Science topic
Power (Psychology) - Science topic
The exertion of a strong influence or control over others in a variety of settings--administrative, social, academic, etc.
Questions related to Power (Psychology)
My study concerns social identity leadership and how org. identification is influenced through in-group and out-group variables from a resource perspective which infers how power is used in identity prototypicality. Since French and Ravens bases of power use coercive, legitimate, informational and other powers among referent power. Referent power is more attuned to have a role in my model. But can I use this dimension (referent power) of French and Raven's social power as a separate variable, more specifically, as a moderator?
There are many types of symbolic judgements. For example, when an Israeli pilot flattens the home of a Palestinian family (even if they are forewarned), it is natural for them to experience shock at having lost their home, even if it is made of sticks and stones. In a like manner, when I destroy the beginning construction of a wasp nest in my backyard, it is very natural for the builder, the Queen, to be in a state of ‘disbelief’ after returning to the destruction, as she rapidly makes associations as to what may have happened. Once the Queen decides that I was the perpetrator, she will lock onto me (and not my neighbor) to deliver her stings with no regrets (Miller, Sheehan et al. 2019). That animals (such as monkeys) cannot make associations to judge events ‘symbolically’ (e.g., see van Kerkoerle, Vanduffel et al. 2024) is nonsense. Humans continue to convince themselves that they are a superior species vis-à-vis symbolic cognition (e.g., Harari 2015), while their planet collapses beneath their feet (Hansen et al. 1981).
No mutation can change an animal into a human and no gene is completely known to manifest into a trait.
I no longer feel attracted to women nor men. I prefer robots. Liberals rightfully oppose racial animosity while acknowledging heritability to further DEI. If I make a controversial claim and no one directly opposes it then they may be silently agreeing. For right or wrong "As (insert morally superior identity) then argument" translates to "my word has more credibility because of my identity." As one of the MOST disliked people by the Nazis, I opine about race relations. Whether overt or covert, North Western Europeans("NWE") are highly eugenic and or transhumanist, hence in their most exclusionary known ideology (Nazism) they especially want to either castrate and or kill people that look like them yet have subtle non-NWE ancestry and or disabilities. Because subtle non-NWE ancestry and disabilities are both possibly hereditary. I have both subtle non-NWE ancestry and at least one(maybe multiple) disabilities(all probably hereditary), hence my right to opine about race relations. Few actually believe in martyrdom and would go through with it. A true martyr would be fired for holding integrity, courage and honor all over reputation. I will respect the authority for the common good. I also am not heterosexual, thus adding to my right to opine about race relations. My asexuality may make me a better Catholic because I seek to be fruitful and multiply(via robot sex) without acting on lust. Sir Francis Galton(Anglo Liberal and Darwin's cousin) invented eugenics. Sir Julian Huxley(Anglo Liberal, both brother of author Aldous Huxley and grandson of Darwin's Bulldog(TH Huxley) started the transhumanist movement. Sir Julian Huxley also coined the term transhumanism. Some argue principles only count if the actor's needs are met. I think principles only count if the actor's needs are met. Hence, I do not believe in nor practice martyrdom. Financial blackmail may be worse than the emotional kind because the latter usually comes from a less powerful person. More power means more potential culpability.
The following are metaphysics for social justice:
How does one ethically deal with typos? Why? I would first follow tradition(traditional meanings), secondly risk analysis(risks of interpretation) and then thirdly skin in the game(the right to opine depends on the price the person pays for incorrectness). On a side note, those ethics lead me to negative utilitarianism for an open society. The virtues depend on enlightenment instead of goodness, thus they may be empathy, common sense, and symmetry. StimulI:
General Ethics:
Hi everyone,
I tested an SEM model with 2 IV, 4 mediators and 1 DV on a sample of 1000 participants (see attached figure). Could you please help me to find an estimation for a good sample size using power analysis for this multiple-mediator model.
I am planning a follow-up experiment to a previous study and have a question about estimating sample size:
For the sake of simplicity, the previous study showed that Condition 1 had more accurate responses (64%) than Condition 2 (41%) and a paired samples t-test was significant (t(12)=3.43,p=0.005, d=0.9, two-tailed). This finding has recently been challenged because the stimuli are somewhat confounded. My new experiment investigates whether a significant effect will be observed between condition 1 and condition 2 when new, more appropriate stimuli (after removing the confound) are used.
The problem is that when the new stimuli are used, the difference between conditions will *probably* be much smaller because we're supposedly removing a confound (e.g., ~10% rather than 23% difference), although we still hypothesise it will be significant. To calculate the sample size needed for a significant effect with the new stimuli, I will need to estimate cohen's d but it's almost impossible to estimate this precisely because I don't know how much the confound contributed to the initial effect. So, what cohen's d should I use for my power calculation? I see 3 options:
(i) I simply predict what cohen's d may be by reducing the original finding (e.g., from 0.9 to 0.4)?
(ii) specify a minimally desired cohen's d that would satisfy the psychological reality of the effect (e.g., based on d=0.3, power=0.8, p=0.05, the estimate is 89 participants)? But what if, after collecting the data my d is slightly below this yet still meaningful (e.g., d=0.25)?
(iii) collect preliminary data (I've sometimes seen this suggested but it seems counter-intuitive to the whole pre-planning idea).
Many thanks for any insights!
There is that sardonic joke that talks about the academically high achievers who end up working for their school-failing peers. The joke is circulated in different cultures. Do you think academics, researchers and intellectuals who are dedicated to knowledge do not fit for political leadership or administrative positions?!
In some phases of life you have to choose between the three? What do you choose? and if you think that you have the right equation using the three components with happiness, please share it with us.
Your contribution is always welcomed.
Using G*Power:
I have mixed ANOVA with 2 within-subjects factors and 3 between-subjects factors
I chose F test: ANOVA, repeated measures, within-between interaction -> I don't know how this is different from repeated measures, between factors?
alpha= 0.05 power= 0.80 number of groups= 3 number of measurements= 2 correlation among repeated measures= I don't know how to determine this, but I relied on the default value of 0.5??
nonsphericity correction error= I don't know how to determine this either, but I relied on the default value of 1?
the total sample size I got was 42, isn't this value too low? And since there are 3 groups, does this mean I need at least 42/3= 14 participants in each group?
N= 42 seems very low
thank you !
I am trying to compute the required sample size for my experiment. I have already conducted a similar experiment before, and I used a PAIRED-SAMPLES t-test to test the difference between mean 1 and 2. This time, the logic behind the experiment is similar, but I will be using an INDEPENDENT-SAMPLES t-test.
My question is: when I try to workout the required sample size on gpower, do I select paired-sample t-test and input all of the required information, get my required sample size and then say I'll need to use this number of people for the independent-samples t-test?
In other words - can I use data from a paired-samples t-test to workout the required sample size for an independent-samples t-test?
I'm comparing the regression models between two groups. I tried using G*Power to calculate my sample size (inputting a desired effect size of 0.3 and power of 0.8). However, I haven't been able to calculate my sample size for comparing a regression model between groups. I'm aware that a between groups study requires a larger N. Moreover, I have 4 predictors for each regression model.
Hi Folks,
I am looking for a validated survey tool to track changes in participants' notions of power and inequality in society. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I am wondering if anyone has, or has used one that I may be able to draw from in an upcoming study.
What is the current state of the literature concerning bargaining power in strategic alliances? What entails bargaining power according to the state of the literature today? I'm seeking specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic definitions and measures. What is the relation between appropriation and bargaining power, assuming that the partners in an alliance stay independent from each other. Can we exchange the concept of bargaining power with a form of ownership (acquisition)?
I thought social dominance theory might provide an alternative but this theory is ridden with controversy because of certain evolutionary claims that it makes.