Science topic
Polymethyl Methacrylate - Science topic
Polymerized methyl methacrylate monomers which are used as sheets, moulding, extrusion powders, surface coating resins, emulsion polymers, fibers, inks, and films (From International Labor Organization, 1983). This material is also used in tooth implants, bone cements, and hard corneal contact lenses.
Publications related to Polymethyl Methacrylate (10,000)
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Peaks in the mass loss rate (MLR) curve derived from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) are commonly used to infer the pyrolysis rates of solid fuels. While the main peaks are often modelled, smaller MLR fluctuations are typically neglected, leading to discrepancies between models and experiments. The impact of these small fluctuations on key simulat...
Estreno, Marzo | 2025 Zenobia. La legendaria reina de Palmira. Pocos fueron capaces de imaginar siquiera lo que suponía enfrentarse a la todopoderosa Roma, pero entre las dunas abrasadas por el Sol del desierto oriental surgió un carácter indomable. Al Zabbä, como realmente se la conocía, no estaba dispuesta a obedecer. Se autoproclamó emperatriz y...
Information security has emerged as a critical concern in contemporary society. Leveraging optical logic gates with dual‐emission characteristics offers a promising approach to enhancing information security. However, designing active optical waveguide materials (OWMs) capable of fluorescence‐phosphorescence dual emission remains a significant chal...
Enhancing carrier injection balance in near-infrared (NIR) to visible upconversion devices (UCDs) is crucial for improving efficiency and stability. This study presents the incorporation of an insulating polymer (polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)) between an aluminum cathode and an electron transport layer to reduce excess electrons in a light-emittin...
Bu çalışma, 9 Mart 1971 cuntasında başrol oynayan Doğan
Avcıoğlu önderliğinde YÖN dergisi ve Milli Demokratik
Devrimci (MDD) çevrelerle Askeri Cunta ittifakının
dinamiklerini kaynak mobilizasyonu teorisi bağlamında analiz
etmiştir. Teori ise üç bileşenden oluşmaktadır: Politik
atmosfer, kaynaklar, politik motivasyondur. Makale, MDD
Madanoğlu ilişki...
Herein, chromium oxide (Cr2O3) was fabricated in nanopowder form, and Cr2O3-doped PMMA nanocomposite thin films were fabricated using the spin-coating technique (0.001 to 10 wt%). X-ray diffraction confirmed Cr2O3 powder is nanostructured, crystallizing in the trigonal R-3c space group with lattice parameters a = 4.9541 Å and c = 13.5882 Å, determi...
Les pâturages de montagne comptent parmi les écosystèmes les plus riches en termes de biodiversité. De plus, ils fournissent du fourrage, offrent des services écosystémiques de régulation essentiels à la société (par exemple, le stockage du carbone dans le sol, la purification de l’eau, la prévention des incendies de forêt) et sont très précieux po...
Although microcellular foams are potential thermal insulators, their low density and small pore size allow infrared radiation to pass through, increasing the effective thermal conductivity. To address this drawback, graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) have previously been added to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) samples as infrared blockers, enhancing insu...
In the initial stages of ITER operation, ELM mitigation systems need to be commissioned. This requires controlled flat-top operation in type-I ELMy H-mode regimes. Hydrogen or helium plasma discharges are used exclusively in these stages to ensure negligible production of neutrons from fusion reactions. With the expected higher L–H power threshold...
Using a relative measurement approach, the sticking coefficients of dielectric materials commonly used in “dust in plasma” studies—specifically silica (SiO2), melamine formaldehyde (MF, [C4H8N6O] n), and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, [C5O2H8] n)—were estimated. These results offer important insights for interpreting experiments involving various m...
Dakar, la capitale sénégalaise, est frappée par des inondations récurrentes de grande ampleur depuis la reprise des pluies notée en 2005. En effet, les pluies plus intenses et plus fortes tombent sur un écosystème urbain marqué par l’accroissement de l’artificialisation du sol. La proportion de personnes impactées augmente d’année en année, mettant...
Reactive balance responses, which involve corrective and protective strategies, are highly dependent on rapid muscle activation to restore postural stability. Although electromyography (EMG) is commonly used to measure muscle activity, it has limitations such as signal interference, particularly during fast responses to external disturbances. Ultra...
International Doctoral School. ORCID iD: Resumen En este trabajo recogemos las actividades realizadas en torno a las construcciones con la técnica de la Piedra Seca, la Cultura del Agua y la Arquitectura Tradicional ligadas al profesor, investigador y divulgador Juan Antonio Muñoz Muñoz. Nuestro objetivo es dar...
Substantial progress has been made in stimulus‐responsive and performance‐tunable hydrogels, yet endowing organogels with dynamic adaptive properties remains challenging. Especially, the development of adaptive functional oleogel materials is further constrained by weak interactions between the oil and the gel network, along with the high viscosity...
Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effect of some disinfectant solution on flexural strength of three types of PMMA-Based Polymers. Materials and Methods: Three types of PMMA (conventional-PMMA, Zirconium Oxide Nano-Fillers (zro2) were added to conventional PMMA, CAD/CAM PMMA-based polymers) are then immersed in three types of disinfectant...
In clinical applications, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) blocks must exhibit behavior similar to that of deciduous teeth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the material properties and suitability of CAD-CAM as deciduous teeth. Experimental fiber-reinforced CAD-CAM composites (FRC) and various CAD-CAM (lithium d...
La notion même de défrichement recèle un piège dans lequel il est facile de tomber. À l’évocation du mot défrichement, on se focalise sur la destruction de l’état boisé, en oubliant que le coeur du sujet réside non dans la destruction des arbres mais dans l’intention morale de donner au terrain une autre vocation. Ce n’est pas l’arbre qui fait la f...
Hispanic/Latino populations are admixed, with genetic contributions from multiple ancestral populations. Studies of genetic association in these admixed populations often use methods such as admixture mapping, which relies on inferred counts of "local" ancestry, i.e., of the source ancestral population at a locus. Local ancestries are inferred usin...
The design and evaluation of adaptive facades (AFs) have become increasingly complex due to advancements in morphology, control strategies, and adaptability techniques. This study introduces a Novel Kinetic Adaptive Facade (NKAF) incorporating photovoltaic (PV) panels and Plexiglas to enhance daylight and view performance in office buildings. The r...
Plain Language Summary
Geological materials are viscoelastic solids, exhibiting elastic and viscous behavior as they deform. Quantifying the viscoelastic behavior of rocks and minerals through experimentation is important for constraining geodynamical models and for extrapolating these models to make useful predictions. Measuring the viscoelastic d...
This study explores poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based composites as potential alternatives to conventional TiO2-based photocatalysts. Specifically, it examines PMMA composites enriched with oxo–titanium(IV) complexes, [Ti8O2(OiPr)20(man)4] (1), [Ti4O(OiPr)10(O3C14H8)2] (2), and [Ti6O4(OiPr)2(O3C14H8)4(O2CEt)6] (3), alongside ruthenium(III) com...
Galinstan liquid metal remains liquid at room temperature and exhibits unique physical properties including fluidity and high electrical conductivity, and its manipulation is a subject of extensive research interest. In contrast to existing control methods, such as electric and magnetic fields, we focus on a novel and efficient approach based on ge...
Le but de ce travail est de contribuer à l’étude de la végétation des sols alluviaux en
zones arides, en prenant l’exemple de la région de Guerrara située au Sahara septentrional.
L’étude morphologique et analytique montre que les sols des sept stations choisies sont hétérogènes de points de vue texturale, avec la dominance du sable. Ce sont des so...
In this paper, the turbulent transport properties of ST40 hot ion plasmas are examined and fully predictive time evolving modelling of a hot ion plasma pulse was performed. Understanding turbulent transport on spherical tokamaks (STs) is challenging due to their unique geometry characteristics. ST40 hot ion plasmas are typically unstable to ion sca...
This article about sol-gel research in North America is focused on transparent sol-gel silica monoliths and nano-structured thin films containing encapsulated molecules. The research was a collaborative effort carried out at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Our research was focused on two goals: using optical spectroscopy to underst...
Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effect of some disinfectant solution on surface roughness of three types of PMMA-Based Polymers. Materials and Methods: Three types of PMMA (conventional-PMMA, Zirconium Oxide Nano-Fillers (zro2) were added to conventional PMMA, CAD/CAM PMMA-based polymers) are then immersed in three types of disinfectant...
Higher stiffenss is expected to augment performance by increasing the utilisation of elastic energy. However, excessive lower extremity stiffness increases the risk of bony injuries; while insufficient stiffness is associated with a higher likelihood of soft tissue injuries. Thus, there might be an ‘optimal’ stiffness value or range that al...
La mayoría de los centros históricos de ciudades con patrimonio arquitectónico se encuentran en dinámicas de regeneración urbana que consolidan los procesos de turistización. El presente artículo de reflexión, tiene como objetivo el hacer un análisis de un estudio de caso de carácter explorativo en torno a la ciudad de San José del Cabo, situada en...
The current study investigates the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) dye using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) doped with copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles (NPs) under UVc light, synthesized via a casting technique. The structural, thermal, and morphological properties of the nanocomposites were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), F...
Exercise-induced fatigue can reduce motor control performance and increase the risk of sporting injuries, which are related to functional coupling within the corticomotoneuronal pathway. However, the differences in functional coupling caused by general and local muscular exercise-induced fatigue are unknown. This study aimed to investigate...
Computational spectrometers based on coded measurement and computational reconstruction have great application prospects. This paper proposes a computational spectrometer that has a low cost, is easy to implement in hardware, and has high reconstruction accuracy. The proposed computational spectrometer uses low-cost but highly correlated polymethyl...
Experimental analysis at DIII-D shows that small edge localized modes (ELMs) deposit a larger fraction of their energy to the first wall, compared to type-I ELMs in similar magnetic configuration and input power. The energy (λQ) and particle (λΓ) flux decay lengths in the scrape-off layer (SOL) are up to 3 and 5 times larger, respectively, for smal...
We systematically investigate the influence of polyvinyl formal (PVFM), commonly known as Formvar, in comparison to polycarbonate (PC) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), as encapsulation materials on the strain performance of MoS2 monolayer and bilayer flakes on flexible polypropylene (PP) substrates. Notably, optical differential reflectance meas...
Optical metasurfaces provide solutions to label-free biochemical sensing by localizing light resonantly beyond the diffraction limit, thereby selectively enhancing light–matter interactions for improved analytical performance. However, high-Q resonances in metasurfaces are usually achieved in the reflection mode, which impedes metasurface integrati...
Los anfibios y reptiles son bioindicadores clave de la salud ambiental en los
ecosistemas, pero sus poblaciones están disminuyendo debido a la pérdida de hábitat,
enfermedades emergentes y el cambio climático. En este contexto, los sistemas de cultivo de
café bajo sombra pueden jugar un papel crucial al proporcionar un hábitat adecuado para su
Space Occupying Lesion (SOL) is a critical condition that requires intensive care in monitoring hemodynamic stabilization. SOL refers to a mass or lesion that occupies space within the skull. The pressure from this lesion causes neurological disturbances and increased intracranial pressure (ICP). One of the medical management strategies for SOL pat...
To develop a novel flame retardant that enhances the fire resistance of wood, a compound consisting of ammonium polyphosphate, tannic acid, and silica sol was integrated into Chinese fir. This study examined its effects on fire resistance and analyzed the dynamics of flame spread in flame-retardant wood using numerical simulations of the Fire Dynam...
We explore the impact of spin 0, spin 1 and spin 2 Ultra-Light Dark Matter (ULDM) on small scales by numerically solving the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system using the time-split method. We perform simulations of ULDM for each spin, starting with different numbers of identical initial solitons and analyse the properties of the resulting halos after the...
Mid-infrared (MIR) technologies are crucial for applications from chemical sensing to precision medical surgery. Effective polarization control is essential to enhance the functionality of fiber systems. Current solutions for polarization control in the MIR primarily involve free-space devices and components. In this work, we take a step forward an...
Traditional neutrino detectors are built deep underground to reduce backgrounds. The neutrino solar orbiting laboratory ($\nu$SOL) collaboration has been developing a concept to improve neutrino measurement not with a larger detector underground, but instead we use the nuclear excitation from the neutrino interaction to produce a multi-pulse signal...
Over the last decade, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are proposed as a viable alternative to address the impetus for affordable and clean energy. Here, a novel, cost‐effective granular‐based TENG comprising two electrodes covered with HCP monolayers of monodisperse polymer (PMMA, PS, and MF‐resin) beads with diameters ranging between 0.5 and...
O câncer de pele constitui um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil, com taxas de incidência em constante crescimento, conforme dados do Instituto Nacional do Câncer. A literatura científica demonstra que o fototipo cutâneo, ou seja, a cor da pele, é um fator de risco significativo, com indivíduos de pele clara apresentando maior susceptib...
O câncer de pele é a neoplasia mais comum no Brasil, apresenta como carcinógeno predominante a radiação ultravioleta (UV), cujos danos são influenciados pela região geográfica, exposição solar, fotoproteção e fotótipo cutâneo. Os protetores solares tópicos são produtos que possuem substâncias que interferem na absorção cutânea da energia provenient...
The present study aimed to analyze the effects of the use of a digital wellness device on improving sleep through reducing environmental noise.
Fifty-five self-reported light or moderate sleepers with difficulty falling or staying asleep due to environmental noise participated in the study. Objective sleep architecture data were...
The Split-Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test is a commonly accepted experiment to investigate the material behavior under high strain rates. Due to the low impedance of soft materials, here, the test has to be performed with plastic bars instead of metal bars. Such plastic bars have a certain viscosity and require a correction of the measured signa...
This study used a dental model scanner and best-fit alignment to analyze the deformation patterns of stabilized occlusal appliances (OcAs) used to treat sleep bruxism when stored in wet or dry conditions.
Eight OcAs were prepared using polymethyl methacrylate, stored in water at room temperature for 4 weeks (wet storage), and the...
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is a thermoplastic widely utilized in civilian-, defense-, and medicine-related applications. Therefore, inducing antibacterial properties is an additional asset when infection control is prioritized. To counter this, PMMA was mixed, for the first time, with antibacterial agents (antibacterial blend nanopowder, AP)...
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is a polymer that can be used in applications requiring its exposition to gamma radiation, nevertheless, the radiation induces main chain scission backbone, leading to modification in some properties. Therefore, using materials such as layered double hydroxide (LDH), was evaluated as a new radiation shielding agent....
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution detected a significant temperature increase of approximately 20–40 K in the upper atmosphere within the strong crustal magnetic field (CF) region during two deep dip campaigns. Previous studies were unable to fully explain this thermal variation. Atmospheric gravity waves are an underlying mechanism, attribute...
Daytime radiative cooling presents a compelling technology, noted for its efficiency and environmental friendliness. Recent studies have focused on not only the cooling capacity but also the applicability and versatility of this technology. This study introduces a daytime radiative cooler as a sheet with exceptional cooling performance. Its matrix...
La investigación se realizó en la ciudad de Caacupé, Departamento de Cordillera, compañía Cabañas cuyas coordenadas son 25°22'09.7"S 57°11'00.2"W. El mismo se llevó a cabo entre los meses de julio hasta noviembre del 2022. El principal objetivo fue estudiar el rendimiento de locote bajo diferentes tipos de malla media sombra. Los objetivos específi...
We investigate Gravity Waves (GWs) in the lower atmosphere of Mars based on pressure timeseries acquired by the InSight lander. We compile a climatology showing that most GW activity detected at the InSight landing site takes place after the sunrise and sunset; they are almost absent during the aphelion season, and more prominent around the equinox...
Hao Li Yuan Liu Bowen Zhou- [...]
Jun Shen
Silica aerogel attracted much attention from scientists due to its thermal conductivity and stability. In this study, water-based aerogels were prepared through a low-cost two-step acid–base method and ambient pressure drying, using porous calcium silicate waste as the reinforcement, silica sol and deionized water as precursor and solvent, respecti...
La evolución que ha conocido la porción de litoral que actualmente corresponde con la provincia de Granada es el claro ejemplo de la alteración de un territorio que puede servir de laboratorio de trabajo para definir y exportar una metodología de estudio aplicable a otros sectores de la costa española en general y mediterráneos en concreto. Su conf...
It is reported that the combination of well-dispersed and surface-treated nanofillers would yield excellent opportunities to engineer the thermal behavior of a wide range of nanocomposites. Several polymers have been utilized to develop polymer nanocomposites like PMMA, PPy-PVA, LDPE, etc., with various nanofillers to study the thermal and optical...
The ion temperature or ion energy distribution is a very important parameter of the plasma boundary in nuclear fusion devices which can have great impacts on physical processes such as ablation of surfaces exposed to plasma and the deposition processes transferred by plasma. Measurement of ion temperature in the SOL (Scrape Off Layer) region typica...
Entonces dijo Dios:-Sea la luz. Y hubo luz… menos en Nervití, este pueblo tan apartado de todo que las cosas de Dios no llegaban. Ah, pero las del Diablo sí. Porque luz no había, pero calor sí. Bien raro que era el calor, porque sol no había. Los nervitisanos aprendieron a domar la oscuridad. No usaban lámparas ni electricidad, porque nunca las con...
Dans le cadre de la modélisation de dynamiques spatiales, les connaissances expertes permettent de définir des règles d’état ou de changement d’état.
Ces connaissances contribuent à la cohérence des modèles mais sont fastidieuses à obtenir. Ce travail propose une approche d’extraction automatique de connaissances à partir de données textuelles, app...
Understanding the transport processes that determine the plasma profile widths in the scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor region of tokamaks is crucial for successful power and particle exhaust management in future devices. Plasma transport from the SOL into the private flux region (PFR) broadens the profiles and could mitigate the power exhaust ch...
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer has unlocked new frontiers in the field of nanotechnology and is suitable for a wide range of applications. However, its optical band gap limits its use in optoelectronics. This study aims to ascertain the influence of varying montmorillonite and magnetite ratios on the optical properties of electrospun PMMA...
Mixed particle systems are commonly employed in industrial processes, where the characterization of particle size parameters and mixing ratio can frequently serve as key indicators in process control and production optimization. A Monte Carlo (MC) model was developed to numerically predict and study the ultrasonic attenuation spectrum characteristi...
L’agriculture sénégalaise influencée par les pratiques conventionnelles est dominée par des exploitations de types familiales à 95% (DAPS, 2009). Ses pratiques ont eu des impacts négatifs sur l’environnement, l’appauvrissement des sols, la raréfaction des ressources naturelles, la déforestation et l’effondrement de la biodiversité. Pour jouer plein...
[O TAMANHO DO MUNDO & OUTRAS CONJECTURAS (no prelo).] -- Este artigo examina alguns aspectos da relação entre sazonalidade e fotoperíodo. A conversa tem início no exame de dois gradientes contrastantes que se manifestam simultaneamente na superfície terrestre, um no hemisfério norte e o outro no sul. A saber: enquanto as latitudes do norte experime...