Science topic
Posthumanism - Science topic
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Questions related to Posthumanism
Can it be said that the signs of transition to a new phase in human history have emerged with the epidemic process and the events? The fragility, moral weakness and evil nature of the organic existence of man, etc. can the transition to a new type and stage of being be legitimized and triggered by synthetic bodies and consciousness transfer with arguments?
Query for Academics and #PhD's! What are some of the most provocative or 'necessary texts' you have read crossing the topics of intersectional and posthumanist interpretations of justice? Which ones changed the way you thought about justice?
Darwinism is a humanist concept and has been challenged by various postmodernists. What is post darwinism then? What is its relevance in posthumanism?
How are Deleuze's and Guattari's schizophrenia and paranoia related to Radical Posthumanism?
"Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" says Bible. Will the future of posthumanism try to mar this theological perception of life.
In the year 2016 Saudi Arabia granted a humanoid robot called Sophia citizenship. It marked “the rise of the robots”. With this, what rights robots might have in the future has become a topic to be explored. What could be the future of posthumanism? Will the moral hierarchy of placing man at the top will continue?
I am looking for theoretical possibilities that enables explorations of how to promote valued understandings of disability as employees.
Currently I am exploring whether posthuman accounts might be an productive starting point. For instance professor of disability studies Goodley (2014) draws on posthuman thinker Braidotti and argues that the fast-changing field of disability studies resembles the posthuman predicament. The posthuman era is characterized by entangled connections of nature, society, technology, medicine, biopower and culture. It is argued that disability studies and posthumanity may draw from each other - disability raises important questions of value in the 21st Century of posthuman condition.
Some other ideas? References?
I have to do a work on the relationship between ethics and posthumanism. Thinking about what happens in the face of technological advances and ecological awareness, where the human being does not have privileges against the rest of living beings.
I would appreciate to help me with bibliographical sources on this subject
Dear Harun (if I may?)
I'm intersted in your project and especially the place of the humanities in it. Do you see posthumsnist tendencies as negative and complicit with neoliberalism? As the critical branch of posthumanist discourse, our network also tries to push the humanities into the posthumanities (see book series, ed. by Cary Wolfe) in a hopefully (de)constructive way and the core voices of the CPN have also written about pedagogical issues.
Have you any published texts on this?
Looking forward to hearing more about such educational issues.
Best wishes,
Manuela Rossini
An detailed perspective of how "time" could be talked in these areas is needed, and some possible examples for understanding is also pleased.