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Public Diplomacy - Science topic

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أن الدراسة تكشف عن اختلافات في مسار الدبلوماسية الشعبية في كلا البلدين على مدار السنوات الـ11 الماضية، حيث شهدت تونس استمرارية أكبر لنشاط المجتمع المدني والدبلوماسية الشعبية بعد الثورة مقارنة بمصر التي شهدت تراجعاً ملحوظاً بدءاً من 2012. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة منهاجيًا على عدد من الأسس منها: المنهج التحليلي لتحليل العلاقة بين المتغيرين محل الدراسة، بال...
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University and Süleyman Demirel University Öz Bu çalışma, Afgan öğrenciler özelinde Türkiye'nin uluslararası öğrenciler üzerinden inşa ettiği kamu diplomasisi faaliyetlerinin karşı karşıya olduğu tehditleri ayrımcılık ve ırkçılık algısı temelinde ele almıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, Afgan öğrencilerin algısında, Türk toplumunda kendilerine yönelik ö...
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In 2019, the Greek government pledged to reform the strategic and operational orientation of its foreign policy. The reform placed particular emphasis on public diplomacy and the adoption of digital and social media strategies. This paper attempts to assess how these reform principles are reflected in the Greek digital diplomacy conducted on Twitte...
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National images today are shaped not only by state-led narratives but also through daily interactions on social networking sites, where passive consumption and active expression converge to influence public perceptions. This study investigates how message reception and expression affect Chinese audiences’ image of Japan. We examine how cognitive re...
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This study examines the communicative management of public diplomacy in Spanish embassies, analysing their structures, resources and practices in the context of the evolution towards more participatory and digital models. The research, based on surveys of Spanish embassies, reveals a widespread adoption of communication plans and digital practices,...
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Objective: This study examines how Twitter content affects engagement metrics in Indonesian public diplomacy. It aims to identify themes and emotional tones that drive higher engagement and offer insights for optimizing Twitter as a tool for diplomacy. Theoretical Framework: The concept of audience engagement in social media highlights the strategi...
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This article investigates the determinants underlying the Chinese Covid-19 global humanitarian aid campaign in 2020 by statistical analysis on a novel author-made dataset that tracks Chinese aid across the globe in 2020. The results show that many existing Chinese humanitarian aid practices first followed a policy of near universalism of aid, but t...
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International education and the process of internationalization have evolved through distinct historical phases, each characterized by shifting global political outlooks and increasing complexity. International politics and the global power hierarchy have always played a significant role in shaping the development of international education and dir...
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For Türkiye, the year 1964 witnessed a significant break in its long-standing foreign policy approach. During this period, Turkish foreign policy, which was shaped around the Cyprus Issue, sought alternatives after the Johnson Letter. This study aims to examine various cultural activities carried out by Türkiye in 1964 and evaluate them in the cont...
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This article examines the Maccabiah Games as a unique case study of new sports diplomacy, analyzing how this non-state sporting event functions as a significant soft power resource for Israel, while operating largely independently of state control and financing. Through analysis of historical documents, legislative frameworks, and policy decisions,...
Technical Report
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The overall aim of the research was to attempt to understand how has Iranian cultural diplomacy reshaped relations with the West since 1979. The technical report is structured with an introduction that caters for the research’s rationale, limitations, aim and objectives, and background that covers public diplomacy (PD), CD and soft power. The secon...
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Dijital Diplomasi ve E-spor Teknolojik yenilikler, spor endüstrisinde bireyler ve şirketler arasındaki etkileşimlerin yanı sıra devletler arası diplomatik ilişkileri de köklü bir şekilde dönüştürmüştür. Dijital diplomasi, sosyal medya ve çevrim içi platformları kullanarak uluslararası iş birliğini teşvik eden dinamik ve erişilebilir bir araç olara...
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The article conducts a comprehensive study of the role of public diplomacy and paradiplomacy as instruments for strengthening political institutions in the digital dimension. It is noted that in the modern era, the integration of digital technologies into political systems has become one of the most transformative phenomena in global governance. Th...
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In this study, all master's theses written in Turkey on the topics of soft power and public diplomacy are examined using quantitative methods. The following research questions were developed: RQ1: When did soft power and public diplomacy begin to be studied as topics in master's theses in Turkey? RQ2: How is the distribution of master's theses on s...
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Many new diplomatic thoughts are reflected in the report of 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China (CPC). They are shown in the following aspects: “following the path of peaceful development unswervingly” moves towards “continuing to promote the lofty cause of peace and development”, which embodies China will undertake more internationa...
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The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Cable News Network (CNN) are pivotal actors in the global media ecosystem, wielding significant influence on public opinion, political discourse, and international diplomacy. This essay explores their roles as agents of soft power, examining how their coverage shapes global perceptions and aligns with...
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Objective: The study discusses the role of the parliament in foreign policy-making. The role of the parliament has increased over time in light of the complexities and intertwined interests among countries and the emergence of globalization phenomenon, which has dehumanized the nature and reality of international relations, the need to deepen coope...
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The formation of the national image is a part of the public diplomacy which presents the nation's overall power and the influence of the nation. This research, with the topic of “The First Lady and the Nation's image”, analyzes the press reports of South Korea and China on the new First Ladies of China and North Korea, Li Sol-ju and Peng Liyuan, to...
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The intensifying China-U.S. rivalry, now evolving into a broader ideological competition between autocracy and democracy, highlights the significance of studying “democracy” as an ideograph. This study examines how the rhetoric of “democracy” is employed in the public diplomacy efforts of China Global Television Network (CGTN), the main media platf...
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Strategic communication (StratCom) is established as one of the key functions and interests of contemporary organisations and governments. The usefulness and importance of strategic communication becomes even more essential when the organisation is defence and security-focused or involved in crisis management. The objective of this study was to ass...
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Numerous studies show that China uses its ODA‐like overseas development financing to promote soft power and improve its international image. In this study, we seek to understand how. We examine the role of Chinese state‐sponsored media and diplomacy as complements to Chinese foreign aid. We propose that the coverage of aid recipients in Xinhua arti...
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Cultural diplomacy also manifests itself in the military context, where military activity and behavior in the strategic space approaches actions in the diplomatic domain. This article provides an overview of the current debates in this evolving field, exploring different diplomatic perspectives in the military’s management of international relation...
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The term "diplomacy" is used to describe the practice of managing international relations through negotiation, communication and dialogue between countries. These activities are usually conducted by diplomats or government representatives. The objective of diplomacy is to resolve conflicts, establish alliances and encourage collaboration on global...
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Saudi Arabia has undergone significant social and cultural transformations since it announced the ambitious Saudi Vision 2030, a plan to diversify the economy from oil dependence. One of the most impacted areas is sports, particularly women's sports. This article aims to examine the impact of Saudi Vision 2030 on women's empowerment in sports. This...
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Wanghong” creators, individuals who have gained massive followings through their original content on social media, have increasingly become important actors in digital public diplomacy. They have effectively assumed the role of international “cultural intermediary.” Exploring this phenomenon and re-contextualizing wanghong within public diplomacy r...
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The intensifying China-U.S. rivalry, now evolving into a broader ideological competition between autocracy and democracy, highlights the significance of studying “democracy” as an ideograph. This study examines how the rhetoric of “democracy” is employed in the public diplomacy efforts of China Global Television Network (CGTN), the main media platf...
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The article examines the terminological issues in digital diplomacy. The author comes to the conclusion that the fragmentation observed in the academic discourse is complicated by several factors: the introduction of new terms, definitions, and the lack of connection between several periods of research. Due to the evolution of the subject field, so...
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В статье анализируется восприятие Соединенных Штатов аудиторией передвижных тематических выставок, организованных в СССР Информационным агентством США (ЮСИА) в 1970-е годы. Показы экспозиций «Туризм и отдых в США» (1973-1974) и «Техника и жилище в США» (1975-1976) с успехом прошли в 11 городах Советского Союза. ЮСИА тщательно фиксировало типичные в...
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This research examines how Beijing uses social media to publicize donations and engage in nation branding as it responds to the global backlash sparked by Covid-19. It argues that self-reports of medical donations aim to enhance China’s national brand, leading to an expectation that reports about donations will primarily target countries more sever...
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The paper analyzes the legal foundations, institutional structure and key dimensions of Moscow’s public diplomacy (cultural cooperation, scientific and educational ties, support for compatriots abroad, humanitarian aid, economic cooperation and technological partnership). Using Moscow as an example, the authors emphasize the importance of integrati...
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Soft power and foreign aid alter worldwide perceptions and international relations, according to our study. Soft power, according to Joseph Nye, is a nation's ability to achieve its goals by persuasion rather than force or money. Foreign aid boosts donor nations' global image, diplomatic relations, and culture, according to this study. Effective ov...
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In the 21st century, public diplomacy has become increasingly vital in fostering international relations and trust between nations, particularly in an era dominated by misinformation and digital communication. Public diplomacy refers to the efforts by governments, organizations, and individuals to influence foreign public opinion and build relation...
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Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan diplomasi publik digital Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) melalui media sosial Instagram. Mengingat banyaknya unggahan yang telah dilakukan oleh akun @kemlu_ri, maka penelitian ini akan fokus pada konten presidensi Indonesia dalam G20 tahun 2022. Presidensi G20 dipilih mengingat statusnya sebagai...
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In recent years, the battlefield of Sino-US competition and confrontation has been extended to other countries and regions. The US has always regarded Latin America as its “backyard” and its traditional sphere of influence. In the past two decades, China-Latin America relations have experienced sustained and rapid development, and China has become...
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The book comparatively analyzes past, present and possible future war and crisis situations. In doing so, the authors pay special attention to the nature of global conflicts and international actors, which international organizations and diplomacy of different countries are working to overcome. The book also examines the complexities of relations b...
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Over the past decade, the rise of China on the global stage has witnessed the emergence of Chinese diaspora as new meso-level actors in mediating the Sino-European relations. As part of China’s burgeoning “public diplomacy” around the globe, Chinese migrants organize cultural events to bridge grassroots and semi-official exchanges between China and...
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470+571) Ілюк Т. В. ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ ПУБЛІЧНОЇ ТА КУЛЬТУРНОЇ ДИПЛОМАТІЇ РОСІЇ НА СУЧАСНОМУ ЕТАПІ: ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ «РОССПІВРОБІТНИЦТВА» Дослідження діяльності Федерального агентства у справах СНД, співвітчизників, які поживають за кордоном і з міжнародної гуманітарної співпраці Російської Федерації «Росспівробітництво», що являється ключовим гравцем в систе...
Conference Paper
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Devletler, uluslararası sistemde dış politika hedefleri doğrultusunda bölgesel ve küresel aktörlerle sert ve yumuşak güç ilişkileri geliştirmektedir. Hedef devlet ve toplumların gönüllerinin ve zihinlerinin kazanılması sürecinin inşa edici stratejisi olan kamu diplomasisi, yumuşak güç aracı olarak devletler ve toplumlar arasındaki ilişkileri düzenl...
Experiment Findings
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Diplomacy has traditionally focused on confidential, state-to-state negotiations to achieve foreign policy goals, often using hard power tactics like economic pressure and military influence (Frey & Frey, 2023; Cohen, 2021). However, digital technologies have expanded this field, leading to public and digital public diplomacy. Public diplomacy em...
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Public diplomacy scholars have argued that the strategic use of disinformation by nefarious states and non-state actors contributed to the decline of social media as a public diplomacy tool. Social media sites, once viewed as a tool to democratize and revolutionize diplomacy, are now viewed as a societal ill. Yet this article argues that many state...
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The study examined the role of public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, economic cooperation, and digital tools as critical components in shaping a country’s international image on a global scale. The aim was to analyse how these instruments influenced global perceptions of Ukraine and the outcomes they generated for the country amidst of the war. The...
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Soft power encompasses the ability to wield influence over others through skillful consensus-building, employing persuasive techniques, and cultivating a favorable image. In today's technologically advanced era, nations are adopting innovative diplomatic approaches; instead of solely relying on conventional state-to-state interactions, countries no...
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The article studies the peculiarities of the development of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine in the conditions of war. For a long time, cultural diplomacy of Ukraine developed unsystematically. The importance of increasing attention to cultural diplomacy during the war is emphasized. Cultural diplomacy forms a platform for interaction between differen...
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Outcome evaluations of public diplomacy programs remain scarce. Addressing this gap, this study evaluated Israel Project Day, a seminar-based Israeli intervention designed to improve Israel's image among German youth. The intervention provides a unique real-world application of the “Life in Israel” model that spotlights Israel’s cultural diversity...
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GERD has been a source of tension and a diplomatic deadlock between Egypt and Ethiopia. Diplomacy and cooperation are the only means to resolve these issues. The inability to recognize the current reality that emanates from contradictory narration leads Ethiopia and Egypt relations on the GERD into full mistrust and misconception, and even moving t...
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This paper is an analysis of French literature on public diplomacy available on the platform. Despite the notable achievements of the French government in the realm of international communication, public diplomacy is often perceived as a marginal term or mere political rhetoric within the domains of foreign policy, political communicatio...
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This paper addresses Japanʼs emergence as a cultural superpower and its public and cultural diplomacy initiatives in the last two and a half decades from an international relations (IR) perspective. Methodology consists of analyzing a selection of publicized issues in Japanʼs current policy strategies and considering ways in which its nation brandi...
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This study is a systematic and scientific examination of 1,268 Chinese-language public diplomacy research articles published between 1997 and 2022. By uncovering trends in development and theme and a variety of Chinese characteristics, this analysis fills a gap left by previous reviews focused on English-language research. Using a comprehensive cod...
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هدفت الدّراسة لتوضيح كيفية توظيف أدوات القوة النّاعمة في العلاقات الدّولية، من خلال التّركيز على الدّبلوماسية الرّياضية كأحد فروع الدّبلوماسية العامّة بتناول نموذج تنظيم كأس العالم لكرة القدم فيفا قطر(2022) حالةً دراسيةً ومرتكزًا رئيسًا لإثبات الدّور الرّئيسي للرّياضة قوةً ناعمةً في عالم السّياسة. وقد اعتمدت الدّراسة في سبيل الوصول إلى التّحليل الد...
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This study maps out the trends and scope of public diplomacy (PD) research published in South Korean academic journals, covering the disciplinary and institutional characteristics as well as the debates and discussions that have shaped PD scholarship in Korean-language research. We conducted deductive and inductive analyses of a sample of 212 peer-...
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The article deals with the role and significance of the Ukrainian and Russian diaspora in public diplomacy in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The research is based on the concept of reputational security authored by Nicholas J. Cull which reflects the latest challenges in the field of international politics and public diplomacy and is...
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Նույնիսկ դիվանագիտական հարաբերությունների բացակայության պայմաններում Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունը և Թուրքիայի Հանրապետությունն ունեցել են դիվանագիտական շփման մի քանի փորձեր: Երկու երկրների միջև բազմաբնույթ ձևաչափով պաշտոնական և ինստիտուցիոնալ շփումներին զուգահեռ, կիրառվել է նաև հանրային դիվանագիտության և «փափուկ» ուժի գործիքակազմը: Ընդ որում, այդ գոր...
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The paper deals with the study of Ukraine’s public diplomacy in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The research looks into the environment, actors, and goals of the contemporary public diplomacy of vulnerable states and substantiates the high relevance of the concept of reputational security by Nicholas J. Cull for the better understandin...
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Public diplomacy scholarship typically centers on English-language works, yet significant research on public diplomacy and related topics, like soft power, is emerging in other languages. This study uses computational text analysis to examine Spanish-language peer-reviewed articles on public diplomacy from 2001 to 2023. The findings reveal interest...
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This article explores the application of public diplomacy tools in light of new challenges and threats, and substantiates the role of Ukrainians abroad (Ukrainians residing beyond the borders of the State) as one of its key actors. It analyzes fundamental state documents related to the development of public diplomacy. The article outlines the main...
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It is utilized by governments as a potent strategy for building and cultivating contacts with other countries and cultures, as well as contributing to nation branding through gastrodiplomacy, culinary arts, and public diplomacy. Within the framework of public diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy—also known as culinary diplomacy—can be characterized as the tr...
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Abstrak Makalah ini membahas Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), sebagai strategi paradiplomasi Indonesia dalam bidang pendidikan internasional. IISMA adalah program mobilitas mahasiswa yang memberi kesempatan bagi mahasiswa Indonesia untuk belajar di universitas luar negeri selama satu semester. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan k...
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This study surveys the public diplomacy (PD) scholarship in Turkish from 2001 to 2022 through an analysis of 221 peer-reviewed articles. Following a mixed methods approach, the study looks both at the meta data and the content of publications. Meta data analysis identifies trends in publication volume, and authorship patterns. Content analysis look...
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This paper aims to describe, infer and interpret the corpus of references extracted from the book “Diplomacy, Organisations and Citizens. A European Communication Perspective” (Sebastião & Spínola, 2022), a collective volume published as an output of a three-year research and educational project exploring the intersection of public relations with p...
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Public diplomacy is not a foreign concept to Russian-speaking authors. Nevertheless, there has been no systematic, comprehensive analysis of the Russian language-based academic literature on public diplomacy. This article attempts to fill this research gap. Thanks to the systematic literature analysis of 1002 articles included in the main data set,...
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Purpose: The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of diplomacy practices on the conflict resolution in Rwanda. This study has the following specific objectives: To assess the effect of the public diplomacy on conflict resolution through MINAFFET. To establish the effect of economic diplomacy on conflict resolution through MINAFF...
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Despite the increasing utilization and theorization of public diplomacy reseraches have focused mainly on English publications. This leaves out knowledge development on public diplomacy topics outside the mainstream language. Against this background, this research examines the state of the art of public diplomacy research in a different language. B...
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This paper examines Cuba’s public diplomacy, initiated in the 1960s under Fidel Castro, to reshape its international image following the U.S. embargo. Key strategies included medical diplomacy, disaster relief, and the establishment of medical education systems like ELAM. Cuba’s unique position as a small, non-threatening nation under U.S. sanction...
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This research discusses Saudi Arabia's public diplomacy efforts through the development of its professional football league which aims to achieve the 2030 vision. As one of the most popular and historic sports in the world, football has become an important instrument in a country's foreign policy, this is because Football has a big influence in inf...
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The Mooncake Festival is one of China's public diplomacies through cultural activities towards Indonesia. On September 27, 2023, the Chinese Government, through its Ambassador in Indonesia, held a Mooncake Festival with the theme "Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with Full Flower and Full Moon". This festival is momentum for the Chinese Governme...
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This paper explores the role of Turkey's National Technology Management Policy and Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) as components of public diplomacy. The National Technology Management Policy plays a significant role in shaping Turkey's international image, influence, and soft power. The centralized approach to policy formulation and implementat...
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In the context of globalisation, sports events have increasingly become the focus of public diplomacy research in terms of their communication strategies. This paper interviews five groups of people and shares their views on the experience of major international sports events and their outlook for the future, and analyses how sports events can achi...
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This study provides an in-depth examination of the primary factors that impacted the U.S. government's strategic communication initiatives designed to counter ISIS ideology and its public diplomacy endeavors aimed at engaging with broader audiences. A thematic analysis of in-depth elite interviews with experts who supported these operations reveals...
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Classical organizational management literature draws clear parallels between organizational culture and climate and effective use of power and influence as key to successful policy implementation of reforms in public sector organizations. On the other hand, the public policy literature, in particular, policy transfer as a strand within policy studi...
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This paper intends to chart throughout history the foundation and transformations experienced by world fairs – starting with the first-ever international exposition in London in 1851, and continuing up until the present day, with the Dubai 2020 world exposition having been rescheduled to run from October 2021 until March 2022, in order to analyse t...
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Diplomacy, the intricate dance of managing international relations and negotiations between nations, is both an art and a science. It is one of humanity's oldest and most enduring mechanisms for resolving conflicts, maintaining peace, and fostering global cooperation. Over centuries, the practice of diplomacy has transformed, adapting to shifting p...
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The passage of H.R. 4310, which includes the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, marked a turning point in the legal framework governing the dissemination of government-produced media within the United States. Originally designed to limit public diplomacy efforts to foreign audiences, the Smith-Mundt Act was amended to allow domestic access to c...
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This exploratory study focuses on the public as a listening ensemble that takes part in public diplomacy on Twitter. Here, listening is considered as the receiving component of communication, and responsive behavior as its visible product. The focus is on public communication that followed Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine. A total of 4,392 quote t...
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Due to the growing geopolitical activity of countries such as China and Russia in Latin America, the United States is paying special attention to soft instruments of influence to maintain its position in the region. At the same time, the migration crisis, the war on drug trafficking, and the growth of anti-American sentiment in some countries of th...
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Can public diplomacy in times of crisis shape citizens’ attitudes towards international politics? Using a survey experiment in Italy, we evaluated whether information cues about public diplomacy efforts by the United States and China to assist the country in dealing with the COVID-19 emergency shifted the importance citizens attached to Italy’s int...
Experiment Findings
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Abstract: This research examines the ongoing digital transformation of Ukraine’s public diplomacy, focusing on the strategic use of social media platforms in response to geopolitical challenges. Utilizing a hybrid conceptual framework that merges Ilan Manor’s digitalization of diplomacy and Zhao Alexandre Huang’s historical-discursive approach, th...
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The paper attempts to investigate the Iran-Turkey public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria after changes in these countries. Iran and Turkey as two effective powers on the Middle East changes try to enforce their goals and policies of public diplomacy in Iraq and Syria based on the nature of states. The main questions are: how is the Iran-Turkey public d...
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This article aims to analyse and assess the effectiveness of activities undertaken by Turkish public diplomacy organisations in Central Asia. Since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in Turkey in 2002, the state’s foreign policy doctrine has changed profoundly. The new government has adopted a program of active and multifaceted d...
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The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the Sahel regions have recently become critical arenas for Russia’s revanchist ambitions. These regions are emerging as a crucial front in the broader contest for influence with the West, serving as testing grounds for Russia’s evolving strategies. While Russia’s power projection in these regions has rel...
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The purpose of this article is to analyze Turkish soft power towards Serbia in the 21st century. From a methodological point of view, this article is based on quantitative and qualitative research methods. In addition, the study uses content analysis, including newspaper articles, archival documents and other statements by individual politicians an...
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This chapter is devoted to the importance of international law as a field of study and a legal system for Ukraine in the face of the war with Russia. The study examines some theoretical and methodological aspects of legal nihilism in Ukrainian science and highlights the phenomenon of international legal nihilism. The study expands the understanding...
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zet Toplumların yaşam tarzını değiştiren/dönüştüren teknolojik gelişmeler aynı zamanda devletlerin, karar vericilerin diplomasi uygulamalarının da değişmesine neden olmuştur. Bu süreçte diplomasi, sadece diplomatlar tarafından devletler arasında yürütülen faaliyet olmanın ötesine geçerek sınırlarını genişletmiş, devlet diplomatik faaliyetlerin yegâ...
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Background: Indonesia has an executive section implementing public diplomacy, but does not yet have the characteristics of public diplomacy to be carried out, does not yet have a priority goal on the image that will be achieved by public diplomacy. Tourism is one of Indonesia's strong identities, but a strong image of Indonesian tourism has not yet...
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For the young Republic of Turkey, the 1930s were a test of international public diplomacy. Turkey, which based its domestic and foreign policy on the principle of “Peace at home, peace in the world!”, was also concerned about its own future with the dictatorial regimes of Germany, Russia and Italy, which had distanced themselves from democratic gov...
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The author discusses potential applications of the concept of AI diplomacy in three possible contexts: (1) of international law, in which agreements between states are increasingly influencing the governance of artificial intelligence; (2) of public diplomacy, related to the influence of AI technologies on a state’s soft power; (3) of traditional d...
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The rationale for conducting this research is to analyze the negotiation tactics aimed at mitigating the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has escalated into a full-scale war. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has become one of the most critical geopolitical confrontations of the 21st century, characterized by intense military and diplomatic maneuvering. Th...
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This essay examines the growing role of non-state actors (NSAs) in diplomacy which challenges the traditional state-centric form in the Westphalian system. It analyzes how globalization, technological advancements, and liberal ideas have strengthened NSAs, including NGOs, multinational corporations, and transnational advocacy networks, to perform m...
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This study analyzes and compares nation branding strategies implemented by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, since their first initiatives until 2020. Literature on nation branding in the countries under study is explored. The strategies implemented by each country were analyzed and compared. Argentina maintained a strategy focu...
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Purpose This study examines the Twitter/X networks of U.S. ambassadors in Israel, Iraq, and Qatar from 2017 to 2024, aiming to assess how digital diplomacy is conducted through these platforms. Utilizing Sprinklr, we gathered 586,736 mentions involving the ambassadors’ Twitter handles, with a focus on evaluating the influence and communication stra...
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This study employs a novel methodological approach to evaluate the effectiveness of South Korea's digital diplomacy within U.S. government web spaces. Given the United States' experience with modern digital public diplomacy, its foreign policy has a significant impact on both Korea and Japan. We examine how key issues in the Korea-Japan territorial...
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Hızla gelişen iletişim ve medya düzeninin avantajları kadar dezavantajları da vardır. Dezeformayon, bu dezavantajlardan birisidir ve gerek ulusal gerekse de uluslararası düzlemde ülkeleri zor durumda bırakabilmektedir. Bu yüzden dezenformasyonla mücadele, her ülke için öncelikli bir politika gündemi olmalı ve bunu yapabilecek hukukî ve kurumsal zem...
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This study employs a novel methodological approach to evaluate the effectiveness of South Korea’s digital diplomacy within U.S. government web spaces. Given the United States’ experience with modern digital public diplomacy, its foreign policy has a significant impact on both Korea and Japan. We examine how key issues in the Korea-Japan territorial...
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In the 21st century, digital diplomacy has emerged as a pivotal element in shaping international relations, with social media platforms playing a central role in this transformation. This paper explores the intersection of social media and diplomacy, examining how digital tools and platforms influence state behavior, public diplomacy, and global go...