Science topic
Property Law - Science topic
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Questions related to Property Law
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This is the map of topic "glaucoma and diabetes".
file: topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 263 articles which have words "glaucoma diabetes" in their titles, or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is presented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file: a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file: a3_novelty.xlsm - articles potentially with novelty
Why is it difficult to read the topic_report.docx file? Imagine that we are students and we are going to study an unknown course, for example, atomic physics. As a guide, a list of the chapters of the course is proposed in the form of key phrases of the chapters. A curious student will look at the Internet unfamiliar concepts, and also try to generalize the list of terms attached to the chapter, into a whole, so that before the lections begin he will know what the questions arising in this training course. To another student, the reading of the list of topics in the form of terms will be accessible and useful only when all lectures will be finished, as confirmation for himself of his views on the subject.
Feel free to ask the analysis of more specific topic.
We will be grateful for the feedback.
I'm not entirely certain how this "Start a discussion" feature works, but I'll give it a shot anyways.
I can't be the only one experiencing a co-author paraphrasing all my work so that person can maintain complete control over the publishing process. Some have said this issue happens often at the graduate level but never at the undergraduate level. I'm a non-traditional 40-something year old student who has extensive experience with civil rights and so I'm particularly sensitive to people trying to pull a fast-one on me.
In this case, the professor glitched a few times which had me researching copyrights and IP laws a long time ago. However, I waited until after graduation to raise the issue because the university has a history of retaliation when people express concerns of possible civil rights violations. The corruption runs deep at this particular institution, which bases most of its decisions on their intentional lack of policies and procedures addressing fundamental rights such as free speech and intellectual property. In other words, they remain silent on key issues in order to have as much lateral discretion as possible when making critical decisions even when those decisions are inconsistent with both laws and ethics and could potentially ruin a student's entire academic career.
One of the biggest red flags I noticed early on was the professor neglected to go over the section in our textbook that addresses authorship order and publishing rights in the chapter titled "Research Ethics."
I think my mistake was taking for granted that I viewed this entire project as my own because it was based almost entirely on my research into safe consumption sites. The experimental design, methodologies, protocols, and procedures were created by myself during her class in "Research Methods" as graded assignments. It was, and always has been, my original ideas and content from the very beginning; it just never occurred to me that this professor could, or would, even try to scrub me out like this. I trusted this person and considered her a friend and mentor!
Looking back, I cannot remember even a single instance where we had this conversation despite it being a core principle of the American Psychology Association Code of Ethics. The professor is a licensed psychologist and my degree was in psychology so you'd think that would have been something we should have covered at least once. Right?
Has anyone else experienced issues similar to this? How did you handle it? What should I do, or have done, to prevent this from becoming an issue?
This is not a question. This is the MAP of "Pregnancy and laser" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1504 articles which have words
ts=(Pregnancy* laser*)
in their titles or keywords or abstracts.
Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
We will be grateful for the feedback. Feel free to ask an analysis of a specific topic.
This is not a question.
This is The map of the "Oxides high pressure magnetic" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1207 articles which have words
ts=(oxide* "high pressur*" magnet*)
in their titles or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the map of any specific topic.
Алексей Николаевич, коллеги, помогите, пожалуйста.
Мы осваиваем инструменты для отбора самых полезных (10-15) статей по двум номинациям базовые знания и потенциальная новизна из большого количества статей по теме и определения подтем, направлений внутри темы. Оценить результаты мы сами, конечно, не можем.
По статьям интересно сколько из найденных соответствует теме и каково покрытие объявленной номинации. По подтемам и терминам примерно тоже.
Возможны 2 взгляда. Нам приходится брать тему более общую, чем заявлена исследователями. И можно оценивать результаты с позиции нашей формулировки, а можно с позиции формулировки исследователей, и то и то интересно.
Ну и нам все интересно, что Вы скажете.
С уважением
Отдел информационных технологий
ГУК, Б-105
Валерий Куглер
This is not a question.
This is The map of the "Hydrogen AND energy" topic.
The research topic map is useful in the following processes
1) orientation in a large thematic area;
2) clarify the future topic of the study, evaluate what will have to be met;
3) draw up a plan and perform a review of the topic;
4) get out of the impasse, generate new hypotheses
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 8576 articles which have words
ti=(Hydrogen AND (energ* OR power* ))
in their titles. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the map of any specific topic.
This is not a question.
This is The map of the "Electro metal melting" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1260 articles which have words
ti=(electr* MELT*) AND ts=(metal*)
in their titles or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the map of any specific topic.
This is not a question.
This is The map of the "Jahn-Teller effect in crystals" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 961 articles which have words
ti=(Jahn-Teller) AND ts= (crystal*)
in their titles or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the map of any specific topic.
This is not a question. This is the Map of "Heavy metal plant rhizobacteria" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 844 articles which have words
ts=(heavy AND metal* AND plant* AND (rhizobacteria* OR (rhizo* AND bacteria*)))
in their titles or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
We will be grateful for the feedback.Feel free to ask an analysis of a specific topic.
The Experience of feedback from graduate students and researchers:
sometimes they find articles and methods that they have omitted,
reading the terms of the topic_report file makes it possible to initiate
ideas or directions for further research that have been forgotten or never come to mind.
This is not a question. This is subtopics and terms of "BeO luminescence thermo" research topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 110 articles which have words
ts=(BeO OR (beryllium oxide)) AND ts=(luminescen* OR thermoluminescen* OR Crystalloluminescen* OR Electroluminescen* OR Mechanoluminescen* ) AND ts=(temperat* OR thermo*)
in their titles or abstracts or keywords. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
Feel free to ask an analysis of a specific topic.
This is not a question.
This is The map of the "rock material strength" topic.
The research topic map is useful in the following processes
1) orientation in a large thematic area;
2) clarify the future topic of the study, evaluate what will have to be met;
3) draw up a plan and perform a review of the topic;
4) get out of the impasse, generate new hypotheses
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 781 articles which have words
ts=("rock material*" AND (strength* OR crack* OR hardness* OR (Fragmentation compress*) OR destruct*))
in their titles or keywords or abstracts. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the map of any specific topic.
This is not a question. This is The map of " Inorganic crystal compounds" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 25 topics from 9644 articles which have words
ts=(Inorganic* crystal* compound*)
in their titles or abstracts or keywords.
Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
We will be grateful for the feedback. Feel free to ask an analysis of a specific topic.
This is not a question. This is a map of the problem area, where researchers simultaneously use terms gravity, thermodynamic in their articles.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1724 articles which have words
ti=(gravit*) AND ts=(thermodynamic*)
in their titles/abstracts/keywords. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
We will be grateful for the feedback.
This is not a question.
This is the partial map for "pattern formation" topic.
Sorry - we are training in mapping research topics, doing it completely free of charge and now trying on your project.
The full map consists of articles with basic knowledge on topic, articles with novelty, terms, subtopics. For this topice information is not enough.
The results depend on the query that is being made to the Web of Science. So, if you correct our query, we will recount.
We will be grateful for the feedback.
You will do us a favor if you ask to draw a map of any other topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1821 articles which have words
"Pattern Formation"
in their titles. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
The full query to Web of Sciences:
ti=(Pattern Formation)
This is not the questio.
This is the map of "Gas purification" topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1201 articles which have words
ti=(gas* AND ((High Purity ) OR purif*))
in their titles (medicine/biology was removed). Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Feel free to ask the analysis of more specific topic.
We will be grateful for the feedback.
This is not a question.
This is the Map for "Big Bang " topic
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1951 articles which have words
ti=("Big Bang")
in their titles. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
We will be grateful for the feedback
This is not a question.
This is the map for "nanoparticles metal core carbon shell structure" topic.
Sorry - we are training in mapping research topics, doing it completely free of charge and now trying on your project.
The map consists of articles with basic knowledge on topic, articles with novelty, terms, subtopics.
The results depend on the query that is being made to the Web of Science. So, if you correct our query, we will recount.
We will be grateful for the feedback.
You will do us a favor if you ask to draw a map of any other topic.
file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 896 articles which have words
ts=(nanoparticle* metal core carbon shell structure)
in their titles, or keywords or abstracts.. Each topic is represented through 20 words and 20 thrases with which it is discussed in these articles. Really this terms are the names of methods, objects, properties, laws and so on for topic in question. In addition each topic has quotes from two articles in which it is most manifested.
file a1_basic.xlsm - articles with basic knowledge on the topic
file a3_novelty.xlsm - articles of last years potentially with novelty
Does it make good sense or does it raise problems to say that numbers, properties, laws of logic, and so forth are ideas in the mind of God?
China is making her new Civil Code, though she has already several single laws such as Contract Law, Torts Law and Property Law (Sachenrechts) . The Author is taking part in the draft of Contract of the Code. Should Franchising Contract be regulated as a new normal contract in the Code? DCFR seems to suggest other countries to take this path.
Besides, how about making a new and independent law, Distribution Channels law, including Franchising, Commercial Agency and Commission etc. This Law will be a positive response to Economy and Economics, probably.
Can someone refer to a leading case law from common law jurisdictions regarding (compulsory) land acquisition process (by the state for the public purpose)? What are the constitutional/legal requirements for this purpose? Whether State is free to acquire any private and from anywhere from anyone without justification?
Are there specific areas or regions with higher taxes on property?
I am researching the impact of the constitutional right to equality on freedom of testation in South African law and have come across an argument in case law that freedom of testation in South Africa enjoys constitutional protection under the right to property in section 25 of the 1996 Constitution. No South African court has expressed a firm view on this argument so I am therefore looking for journal articles devoted to this issue. Thank you.
How can we predict the choice of home ownership based on indicators such as median household income, education attainment rate, gender, race and so on?