Science topics: Proposals
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Proposals - Science topic
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Questions related to Proposals
Had a prominent administrator admonish me after writing a successful proposal as a Principal Investigator (PI). The administrator actually said you "...don't know how to write proposal..." and " haven't had the training to write a proposal...". First, it my opinion that is obviously not true. A funded successfully PI research proposal from my understanding of years in academia is that a PI grant is the holy grail (so to speak) of the trade of being a researcher. What I think was meant by these comments is that perhaps the local policy is insufficient to recognize exceptional outcomes, that the 'culture' practice and or thought is constrained in some fashion (possibly toxic), and that the needs for adaptive and progressive support of contributing colleagues is needed. Think this is an awesome topic for discussion in the realm of marginalized researchers and top-down leadership approaches that could be considered bullying.
Dear colleagues,
I am currently preparing proposals for submission for funding for a postdoc position. One of the documents I need to prepare is host researcher’s statement on development opportunities and career support. Perhaps someone prepared such a document? I would be grateful for any examples or templates.
All the best,
Since many scientists do not like the current review process, which sometimes is biased.
I want to write a research proposal for something I have in mind for a long time and worked on it in my spare time, but it needs funding, big time.
How can I write a proposal to attract the investors, and pursue them to give me funding?
I have seen various types of research proposals, but what is the most important thing to them?
Also how can I find them? Is there any website or platform to find investos?
Yours sincerely
Hello, I am trying to describe the expected shape of the interactions in a proposal.
(I have not collected the data yet, so I cannot generate interaction plots based on the data.)
1. Does "describing the shapes" mean using graphs to show the expected interaction plots or describe the hypotheses regarding the interactions in words?
2. I have general hypotheses about the interactions. However, with the graphs, am I supposed to describe more elements of the expected interactions graphs in the hypotheses in words (e.g. the starting points, ending points, the changing points, the crossing points)?
3. There are some independent variables that we have predicted their main effects. They can be linear but we are still going to test their interactions, i.e. whether their joints effects are higher than the sum of both main effects. How to show these predicted interactions in a graph?
Thank you very much for your time and help!
Some are against publishing the research protocol as it will challenge the researchers in publishing their main findings after study completion. Dear researchers, please share your thoughts and advice on this?
Is there a place to formally publish scoping review proposals (with peer reviews) similar to the publication place for systematic review proposals (I can't remember the name of the website of the top of my head)?
National science funding agencies often seeking experts for reviewing national research proposals, to assist in the evaluationand project monitoring both as remote reviewers and as members of the expert panel. In Lithuania you can register to the RCL Experts Database here
Would you share similar links for other European countries?
I have searched the sources a lot but still want to refine the results. Kindly help me with the following questions:
1. Proper writing methodology
2. Necessary informations to be included in a research proposal
3. Suitable length of a research proposal
Thanks very much! Looking forward to your kind suggestions!
I read about the principles of writing proposal and the sections it contains but I would like to read some good examples. So, are there any examples?
Thanks in advance
This is a nice opportunity, we look for ~100 symposia
Does our level of performance depend solely on these factors? Or are there other factors?
A thesis topic for MSCS. I need a problem with proposed solution and tools for Dynamic Load Balancing
I am interesting on these topic.
any information or additional detail about this work
I am a second year MBBS student...... I want to do research in microbiology..... It will be helpful if you suggest me topics so I can summit my proposal.... Thank you in advance
I need a proposed work research. Kindly suggest the relevant work further.
Dear All,
I am thinking of doing some Morphological as well as molecular work on Aphyllophorales so i need the support for molecular work of Aphyllophorales only, i can do morphological but weak in mol bio work.
kind regards
Dr. Kiran Ranadive
Our approach is based on understanding the interplay among photons, plasmons and carriers.
PAPR is one of the major limitation of the OFDM. There have been many researchers who have proposed many methods to reduce PAPR among them which method seems to be better