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Presidentialism - Science topic
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The 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election marked the fifth general election in the country, aimed at electing a new President and Vice President for the 2024-2029 term. Candidates competed to succeed the outgoing president, who had served two constitutional terms. A key aspect of this election was the candidate debates, where each candidate present...
We show how to develop geospatial web applications using the geospatial question answering engine GeoQA2, the geospatial knowledge graph YAGO2geo, the spatiotemporal RDF store Strabon and the Web-GIS tool Sextant. We demonstrate the combined functionality of these tools by developing PnyQA, a system for exploring data from the 2020 presidential ele...
Can corruption scandals change voters’ perceptions of candidates’ ideological positions? While it is well established that competence shocks, such as corruption scandals, influence voters’ affective attachment to political elites and their perceived capacity to address social issues, this study explores how such shocks may also lead voters to perce...
Since the 2008 US Presidential election, the salience of Twitter in political discourse has been apparent. Donald Trump revolutionized presidential communication through his use of Twitter by communicating to narrow audiences, which are difficult to reach with traditional communication channels. Although now back on the platform, his controversial...
Głównym celem tego artykułu jest zbadanie determinantów wpływających na użycie weta prezydenckiego w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli antypluralistycznej postawy rządu oraz różnic tożsamościowych wewnątrz władzy wykonawczej, tj. w jakim stopniu poglądy polityczne prezydenta różnią się od poglądów premiera. Proponujemy ramy empiryczne do z...
The main purpose of this research is to find out, analyze and describe and discuss the implementation of the policy on the formation of the Heirloom-Flag Hoisting Troops (Paskibraka) in Manado City, especially with regard to recruitment and selection as well as the policy of centralizing education and training. The approach used in this research is...
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) documented wearing facemasks in public as one of the most important prevention measures to limit COVID-19 spread. Considering this, WHO and the US CDC developed guidelines for wearing facemasks in public. This study aimed to determine the p...
O presente artigo visa avaliar percepções dos residentes da Vila de Ribáuè, Província de Nampula (Moçambique) em relação ao desenvolvimento económico local através do Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (PNDS), de iniciativa presidencial, criado em 2016, denominado por Um Distrito, Um Banco, cujo objectivo principal é reduzir o...
Human rights have always been an important factor in the implementation of U.S. foreign policy with other countries, including Vietnam and Korea. Vietnam and Korea, as two countries having different political regimes and levels of development, are not the same, so America's foreign policy toward the two countries is also different. Thus, studying t...
On November 5, 2024, the American presidential elections took place, with Donald
Trump and Kamala Harris as the candidates of the two main parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. While a bipartisan consensus on U.S. China policy has emerged over the past eight years, the outcome of the election will have a significant impact on Europe's China p...
In 2016, The New York Times published a series of articles highlighting the rise of far-right political parties across Europe and their increasing electoral success. One article noted the coincidence between the electoral gains of the far right and a series of migrant crises, growing economic inequality, disillusionment with the European Union, and...
Common practices of presidential searches and presidential selection could be explicitly and implicitly reinforcing norms of whiteness across leadership searches on campus. Findings of the pervasiveness of whiteness in the presidential selection process include a hidden curriculum, the need for candidates to conform to white standards, the burden o...
Social media networks have amplified the reach of social and political movements, but most research focuses on mainstream platforms such as X, Reddit, and Facebook, overlooking Discord. As a rapidly growing, community-driven platform with optional decentralized moderation, Discord offers unique opportunities to study political discourse. This study...
Immigrants contend with shifting immigration policies and rhetoric during each change in presidential administration. Uncertainty related to changing policies can correlate with immigrant stress, mental health and well-being. Yet, little is known about how immigrant well-being may vary under different presidential administrations. To help explore t...
The USA presidential election of 2024 is expected to be one of the most anticipated political events in the world, not just by Americans but also by investors from other countries, including India.
The paper focuses on parliamentary televised election debate as a specific journalistic genre and as a political event in the election campaign. Definitions and genre features are discussed, as well as an overview of the history of the televised debates in Bulgaria. The hypothesis is that the televised election debate has specific features from a m...
The United States of America is the most powerful nation in the world, using its financial might, military might, and trade policies to exert dominance over other nations. As a result, the share markets of other nations fluctuate whenever the US presidential elections are there for every four years. The present study aims to analyse the impact of U...
Who do citizens hold responsible for outcomes and experiences? Hundreds of rural hospitals have closed or significantly reduced their capacity since just 2010, leaving much of the rural U.S. without access to emergency health care. I use data on rural hospital closures from 2008 to 2020 to explore where and why hospital closures occurred as well as...
This research aims to analyze the reform of Islamic inheritance law in Indonesia, with a particular focus on government policies supporting this reform. The study examines legal doctrines in the Compilation of Islamic Law, jurisprudence, Supreme Court guidance letters for religious courts, and fatwas from the Indonesian Ulema Council. Employing a h...
This study investigates the satirical remarks uttered by President Donald Trump towards former President Joe Biden and former Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2024 Presidential election utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), applying Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model. The study addresses two essential questions: (1) What are...
This study aims to analyze how online media and framed news related to Gibran Rakabuming's gimics in the vice presidential candidate debate in January 2024. Using qualitative research methods and Robert N. Entman's framing analysis approach, this research explores the different perspectives of the two media in presenting reality. T...
The impact of the social media on modern day English can neither be denied nor overlooked. Interestingly, not only has this innovation positively and negatively shaped language use today, the different media also seem to be evolving their distinctive patterns of usage. In this study, using a hundred whatsapp messages on the 2023 Presidential Electi...
The main objective of this study is to describe the process of collecting data extracted from Twitter (X) during the Brazilian presidential elections in 2022, encompassing the post-election period and the event of the attack on the buildings of the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches in January 2023. The work of collecting data took one...
This article explores the influence of memes on political discourse and public opinion during the 2019 Romanian presidential elections. Focusing on memes related to candidates Klaus Iohannis and Viorica Dãncilã, the article highlights the dual role of memes: as entertainment and as tools for framing political narratives in a biased manner. Employin...
El artículo investiga la influencia de Twitter en la campaña presidencial de Colombia en 2018, enfocándose en los jóvenes universitarios como actores clave en el desarrollo de ciudadanías digitales. A través de encuestas, grupos focales y un análisis detallado de contenido, se abordaron temas centrales para la juventud, tales como paz, empleo, medi...
Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia aims to realize the availability of government data that is accurate, quality, up-to-date, and integrated with existing data, as well as easily accessible and shared between central and regional agencies. This research focuses on the Analysis of the Implementation of the One Da...
According to the Presidential Decree, central and local governments must implement electronic-based government systems or sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (SPBE). However, the independent implementations have created various similar applications to support the same field of governmental activities. The situation creates difficulties in achie...
Once again, Nicolás Maduro claimed a dubious victory in a presidential election and violently suppressed protests—but in 2024, many poor and working-class voters, long loyal to his regime, turned against him.
IREV and Election outcome in Nigeria
The history of the development of sub-Saharan African countries reveals that their trajectory has experienced upheavals causing recurrent migratory movements. As a result, a section of the skilled workforce that should contribute to the development of these countries constitutes an employment pool for host countries. This reality, which varies from...
The paper will attempt to discuss illegal fishing in Indonesia from a legal framework and law enforcement perspective and its implications for the protection of maritime sovereignty. Based on this, the research will apply a normative juridical approach, studying in detail the laws, regulations, and practices of enforcement and the various challenge...
En este estudio examinamos la relación entre las actitudes sexistas del electorado mexicano y su comportamiento electoral. Con base en los datos del Estudio Nacional Electoral de México (ENEM) 2021 y 2024, encontramos que los votantes con altos niveles de sexismo hostil tienen menos probabilidad de participar en las elecciones de gubernaturas de 20...
Osmanlı saray hayatı her dönem araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmiştir. Hanedan mensubu şehzadelerin ve sultanların gündelik hayatlarının yanı sıra nişan, nikâh ya da sünnet merasimi gibi şenliklerin hangi atmosfer içerisinde gerçekleştiği daima merak konusu olmuştur. Gerek arşiv vesikaları ve kronikler gerekse de minyatürlerdeki veriler sayesinde söz...
Media and communication are essential components of democracy. Media platform can be electronic, visual or social and are drivers of democratic deepening as well as instrumental to grooming anarchy on the other hand. In other words, there have been sustained debates among shades of opinion on the actual role social media play in electoral politics...
The integration of technology into the various elements of the electoral value chain has contributed significantly to election administration both in established and transitional democracies of the world. In Nigeria, the integration of technology into the electoral process began in 2011 and has continued since then with significant positive impact...
TikTok is a major force among social media platforms with over a billion monthly active users worldwide and 170 million in the United States. The platform's status as a key news source, particularly among younger demographics, raises concerns about its potential influence on politics in the U.S. and globally. Despite these concerns, there is scant...
In the Constitutional Court Decision NO. 90/PUU-XXI/2023, which discusses the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, there are several discrepancies in the trial process. This is due to two constitutional judges presenting different arguments but reaching the same conclusion (Concurring Opinion) and four constitutional judges...
This article presents a comparative analysis of the leadership styles of three U.S. presidents-William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and Donald Trump-examining their approaches within the context of their respective historical eras and through the lens of contemporary leadership theories. McKinley, a consensus-driven leader of the Progressive Era,...
General elections in Indonesia are an important instrument of democracy, but they are often colored by problems such as fraud and violations, so that doubts arise about the results of the votes obtained by presidential and vice presidential candidates. This study aims to analyze the role and authority of the Constitutional Court (MK) in resolving e...
Indonesia has 187.2 million tonnes of marine plastic waste, the second largest in the world after China. Coastal areas are where land and ocean meet, and the two influence each other physically, socially and economically. Rubbish that accumulates along the coast is one of the problems that is less noticed by the community. This study uses secondary...
This study examines how formal institutions in hybrid regimes, particularly presidentialism, party organization and electoral rules, actively foster and sustain clientelistic networks, leading to particularistic outcomes. While existing literature highlights the weakening of formal institutions and pervasive clientelism as drivers of democratic bre...
The Trump era marked a turning point for political satire, where The Daily Show’s coverage of the last two election cycles reveals a dynamic interplay between satire, ideology, and democratic processes. This study examines how The Daily Show has progressively altered its satirical voice and multimodal strategies to capture the changing landscape of...
This article seeks to compare the policy histories of the legislative term limits in France and the United States. Both nations debated, initially adopted, and then ultimately rejected imposing term limits during the foundational moments of their democracies. Reemerging in the 1990s in America, proposals to refresh government through such limits ha...
This article argues that in the age of social media, the affective power of music can dare listeners to become complicit with misogyny and right-wing populism. It investigates the weaponization of dubstep in internet trolling strategies by examining the genre's relationship with a type of user-generated content called ‘Major League Gaming [MLG] Mon...
The method of payment for construction project costs is regulated in the construction contract, namely without and with down payments and or terms. Down payment can be given, regulated in presidential, government and LKPP regulations regarding the procurement of goods and services where the aim is to assist service providers or contractors in the p...
The article concerns the first period of socio-political transformation in Poland, which significantly influenced the activities of the Lublin voivodes, who managed the structure of general administration in the area of the so-called small Lublin Voivodeship in 1989–1998. In particular, it analyzed the socio-political situation in the country and i...
This study examines the historical development of budgetary rights in Türkiye, focusing on their evolution under various constitutional frameworks. Budgetary rights, integral to democratic governance, enable citizens to influence financial decisions and hold public officials accountable for state expenditures. From the Ottoman Empire to the Republi...
What happens when humanitarian crises are managed by autocratic governments in politicized contexts? This article gives a critical reflection on the 2023 earthquake emergency response in Türkiye. Our study is based on fieldwork interviews and participant observations during the earthquake response. The earthquake shook the country a few months befo...
This study aims to explore (1) the influence of polarization of public opinion on YouTube social media on the 2024 presidential debate, (2) the public's response to the issue of democracy raised by the presidential candidate pair, and (3) the impact of YouTube use on political participation in the 2024 presidential election. Using a qualitative app...
Voting during the peak of the covid-19 pandemic crisis: the effects of risk perception and government performance. The 2021 Portuguese presidential election took place during a peak of the covid-19 pandemic crisis. This unprecedent context led to the expectation of a very low turnout. Furthermore, the incumbent was declared in advance as the undisp...
This research attempts to explore the validity basis (philosophical, sociological juridical, historical, and conceptual) of the formation of Sharia Regional Regulations or Regional Regulations that have a Sharia orientation, which is mostly drawn up in various regions in Indonesia. As for this research, normative juridical analyzes the problems in...
This article examines the role of gendered humor and sarcasm in shaping the political narratives surrounding female candidates in U.S. presidential elections. It explores how female politicians navigate the complexities of humor to engage voters, critique opponents, and manage public perception, all while contending with societal expectations regar...
One of materials in New Criminal Cod states that the mandatory 10-year probation period for death row inmates in the latest Criminal Code (KUHP) is a solution taken to mediate between the ideas of the pros and cons of the death penalty The rules on the death penalty are regulated in Article 100 of the new Criminal Code. The article states that judg...
Las elecciones en el siglo XIX fueron entendidas como la fuente de la que devenía la soberanía del pueblo. Por lo tanto, fueron un acontecimiento político que periódicamente suscitaba profundas y largas discusiones sobre las cualidades o atributos que debían poseer los hombres llamados a ocupar un cargo de gobierno o de representación. Particularme...
In her 2024 Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society (AFHVS) Presidential Adress, Shoshanah Inwood reflects on our role as researchers, teachers, practitioners, and as engaged citizens in public scholarship, and the role of our Agriculture Food and Human Values Society in public scholarship. Inwood first defines public scholarship and shares how he...
Hükümet sistemleri, devletin temel organları olan yasama, yürütme ve yargının oluşum biçimlerini, anayasal konumlarını, birbirleri ile olan ilişkilerini belirleyen ve devlet erkinin bu organlar arasında nasıl dağılacağını düzenleyen kurallar bütünüdür. Bu açıdan bir devletin hükümet sistemi tanımlanırken, o devletin temel organlarının anayasasındak...
This chapter considers how Québec’s relationship with the United States has influenced politics within Québec. The principal argument of this chapter is that political developments in the U.S. in recent decades have been broadly unfavorable to sovereigntists. First, despite free trade agreements, considerable uncertainty persists in the Québec-U.S....
This article explores the role of humor and sarcasm in U.S. presidential election campaigns, examining their strategic use by candidates to connect with audiences, critique opponents, and navigate complex political landscapes. Through historical and contemporary case studies, the analysis highlights the benefits and risks associated with these rhet...
One of the United States’ two dominant political parties resembles global political parties favoring authoritarianism. Such directives are expressed through the transformed Republican party’s authoritarian messaging, policies, and many of its member’s behavior. The devastating impact of an energized U.S. authoritarian political party and the narrow...
The issue of waste management in Indonesia, both at the national and local levels, has become an important topic worthy of research. Policies issued by the government to address and minimize waste problems, such as Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 97 of 2017 on the National Policy and Strategy for Household Waste Manageme...
The presidential election, which is one of the elections in Indonesia, is conducted through a direct election procedure. In the 2024 presidential election, there are many challenges and obstacles in carrying out journalistic duties. In the 2024 presidential election, journalists often put themselves in situations that occur during the coverage of n...
Introduction: Analyzes the legal regulations and residents' perception of the Flora and Fauna Protection Area of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Methodology: Mixed case study, reviews the regulations, in order to determine if there is correspondence with international criteria and contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Tourism Development. A 24-ques...
Models of opinion dynamics describe how opinions are shaped in various environments. While these models are able to replicate macroscopical opinion distributions observed in real-world scenarios, their capacity to align with data at the microscopical level remains mostly untested. We evaluate the capacity of the multi-state voter model with zealots...
Qualitative research conducted on the 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia focused on analyzing the coverage of Kompas TV, a national news television station unaffiliated with any political party. This study utilized a systematic approach following Creswell and Creswell’s (2018) six-stage qualitative data analysis. Kompas TV news regarding presi...
Amid the growing trend of political polarization and nationalization of US politics, the link between federal and local governments has become increasingly significant in the American public policy process. Consequently, the president, as party leader, has increasingly supported co-partisan candidates, not only in federal elections but also in subn...
Through a comparative case study analysing the 2016 and 2017 presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, The Populist Style examines the links between far-right ideology and populism. Adopting an interdisciplinary framework combining political science and performance studies, this book develops a critical definition of populism as a s...
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keberpihakan pemberitaan Sindonews terhadap calon presiden pasca debat pertama melalui pendekatan ekonomi politik media dan menggunakan Teori Agenda Setting oleh Maxwell McCombs dan Donald Shaw. Media massa, sebagai penggerak dinamika sosial, budaya, dan politik, berperan penting dalam membentuk opini da...
The 2023 general election in Nigeria was among the nation's fiercest in recent history. The dynamics were different from past elections. For example, it was the first time since 2003 that Muhammadu Buhari, a cult-like figure in Northern Nigeria, was not on the ballot box. Buhari consistently garnered between eight and twelve million votes in every...
Land ownership that has been legally recognized is entitled to legal certainty and protection. However, there is an issue where landowners do not receive legal protection as reflected in Supreme Court Decision Number 2929 K/Pdt/2017. The purpose of this study is to examine the application of legal rules for landowners in forest areas and the legal...
This paper addresses the issue of gridlocks in the approval of prime ministers in semi-presidential countries and presidential countries with prime ministers, focusing on the case of South Korea. A game-based scheme for prime minister approval specifically designed for presidential systems like Korea's is then proposed, along with two supporting pr...
In the decades-long debate about how best to design policies that would most efficiently and equitably limit the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from all human sources, economists have persistently called for designs that included some way of pricing carbon. Nonetheless, but with some notable exceptions, very few implemented policies have moved ve...
This paper describes the creation of a novel dataset on ministerial turnover and resignation calls in 12 presidential cabinets in Latin America from the mid-1970s to the early 2020s. The indicators on resignation calls and reallocations of cabinet members are entirely novel. Both constitute a relevant empirical contribution not only to the study of...
Illegal levies occur not only in the bureaucratic environment, in the executive, judiciary, and legislative institutions, but also in the private sector, the business world and other community institutions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Regulation of the role and duties of the police in enforcing the Task Force for Eradicating Illegal...
The presidential pardon is one of the most powerful tools available to the U.S. executive branch, offering relief from federal criminal prosecution. However, it does not provide blanket immunity from all legal consequences. President Biden’s recent pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci has sparked significant debate about its implications, particularly regar...
In November 2020, during the early phase of the COVID pandemic, Prof. Nili Cohen, then President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, invited me to a personal meeting in Jerusalem. She wanted to discuss my involvement with IUPAC as a long-time member of the IUPAC Bureau. Prof. Cohen mentioned that in the long history of IUPAC, the Unio...
After his questionable re-election in 2018, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Moros (NMM) began a campaign to attract the attention of evangelical leaders, apostles, prophets, pastors, and church members to secure their votes for the 2024 campaign. The main reason for this move was the surprising growth of the evangelical population in the countr...
Chris Cuomo was right, when he stated on November 7th 2024 that : " If you tell people that they are wrong to feel how the feel, you lose" ( ). Why? Because the perception is profoundly imbedded in human's cognitive information process and decision making as well. This paper examines the American perceptio...
The power of "perception" is often overlooked, but it plays key role in decision making process in many ways, including elections as well. "The 13 keys to the white house" tool developed by Professor A. Lichtman has successfully predicted the American presidential election in more than 3 decades, but it got it wrong this time around ( 2024). How co...
The campaign period in the 2024 presidential election was crucial for the three presidential candidate pairs (Anies-Muhaimin, Prabowo-Gibran, and Ganjar-Mahfud) to develop and implement their political communication strategies. Branding was a key aspect of political communication that needed to be considered. One of the more interesting aspects was...
This article details the development of a next-word prediction model utilizing federated learning and introduces a mechanism for detecting backdoor attacks. Federated learning enables multiple devices to collaboratively train a shared model while retaining data locally. However, this decentralized approach is susceptible to manipulation by maliciou...
Indonesia, as a democratic country, routinely held presidential and regional elections every five years in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017. The presidential candidate debate, as part of the election process and broadcast through various media, was one of the events the public eagerly anticipated. Media coverage, especially through online platf...
Presidentially-appointed federal district court judges exercise broad discretion in determining criminal sentences, directly affecting individuals and communities in the United States. Against a backdrop of longstanding ethnoracial inequities in our courts, the judiciary's practice of redacting judge names from public data obstructs analysis of ind...
In this presidential address I offer a critical examination of how Africa was misrepresented in the Global North’s imaginations and media reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such biased imaginings of Africa as a site of inevitable catastrophe account for the racialized under-accounting of the history of African scientists’ pioneering success in...
Este artículo se propone analizar las condiciones que hicieron posible la destitución de Pedro Castillo como presidente del Perú en el año 2022. Para tal fin, se estudia el caso desde un abordaje cuantitativo y cualitativo, con el que se busca explicar cómo el Congreso pudo destituir a Castillo luego de tres procesos de juicio político. Se toma com...
This paper analyzes the public discourse employed by presidents López Obrador in Mexico and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil during the outbreak of the 2020 pandemic. The two cases hold important similarities: throughout the first outbreaks, both leaders had a negationist and disdained attitude towards the disease, trying to maintain their popularity by co...
On July 13, 2024, at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, someone attempted to assassinate Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. This attempt sparked a large-scale discussion on social media. We collected posts from X (formerly known as Twitter) one week before and after the assassination attempt and aimed to model the short-term effects of s...
This research aims to analyze the newspaper coverage of the presidential election 2024 because this issue was a controversial phenomenon and has many perspectives for the community. The method used was descriptive qualitative since it describes a social phenomenon with the verb and visual meaning. The source was obtained from the Tempo website with...
The acute care system faced significant challenges in managing healthcare emergencies due to a lack of coordination between emergency services and logistical support. This disorganization undermined collaboration and response efficiency.
Taiwan's Presidential Hackathon introduced an innovative approach to improving the trauma...
Objective: This study analyses the main features of political accountability in the Turkish presidential government system implemented after 2018. In this framework, it is focused on the effectiveness of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the budget, which analyzed the axis of the power of the purse with the political accountability during the...
In this critical discourse analysis, I explored the language used in “campus update” emails sent to faculty, staff, and students to better understand how university presidents communicate via email to institutional stakeholders. Specifically, I explored the use of effective stance, epistemic stance, and intersubjectivity in this corpus of emails fr...
The need to decide whether to securitise an issue area that poses an existential threat, and then treat it as a security matter, is often regarded as a choice without positive alternatives. This article introduces an alternative framing: the “peacification” of issue areas that pose existential threats. It also demonstrates that there is variation i...
This study examines the mechanism of price adjustments in construction contracts in Indonesia from philosophical, juridical, and practical perspectives. The background of this issue stems from fluctuations in construction material prices, which often threaten the sustainability of infrastructure projects. To address this issue, this study aims to a...
This study undertakes a multimodal framing analysis of the Obidient movement in Nigeria, with a view to exposing how Internet memes are deployed to advertise Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in Nigeria’s 2023 election. Forty memes were purposively sampled from Nigerian WhatsApp platforms and data were analysed qualitat...