Science topics: Proposals
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Proposals - Science topic

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Questions related to Proposals
  • asked a question related to Proposals
5 answers
Had a prominent administrator admonish me after writing a successful proposal as a Principal Investigator (PI). The administrator actually said you "...don't know how to write proposal..." and " haven't had the training to write a proposal...". First, it my opinion that is obviously not true. A funded successfully PI research proposal from my understanding of years in academia is that a PI grant is the holy grail (so to speak) of the trade of being a researcher. What I think was meant by these comments is that perhaps the local policy is insufficient to recognize exceptional outcomes, that the 'culture' practice and or thought is constrained in some fashion (possibly toxic), and that the needs for adaptive and progressive support of contributing colleagues is needed. Think this is an awesome topic for discussion in the realm of marginalized researchers and top-down leadership approaches that could be considered bullying.
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Lots of people have lots of opinions, but unless this administrator is in line to review you for tenure and promotion, you can safely ignore their opinion.
In my experience, almost no gets "training" in how to write research proposals. If you are lucky, you get it via an apprenticeship with a more senior researcher. If not, then it can take a great deal of work to figure out how successful funding works. So, congratulations on your achievement, and "don't let the bastards grind you down."
  • asked a question related to Proposals
3 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am currently preparing proposals for submission for funding for a postdoc position. One of the documents I need to prepare is host researcher’s statement on development opportunities and career support. Perhaps someone prepared such a document? I would be grateful for any examples or templates.
All the best,
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The portion of the post-doc application that you mention is almost always completed by host department rather than the individual applicant. Of course, it wold make it easier for that department if you could supply them with a template, so looking for an example is a good idea.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
14 answers
Since many scientists do not like the current review process, which sometimes is biased.
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Will ChatGPT Disrupt Peer Review? Impact of AI on the Hallmark of Science Vigilance
ChatGPT is already starting to impact peer review in scholarly publishing. While there is a constant debate surrounding whether artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of fully replacing human peer reviewers or not, it is being used to assist with certain aspects of the peer review process. For example, some publishers are using AI tools to screen submissions for plagiarism or to identify potential conflicts of interest. Other publishers are using AI to help identify suitable reviewers based on their areas of expertise and past performance...
AI tools can assist with certain aspects of the review process, such as identifying potential conflicts of interest or language biases, but they cannot replace the expertise and judgment of human reviewers.
Human reviewers bring a level of subject matter expertise and critical thinking that cannot be replicated by AI tools. They can identify important scientific insights, evaluate the quality of the research methodology, and provide nuanced feedback that goes beyond what an algorithm can offer...
  • asked a question related to Proposals
4 answers
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Hola colega, estoy muy interesado en esta colaboracion cientifica internacional, 'entre todos podemos' propongo investigar en Adictologia, Psicoterapia, Trastornos Neuroticos, en fin, en cualquier campo de la psiquiatria y la medicina interna. Gracias. Saludos cordiales. 'Hacer más con menos, multiestatalmente, multicentrico de forma holistica'.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
3 answers
I want to write a research proposal for something I have in mind for a long time and worked on it in my spare time, but it needs funding, big time.
How can I write a proposal to attract the investors, and pursue them to give me funding?
I have seen various types of research proposals, but what is the most important thing to them?
Also how can I find them? Is there any website or platform to find investos?
Yours sincerely
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You can read the following blog on writing a "good research funding application"
How to write a good research funding application?
  • asked a question related to Proposals
5 answers
Hello, I am trying to describe the expected shape of the interactions in a proposal.
(I have not collected the data yet, so I cannot generate interaction plots based on the data.)
1. Does "describing the shapes" mean using graphs to show the expected interaction plots or describe the hypotheses regarding the interactions in words?
2. I have general hypotheses about the interactions. However, with the graphs, am I supposed to describe more elements of the expected interactions graphs in the hypotheses in words (e.g. the starting points, ending points, the changing points, the crossing points)?
3. There are some independent variables that we have predicted their main effects. They can be linear but we are still going to test their interactions, i.e. whether their joints effects are higher than the sum of both main effects. How to show these predicted interactions in a graph?
Thank you very much for your time and help!
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The question is very interesting and very long. I will give my opinion. At this stage, when data has not been collected yet, we will try to justify the interaction effect with the help of literature review. The second thing will be to describe when the relationship between IV and DV will be stronger and when it will not be. The additional things, you have come up with, I don't even try to describe once I have final findings available. To develop the moderation graph, you can use excel filed developed by others.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
3 answers
Some are against publishing the research protocol as it will challenge the researchers in publishing their main findings after study completion. Dear researchers, please share your thoughts and advice on this?
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Your research proposal is just that: A proposal of how you intend to go about your research. However all research is into the unknown, and factors that you did know at the time of writing the proposal will be uncovered by your research. In practice, nobody seems to publish proposals after the proposed research is over and done with. This is because the proposal is outdated by the research. The final report contains sufficient up-to-date details (including e.g., trade names) of the instruments and procedures actually used.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
2 answers
Is there a place to formally publish scoping review proposals (with peer reviews) similar to the publication place for systematic review proposals (I can't remember the name of the website of the top of my head)?
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Hi Sarah, several journals publish protocols for scoping reviews, including BMJ Open, Systematic Reviews, etc.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
1 answer
National science funding agencies often seeking experts for reviewing national research proposals, to assist in the evaluationand project monitoring both as remote reviewers and as members of the expert panel. In Lithuania you can register to the RCL Experts Database here
Would you share similar links for other European countries?
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  • asked a question related to Proposals
26 answers
I have searched the sources a lot but still want to refine the results. Kindly help me with the following questions:
1. Proper writing methodology
2. Necessary informations to be included in a research proposal
3. Suitable length of a research proposal
Thanks very much! Looking forward to your kind suggestions!
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Muhammed - for my PhD students, I try to set the context of the purpose of the research proposal. It is designed as a piece of summary work to represent what will become the overall thesis. It does not contain the detail of thesis chapters (for obvious reasons) and is different to an ethics submission - which is an even more summarised version of the proposal. A proposal tends to include:
1. Introduction to topic
2. Background literature
3. Aims and objectives - research questions/statements
4. Methodology/framework
5. Methods/design - with the subheadings of sample and setting, data collection, data analysis and ethics
6. Personal interest (this can come earlier)
7. Summary
8. Supplementary information i.e. references, appendices, timeline, resources
Length will vary depending on a few factors i.e. research approach. For instance, a mixed methods study will contain more information as there are several phases to report. I would argue, typically, between 3,000-5,000 words (often the word limit for a journal article) is appropriate. Remember, as well, the target audience. You have to write according to a mixed audience - those with an expert knowledge (reviewers) and those without (lay readers).
  • asked a question related to Proposals
8 answers
I read about the principles of writing proposal and the sections it contains but I would like to read some good examples. So, are there any examples?
Thanks in advance
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You may want to check Keith F. Punch's book entitled Developing Effective Research Proposals published by Sage. The book includes 5 examples of good research proposals in chapter 8. I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
1 answer
This is a nice opportunity, we look for ~100 symposia
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Hmm,  is that Montpellier in Canada?  Tell me more about your aim.  Do you mean Evolution in this 2018 era?  I can speak about evolution from most ancient philosophy -- ideas presented in nearly all my papers about Samkhya. I am interested to do that. I'll look at your link.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
44 answers
Does our level of performance depend solely on these factors? Or are there other factors? 
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?=Random Factor (call it luck, if you will)
  • asked a question related to Proposals
2 answers
A thesis topic for MSCS. I need a problem with proposed solution and tools for Dynamic Load Balancing
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Hopefully I understand what you are looking for so let me take a stab at this.
"Load Balancing" is a term that can be used many ways -- Load Balancing (LB) the servers or LB the HBAs or LB the Disks. Uwe was correct when he stated that the MSA is an active/standby system. Therefore the MSA cannot LB at this time (active/active is a future plan). However, you could use SecurePath to manually LB across multiple HBAs in your servers. You could also create multiple Luns and then in your MSCS create multiple resources and assign a LUN and IP Address to each resource. You can then manually move the resources amongst your cluster servers and thus LB your servers.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
2 answers
I am interesting on these topic.
any information or additional detail about this work
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Thank you very much Dr. Jean for your response.
Please, kindly I really hop to get opportunity to discuss with you some aspect relating modelling viscoelastic flow during extrusion in my work . I used Starr CCM software and finite element formulation.  
I will very grateful for you to give me this glorious chance  
Kind Regard
  • asked a question related to Proposals
3 answers
Please answer the question.
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 Thank you very much Prof. Yehia F. Khalil
  • asked a question related to Proposals
17 answers
I am a second year MBBS student...... I want to do research in microbiology..... It will be helpful if you suggest me topics so I can summit my proposal.... Thank you in advance 
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Dr. Singh is asking you the correct questions that you need to answer first.  Then you can answer these questions:
1. Does your school have equipment for elaborate study (biochemical, microbiome, genetic analysis)? 
2.  Is this a short term study or is this a long term more complex study? 
3.  Do you prefer using cultures to study questions such as prevalence of types of bacteria and their antibiotic resistance or pick an organism and study how much resistance it shows in comparative groups?
4.  A lot of work in India is focused on the antibacterial activity of various plant extracts, and still much to do.
5.  An interesting project to me (from across the seas) would be to compare a selected species of bacteria in the mouths of betel or betel nut chewers to non-chewers to see which mouths have higher percentage of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Good luck in your studies.  I hope to get to India for some collaborative research in the next year or two (looking for collaborators to begin work on the projects and obtaining funding).
  • asked a question related to Proposals
1 answer
I need a proposed work research. Kindly suggest the relevant work further.
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Sorry, I have no idea; this is not in my area of expertise
  • asked a question related to Proposals
2 answers
Dear All,
I am thinking of doing some Morphological as well as molecular work on Aphyllophorales so i need the support for molecular work of Aphyllophorales only, i can do morphological but weak in mol bio work.
kind regards
Dr. Kiran Ranadive
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Dr. Kiran, I have worked on Indian Nortwestern Himalayan Fungi and published a couple of research papers and still I want to extend my research. I am also looking for the same who can collaborate me on study of wild fungi of Northwestern Himalaya.
  • asked a question related to Proposals
2 answers
Our approach is based on understanding the interplay among photons, plasmons and carriers.
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If we consider an additional external intensive electrostatic field, we can suggest new broadband photoelectric sensors with dynamically controlled spectral sensitivity.
for example
  • asked a question related to Proposals
5 answers
PAPR is one of the major limitation of the OFDM. There have been many researchers who have proposed many methods to reduce PAPR among them which method seems to be better
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Here's a really nice discussion on the topic:
My personal preference is to avoid any sort of clipping or forced peak limiting technique, because it introduces distortion and increases the BER. The tone injection idea seems clever, although it does increase the power requirements.