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Probability - Science topic

The study of chance processes or the relative frequency characterizing a chance process.
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Publications related to Probability (10,000)
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The gamma function is probably the most common of the special functions and has many applications in physics. It can also be used to re-write singular integrals in terms of a series expansion which is more tractable for obtaining an asymptotic estimate of the singular behaviour by elementary means.
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A theoretical description for bisphenol S and bisphenol AF electrochemical determination has been given. The electrochemical determination becomes possible via a cathodic process, in which both trifluoromethyl and sulfonic groups are reduced, as bivalent chromium is oxidized to trivalent. This process may be used for electroanalytical and environme...
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In this paper, we explore prime numbers of the form 2x 2 − 1 and investigate their distribution. Through rigorous analysis, we demonstrate a high probability of the occurrence of such primes. Furthermore, we present an argument for the infinitude of primes of this form, drawing on the relationship between these primes and the near-square primes of...
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Asignatura: Probabilidad y Estadística. 08 de diciembre de 2024. Resumen ejecutivo. El presente documento, contextualiza el uso de la inteligencia artificial, centrándose en aprendizaje automático, explicando su uso en el procesamiento de macrodatos. Se implementan, dos modelos clasificatorios usando dos enfoques uno bayesiano y otro de redes neuro...
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IGNORAMUS. FILOSOFEMAS Y AGNOIOLOGEMAS Capítulo del libro ‘Ignoramus’ en el que el autor trata de sistematizar el alcance de nuestra ignorancia filosófica y científica mediante un conjunto de apotegmas y sentencias en las que de forma breve resume los horizontes de nuestro pretendido conocimiento y de nuestra ignorancia sobre el Ser. La hipótesis...
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IGNORAMUS. FILOSOFEMAS Y AGNOIOLOGEMAS Capítulo del libro ‘Ignoramus’ en el que el autor trata de sistematizar el alcance de nuestra ignorancia filosófica y científica mediante un conjunto de apotegmas y sentencias en las que de forma breve resume los horizontes de nuestro pretendido conocimiento y de nuestra ignorancia sobre el Ser. La hipótesis...
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La conducta prosocial es un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo social y emocional de los adolescentes y su manifestación puede verse influenciada por la regulación emocional. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre conducta prosocial y las dimensiones de regulación emocional en adolescentes. La muestra t...
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This book is the first to include a comprehensive approach theory of set-valued integrals and one of the earliest to give the set-valued integration theory and its natural applications in a clear manner. It features many new issues, starting with the mathematical methods in preliminary steps, which are subsequently used in later chapters that conta...
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This study re-evaluates Parakh’s one-classical-bit quantum teleportation protocol, in which the proposed protocol replaces the traditional two-classical-bit requirement with a reset procedure, resulting in only one classical bit. However, if the input (to-be-teleported) state is unknown, the reset procedure cannot always work effectively, thereby l...
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This paper proposes a method to effectively perform joint training-and-pruning based on adaptive dropout layers with unit-wise retention probabilities. The proposed method is based on the estimation of a unit-wise retention probability in a dropout layer. A unit that is estimated to have a small retention probability can be considered to be prunabl...
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The zero-error capacity of a noisy classical channel quantifies its ability to transmit information with absolute certainty, i.e., without any error. Unlike Shannon's standard channel capacity, which remains unaffected by pre-shared correlations, zero-error capacity can be enhanced through nonlocal correlations. In this work, we investigate zero-er...
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Resumo Este artigo investiga os determinantes da reincidência prisional a partir de dados sociodemográficos e criminais de egressos de estabelecimentos penais de Santa Catarina. Utilizam-se dados disponibilizados pelo Sistema de Identificação e Administração Prisional (IPEN) da Secretaria de Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa de Santa Catarin...
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O risco, a análise e a gestão do risco tiveram um grande desenvolvimento e atualmente são frequentemente estruturantes da comunicação, de perceções e de ações públicas ou privadas. No caso da avaliação técnica dos riscos é possível, em muitas situações, obter resultados fundamentados para apoio a decisões operacionalmente eficazes. Mas há situações...
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Rund 13 Prozent der Bevölkerung im Erwerbsalter oder 19 Prozent der Arbeitnehmer waren im Jahr 2021 zu einem Niedriglohn beschäftigt. Damit nimmt das Ausmaß von Niedriglohnbeschäftigung weiter ab. Niedriglohnbeschäftigte waren in ihrer Erwerbsbiografie zwar bereits häufig zuvor zum Niedriglohn beschäftigt, was auf unzureichende Aufstiegschancen hin...
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Este artigo analisa a probabilidade de permanência no plano de saúde para beneficiários de contratos individuais de uma operadora de saúde da região Sudeste do Brasil entre 2010 e 2018. Foi utilizada análise de sobrevivência para verificar o risco de o indivíduo encerrar o contrato com a operadora ou mudar para um plano mais restrito. Os principais...
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The objectives of this study were to provide quantitative data on the incidence of waterbird disturbance responses that can be used to inform assessments of marine activities. The responses were recorded of Great Northern Diver, Cormorant and Shag to marine traffic following the navigation channel at Roches Point, Cork Harbour. Disturbance response...
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How to cite this article: Kiswendsida Mahamoudou OUEDRAOGO, Delwendé Abdoul-Kabir KAFANDO, Lassané SAWADOGO, Francois Xavier OUEDRAOGO and Pierre Clovis NITIEMA, Laplace transform for the compound Poisson risk model with a strategy of partial payment of premiums to shareholders and dependence between claim amounts and the time between claims using...
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This paper is concerned with lattice field models in dimension at least 2. The action is a uniformly convex function of the gradient of the field. The main result Theorem 1.4 proves that charge-charge correlations in the Coulomb dipole gas are close to Gaussian. These results go beyond previous results of Dimock-Hurd and Conlon-Spencer. The approac...
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Introducción. El Índice Triglicérido-Glucosa (TyG) es considerado como una prueba sensible para el diagnóstico del síndrome metabólico (SM). Sin embargo, su validez en diversas poblaciones, como la de la selva peruana, aún no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la exactitud diagnóstica del índice triglicér...
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Perkembangan teknologi digital, khususnya fitur live streaming pada platform e-commerce, telah memengaruhi pola konsumsi masyarakat, termasuk mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh live streaming e-commerce terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa sarjana ITS. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner online yang disebarkan kepada 99...
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This paper focuses on analyzing two deterministic quantities of the dynamics of stochastic systems, mean first exit time and escape probability. Through a detailed exploration of the escape phenomenon, we have successfully fitted the complex dynamics of the mean first exit time as a function of interval length (area size) and noise intensity, respe...
Conference Paper
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O risco político, entendido como a probabilidade de eventos políticos afetarem adversamente as operações e os investimentos. O estudo examina como a política interna, as dinâmicas de poder no Brasil e os riscos geopolíticos afetam a economia nacional os investimentos. Analisando a gestão de risco político no contexto brasileiro, destacando a interd...
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We revisit an argument proposed by Hardy concerning local realistic theories, but in terms of probability currents in standard quantum mechanics and of the trajectories obtained from its flux lines. We emphasize surprising properties of the trajectories in configuration space, in particular their (quasi) discontinuous variations when the context (t...
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The aim of this study was to determine whether there was a significant change in cardiac [123I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine uptake between baseline and follow-up in individuals with mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies (MCI-LB) who had normal baseline scans. Eight participants with a diagnosis of probable MCI-LB and a normal baseline scan consent...
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The article is about an alternative grading set-up in the first-year university course `Probability and Statistics for Computer Science'.
Experiment Findings
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Zusammengestellte Fälle der Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK) aus Frankreich (Perez et al 2022 Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 vaccine Jab | Request PDF) zeigten eine Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung zwischen der Entwicklungsrate der CJK-Pat...
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Este artículo explora la relación entre las actividades de cuidado no remuneradas y la asistencia escolar de los niños y niñas en Colombia, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional del Uso del Tiempo (ENUT) 2017-2018. A través de un modelo probit endógeno, se analiza cómo el tiempo dedicado a actividades de cuidado directo e indirecto impacta en la...
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We show that in the Ising pure $p$-spin model of spin glasses, shattering takes place at all inverse temperatures $\beta \in (\sqrt{(2 \log p)/p}, \sqrt{2\log 2})$ when $p$ is sufficiently large as a function of $\beta$. Of special interest is the lower boundary of this interval which matches the large $p$ asymptotics of the inverse temperature mar...
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By utilizing Faraday rotation of photons, we present a highly efficient protocol for entanglement concentration of atomic Bell states, which departs from the conventional method of sequential interactions between the auxiliary photon and two optical cavities. Instead, the simultaneous interaction of the auxiliary photon with two atomic cavities is...
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Starting without any topological assumption, we establish the existence of the universal type structure in presence of—possibly uncountably many and topologically unrestricted—conditioning events, namely, a type structure that is non-redundant, belief-complete, terminal, and unique up to measurable type isomorphism, by performing a construction in...
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The lognormal moment sequence is considered. Using the fractional moments technique, it is first proved that the lognormal has the largest differential entropy among the infinite positively supported probability densities with the same lognormal-moments. Then, relying on previous theoretical results on entropy convergence obtained by the authors co...
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Este artigo é dedicado à divulgação da técnica de análise econômica das demonstrações contábeis ao público interessado por finanças corporativas e por avaliação de negócios, tais como analistas de mercado, alunos de administração, de economia e de ciências contábeis. A parte inicial apresenta os resultados da análise com os dados da AMBEV para o pú...
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We study properties of causal couplings for probability measures on the space of continuous functions. We first provide a characterization of bicausal couplings between weak solutions of stochastic differential equations. We then provide a complete description of all such bicausal Monge couplings. In particular, we show that bicausal Monge coupling...
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This paper explores the use of probabilistic and conventional qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) in the context of geospatial question answering (GeoQA) systems. The paper presents a thorough empirical investigation of the performance of a probabilistic and a conventional qualitative spatial reasoner, across a range increasingly sophisticated scen...
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Cuba fue el último país en establecer las relaciones diplomáticas con la República de Corea, el 14 de febrero de 2024; sin embar­go, fue el primer país de América Latina y el Caribe en reconocer a la nación asiática, antes que Brasil, que también lo hizo en 1949. La no evidencia física de los momen­tos en que se establecieron oficialmente los lazos...
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Excavates: Discoba and Metamonada were in a supergroup called Excavata, which included malawimonads. The monophyly of this clade was never certain but probable, even though the monophyly of each Discoba and Metamonada is not in question. They were separated into two basal clades to other eukaryotes in the most recent 2019 revision of the classifica...
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O crowdfunding emergiu como alternativa ao financiamento tradicional, permitindo a arrecadação de recursos apoiadores por meio de plataformas digitais. Este estudo analisa a influência das características dos projetos de crowdfunding no sucesso de campanhas voltadas para o financiamento literário, contribuindo para a literatura e oferecendo diretri...
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Resumo Este artigo é um recorte de uma pesquisa de mestrado em que estudamos como o ensino de Probabilidade se dá em documentos curriculares nacionais latino-americanos, no qual focamos o letramento probabilístico. Os países analisados são Brasil, Argentina, Colômbia e México. Adotamos uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa com uma abordagem de an...
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Hipotesis berasal dari bahasa Yunani, Hupo berarti Lemah atau kurang atau di bawah, dan Thesis berarti teori, proposisi atau pernyataan yang disajikan sebagai bukti. Sehingga, hipotesis dapat diartikan sebagai pernyataan yang masih lemah kebenarannya dan perlu dibuktikan atau dugaan yang sifatnya masih sementara. Hipotesis juga dapat diartikan seba...
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This paper studies discrete-time average-cost infinite-horizon Markov decision processes (MDPs) with Borel state and action sets. It introduces new sufficient conditions for validity of optimality inequalities and optimality equations for MDPs with weakly and setwise continuous transition probabilities.
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A multi-channel queueing system is considered. The arriving requests differ in their type. Requests of each type arrive according to a Poisson process. The number of channels required for service with the rate equal to 1 depends of the request type. If a request is serviced with the rate equal to 1, then, by definition, the length of the request eq...
Conference Paper
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A compreensão das necessidades dos clientes desempenha um papel crucial nas organizações, e o customer experience (CX) exerce um papel fundamental nesse aspecto, impactando positivamente o Life Time Value (LTV) dos clientes em relação à marca. Nesse contexto, o envolvimento entre a marca e o cliente tornou-se fundamental para assegurar uma experiên...
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Resumo Analisou-se neste artigo, à luz da Teoria das Situações Didáticas - TSD de Guy Brousseau, os momentos das situações didáticas e a-didáticas vivenciados por 28 alunos de duas turmas do quinto ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola do município de Barueri, São Paulo, Brasil, ao participar de atividades probabilísticas propostas por meio do jo...
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We investigate the effect of high wind speeds on the breakup mechanisms that govern the formation of a spray from nozzles that form liquid sheets, which subsequently break up. The fragmentation mechanism of liquid sheets from spray nozzles has recently been described in detail under quiescent conditions. With high wind speeds, measurements of the d...
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We show that for a wide range of channels and code ensembles with pairwise-independent codewords, with probability tending to 1 with the code length, expurgating an arbitrarily small fraction of codewords from a randomly selected code results in a code attaining the expurgated exponent.
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It is showed how to use universal multiport interferometers' schemes in order to create photonic post‐selected Controlled‐Z and Controlled–Controlled‐Z gates, which are equivalent, modulo single‐qubit gates, to Controlled‐NOT and Toffoli gates, respectively. The new proposed method is based on the following ingredients: identical single photons, Ma...
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and smart contracts are the next generation and fast-growing market for quick and safe interaction between lenders and borrowers. However for maintaining a streamline ecosystem it is necessary to understand the risk associated with the particular user under consideration. In this paper we have developed 'On Chain Credit...
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INTRODUÇÃO: O colangiocarcinoma é a neoplasia que surge na via biliar. Para doença não metastática ou não localmente avançada, a cirurgia é a terapia curativa. O maior número dos pacientes necessita de uma hemi-hepatectomia (estendida), abrangendo o lobo caudado, com excisão em bloco do ducto biliar extra-hepático e com linfadenectomia de pelo meno...
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This paper investigates the 1 → M probabilistic quantum cloning of three symmetric states, which are defined by a complex number of their inner product. First, a general transformation of the 1 → M probabilistic quantum cloning is designed, and the ancillary success states are introduced. Then, the explicit expression of the probability of successf...
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We discuss an expansion of the detection probabilities of biphoton states in terms of increasing orders of the joint spectral amplitude. The expansion enables efficient time- or frequency-resolved numerical simulations involving quantum states exhibiting a high degree of spectral entanglement. Contrary to usual approaches based on one- or two-pair...
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Resumo As mulheres portadoras de doença renal crônica apresentam menor probabilidade de engravidar e são mais propensas a complicações gestacionais quando comparadas a pacientes com função renal normal, sendo, portanto, consideradas gestantes de alto risco materno e fetal. Ao longo dos anos, verificou-se aumento da incidência de gestações em pacien...
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We present time- and frequency-resolved simulations of quantum key distribution~(QKD) systems employing highly entangled biphoton quantum states. Our simulations are based on expansions of the covariance matrix and photon detection probabilities of biphoton states in terms of increasing orders of the joint spectral amplitude that were introduced in...
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Otitis media akut (OMA) merupakan penyakit kedua tersering pada masa kanak-kanak setelah infeksi saluran pernapasan Akut (ISPA) bagian atas. Prevalensi OMA di setiap negara bervariasi, berkisar antara 2,3 - 20%. OMA berhubungan dengan ISPA bagian atas, dimana 94% pasien penderita ISPA bagian atas akan menjadi OMA. Satu dari tiga anak yang terserang...
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Perubahan pada era industri 4.0 yang masif menuntut kemampuan adaptasi dan pengembangan diri yang cepat, termasuk pada kurikulum Teknik Industri. Ketidakmampuan untuk beradaptasi dapat meningkatkan tingkat stres yang mempengaruhi proses mental mahasiswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dan membandingkan perbedaan proses mental yang d...
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Quantum amplitude amplification and estimation have shown quadratic speedups to unstructured search and estimation tasks. We show that a coherent combination of these quantum algorithms also provides a quadratic speedup to calculating the expectation value of a random-exist quantified oracle. In this problem, Nature makes a decision randomly, i.e....
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Tahun 2024, hadir regulasi baru yang diterbitkan oleh pemerintah melalui Permendikbud nomor 12 tahun 2024. Salah satu poin penting dari kebijakan tersebut yang ramai disorot oleh masyarakat di media sosial adalah kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pramuka menjadi kegiatan opsional yang dapat diikuti oleh peserta didik jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan...
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For exactly solvable models of planar last passage percolation, it is known that geodesics of length n exhibit transversal fluctuations at scale \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{...
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We present constructive methods that give upper and lower bounds of Ψ , the insurer’s deficit distribution at ruin time in the Sparre Andersen model. The methodology effectively provides monotone sequences of upper and lower bounds of Ψ , and those sequences converge to Ψ with exponential rate. Several new lower and upper bounds of Ψ are given. As...
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We investigate how local distinguishability can restrict global properties of bi-partite states. We begin exploring how non-locality becomes limited by optimal local state discrimination and observe a non-trivial trade-off between CHSH violation and success probability of local discrimination. We extend our findings to bounding the maximally entang...
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Nuestro objetivo es analizar la asociación entre dolor menstrual y diversas actividades tanto educativas como de ocio en un entorno urbano del sur de Europa. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, utilizamos la Encuesta de Equidad Menstrual, elaborada por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona en febrero de 2020. Según los resultados, la presencia de dolor e...
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Propósito: evaluar la prevalencia de COVID prolongado (CP) en adultos mexicanos y su relación con factores sociodemográficos, epidemiológicos, de estilo de vida y comportamiento socioemocional asociados a la pandemia. Diseño metodológico: entre diciembre de 2023 y enero de 2024, se llevó a cabo una encuesta transversal en línea en el noroeste de Mé...
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Introdução: A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma desordem neurológica progressiva e crônica, cujo tratamento atual age apenas no alívio sintomático. Essa situação desperta o interesse pela prática de “drug repurposing”, sobretudo no uso da metformina. Este anti-hiperglicemiante, popularmente utilizado na terapia da Diabetes Mellitus II, apresentou indí...
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The article focuses on a few problems a researcher may encounter while analysing phraseological units which form aspectual pairs, obtained from text and lexicographical data. In the first as either symmetrical or asymmetrical in their aspect (forming an aspectual pair or not). In the second part, and in the summary, the provided examples and causes...
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We revisit the twisted multiplicativity property of Voiculescu’s S-transform in the operator-valued setting, using a specific bijection between planar binary trees and noncrossing partitions.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data tahunan dari tahun 2021 hingga 2023, yang diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)Indonesia. Metode bantu...
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We study neutrino oscillations in background matter within the quantum field theory formalism where neutrino mass eigenstates are virtual particles. In this case, neutrino mass eigenstates are mixed owing to the interaction with matter. Assuming that neutrinos are Majorana particles, we find the exact propagators for massive neutrinos accounting fo...
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Este trabalho é uma análise probabilística de viabilidade de investimento, calculando o VPL e utilizando a simulação de Monte Carlo, para um investimento no segmento de marmitex delivery. O objetivo é realizar uma análise detalhada utilizando o cálculo de VPL e a simulação de Monte Carlo para calcular a rentabilidade e os riscos desse negócio. A id...
Conference Paper
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En el país existe un gran número de edificaciones antiguas de concreto armado con elevada vulnerabilidad sísmica. Se evaluó, mediante análisis dinámico no-lineal, el desempeño de dos de ellas, una de construcción privada (I) y otra pública y repetitiva (II), ante la simulación de un sismo similar al de Caracas de 1812, en suelo blando. El edificio...
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Revisión de la lectura de la inscripción, editada recientemente y procedente de las proximidades de la antigua Oretum (Calzada de Calatrava), que contiene la lista de los obispos católicos de esta sede, con toda probabilidad completa y dispuesta cronológicamente. Se analiza asimismo la datación de este epígrafe, posterior al siglo VII, y se pone de...
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In this paper, we use a computer-inspired design process to develop a new random walk based quantum algorithm for the satisfiability problem MaxSAT. We perform a quantum analysis and compute the measurement probability of the various outcomes of the algorithm. Finally, we run MATLAB simulations to gauge the performance and find that the algorithm p...
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We study a family of Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes in random environment that explode, i.e. that grow infinitely large in finite time with positive probability. Building on recent work of the author and Iyer, we weaken certain assumptions required to prove that the branching process, at the time of explosion, contains a (unique) individual...
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I define predeterminism as the claim that what is actual is actual with certainty, and provide a proof of it in this paper. Predeterminism solves a major problem: modal realism's probability distributions for selecting the actual world from all the possible worlds, are either arbitrary, because they are not unique, or they do not sum up to one. Thi...
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Nel saggio si ricostruisce la vicenda istituzionale e patrimoniale di Santa Maria di Pomposa fra la seconda metà del IX e l’inizio dell’XI secolo, cioè nella prima fase della sua esistenza attestata da fonti scritte. All’inizio di questo periodo Pomposa sembra essere uno dei tanti monasteria – con ogni probabilità semplici chiese – presenti nell’es...
Conference Paper
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As ocorrências de sinistros podem acarretar perdas materiais e até mesmo humanas. Para minimizar ou evitar tais prejuízos oriundos dos incêndios, é fundamental adotar medidas de segurança contra incêndio, as quais estão previstas em decretos específicos sobre a matéria em cada estado brasileiro [1]. Dentre as medidas de proteção existentes, encontr...
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We present and study semi-parametric estimators for the mean of functional outcomes in situations where some of these outcomes are missing and covariate information is available on all units. Assuming that the missingness mechanism depends only on the covariates (missing at random assumption), we present two estimators for the functional mean param...
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Crisi climatica e adattamento • Alluvioni. Quando non si vuol centrare il problema Continuare imperterriti sulla vecchia strada significa accettare l'elevata probabilità di nuove esondazioni
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O presente estudo, a partir da inovação legislativa trazida pela Lei 14.713/2023, tem por objetivo geral analisar, sob a ótica jurídica, a interpretação e aplicabilidade do artigo 1.584, parágrafo 2º do Código Civil para a limitação da fixação da guarda compartilhada, fundada na probabilidade de riscos da ocorrência de violência doméstica e familia...
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En este estudio, se analizó la representación de género y su vinculación con el objetivo de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) 5 en tareas de matemática en libros de texto de 3° y 4° medio en Chile. El objetivo buscó evaluar la integración del enfoque de género en las tareas derivadas de las actividades estadísticas y de probabilidad del currículo de mate...
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We study the stationary measures for variants of the Porous Medium Model in dimension 1. These are exclusion processes that belong to the class of kinetically constrained models, in which an exchange can occur between $x$ and $x+1$ only if there is a particle either at $x-1$ or $x+2$. We show that any stationary probability measure can be decompose...
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La inteligencia artificial (I.A.) generativa tiene un gran impacto en el derecho de autor. En particular, se ha planteado la cuestión de hasta qué punto el uso de instrucciones (prompts) puede dar lugar a la protección de los resultados de herramientas de I.A. A partir de los criterios para la protección del derecho de autor en la Unión Europea y e...
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The behavior recorded by an information system is often different from the behavior in the initial model since the business process is constantly changing in actual operation. In order to enable event logs to be replayed well to process the model, the set of optimal alignments first needs to be determined. All the corresponding activities in each a...
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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang bagaimana lingkungan kerja dan beban kerja karyawan mempengaruhi kinerja mereka. mengumpulkan data dari 55 karyawan PT Indonesia Trans Network. Dalam penelitian ini, teknik pemilihan sampel yang tidak bergantung pada probabilitas digunakan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunak...
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Nos segmentos experimentais do programa PRO-MeDiNa são levantadas, periodicamente, informações funcionais e estruturais, visando ao aperfeiçoamento da função de transferência do novo método de dimensionamento nacional de pavimentos asfálticos (MeDiNa). No sentido de complementar essas informações, são previstas contagens de tráfego com periodicidad...
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The maximal probability of being in an active state (PA,max) is a measure of gating efficacy for a given agonist acting on a given receptor channel. In macroscopic electrophysiological recordings, PA,max is typically estimated by comparing the amplitude of the current response to a saturating concentration of a test agonist to that of a reference a...
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The paper deals with the problem of stability for the flow of the 1D Burgers equation on a circle. Using some ideas from the theory of positivity preserving semigroups, we establish the strong contraction in the L¹ norm. As a consequence, it is proved that the equation with a bounded external force possesses a unique bounded solution on \documentcl...
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A Matemática durante todo o ensino Médio deve conter 5 (cinco) unidades temáticas contidas na matriz referência do Novo Enem: Conhecimentos numéricos, geométricos, algébricos, estatística e probabilidade, e conhecimentos algébricos/geométricos. Com base nisso, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a presença dos conhecimentos numéricos nas p...
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This study explores an interconnected M/M/c/N queueing model that incorporates reverse balking, reneging, a control technique, and adjustable arrival rates. In reverse balking, the likelihood of a visitor deciding to join or leave a queue is influenced by the current system size, with a higher probability of joining as the system size grows. Conver...