projects, eg in communication, energy and IT infrastructure, should be developed with state support?
What economic policy should be actively pursued by the state? Is monetary policy (eg purchase of assets lost by central banks from commercial banks), fiscal policy (eg lowering certain categories of taxes), housing policy (eg building housing for the poorest citizens), social policy (eg subsidies for setting up a business in the form of a micro-enterprise) etc.?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes

As from theoretical construct and empirical literature, i have found that tax base is defined as - tax revenue divided by tax rates. if the standard data on tax rates are not readily available, than how we can estimate tax base for central and state level ?? What could be the other suitable proxies for measurement of tax base ??
In some countries a minimum guaranteed income for citizens is introduced. In individual countries, various arguments are given for such a socio-economic policy. I described the key arguments in favor of introducing the Family 500 Plus Program in Poland, which is a kind of social policy instrument of this kind.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
How would you rate the introduction of minimum income as part of the socio-economic policy of the state?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

Can value judgments in normative economics generate abuses of unreliable use of economic knowledge for the purposes of designing socio-economic policies?
In my opinion, economics is a neutral science in terms of valuation. In my opinion, it is not only neutral in terms of valuing the processes of host reality described by economic concepts, but should be neutral. One of the areas of economics in which value judgments are allowed is normative economics referring to the assessment of economic processes that will occur in the future or which are planned for implementation in the future. In this respect, economics is a tool for debates, discussions, brainstorming at the academic level but also in the pre-election debates in the world of politics. However, often the economics used for the needs of politicians, in the field of electoral programs, social and economic policy projects are created abuses. Often in such political applications of economic knowledge selectively selectively some theories, concepts from the history of economic thought, selected economic laws, specific dependencies, etc. which perfectly serve to explain the legitimacy of the application of a specific socio-economic policy, but usually do not include the holistically described economic reality, they do not represent all economic knowledge comprehensively.
Please reply
Best wishes

Activation of innovativeness and entrepreneurship of economic processes, especially in the field of stimulating the business activity of enterprises from the SME sector is the key issue of potential improvement of the economic growth rate of the country, increase in employment, production, investments, income, etc.
Activation of innovation and entrepreneurship of economic processes is also one of the key determinants of pro-development, counter-cyclical, interventionist economic policy.
In connection with the above, I am asking you the following question:
In your opinion, what are the most effective instruments for activating innovation and entrepreneurship in economic processes?
Please reply
Best wishes

Many prognostic macroeconomic studies suggest a slowdown in economic growth in 2019.
Therefore, it is important to develop a countercyclical, anti-crisis, interventionist, active, pro-development socio-economic policy.
In connection with the above, it is current and important to formulate the answer to the following question: What socio-economic policy is appropriate for the period of slowdown in economic growth?
What instruments of socio-economic policy should be applied?
What sectors of the economy, which industries, what types of economic activities should be activated and supported by specific instruments of socio-economic policy to revive economic processes throughout the economy?
What instruments of fiscal, social, housing policy etc. should be used in modern economies to revive economic processes throughout the economy?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households against the background of the state's economic policy have been described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

What are key topics for phd in public economic and taxation policy ?
how to calculate tax rate for overall economy if the tax rates for different heads are not available ?? i have found 2 measures in literarures (1) tax revenue to gdp ratio as avarage tax rate (see Taner Turan et al. 2014, Jayawickrama and Abeysinghe 2013) (2) Empirical works of Rudi Kurniawan (2011), Mesut KARAKAS (2014) etc estimated overall tax rate as central govt tax revenue divided by GDP. Which tax rate is representative one for whole economy? And Why ?? What is the logic to said it as tax rate in Public finance ??
how to calculate tax rate for overall economy if the tax rates for different heads are not available ?? i have found 2 measures in literarures (1) tax revenue to gdp ratio as avarage tax rate (see Taner Turan et al. 2014, Jayawickrama and Abeysinghe 2013) (2) Empirical works of Rudi Kurniawan (2011), Mesut KARAKAS (2014) etc estimated overall tax rate as central govt tax revenue divided by GDP. Which tax rate is representative one for whole economy? And Why ?? What is the logic to said it as tax rate in Public finance ??
List of scopus indexed journals with free publication in Economics
Many pieces of research in the area of public procurement focus on Small to Medium Size Enterprises, but there seems to be a paucity of research in the area of micro-enterprises within the same field. Is this common across other fields as well?
An increase in employment in a particular sector is the sign of its enhanced growth. My questions is: Can increased employment in a sector reduces its growth? If possible, what can be the possible reasons and justification for such a relationship.?
Thank you
Since the GDP has long been debunked as a measure for well-being, what other tools are there that have been globally accepted?
Trying to research the causes and effects of 2008's economic crisis
for eg:
debt/ gsdp (gross state domestic product)
tax/ gsdp (gross state domestic product)
debt/ gsdp (gross state domestic product)
tax/ gsdp (gross state domestic product)
Fiscal space = [Total Revenue receipts – (Revenue expenditure on Interest Payments and Servicing of Debt + Revenue expenditure on Administrative Services) + Loans from the Centre] / Total Revenue receipts.
Intergovernmental transfers/ total revenue (total revenue is a combination of own revenue + intergovernmental transfers) is one of the methods of measuring level of dependency of sub national governments on higher level of governments for funds. In this case both vary? What is the remedy for this?
Is it Intergovernmental transfers/ total expenditure? Here also both Denominator and Numerator vary?
What is the justification given in the literature in which these type of variables are widely used in the analysis?
please reply or suggest material to refer.
What literature do you recommend for capital budgeting methods (NPV,IRR,ARR, and Payback period in decision making?
Low and middle income countries have large informal sector that are not captured in the tax net. This is a serious challenge in tax administration.
In recent years, there has been growing concern about the growth of what is called either 'bogus' or 'false' self-employment across many governments in Europe and beyond. I am interested to find out whether any research has been conducted on this issue.
Dear all,
Based on research and a wide range of evidence from both public and private sector organizations both in Australia and overseas, the best practices guide on budgeting produced by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in June 2008 details the characteristics and key elements of effective budget management. The guide examined effectiveness of the budget management system at best practice public organizations across three broad dimensions i.e. Embedding the budgeting processes into organizational planning and management; developing and implementing a comprehensive budget; and monitoring and evaluating budgeting performance. These elements were augmented by validation from the literature carried out as part of my study, where it emerged that essential factors that determine effectiveness of the budgeting in both public and private organizations seem to coalesce around these three interrelated elements. So, my question is can i use these three key elements in my case study research, as a means to devise a conceptual framework, for evaluating effectiveness of the budget management system in one public hospital located in Ethiopia, with appropriate modifications to reflect its context?
Thanks in advance for your valuable comments.
Hello everyone,
I'm working on data from the World Value Survey Longitudinal Dataset and a time-constant variable of heterogeneity at the country level. I would like to perform a multilevel analysis with cross-level interaction effect, such as:
Yij=f(Xij, Zj, Xij*Zj)
Yij is a 10-point Likert scale variable;
Xij is a constructed dichotomous variable from a Likert scale;
Zj is a continuous variable, ranges between 0 and 1 and is time-constant;
When running a random-intercept random-slope multilevel model in Stata, the coefficient of Zj and interaction term is not significant.
I was wondering if there is a way to assess if these results depend on the fact that the variable is time-constant and varies only across countries and how to take this characteristic into account.
Thank you for any advice and suggested literature,
Am trying to use Sharpe and Treynor's ratio but will welcome any suggestion and if possible sources and or market data not older than 2013.
I am trying to find positive or negative effects of distributing of large sums of intergovernmental transfers in the sense of additional expenditures they may require from the budget-recipient. If the extra outlays are indeed caused could it be the case for unconditional transfers (grants) to be considered as a better instrument for providing the local budgets with the funds the need?
Could someone please provide details of research/publications regarding general recipes and practical directions for successful NPM change initiatives in the public sector?
There has been a lot of discussion about the need for a Basic Income Grant in the past couple of years, both in developed and developing countries. It appears, according to many experts, that Schumpeter's famous idea of "creative destruction" as an essential feature of capitalism no longer holds true. Even jobs requiring advanced knowledge and skills are being destroyed, without the prospect of new and equally good jobs being created, If this trend is accurate, how are we to respond? The Basic Income Grant appears to be one important way. But is the trend correct, and are there problem with the Basic Income idea?
I am creating an instrument to identify business recovery. I'm not sure of the appropriate method to use to measure the index.
This is help for research
Hello respected people, i have got one question today. I am looking for information about the budget preparation process in hospitals. As i read from many books, many hospitals follow bottom- up approach. This is to say that various clinical unit heads present their departmental budget requests to the finance department of the organization, which compiles the various components in to the master budget. Then the finance department present the budget request to the budget committee/ the top management . And once all budget negotiation and revisions have been completed between department heads and top managers the budget finally will get approved. But what i want to know is that the extent to which clinicians / medical professionals such as doctors and nurses participate in budgeting process in hospitals. Do clinicians (clinician managers ) in hospitals really have budget responsibility ( in addition to clinical responsibilities) in managing their unit? Of course it may vary from one hospital to another depending on the place/ context but i want to know the practice in which the majority of hospitals follow in different places. Thank you.
The main idea is to compare changes in level of socio-economical development of local self-government - municipality, but I have about 3000 local units and I would like to use statistical data from National Statistic Office. Recently I wrote about two such methods that could be appropriate in Poland but now I was looking in different countries and I have found almost nothing (not mentioning indicators of sustainable development).
Best regards
Is there any standard questionnaire to ask for budgeting and budgetary control system in a public hospital?
Most of the procurement public contracts in the West countries make reference to non mandatory technical norms (prepared and published by private institutions). The question is how those practices could affect the tenders right to have equal opportunities. In other words, how is the level of legal conflicts and claims putted by bidders who believe that such norms are negatively impacting on their rights and possibilities to be selected
That is, with baseline data and a well-constructed comparison or control group?
What is the value for money in traditional infrastructure public procurement, and by comparing both PPP and the traditional procurement, what method can we ascertain value for money in case of both.
Economic growth usually has as proxies GDP growth or Home income growth. The dependent variables in my studies are gross value added or value added at factor costs.
Upon on the country, public procurement represent between 8% to 25% of Gross Domestic Product. But few empirical studies have looked at public markets from the supplier selection perspective.
how to calculate shadow economy as independent variable to estimate its effect/impact on states tax collection ? is it possible to estimate at state level ?.
What are the basic books in input output analysis? What are the good books in input output analysis ? Is there any book which explains step by step of doing input output analysis? How can it be applied to public economics, in intergovernmental transfers?
This is a question from asset pricing. Beta is the security's or portfolio's price volatility relative to the overall market
Is there any method to measure shadow economy in order to use it as an independent variable to measure tax efforts of the state? How can I use the Stochastic Frontier Approach to estimate tax effort?
Is it possible to measure and to calculate "community cost-benefit" ?
Dear colleagues, we are looking for data on informality among firms in Latin America, and comparisons to other emerging regions.
In particular, we would like to know estimates of the share of firms not registered (while they should); or firms paying taxes, etc...
Apparently, some household surveys include the question, but we would favor firm surveys.
Many thanks!
Note: The WB Entreprise survey only surveys formal firms, and how they compete with informal ones.
The sample is very small. In addition it contains 74 individuals. The number of observations per individual is either 4, 3, or 2. How can I deal with such constraint? What is the best panel data approach? Thank you in advance for your help.
I need time series since 1986
Externalities are often considered as economic concerns related to failure of market to fix equilibrium prices. Any examples that can beyond doubt explain the existence of externalities? I mean, are there examples and arguments that may counter the propositions of a 'devil's advocate'?
Based on my research on Government building design in two eras. One of them are produced from nominated architect while the other is from architectural competition.
What is the role of public investment in the national economy? And how can that role be effective?
A recent example is Clemens, Radelet, Bhavnani and Bazzi, 2012. Counting Chickens When They Hatch: Timing and the Effects of Aid on Growth. Economic Journal 122: 590–617. I'm looking for additional papers.
Can anyone help how to estimate marginal benefit of public expenditure on education?
Human capital theory suggests that there is a direct relationship between the level of education and income, under this premise, the OECD encourages countries to invest in education to reduce existing wage disparities. However, for developing countries the effects of spending on education tend to be oscillatory. That's when the question arises about whether developing countries should substantially increase the level of spending on education, if so, it would be advisable to do so at all levels?
Finally, it is possible to reach an optimal level of spending on education, which maximize the benefits of society? if so, under what arguments would be valid