Science topic
Polysomnography - Science topic
Simultaneous and continuous monitoring of several parameters during sleep to study normal and abnormal sleep. The study includes monitoring of brain waves, to assess sleep stages, and other physiological variables such as breathing, eye movements, and blood oxygen levels which exhibit a disrupted pattern with sleep disturbances.
Questions related to Polysomnography
Polysomnography measures “central apnea” when there are no movements of the chest or abdominal sensors. I feel this mat not be true in all cases. What if apnea were to occur by temporary diaphragm arrest? It too would result in lack of thorax and abdo wall movements.
Imagine a non-contact, non-intrusive sleep monitor that automatically stages sleep at an accuracy close to PSG. What would be your research question? What would you use this system for?
How will objective measurements of completely uninterrupted sleep change the landscape of sleep research?
Do you think that breathing and heart rate change significantly that we could detect the infection with sleep monitoring?
Which is the best sleep quality measurement device currently available/in development?
Contact vs. Non-contact
EEG vs. Non-EEG
All validated against sleep phase detection of the gold standard: polysomnography.
I am wondering if anyone has used Empatica E4 for collecting bio-signals from participants. Is this any good? compared to say more established systems like Biopac ?
Hi everyone, I would like to measure length, depth and area under the curve of SpO2 desaturation curves recorded overnight in patients with obstructive sleep apnoeas. Do you know if there is a software available that allows such data extrapolation from graphic records? Is there a method to automatize the process? To avoid the need to automatize the calculation, I might use the following formula ((desaturation length * deaturation depth)/2)*AHI, but then I would need to find a standardizing method that allows me to choose a proper search window for each patient. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I managed to find a formula for integrating the area under threshold of the SpO2% desaturation curve. The problem is that I am able to use it only with a fixed threshold (e.g. 90%), and this does not allow to take into account registration artifacts (e.g. sometimes the patient moves and the sensor reads 89% rather than 90%, and, with a fixed threshold of 90%, this would count as desaturation). Any suggestions?
Please four Your experiences and methodology.
Hi everybody. I would like to understand from a pathophysiological point of view how long does it take to a nasal flow reduction-associated desaturation to be visible on the pulse oximeter SpO2% signal. In Literature I found that such time depends mainly on functional residual capacity (FRC) and oxygen consumption (VO2), and that the delay for the average person is 60 seconds. Considering that OSA patients show often a higher BMI, would it be correct to expect a reduced delay time, since weight affects, among other factors, FRC? If patients had CV comorbidities, would it be correct to expect a reduced delay time as well?
Thank you in advance for your time and advice.
Hello everyone.
From a pathophysiologic point of view, how long is it reasonable to look back in the nasal flow signal of OSA patients to see whether a desaturation episode is related to a previous nasal flow reduction? The delay amount might depend on specific patient's characteristics. In that case, are there phenotypes of patients with obstructive sleep apnoeas that take such delay variability into account?
Thank you in advance.
Is WatchPAT from Itamar medical a home sleep monitor or sleep apnea monitor? Can it be used to generate the ground truth for sleep staging? Any reliable references of the use of the device as a home sleep monitor compared with the standard polysomnograms are appreciated.
Sleep efficiency is usually measured by polysomnography, but can also be measured with physical activity monitors. It is the ratio of time spent lying down in bed to actual time spent asleep. I have been looking through the literature and found one paper that considers 85% and higher as normal, while another considered 90% and higher as normal/good sleep efficiency. Wikipedia says 85-90%. If anyone has a reliable source as to which cut-off is used more commonly please let me know. Thanks.
Hi all
I'm working on a project about Neurofeedback.
I'm looking for a task to encourage the participants to increase their brain theta waves.
I found some tasks about increasing beta waves using focus on something but I couldn't find a task for increasing theta waves.
Could you please help me solve this problem?
I am new to sleep analysis using REMLogic before. I am now hoping to use MATLAB for my analysis as my respiratory measures have been acquired using a different headbox and program to my EEG measures. I have been looking at PRANA software and sleepsmg but was wondering if anyone had any advice regarding the best MATLAB toolboxes to use for sleep analysis. Also, an added issue is that my work computer is Windows and my home laptop is a Mac so I want to be able to use both of these to continue analyses. Thank you.
Hi, I am working on a project to analyze the sleep apnea events from the polysomnography data. I just got access to SHHS polysomnography datasat but I could not able to figure out how to filter the data to carry out my analysis on Apnea alone since it has too many attributes. Can anyone help me out with this? Any help is appreciated.
Chin EMG can be tricky to get right. For example if participant has a beard it makes it next to impossible to attach chin emg electrodes. In any case, chin EMG electrodes can come off easily even without a beard. I was wondering if there any other muscle location (such as arm or leg) that i can use to look for signs of REM's muscle atonia?
Is EEG conductive paste suitable to use with current inducing electrodes? It would help a lot for my sleep study. I'm using STARSTIM EEG/tES from Neuroelectrics.
Currently have this EEG paste
And using these type of EEG/tACS electrodes
Thank you for your help!
I'm doing a sleep study experiment where i have to play an auditory stimuli and initiate a 3 minute tACS stimulation protocol during REM sleep. I've trialed my experiment but i find it impossible to detect REM sleep when looking at the brainwaves. I'm using Neuroelectrics' STARSTIM tCS/EEG device with electrodes on F3,F4, T7,T8, C3, LEOG,REOG, Submental EMG, mastoid reference electrodes CMS,DRL,
I know that in REM sleep i should be getting activity in LEOG and REOG but it is not apparent for some reason
Any tips or advice? e.g What visualisation filters should i be applying? Please explain to me as if i know nothing.
I will be doing another trial tonight and i will record the session and upload it here if it will help
Here are some pictures of the EEG software. Thank you for your help!
I'm having this issue with the EOG data during sleep. As you can see in the picture the LEOG (Ch1) and REOG (Ch8) and RVEOG (Ch7) all have the same voltage peaks.This effect happens for most of my 5h recorded sleep. How is this possible? Where are the eyes looking? Shouldn't at least 1 of the electrodes show the opposite voltage peak? Is this some sort of artifact?
Thank you for your help in advance. :)
In depression, there is decreased REM latency & increased REM Sleep duration. Hypothesis: REM sleep ie, dreams are essential coping mechanisms, to deal with depression. So, if the total REM period is reduced by some of the antidepressants, then could this hinder the recovery?
i am searching for an online database that provides multi-sensory data of sleep recordings (polysomnography data). It is important that the sensor data includes data of an accelerometer (in the best case wrist worn) as well as an EEG based hypnogram to compare the acceleration to.
Thanks in advance,
According to this paper the Nellcor Max-fast consistently underreports Spo2 values.
There is a known issue in forehead spo2 acquisition involving poor venous drainage and consequent venous pulsation yielding consistent, artificially lower spo2 readings. Some sources claim that the problem can be solved by an elastic headband providing some pressure but this is not completely true in our case. If anyone has successfully measured nocturnal spo2 with forehead sensors without sudden baseline shifts corresponding to changes in sleeping position could you state which sensor was used?
How will I differentiate bruxism in sleep REM of sleep behavior disorder REM in polysomnography?
I assume many of you have done a similar task like this: I would like to present a video clip of recorded behaviors along with the corresponding polygraph simultaneously. I am thinking of creating a simple vertical line that moves from left to right along the time axis on the EEG at a speed that synchronized with the video. Perhaps the EEG traces behind this vertical line can turn darker from gray to help visualization. What software(s) do I need to create this moving line (or moving boundary of areas with different transparency) and to superimpose to the EEG? Thank you.
I heard this in a sleep conference, but never found any reference. Does anyone know of any evidence that anxiety is associated with increased sleep spindles in polysomnography?
One of my currently assigned project is to develop a system which can assess a person in bettering sleep quality which needs to identify the sleep stages. Currently there are commercial products available like FitBit and Jawbone UP. As per my thinking and research they are using tri-axis accelerometer actigraphy while classifying the actigraphy using polysomnography. But to have a polysomnography classified data is a major hurdle in doing this project. Can anyone suggest me an alternative to proceed with this project? My limitations are that I have to stuck with an accelerometer and pressure sensor.
How can one ensure the quality and authenticity of data entered in the sleep logs (maintained for at least 14 days) especially for those who are not literate like many senior citizens? Is there any other tool like sleep log/sleep diary to elicit sleep patterns (except actigraphy and polysomnography) in a community based survey?
some patients with OSA may have other co-morbid diseases including congestive heart failure or chronic renal failure, do these diseases with associated dyspnoea and difficulty in breathing frequent carousals and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (PND) alter the reading of the test, i.e. control of these conditions before PSG may give a different or better result
What is most cost-effective and affordable EEG system for Event-related potentials?
Affordable EEG systems are mostly for polysomnography, and some products (like brain vision) are too expensive for me. Biopac ones looks fine, but I don't want to pay additional cost for wireless, because most of my experiments happens in the lab.
ERP researchers, any recommendations are welcomed : )
p.s. I already happen to have 2x EEG100C unit for my biopac amplifier. 2ch is enough without localization? I don't want to 10 EEG100C channels in the MP150...
The more important part is EMG and ECG for me, so I don't want to the system full-loaded.
Please let me know if there are any Any studies, animal/human on masticatory muscle changes( Muscle fibers, type, capillarization, satellite cells and neurotrophins, nerve innervation) following dental Implant placement ?
I'm looking to undertake research in this area, any guidance is appreciated
I did some sleep recordings and I would like to plot hypnogram for it. How can I plot hypnogram (stages of sleep for 24 hour) with Excel?
Can polysomnography detect the exact point of falling asleep?
Working with the EDF+ standard for polysomnographic analyses, I’ve noticed some limitations of the format such as the low standardization of annotation labeling scheme and the fact that adding annotations sometime can requires rewriting the whole data file, which is quite inefficient. I’m very interested in knowing what the limitations that researchers using this standard encountered are and how they have get around these limitations. For example, for the second limitation I gave as example, I spited the recordings and the annotations in two separate EDF+ files such that modifications to the annotations never require changing the recording file.