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Portugal - Science topic
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Questions related to Portugal
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB 25), taking place from October 23 to 24, 2025, in the historic city of Guimarães, Portugal.
This conference will bring together leading researchers, professionals, and industry experts to address critical topics related to moisture control, building sustainability, and the effects of moisture on materials and health.
Proceedings Publication
We are pleased to announce that the conference proceedings will be published by Springer, providing a valuable platform for sharing high-quality research with a global audience. The papers will also be indexed in Scopus, Ei-Compendex, and Web of Science, ensuring wide dissemination and academic impact.
Call for Abstracts
We invite you to submit an abstract and share your work to contribute to this important global discussion. The deadline for abstract submission is November 30, 2024.
Special Sessions
We are hosting two exciting special sessions:
1. Impact of Moisture on the Performance and Durability of Thermal Insulation Solutions
2. Moisture Challenges in Historic and Traditional Buildings
We are still accepting proposals for additional special sessions. If you would like to suggest one, please send your proposal to
More Information
Details about the conference, submission guidelines, and templates can be found on our website:
We look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to Guimarães, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the birthplace of Portugal.
Kind regards,
The ICMB 25 Organizing Committee
Dr. Faria is associated with Department of Biochemistry (U38-FCT), Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto , 4200-319 Porto, Portugal.
# 161
Dear Andreas Losch, Andre Galli, Thomas Schildknecht
I have read your article
History, concepts and challenges of proposing an 18th UN Sustainable Development Goal related to Space
My comments on this novel and very interesting subject:
1- In the abstract you say that the outer space has been left out of research regarding the SDS goals, and naturally, you are right. It is also new for me, but the reason as per my reasoning is that the goals refer to making mankind survival, and at present we do not have that problem. A different thing is if you consider the debris, because that is a problem, perhaps related to SDG 11, since sooner or later those debris will fall in our living spaces, and then the deadly Kessler Syndrome could become a reality
2- In page 2 you say “The main focus of these goals, however, was poverty eradication, and they were therefore not applicable to all countries”
In my opinion, this is not a fair statement, since poverty is present in all countries. Even the richest have poverty, perhaps at different levels, but unfortunately it exists all over the world
3- In page 3 you mention ‘sustainability’, and in my opinion, this is an aspect that is missing in the 17 SDGs since they do not consider the influence of one SDG over another
4- Page 3 you say with reference to the Club of Rome “they argue that the world should pursue an economic equilibrium instead of a constant growth scenario”
I had not read this paragraph of yours when I wrote the section 3 statement, and what you say here is very important and true statement, and it corroborates what I said in section 3, because to reach an equilibrium you need to compare are SDGs holistically, not in isolation. Why?
Because resources are limited. Assume that you have a budget of billons of dollars for all SDGs, and most part of it is employed in say SDG 1 ‘No poverty’, even if you have still a lot of many to build houses, produce food and give health assistance, there is a chance that these functions cannot be accomplished if there are not enough founds to develop them, because most are thought to be used in SDG 1. Therefore, it can be seen the impact that the use of a resource may have on the other SDGs. Forcefully, we must reach an equilibrium, we have to find the common place in the Venn diagrams with the thee dimensions, where all solutions involving the intersections of the three dimensions reside.
5- Page 3 “It is of course unclear “if and how a follow up to the UN sustainable development goals 2030 will be defined and negotiate”
In my opinion, that is utopian; maybe perhaps by 2050 we can reach that goal, and one reason is the lack of electrical energy to each house.
There is another problem: How much is ‘No poverty’? If there a limit of money for this, that possibly will be different in each country? This amount is the target for SGD 1 and if memory serves me well, UN established it at about USD 10 per person and per day. But can we apply it in the USA or Canada or Germany and at the same time than to Nigeria and Ghana? Possibly, the result will be too little for some and too much for others, due to their customs, food regime, construction costs, etc.
In on honestly, and recognizing the importance of your claim, I believe that mankind has first to solve or at least ameliorate its numerous problems here in Earth before thinking in the outer space. Are we going to repeat what happened in 1492 when Columbus discovered America, and that started a fight between Spain, England, France, The Netherlands and Portugal, for grabbing land? Right now, the competitors are USA, Russia, China and India, and already started with the Moon.
6- My views appear to be confirmed when in page 5 you quote “rather than reasoning for Space as a goal in itself, I deem it a powerful vehicle driving us towards a better future by immensely contributing to the existing goals”, former UNOOSA director Simonetta di Pippo argued in Geneva”
These are my comments. Hope they can be of some use
Nolberto Munier
I am looking to predict some production for future onshore wind energy production in Portugal, is there any database with info of performances of the existing wind farms in the country? something like: Overview of the energy sector | The Danish Energy Agency (
CALL FOR PAPERS | ESC Special issue Transatlantic Mobility in the New Geopolitics of Knowledge: (Inter)Dependencies in Higher Education Brazil/Portugal
ESC – Educação, Sociedade & Culturas | Call for papers
Transatlantic Mobility in the New Geopolitics of Knowledge: (Inter)Dependencies in Higher Education Brazil/Portugal
Extended abstracts (of up to 700 words, excluding references) due on May 31, 2024
Guest Editors
Professor Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, University of Münster, Germany
Professor Wivian Weller, University of Brasília, Brazil
Professor Tiago Neves, University of Porto, Portugal
--> see more on:
Welcome to the 5th The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics, CVIM'2024.
The conference is dedicated to Professor Delfim F. M. Torres and Professor Gastão S. F. Frederico for their role in the creation of this conference series, and to Professor Paulino Fortes on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.
The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2024 (CVIM'2024) will take place at University of Cape Verde, in the new university campus (zona K, Palmarejo Grande, Praia), from September 2nd to 6th 2024. The conference is the fifth in the conference series "The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics" organized by the University of Cape Verde, Cape Verde, and the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The previous meetings were CVIM'2013, CVIM'2015, CVIM'2017 and CVIM'2021.
Dear all
ICMET 2024 – call for paper (CFP)
International Conference on Math Education and Technology
Aveiro, Portugal, June, 19 to 21, 2024.
Kind regards,
Vanda Santos
Does anyone have the full version of this article? If so please let me know, thanks.
S. Hedayatrasa, O. Fink, and M. Kersemans, “Vibrational NDT with under-sampled data through physics-informed neural networks,” in ECNDT2023 : 13th European Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Abstracts, Lisbon, Portugal, 2023.
This project's general research objective is to determine to what extent Portuguese Management Degree courses are training professionals aligned with the needs and challenges of the business environment, based on the perception of students, alumni and employing companies.
I am interested in staying for three months as a visiting researcher at an institution in Portugal. I am interested in the areas of environmental policy/instruments, environmental economics, voluntary environmental certification or related topics.
I'm looking for a researcher who can, and is interested in receiving me.
Yours sincerely,
PhD. Luiz Faria
É no contexto de uma população docente envelhecida e de uma camada jovem desinteressada pela profissão docente, que se prevê uma necessidade de recrutamento de professores, para a qual o nº de diplomados em cursos de formação de professores (CFP) não tem dado resposta.
- Qual é a imagem pública da profissão de docente aos olhos dos jovens?
- Os jovens consideram a profissão de docente uma profissão prestigiada?
- Porque motivos é que os jovens já não consideram a profissão de docente atrativa, enquanto opção de carreira profissional?
- Que motivações extrínsecas poderão ser alvo de políticas públicas que realmente valorizem a profissão docente?
Dear all
ICMET 2023 – call for paper (CFP)
International Conference on Math Education and Technology
Aveiro, Portugal, October, 2 to 4, 2023.
Kind regards,
Vanda Santos
We had done our previous Sr-Nd-Pb-... isotopic analyses in Portugal, but now their equipment has problem, so we are searching for alternative place for doing such analyses, so if anyone can help us we would appreciate his/her help.
Could anyone indicate a technician in Portugal to diagnose and fix a Labconco freeze dryer?
I am trying to see if MOSH and MOAH are separated from a cromathographic column and the HPLC method uses Hexano and CH2Cl2 as eluents. I have, since the beggining fluctuations on pressure.
Can someone help me?
Thank you
Ivone (Portugal)
The correct reference is:
Berta Moreno-Küstner, Ingeborg Warnke, Carlos Nordt, Gemma Fernandez, José Ramos, Pedro Paulino-Matos, Wulf Rössler, Graça Cardoso
Predictors of repeat visits to hospital psychiatric emergency departments in Malaga (Spain) and in Lisbon (Portugal)
doi: 10.1136/emermed-2015-205214. Epub 2017 Jul 18.. 2017 Oct;34(10):665-671.Emerg Med J
Are such statistics on the incidence and prevalence of child abuse and neglect collected in Portugal by any centralised department/authority or organisation?
I have specimens of a variety of aculeate taxa from southern Portugal and I am struggling to find keys for them. Would anyone know where I can find keys for Portuguese Hylaeus, Colletes, Andrena, Panurgus, Lasioglossum, Halictus, Eucera, Anthophora, Dasypoda, Osmia, Megachile, Ceratina, Ammobates, Hoplitis, Chelostoma, Chrysura, Oxybelus, Crossocerus and others? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Dear colleagues,
just got some cells from OFK-6 hTERT2 cell line that were sent by a colleague. However when thawing them they were not viable. We used the Keratinocyte serum free media from Gibco ( and followed all the cautions with other cell lines. What could have gone wrong? Meanwhile, is there anyone, ideally in Spain, that could provide us some aliquoted of those cells? Of course we would arranje for shipment to Portugal. Many thanks!
In countries without assisted PD funding...
How to overcome the difficulty in delivering assistance in peritoneal dialysis - when there isn't a family member available for such care? suggestions, experiences... with volunteers? medical or nursing students? if paid work, how to gather funding?
(a question from Portugal, but with a problematic similar in Mediterranean countries)
I'm interested in compiling information regarding ideas/mechanis/projects at national/regional/local level of different countries regarding the protection of ancient/veteran/habitat trees by paying/compensating for ecosystem services provision to land owners.
I'm interested in promoting this kind of conservation in Portugal but I'm lacking examples from other regions.
Thank you all in advance for the help.
Dear Fellows/Researchers,
Since collecting raw Sargassum can be a hard job in the winter, I'm looking for some dried Sargassum muticum for experiments with alginates. Ideally from Europe.
I will be working based in Portugal and Netherlands.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Carolina Delgado
I am involved in setting up an entomology lab in Portugal, and we are currently looking for starter colonies of Aphis fabae, Tetranychus urticae and Dermanyssus gallinae to purchase and rear in the lab in order to conduct efficacy and behavioral studies.
Suppliers in Europe are preferred.
Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated.
Hi everybody
I need RGB and NIR images of the Sentinel satellite for a small region in Portugal. I already tried with eo-browser, but as you can see in the picture, the resolution of the images is very low. How can I download images with good resolution?
Another problem is that when I download a true color image (based on bands 4,3,2) and a false color image (based on bands 8,4,3) and open them with opencv in Python, the value of the 4 channel in the true color image is different from the 4 channel in the false color image.
Thanks for your time
Foudation, evolution , institucional positioning and success of the Portuguese book club, Círculo de Leitores, along the three first decades of activity (1971-2001).
I'm a university student and I'm writing a paper about Porto. I have to follow some topics like life cycle of Porto; What kind of tourists visit Porto (gender, age, nationality) and their motivation to go there; also any information about thegastronomic tourism in Porto.
Thank you!
I'm a Ph.D. student in management at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
I seek to understand the relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Spirituality in the development of Organizational Wisdom.
This survey is part of my thesis.
I invite you to answer it -
Thank you very much for your support!
Hello! I'm looking for raster files to create a map of the Iberian Peninsula and also the Minho River, in Portugal. Can you recommend me any websites where I can found those?
The raster files I found only are good for a larger perspective, because when I zoom in on the specific region (Minho River) it looses a LOT of quality.
I am reviewing the origin of the exotic species in the Iberian Peninsula of Rattus and Mus and found no information about the first entry of the species of Rattus in Spain and Portugal.
Any help will be most useful.
Thank you, Gloria
Please share how the situation is evolving in your country.
I'm Ricardo Pimenta and i'm PhD student at Faculty of Human Kinetics (Portugal) and one of my investigations it's related to muscle temperature. Although in our university no one measure muscle temperature invasively.
Can anyone offer guidance about intramuscular temperature measurement?
Ricardo Pimenta
My name is Deepanjan Sharma and I am a PhD research fellow from University of Duisburg Essen and currently working in INL , Portugal. My main research focus is to understand the conductive properties of CIGS with different doping by using a newly developed CAFM technique. For this I want to create a model in SCAPS with layers of Diamond tip (E.Affinity 0.7eV, Eg 5.5 eV and Na 1E21 cm3) and CIGS with p-type doping.
My question is how to balance the left and right contact during establishing the model. In my case CiGS has Mo contact with workfunction 4.65eV(left) and tip has a gold contact with 5.1 eV (Right). But if I plug this number in the contacts there is no current flow whatsoever. But if I put flat band the dependence of IV is constant which is wrong compared to the experiment.
I would be very happy if ANYONE help me a little bit to get it right. If anyone need any sample data , screenshots of the instace where we having our problem I will be happy to send you. Just let me know.
Our goal is to get a simulated result of the AFM technique and correspondence with our experimental data ( this idea of the technique is very unique and never been done before).
We are pleased to share 50 Days #FreeAccess to our recent research article: Marketing and communications channels for diffusion of electricity smart meters in Portugal. Feel free to share it.
Dear All,
Are you willing to help us to Safeguard the Dolmen 1 of Vale da Lage (Tomar, Portugal)?
If so, please access to
Under "amigos da anta do vale da laje"
and add your comments about the most unbelievable destruction of this Dolmen.
Would you please help us to Safeguard this Heritage, that belongs to every one of us?
Hi, good morning, as a paper and book conservator, I have some knowledge about leather. In Portugal there is an history of producing it, specially in Alcanena.
I might help in this matter if you are interested.
Best regards.
Leonor Loureiro
I'm a PhD student and in my investigation we intend to build an intervention program with children and the family system that is appropriate to the reality of Portugal. But for that I need to know the content of other programs. Which will be the best? Where can I find them?
Hello everyone,
Has anyone ever change the bulb (lamp) in a iCycler iA iQ5 bio-rad? Bio-rad does not sell this lamp anymore, and I'm searching for an alternative solution. However a bulb with this specifications (EXN, 50w , 12v halogen WITHOUT front glass) is very (but VERYYY) difficult to find (portugal).
Can anyone give me suggestions of web sites (Europe and/or UK) that could sell this like new?
Sofola (Delgoa bay), Mozambique, was renown among Portuguese as the Biblical Orphis, with streets paved with gold. Antonio Manutius, in 1538
Chapter King of Portugal's places
, recalls this alluvional gold was almost extinguished when Portuguese "conquered it" (before being wipe out by malaria, the proof Romans already knew and used the place). But I consider the last deadly cyclones, in that poor country so dramatically affected, may have unveil new gold deposits. What is your opinion at the respect?I am a PhD Student at the University of Minho - Portugal. This subject interests me quite a lot, since my investigation is related to the application of AI in mega-project management. Hope to participate in the 8th Conference.
Thanks and best regards!
At least in Portugal, there are claims from populations living in areas dominated by these intensive and large-scale olive farms
Hi there,
Im looking for emerging/novel governance forms of food systems at the local level in PT. This may include recent publications on cooperative/collective action or relevant changes to the local food system. Do you have any ideas/suggestions/authors in mind?
Many thanks :)
During the last years many electronic databases of vegetation plots, mainly phytosociological relevés, were established in different European countries. These databases contain information which is extremely valuable for both testing various macroecological hypotheses and for nature conservation surveying or monitoring.
Somebody can help me to find vegetation-plot databases of relevés based in the phytosociological method made in Portugal?
Thanks in advance.
Taking into consideration that this type of organisations not only provide credit but also impose harsh economic conditions on nations, are they still a good options for post-crisis economies? As an example we could see the difference in recovery between Spain (IMFed) and Portugal (not IMFed).
As a student in my final year of masters degree, i need to do a research project regarding one specific area of my interest. So, i want to search something about the 3D printing in retail and how are these technologies applied in this context.
I talked to my senior Professor wich he told me i have a few good research questions:
-The creation of added value through 3D Printing in the Value Chain;
-The intelectual property and illegalities regarding CAD Designs;
-Can the 3D printers in retail shops change the business model?;
All of these three questions look very good to do a search work. However, i was hoping maybe i could hear other opinions because this is such a sensitive subject that i need to be sure it is possible to be done, since this is about a technology who has not been truly implemented in most of companies worldwide, due to its limitations.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best Regards,
Rodrigo Correia
Portugal has a good history of socialist rule nowadays. There is a lack of information about its achievements - what are they?
The research does not have to be in English - Portuguese is fine. I am interested in the relationships between fado and tourism in Portugal.
Hi all,
I wonder if you have studies/ references about the above questions?
Thanks in advance!
Dear all:
I have been trying to find monthly datasets on the national electricity production per fuel specially for France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands and Portugal since 2002.
So far I have found the following data:
France - monthly production by type since 2010 (source: RTE)
Spain - monthly production by type since 2007 (source: REE)
But I need it since 2002 and for all the countries mentioned above. Could someone please help me to find it?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Dear all,
I am just struggling to easily get hourly temperature data for some locations in Europe (e.g. Italy, Spain, Portugal etc.).
Please, could you indicate me some websites that are providing this kind of data?
Thank you so much for the support,
During the IXth Symposium on the Iberian Atlantic Margin held last week in Coimbra (Portugal), I made a short trip to Cascais to the west of Lisbon where I noticed a fossil-rich pavement along the corniche to Estoril. The surroundings are Cretaceous outcrops according to the maps but it is not sure that the pavement was extracted from them. What are these magnificent fossils?
I'm planing to travel on vacances to europe, probably to Portugal and perhaps countries nearer to Portugal, as Spain, France and Italy.
I'm interested on visiting labs, institutes, museuns related to my working areas (Fish and benthic ecology, as also environmental education), so, I'm asking for some recomendations from researshers from these countries.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Como tenho um interesse em história de Portugal, estou procurando o livro de António Louçã "Hitler e Salazar. Comércio em tempos de guerra" (editora Terramar, Lisboa, 2000). Gostaria de saber se aqui existe uma pessoa, que possa providenciá-lo em pdf.
Me gustaría conocer si la mediación penal está teniendo o no aplicación práctica en Portugal y, en su caso, el porcentaje de asuntos derivados a mediación y el número de acuerdos alcanzados.
Hello everybody,
I am working my Phd thesis about outdoor theater as a tool for community development. I need some studies that can help my research about this art as an important social and educative impact.I start to check all articles and thesis about outdoor theater in Portugal (my country), but I've just found two. Now, i'm searching outdoor theater in a global context.
Thank you in advance!
In 1916 ,Portugal entered the Great War without its european territory had been attacked, nor were its colonies actually in danger of being conquered.
Hey everyone, in my thesis one of my goals is to address the current knowledge on solitary bees (group of species). So i made a multiple choice survey covering the basic information about this subject. Which is the best way to analyze data ?
Questions example:
1. What are solitary bees?
A) Bees that do not form Beehive
B) Bees that have separate themselves from the Beehive
C) Bees responsible for collecting food
D) Non-fertile bees
Kind Regards,
I heard some news that producing and utilizing combustion engine vehicles are going to be banned in some countries such as the Netherlands, Portugal and China. Do you know any document, news or official website for the details of this new rule? Which countries are going to stop combustion engine cars? When? 2030?
I'm looking for contacts of bat scientists (researchers or associations) working in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and New Zealand. I would try to etablish contact to assist for a specific mission (ex: trap with net, radiotracking...) to discover other species and technicies than in France.
Thank you in advance.
Caught off Portugal using Bongo 90cm, 780microns mesh aperture
I would be grateful if you could give me bibliographic indications or examples of palisades or land and / or timber constructions in Northern and Central Prehistory of Portugal and Galicia
I am developing a stable isotope analysis project at southern coast of Portugal and I need to collect muscle sample from small deep sea sharks such as Etmopterus spinax, Etmopterus pusillus, Scyliorhinus canicula and Galeus Melastomus.
I need to get muscle samples from these sharks but they will be alive and will be released afterwards. How can I do this without harming too much the shark?
Proposal Submission Deadline: October 30, 2017
Evaluating the Gaps and Intersections between Marketing Education and the Marketing Profession
A book edited by
Margarida M. Pinheiro, Ana Estima na Susana Marques (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
This is more a comment than a question. RG suggests, correctly, that I might be interested in your project. Restoring native vegetation on impoverished soils is a task we face in southern Portugal. I also have a particular interest in Puya raimondii and anything you can do to benefit this extraordinary Red-Listed plant will be very welcome.
, I have a student that needs to use your updated correlations instead of EPA’s. Can you provide us you the mathematical formulas?
Kindest regards
Carla Silva
Assistant professor
Integrated Master on Energy and Environment Engineering (MIEEA)
Researcher at IDL-Instituto Dom Luiz
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Departamento de Engenharia Geográfica, Geofísica e Energia, 8.3.24
Campo Grande 1749-016 Lisboa Portugal
T (+351) 217500818 Ext.28325
Researcher ID:A-4724-2012
I'm Adriana, Brazilian and I would like to have more informations about PhD in Aveiro, Portugal. I'm looking for PhD programs there.
Best regards.
Adriana Marques
I'm interest in the study of the growth of tourism in the city of Lisbon and it's impacts. Can someone recommend some projects/articles related to this?
I am a student in ecology, currently conducting a monitoring survey of butterflies in a reserve in Portugal.
I'm using a modification of the Pollard transect method in order to inventory butterfly species. My goal is to compare the butterfly diversity between the Inside and the outside of the reserve.
I have 3 different transects inside the reserve, and 3 transects outside, carefully defined to represent different types of habitat. I'm planning on doing 5 times each transect (so 5 replicates per transect).
At the end of my survey, I will calculate diversity indices (Shannon, Simpson,...) for each transect.
I was planning on doing a repeated measures anova to compare these indices, but I read recently that such indices needed to be transformed in order to be compared (for example, I should use exp(H') instead of H' in my statistical analysis).
My question is : do you think it's necessary to transform the diversity indices I'm going to calculate ? If so, do you think a repeated measures anova is the good way to analyze my data, knowing that I'd like to compare butterfly diversity on different levels (Inside/outside of the reserve, but also between each transect) ?
I hope that my question is clear enough (if not, I can add some clarification).
Best regards,
I'm looking at philosophers who criticize the Lusophony.
We study the environmental external costs of charging electric vehicles in different European countries.
Different fuels and technologies (e.g. nuclear, coal, gas, hydro, wind, ...) are used in different countries to generate electricity and these power plants are switched on/off at different times of the day/week/year. Therefore the external costs of charging vehicles depend on the location (country) and time of day.
We are looking for datasets on the national electricity production per fuel/technology with a temporal resolution of 15 minutes. We have only been successful in locating such data (online) for Belgium and France. Finding this data will allow us to calculate the environmental benefits of electric vehicles and determine the best schemes for charging them in different countries.
I'm interested in thinking the criticism of Lusophony, CPLP and the Francophonie.
I only have seeds.
Family: Fabaceae
Seed length – 0.26 cm
Seed width – 0.33 cm
At the place of collection, herbaceous vegetation was completely dry. In the middle of herbaceous vegetation, I identified some plants of the family Fabaceae. Most of the pods were already open and without seeds. I collected some seeds for species identification, in July, in Guarda, Portugal.
This photography was taken with magnifying glass (200 x).
Maybe someone knows this seed and can help me.
In Portugal we have no more lindane, and we don´t have yet oral ivermectin or topical permethrin 5%. Most times we are using 5% sulfur.
What are the treatments you have for sarcoptosis ?
Please answer in order I know what kind of treatments we are using all over the world.
We are currently discussing a new genus name for a grasshopper species that is endemic to southern Portugal, southern Spain and northern Morocco (north of the Atlas Mts.). The region is often called the Afro-Atlanto-Mediterranean region, but this is of course a little bit lenghty to use it in a genus name. Is there any shorter scientific name for this region available?
We need to exchange knowledge of the different parts (fish, bivalves, detritivores, algae) of the whole system. We want to develop a deccision supoort system for IMTA implementation in Portugal to take advantage of the traditional earth pond productions that are now in disuse.