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Presidentialism - Science topic
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Questions related to Presidentialism
Donald Trump's re-election in the 2024 US presidential election will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the international economic and trade field. Trump's "America First" policy during his term and his tough stance on trading partners have caused trade frictions around the world. With his re-entry into the White House, what changes and challenges will the international economic and trade landscape face?
Trump is allegedly opposed to global government. But he says he will put an end to the world's major wars. What is your educated viewpoint?
While some political analysts see France as the best example of a semi-presidential system, the US stands as a powerful representative of a full president.
Open ended question: how many SCOTUS Judges must POTUS Biden Induct to Maintain Presidential Legacy With the Dangers of a DJT White House Return? By presidential legacy, I mean the lasting effects of Biden's policies and US modern liberalism on the USA and globe.
How significant do you anticipate Twitter's role will be in the upcoming presidential elections?
oday, former US President Donald Trump is being heard on moral charges, amid several interpretations that the emergence of these accusations at this particular time makes them bear a political character and aims to destroy his chances of running for the upcoming presidential elections.
With the recent tensions saturating the Nigerian state as a result of the presidential, senatorial and house of representative elections, it is unassuming that most individuals react other than pro-act in issues of national concern and development, and this also plays in the industry. As a behaviourist or manager by profession, which strategy is more better to adopt in terms of managing behaviour in the workplace. Proactivity or Reactivity inclined strategies?
Which form of Democracy is better according to you for running a country smoothly and please mention the reasons also.
I have an idea for a book on diversity and inclusion, and I am looking for a co-author who does research in that area (preferably in sociology, but anyone who knows the current literature in the area). I recently published a book on the Constitution with a co-author that is a presidential scholar (see, and I have an idea for a similar book in the area of diversity and inclusion. I am looking for someone who can ground my ideas in the literature. I am willing to share more specifics on the idea with a qualified interested potential co-author.
Robert Irons
I believe that efficiently conducted marketing online campaigns in social media can already increase the insensitivity of new online media, including social media to traditional communication channels. Effective marketing campaigns on social media before political elections may already have more than 50 percent share. How big it will be depends on the technological possibilities in the field of new online media for a specific electoral staff that is active during the election campaign.
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
I think this process shook people's trust in the state. And it led to an insecure environment in the country so this situation can cause people to change their opinion about their votes. Maybe Trump administration also may be affected from the pandemi. So I want to learn your comments about this topic. Does this process change people's views, thougts and votes?
I am looking at the language of women campaigning for presidential office and so I want to analyse their gendered ideologies, how they view themselves as women in this male dominated environment.
I'm working on the role of the political system on the cyclical behaviour of fscal policy. And I'm finding the explanations of the countercyclical behaviour of fiscal policy in parliamentary system. is it the fact of the motoring process of fiscal policy in parliamentary system ? I' finding theoretical en empirical explanations.
Now the pre-election presidential debates in 2018 in Russia are accompanied by mutual insults from the candidates, of which the main attention is attracted by Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Ksenia Sobchak (the daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak) These offensive phrases are sometimes so obscene that the language does not turn to reproduce them one-to-one, so it looks disgusting and obscene. If the debate is a show business, then everything is clear: the more mutual insults, the higher the rating of the TV channel, without which it is very difficult to survive in tough competition nowadays. Is this the only way to raise your popularity? It's just disgusting to watch. Now this episode will be discussed all week as the main event. Before that there was also an episode when two famous media personalities Nikolai Svanidze and Maxim Shevchenko fought on TV because of Stalin's role
This episode was discussed all week. Now arrived a problem about sexual harassment of the head of the committee on international affairs of the State Duma of Russia Leonid Slutsky . This episode will also be discussed throughout the week. In short, scandals, scandals, scandals, ...
Is this the real democracy? Maybe it's technology after all?
In the USA, the voting results in most presidential elections in recent years have always been nearly equally divided between the two opposite sides. As a result, the election result is determined by a small minority of "swayable" voters.
Ideally it would seem that given the same facts, most thinking people would clearly see which candidate to vote for, with a resulting overwhelming majority decision.
Is the actuality of nearly equal division between liberals and conservatives common in other democracies? Or is this peculiar to the USA with its two-party system?
Writing a short paper on hyper-masculinity in the presidential debates. Why is it displayed? For whom is it put on display?
I am doing a research paper on history of presidential elections and my professor suggested I gather information using this resource.
I think the rhetorical positionings of person deixis (I/you and exclusive we/ inclusive we) are predictable and over-flogged
When I look into the 2016 presidential candidates, the comments below every news post seem to be biased (either apparently or potentially). I try not to think these data should be discredited because of the obvious political stance, but what can we do with them in any research? What do they reflect, for example?
In this particular online news report, when candidate number 3 is "mocked," a large number of users who support him flooded in and left comments. In this case their political is made exceptionally clear thanks to profile picture generator. Of all the 74 comments, 40 of them (excluding 8 by the same users) are by users whose profile pictures say loudly 'number 3.'
**And now the election is over (01/16); it turned out that candidate 3 got 12.84% of all votes. It seems that the comments, the threads, and posts on the internet neither correspond with the polls nor reflect the actual voting. Even though it may seem self-evident that the overwhelmingly supportive comments do not predict anything, I can't help wonder, then, what can we gain from them. (18 de enero)
India is a vast country with diversity in sense of language, sects, castes, beliefs and customs.
There are some prominent differences between the two systems of democracy:
1. In presidential system, the president is directly elected by votes of the citizens, where in parliamentary the elected representatives choose its leader viz. prime minister.
2. The second matter is that prime minister and other ministers (executives) are there from legislatures. Hence for legislatures, chances of being affected from executives is more as in my opinion.
I have discussed this issue with a number of people. Some people suspect that chances of taking dictatorial decisions is more in the presidential system as only election can out the head of the governance. But I think that legislature and executives must be separate for bringing healthy laws in the country. And head of executives should be determined by the people directly.
Experts from social sciences, law, sociology, political science and history can better advise on this matter and I think it will be useful to the people who are interested in Indian politics and its present status.