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Popular Music - Science topic

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Questions related to Popular Music
  • asked a question related to Popular Music
3 answers
Literature ideas on:
- Lyrical advocacy
- Aesthetics and performance
- Historical differences
- Legacy
All ideas/suggestions/contributions are welcome.
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Well, you didn't mention this in your question. But now that this is clarified, my next question relates to representative selections. Are there really that many who have made this relocation? And you do not limit the diaspora selection to Ghanian diaspora artists, which i think you should, as africa is a huge continent. How will you ensure that you have a representative selection? Is there some sort of popularity index that sorts artists by sales or revenue that you could use to limit your diaspora selection. It would also be nice if this index has a ghanian equivalent. Next you need a methodology to study the artistic expression itself. You can use live concerts, or you can simply look at musical elements. Some of these may have changed because of availbility (no dancers/mucians in the same african tradition, and others may have changed for finacial reasons.) And then there is the artistic choice/preference of the artist, which you can only acertain by asking or checking interviews. These are my two cents worth. good luck.
  • asked a question related to Popular Music
1 answer
I am not going to regale you with statistics and lengthy historical perspectives, but merely my own experiences of change.
I remember the UK I grew up in as a child as dull, dreary and conservative. People did the same job all their lives, had one drive, which was eventually to rent or buy a small house. Every house seemed the same, often with a garden to the front and back. The National Health Service changed many things but without black women from the West Indies and Africa it would not have lasted a decade. Although many were subject to abuse and were rarely accepted they helped make the country. Asians arrived from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh bringing beautiful cafes, restaurants and shops that opened until late at night and Sundays. Service industries expanded and London Underground grew. The music changed with Jamaican riffs providing more complicated songs with broken rhythms and ranging cords. British music became the most popular music in the world.
The Britain of today is a hybrid culture. Better music, better clothes, more colourful and more fun. Literature has expanded its horizons, art works are more vibrant. The markets are full of new food, fruits and vegetables. Carnivals fill the streets. All this is very different but ideals of Britishness have survived: professional and educational values, liberal beliefs and an unhindered sennse of justice.
Some people prefer everything to be the same, but change is good. New ideas are always necessary.
What do you think?
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That's an interesting question with implications across a huge variety of cultural fields. My recent PhD research was in music education and my thesis contains discussion on this topic regarding global influences on local musical culture. Here's a link to my thesis. You might enjoy reading the sections on the theme "Global Spectra". I'd be interested to hear what you think.
  • asked a question related to Popular Music
4 answers
My master thesis is a practice-based research project, concerning the psychological aspects of stage presentation in popular music performance, from the artists' perspective. Although the findings can be applied as guidance for any musicians or performance teachers, the project focuses mainly on front vocalists within the realm of Popular Music Performance.
This would be my first published work, and I would like to publish it in a relevant academic publication.
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You might find publishing segments of your thesis in relevant journals better than publishing the thesis as a whole.
  • asked a question related to Popular Music
4 answers
I'm looking for literature on the topic of socio-spatial construction of popular music in urban China, names of scholars or publications are appreciated. 
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Dear Jun Wang
 please check pdf