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Procrastination - Science topic

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Questions related to Procrastination
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
Dear all, 
After some months of procrastination, we changed 4/5 valves of our Accuri C6 (the ones that were not working), and I've started to check how the instrument is making measurements.
I have 2 issues for which I need help ;
- First, the instrument is unable to calibrate the fluidics. I thought the valve replacement would improve that point, but finally not. Do you have a hint  ?
- When I run the C6 with 0.2µm DI water, the recordings look like the attached picture. The threshold value is 80000 on the FSC-H channel. The event rate is close to 4000/s, and do not depend on the flow rate. 
Could you provide us any help ?
Thank you very much
UMR PASTEUR, Département de Chimie Ecole Normale Supérieure Current address :  Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 6 rue Jean Calvin 75005 Paris Tel/Fax : +33 1 40 79 58 92
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Hi! Have you found a solution to the problem? We seem to have the same issues and I was wondering if you managed to get anywhere.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
6 answers
Many times co-authors do not respond due to lack of time, disagreement, personal commitments and personal problems in life.
Can one make a decision to exclude them (such co-authors) from the paper or include their name in acknowledgements section or change their order in the co-author list according to their contribution without their consent/approval? Is it ethical to let your paper get published in that way if you don’t hear from them for 2 years or more and you don’t even have a clue if they are alive or their accounts are hacked.
Are there any rules on when declarations and authorship commitments become void when a response is not received for how many years?
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In my opinion, this issue is rather difficult to solve.
1. Before submission all authors are supposed to read and approve the content of the manuscript. In your final message to all coauthors, you could state: “If you do not respond until [DATE], I will assume that you agree to the content of the manuscript and its submission to [JOURNAL]”; or a similar phrase.
2. For submission you need a valid email address and the correct affiliation of all coauthors.
3. Even more difficult to solve, upon acceptance of a manuscript most journals ask all coauthors to electronically sign a conflict of interest statement and a copyright transfer agreement; if any author fails to do so the manuscript will not be published.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
3 answers
I'm researching about academic procrastination. I already got access with the APS but can't find the manual on interpretation of the scores. Is there a low and high score?
Replies would be deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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I am not getting its interpretation if anyone knows then kindly reply
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
Our research findings indicates that there is no significant correlation between academic procrastination and emotion regulation. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate a study that might back up our findings.
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There is a good dissertation on the subject and countless publications on the Internet. Please refer
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
2 answers
Which clinical features do you believe are related to procrastination in OCD patients?
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What may happen is that in avoidance of something dreaded, such as some something feared activity outside their residence (exposing to public scrutiny, doctor's appointment for example), a person may procrastinate by attempting to control something (such as cleaning something perfectly, changing clothing for hours to achieve the best appearance). So this is also about locus of control, fears of failure, feelings of inferiority.
10 Most Common Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms
Published: 10/4/2013
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), an anxiety-driven condition, leaves a person at the mercy of uncontrollable thoughts, behaviors and rituals. While many people encounter nagging worries, such as forgetting to turn-off the coffee pot, the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder become so pronounced that it affects a person’s ability to carry out normal everyday tasks.
Not surprisingly, the 10 most common symptoms associated with the disorder stem from a root cause of anxiety. In an effort to relieve feelings of anxiety, persons afflicted by OCD may carry out repetitive behaviors, but experience little if any relief in the process. The condition seems to perpetuate itself by keeping a person embroiled inside an anxiety-producing mindset. Even in cases where a person knows a particular thought or behavior is irrational, he or she is unable to break free.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, most people affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder begin to experience symptoms by the age of 30. The cause of the condition remains unknown, though genetics appears to have some influence on whether a person will develop the disorder. Other suspected causes include head injuries, infections and abnormal activity in certain areas of the brain.
10 most common symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The first two listed actually function as core symptoms that underlie and fuel OCD disorders.
Obsessive compulsive disorder can leave you with uncontrollable behaviors.
  1. Obsessions – An uncontrollable thought or behavior is actually an obsession that consumes the person’s attention. For most people affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder, these obsessions are unwanted and over-powering.
  2. Rituals – Over time, obsessions turn into ritual behaviors that impair a person’s ability to function in everyday life. An example of this would be someone who goes through great effort to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. In effect, a person becomes obsessed with avoiding the cracks that any potential oncoming danger would go unnoticed.
  3. Hoarding – Hoarding behaviors involve stockpiling anything and everything or certain types of items in particular. Hoarding is done in an effort to relieve fears that something bad will happen if they throw something away. Even when a person knows they don’t need or use these items, the urge to hoard wins out.
  4. Checking and re-checking – For someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive thoughts related to danger or harm drive them to check and re-check things, such as whether the stove is turned off or to ensure a lock is secure.
  5. Washing – One of the more commonly known symptoms associated with this condition, fear of germs or contamination drive a person to wash their hands repeatedly, multiple times a day.
  6. Counting & Arranging – An obsession with counting things like steps or ceiling tiles represents a person’s attempt to control the world around them. It’s also often driven by superstitious beliefs.
  7. Perfectionist – Someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder may need everything to be just perfect in order to prevent something bad from happening or to avoid being punished.
  8. Violent & sexual preoccupations – This symptom involves obsessive thoughts of harming one’s own family. A person can also have obsessive thoughts about engaging in sexual acts that actually repel him or her.
  9. Self-image preoccupations – Fear of social embarrassment may drive a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder to comb their hair for unusually long time periods or change their clothes repeatedly.
  10. Repetitive Actions – This symptom may take the form of saying the same phrase over and over again or performing certain physical activities, such as sitting and standing multiple times.
U.S. National Library of Medicine
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
For the English version of the Pure Procrastination Scale (Steel, 2010) the scale is listed as having a 5 point scale ranging from 1 very seldom or not true of me to 5 very true of me. However, what are the middle anchor point labels for the scale? Thanks
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1 very rarely or not applies to me
2 rarely applies to me
3 sometimes applies to me
4 often applies to me
5 very often applies to me
It was easier for me to translate from German
see also
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
3 answers
I conducted a simple mediation analysis using process macro in SPSS. Both indirect and direct effects are significant and negative. The total effect is also significant and negative. (X- Academic procrastination, Y- Perceived Academic Performance, and M or mediator- Academic Anxiety)
Total effect of X on Y = -0.411
Direct effect of X on Y = -0.341
Indirect effect of X on Y = -0.06 (weak but significant).
How do I interpret the same to make theoretical sense?
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It is a credible point. But in this study, I have considered only these three variables.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
we are using a quantitative method for our research. and we are just students. badly need help. all scale I could find is one dimensional scale. do you have any advice what can we do?
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Hello, Jerl! I would like to recommend a recent work by Vangsness et al. (2022). The study assessed 10 well-documented self-report measures of procrastination on the reliability, validity and psychometric properties. It may help you decide which one is most appropriate for your study design. Here is the link:
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
5 answers
I have a number of variables where data has been collected via Likert style scales;
* 1 x Independent variable (Level of Imposter feelings) - Split into 2 x groups - High and Low scores
* 3 x Dependent variables (Level of procrastination, perfectionism and mental health)
* 1 x other variable (Sense of belonging).
Initially I was planning a 2x3 MANOVA and splitting the sense of belonging variable (as an independent variable) into two groups, based on a median split (high and low). However, I am wondering whether it is appropriate as sense of belonging doesn't affect the DV's, but rather, can affect the IV.
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MANOVA would be ok. Justify with the results.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
4 answers
I'm planning to use regression analysis in my study, but I am confused about this: if both of the predictors or independent variables (e.g. Academic Resilience & Academic Procrastination) were already correlated with the Dependent Variable (e.g. Test Anxiety) in the previous studies, is it still possible to pursue it? It's an undergraduate thesis btw, and research is really not my forte that's why I'm having a hard time.
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I don't see anything wrong if you could replicate the regression on your own separate data and obtain your results. This is in spite of your knowledge of the results of correlation between the variables involved.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
5 answers
Is it possible to run a correlation test on a continuous DV and a categorical IV with 3 levels?
I'm investigating is gender is associated with academic procrastination, however, my gender variable is coded as: 0 = Male; 1 = Female; 2 = Non-Binary.
Initially I ran a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient test however, I have now realised that this may not be the right procedure.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Run ANoVA test with tukey HSD
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
2 answers
I am Mohith Rahul L., a postgraduate student currently pursuing Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Christ (Deemed to be University). As a requirement for my course, I’m conducting a study on academic procrastination, academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), and anxiety in college students.
The study focuses on identifying the relationship that exists among these factors and how it affects the students. You are invited to participate in the study if you are a UG or PG student of 18 years or above and if you feel that you have procrastinated at least once in completing your academic tasks.
Please click the link to take part in the study; the questionnaire will take about 5-7 minutes of your time. Make sure you read the informed consent and description of the study provided in the form.
If you have any queries, feel free to contact me.
Thank you!
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This link has expired.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
3 answers
1) Procrastination [Procrastination = Poverty]
2) Disempowering Habits [Bad Habit = Failure]
3) Living in the Past [Your past is not = to your Future ]
4) Putting Yourself Down
5) Overthinking
6) Fearing Change
7) Trying to Please Everyone
8) Wasting time on Gadgets, Social Media
9) Complaining about life
10) Comparing your life with others
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11) Lists
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
We are Master Students in Decision Science that just did a study to explore the relationship between heart rate variability (HRV) and procrastination (moderated by emotion regulated- ERQ), in a within-subject design.
The participants measured their morning baseline HRV and filled out the academic procrastination questionnaire in the evening for 7 days.
We are unsure how to analyze the data and which tests to report.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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I am not sure what can happen when we measure morning baseline. HRV can for example being used as a predictor for ventricular tachycardia, specially when the patient has got ICD implanted. It might be possible to find some risk stratification, just prior to VT or VF.The socalled multipole method extracts information both in the frequency domain as well as time domain. The multipole method perform better than in traditional methods
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
27 answers
I was working for a project. The computational part is done. Now it's time to write a paper. But I am procrastinating much and actually I am not sure how to start or where to start.Which part should I write first? How can I accelerate the process.
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Start with the materials and methods because you have already completed this part
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
6 answers
I would like to receive some advice about path anaysis. I am assisting a promovendus who is researching motivation, procrastination and study progress. Out of these variables we want to formulate profiles. After that we want to examine whether student-regulated learning and executive functioning are predictors of these profiles.
After collecting data from surveys and exam grades, I made the following variables: high and low motivation, high and low procrastination and high, average and low study progress. Can I use path analysis to form the profiles?
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Hello Mirjam,
I think you'd be better off using the full scales for the three measures (motivation, procrastination, study progress) rather than throw away information by collapsing each of these into dichotomous levels. As well, the the ability of a path model to explain variation in these from measures of S-R learning and executive function is likely to be better with full scores.
If your research aim is to identify: (a) whether distinct profiles for these three measures exist; and (b) whether experts would endorse them as meaningfully different (or whether empirical differences exist among them with respect to self-regulated learning and executive function scores), then you might consider first trying cluster analysis (using motiv, procrast, & st progress as the scores for forming clusters).
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
2 answers
As there is increased absenteeism, lack of interest, difficulty in managing academic work and clinical work which is more in the last decade I am interested to know the current research in this area. Also the postgraduates are lacking in the multitasking aspects of their work.
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Thank you so much for the article
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
1 answer
I have been unable to find the scoring for the questionnaire, any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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  • asked a question related to Procrastination
4 answers
Dear researchers
Which tool is suitable for measuring organizational procrastination in clinical professions espcially for nurses?
Which scale do you recommend?
Thank you for usefull responses.
Best regards
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I looked to see what I could find; I saw this review of procrastination measures, but none were particularly relevant to clinical professions:
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
2 answers
I am thinking to do a study on looking at the relationship between prospective memory and academic procrastination. Rationale is that procrastinator might delay a task intentionally but might forget to get back to the task a result of poor prospective memory?
is it possible?
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Identifying the Neural Substrates of Procrastination: a Resting-State fMRI Study
Wenwen Zhang, Xiangpeng Wang, Tingyong Feng Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 33203
Understanding the Cognitive and Genetic Underpinnings of Procrastination: Evidence for Shared Genetic Influences with Goal Management and Executive Function Abilities
Daniel E. Gustavson, Akira Miyake, John K. Hewitt, Naomi P. Friedman : J Exp Psychol Gen. 2015 Dec; 144(6): 1063–1079.
Check if the authors are here on RG and connect with them.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
80 answers
You will not achieve anything until you accomplish something productive, and the fact that as long as the great idea is trapped in your head will do much more harm than good, your subconscious mind knows that you are stalling on something important, and the necessary work required to maintain the reasons for postponing stress, anxiety and fear, is more Procrastination; a vicious circle that continues to worsen until the work interrupts.
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Many thanks Ahmed Saeed Mohmed .
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
5 answers
Procrastination as become the current issue which we as students faced in our course of studies. We know Academic learning center helps guide students in creating better academic work with great quality. However, my point is how effective does academic learning center programs help universities decreased the level of Procrastination in students?
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Hi Kopi!
Procrastination in academic studies is a serious issue that may cause many more than we think to leave their academic programme. I don’t know much about special methodologies in academic learning or support services in Sweden, I guess that often is first some initial introduction to watch own behaviour, and second, individual help when requested or called upon.
i think procrastination may increase with flexibility in studies, and with more asynchronous parts of courses to do whenever it suits the individual during a time period. This is a balance - a very flexible course can include many untraditional learners just by being flexible, but provides also lot of opportunities to procrastination. I and colleagues experimented with using a changed course design, learning from the software industry’s project models as agile frameworks (scrum, etc). The paper is Shifting and Agile Time Boxes in Course Design. Attached. (A research area for my doctoral studies was in time factors for course design and access to education). I also want to recommend two books, more of the self-help kind: Carol Dweck: Mindset and Jane B Burka & Lenora Yuen: Procrastination - why you do it and what to do about it. Both also available as audiobooks.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
10 answers
Hi there! I am writing my dissertation about academic procrastination and at the moment working on the appendix part.Unfortunately there is a lack of information regarding SPSS output and raw data file. It is unclear if this should be included in the appendix or emailed separately to my supervisor?
I am wondering if anyone knows:
1) Do we need to include the raw data file and if yes in what format?
2) Do we need to include SPSS output (export the data from SPSS in pdf) or choose only inferential statistical tests and create tables ?
Many thanks in advance!
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thank you Madhusudhana Kamath it is very helpful!!!
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
2 answers
I am looking to write another book on goal setting and I am interested in latest neuroscience research relating to goal setting, achievement and those beliefs and behaviours that will limit the above. I am familiar with the work of Gollwitzer and Oettingen.
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Illona, thank you, yes it does interest me.
  • asked a question related to Procrastination
40 answers
Dear respected Colleagues ,
How can one overcome procrastination ? How do you cope with procrastination ? Have you ever procrastinated anything that cost you dearly ?
How can one conquer the obstacles that prevent one from starting difficult high-priority tasks.
Have you ever procrastinated writing that conference papers, manuscripts for that journals, or dare to obtain that forms or scholarships that could have made you somebody than who you are today? Have you ever regretted of procrastinating ? What has procrastination caused you ? Knowing fully well that procrastination is the robber of time, differ not till evening what the morning can accomplish. Procrastination is the cemetery in which opportunities are bury.
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A few suggestions related to procrastination:
You need to recognize that everyone procrastinates at least a little! Typically, people procrastinate when something seems like a huge undertaking or too difficult to do.
So what can you do?
  1. Break large projects into small, doable tasks. You know the joke: "How do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time. Accomplishing small pieces of the larger task will empower and encourage you to keep going.
  2. Each evening, look at what needs to get done (each task should have an estimated time assigned to its well as a degree of difficulty.) Break big projects and studying for exams into smaller, doable pieces.
  3. Take out your calendar and be sure to schedule in meetings and other ‘fixed’ variables. Then, look at your list of tasks and decide which need to get done immediately. Your calendar will serve as your road map each day.
  4. Consider the times during the day when you are most alert and attentive. Schedule your harder tasks during these times but be sure to allow for regular breaks.
  5. The Pomodoro method suggests 25 minutes of concentration followed by 5 minutes of relaxation. You can use this as a guide or adjust the 25 to 20 minutes if that’s your optimal working time.
  6. Scheduling a specific time to get work done will enable you to get your work done more efficiently and you should find that there is also time to do things you enjoy.