Science topics: Political Science
Science topic
Political Science - Science topic
Political science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government, and politics.
Questions related to Political Science
Hello everyone,
I am a political science student (PhD) at Universiti Sains Malaysia conducting research on the UNDI18 movement in Malaysia. I recently contacted Prof. Mirjam Künkler via ResearchGate and she kindly shared an article with me. Unfortunately, I am unable to reply to her message directly on the platform. I have tried to email her as well.
I would be grateful if any of you could provide guidance on how to contact Prof. Künkler or if you have any suggestions on how to connect with researchers working on similar topics.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
As we enter 2025 – the second quarter of the 21st century – the 45th/47th President of the United States of America is asking this important question:
"Should Canada officially become the 51st state of the United States?"
Let's reflect with the help of political science – and all the science that citizens are able to mobilize – to answer this important question raised by President Trump.
A professor with a master’s degree in political science asked me to write a topic about financial policy in Morocco, focusing on fiscal policy in Morocco during the years 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024.
Administration and Economics
Political Science
Special Education and Kindergarten
Software Engineering
Quranic Sciences
Hadith Sciences
Dear Valuable Scientists,
"Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 2nd International Symposium on Political Science and Public Administration" will be held in Tekirdağ on 28-29/November/2024, ONLINE. The theme of the symposium was determined as "Climate Change and Sustainable Future".
We are first of all expecting an Abstract with the format
Then o 10 minutes youtube video presentation
Then we will give you the participation certificate and book of abstracts
And also after the video presentation evaluation we will suggest to invite you to our Scentific Comitee member with the Certificate
The symposium aims to bring together scientists and researchers from different countries from Political Science and Public Administration discipline, to create a platform that will enable them to present their studies, and to share their knowledge and collaborate nationally and internationally. A detailed information about the program is announced on the official website:
About the Symposium
- Peer-reviewed
- Proceedings PDF with ISBN will be published
- Symposium will be held only ONLINE
- No submission fees required.
- Submit your abstracts or full text papers :
Theme of The Symposium
Climate Change and Sustainable Future
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2024
Symposium Date: 25 October 2024
General Topics (not limited to)
· Sustainability
· Climate Change
· Climate Change Politics
· Political Economy
· Circular Economy
· Food Policies
· Gender Studies
· Political Communication
· Urban/Local Politics
· Social Policy
· Urban Planning
· Local Governments
· Urbanization Policy
· Smart Cities
· Sustainable Development
· Political Ecology
· Environmental Management
· Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
· Urban Policy
· E-government
· Disaster Management
· Technology and Innovation Management
· Political philosophy
· History of Political Thought
· International Politics
· Political Sociology
Does "political science" or sociology need to update the clearly obsolete definition of "under-class" humanity? The accelerating decline of the socioeconomic & sociopolitical viability of ~99% of people of all generations makes it seem like that the only social group worth being considered sustainably above under-class status are the members of the 0.001% of the world's modern kleptopian plutocracy. So, if science has anything to say about this rapidly accelerating trend, this may be a good time to say so. Agreed?
Dear Colleagues,
Pierre Bourdieu published his text Distinction in 1979. What is your view of this way of assessing culture and culture's self-replication via class?
Please share your thoughts here. All comments are welcome.
I am the editor-in-chief of the (مجلة العلوم السياسية) "Political Sciences Journal (PSJ)" with the E-ISSN 1815-5561. I would like to create a profile for our journal on ResearchGate. Although the journal is already listed on ResearchGate under the name (مجلة العلوم السياسية), it does not have a profile or page on ResearchGate. Can you please guide me on how to create the journal profile on ResearchGate? Thank you.
I am interested in reflecting on the political dimension of collective intelligence.
Difficulty getting published. More broadly maybe:
Mansfield, Harvey. "Niccolò Machiavelli". Encyclopedia Britannica, 30 Apr. 2024, Accessed 8 May 2024.
1)The most consistent politicians don’t get to the highest office(President):
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Ron Paul". Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 Apr. 2024, Accessed 8 May 2024.
McNamee, Gregory Lewis. "Bernie Sanders". Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 May. 2024, Accessed 8 May 2024.
2)Liberals correctly interpret authority as necessary evil thus, liberalism is the dominant ideology
Preprint Nuance
Preprint Nuance 2
Hello everyone,
We seek to study public policies, particularly in OCDE countries, that relate to a specific theme in education. We are interested in understanding if there is a methodology that would facilitate the rigorous and exhaustive implementation of such a survey.
Such inquiry strategies may be pertinent to professionals in political science, public administration, and related disciplines. I would greatly appreciate your insights and expertise on this matter.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Best regards,
How has language, particularly around the unquestionable authority of 'science' (vs. other domains of inquiry that apply rigorous method but are not generally considered 'science') been used to uphold the military industrial complex and other forms of hegemonic rule by global hyper-elites (the top 0.2% of individuals by personal assets)?
A review of public discourse in periods of great turmoil, such as COVID and the rise of NAZI Germany and possible the periods following The French Revolution are places to understand this dynamic. For example, newspapers, online articles, radio, television and public announcement campaigns around particular government policies, election campaigns, or services by private companies.
This is a complex question that incorporates linguistics theory, political science, sociological research methods that are able to scan databases and the internet for appropriate search terms.
To properly answer the question both philosophical models how power operates in the society, Michel Foucault, Manuel Castello and Noam Chomsky are three thinkers with a range of relevant theories along with data-driven approaches to under the true extent to messaging to individual eyes and ears through a broad range of methods of public discourse.
who came up with the modern state
when it was made
what it consists of
Sometimes if someone is interesting enough, then that individual deserves the attention sought.
When I point unpleasant things out, people often respond by insulting me. So, under complete eugenics I would either have been killed and or castrated at this point.
If Nazis do gain control over the USA, I may be killed first because they really hate white looking people with disabilities and or subtle non white ancestry.
The more North Western European liberal nations become multiracial democracies, the more a select few elite North Western Europeans turn into the leadership base. Hence why so many politicians and other elites are North Western Europeans. Thus, the "Great Replacement" should really be named the "Great Filter" because it consolidates whiteness(state of being North Western European). North Western European liberals did not just coincidentally invent transhumanism and eugenics.
Work Cited
The unwritten rule is "don't look suspicious. If people do look suspicious then they either get destroyed or subvert enough TO survive."
Basic Science scholars do experiments. In Economics, it takes time. Sociology or Anthropologist conduct field work. Political Science write notes. Short papers are easy to write.
I am somewhat Hegelian because I do not believe in martyrdom, and or dying on a hill, and usually the popular, and or traditional, opinion has a deeper less obvious reason.
Even if a more conservative POTUS is elected still, modern liberalism will continue to dominate the USA. Sources:
I have a paper that is coming up and I need to figure out a ”how” or “why” research question that is related to international security and U.S.-China relations but it has to be something that has never been researched on before. There needs to be a research gap, why it is puzzling and interesting, and what my thesis would be to it. Can you help me by listing some questions that have never been done before?
The following are metaphysics for social justice:
My POTUS takes:
I think Joe Biden will be the kindest to Palestinians, out of our current options. I think Trump is and will continue as a Zionist. I predict all the other candidates will probably lose.
Where can I find comprehensive handbooks or online resources that can help me enhance my skills in reading and analyzing scientific articles across diverse disciplines, from epistemology to cognitive psychology, knowledge engineering, medical science, engineering, management science, and political science? Given the interdisciplinary nature of my research, I am looking for guidance that transcends specific domains.
Your expertise and suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I embark on this intellectually enriching journey.
In his essay, Rafael Khachaturian argues the following:
"[S]cholars of democracy are themselves not external to the power dynamics and social totality in which the hermeneutic games of democracy take place. My research on knowledge production in political science concerns concepts such as 'democratic transitions' and 'the state'. I have argued this process of information gathering is always conditioned by those participating in this enterprise. Their conscious and unconscious motivations, ideologies, and value-judgements shape their results."
Following Khachaturian's logic means that it is not possible for a scholar to objectively study "democracy". This also means that the advice provided by scholars to anyone else is conditioned by their "motivations, ideologies and value-judgements".
What do you think the implications of this realization are for the way we study and communicate "democracy"? What change, in your opinion, may it require to the status quo?
It seems that the academic job search is becoming more precarious each year. What advice would you give PhD candidates and recent graduates who are entering the academic job market? Has the post-COVID-19 world impacted academic jobs, and if so, in what ways?
When doing discourse research, I often feel that the findings based on discourse analysis is not as “important” as those in social science studies (for example, political science). In most cases, the findings are limited to the discourse pattens of the argument which was already common understanding in some social science disciplines. So what can we do to make a difference?
Dear reader,
I am about to embark on a PhD in political science focusing on left wing authoritarianism.
To what extent do left wing politics go too far in informing decision making in Western higher education?
Any and all faculty member's experiences are welcome.
Note: discussion on this thread is not for data gathering purposes.
Proust attended Tarde's inaugural lecture at the École libre des sciences politiques in 1896, and took some notes about it (now published in Proust's Essais [Gallimard, 2022]). I'm looking for any additional information about the Proust<>Tarde connection, both anecdotal and theoretical? Thank you!! a
"What is the Commonwealth of Britain?
The Commonwealth is an association of countries across the world. Although historically connected to the British Empire, any country can apply to be a member of the Commonwealth, regardless of its intersection with Britain's colonial past. The Commonwealth consists of 54 countries, including the United Kingdom.14 May 2023" From internet...
Do academic hiring committees consider book reviews?
I enjoy doing book reviews because I get free books, small publications, and it allows me to stay up to date on recent scholarship in my field. While I do not put all my publishing eggs in the book review basket, I generally always have at least one book review in progress on the backburner.
However, is it worth it for me as a PhD candidate to do book reviews if I want to apply for assistant professor positions? Are book reviews worthless in hiring decisions, even if they are in reputable journals in my fields of interest? One of my book reviews was peer-reviewed, does that make a difference? If I keep reviewing academic books, will it benefit my academic career?
I have heard mixed perspectives from academics. Some encourage students to publish book reviews since it's better than no publications at all and is perhaps a stepping stone to larger publications down the road, and others have said to just focus on publishing a few articles in top-tier journals.
Democracy is in trouble: can political science help to strengthen it, and if so how?
Join the debate at
Do you have research evidence of 'what works' to give citizens a more effective voice in decisions?
Share your thoughts here and on the ECPR blog The Loop.
I'm interested in how norms, in particular political norms, are created in first place, maintained, broken. I have already read the best article for international norms which is International Norm Dynamics and Political Change by Finnemore and Sikkink but I am more interested in domestic political norms, for example how would we create norms against politicians lying . What books/articles would you recommend on norms in sociology, political science, philosophy etc? I have already have a background in social theory. Thanks in advance
I have data from European Social Survey (24 countries) and want to model a cross level interaction. Can I do this with a simple random intercept (fixed slope) model? Or do I have to model a more complex random slope model? And if so, are 24 countries sufficient?
I am not explicit interested in explain the different slopes on Level 2 due to the cross level interaction. If its possible I would do that, but I think I need more countries right?
But i definetely want to show, that trust in institutions (Level 1 variable) depends on the level of corruption (level 2 variable) in a country. Can I do this with random intercept fixed slope model?
Can abstention be a way of paradox political participation? And if so, how could we "measure" or analyse it?
In many democracies, participation in elections is declining. In some cases, we can assume that non-participation/abstention in elections is a kind of political statement that expresses dissatisfaction with representative democracy. Would you agree and if so, how can we best analyse this phenomenon with our methods in political science? Qualitative research definitely, interviews, surveys, observation, participatory research? Looking forward to your suggestions.
Which form of Democracy is better according to you for running a country smoothly and please mention the reasons also.
I am looking for works dealing with Canadian-American relationships. I am mostly looking for books or articles accessible online written in the late Obama-Trump-Biden years (although any suggestion is welcome). Thanks in advance!
Are student governments or student movements better at enacting policy change?
Some other aspects to consider:
How do these two concepts overlap? How are they different and how are they similar? What are some examples that would help provide answers to this question?
Hello Seniors I hope you are doing well
Recently I've read some very good research articles. In those articles datasets were taken from V-Dem, Polity and Freedom House. Though they have shared the link of supplementary datasets and the process of how they analyzed these datasets in SPSS or R in brief but I couldn't understand and replicate these findings. It may be because I am not very good at quantitative data analysis.
So I want to know how could I better understand this Datasets analysis easily like V-Dem etc. Is there any good course online, lectures or conference video etc. Or good book?
Article links
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.
I am looking for a co-author and I wondering if you may be interested. The article was accepted in September 2021 for publication after peer review, but I don't have too much time to complete the process.
Title of the Manuscript: Russia, Armed Groups and the Central African conflict
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations
Manuscript Number
Current Status: First Revision Reminder
There are a limited number of countries in the world (about 200) they are so different in my understanding most samples would not be representative. And due to the limited number many times, it is possible to collect data about all countries. So can we infere with this data? Say I am doing research about freedom of press form time 2010-2020. When I analyse the data I can in my understanding only give conclutions about this time span and the countries examined and not about the future, the past or countries that where not analysed. And technically if I have data from all countries I have a population and do not need any probability at all.
I am looking for papers that talk about short term thinking in democracies/elected politicians. I remember reading something in democratic theory about this a long time ago which argued that elected politicians can be short term in their decisions because they need to win the next election and need to please people now. I am reading Stephen M. Gardiner's book The Perfect Moral Strom and he applies this argument to why Western democracies have failed to take action on climate change (The costs of climate action are mostly felt by the present generation and most of the cost of climate change are felt by future generations). My question is have people done empirical studies of this to see if politicians are short term in their thinking and what are some good essays in democratic theory on this? Thanks in advance!
Distinguished colleagues,
I need your professional opinion for my ongoing research. Any input, support, publication links or comments will be highly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Dr. Vardan Atoyan
Dear All,
I and many scholars of my department have been receiving invitations for publishing with the journal "frontiers in Political Science"... I have found out that, actually, this is a broader group as there is a "frontiers in sociology", etc...
I tried to find out if this journal had any reference or indexation and I could not find any...
Though, is it a predatory one?
Anyone has ever published with them?
Dear everyone,
I am currently writing my master thesis and have stumbled upon an interesting finding, but I am having a hard time choosing which type of model to use.
I have timeseries data (18 months with timepoints for each month). What I want to test, is whether trust in the government (X) affect satisfaction with the covid-19 restrictions (Y) (as causally as possible). As "luck" would have it, the government of Denmark had a big (not very covid-19 restrictions related) scandal in November 2020, which makes for a good shock in my X-variable (causing less trust). Accordingly, I can see that my Y-variable is also affected by "something" at the same time (causing less satisfaction).
Therefore, my question is: How do I best test, whether trust in the government affects satisfaction with covid-19 restriction? And how do I best take advantage of the (more or less) exogenous shock to trust in the government (the independent variable X)?
I have previously used a VAR model and spiced it up with Granger causality and IRF. Do you think this would be the way to go? Or do you have any other ideas - maybe a simpler approach?
Thank you so much in advance!
Best regards,
Laurits / University of Copenhagen
The theory of social capital in the social sciences is well developed, considering not only sociology, but also political science and economics. However, in the modern world, which is called the period of formation and development of digital society, the question arises as to whether digital capital can exist? As a form of social capital, as a structure that reproduces social inequalities, as a mechanism for the institutionalization of social (and maybe digital?) Relations. What do you think about it? And how can digital capital be conceptualized in sociology?
I am currently looking for relevant literature concerning international competition as I interested in the effects it may have on science diplomacy.
My article is about political sciences.
This week, the fomer Chief Justice of Bangladesh has been convicted of grevious financial offences committed during his tenure. During his tenure, he played a key role in number of landmark cases where he demonestrated an extensive range of judicial activism on a wide range of issues. These judgments consist of numerous dicta on important political and historical events (which are more of his personal opinion, reasoned of course) which were widely criticized by both academic and political community.
As the judges are not any impartial machines rather they are the makers of law in one sense and a high level of moral integrity is expected from them, does his involvement in serious offences during the tenure when he provided these dicta, weaken the binding force of the judgment he had given?
For a comparative study of legislative activity during the coronavirus pandemic, we are looking for experts who can report about the current operation of the legislature in their country.
We will be most grateful for links to relevant experts, particularly from countries outside Europe and North America.
If you can suggest relevant experts, please write me privately at
Thank you very much in advance,
Dear colleagues,
I am preparing questionnaires for online admission with a population of the final grades of elementary and second grades of high schools.
In the research design, I have a student questionnaire and parent questionnaire.
I am planning to use Google Forms as a platform for data collection.
My question is this: Which would be the best way to anonymously connect data from student and parent questionnaires?
Is there any constitutional or statutory provision ensring multiparty politics in your country? Or Is there any anti-floor-crossing law in your country? I need to run a comparative study on this.
Anti-floor-crossing laws restrict members of the parliament from voting against their party's stand.
Specialization in political science, international relations and human rights.I wanted to stay on the subject of global crime organizations..
What is required for a social scientist to be considered a political scientist?
BSc/BA in Political Science w/ PhD in Political Science? Or only the PhD in Political Science is enough?
Can PhDs in International Relations be considered political scientists?
I came across to a relatively new theoretical frame work in Political science. I want to see how researchers are actually using it in their research.
Where are the main databases where I can see examples of the framework usage? I already tried cited papers in Google Scholar and ScienceDirect but the results weren’t enough.
Can you suggest other online search engines or databases?
Thanks in advance.
I have recently completed my Ph.D. from the Department of Government and IR at the University of Sydney. I am currently looking for a Post-doc position in Europe. My proposed project examines religiosity and support for radicalism among the migrants in Europe.
To begin my journey as an academician/researcher, what scientific and transferable skill should I have? Knowledge or training on which quantitative or qualitative methods or data collection softwares will benefit me in future?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of studying political science/international relations rather than pure history? Which is more useful for contemporary policy makers?
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Professor Steven Lukes for an online series on explaining political science and political theory concepts organized by the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS).
Having cited Professor Lukes' works on the concept of power in many an undergraduate essay, it was an honour to hear his perspectives on the application of his theory to contemporary phenomena and on the future of research on this topic. I hope that this video will be a useful resource for students learning about the third dimension of power theory in class.
#politicalscience #theory #power #learning #highereducation
I'm doing a research where I found strong correlations between variables of interest. I want to improve my research and try to show that there is, in fact, a causal relationship. But I don't have a random experiment. So I'm looking for methods to test causal relationships in this kind of situation.
In many countries there have been terrorist attacks against civilians. These operations were carried out by people from different religions and countries. For example, what happened in England.
In your opinion, what are the causes of these terrorist operations and how are they addressed these operations and the elimination of the terrorist ideology and their leaders?
I read some discourse analysis studies on political science.
Some discourse analysis studies analyze only one example without coding, while others analyze a large number of examples and with coding.
What is the correct amount of data to do a discourse analysis?
For example , if I only have three samples, can I do discourse analysis?
Good day to all of us. I am thinking of a statistical analysis to be used as partial requirement for the research topic we're conducting. We are seeking to know the preference of students-respondents in selecting their political candidate. We used likert-type items to identify their intensity of preference of the political candidates qualifications (political party affiliation as opposition candidate or administrative candidate or independent, educational background, etc) from 1=Not Preferred to 5=Very Strongly Preferred. We proposed using weighted mean and standard deviation as analysis of preference in their individual options/variables. But we are trying to come up for the analysis in difference of voting preference according to demographic profile of the respondents (course, year level, sex). What can be the possible data analysis to be used in this situation.
Update: Okay, so the only problem we have is how are we going to analyze the significant relationship of different demographic profiles (sex, year level, undergraduate course) in their electoral preferences of the candidate(political generation of the candidate, number of years in service, party affiliation, political platforms, campaign strategy, socio economic status, educational background and family background). Does this needs bivariate or multivariate analysis. And what statistical tools we should need?
In my opinion, the improvement of pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy is particularly important in a situation of a downturn in the economy.
Currently, this issue is particularly important in connection with the forecasted decline in the rate of economic growth in 2019.
In the context of the above issues, the following question is valid:
What pro-development instruments of socio-economic policy carried out according to the concept of Keynesian economics are currently the most effective in the area of economic growth as measured by, for example, the Gross Domestic Product index?
I invite you to the discussion
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
The issues of specific programs to improve the economic, financial, material and housing situation of households as key instruments of pro-development state intervention and significant components of the socio-economic policy of the state I described in the publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes

The "Basic Feature" doctrine in constitutional law has its realistic origin in India. By the Kesavananda Bharati & Ors. v. State of Kerala & Anr. (Writ Petition (Civil) no 135 of 1970) it got final face in India. But it was adopted in some other countries as well (like Bangladesh and Pakistan). It makes some parts of a constitution unamendable. The normal process of amending the provisions of the contitution doesn't apply for these parts. And this theory is distinct from the French concept of "Constitutional Block" (established by the Constitutional Council in the case of (71-44DC)). However, this basic feature doctrine basically protects the fundamental basis of the constitution, like governmental form, fundamental rights, directive principles or preamble, to some extent.
But one question remains,if you think that a balance between extreme rigidity and extreme flexibility is preferred then what is your view on imposing an extra layer of protection over some constitutional dictrines which have the features to be called as the basic feature of a constitution?
Watching this webinar on Leo Strauss by the International Association for Political Science Students (, has led me to wonder about what requires a text to be a great text in the Straussian sense. Do Straussians keep an agreed-upon list of works or authors that meet the criteria?
Which works do you think qualify as Straussian great texts? Are there particular prominent philosophical texts that would not make it? Why or why not?