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Protistology - Science topic

devoted to the study of protists and protozoans
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Publications related to Protistology (220)
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Eukaryotic microorganisms, or “protists,” while often inconspicuous, play fundamental roles in the Earth ecosystem, ranging from primary production and nutrient cycling to interactions with human health and society. In the backdrop of accelerating climate dysregulation, alongside anthropogenic disruption of natural ecosystems, understanding changes...
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A glossary of standard terms as used in the protistology book.
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A brief history of protistology
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Ciliophora is extremely diverse and probably the most studied group of heterotrophic protists, with cilia and a nuclear dimorphism (Simpson 2017). Records published in the 1920s identify 1026 species of ciliate protists (Alveolata: Ciliophora) in Mexico (Mayén-Estrada et al. 2020). Up to now, there has been no formal deposit of microscope slides in...
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A new species of dixenous trypanosomatids, Phytomonas vermiformis sp. n., was discovered in the gut and salivary glands of the vernal shieldbug Peribalus (P.) strictus vernalis (Wolff, 1804) in the Novgorod Region and in Krasnodar Krai of the Russian Federation. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU rRNA gene revealed a high level of similarity betwee...
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To overcome the global problem of food shortage while supporting sustainable life on Earth, we must appreciate the critical importance of soil microorganisms—the key drivers of essential ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and plant productivity. Protists are one of the major microbial groups in soil ecosystem including primary producers, d...
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The French microscopist Louis Joblot (1645-1723), a contemporary of Antoine van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke, he can be considered one of the fathers of protistology/microbiology. His work entitled "Descriptions and uses of various new microscopes" of 1718 contains several extraordinary images of protozoa in motion and in binary division. Unfortuna...
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The French microscopist Louis Joblot (1645-1723), a contemporary of Antoine van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke, he can be considered one of the fathers of protistology/microbiology. His work entitled "Descriptions and uses of various new microscopes" of 1718 contains several extraordinary images of protozoa in motion and in binary division. Unfortuna...
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The ATCC Genome Portal (AGP, is a database of authenticated genomes for bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses held in ATCC’s biorepository. It now includes 3,938 assemblies (253% increase) produced under ISO 9000 by ATCC. Here, we present new features and content added to the AGP for the research community.
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The article is devoted to the biography of Professor Georgy Nikolaevich Gassovsky (May 19, 1893 – September 22, 1960), a scientist, teacher and organizer of science. After graduating from Petrograd University in 1916, Gassovsky worked at the university as an assistant, but then a significant period of his life (from 1920 to 1934) was associated wit...
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Edward Heron-Allen and Arthur Earland were among the last great amateur foraminifera researchers. Their partnership began in 1907 and ended in 1932. While close in age to one another, they shared little more than a fascination for forams and a lack of any university training. In most other aspects, the two men were completely different. Heron-Allen...
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The present essay is dedicated to one of the most famous evolutionary biologists of recent decades, Thomas Cavalier-Smith, an evolutionary biologist and monographic protistologist, one of the founders of eukaryotic megasystematics. His theoretical work was devoted to various aspects of the origin of the cell and the evolution of the genome, and the...
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Poster session 3, September 23, 2022, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM As the world enters the third decade of the 21st century, infectious diseases continue to pose major challenges to the survival and well-being of human kind. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how indispensable technological advances and innovations are in our fight against the vast legion of...
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For more than a decade, high‐throughput sequencing has transformed the study of marine planktonic communities and has highlighted the extent of protist diversity in these ecosystems. Nevertheless, little is known relative to their genomic diversity at the species‐scale as well as their major speciation mechanisms. An increasing number of data obtai...
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Science in general, and microscopy in particular, lagged far behind Europe in early 19th century America. Jacob Bailey was one of the very few American microscopists. In eulogies he was called 'the Ehrenberg of America' and 'the founder of microscopical research'. He was a major figure in the scientific community of America in his time and instrume...
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We read with interest the article by Sumi et al.¹ about the pharmacodynamic evaluation of intermittent versus extended and continuous infusions of piperacillin/tazobactam in a hollow-fibre infection model (HFIM) against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Using an HFIM, the authors simulated six different piperacillin/tazobactam dosing regimens, ranging from a...
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On February 2022, samples collected in Northwest France showed discordant molecular results. After virological and epidemiological investigations, 17 cases of Deltacron XD recombinant SARS-CoV-2 were confirmed by sequencing or suspected due to epidemiological links, showing evidence of an extended transmission event and circulation of this form, wi...
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Louis Joblot published one of the first manuals of microscopy in 1718, just a few years before both he and Leeuwenhoek died. It contained Joblot's microscope designs and his extensive observations on microorganisms including experiments on spontaneous generation. Joblot's work and his observations have often been overlooked, misdated, and denigrate...
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Protists are essential components of soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. They play a vital role in the microbial food web as consumers of bacteria, fungi, and other small eukaryotes and are also involved in maintaining soil fertility and plant productivity. Protists also contribute to regulating and shaping the bacterial community in terre...
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Charles Atwood Kofoid was a scientist of considerable stature and a key figure in the development of protistology in the United States of America during first half of the 20th century. Today he is known mainly for his detailed taxonomic monographs on protists of the marine plankton, specifically dinoflagellates and tintinnid ciliates. Lesser known...
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Arctic marine protist communities have been understudied due to challenging sampling conditions, in particular during winter and in deep waters. The aim of this study was to improve our knowledge on Arctic protist diversity through the year, in both the epipelagic (< 200 m depth) and mesopelagic zones (200–1000 m depth). Sampling campaigns were per...
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Acanthamoeba castellanii is an amoeba host that was used to isolate a novel strain named pacmanvirus S19. This isolate is the second strain reported and belongs to the extended Asfarviridae family. Pacmanvirus S19 harbors a 419,588-bp genome, with a GC content of 33.20%, which encodes 444 predicted proteins and a single Ile-tRNA.
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Accounts are given of the lives and careers of Edouard Claparède (1832-1871) and Johannes Lachmann (1832-1860), the authors of the landmark work of 19th century protistology “Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes”, published in 3 parts in 1859, 1860 and 1861. Accounts are also given on the origin of the monograph, the relationship of Claparèd...
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Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, those being unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell colony), or acellular (lacking cells). Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, bacteriology, protistology, mycology, immunology and parasitology. Eukaryotic microorganisms possess membrane-bound organelles and inclu...
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14 stycznia 2021 r. po długiej chorobie odszedł profesor Andrzej Grębecki wybitny biolog komórki, zasłużony dla nauki w Polsce i na świecie, nauczyciel i wychowawca. Profesor Andrzej Grębecki ukończył Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w 1952 r., a w 1956 r. obronił pracę doktorską pod kierunkiem prof. Jana Dembowskiego. Profe...
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The species Metchnikovella dogieli (Paskerova et al. Protistology 10:148–157, 2016) belongs to one of the early diverging microsporidian groups, the metchnikovellids (Microsporidia: Metchnikovellidae). In relation to typical (‘core’) microsporidia, this group is considered primitive. The spores of metchnikovellids have no classical polar sac-anchor...
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Since the advent of deep-sea microbiology in the 1950's, microbiologists have justifiably recognized Adrien Certes as a pioneer due to his early studies on culturing deep-sea bacteria, and investigating the effects of pressure on microorganisms. However, Certes was actually first and foremost a protistologist. He was but a 'part-time' scientist, wi...
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Liebermannia dichroplusae is an intracellular parasite that develops in the epithelium cells of the Malpighian tubules of the univoltine melanopline Dichroplus elongatus, a common and widespread grasshopper in southern South America that readily becomes an agricultural pest when outbreaks occur. Heavy infections by L. dichroplusae cause conspicuous...
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The article describes a new species of monoxenous trypanosomatids Blastocrithidia frustrata from brown marmorated stink bugs Halyomorpha halys collected in the south of Russia (Sochi) and Abkhazia (Sukhumi). A unique morphological feature distinguishing this new species from the earlier described representatives of the genus Blastocrithidia is a de...
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Protists - all eukaryotes besides fungi, animals, and plants - represent a major part of the taxonomic and functional diversity of eukaryotic life on the planet and drive many ecosystem processes. However, knowledge of protist communities and their diversity lags behind that of most other groups of organisms, largely due to methodological constrain...
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In 1703 two articles appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society, authored by an unnamed gentleman. The articles, with deference to Leeuwenhoeck, described recent observations made with a microscope. Clifford Dobell, in his biography of Leeuwenhoeck, remarked at length on the extraordinary quality of the illustrations and descriptions of "ani...
Conference Paper
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Ion-translocating pyrophosphatases (mPPases) are integral membrane proteins that use the chemical energy of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) for the vectorial transport of ions (H+ or Na+) and subsequent generation of electrochemical gradients. Nuclear genomes of plants and many microorganisms (prokaryotes and protists) encode distinct types of m-PPas...
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The aim of this study was to determine the cultivability of E. faecalis and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) under different light intensities in the presence of different concentrations of mercury chloride (HgCl 2) and biodegradable organic compound (BOC). Studied light intensities were 0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 lux while studied HgCl 2 concentra...
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The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) of Paris, France, houses collections of major importance in the history of palaeontology and particularly of micropalaeontology. The contributors of these collections are diverse, from MNHN researchers to institutions as the French Oil Institute, scientists and explorers as Jean-Baptiste Charcot, Jacq...
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Bacterial virulence factors are attractive targets for the development of therapeutics. Type IV pili, which are associated with a remarkable array of properties including motility, the interaction between bacteria and attachment to biotic and abiotic surfaces, represent particularly appealing virulence factor targets. Type IV pili are present in nu...
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One of the mechanisms of rapid adaptation or acclimatization to environmental changes in corals is through the dynamics of the composition of their associated endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae community. The various species of these dinoflagellates are characterized by different biological properties, some of which can confer stress tolerance to the co...
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We present an extension of the Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) standard for reporting sequences of uncultivated virus genomes. Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG) standards were developed within the Genomic Standards Consortium framework and include virus origin, genome quality, genome annotation, taxon...
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Persisters form sub-populations of stress-tolerant cells that play a major role in the capacity of biofilms to survive and recover from disturbances such as antibiotic treatments. The mechanisms of persistence are diverse and influenced by environmental conditions, and persister populations are more heterogeneous than formerly suspected. We used co...
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Abstract Joel Dacks is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Evolutionary Cell Biology at the University of Alberta, a Scientific Associate at the Natural History Museum (London), and the current President of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology. His research group studies the evolution and diversity of the eukaryot...
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Parasitic Chytridiomycota (chytrids) are ecologically significant in various aquatic ecosystems, notably through their roles in controlling bloomforming phytoplankton populations and in facilitating the transfer of nutrients from inedible algae to higher trophic levels. The diversity and study of these obligate parasites, while critical to understa...
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Background: ART in the developing world has moved to a new era with the WHO recommendation to test and immediately treat HIV-positive individuals. A high frequency of pretreatment HIV drug resistance (PDR) can compromise ART efficacy. Our study presents updated estimates of PDR in seven countries from West Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Iv...
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Introduction Intestinal parasitic infections are a major public health problem in inter-tropical areas. The aim of our study was to describe the situation in Mahajanga, Madagascar with a particular focus on two protozoa, Dientamoeba fragilis and Blastocystis sp. Methods This was a prospective study from February to June 2015. Stool samples from sy...
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Background Rapid tests for HIV testing are essential tools to achieve the 90-90-90 target of the World Health Organization. Many tests are available, some directly from websites. Evaluation of the performance of rapid tests, under close to real-life usage, is therefore needed to ensure accurate diagnosis in the context of the recommendation for the...
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The study focuses on the biomorphology of crustaceans of the Matourou stream at Nkoukoum in the Central region of Cameroon. Two species of shrimp (Caridina sp. and Macrobrachium sp.) and three morphotypes of the Soudanonautes crab were harvested, identified and characterized. Caridina sp. of small size (10-30 mm)is characterized by a dorso-ventrall...
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A study was carried out on Aeromonas hydrophila adhesion to polythene fragment at different cell growth phases in aquatic microcosm. The main purpose of this study was to assess adsorption capacity, adsorption intensity and kinetics of Aeromonas hydrophila on polythene in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) disinfected water. T...
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Morphological and infraciliature studies carried out using pyridinated ammoniacal silver carbonate and the 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining techniques, led to the identification of two new species of ciliates pertaining to the subclass Astomatia. The first species, Hoplitophrya polymorphus sp. nov., displays two main cellular forms: th...
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Since the advent of DNA metabarcoding surveys, the planktonic realm is considered a treasure trove of diversity, inhabited by a small number of abundant taxa, and a hugely diverse and taxonomically uncharacterized consortium of rare species. Here we assess if the apparent underestimation of plankton diversity applies universally. We target plankton...
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Parasites exist in every ecosystem and can have large influence on food web structure and function, yet, we know little about parasites' effect on food web dynamics. Here we investigate the role of microbial parasitism (viruses of bacteria, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, and parasitic chytrids on cyanobacteria) on the dynamics of trophic pathways...
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Prokina K.I., Zagumyonnyi D.G., Philippov D.A. 2017. Centrohelids in the mires of Northern Russia. Protistology, 11(1): 3–19. DOI: 10.21685/1680-0826-2017-11-1-1 The species composition and morphology of centrohelid heliozoa collected from mire water bodies of different types in the North of the European part of Russia were studied. Eighteen specie...
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We sequenced the first Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) complete genome sequence from France. This BCoV was directly sequenced from a fecal sample collected from a calf in Normandy in 2014.
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Current information on the response of phytoplankton to turbulence is linked to cell size and nutrient availability. Diatoms are considered to be favored by mixing as dissolved nutrients are more easily accessible for non-motile cells. We investigated how diatoms exploit microscale turbulence under nutrient repletion and depletion conditions. Here,...
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The bewildering organismal and functional complexity of microbial eukaryotes has long fascinated protistologists but exceeded the capacity of this research community to comprehensively study it. Lacking the critical mass for a strong scientific discipline, protistologists remain largely divided into various sub-communities (protozoology versus phyc...
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Measles outbreaks are regularly reported in European countries despite efforts to improve vaccination coverage. In January 2016, an outbreak occurred in a refugee settlement in Calais, France. We report here the complete genome sequence of a wild-type measles virus isolated from a health care worker (MVi/Calais. FRA/01.16) infected during this outb...
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The study of cultured strains has a long tradition in protistological research and has greatly contributed to establishing the morphology, taxonomy and ecology of many protist species. However, cultivation-independent techniques, based on 18S rRNA gene sequences, have demonstrated that natural protistan assemblages mainly consist of hitherto uncult...
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The last quarter century has seen dramatic changes in our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among protist groups and their evolutionary history. This is due in large part to the maturation of molecular phylogenetics, to genomics and transcriptomics becoming widely used tools, and to ongoing and accelerating progress in characterizing...
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Importance: Direct studies on marine picoeukaryotes by epifluorescence microscopy are problematic due to the lack of morphological features, in addition to the limited number and poor resolution of specific phylogenetic probes used in FISH routines. As a consequence, there is an increasing use of molecular methods, including high-throughput sequen...
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We report a of the symposium “Stress and Protists: No life without stress”, which was held in September 2015 on the VII European Congress of Protistology in partnership with the International Society of Protistologists (Seville, Spain). We present an overview on general comments and concepts on cellular stress which can be also applied to any proti...
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Many states use red lists of nearly all groups of organisms to protect their natural biodiversity. Nevertheless, the practical protection of protist organisms, including microalgae, is still almost completely missing. Compiling red lists of microorganisms is a quite challenging task requiring knowledge of ecology, distribution, and endangering fact...
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Background Severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) is recognized as an important cause of morbidity, mortality, and hospitalization among children in developing countries. Little is known, however, in tropical countries like Cameroon about the cause and seasonality of respiratory infections, especially in hospitalized settings.Objectives: Our study...
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Photosynthetic protists, also called microalgae, have been systematically studied for more than a century. However, only recently broad biotechnological applications have fostered a novel wave of research on their potentialities as sustainable resources of renewable energy as well as valuable industrial and agro-food products. At the recent VII Eur...
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La cuestión sobre la cognición en organismos sin sistema nervioso es el principal objetivo de mi trabajo de investigación. De hecho, la pregunta por la cognición en sí es una pregunta irresoluble. Nos hemos atrevido a cuestionar la pregunta hacia los organismos primitivos, carentes de sistema nervioso. Fue Humberto Maturana, que en 1970, en su lib...
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Among 23 species of tintinnid ciliates known for the Black Sea, nine nonindigenous species (Eutintinnus lususundae, E. tubulosus, E. apertus, Eutintinnus sp., Salpingella decurtata, Tintinnopsis tocantinensis, Rhizodomus tagatzi, Amphorellopsis acuta and Nolaclusilis sp.) were registered in the Sevastopol Bay and the adjacent coastal regions of the...
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In the bottom sediments of the Caspian Sea, which have been selected with a modern instrument (multikorer), have been found biomorphic structures. Location biomorphic structures associated with hydrogen sulphide contaminated region. Biomorphic structures have been found only in the recovered bottom sediments in two abbysal trough, in other piece of...
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The main objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of a set of three Mucorales quantitative PCR assays in a retrospective multicentre study. Mucormycosis cases were recorded thanks to the French prospective surveillance programme (RESSIF network). The day of sampling of the first histological or mycological positive specimen...
Conference Paper
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On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to Seville and to the VII European Congress of Protistology (VII ECOP), hosted by the Specialized Group of Protistology (Grupo Especializado de Protistología, GEP) of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. The European Congresses of Protistology (ECOP) are the most visible...