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Psychosomatic Medicine - Science topic

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Publications related to Psychosomatic Medicine (4,385)
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Actual concept and research in psychosomatic medicine
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Introduction In recent decades, psychosomatic medicine has developed into a distinct specialty, bringing specific clinical concepts to bear seeking to acknowledge the unity (not the identity) of the mind and body in clinical care. Such concepts form the identity of the psychosomatic field as a distinct discipline and its epistemological status betw...
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Background The relationship between spirituality and mental health has garnered attention, fostering overall well-being. Spirituality, posited as a protective factor, may enhance resilience and provide meaning, thus benefiting mental health. This study aims to identify spirituality-associated factors influencing clinical outcomes in psychosomatic i...
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Würdigung der Arbeit von Dr. med. Wulf Bertram als Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift für Ärztliche Psychotherapie und seine Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Psychosomatik
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Early intervention in schizophrenia is important for patient prognosis and quality of life. At the time of the first episode, quality of life is influenced by identification of symptoms and by medical help-seeking behavior. In this prospective cohort study, we investigated help-seeking among 2690 parents of junior and senior high school students be...
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Background Psychosocial stress can induce various physical symptoms, including fever, which is a commonly seen symptom in pediatric practice. In cases of unexplained fever, psychogenic fever should be considered as a potential cause. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders may be more vulnerable to stress and therefore more prone to developing s...
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The authors have conducted various research studies in medical care, anti-aging, psychosomatic medicine, health, and sports. The VibraImage project has recently begun. Using a 70-second video of the subject’s eye, face, and head, the micro-movement and vibration parameters of frequency and amplitude are determined. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)...
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Introduction Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is a distressing mental disorder characterised by the presence of at least one persistent somatic symptom and a significant psychological burden due to the symptom(s), as well as excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviours related to them or associated health concerns. The primary aim of our study is to de...
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This article presents historical and modern ideas about the role of temperament in psychosomatic relationships. The evolution and origins of the study of temperament and the origins of the formation of psychosomatic medicine are described in detail. The issues of the pathogenetic influence of mental factors on the somatic state of a person are reve...
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O presente estudo explora as principais contribuições que a Medicina Psicossomática traz para a formação dos estudantes de medicina, destacando a importância das relações humanas no contexto médico, especialmente na interação médico-paciente. Ressalta a maneira como o estudo das dinâmicas entre professor e aluno e, entre aluno e paciente, podem aju...
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Background/Aims: In recent years, the presence of alexithymia in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has gained more attention, and several studies have evaluated this relationship. However, no clear conclusion has been reported yet. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to better understand the association between...
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Ian Stevenson was trained as a physician and, later, as a psychiatrist. He made significant contributions to biochemistry, psychosomatic medicine, and other areas before turning to parapsychology in mid-career. From the start of his involvement in parapsychology, Stevenson was interested in claims to remember previous lives. As his research with su...
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This article reconstructs the origins of psychosomatic medicine in Latin America through the history of the institutionalization of psychoanalysis in Argentina and Brazil. The study focuses on the exchange between Argentine and Brazilian psychoanalysts from 1942 to 1959. The analyses indicate similarities and differences between the two projects of...
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Resumen Ese artículo realiza una reconstrucción de los orígenes de la medicina psicosomática en Latinoamérica a través de la historia de la institucionalización del psicoanálisis en Argentina y Brasil. El estudio enfoca el intercambio entre psicoanalistas argentinos y brasileños durante el período correspondiente a los años 1942-1959. Los análisis...
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Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune dermatosis, is influenced by emotional factors, especially stress, as highlighted by psychosomatic medicine. The disease, characterized by erythematous and scaly skin plaques, has a multifactorial etiology that includes genetic, immunological, and psychological factors. Stress can worsen psoriasis by intensifying the...
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The term 'psychosomatic symptoms' represents a significant challenge for both internists and psychiatrists. Such symptoms are frequently characterised as functional, idiopathic or non-organic, and manifest in a multitude of ways that can prove challenging to diagnose. Examples of such symptoms include chronic pain, persistent headaches, joint pain,...
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The Lake Louise Score (LLS) is a common tool for diagnosing acute mountain sickness (AMS) after a recent gain in altitude. Required symptoms (headache, dizziness, fatigue or gastrointestinal symptoms) are unspecific, subjective and not detectable by physiological parameters. (Talks et al., 2022; Boos et al., 2018) This study aimed to enhance presen...
Conference Paper
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This conference paper reports on a longitudinal study starting in 2007 with a sample of 74 women in their transition to motherhood (see Behringer, Reiner & Spangler, 2011). Maternal sensitivity and infant-mother attachment were assessed in videotaped mother-infant interactions at age six months and 13 months and used as predictors of structural int...
Conference Paper
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The assessment of Quality of Life (QoL) in psychiatric patients is an important indicator of the impacts of the treatment. It signifies the overall success of the adopted psychiatric interventions. This analysis aims to evaluate the effect of multimodal inpatient therapy that was performed at the ward for Psychosomatic Medicine at the University Cl...
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This study aimed to scrutinize existing evidence concerning the link between somatic symptoms and nervous system activity. The goal was to pinpoint areas for effective therapeutic interventions. Psychosomatic disorders, an often overlooked field of medicine, bears significance given the multitude of patients experiencing somatic symptoms due to spe...
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Der Vortrag behandelt aktuelle Bewegungen in der Psychosomatik und die Notwendigkeit, die Integration von biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen Faktoren in der Medizin zu vertiefen. Ein zentrales Thema des Vortrags ist die Definition und das Verständnis der psychosomatischen Medizin. Sie wird als Methode beschrieben, die psychologische und phy...
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Abu Zayd Ahmed ibn Sahl Al-Balkhi (850-934) was a versatile scholar during the Islamic Golden Age, who made significant contributions in mental health, psychology, medicine, geography, and philosophy. Al-Balkhi delved into the intricate connection between psychological and physical health, contributing to the early understanding of psychosomatic me...
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Introduction “What can and what cannot I do in a sexual relationship?” |In this way, a middle-aged man with HNC - Head and Neck Cancer, under chemotherapy or radiotherapy, asks. This doubt is raised to the oncologist, radiotherapist, nurse or psychotherapist. Apparently, his concern is objective, considering he has a severe diagnosis and important...
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The field of psychosomatics has experienced many waves of “celebrity” since its origin. Its historical origin is impossible to precisely locate in time, one may argue that medicine since its very beginning has been psychosomatic in nature. In very recent times, many clinicians and researchers even from different backgrounds than psychosomatic medic...
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"Hidden in your subconscious is a power that can change the world. (William James) Endocrine psycho-cardiology is an interdisciplinary field that explores the intricate relationships between the endocrine system, psychological factors, and cardiovascular health. This field draws from concepts in endocrinology, psychology, cardiology, neurobiology...
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Purpose Radiation encephalopathy (REP) is one of the most common complications of radiotherapy for malignant tumors of the head and neck. Symptoms usually appear months to years following radiotherapy, with headache, insomnia, and memory loss as the main clinical features. We report a patient who was admitted to the hospital with anxiety and depres...
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Este artigo oferece uma visão abrangente da Medicina Psicossomática, traçando seu desenvolvimento histórico e teórico desde o século XIX até o presente. O campo, que integra insights da medicina interna, psicologia e neurociência, explora as interações intrincadas entre mente e corpo. Inicialmente focada na dicotomia entre manifestações físicas e e...
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During the Golden Age spanning the 7th-13th century, Muslims gained renown for their expertise in various scientific disciplines, encompassing both pure and social sciences. Significant advancements were made in fields such as sociology, psychology, history, and political science. It's noteworthy that, despite the absence of specific nomenclature f...
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Zusammenfassung Für Patient*innen mit dissoziativen Anfällen bieten mehrere deutsche Epilepsiezentren ein spezialisiertes Programm auf ihren Therapiestationen für Erwachsene an. In diesem Beitrag wird auf die strukturellen Voraussetzungen, die Behandlungspfade und das multidisziplinäre modulare Therapieangebot für dieses komplexe Krankheitsbild im...
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Trata-se da resenha do livro Corpo e Psicossomática em Winnicott, publicado em 2016 pela editora DWW Editorial. A obra realiza um diálogo profundo com a psicanálise de Donald Woods Winnicott e apresenta novas perspectivas sobre a relação entre corpo e mente, saúde e desenvolvimento humano. Além disso, a autora apresenta novos caminhos para o cuidad...
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Background and purpose: Envy is one of the major and negative human emotions that has a destructive effect on personal and interpersonal relationships, mental, physical, spiritual health and daily functioning. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to investigate the psychological causes, grounds, etiology and symptomatology of envy and h...
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Medical doctors and therapists are challenged to focus on forming a fruitful therapeutic relationship with patients experiencing physical symptoms without clear medical causes. In positive psychosomatic medicine a five-step concept of therapy, represented by ‘the Five Fingers’ process of treatment involves empathic listening, understanding the pati...
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There is scarce evidence of a relationship between positive and psychosomatic characteristics. This study aimed to examine the associations of somatic burden with psychological resources such as optimism, resilience, and general self-efficacy. Russian participants (n = 1020) completed measures of psychological resources at Time 1 and somatic sympto...
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at the present stage of development of the health care system, the awareness of pain pathology as a typical problem of different segments of the population leads us to the understanding that a significant place in its formation and development is given to the theory of psychogenic recovery, which is studied by psychosomatic medicine and requires co...
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En el marco de una investigación más amplia sobre la relación entre psicología, psicoanálisis y medicina infantil en Argentina, este artículo se propone indagar el surgimiento y los primeros desarrollos de la perspectiva psicosomática en pediatría. A partir de los aportes de la historia intelectual y los estudios históricos sobre la salud, la enfer...
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Background: Establishing causal relationships is essential in biology and medicine. However, various notions of causality have been operationalized at different times in various fields of the life and health sciences. While this is expected from a history or sociology of science point of view, as different accounts may correspond to what is valued...
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This systematic review primarily aims to provide a summary of the game mechanics implemented in eHealth tools supporting young people's self-management of their chronic diseases. This review secondarily investigates the rationale for implementing game mechanics and the effects of these tools. A systematic search was conducted in Embase, Medline, Ps...
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Neue Erkenntnisse in der Neuro- und Molekularbiologie, der Epigenetik und Entwicklungspsychologie sowie der Psychotherapie- und der Stressforschung haben zu einem weitreichenden Paradigmenwechsel in der Psychosomatischen Medizin geführt. Dieses Lehr- und Handbuch bietet in 100 Kapiteln zunächst eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme der wissenschaftlich...
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Background Functional somatic symptoms (FFS) and bodily distress disorders are highly prevalent across all medical settings. Services for these patients are dispersed across the health care system with minimal conceptual and operational integration, and patients do not currently access therapeutic offers in significant numbers due to a mismatch bet...
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Psychotherapy encompasses a broad range of goals, ranging from the alleviation of symptoms and the prevention of recurrence to the enhancement of well-being. These goals are mostly cross-sectional and hedonic-oriented in the sense of wellness, happiness, and absence of pain. However, an alternative goal is eudaimonia, which involves mastery of life...
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Interpersonal touch represents the primal sensory experience between humans, fostering social bonding from the cradle to the death bed. In recent decades “affective touch” has been intensely studied, stimulated by the discovery of a population of mechanosensitive unmyelinated C-tactile afferents in mammalian skin. A lack of touch in childhood is as...
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Zusammenfassung Thema Alopecia areata (AA) ist eine Form des Haarverlusts mit kahlen kreisrunden Arealen am Kopf ausgelöst durch auto- und/oder psychoneuroimmunologische Mechanismen. Sekundär leiden Betroffene unter der Haarlosigkeit. Trotz Fortschritten in den dermatologischen medikamentösen Therapien (z. B. durch JAK-Inhibitoren) und Biologica g...
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Purpose Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a suboptimally managed chronic recurring psychiatric condition with a lifetime prevalence of 2.6% in Japan. We assessed the current status of GAD management in Japan. Patients and Methods This was an observational, cross-sectional study conducted through an anonymous web-based survey in Japan from Dece...
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This lecture draws from my recent book, The Mind-Brain Continuum: Psychoneurointracrinology (Springer, 2023), which presents an autopoietic, neuroendocrine theory of the embodied self and the biochemical-organismic processes at the root of the mind. It challenges assumptions in present-day neuroscience and psychiatry placing the mind and brain on a...
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Introduction International evidence strongly suggests that medical students are at high risk of mental health problems. This distress, which can be mediated by a variety of individual, interpersonal and contextual factors within the curriculum, can be mitigated by effective coping strategies and interventions. Central to this discourse is the recog...
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Die Notwendigkeit einer effektiven Gefängnispsychiatrie, die sich um die psychische Gesundheit von Gefangenen kümmert, wird immer deutlicher. Eine umfassende Betrachtung dieses Themas erfordert die Berücksichtigung verschiedener Aspekte, angefangen bei den Herausforderungen in der psychischen Versorgung von Straftätern bis hin zu den rechtlichen Ra...
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Background Caregivers of adults with cancer often report significant distress yet remain difficult to engage in supportive services. While the field of Psychosomatic Medicine has continued to identify important markers of physiologic stress, and demonstrated disruption in these markers in caregiver populations, no research has investigated whether...
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The healing response is a complex and multiform procedure that involves many physical and symbolic interactions and synchronizations. In the clinical research model, certain factors are abstracted during which contextual elements, such as placebo responses and communicative factors, are excluded to reveal the pieces of evidence that are necessary f...
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Objectives Although the relationship between traumatic experiences (TEs) and psychosomatic manifestations (pain, somatization, somatosensory amplification [SSA], and alexithymia) has been widely described, very few studies have investigated how these variables correlate with each other and with a history of TEs. The aim of this study was to investi...
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Zusammenfassung Nach akuter Infektion mit dem SARS-CoV-2-Virus leiden bis zu 10 % der Erkrankten an längerfristigen gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen, dem sogenannten „Long-COVID-Syndrom“. Zur Versorgung dieser Patient*innen wurden in Deutschland spezialisierte Ambulanzen eingerichtet. Eine strukturierte Erfassung der Versorgungssituation ist für...
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Defined by chronic pain, rheumatic diseases are often cooccurring with anxiety and depression. Among the available psychological interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapies have an already-proven efficiency in these cases. However, the need to adjust their structure became ubiquitous during the post-pandemic period. Hence, the objective of this s...
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Psychosomatic medicine focuses on exploring the interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors in regulating the balance between health and disease. Recent shifts in disease spectra and medical models have contributed to the heightened prevalence and burden of psychosomatic diseases, posing new challenges to the contemporary health-c...
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Zusammenfassung Die ökologische Wende der Gesellschaft hat nicht nur die Medizin, sondern auch die Psychiatrie erfasst. So hat der Aufruf der DGPPN (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde) zu einer „Ökologischen Psychiatrie“ nicht nur fachexterne, sondern auch fachintern viele Gründe: Extremwette...
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Purpose This study aimed to analyze developmental trends in anxiety and depression after myocardial infarction (ADMI) research in the past 20 years through bibliometrics analysis and predict future research directions. Methods ADMI-related publications were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection. Bibliometric, VOSviewer, CiteSpace, and...
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Zusammenfassung Die Psychosomatik entwickelte sich nach der Wiederentdeckung der Psychoanalyse in den siebziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts in Österreich langsam weiter. Leitfigur dieser Zeit war Erwin Ringel, Pionier der Suizidprävention und erster Ordinarius für Psychosomatik an der psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik in Wien. Die allgemeinverstän...
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Zusammenfassung Kinder und Jugendliche mit psychischen Störungen weisen komplexe Bedarfe auf, die regelhaft Leistungen aus mehreren Sozialgesetzbüchern erforderlich machen und innerhalb der medizinischen Versorgung Leistungen aus verschiedenen Sektoren bedingen können. Die steigende Inanspruchnahme, die Zunahme der Schweregrade der Störungsbilder s...
Conference Paper
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Hintergrund und Zielstellung Das Post-/Long-Covid-Syndrom (PCS) zeichnet sich durch multiple, indikationsübergreifende Symptome aus (Koczulla, 2022). Der Verlust der körperlichen und psychischen Leistungsfähigkeit führt zu erheblichen Einschränkungen der Teilhabe am beruflichen und sozialen Leben. Für die interdisziplinäre Rehabilitation des PCS ha...
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Hintergrund. Zu den häufigsten Symptomen des Post-COVID Syndroms (PCS) zählen Müdigkeit, Fatigue, bzw. eine unverhältnismäßige Erschöpfung und kognitive Störungen (z.B. Gedächtnis-/Konzentration, Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit, Daueraufmerksamkeit) (Gogoll et al., 2023). Diese anhaltenden Symptome beeinträchtigen die Leistungs- und Funktionsfähigkeit im...
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Hintergrund. Kognitive Symptome, wie Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen, als auch depressive Symptome, wie Energieverlust oder Schlafstörungen und Fatigue sind für das Post-COVID Syndrom (PCS) kennzeichnend (Gogoll et al., 2023). Das Fachgebiet der Psychosomatik ist mit kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen, wie z.B. bei Depression vertraut. Da k...
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Einleitung: Bewegungstherapie ist ein zentraler und gut evaluierter Bestandteil der Rehabilitation mit PCS. Forschungsbedarf besteht allerdings hinsichtlich Nebenwirkungen im Sinne einer Post Excertional malaise (PEM, Pouliopoulou et al., 2023). In der Psychosomatik ist Bewegungstherapie zudem ein Erfahrungsraum, in dem dysfunktionale Muster aktual...
Conference Paper
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The development of autonomy training has a long history and three distinct transdisciplinary fields of origin. One is social science research on radicalism, the other comes from health and sport research. This research traditions, developed by Grossarth and collaborators, have been able to show great effects, in addition to their high effectiveness...
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Background At an individual level, physician resilience protects against burnout and against its known negative effects on individual physicians, patient safety, and quality of care. However, it remains uncertain whether physician resilience also correlates with maintaining a high level of healthcare quality during crises such as a pandemic. This s...
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O humanismo ainda non ten esgotadas tódalas posibilidades de interpretación e desenrolo. Nin a antiga visión renacentista ou clásica do humanismo nin a máis moderna visión positivista ou científico-técnica encaixan na visión da escola do humanismo médico galego. Neste traballo, tras un breve percorrido polos sentidos do humanismo ao longo da histor...
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Zusammenfassung Viele Geschichtsbücher sparen den Zeitraum 1933–45 aus. Deshalb wird die traurige Geschichte des Deutschen Instituts für psychologische Forschung und Psychotherapie unter der Leitung von M.H. Göring angerissen, um die widersprüchliche Aufrechterhaltung der Tiefenpsychologie im Dienste des Nationalsozialismus darzustellen. Im Exil an...
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Kernaussagen: • Ein großer Teil der modernen Medizin beruht weiterhin auf einem bio-medizinischen Verständnis von Krankheit und Gesundheit. • Als Grundlage des vorliegenden Lehr-und Handbuchs wird in diesem Kapitel ein bio-psycho-soziales Krankheitsmodell dargestellt, wie es von G. L. Engel (1977) erstmals konzipiert und durch das Situationskreis-M...
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Zusammenfassung Die routinemäßige, tiefgreifende Charakterisierung von Patienten mit Methoden der klinischen und skalenbasierten Untersuchung, der Neuropsychologie, anhand von Biomaterialien und sensorbasierten Informationen verspricht transformative Möglichkeiten auf dem Weg zu einer personalisierten Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention in der Psyc...
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Zusammenfassung Die Tatsache, dass Endometriose eine der häufigsten Unterleibserkrankungen bei Frauen und Mädchen ist, gerät immer mehr in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit und der Politik. Auch in der Praxis der niedergelassenen Frauenärztinnen und Frauenärzte in Deutschland bekommt diese Erkrankung einen größeren Stellenwert, es fehlt aber noch a...
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AimsCo-occurring somatic diseases exhibit complex clinical profiles, which can differentially impact the development of late-life depression. Within a community-based cohort, we aimed to explore the association between somatic disease burden, both in terms of the number of diseases and their patterns, and the incidence of depression in older people...
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Background Functional somatic symptoms and bodily distress disorders are highly prevalent across all medical settings. Services for these patients are dispersed across the health care system with minimal conceptual and operational integration and patients do not currently access therapeutic offers in significant numbers due to a mismatch between th...
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Zusammenfassung In der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen entstand in Wien eine neue tiefenpsychologische Schule: Alfred Adlers Individualpsychologie. Sie nahm sich vor allem der psychosozialen Probleme der Großstadt an. Hunger, schlechte Hygiene und harte Kindererziehung führten zu Minderwertigkeitsgefühlen und deren Folgen durch Überkompensation: Kran...
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Background: Female physicians are in some cases preferred by patients due to their sex-related characteristics such as softness and empathy. Psychosomatic medicine presents a compelling working environment due to its holistic approach. Methods: This brief review synthesizes the challenges encountered by female physicians in psychosomatic medicine a...
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Objective Multimorbidity is a growing challenge in the care for older people with mental illness. To address both physical and mental illnesses, integrated care management is required. The purpose of this scoping review is to identify core components of integrated care models for older adults with depression and physical comorbidity, and map report...
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Generally the term psychophysiological disorder applies to the physical conditions in which events are closely related to bodily symptoms. They can be treated as the products after the biopsychosocial processes. From a psychophysiological standpoint a large number of physical problems have been studied including disorders of cardiovascular, respira...
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In recent decades of significant development in the world, a new perspective direction of integration of psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry/medical psychology, which is focused on the study of interaction between psyche and skin, is psychodermatology. Among topical psychodermatological problems, special attention is paid to the peculiarities of...
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bstract. The article discusses the current issues of comorbidity between mental disorders and chronic non-infectious somatic diseases, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary patient-centered approach in the treatment of these conditions. Additionally, in light of the negative impact of the Russian military aggression on the mental healt...
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This text is the abstract of the poster presentation for the conference "Psychosomatic Medicine: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE"
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Objective Anorexia nervosa (AN) and atypical anorexia nervosa (AAN) are severe and complex eating disorders that can be prevalent among individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Insulin purging, characterized by the intentional underuse / omission of insulin to control weight, is under-recognized in medicine and is a purging strategy of pat...
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Functional somatic syndromes (FSSs) represent a clinically important group of disorders that are often stress-related. Their autonomic pathophysiology, including reduced heart rate variability (HRV), has been reported. However, the response pattern to mental stress and recovery in FSSs remains unclear. Thus, we aimed to clarify the pattern of auton...
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At present, the methods of neuroscience research have been widely used in the field of psychosomatic medical research, and now the mainstream medicine has developed a strong interest in integration, which is also a necessary prerequisite for the greater development of psychosomatic medicine. Explore multidisciplinary, multimodal, the integration of...
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Purpose: to substantiate the algorithm for predicting the state of psychological adaptation - maladaptation of patients with dermatological pathology with different levels of vital threat, on the basis of which to develop personalized psychocorrection programs for this contingent, and to evaluate the effectiveness of their implementation. . Conting...
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Austrian paediatric psychosomatic medicine has an important place in the history of medicine. Since the beginning of history, mankind has been aware of an interdependence of psychodynamic processes and physical features such as pain and illnesses. The Hebrew bible assumes that leprosy is caused by “lashon hara” (the bad tongue) and can be cured by...
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Sir, How were unexplained medical symptoms comprehended before 20th century? How were they discerned by society? How were these symptoms branded? Well, some were understood as God's wrath and others were named agnosias. With the advent of brain imaging techniques and relentless curiosity, the former found a place in psychiatric nosology and the lat...
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Psychosomatic medicine Biopsychosocial health Epistemic injustice Medical humanities
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This manuscript is the abstract of the VI Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Psychosomatic Medicine: Science and Practice", held on November 2-3, 2023 in Kyiv on the Mediamed platform.
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This text is the thesis of the poster presentation of the conference «Psychosomatic Medicine: science and practice» which took place on November 2-3, 2023 on the Mediamed portal. The following is devoted psychotherapeutic tools in dealing with negative psychoemotional states by example of online games.
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This text is the abstract of the VI Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Psychosomatic Medicine: science and practice" which took place on November 2-3, 2023 in Kyiv on the Mediamed portal.