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Prehistory - Science topic

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Publications related to Prehistory (10,000)
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Conference Paper
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Session Organisers Brandl, Michael (Austria) - Austrian Academy of Sciences, OeAI Soerensen, Lasse (Denmark) - National Museum of Denmark Tsoraki, Christina (United Kingdom) - University of Leicester Bekiaris, Tasos (Greece) - University of Thessaloniki Bendtsen, Mads (Denmark) - Aarhus University SESSION TITLE The rare, the common, and what every...
Conference Paper
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Register here: and send us your paper proposal via email by 31 March 2025! Mud architecture has been and is today a central element of many human communities throughout the world. Some construction techniques that use mud as the main material are much better known than others. In this sen...
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El presente trabajo responde a la necesidad de explorar nuevas vías para la transferencia de la Prehistoria, a través de actividades más transversales, dinámicas y participativas que involucren directamente al alumnado. A lo largo de las siguientes páginas, presentamos una propuesta original de actividad didáctica orientada a estudiantes de Primari...
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Most human pathogens are of zoonotic origin. Many emerged during prehistory, coinciding with domestication providing more opportunities for spillover from original host species. However, we lack direct evidence linking past animal reservoirs and human infections. Here we present a Yersinia pestis genome recovered from a 3rd millennium BCE domestica...
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This study examines Master P.’s use of two Latin Troy-romances: the “De Excidio Troiae Historia” attributed to the fictious Dares the Phrygian, and the so-called “Excidium Troiae”. Our purpose is to understand better the Notary’s attitude towards the Troy-romances. We make our observations via an analysis of certain quotations from these romances....
Conference Paper
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We are glad to invite you to our accepted session at this year EAA. Session #15 aims to contextualize cremations during the European Late Prehistory and Protohistory. We look forward to read your abstracts and to see you in Belgrade!
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Animée d’une exigence intellectuelle rare et d’une grande rigueur scientifique, Dominique Henry-Gambier a œuvré tout au long de sa carrière à promouvoir une recherche loin des artifices sensationnalistes. Dans le sillage des travaux d’Étienne Patte et André Leroi-Gourhan au début des années 1960, puis de Lewis R. Binford, ou de Gérard Quéchon de la...
Research Proposal
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Dear colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to submit a contribution to Session #106: Mountain Pastoralism Through Time: Archaeological Insights and Contemporary Connections, part of the 31st EAA Annual Meeting taking place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 3-6 September 2025. This session explores the diachronic development of livestock management i...
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This article is the first in a sequential series of articles on the evolution of structural systems from Prehistory to Antiquity, which will continue in the upcoming issues of the Proelium journal. In this first article, a general overview of the early stages of traditional construction until the end of Prehistory is briefly presented. The factors...
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The ways that pigs interact with humans are more flexible than other livestock. This plasticity means that pig behaviour can evidence a tremendous range of cultural phenomena, some of which may not otherwise show up in the archaeological record. We explore how people and pigs interacted in Ireland over 6000 years (4000 BC–AD 1900) from the perspect...
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Zusammenfassung In der Debatte um die Unzulänglichkeiten des aktuellen deutschen Rechtsrahmens bezüglich des § 64 des deutschen Strafgesetzbuches zeigen die in der Schweiz neben der stationären forensischen Suchtbehandlung bereits etablierten ambulanten Suchtmaßnahmen einen möglichen Reformansatz auf. Obgleich suchtpsychiatrische ambulante Therapie...
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This article is my 26th article about Istanbul Maritime PaleoCulture that I discovered 9 years ago (December, 2015). The oldest sculpture of humanity belongs to 230.000-300.000 years ago. This paleolithic table sculpture of Istanbul Maritime Paleoculture, that I discovered 9 years ago, belongs to at least 300.000-400.000 years ago. All the oldest a...
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Since ancient times, Sicily Island has been an interesting scenario to analyse the different modes of human-land interaction in the Mediterranean, thanks to its many diverse landscapes. Moreover, Sicily’s surrounding little islands represent localized realities that are particularly suited to observe the human influence and impact on the environmen...
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Purpose. To explore the history of the use and interpretation of the concept of Open Access prior to the launch of the Open Access movement in 1991. Methodology. To achieve this goal, an in-depth search for publications containing the terms "open access to knowledge", "open access to research", "open access to science", "open access", "open access"...
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La evolución que ha conocido la porción de litoral que actualmente corresponde con la provincia de Granada es el claro ejemplo de la alteración de un territorio que puede servir de laboratorio de trabajo para definir y exportar una metodología de estudio aplicable a otros sectores de la costa española en general y mediterráneos en concreto. Su conf...
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The origins and prehistory of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are incompletely understood; to address this, we generated data from 118 ancient genomes spanning 12,000 years sampled from across Eurasia. Genomes from Central Türkiye ~8000 BCE are genetically proximal to the domestic origins of sheep but do not fully explain the ancestry of later populati...
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Artigo dedicado à evocação de José Pires Gonçalves (1908-1984), médico de formação que dedicou boa parte do seu tempo à investigação da História e do Património artístico e arqueológico da região de Reguengos de Monsaraz. No plano da Arqueologia, a sua atenção centrou-se essencialmente nos menires, antas e cromeleques do Alentejo, num trabalho mili...
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Zusammenfassung Das Prinzip der Modularität ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um Psychotherapie zu personalisieren. Bislang gibt es jedoch keine Evidenz, wie modulare Psychotherapie („modular-based psychotherapy“, MoBa) anhand eines systematischen Behandlungsalgorithmus für erwachsene Patient:innen umgesetzt werden kann. Deshalb wurden in dieser P...
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Michele Foucault describió e investigó largamente acerca del cuerpo humano frente a la sociedad, la construcción de verdades, reglas y costumbres que se han plasmado a través del desarrollo de la humanidad o, en su caso, en el cuerpo humano, que como nos señala en forma reiterada este no pertenece a la persona sino a el grupo humano o etnia donde s...
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Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os impactos de inovações tecnológicas fundamentais ao longo da história, desde as ferramentas rudimentares da pré-história até as tecnologias digitais contemporâneas. Justifica-se pela necessidade de compreender como essas inovações transformaram as sociedades, proporcionando uma visão ampla do...
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This article introduces the special issue “Philosophy and Prehistory: New Perspectives on Minds, Art, and Culture.” The primary motivation for the issue was to create a space where philosophy and evolutionary cognitive archaeology could intersect. We wanted to encourage cognitive archaeologists to reflect on their field from a philosophical perspec...
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Acerca de um programa de estudos da Pré-História de Lisboa
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A Arqueologia, como ciência que possui metodologia e teoria próprias, dedica-se ao estudo da cultura material das sociedades humanas, tendo como principal fonte a cultura material expressa em artefatos produzidos pelo homem. Entre essas fontes destacam-se os grafismos rupestres, ou arte rupestre, como muitas vezes são denominados, que constituem um...
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abordando la estrecha relación que la alimentación y el arte, comparten a lo largo de la historia y cómo a través de las obras artísticas se desgrana la realidad social, política, económica de la sociedad retratada. Un paseo por la historia de la sociedad española que recoge la evolución de los hábitos alimenticios desde la prehistoria, a través de...
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This study focuses on the analysis of settlement patterns and the cultural landscape of the Lao-Tai ethnic group in the ASEAN region, particularly in the Sakon Nakhon Basin and the Mekong River area. Through historical, cultural, and geographical studies, this research highlights the transformation of the cultural landscape over different historica...
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Extended, completed review of the theses of the PhD dissertation completed under the supervision of László Klima and submitted to the Uralic Linguistics and Languages Programme, Doctoral School of Linguistics, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, in 2023. The dissertation’s primary objective was to investigate, applying an interdisciplinary app...
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Le Bassin des Carpates se situe dans la partie sud-est de l’Europe centrale et est centré principalement sur la Hongrie. Par sa position, il représente un possible carrefour migratoire pour les populations humaines préhistoriques entre l’Europe occidentale, orientale et les Balkans et est au cœur des enjeux de peuplement de la Préhistoire. Et pourt...
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O estudo do período pré-histórico, devido à ausência de registros escritos, depende de estudos arqueológicos que buscam datar a presença humana. No Brasil, descobertas arqueológicas, como dentes de 12.000 anos e pinturas rupestres com mais de 20.000 anos, são evidências significativas, amplamente documentadas em publicações nacionais. No entanto, e...
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This paper discusses two projects that revolve around the conceptualization of tourism products within the framework of interpreting and understanding archaeological sites through a sustainable approach as part of TURARQ's initiative. The primary objective was to explore the application of a co-creation model, specifically the Project Based Learnin...
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Almalaguês: por Teares, Sabores e Gaiteiros – Tradições que abraçam Gerações Pequena mas orgulhosa freguesia do concelho e distrito de Coimbra, vale a pena dar a conhecer a aldeia de Almalaguês, refúgio de tesouros artesanais feitos de tecido, sabores e sons que merecem admiração e respeito. Situada na proximidade da imponente Serra da Lousã, esta...
Research Proposal
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We would like to bring to your attention session #77 "From Fire to Complexity: Kiln Innovations and Socioeconomic Dynamics in Pottery Production" at the upcoming EAA Annual Meeting in Belgrade, 3-6 September 2025. Our session aims to explore the interplay of craft knowledge, socio-economic, and environmental factors in ceramic production by examini...
Conference Paper
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Use-wear and residue analyses of stone artefacts found at prehistoric sites are usually viewed as additional insight, that provides details on how the processes in the past looked like. However, it needs to be considered that, in some cases, use-wear traces, besides the technology of how the tools were made, are unique proof of hominin existence an...
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This paper critically examines the situation of the instruction in Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Barcelona, and within the broader university context throughout the twentieth century. The research is grounded on the analysis of historical institutional documents, with a specific focus on the ‘Arxiu Fitxes...
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This paper aims to re-examine the problem of the emergence of present-day languages from the specific perspective of the self-domestication account of human evolution. According to this view, our species went through an evolutionary process that parallels the changes experienced by domesticated mammals. Relying on evidence of diverse kind (from pal...
Conference Paper
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The 5000-year-old Burton Agnes drum and the broken 'butterfly' slab at Ness of Brodgar offer a unique glimpse into the prehistory of geometry. The analysis based on image processing suggests that their makers had some knowledge of equilateral and right triangles in a 3:4:5 ratio and possibly on angle bisection. The design on the drum's top seems to...
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Religion has been analysed using various approaches of different disciplines. Based on the evolution approach, religion has evolved from animism during prehistoric times to polytheism and monotheism in modern times. One of the modern religions is Islam as a monotheist religion which relies on Al-Qur’an as the main religious source. This paper will...
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The recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have produced varied types of global impact over the last year. In that context, one might ask the following questions: (a) why has AI become (bad) news so suddenly? (b) what is the prehistory of present concerns? By way of answering these questions, this essay will, first, discuss the various...
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This paper examines early expositions of the idea that to think about an object is to construct and manipulate an internal model of that object. The origin of this idea is normally credited to Kenneth Craik (1943) but here I show that it is prefigured in the writings of two nineteenth century physicist-psychologists, Hermann von Helmholtz and Ernst...
Conference Paper
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The historical evolution of the difficulties experienced by disabled people, and the topic of physical disability in general, has been the subject of relatively little academic attention. Despite the undeniable progress that has been made, many of these individuals continue to encounter a range of challenges and remain marginalised within society....
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Dans cet entretien, Cathie Guignardat dresse un portrait de son association française Le Livre Atelier et de ses projets inclusifs dédiés aux enfants en situation de handicap visuel. Un programme d’ateliers accompagné de « malles sensationnelles » offre une approche multisensorielle des apprentissages, permettant aux enfants de s’approprier des sav...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUÇÃO Englobando o conjunto de todos os elementos da natureza abiótica do planeta a geodiversidade integra: rochas, minerais, fósseis, formas de relevo, água e solos, além dos processos que lhes originaram e lhes modelam de forma dinâmica (Serrano; Ruiz-Flaño, 2007; Bétard; Peulvast; Magalhães, 2011; Jorge; Guerra, 2016). De acordo com Brilha...
Conference Paper
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Prehistory of Sri Lanka
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Direct physical evidence for violent interpersonal conflict is seen only sporadically in the archaeological record for prehistoric Britain. Human remains from Charterhouse Warren, south-west England, therefore present a unique opportunity for the study of mass violence in the Early Bronze Age. At least 37 men, women and children were killed and but...
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Studies of cinema's emergence from nineteenth-century cultural forms have historically privileged its visual attributes over its sonic ones. This article redresses the balance by examining a musical device commonly associated with early film exhibition across Europe: the fairground organ, whose spectacular audiovisual appeal was exploited in public...
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Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important cereal crop across East, South and Southeast Asia, from prehistory to today, and grows in a range of ecological conditions, from rainfed upland to deep water. Previous research on early rice in the Lower Yangtze River basin (LYRB) suggested shifts back and forth over time between wet and dry field conditions,...
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I was the one who initiated and orchestrated the founding of the International Liquid Crystal Society (1990) [1], ten years after the founding of the Chinese Liquid Crystal Society (1980), the first national LC society in the world [2]. The motivation and founding process are recalled in this talk. During my six-year stay (1978-1983) at the Institu...
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La investigación sobre arte prehistórico ha experimentado una notable evolución en clave de género. Las teorías que durante décadas atribuyeron exclusivamente a los hombres el papel de pintores/artistas y la capacidad artística, y que presentaban a las mujeres simplemente como modelos, están siendo reemplazadas por enfoques de género más inclusivos...
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Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta actualmente el profesorado es el de llevar a las aulas un relato histórico libre de sesgos androcéntricos y para ello es preciso que reciba una formación específica. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido evaluar la efectividad del proyecto “Prehistoria y Género” en la formación inicial del profesorado, ver...
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keywords: Conference "Animal as a Sacred Object in Prehistory and Antiquity" (2004), the state of Polish research on animals in antiquity, the prospects for their further development
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El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar de forma breve y concreta algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes en la evolución de la salud pública, estos fueron representados a través de cinco edades principales: Prehistoria, edad antigua, edad media, edad moderna y edad contemporánea. La historia de esta ciencia refleja grandes descubrimientos...
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Human Beings have developed his walking ability without stopping and increased his access target and converted into a mobile creature. After completing this process, cultural, economic and social transformation was spread across the world and a civilization was emerged that has been improved and shared by various societies. Human beings are descend...
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Prehistoric investigation in the state of Mizoram, India is still in its infancy. Although the state of Mizoram is well known for its megalithic traditions, there is virtually no site investigated from the point of prehistory. Moreover, Mizoram's location shows its importance to tracing, cultural, linguistic, traditional and genetic linkages betwee...
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The architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina has so far been treated from different aspects and through the lens of different scientific and artistic disciplines: archaeology, history, fine arts and sculpture, architecture (master's theses, doctoral dissertations, studies accompanying more or less extensive infrastructure works-roads, hydropower plan...
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Debates about archaeological heritage in Egypt are commonly focused on the spectacular monuments of the Pharaonic, Greek, and Roman periods. In contrast, landscapes and the long prehistory of Northeast Africa receive far more limited attention. The Cologne Summer School (CSS), ‘Environmental archaeology: dealing with cultural and natural heritage’,...
Research Proposal
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Mountain landscapes are dynamic, layered records-palimpsests, shaped by centuries of humans/non-humans interaction. Though many European mountainous regions now experience socio-economic marginalisation, leading to ecological shifts, these areas were once thriving economic hubs. The material traces of these past activities—whether in the form of pa...
Conference Paper
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Although research on the history and nature of human-plant interactions and land use in southeastern Europe has its roots in archaeological investigations of the late-19th century in the then parts of Austro-Hungarian Empire, much of the specialist knowledge was produced in the last several decades, with archaeo-science methods having been used onl...
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„Valul Galaților” sau „Valul lui Traian” cum mai este denumit popular, se desfășoară pe un traseu cunoscut, de peste 20 de kilometri, având capetele așezate pe Siret (Hierasus) și Prut (Pyretus), în zona localităților contemporane Traian și respectiv Tulucești. În ceea ce privește imperativele care au stat la baza ridicării acestei fortificații, fo...
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Please cite this article as follows: Mémoires de l'Institut de Préhistoire et d'Archéologie Alpes Méditerranée (MIPAAM). Barale L., Bény P., 2024, La découverte de la Grotte des Ratapignata de Falicon (Alpes-Maritimes, France) : nouveaux éléments d'archives de l'Académie des Sciences de Turin, MIPAAM, t. 70, p. 163-190
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This paper integrates a philological investigation of Old Irish coordination with cross-linguistic accounts of the phenomenon in order to offer an etymology Old Irish ocus ‘and’. It is suggested that Pre-Irish employed ocus in a comitative coordination strategy (i.e. ‘A with B’). This started out as a nominal and adjectival coordinator. Late in the...
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The article deals with the prehistory of the formation of modern zoological collections housed in museums of Kyiv with a signifi cant mammalogical component. A large part of the oldest collec tions appeared as a result of hunting practices and have all the features of trophy collections. In fact, such collections formed the basis of the first scien...
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A lo largo de la historia las concepciones sobre la vejez han evolucionado y fluctuado, des-de visiones más negativas e, incluso, marginalizadas, a perspectivas más inclusivas y activas. En todo caso, la comprensión de la historia del envejecimiento es fundamental para, por un lado, contextualizar los enfoques actuales como son el enfoque biopsicos...
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This paper presents a review of new research carried out within the borders of modern Albania in the last 10 years. It offers a roughly geographical outline – albeit incomplete – of recent discoveries from prehistory to the Middle Ages and attempts to place them in the wider context of current research in the field. Beyond pointing the reader to ne...
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1991. gada dinamiskajos politiskajos apstākļos Latvijā un abās pārējās Baltijas valstīs notika tautas nobalsošana par neatkarību no PSRS. Šo nobalsošanu noteica daudzi galvenokārt ārēji apstākļi. Nobalsošana notika 9. februārī Lietuvā un 3. martā Latvijā un Igaunijā. Raksts analizē tautas nobalsošanas Latvijā ideju, tās attīstību un to ietekmējošos...
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O objetivo do artigo é reconstituir a distinção, cara à filosofia pré-crítica de Kant, entre ordem natural necessária e ordem natural contingente, imprescindível para a determinação do conceito de ordem e para a compreensão da especificidade a partir da qual Kant situa a diferença entre o orgânico e o inorgânico durante esse período, argumentando q...
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The archaeological site of Mesa Redonda (Villaverde del Río, Seville) was the subject of archaeological research at the end of the 1970s, and only recently has new research been carried out. In this paper we present the results of both the old and the new archaeological work conducted in 2019-2021. We have named this site the Mesa Redonda Complex,...
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The Mannar-Jaffna Seaboard (MJS), a region that played a critical role in Sri Lanka's past, has seen over 150 years of archaeological research. While recent research programs employing advanced scientific techniques have been implemented, significant knowledge gaps persist. A comprehensive approach is needed to synthesize the archaeological past fr...
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El presente libro “El Simbolismo Didáctico: Innovación en la Enseñanza del Arte, que se presenta en edición bilingüe (The Didactic Symbolism: Innovation in Art Education), es una invitación a explorar una nueva forma de entender y enseñar el arte desde perspectivas multidimensionales que entrelazan simbolismo, historia, prehistoria, mística y teorí...
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This article compares constitutional amendments in China and Taiwan to explore the long shadow cast by the Chinese encounter with ‘modernity’ on their divergent constitutional roads. It observes that in China, preambular changes have been the characteristic of the amendments to the 1982 Constitution of the People's Republic of China , while the rul...
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The Younger Dryas period marks a pivotal moment in human history, serving as a gateway to understanding the prehistoric civilizations that flourished before the advent of written records. This research investigates the linguistic and cultural linkages between populations residing in the NorthEastern Caucasus region, with Arch or noun-modifying lang...
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In Bărăgan, the mounds attract attention all the more because they represent, together with popines-witnesses of erosion in the former beds of Buzău and Călămătuiului-, the only "accidents" that influence the relief energy. They were noticed by various foreign travelers, unfamiliar with the presence of such monuments, and oral tradition assigned th...
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Las tierras altas del sur de Perú ofrecen un paisaje dramático en el que al examinar el ori-gen y desarrollo del pastoreo de camélidos a lo largo de la historia se amplía la visión de la prehistoria andina. El Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica en la puna de Andahuaylas (PAPA) realizó una prospección arqueológica (~40 km²) e identificó 159 siti...
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The purpose of the study is to reconstruct and analyze a set of issues related to the accident at the Leningrad NPP in the context of clarifying the prerequisites of the Chernobyl disaster. Our study examines issues related to the accident at Unit 1 of the Leningrad NPP (LNPP) in 1975. This is the largest accident in the «pre-Chernobyl» period, a p...
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ملخص (Résumé) بفضل برنامج البحث الأثري المغربي -الفرنسي «ما قبل التاريخ بالدار البيضاء» المنجز منذ 1978 بتعاون بين المعهد الوطني لعلوم الآثار والتراث/وزارة الشباب والثقافة والتواصل - قطاع الثقافة، المغرب والبعثة الأركيولوجية الفرنسية - بعثة الدار البيضاء/وزارة أوربا والشؤون الخارجية، فرنسا، استطاعت حاضرة الدار البيضاء الواقعة على ساحل المحيط الأطلس...
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This study aims to investigate the integration of prehistoric art elements into modern Indonesian art, particularly in animation and the works of Heri Dono. The qualitative approach facilitated an in-depth exploration of symbolic and animistic aspects of art and their reinterpretation in contemporary art practices. Data collection involved three ma...
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Narrow roads between rows of buildings used as public paths or commonly known as back-lane; the streets neglected by most of people. The unfavorable lane in residential area indeed had existed thousand years ago since the world urbanization. This paper traces the evolution of back lane design particularly in terrace houses in Malaysia, the largest...
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Over the last decades, archaeology has experienced a transformative revolution in the wake of the digital that has shaped the ways in which it is researched and published. A key concept, openness, has emerged from this shift. This article explores digital approaches to data management conducted within the framework of the PERAIA project, which prov...
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In this paper we approach an almost unknown aspect of the transition process from the Pleistocene to the Holocene in the northern of the Valencian Country. We study the theoretical territories of the known of the known archaeological sites, the potential resources and catchment areas, the choice of settlements, the relationship between them and the...
Conference Paper
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EN. An overview of the a co-organised session, INTERWOVEN. Textile Exchanges across the Mediterranean from Prehistory to us, presented at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting (Rome, 28th-31st August 2024).
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Investigation of metal is important for understanding relationship between production and ideology in ancient Near East. Metal production in the Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age stimulated transformation of egalitarian society into stratified one. The author traces relation of objects of social and religious significance (interior decorations, anthr...
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In the list of important recent fora, the key event was undoubtedly the World Neolithic Congress in Şanliurfa, Türkiye, held from 4 to 8 November 2024, and it is worth paying due necessary attention to this meeting. The Congress took place in southeastern Anatolia, the area in the northernmost part of the Fertile Crescent, where the birth and first...
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Presentation on the Prehistoric period of Indonesia, with an overview of Early hominins, Migrations, Lithic Cultures, Rock Art sites, Megalithic sites, Dong Son Bronze Age influence. Non-academic and non-exhaustive. Free to be used with author's credentials. Highlights: Introduction to the Prehistoric period Timeline Early hominids Early cultur...
Cover Page
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The comprehensive study concerns Rezazza Lake, one of the world's most essential and endangered natural and cultural wetland sites, as one of the largest freshwater lake ecosystems with unique tropical and subtropical biodiversity in the Middle East and Asia. The region of Rezazza is extremely rich in archaeological and ecological heritage. The nat...
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Plants are a crucial part of the human diet, serving as a primary source of micronutrients, fiber, and carbohydrates, providing readily available energy. Beyond the consumption of cooked and raw edible plants, early humans also developed methods for plant processing for delayed consumption, to de-toxify/improve bioavailability, and perhaps for flav...