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Polyoxometalates - Science topic
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Questions related to Polyoxometalates
I have made a polyoxometallate material for a cathode in an aqueous sodium battery. I have deposited it on FTO glass, and I will use Pt wire as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl as a reference electrode in 1 M Na2SO4 aqueous electrolyte.
My question is, what cut-off voltage should I select for galvanostatic charge-discharge? How do we choose it? Please ask me if the question is not clear enough.
Is there any other characterization technique rather than SC-XRD and ESI-MS to distinguish Mo6O19 and Mo8O26 Polyoxometalate clusters?
I have got toroid morphology of POM based organic-inorganic hybrids with non covalent self assembly. What is the explanation of that? Can anyone help?
6- coordinated Ni complexes are known and common. But what can be the possible explanation for 8?
I am using the 1% PEI aqueous solution as the cationic moiety with a separate anionic layer deposited using the layer by layer method. The basicity of my PEI solution (~pH10) is likely causing some dissociation of the anionic polyoxometalate during layer formation. If I could increase the acidity of the PEI solution without losing the cationic property of the PEI+, it may improve my voltammetric redox properties.
POMs are porous structures. Could we use their pores for any purpose like encapsulation of other materials?
I want to know the basic difference between polyoxometalate and metal complexes
I need to simulate PEEK crystal structure therefore I need to build the PEEK crystal structure. Any help is highly appreciated
I am working on Polyoxometalates (POMs) based metal organic framewoks (MOFs). I want to make some diagrams in which POMs are incorporated/encapsulated inside pores of MOFs.
I have attached related pictures. Please guide me
Polyoxometalate clusters decompose in alkaline solutions. What about the pH range from 1.0 to 6?
Many of the thiometalate complexes are prepared from metal oxides. I would like to know the reaction mechanism (mainly formation of molybdenum sulfide clusters).
Thank you for your help and suggestion
I am trying to find some software that will show the polyhedral surfaces of inorganic compounds. I have constructed a polyoxometalate model in Avogadro, but the result is kind of ugly. The surfaces are lit in such a way that it is sometime hard to tell where one face ends and another begins, and sometimes it does not even show faces where it should. I have tried loading the structure into Mercury, but that program does not seem to have what I am looking for. Is there something I am missing in one of these, or is there some more appropriate software for this job?
I'm a structural biologist and because of that I have not much experience with software that is able to model inorganic compounds like polyoxometalate clusters. I have an old version of Diamond but I'm wondering if there are more intuitive software packages available.
when we scan the electrochemical behavior of a mof its redox peaks are visible but when they make a composite with some material like Polyoxometalate, then in cyclic voltammogram of this composite only the peaks of material other than mof are present. why the peaks of mof disappears in presence of other moiety?
Could Anyone please tell me that what is the size range of Anderson-Evans Polyoxometalates? Please suggest some readings if you can.
I am working on lacunary POMs and want to have details about the stability of each Lacunary POMs in different pH, Temperature etc. Please help me.
when the first time polyoxometalates were used for photoelectrochemical applications?
Polyoxometalate- XRD -Keggin structure
I am runing an ONIOM calculation using Gaussian 09, but the output / log file shows the "Inconsistency #1 in MMType error. I tried to find the reason for the error through the network and find the similar problems, but it did not resolve my problem. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
X ray diffraction , materials, polyoxometalate
I synthesized a molybdenum based POM in which each of 12 Mo is making 7 bonds with oxygen. does any other example of such coordination no of Mo exist already? Please suggest some readings.
Polyoxometalates (POM) are synthesis by hydrothermal crystallization. Although there are several examples to get the chiral POM from their racemiazed mixture, most of the POMs can't be constructed by chiral resolution. So, how can I confirm the POM is achiral or recemization mixture.
I am trying to get some Polyoxometalates base Metal Organic Frameworks by reacting together the Metal salt M, Organic Ligand L and Polyoxometalates cluster in acidic condition. if the reaction is successful then we get product with composition sequence like ---M-L-M-POM-M-L-M-POM--- but sometime POMs cluster does not appear in product and we ger only metal organic frameworks with composition like ---M-L-M-L-M-L---. But the product could be confirmed by Single Crystal XRD.
Could anyone please tell me that is there any other method to confirm the presence of POM cluster in product so that I will send only those products for Single crystal analysis which have POMs in them.
I'm going to use polyoxometalate in a theorical study and need a software that can help make and display POM and it is possible for me to use Gaussian09 for calculations.
I am running the CV of a Polyoxometalate with a formula Mo6As4O20 in a solution of 1M H2SO4 and 0.5M ethanol/methanol/formic acid. Each time i get a single peak at 1.1v. Could anyone please identify this peak?
If the pore size of MOF is smaller than the POM size then encapsulation is impossible. But is their any chance of adsorption of POM on the surface of MOF making a composite?
I synthesized a POM whose formula is H12PW12O44. There are three terminal Oxygen atoms and each of the O-atom is protonated. I have not seen this structure before. Do you know something about it?
If they get dissolve in acids, any way out we can make them stable in acidic solution and insoluble ? Please suggest some readings.
If polyoxometalate (anion) is electro-statically binded with the a cationic polymer using acrylic acid as a monomer.
what will be the release mechanism of the drug and what will be the effect of pH on drug release?
Normally a drug is loaded in free form in polymeric network (hydrogel) and release mechanism is by diffusion process. Here the drug by itself is the part of hydrogel system and is electro-statically binded with the polymer.
In calculating the magnetic susceptibility of polyoxometalate clusters, g-factor is needed in the formula of x=(g^2)S(S+1)/8. I am wondering whether there is a way to calculate the g-factor for different transition metal ions or a reference list showing the values.
On separate, how does the g-factor depend on the status of specific transition metal ions? e.g. oxidation state, coordination number, bonding atoms, etc.
Thanks in advance.
..POM, usually an anion, that consists of three or more transition (!) metal oxyanions...
I'd like to use this technique to characterize a few samples. I've never done it before and would like to have a few tips from an expert on the right approach to it.