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Portuguese - Science topic

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Questions related to Portuguese
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
Humor in Anthropology and Ethnic Studies
In his Ethnic Humor around the World, Christie Davies charts the joking targets in 28 different countries. The ones given below are the most recognizable: Americans consider Poles, Italians, and Portuguese as stupid while Jews, Scots, and New Englanders to be tricky. Canadians consider Newfies as stupid and Jews, Scots, and Nova Scotians as tricky. Mexicans consider+ people from Yucatan as stupid and people from Monterey as tricky. Nigerians consider Hausas as stupid and Ibos as tricky. The English, Welsh and French consider the Irish, Belgians, and Swiss as stupid, and the Scots and Jews as tricky.
Davies also said that the most common targets of ethnic humor, live on the geographical, economic, or linguistic edges of the society or culture where the jokes are told. They live in small communities, or rural areas on the periphery of a nation, and are immigrants concentrated in blue-collar occupations. “There is no evidence that the targets are stupid, but they occupy stupid locations.” Also, the marginalized groups learn about the mainstream groups, but the mainstream groups remain ignorant of the marginalized groups.
The joke tellers identify with the target groups by seeing them as comically stupid versions of themselves. The best joking relationship between two groups is when the groups exhibit both “attachment and separation,” along with “social conjunction and social disjunction.”
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Evelyn: Very insightful response. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
I am developing a system for my undergraduate thesis that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and image processing with the goal of translating signs from Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) into written text in Portuguese. The project involves recognizing gestures (captured through video or images) and converting them into words.
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AI generated text are not welcomed.
We are expecting specialists' opinions, not human interfaces.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
6 answers
I am looking for native speakers to help me correct my translations (I have used Google translate). Both the original English version and the translation are available as pdfs on my website. Here is the link: Please contact me: if you can help!
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I am a native speaker of Arabic.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
Hoe can I publish my work on two different language (portuguese and english), please?
Thanks in advance
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There are no restrictions with regard to languages. You may create two pages in two languages. See this help page for instructions how to add published or unpublished research to ResearchGate: I did this for some of my German publications. One page is for the original publication in German (example:, the other one for the unpublished English translation ( I choose "Data" as type for the unpublished version and added links to the other versions in the abstract fields of both versions. - By the way, I recommend as translator; it is free, but to translate complete files one has to subscribe and pay a monthly fee.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
As part of a miltilevel study examining the impact of steroid toxicity in patients with different rheumatic diseases (see here: we collected data from the UK and Portugal. We have money to pay for a translation agency but we also think the use of Google translation and then cross-validation of the Portuguese and English transcripts from participants.
We'd appreciate any previous experiences.
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Dear Rosa María Esteban thanks for your answer. We do have a a bilingual intern in Rheumatology who would be willing to revise the original Portuguese transcripts and the English translated ones. We have a look at the Deepl softaware, too.
All the best,
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Dear friends, I am seeking the following Portuguese literature, which is on zoological systematics. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ferreira, J. Bethencourt. 1897. Sobre alguns reptis ultimamente enviados á secção zoologica do Museu de Lisboa. Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes, Lisboa 5 (18): 111-116
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Hey Kai, This paper is available for free via biodiversity heritage library:
Hope you're doing well dude!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
1 answer
This project's general research objective is to determine to what extent Portuguese Management Degree courses are training professionals aligned with the needs and challenges of the business environment, based on the perception of students, alumni and employing companies.
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The alignment between higher education delivered by management courses in Portugal and market demands may vary and is dependent on a number of variables. Consider the following crucial points:
Curriculum Relevance: The degree to which management courses fit with market demands is determined by the curriculum's design. The curriculum is more likely to be linked with market demands if it is revised on a regular basis to reflect current industry trends, integrates real-world case studies, and includes feedback from industry experts.
Collaboration with Industry: Collaboration between institutions and the business sector may improve alignment. Universities may obtain insights into current market demands and alter their programmes if they have good links with local companies. Internship programmes, guest lectures, and research partnerships are examples of this.
Adaptability and flexibility: The corporate environment is dynamic, and market demands change over time. Management programmes that are adaptable and flexible are more likely to give graduates the skills and knowledge that are presently in demand.
Faculty Credentials and Experience: The credentials and experience of faculty members play an important role in matching education with market demands. Professors with hands-on expertise in the sector and a deep awareness of industry trends may help students better prepare for the real world.
Career Services and Placement: The availability and efficacy of career services and placement assistance at universities may also have an influence on the alignment of education and the labour market. It is possible to improve alignment if colleges have excellent career services departments that assist students in finding suitable internships and employment opportunities.
Student Engagement: Participation in extracurricular activities, industry conferences, and networking events may all help with alignment. Students who actively seek out chances to connect with the business sector are more likely to be job-ready.
Government Policies: Government policies and laws may have an impact on how education and the market are aligned. Government programmes to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, for example, may generate a need for graduates with certain talents.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
If so, please help me disclose this short survey (10 questions only) and get me closer to them:
French form ->
"10 Questions on Humanitarian Aid" presents sample questions for a Doctoral Research conducted by Beatriz de Barros Souza, a Graduate student at the Psychology Program - Federal University of Espírito Santo - Brazil (PPGP / UFES), supervised by Professor Dr. Agnaldo Garcia (PPGP / UFES). Researcher's contacts: ||
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I’m an ex worker at the french Red cross for minor refugee in France if i can help with pleasure
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
I am looking at definitions of interlanguage and accent in the phonology of ESL speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Is it accent? Is it interlanguage? Is there a clear phonemic pattern
in Portuguese that is carried onto English? Does it relate to English at all or simply to the
native language of Portuguese? How can I teach pronunciation in English to these speakers?
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Yes, but aren’t the principles for native language the same as for second language acquisition? And, for interlanguages? So, what is accent?
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
B I T' T
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Isso não é possível, infelizmente!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
8 answers
Hello and good afternoon. I am looking for recommendations for studies exploring the impact of traditional medicine policies on the well-being of individuals in African countries. Specifically, I am interested in research that advocates for adopting healthcare policies and prioritizes indigenous medical care practices.
Feel free to recommend texts also in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
Bonito día!!!
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Yes, there are but, to the best of my knowledge, not in Nigeria. I should think countries like South Africa, Ghana, Kenya etc have and could be contacted to know the types of policies on traditional medicine put in place.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
We acessed this paper through Researchgate this morning (14. 12.22). It is published in Historia di Educacao in (we think) Portuguese, which unfortunately we do not know. But it is a very important paper, and we would like to read it. If you can help, please contact
Colin Kirkwood, 14/1 Suffolk Road Edinburgh EH16 5NR, Scotland, uk
Thank you very much
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Where is the paper?
Portuguese is badly spoken Spanish (=Un Espanol mal hablada), says a Spanish proverb. If there are no human resources to help , I recommend first translating it into Spanish and then rendering it into English (My suggestion may seem strange somehow)
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
1 answer
Let's digress a little from science and who is interested, discuss the World Cup. I am very impressed with the success of the Moroccan team. I wish her victory over the Portuguese team, and what are your emotions? How are the emotions of athletes and fans transmitted and how do they affect the body?
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Her we deals with questions of metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind from the vantage point of physics. Combining general philosophy with physics, it covers such topics as the definition of matter, the nature of space, motion, gravity, electromagnetic fields, the character of physical knowledge, and consciousness and meaning. We defend a version of “structuralism”: the thesis that our knowledge is partial and merely abstract, leaving a large epistemological gap at the center of physics.We connect this element of mystery to parallel mysteries in relation to the mind. Consciousness emerges as just one more mystery of physics. A theory of matter and space is developed, according to which the impenetrability of matter is explained as the deletion of volumes of space. We propose a philosophy of science that distinguishes physics from both psychology and biology, explores the ontology of energy, and considers the relevance of physics to seemingly remote fields such as the theory of meaning. In the form of a series of aphorisms.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
I have specimens of a variety of aculeate taxa from southern Portugal and I am struggling to find keys for them. Would anyone know where I can find keys for Portuguese Hylaeus, Colletes, Andrena, Panurgus, Lasioglossum, Halictus, Eucera, Anthophora, Dasypoda, Osmia, Megachile, Ceratina, Ammobates, Hoplitis, Chelostoma, Chrysura, Oxybelus, Crossocerus and others? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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This is not solely about Southern European taxa, but there is a book entitled Bees of Europe. Perhaps a good point to start for at least some of your genera:
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Hi, The last version of Fidelity measure is still the one of 2011, right? (To confirm if the portuguese validation is still ok). thanks
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Yes it is still the most current.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
7 answers
We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher for a three years period, to work on a project that we recently won (it's a contract, not a grant), on Applied Superconductivity.
The project is related to data-driven modelling of losses in high temperature superconducting coils and devices. Although valued, a background on applied superconductivity is not mandatory. Please find the announcement here: (reference tLOSS_CTTI_1@UNINOVA). 
The deadline is 14 November, but there are formalities (namely obtaining recognition of the Ph.D. award by the Portuguese government for candidates outside the EU) that must be performed within this deadline.
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ok sir. give me citations to my published papers
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Complexity is an area (field, paradigm???) that presently spans through many scientific fields. From Mathematics and (so called) Econophysics to Biology and Social Sciences.
And, yes, there are many researchers of Complexity in all of them.
But in my literature revision, when writing an article, I realized that Edgar Morin's La Méthode (a work of six volumes) does not have an English version.
The fact that Morin is alive at 100 years old and perhaps one of the most important philosophers of our time (in Complexity, certainly) is just as incomprehensible as to know that I read in Portuguese with a very good translation and it is also published in Spanish (I did not research other possible translations).
What makes me also conviced that, if a person of that magnitude can be ignored by academia establishment, what to ponder about the thousands of scientic minds not living in the so called "central countries" that might have relevant contributions to science.
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It might have the English version. Just share this comment with the RG community to see if they have it or not.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Dear colleagues,
My postgraduate student is doing research on rendering Russian culturally marked words (‘realia’) in Portuguese translations of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. She needs native speakers of Portuguese to help her assess how recipients perceive translations suggested by translators using different strategies. If you are a native speaker of Portuguese and willing to participate, please take a few minutes to answer questions of the questionnaire: (for the continental variant of Portuguese) and (for the Brazilian variant). Feel free to share the links with anyone you think is competent to take the survey. Your help is much appreciated. We'll also be grateful for any similar experience you could share and information on relevant resources that may be of help. If you are bilingual speaking both Russian and Portuguese and willing to perform the role of an expert on Russian-Portuguese translations, please contact me directly. Thank you!
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Best luck!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Although there are several apps with readability metrics to classify English sentences (e.g., I was not able to find the same for other languages. In particular, I am interested in classifying small sentences written in Portuguese. Thank you in advance.
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For Spanish there is a free program that you can download from here:
It uses the formulas of Flesch-Szigriszt and Fernández-Huerta.
You can also try the information provided by MS Word:
They use Flesch-Kincaid and Flesch. It works for Spanish. It might do it for Portuguese.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
7 answers
Guys! I'm writing in English but you can answer in Portuguese. Currently I'm conducting a research using validated innovation capabilities scale of 4 factors developed for manufacturing firms (validation with 1300 companies). After obtaining 50 questions as pilot test (which was supposed to be a pure formality), I conducted the factor analysis which showed completely different results from the factor in original scale, without any logic of allocation of variables into factors, and the number of factors in much higher, and cronbach alpha for many factors are below 0.6.
Some details: The application process have been going really well. The sample I'm using is composed by manufacturing firms located in the same country of the article's survey which validated the construct. What I noticed is that in my sample vast majority of firms are either high-capabilities or medium-capabilities, while in the survey used by the article that validated the scale the majority are low-capabilities. Therefore, in my sample the standard deviations for each factor is around 0,4, while mean is about 3.9-4.4 in scale of 5.
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Hello Andrei,
A sample of 50 is too small for exploratory factoring for a measure with four or more factors. In your case, if any analysis were to make sense, I'd say it would have been a confirmatory analysis, checking whether the previously validated factor structure works adequately to explain the observed relationships among variables in your sample.
Why can factor solutions vary from what has been previously published?
1. Sample variation. The smaller the N, the greater the risk that sampling variation alone is sufficient to yield "disparate" factor structures for the same measure, even when the samples are drawn from the same population.
2. Cultural/language differences. Perhaps, in your case, the culture of the companies you selected is sufficiently different from that of the companies used by the developers of the measure that respondents are not interpreting the items, questions, or stimuli in the same manner.
3. Different extraction / rotation / salience decisions applied to the factoring process.
4. Changes in perception due to time or some event (e.g., the market crash in 2008).
5. And so on...
The fact that you're observing much smaller variation in factor scores could suggest: (a) an overfitted factor model (too many factors); (b) a sample that, compared to that used by the measure developers, was far less heterogeneous; or (c) some combination.
In any event, I'd hold off on disseminating these results as being "gospel" until I had more data in hand.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
1 answer
Foudation, evolution , institucional positioning and success of the Portuguese book club, Círculo de Leitores, along the three first decades of activity (1971-2001).
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
1 answer
I'm looking for the correct translation of rhotrix/rhotrices to portuguese language. I wonder if it's rotriz/rotrizes, as we have "matrix/matrices" to "matriz/matrizes", but Mr. Google didn't help ;)...!!!
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Hello Teresa
If not documented in dictionaries, analogy may very well satisfy you in this concern, and so "rhotrices" will work. Still, in such cases regularity is not an odd choice! Rhotrixes may be accepted as well.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
8 answers
I am currently leading a systematic review on validation studies of Portuguese versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. If you know of any studies conducted, whether or not they have been published, to validate the AUDIT in the Portuguese language please send me the study or the reference.
Many thanks in advance for your help!
Frederico Rosário
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  • asked a question related to Portuguese
6 answers
Yo sólo tengo una en inglés.
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Muchas gracias!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
I need research material on Brazilian Portuguese phonology.
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Não tenho certeza, entretanto, se você estiver interessado em Português do Brasil, entre em contato comigo. Fico feliz em trocar ideias. I am making an effort to communicate, hoping that one day, it will be easier! Um abraço
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
I am using the ANSYS program, via the APDL line of code, to develop an optimization study. I modeled the structure in APDL, processed and am deactivating (EKILL) and reactivating (EALEAVE), if necessary, the elements according to their deforming energy state. I store the results of strain energy values in an array at each step. I noticed a problem that worried me: the stored values of the deformation energies of the elements deactivated by ANSYS APDL (via EKILL), at one point in the interactive process, remain in the matrix, in the next step, when a new matrix is generated for store the deformation energies of the elements within a new processing configuration. I think these values should be zero for these elements. Could someone clarify me these results?
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Please check the explanation from ANSYS:
To achieve the "element death" effect, the ANSYS program does not actually remove "killed" elements. Instead, it deactivates them by multiplying their stiffness (or conductivity, or other analogous quantity) by a severe reduction factor [ESTIF]. This factor is set to 1.0E-6 by default, but can be given other values (see Section 6.2.2 for more information). Element loads associated with deactivated elements are zeroed out of the load vector, however, they still appear in element-load lists. Similarly, mass, damping, specific heat, and other such effects are set to zero for deactivated elements. The mass and energy of deactivated elements are not included in the summations over the model. An element's strain is also set to zero as soon as that element is killed.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
I am looking for my master research for studies or projects about Brazilian multicultural society. How immigrants from all over the world, Portuguese colonisators and locals (Indians) created an hybrid culture without racial/religious conflicts.
Thank you for any information!
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Here are some ideas:
Bletz, M. (2016). Immigration and acculturation in Brazil and Argentina: 1890-1929. Springer.
Ramos, D. (1986). Community, control and acculturation: a case study of slavery in eighteenth century Brazil. The Americas, 42(4), 419-451.
Bastide, R. (2007). The African religions of Brazil: toward a sociology of the interpenetration of civilizations. JHU Press.
Fujii, Y., & Smith, T. L. (1959). The acculturation of the Japanese immigrants in Brazil (No. 8). University of Florida Press, School of Inter-American Studies.
Ginsberg, A. M., & Gioielli, M. M. (1979). A Comparative Study of Acculturation and Adaptation of Descendants of Japanese Born in Brazil (Nissei) Compared with Japanese and Brazilians. Human Development, 22(5), 340-357.
Bletz, M. E. (2003). Whiteness of a darker color: Narratives of immigration and acculturation in Brazil and Argentina, 1890--1930.
Van Den Berghe, P. L. (1976). The African Diaspora in Mexico, Brazil and the United States. Social Forces, 54(3), 530-545.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
10 answers
It could be simple: a mine= a school or an Hospital. If mining societies weren't so stupidly greedy, they should get aware it could help a lot of people, and that way, maybe they won't be bothered by local maffia and maybe, if offering a new quality of life, maybe they could prospect in zones they weren't welcome. Mozambique, for example, needs everything, after last year hurricanes. Nobody, not Romans neither Portuguese, dug for gold, because it was founded in alluvial sands.
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Teamwork is great, but when I work on my own in a single search, I try to be creative in order to bring out my best potential. Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
I wanna talk about some projects that i am studying here, in sergipe, Brazil...
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I do
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
11 answers
Sofola (Delgoa bay), Mozambique, was renown among Portuguese as the Biblical Orphis, with streets paved with gold. Antonio Manutius, in 1538 , recalls this alluvional gold was almost extinguished when Portuguese "conquered it" (before being wipe out by malaria, the proof Romans already knew and used the place). But I consider the last deadly cyclones, in that poor country so dramatically affected, may have unveil new gold deposits. What is your opinion at the respect?
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Most of rich deposited mine/ oil/ Gold ..... countries always suffer from poverty which shows that political approaches of abusing .. ..
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
Conscientes de la necesidad de coordinar la investigación y transmitir a la sociedad conclusiones relevantes sobre los problemas relacionados con la gestión cinegética, nos ha parecido interesante iniciar la organización de un Congreso Ibérico de Ciencia Aplicada a los Recursos Cinegéticos (CICARC).
Con un marcado carácter científico y de transferencia del conocimiento, CICARC está abierto a la participación de la comunidad científica y de sectores públicos o privados interesados en cuestiones relativas a los recursos cinegéticos.
CICARC se celebrará en Ciudad Real (España), del 1 al 4 de Julio de 2019; con presentaciones en formato póster y orales en español o portugués, y con un coste de inscripción de 50€.
Fechas importantes:
Fin de plazo para enviar resúmenes: 30 abril
Fin de plazo para inscribirse: 31 mayo
Para más información:;
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¡CICARC se acerca! Ya está listo el Programa Científico! No os olvidéis de planificar vuestra visita a Ciudad Real con
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
I need something inexpensive that works in Portuguese.
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If you find such a tool - let me know ;-)
Have you heard of this?
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
6 answers
I do have texts in Portuguese, but would like to refer to an English text in an upcoming paper. Could not find any paper with a google search. Found methods using other hosts, but not D. saccharalis
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In my country they are raised for the control of Diatraea Cotesia flavipes and Billaea claripalpis, the latter accepts as an alternative host to Galleria mellonella.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
Someone could help me by telling me which is the best Portuguese translation of the work of L. Vygotsky, "Thinking and Speech" (pensamento e linguagem).
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Hi, Jairo
"Thought and Language"-> in English
"Pensamento e Linguagem" -> in Portuguese
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
I'm Portuguese and I want to do an academic specialization and research on human rights, specifically in what concerns to migrations and refugees.
Furthermore I would like to develop professional work on this area.
Thank you
João Moucheira
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The first alternative: if the study could be extended to other countries and, consequently, if scholars of those countries could contribute to the project, with their research about their own country
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
It´s importante to get to know and share insights on this....ideas and best practices.
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My familiarity with Portugal is limited, except some history. Sustainable activities and management consider both short term and long term. As humans, we tend to be short sighted, not always recognizing details that make a difference later. Am I building my home on the floodplain or next to high power electric lines, geologic fault or unstable slope? How much risk and cost is too much? I am building a house on a budget, intend to move in 5 years, should I consider solar panels, metal roof, etc. These are just examples. Should we allow the forest to be clear cut, or removed in logical units through time, allowing for regeneration. Should we allow mining without an adequate plan to handle wastes and recover site with ample funds when finished. Who fixes things if bankrupcy occurS? Some activities are done without analyzing their sustainability, their cost to community or society. We plow up the earth or dedicate areas of impervious surfaces without much thought - it’s just what we do. To many, the gullies of past severe actions are just landscape features. With proper management and BMPs, they could likely have been prevented. Best management practices have been developed for a variety of reasons such as water quality. Sustainable or green activities have also been developed to manage forests, conserve farmlands, conserve energy, etc. There is some recognition of accomplishment for those that choose to live off the grid in near self sufficiency, but most of us are not so dedicated. There are many ideas, but whether they are reasonable enough to be implemented needs some consideration. What’s sustainable for me, may not necessarily be sustainable for you. But sharing of ideas is always gooD, and some of us more than others need encouragement to think Green.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
Dear Sir/Madam,
At this moment I'm currently working in my dissertation project. The question is "in which way is the teacher of portuguese as a foreign language conditioned by his culture in teaching portuguese in asian context" and I'm asking your help in order to have more essays about psycology of language and the teach of portuguese in asia.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Best Regards,
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Psycholinguistics and emotion attached
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
The research does not have to be in English - Portuguese is fine. I am interested in the relationships between fado and tourism in Portugal.
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Dr Geoff, interesting research indeed. Good luck, LSA Academic House can help compiling a journals with minimum fee to fund our under privileged student in Borneo.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
Which approach is the more recommended approach in calculate EQ5D values for patients in different country in a normal study (no cost analysis or comparative study between countries)? I want to evaluate treatment effect on PRO of 2 treatments, which occurs in all participating centers.
A) Transform EQ5D response via one general value set (e.g. US population OR European population)
B) Transform each EQ5D response via country-specific value set (e.g. Spanish and Portuguese patients will use the Spanish value set, Japanese patients use the Japanese value set, German patients use the German value set and African patients use the Zimbabwe value set and so on...)
Thanks in advance
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The answers to the EQ5D survey can be translated into health utility values (HUV). HUVs are the unit of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY), which is the unit of measurement used in cost utility analyses. The accuracy of the EQ5D representing HUVs is entirely dependent on the population that the particular version of the survey was validated on. Hopefully that helps.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
Hi. Thank you for your interest in my work. What is the geographic scope of your Medieval Music Database project? Do you know the Portuguese Early Music Database ?
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By the way, I am involved with many registry efforts around music, but know nothing about a Medieval Music Database Project. I've visited Portugal to work on music, never have I heard about the Early Music Database. Thanks for the info!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
Hello everyone!
I am doing my PhD in Human Geography at the University of Reading and was previously involved with citizen science at the Open University.
I am now exploring the citizen science literature and projects in the global south.
Any papers or links to projects would be very welcome!
The languages I can read are English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. Thank you very much in advance!
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Thank you very much everyone!
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
I'm bored with these kind of e-mails that invites you in congress, like below (from e. g. hpblb3@si,,
I'm not sure that those who send this kind of stuff have checked previously my research field...
Have a look:
The 3rd Int'l Conference on Hydraulic Engineering and Safety (ICHES 2018) will be held during May 29-31, 2018 in Chengdu, China. You are invited to submit papers or abstracts to our conference through paper submission system. All the accepted papers will be published by "World Journal of Engineering and Technology" (ISSN:2331-4222). Conference Website: Paper Submission Due: Jan. 25, 2018 Invited Speakers If you wish to serve the conference as an invited speaker, please send email to us with your CV for evaluation. As an Invited Speaker, you will enjoy a free registration. Prof. Jueyi Sui, Science and Management Dr. Jin Su Jeong, Technical University of Madrid, Spain Dr. Ching-Tai Ng, The University of Adelaide, Australia Prof. José Luís Barroso de Aguiar, Departamento de Engenharia Civil,Portuguese Prof. Chih-Ta Tsai, National Cheng Kung University, China Prof. Kheir Al-Kodmany, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Prof. Hua Yang, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces Academy, China Prof. Carol Anne Mutch, University of Auckland Standard Prof. Magiswary d/o Dorasamy, Multimedia University, India Prof. HAGE CHEHADE Fadi, Lebanese University, France Prof. Mu-Song Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering of Da-Yeh UniversityChanghua, China Dr. Padmavathi Ganapathi, Department of Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education for Women, India Contact Us Email: Tel: 86 156 2908 5792 WeChat: Engii_vivian
Another one (quite funny):
往届检索:IISA2016 & IISA2017所有文章全部被EI检索
会议官网:www . iisa2018 . org/(请删除空格键点击查看更多详情)
联系电话:153 8711 8351(IISA会务组)
咨询QQ: 3357066350 (及时为您解答各种疑问)
投稿邮箱: iisa2018 @ 163 . com(先投稿先审稿先录用)
Please do you have a translator?
I don't understand something; as you are invited everywhere all the time as chaiman/speaker, where do you find (free) time for your research?
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Yes. They come daily, but it is possible to filter them out.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
6 answers
Some text about her is good too. It could be in english, portuguese, spanish or french.
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Merci beaucoup par votre aide! Je vais chercher ce link qui m'a envoyé, mais si vous pouvez m'envoyer un autre matériel, je serais très reconnaissant. Mais dans ce link il y a beaucoup de chose.
Un plus temps, merci.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
i wanna submit my manuscript to a journal but their requirement is: the abstract and title should be both in English and Portuguese language so i need somebody to help me in this matter.
anyone who is willing to help can provide his email i will try to contact.
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Using auto translators is a very bad idea if you want to be understood. You'd  much better accept the offers above.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
Problems with water management are related to legal regulation? How can legal regulation provide integrated water management? What legislative solutions exist in each country? I am mainly interested in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and South American solutions.
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Dear Michael
Thank you very much for your inquiry. I am surprised that Australia has such water management problems. Basically, the market approach of water management has exceeded not only in Europe but in the whole world. Honestly, I primarily deal with water and wastewater public services. I was one of those who worked out the Hungarian regulations. If I understand the problem, it is mainly an environmental issue here.Indeed, it is a theoretical legal question of who owns the surface waters. In Hungary, the regulation of this area is under preparation. If I know correctly, Australia applies the Anglo-Saxon legal system. This can cause some problems if we make a comparison. I'm very happy to help you and I'm very honored to have you turned to me.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
I would like to indicate the texts on pre-Columbian societies, especially the peoples of Central and South America. The focus of the discussion is to emphasize the forms of life, organization, thought and social structuring, especially from the point of view of indigenous peoples; I am also interested in texts that speak about Native Americans before the arrival of the colonizers. I accept the indication of texts in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
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One of the most deepest insights in incan (and also of contemporarian societies in the andes) is:
Waldemar Espinozas :"Los incas: economía, sociedad y estado en la era del Tahuantinsuyo." I can really recomend it.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
34 answers
A joint call for research project proposals between Portugal and Algerian scientists / researchers is now available, and invite all local scientists / researchers wishing to participate, to submit their proposals.
The coordination of the program’s activities and its piloting is placed under the responsibility of two focal points: Thematic Agency of Research in Sciences and Technology for the Algerian part and Foundation for Science and Technology for the Portuguese part.
I'm interested to develop a mutual project in the domainof oncology.
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What about including a Belgian guy in your (hopefully wining) team?
I have (and still being) already successfully collaborating with Portugal (see the attached articles) ...
I have (and still being) already successfully collaborating with countries "more or less" in fact "not so far" from Algeria (see the attached articles).
I am eagerly waiting to successfuly enter with a fruitfull Algerian collaboration!
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
2 answers
Does anyone know where to find the ordinance for the Portuguese law obliging to provide information of inventories?
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  • asked a question related to Portuguese
4 answers
I'm looking at philosophers who criticize the Lusophony.
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I hope it 's not too late but I suggest   that you read Miguel Vale de Almeida: 
Portugal's Colonial Complex: From Colonial Lusotropicalism to Postcolonial Lusphony. Link :
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
5 answers
English or Portuguese
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The questions of the Communicative Effectiveness Index (CETI, Lomas et al., 1989) and the Communicative Activity Log (CAL, Pulvermüller et al., 2001) can be used to assess the caregivers’ opinion on the language abilities in everyday life of a person with aphasia. 
Lomas, J., Pickard, L., Bester, S., Elbard, H., Finlayson A., & Zoghaib,C. (1989). The communicative effectiveness index: Development and psychometric evaluation of a functional communication measure for adult aphasia. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 113-124.
Pulvermüller, F., Neninger, B., Elbert, T., Mohr, B., Rockstroh, R., Koebbel, P., et al. (2001). Constraint-induced therapy of chronic aphasia after stroke. Stroke, 32, 1621-1626.
  • asked a question related to Portuguese
3 answers
I'm interested in thinking the criticism of Lusophony, CPLP and the Francophonie.
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Hello Diego,
Since I live in Brazil, which was a Portuguese colony until 1922, I can only comment about what I know about how Portugal dealt with the locals and what was Portugal's policy in regard to the recently discovered lands which she occupied in the 1500s.
It is beyond any doubt that after Pedro A. Cabral discovered the Brazilian territory, all Portuguese expeditions sent here had the sole purpose of exploiting the new lands' natural resources. Brazil was rich in mineral ores and precious stones. The so-called "bandeiras" had the only function to discover where they existed. Once found, specially in what became the Minas Gerais state (General Mines, the name itself says a lot), for several centuries the Portuguese court explored them and hauled that immense richness back home.
Furthermore, before the trafficking of slaves from Africa, the Portuguese colonizers enslaved the local Indians, ill-treating them as later they did the same to the black slaves brought by force to the Brazilian "fazendas" in Portuguese hands.
In fact, Brazil's independence happened because the locals, descendants of Portuguese people, but having already acquired their own national identity as "Brazilians," revolted against Portugal's exploitation, taxation and political-military occupation. And, ironically, a Portuguese ruler - Don Pedro I - declared that independence as he congregated with the locals' feelings.
Similar abuses happened in all territories (terras d'além mar) that Portugal colonized. Just as a more recent example, the Mozambican independence revolution last for 10 years (1964-1974), as a result of the frustration amongst many Mozambicans, who saw the foreign rule as a form of exploitation and mistreatment, which sole purpose was to advance Portuguese economic interests. And the Mozambican independence was reached mainly because of the Carnation Revolution in 1974, which finally ended the Salazar era and created democracy in Portugal.
Therefore, if Margarido is very critical about Lusophony, he has good reasons and many similar examples to base his criticism. I recommend you read this paper, which speaks about Angola and clarifies why Margarido is so critical about the Portuguese dealings with colonized lands:
Les Porteurs : forme de domination et agents de changement en Angola (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)
Full text found here:
Interestingly, along the last two centuries, Brazilians kept no demurs in regard to Portugal and maintained very friendly relations with the Portuguese people an attitude which persists to our days. Subliminally though, the typical Brazilian jokes about the Portuguese seem to evoke some hidden bad feelings. Something for social psychologists to study and explain :-)
Be well and good luck in your research