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Product Design - Science topic

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Questions related to Product Design
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
This discussion delves into the transformative influence of artificial intelligence on film set construction, exploring how AI-driven tools are reshaping traditional practices in production design. We’ll examine how AI is optimizing the design process, enabling more dynamic visualization, and allowing for innovative set construction techniques that were once beyond reach. Participants will gain insights into the balance between AI capabilities and creative control, and discuss the future potential of AI as a vital collaborator in bringing cinematic worlds to life
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Thank you for sharing your valuable reflections on the transformative role of generative AI in visual content creation and its impacts on the marketing and film industries. I completely agree with your assessment that while AI offers tremendous benefits in enhancing efficiency and creativity, it also brings challenges, particularly regarding the ethical concerns around misinformation and deepfake content.
Your insights on balancing automation with human creativity are particularly relevant, as this relationship is indeed reshaping traditional practices in film production. I find it fascinating how thought leaders like Lev Manovich and Toby Walsh are framing AI as a "collaborator" that supports, rather than replaces, human expression—a perspective I am equally passionate about exploring further.
Thank you for your kind invitation to collaborate. I would be delighted to discuss possible avenues for joint research on the opportunities and regulatory considerations for AI in creative industries. Your article, "Opportunities and Threats to the Development of Artificial Intelligence Applications," sounds compelling, and I look forward to reviewing it to better understand your perspectives on this essential topic.
Warm regards, Riham Hilal
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
Why is there still no information on product packaging and advertisements about the level of CO2 emissions from the production process of a specific product?
Why is there still no information on product packaging and advertising about the level of emissions and environmental pollution generated during the production process of a specific product?
On the packaging of anti-products, products that are harmful to health, stimulants such as cigarettes, there is information warning the citizens of consumers about the harmfulness to health of smoking cigarettes. If citizens have succeeded, through activists in NGOs and some political circles, in lobbying for compulsory information on the harmfulness to health, the risk of developing lung cancer and other diseases resulting from smoking, cigarettes, why analogous solutions still do not work for other types of anti-products and harmful stimulants, including stimulants to which one can easily become addicted. Besides, one of the most negative aspects of using some other stimulants is causing car accidents after drinking and driving. Many fatal car accidents are caused after taking intoxicating stimulants such as alcohol and, for example, some painkillers, tranquilizers and the like. So why is it that the packaging of these drugs and their advertisements do not warn about the negative consequences of their improper use.
Analogous is the issue of the problem of emissivity, i.e. the emission of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases and environmental pollution by waste emitted during the production process that is harmful to human health and the state of the biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. After all, it has been known for years that greenhouse gas emissions generated by production and other economic processes are a major factor in the realized greenhouse effect of the planet's atmosphere since the beginning of the first industrial revolution and the increasingly rapid process of global warming. Many citizens, with a view to the future of their children's and grandchildren's livelihoods in the future of the next decades of time, would probably choose among highly substitutable products and/or services those whose production process involves lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions and/or lower emissions of polluting wastes that are harmful to human health and to the state of the biosphere and biodiversity. Apparently, the activities of pro-social, pro-environmental and pro-climate non-governmental organizations and activist organizations carrying out pro-social, pro-environmental and/or pro-climate activities are too weak in the face of lobbying by business, industrial corporations, many companies and enterprises that can afford to finance election campaigns of political parties pursuing their business interests.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I invite you to get acquainted with the issues described in the publications given above and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why is there still no information on product packaging and advertising about the level of emissions and environmental pollution generated during the production process of a particular product?
Why is there still no information on product packaging and advertising about the level of CO2 emissions from the production process of a specific product?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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In my opinion, if the information about the CO2 emitted during the production of products was placed on product packaging, consumers would make more environmentally and climate-conscious consumer choices when making purchases.
To support my thesis, I give the results of my research in the following publication:
What do you think about this?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
An enterprise output can be a 'good' or a 'service'. Let's discuss on how we calculate the full cost for an enterprise and find out where we have overlap and were we have divergence.
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Goods cost calculation and service cost calculation are essential aspects of financial management for businesses. Both involve determining the expenses associated with the production or provision of products or services, but they differ significantly in their calculation methods due to the distinctive nature of what they entail.
Goods Cost Calculation:
Goods cost calculation primarily revolves around the production and sale of tangible products. The key components of calculating the cost of goods include raw materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. These costs are typically categorized into direct and indirect costs, with direct costs directly attributable to the production of a specific product, while indirect costs are allocated to all products based on predetermined methods.
Moreover, goods cost calculations consider inventory management, including the cost of goods sold (COGS), which accounts for the cost of products that have been sold during a specific period. Various accounting methods like specific identification, First-In, First-Out (FIFO), or Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) impact how costs are assigned to inventory and, subsequently, to COGS.
Service Cost Calculation:
In contrast, service cost calculation is focused on intangible offerings, such as professional services, consultancy, or labor-based services. The primary cost components for services are labor costs, which encompass wages, salaries, benefits, and other compensation for employees providing the service. Overhead costs, like office rent, utilities, and administrative expenses, are also considered.
Similar to goods, service costs include both direct and indirect costs, with direct costs directly linked to delivering a particular service, while indirect costs support the overall service operation. Pricing structures for services can vary, including hourly rates, flat fees, or customized pricing models based on market demand.
In summary, the key similarities between goods and service cost calculations lie in their division into direct and indirect costs. However, their differences are pronounced in the nature of these costs and the methods of calculation. Goods cost calculations are influenced by inventory management and specific accounting methods, while service cost calculations are more reliant on labor and overhead costs, often with variable pricing structures. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective cost management and pricing strategies in diverse business sectors.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
It can be in the form of a product, design, prototype, project, initiative, farming system, IT application, software, or infrastructure, amongst others.
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Volodrone for crop spraying?
Use of Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning and data science to determine the best location to grow crops?
Internet of Things technologies to automate irrigation?
Agrobots for weeding and crop harvesting?
Please which one do you feel shall be mass-produced and marketed in the next 5 years?
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
What is the difference between service design, product design and building design in terms of cost design?
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Saludos, yo me dedico al estudio del aprovechamiento u optimización del tiempo que se asigna al diseño de ciertos inmuebles de franquicias para marcas originales pero metropolitanas. Desde esta perspectiva puedo señalar que el costo de un proyecto edilicio depende de lo que indique el tabulador o arancel de precios. Quizás los otros aspectos de la pregunta pudieran responderse al encontrar sus respectivos aranceles.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
2 answers
How to obtain product feedback from existing customers to create a better version of your product?
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Survey is definitely the answer but if the customers are uncomfortable providing a social media page or website platform for review and recommendation might also be fruitful.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
I wish to learn more about polymers used in technology besides product design production. To add, which types, for example, help transfer data at the highest rate and consistency?
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Dear all, following are samples of books written on conductive polymers. My Regards
Conducting Polymers, Fundamentals and Applications: Including Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene. Prasanna Chandrasekhar (auth.), 2018
Handbook of Conducting Polymers. Terje A. Skotheim, 1998
Handbook of conducting polymers. Conjugated polymers: theory, synthesis, properties, and characterization. Skotheim, Terje A., Reynolds, John R., 2007
Electrically Conductive Polymers and Polymer Composites: From Synthesis to Biomedical Applications. Khan, Anish (ed.), 2018
Conducting Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Applications. Luiz Carlos Pimentel Almeida, 2013
Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites for Supercapacitors. Subhash B. Kondawar, 2015
Conducting Polymers: A New Era in Electrochemistry. György Inzelt (auth.), 2012
Conductive Electroactive Polymers. Gordon G. Wallace, Peter R. Teasdale, Geoffrey M. Spinks, Leon A. P. Kane-Maguire, 2008
Conducting Polymers. Faris Yilmaz, 2016
Nanostructured Conductive Polymers. Ali Eftekhari, 2010
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
I want to know your thoughts, experience and suggested literature on the topic of the best way to develop a new electronics product in today's world.
1. What are the steps a designer should take in the process of developing a new electronics product? Why? How?
2. What should he strive to accomplish in each development step? What should the results be?
3. What tools should he use to enchance his work?
4. Where can he learn more about the suggested development process?
Thank you all in advance for helping all the young and aspiring engineers with your knowledge
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A major key is to understand basic electronic fundamentals. This would provide a foundation for new products.
The YouTube video clips about electronics, labeled NDAcademy, provide that foundation.
The website "" provides links to those YouTube video clips.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
17 answers
I really appreciate every answer because this project is going to be my Master Degree Thesis.
I have already studied a lot of softwares, such as: Ecolizer, openLCA, GaBi, SimaPro, Ecochain and Umberto, and many databases: Eco-invent, US LCI, ELCD, Environmental footprint and BioEnergieDAT.
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Beatriz Lopo Teixeira Muchas gracias!!
  • asked a question related to Product Design
2 answers
Biogas production
Design of biodigester
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You might find it interesting to try formulating two-stage anaerobic digestion process for enhancing biogas productivity. You might follow the attached article for the progress in two-stage anaerobic digestion process.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
15 answers
What design methods can be applied to BID besides BIOTRIZ and C-K theory?
What are the ways to better integrate the biological field with the engineering field?
How to abstract product design problems into biological problems?
How to select the appropriate biological model and map it into the product design process?
How to complete the transformation of engineering problem-biological-engineering solution?
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There is always a problem with getting a wider and deeper understanding of the filed where we work, it takes decades to reach a reasonable overview. Hence, it is always good to dedicate some time to study neighboring or completely distant research areas that are related to the problem under the consideration. It often brings new insights and inspiration.
Complex systems are studying the types of problems you are mentioning in all scientific disciplines, including the biology and medicine. It would be good to read the following review:
and other research shared there. Please, remember the term bio-inspired computing, self-organization, emergent behavior, self-repair, robustness, self-healing, self-replication, and similar terms. This all is researched within the scope of complex systems: computationally and theoretically.
I had written with co-authors one review on Complexity in biology and medicine, it might serve as another starting review in your search:
In recent time, in this and other mine projects occurred links to books, software, and research on robustness in biocomputing. Complex system project dealing with Medicine focuses mainly on experimental evidence of complexity phenomena.
Robustness should be understood in the following way, you have a computing medium that has high error rate (percents), yet the computation continue on without disruption. This approach can revolutionaries theory of computation in highly challenging and hardware damaging environments! Like in the space where computer chips get hit by high energy particles.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
Previously I have been working on the topology optimization of a mechanical component but due to the recent interest in generative designs I want to compare the geometry I obtained via topology optimization with the generative design geometry. In the initial research I observed that generative design is mostly used for architectural structures. So, I wanted to ask about the scope of such work for mechanical components/systems. And is it possible to obtain generative design using of mechanical components that are manufactured using subtractive manufacturing techniques such as machining.
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The perspective is different. Topology optimization is aimed at optimization while generative design more at conceptualization, when different forms are explored
  • asked a question related to Product Design
95 answers
Schumpeters theory of "creative destruction" states that capitalism is never static, it is always evolving and old products are replaced by new ones. There is however a lag, or overlap where the old product still exist and people cintinue to invest in its development , but also at the same time a development of newer and better products.A prime example is the issue of type writers that was evolving even though computers started to overtake typewriters in sales and even as computers became the dominant product. Some as a well known Swedish manufacturer named Facit invested so heavily and could not see what was happening that they didnt seek to develop new and different products. In some cases governments are seeking to protect the old by regulation or other supportive meassures. One example of this is the use of fossile fuel in the US. Something critics fear will prevent the development of greener and more effective sources of energy. My question is, should governments like this support industries for the sake of employment or other reasons, or should Darwinism take its course? Is the developlent of new products always a good thing? Maybe we will have a rise of the Maschines and Terminators roaming the streets, or perhaps the development of new techlologies is a good thing in most cases and should not be hindered. What are your thoughts? The word is free!
Best wishes Henrik
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Kindly visit..
Leaders 2 TimeSuccession_TermLimitsGoldenP_J,AppS0cSci_Publihsed 21.9.2019
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
  • Heart rate variability (HRV) & Emotion recognition
  1. How to classify different emotions using Heart rate variability (HRV)?
  2. What is your recommendation for above-mentioned purpose?
  3. Which statistical tool/software(s) is (are) preferable for classifying emotions?
Thanks in advance,
Subhankar Banerjee
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I am sorry that I am also offering a rather critical comment concerning the project itself instead of recommending the tools you asked for.
Heart rate will vary with the degree of arousal, but emotion space is three-dimensional. Therefore, you will fail in distinguishing between emotions that vary on the other dimensions, especially between good and bad emotions. What is more, the emotions need to be fairly extreme to show up in the heartrate. A high heartrate can occur with joy or with fear, and a low heartrate can appear with sadness as well as with silent contentedness, as we all know from experience.
Ever since the idea of emotional computing has come up, people have tried to infer emotions from physiological or behavioural parameters (e.g. facial expressions) or both. No viable solution has ever been demonstrated in all these years, even if skin conductance, respiration or whatever has been included in the measurements. So better forget the whole idea.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
6 answers
What is the protocol/method to identify or classify different emotions from a EEG data set using EEGLAB?
Is there any other software or any plugins for classifying Emotions?
Thank you
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  • asked a question related to Product Design
20 answers
some of the economical benefits which arises from the usage of cultural patterns and motifs by some local businesses to improve their products in terms of their designs and appearances.
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It is certain that improving the external appearance of any product is aimed at attracting the consumer, achieving more sales and achieving financial profit for the company.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
  • How does circular design seem to be the right combination of respecting life’s way and the designer’s creative abilities to allow each of us to regenerate our natural ecosystem?
  • How does the circular economy principles implement in product design phases?
  • How does circular design include criteria into product design and manufacturing?
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Circular design, sustainable design, environmental design and design thinking evolve from looking at a process of design and relating it to our lives.
Before this our focus was on the object regardless of how it contributed to our lives. For me its not of question of how does it include criteria for design and manufacturing but rather my assumption that is inherent in it.
In the US we've gradually made more people aware of the goals by adding the concept to our advertising. In essence trying to make "circular design" et al an individual and cultural aspiration. The strain on all our resources during Covid has made this more evident.
I add three links for further information. But in my experience the last one, IDEO is the very best.
2)__ Circular Design Guide
3)__ IDEO Design
and about IDEO at
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
Hi, does anyone know theories related to (improvement of) product information and/or product (detail) page for online retailing? It will be appreciated a lot - thanks!
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The selling of a product largely depends on the quality of the product since the consumer does not buy the product rather he buys the product for its quality attributes. Therefore, you can follow the two following articles for information on product quality:
1. Caswell, J. A., Noelke, C. M., & Mojduszka, E. M. (2002). Unifying two frameworks for analyzing quality and quality assurance for food products. In Global food trade and consumer demand for quality (pp. 43-61). Springer, Boston, MA.
2. Caswell, J. A. (2006). Quality assurance, information tracking, and consumer labeling. Marine pollution bulletin, 53(10-12), 650-656.
You can also follow one of my articles is accepted for publication online buying behavior of clothing products for online retailing. It will be published very soon. You can knock then at
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
I would like to ask if there is any other creative model based on PDCA in quality control in the manufacturing industry? As the factors of the new products design introduction should be considered besides the typical loop? Thank you
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Hello Bin Bai,
I am not able to comprehend fully as to what you want to do.
Firstly PDCA is not a fixed loop 'process' because the next improvement cycle always takes it further to the next loop.
I have intentionally called it a "PROCESS".
There is, to the best of my knowledge, no other 'creative model based on PDCA in quality control in the manufacturing industry'.
This, PDCA is a continual model.
You may take sometime to explain what you want to do. Once, the objective is clear, the answer can be given and explained.
All the best.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
8 answers
I am a mechanical engineering student. I need a project on design using solidworks and analysis using anysis. Please share some basic solidworks and ansys project with me. I will try to do. Thank you.
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What do you want, at least, select a field and what do you trust so that we can provide you with assistance according to a desired field
Give us examples
best regards
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
I am working as a product design engineer for over 5 years. In my career, I have designed many products like electronics product housing, sheet metal structures, and assembly parts with plastic and sheet metals. In the time of simulation frequently, I had to put numerous data manually and perform many repetitive tasks to acquire optimum results. I want to perform these tasks through machine learning algorithms. I am learning ML. Now I need some help to learn the tips and tricks as well as some guidelines to reach my goal.
Thanks in advance.
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I would recommend checking out this free ebook by Michal Nielson. It is a great guide when getting started with AI:
Cheers, Raoul
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
I'm focusing only in concept generation methods or tools (e.g. Morphological matrix, TRIZ inventive principles, SCAMPER), not design theories or product development methods (C-K, TRIZ, QFD, Axiomatic design). Thanks in advance!
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I made a review about TRIZ theory using industrial case studies:
Spreafico, C., & Russo, D. (2016). TRIZ industrial case studies: a critical survey. Procedia Cirp, 39, 51-56.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
As we know in this epidemic, everything seems difficult to control. which research I hope can discuss and share their research ideas at this time. Especially with regard to product design and mechanical innovation design
In addition, what are the innovative design methods for products? (except TRIZ,QFD,C-K theory)?
What product innovation design theory can be combined with TRIZ in addition to the combination of QFD theory and TRIZ theory?
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  • TRIZ can be combined with several other methods. I personally combined it with
  • FMEA for improving design/problem-solving considering risk assessment,
  • FBS (Function Behaviour Structure) thery (Gero, 1990) to improve early and conceptual design,
  • LCA to enhance eco-design/eco-innovation to have at the same time a quantification of the environemtnal impacts of the initial problem and the provided solutions. in this field I developed a set of guidelines.
  • Finally I am using TRIZ also for classifying documents (papers and patents) about different products avvording to evolutionary logic.
  • If you are interested, please see my research.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
I am currently studying about philosophy in design and the task is to link my desire, which is to be a product designer, to the three aspects of Arendt.
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Dr. Karagyozova,
In case of interested in philosophical aspects, I would consider metaphysical (consciousness, awareness, teleology, intangibles), ontological (things, phenomena, attributes, relations), epistemological (believes, knowledge, context, power), methodological (theoretical underpinning, processes, methods, means), and praxiological (roles, criteria, frameworks, organization, results) aspects. Axiology might also be considered.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
Researchers experiment with individual and group of designers. In 'engineering design' what are pros and cons (in general) for doing experiment with two designers in a group? By engineering design, I mean a design problem based on mechanical, industrial design etc. By solution, I mean concept generation.
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Modern engineering design education today relying primarily on the project-based coursed, performed by the group of students. For a reason. It is almost impossible to imagine a relevant industrial task implemented by one (even skilled) individual. It's simply not a real-life scenario.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
8 answers
The image attached is the representation of my application.
This is an assembly of three items (top plate, bottom plate and the 5 load cells).
The bottom plate is fixed and a load of 40 Kg is applied of the top face of the top plate.
The load cells are placed inside the bottom plate and the top plate rests on the top face of the load cells.
I have done the initial analysis in ANSYS workbench.
Need your help to find how much load / force is transferred to each load cells.
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this worked with one error and resolved it using the below link (misc were turned off in my case)..
Total load applied was 16Kgs..which can be ~160N.
Sum of the reaction forces in Y direction is 163 N.
So, i assumed it as the weight of the top plate and gravity are added.
But, i am in doubt that - i am applying loads as uniformly distributed load and the model and supports are symmetry. The loads are applied downwards (-y).
The reaction forces are not coming in pure -y. It is splitting up for x, y and z directions (image attached for reference)
What could be the reason. Any suggestions please...
  • asked a question related to Product Design
24 answers
Hello everyone,
in the context of my dissertation I am trying to find out how product development will change with regard to additive manufacturing. Will product developers have identical workflows in 5-10 years, or will parts mainly be calculated and geometry created automatically?
In order to better understand these and similar questions, I developed a short survey, which mainly includes the use of alternative programs for geometry generation and the product development process itself.
I would be pleased if you would take a short time to answer the survey.
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Sebastian Kuschmitz completed the questionnaire, all the best to you with your research.
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Product Design
26 answers
Do the shortening of life cycles of technical products, electronics, household appliances, IT equipment, etc. used by producers is a solution to the potential problem of overproduction?
Please reply
Best wishes
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No, This will create more overproduction.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
11 answers
Based on my experience, to start a lean culture in a leanness organization it all starts with the senior management and leadership team engagement. It is not something to be delegated to human resources area, and it is not only about outsourcing consultants. However, when the implementation phase is complete, the kick-off phase begins. This said, in your understanding what are the top lean culture implementation challenges to be addressed by a leanness enterprise?
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Hi There Leandro,
I am curruntly implementing lean manufacturing systems and tools. I have found that one fo the biggest challeneges is adherence to the lean systems and tools.
I have overcome this through effective communication and by implementing recognition process. This shows everyone how well they are doing against over areas and identifies the areas performing the best.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
Thematic session (Workshop): Computerized evidence-based decision making
This workshop intends to explore the reasoning process behind how digital evidence is integrated throughout planning, urban design, urban infrastructure and transport projects as well as building and product design processes.
Decision making models involving simulations for:
· planning,
· urban design,
· urban infrastructure and transport,
· building design and product design.
Session Organisers:
· Dr. Clarice Bleil de Souza (Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
· Prof. Valerio Cutini (DESTEC University of Pisa - Italy)
· Dr. Federico Cerutti (School of Computer Science, University of Brescia – Italy)
· Ms. Camilla Pezzica (DESTEC University of Pisa – Italy & Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
April 26, 2020: Deadline for paper submission
May 24, 2020: Notification of Acceptance. June 15, 2020: Deadline for the final version of the Papers Submissions;
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Yes. It will be a virtual conference
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
Deadline extended to 15th March for full paper submission!
LCNS Edited by Springer – Scopus referenced proceedings
Thematic session (Workshop): Computerized evidence-based decision making
This workshop intends to explore the reasoning process behind how digital evidence is integrated throughout planning, urban design, urban infrastructure and transport projects as well as building and product design processes.
Decision making models involving simulations for:
• planning,
• urban design,
• urban infrastructure and transport,
• building design and product design.
Session Organisers:
• Dr. Clarice Bleil de Souza (Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
• Prof. Valerio Cutini (DESTEC University of Pisa - Italy)
• Dr. Federico Cerutti (School of Computer Science, University of Brescia – Italy)
• Ms. Camilla Pezzica (DESTEC University of Pisa – Italy & Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
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Dear Samy
Please submit the full paper by the 15th March.
Looking forward to seeing your submission
  • asked a question related to Product Design
6 answers
I'm a design consultant with a background in Product Design from NID-Ahmedabad, based in Bangalore. I'm doing work and am keen to grow in these three directions. Is anyone in India channeling any efforts in these fields? It's difficult to find creatives working in these fields so I'm looking to connect, collaborate, and develop a community of folks with similar interests.
Behavior Science led Design
This could be applied Behavior Economics, or Design for Behavior Change, or applying BehavSci for Social Design - anything that entails designing and for and keeping in primary consideration human behavior.
Design for Digital Humanities
This could be working towards a healthier internet, Data Awareness, Humaneness of Tech, Ethics of AIML, Psycho-sociological impact of Tech, People+AI Research
Design for Climate Action
This entails designers and creatives expressly working for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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Snehal Nagarsheth thank you, will read up about it!
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
This question relates to research into the management of engineering design information and the impact of innovation.
Complex products such as aircraft, trains and ships are high-value, long-life assets that are typically managed as a fleet over a period of 20 to 30 years.
Managing technology upgrades (modifications/ engineering changes) can be challenging because of the complex relationships and interdependencies that exist between different systems components.
An additional factor relates to the phenomenon of design divergence that can be observed as a
fleet of products age.
I'd be interested in the quality of software available to model the design information in this scenario.
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Dear Morris,
The question which has been inquired by you is, in fact, an important and also interesting question in field of “Design for Changeability” in discipline of systems engineering.
Dear , it is important to note that your concerned question actually encompasses a lot of sub-questions including design for “Adaptability”, “flexibility”, “reconfigurability”, “reliability/robustness”, and so forth. In addition, “propagation of change into the system due to change of one or more component(s) of the system under study. Moreover, in this regard, quantitative measurement of change in the system is another interesting and relevant issue.
As a useful suggestion to address and deal with the above challenges in system design, you could have a comprehensive study in both Axiomatic Design (AD) theory (especially, the information axiom of this theory to compute information content of a design to satisfy the system requirements) and “Design Structure Matrix (DSM) (especially, for the aim of studying the role of dependencies and/or interaction between any interest pair of system elements).
I think that the article attached to this reply could be a useful step to begin.
Hope the above helps!
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
We invite you to submit your recent research to the Workshop:
"Computerized evidence-based decision making” as part of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2020)
This workshop intends to explore the reasoning process behind how digital evidence is integrated throughout planning, urban design, urban infrastructure and transport projects as well as building and product design processes.
Decision making models involving simulations for:
· planning,
· urban design,
· urban infrastructure and transport,
· building design and product design.
Session Organisers:
· Dr. Clarice Bleil de Souza (Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
· Prof. Valerio Cutini (DESTEC University of Pisa - Italy)
· Dr. Federico Cerutti (Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia – Italy)
· Ms. Camilla Pezzica (DESTEC University of Pisa – Italy & Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University - UK)
Deadline for paper submission: February 15, 2020 Proceedings will be published via Springer.
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In reply to your questions:
3. I dont really understand your question, sorry. This workshop is specifically about decision making models involving simulations for: planning, urban design, urban infrastructure and transport, building design and product design.
I hope this helps
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5 answers
I am researching sustainable materials for product design. I would like to use liquid resins which are relatively easier to handle and can be used in multiple ways like natural fiber reinforcement and casting. At the same time, they should also be biodegradable. 
Thank you.
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Dear Karan,
There are two types of bioresin: degradable and compostable. Degradable bioresins can continually be broken down into smaller and smaller pieces—they are different from biogradable resins, because they cannot be reduced to simple biological matter. Compostable resins can be used as mulch after being mixed with specific bio products at a composting plant.
Please look at the paper
Cashew nut shell liquid-derived -Bio-based epoxy resin toughening with cashew nut shell liquid-derived resin resin(file:///C:/Users/3020/Cookies/Desktop/Downloads/GrMAT_2015.pdf), in this paper is nut shell- bio and liquid ester is a resin missed to form a bio resin.
Hope it help you out.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
8 answers
Dear Colleagues
I have just read in Homburg (2015) that independent coders have identified product design dimensions: functional, aesthetic and self-expressive.
Keller (1993) suggests in his article similar dimensions (functional, experiential, self-expressive) of consumer knowledge about the brand.
Do not you think that in this case (1) the advancement of conceptualization of value for consumers is very small (if it exists at all)? (2) the coding results include also the coders' hidden assumptions (the Keller's conceptualization) about the value dimensions? the coders in 2015 code the data generated in 2015 along to categories from 1999?
How to overcome this? What other conceptualizations would be useful to develop the knowledge ? Any sources?
Homburg, C., Schwemmle, M., & Kuehnl, C. (2015). New product design: Concept, measurement, and consequences. Journal of Marketing, 79, 41–56.
Keller K.L. (1993) Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Jan., 1993), pp. 1-22
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Dear Colleagues.
I have just found another example of how the not-predetermined analysis provides results=categories that we know from earlier (Vargo & Lush) publications.
Look at this:
Kaartemo V, Helkkula A (2018): "The thematic analysis of the papers shows four themes that describe the content of the studies, namely, generic field advancement, supporting service providers, enabling resource integration between service providers and beneficiaries, and supporting beneficiaries’ well-being (...). These themes were not predetermined as they emerged from the reviewed articles inductively."
My comment: the themes obtained inductively are equal to the categories of the previously published (Vargo&Lush) theory. It looks like recognition (aided-recall) of ready categories in the texts. What do you think about it? Maybe you have different interpretations of what we see here?
Kaartemo V, Helkkula A (2018) A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence and Robots in Value Co-creation: Current Status and Future Research Avenues. Journal of Creating Value 4(2) 211–228
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
Artificial intelligence has applied in many fields. In product design process, the application of artificial intelligence is expert system. Can artificial intelligence design product without engineer?
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In mop, yes if algorithm has captured all possible scenario expected at design level, which is very very complex.
Don't expect out of box creativity since that cannot be calculated and predicted. Many technologies are on the way to empower machines to think much beyond
normal human can do. Its hypothesis based on some facts and LOL.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
19 answers
other than AutoCAD and Photoshop...
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Hi Maryam,
It depends on the type of packaging component being designed (material, manufacturing process, printing method, etc.) and the development phase (early concepts, refinement, control documentation, etc.). For example:
- Rhinoceros (for concept exploration and dielines)
- SolidWorks, Catia, Inventor (for assemblies and part design refinement)
- KeyShot (for rendering)
- Esko Suite
- ArtiosCAD (for dielines)
- Studio (for rendering)
- CAPE (for palletization, truck load, etc)
- Adobe CC (Illustrator, Photoshop) (for artwork and mapping)
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
Please let me know where one can publish research papers related to product design+solar photovoltaic+societal context ? Both international Journals and Conferences which accepts it.
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You can choose the journal according to your work from the below links
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
Arduino supposed to be utilized for prototyping smart ideas like as wearables, however, seems they are narrowing down to certain similar ideas... I guess it can lead to Design Fixation... What's your opinion?
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Design fixation is intrinsic to the designer's personality, capabilities, propensities, etc. and is independent of the immediate and present external world. All tools at some point become limited (and limiting) and they are eventually extended by the demands of those designers who are not anchored by them in their design creativity. In contrast to the "tool extenders" others may be trapped by comfort and success in using a specific tool, and often channel their creative trajectory by what the tool affords them. For example, following Koen Van Turnhout's example, most instructors in product design challenge students to keep sketching with the assumption that sketching is less limiting then CAD, at least in the morphological aspects. It is not always the case, but mostly true, at least with students at earlier stages. Same with Arduino, Fritzing may be more liberating, but then at some point someone will run out of canvas there and will need to extend to another tool (e.g. VHDL equivalent).
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
I am working on a literature review on methods and techniques for imposing manufacturing constraints during product design. The topic is broad and I am looking for everything, from very specific topics like numerical length scale imposition in topology optimization to general heuristic methods for part families, etc. I am having some difficulty finding a large amount of relevant literature and am only able to find ~100 references so far.
If you are working in this area or know someone who is, please suggest papers/groups/names for me to look at. I will cite as many papers as I can with this work and I want to cover everything. Journal papers, conference presentations, theses, technical reports, etc. are all good for this. I'd also like to cover as many countries and branches of engineering design as possible. I would prefer works published after 2000, but that is not a hard rule.
This review will be submitted to a top engineering conference and then a journal. Any help finding works will be appreciated.
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Thank you Mohamed-Mourad Lafifi! These are very helpful suggestions and none of them are in my current dataset.
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In our project we intend to deliver a new data analytics toolbox with smart functionalities, facilitating the process of data analytics for product designers and providing recommendations for product enhancement.
The toolbox should go beyond what is offered by the current non-smart data analytics tools in terms of usage, processing and provided outputs.
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I am not sure if a "smart" tool is all that easy. No matter how "smart" the tool is, it adds a layer of abstraction and standardization. This also means that it costs researchers degrees of freedom. If the tool is proprietary, these lost degrees of freedom may not even be transparent.
In my view, the trend actually goes away from abstract solutions and towards a more and more involved form of statistical analyses. One of the reasons that R and Python are so popular currently is that they force researchers to make detailed, transparent, and informed decisions about all aspects of data analysis. This is a conscious move away from packaged such as SPSS who make choices for the researchers.
More in general, you should consider that any "smart" analytical tool is a lense through which we see reality. If you are not very careful, "smart" may easily come to mean "biased".
Personally, I would think that the best trade-off would be to build "smart" solutions atop existing packages (such as R or Python). The smart solution then has to be perfectly transparent and ideally it should offer a smooth transition from automated analyses to manual, hands-on analyses.
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6 answers
I need a partner in product design field. To work on a research concerns about design sustainability based on form analysis but with a new approach.
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Hello Mr Hany M. El-Said ,
it would be interresting for me to join your research as I am kind of excited to explore more about product design on the basis of design thinking approach. we may have a further discussion in order to do brainstorming, kindly contact me through this email adress or skype ; ahmed.zarqan
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Product Design
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Submission deadline for full papers: 5th March 2018
Intend to submit (Title & Abstract): As soon as possible
Journal of “Artificial Intelligence for Engineering design, Analysis & Manufacturing “
Cambridge University Press, Center for Product Design and Manufacturing
This issue deals with research studies and cognitive and learning processes for DfS (Design for Sustainability) from engineering, companies, consumer, society, point of views. Its aims is to gather: empirical and experimental studies, foundational theories, learning methods and tools,
Information about the format and style required for AIEDAM papers, as well as about submission, can be found at
Guest Editors: University of Technology of Troyes, France
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  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
My topic related mainly to (Security on both physical and psychological sides - Health care) as social approach.
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I had an uncompleted manuscript, no one desire to cooperate.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
I'am studying product design as a undergraduate and my project is focusing on the properties of algae and how we can try to implement it in our lifestyles. I want to focus on two aspects of seaweed. The colour and the material. I want to try to make a fascinating material to replicate synthetic ecological unfriendly products. I am gathering a variety of seaweeds but as a designer, I don't know how to approach my experimentations and what ingredients to use. It would mean a lot to get information on how to approach this problem. Many thanks!
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Hi Cemal,
if you want to go away from ecological unfriendly materials, why don't you use only algea / seaweed. Consistancy (and color?)will certainly change in the process (if you dry it) but those changes are part of nature and part of the algea. Maybe you can try to use those changes in your Project instead of avoiding them?
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
my descriptive model (task vs methods) for early development of a smart clothing design project for vital sign monitoring is available. In this project which did under supervision of an industrial designer, the model has drawn after completing the project.
(the model mostly illustrate an inspiration from Milton and Rodgers's (2013) book "research methods for product design" ; which termed an internal iteration within each phase. But have some addition for showing unknown condtions of project).
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In the field of Product Development and Project Management (where I work), descriptive models should be as the name implies: A "model" that tries to "describe" with a certain accuracy a given phenomenon.
As such, IMHO, it should be tested against:
1- The related acceptable and proved concepts in the body of knowledge
2- The practice. In this case it should be understood as "a reasonable description of the phenomenon " by a relevant group of practitioners. It could be done by interviews or by questionnaires.
and, if possible, tried out.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
In relation to product design, place and people
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My dear friend,
My new book has published. It is about design
as you are in this field i hope you will like it
Please read it and share it with everyone. It is talking about prosumer also for the first time in this book we talk about magic and its power in product design. It is talking also about future of consumers .I request you put the link of book on your page and your school website for your students.
Name: Everyone Is a Designer
Author: Mohsen Jaafarnia
Publisher: MJ
Ghochan, 2017
In Persian, Chinese and English
Topic: Industrial Design
Jaafarnia, Mohsen (2017). Everyone Is Designer. Ghochan, Iran : MJ Publication. ISBN: 978-600-04-7870-4
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
Without your help, this research cannot be completed! Please use the  link to take the questionnaire:
The research we are conducting focuses on using data extracted in the middle of the life (servicing, operation, use, failure, etc.) of products for their design enhancement. Our main research question is: What designers need, prefer, and/or miss regarding the outputs of data analytics tools they currently use or would use in the future in the context of possible product improvements?
We are seeking for a practical solution that supports the generation of design knowledge for realization of new products and value adding services by monitoring the real-use of products and services in operation, as well as the user feedback on social media. We also pursue extending product and service lifespan and to optimize the use of the necessary resources all along their lifecycle.
In this study, we concentrate on computer supported analytics of big data generated in the middle of life processes of products. In order to understand designers needs and challenges as well as their design intents and expectations with regards to affordances and services provided by software tools and packages our questionnaire is divided to three main parts: (i) subject information, (ii) product/tasks information, (iii) knowing/using big data, (iv) knowing/using data analytics tools, (v) needed services/functionalities, (vi) additional information/suggestions.
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Hi Fatima,
This is very interesting. However as a lecturer am I supposed to take part in this given my job and position.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
2 answers
I am looking for a research topic in this area. I want to solve a problem which bridge designers encounter; or propose an improved method for design; etc. I would like to know of any of potential topics.
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Dear Dr. Rizaee,
One latest topic is designing (and implementation) of smart bridges (i.e. bridges that are actually cyber-physical systems with self-monitoring, self-regulation, self-resilience and self-tuning capabilities).
Kind regards,
Imre Horvath
  • asked a question related to Product Design
23 answers
The concept exists from very ancient times across the globe but today we are running behind it like anything and doing everything for it For example: leaving our comfort, ease, luxury and lifestyle.
Kindly comment...
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For as long as resources are consumed and wastes are involved, then, there will be need for effective control whether in terms of the acquisition or in terms of the usage of the resource. Therefore, the issue of sustainability cannot be wished away in a hurry. The whole wide world has become a global village, hence the difficulty in framing ignorance of the challenges that are being or to be faced with by all especially from the perspective of the advancement in technology.which has brought about very serious need for more caution with respect to the way we deal with the ultimate outcome of the output of technological empowerment. This then brings about the issue of sustainability that we are going to contend with for a long time to come if the human race is to be more comfortable and live a quality life always hoped for by all. Hence, those in the behavioural and social sciences have a lot of work to do with a view to guaranteeing a better future for all no matter the race, gender, colour, age, location, religion, legal systems, etc.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
Laplace law was used to calculate pressure based on fabric tension and radius of curvature. It is known that most previous studies are referring to limbs area which is have cylindrical shape. However, the concave and convex areas such as facial contour does not have the cylindrical shape and the gap exists when applying head garment. Can the calculation still be applied at this area?
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perhaps here you will find the answer
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
In the razor and blade market, a new technology is usually incompatible with old technologies. For example, Gillette introduced Fusion technology in 2006 and Fusion is incompatible with Mach and Quattro. Given the incompatibility, what are the factors affecting consumers' upgrading decisions? My understanding is there are three factors: quality improvement, costs (prices) and the inventory of unused blades. And also, does the incompatibility deter the consumers to upgrade to the new technology? 
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You can ask the consumers following the innovation community approach.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
10 answers
I came across these 2 factor of safety in my product design and get confused of the difference between them 
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In some applications, factor of safety to ultimate tensile strength can also be important. For e.g. a vessel containing toxic/hazardous chemical (or radioactive waste) designed to remain intact under accidental conditions. In other words, under predefined accidental scenarios the structure is allowed to plastically deform but must not break.
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3 answers
planned obsolescence and intellectual property rights have an effect on design and availability of products currently in production.
if planned obsolescence and intellectual property rights effects are removed from consideration how would product quality and availability be affected?
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Dear Omar, 
See the article below, where you can find the answer: 
Methods  of measuring ideas for innovation
Attention with the Ideal Idea = 0,00 iur. 
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
There is a short explanation in media about these 4 levels yet the meaning is still ambiguous; Is there any reference or introduction of the quattro in product design?
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Definetely,  I agree with the suggestions . Also you can see some examples of  interactive and supra-active research in the website of my lab.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
6 answers
Is there a research that has established, e.g., a 'percentage-range' which can be used as the basis for estimating target cost? A reference/link to an article would be appreciated. 
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Many factors influence the target cost of an engineering consumer product. One such influencing factors is an introduction timing into the consumer market. 
I have studies the influence of market timing on target costs. It is discussed in the following paper. Take a look...
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Automobile industry
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Suppliers must work with their clients and vice versa to design the manufacturing processes, tooling, equipment, and systems needed to fit the production and plant limitations. They must be selected and involved early enough to participate in the design and other critical decision making process. By joining efforts with suppliers and partners, aimed at meeting the market needs or functions not yet served, everyone wins.
Take a look
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
Based on Kano's works, relationship between customer satisfaction and product performance is picturized. I'm interested to get a mathematical model to estimate the customer satisfaction with respect to product performance.
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Hi Pak Suef,
Not sure whether the following links works for you. Nakamori and Huynh are mathematicians, they have conducted some of mathematical model to evaluate users' experience. Their mathematical model based on SD method and Kansei Engineering.
Hope this helps...
Huynh, V. N., Yan, H., & Nakamori, Y. (2010). A target-based decision-making approach to consumer-oriented evaluation model for Japanese traditional crafts. Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on, 57(4), 575-588.
Huynh, V. N., Yan, H., Ryoke, M., & Nakamori, Y. (2011). Fuzzy target-based multi-feature evaluation of traditional craft products. In Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (pp. 331-342). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Huynh, V. N., Nakamori, Y., & Yan, H. (2010). A comparative study of target-based evaluation of traditional craft patterns using kansei data. In Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (pp. 160-173). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
1 answer
For example, balcony gardens for apartment blocks.
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quiet interesting question. I have come across self watering pots where the water consumed is lesser and the loss of soil is almost nil. woul like to follow this question.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
9 answers
The paper of M Schenkel  et al 2015(Understanding value creation in closed loop supply chains – Past findings and future directions), Value adding concepts from the forward- and reverse supply chain may leverage the process of value creation. They are classified into six subclasses, namely partnerships and collaboration, product design characteristics, service concepts, IT solutions, supply chain processes and organizational characteristics.So, in the current economic environment, which is based on selling of more short-life cycle products, it is difficult to close the loop and achieve economic viability of such system. I think that  the producer-client relationship is the foundation of the success of  a closed-loop supply chain .
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many thanks
  • asked a question related to Product Design
18 answers
Based on Nigel Cross's legendary book, Developments in design methodology, there has been a lot of research on architecture methods of design; how to make the process of design more convergent and how to write a theory on design. The question is can we find a way of methodology for emotional design particularly in product design field ?
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Dear Dr. Mahmoudi, If you intend to develop a novel methodology for emotional design in a systematic way, then I suggest you to consider that you need (i) a testable underpinning theory, (ii) a workflow of activities, (iii) a set of purposeful methods, (iv) supporting instrumentation, and (v) criteria of relevance/properness (shown in the figure below). However, I think emotional design is a rather broad concept. It may work in the (i) instrumentality (tasks the artifact helps accomplish), (ii) aesthetics (sensory reactions to the artifact), (iii) cognitive (compliance with personal preferences), and (iv) symbolic (associations the artifact elicits) dimensions. First of all, you need to specify a focus. There is no universal methodology to enable design for emotion over all of the above dimensions. On the other hand, there are already many specific methodologies (e.g. Kansei engineering, Experience-Driven Design, Cultural-Psychological Analysis, Dynamic Preference Maintenance, cultural probes, etc.) from which you may choose. They have been tested, while in the case of a new methodology you will be supposed to justify, validate and consolidate it. Kind regards, I.H.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
2 answers
Are there any limitations on the design of test setup / test parameters / specimens?
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Drop tower tests generally are onto a flat surface so offset and oblique crashes cannot be simulated.
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Automobile industry
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Strategic partnership is one type of alignment, between product design developers (OEMs) and supply chain.  
However, there are many ways to accomplish such alignment deals. The stronger alignment between OEMs and supply chains, often, results in better quality and better functioning  products. 
Cost is often a major issue in such alignment scenarios.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
Any model regarding influence of product design on word of mouth and purchase intention.
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Although not very recent, but there are 2 thesis on this that I can refer:
  • asked a question related to Product Design
3 answers
  • I want to know specifically of problems in a tabloid chair for left-handed users and I want to know what are the solutions that have been done to overcome this problem for the tabloid chair for those left-handed users. The new design of tabloid chair for left-handed
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Thank you so much Napoleon and Mark for the feedback. Really appreciate and it helps me a lot :D God bless...
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
the concept of morphological analysis is central to language studies, how can we use it with respect to the design of new types of products and communications, overcoming the classic approach of structuralism semiotics
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Morphology is used in two ways: (1) as an analytical tool to investigate the composition of an existing product, and (2) as a creative and synthesizing tool for designing a new product. Designing has two major divisions: (a) for artistic designing, with emphasis on appearance and ergonomics, and (b) for engineering designing, with emphasis on the (internal and cross-boundary) workings of a technical product, ref Eder W.E. US-China Educational Review A, April 2013, Vol. 3, No. 4, p. 259-280. Prescriptive design methods are mainly applicable to synthesizing engineering products (2b), often include use of a morphological matrix, and are most useful for novel products, or when an intuitive approach does not yield a good solution, refs Eder, W.E. and Hosnedl, S., Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity, Boca Raton: CRC-Press, 2007, and Eder, W.E. and Hosnedl, S., Introduction to Design Engineering: Systematic Creativity and Management, Leiden, NL: CRC Press/Balkema, 2010. The working group around Vladimir Hubka has published 23 case examples of worked conceptual designing, each including an application of a morphological matrix for synthesizing an engineering product (2b), see ref Eder, W.E., ‘Case Example of Systematic Design Engineering – Linear Friction Test Equipment’, paper 1002, in Proc 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science – ICDES 2014, Japan Society for Design Engineering, 31 Aug - 3 Sept 2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Yes, Norris and Zwicky did pioneering work on this subject. Many others have contributed, but I think that our approach is the one based on scientific logic, and a (complete as possible) Theory of Technical Systems, ref Hubka and Eder, Theory of Technical Systems, Berlin/Heidelberg and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. Hope my comments help.
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5 answers
I am researching the affect of materials within electronic products to encourage user attachment and therefore increase product longevity. I am interested to know if there are any examples of products designed specifically to encourage attachment by the decisions made during the material selection process. Essentially is there an example of a beautifully aged electronic product which has the characteristics of a well loved leather/wood analogue product?
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Hi Fatima. Excellent, it's an interesting subject. what's the focus of your research?
  • asked a question related to Product Design
13 answers
Based on shape/configuration
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You may want to look to D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860-1948) for inspiration
  • asked a question related to Product Design
6 answers
Context: in some eletronics batteries are very difficult to replace or remove within disassembly/recycling processes.
What are the main technologies/practices to recycle batteries of these kinds of products and what are their main economic and environmental challenges?
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Dear Ilaria,
We have wrote a subsection on similar issues in my article (Singh et. al.) recently published in 'Waste Management and Research' The name of the subsection is "Increasing complexity of product composition and variety in the production and consumption systems". This subsection also contains some good references which be helpful for your question. 
In the same issue where our article was published, there was another article by Andreas Bartl which you also might find helpful. The links to both the articles are attached in this reply. 
All the best,
Jagdeep Singh
  • asked a question related to Product Design
4 answers
Back in 1995, Baxter stated that out of ten ideas about new products, three would be developed, 1.3 would be launched, and only one of them was profitable. Does anyone have updated figures / studies / links about it?
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I agree in early 1990s, the success rate were pretty small. In the last 20 years, many new concepts were introduced for accelerating the product development process and its sustainability,
Those has improved both the development & launch success rates as well as profitability of the products once launched into market, I believe.. 
The following describes some of those techniques. Hope, you find it inteteresting
  • asked a question related to Product Design
5 answers
I am working on a design method based on CBR and TRIZ, and I want to improve the efficiency of cases searching, then what should I do?
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Try looking at BS7000.
Some Triz curses also teach how to apply the Triz methodology, in my view this is another name for case based reasoning.
  • asked a question related to Product Design
9 answers
The Cause & Effect, or Fishbone Diagram, was first used by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa of the University of Tokyo in 1943 - hence its frequent reference as a "Ishikawa Diagram". This diagram is used to identify all of the contributing root causes likely to be causing a problem.
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The Ishikawa diagram is an important tool during the preparation of an uncertainty budget  in accordance with GUM; its proper use is described in the 2012 edition of the Eurachem document, often referred to as QUAM: