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Pneumology - Science topic

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Questions related to Pneumology
  • asked a question related to Pneumology
3 answers
There is a paucity of data regarding the distribution of bronchial mucus thickness along the bronchial tree. Any reference would be warmly appreciated !
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Dear colleagues,
If it can help, please refer to our new article where we collected several references about this topic:
  • asked a question related to Pneumology
9 answers
A 58 years old male presented with history of right sided chest pain and cough 2 years ago with CT Attached(1). CT guided taken outside our hospital with pathology suggestive of adenocarcinoma lung. Slide review done on our centre rejected this diagnosis and said that there are no malignant cells. Repeated CT and CT guided biopsies 4 times were not diagnostic but only necrotic tissues. Attached here is the last CT.(2-3). During these 2 years duration of hesitations, 2nd and 3rd opinions , he was complicated with right sided empyema and septic shock complicated by acute renal failure that mandated CRRT for 3 months. Now renal functions are normal. He is asking for help and not hesitant as before. What can we do for this patient as we have 3 options; 1st just VATS biopsy and that set. 2 nd is open biopsy only. My impression is thoracotomy exploration, biopsy, excision of this right lung mass through right upper lobectomy, bilobectomy or even pneumonectomy or sleeve resection,
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Great case.
It all depends on the resources you have. On the second image you show us, it looks like there is an airway adjacent to the mass. I would probably attempt EBUS with TBNA and have rapid on-site pathological evaluation, if available.
If surgery is more readily available than bronchoscopy, I would do PET/CT scan followed by surgery if FGD avidity is high. 
It doesn't look like VATS would be of high yield here. 
Hope it helps!
Keep us posted about the results.
  • asked a question related to Pneumology
9 answers
Last week a new HIV patient was admitted to the Infectious Diseases Unit where I'm currently working; he's coming from Pneumology where he was admitted for respiratory insufficiency. PCR from his sputum was negative for P. jiroveci, while it was positive for CMV-DNA (3 x 105); his CD4 were 5, HIVRNA 90170 cp. Clinical findings were suggestive for PCP and when he was transferred to our Unit we started treatment for PCP (TMP-SMX IV, corticosteroids, O2) and ARV therapy; the day after starting ARV we performed a BAL : PCR positive for CMV-DNA (2,5 x 108), positive forEBV-DNA (107), positive HHV6.
Some colleagues of mine think we have to start antiCMV therapy (Gancyclovir), others suggest to attend ( they say that CMVDNA positive on BAL is not diagnostic for a CMV infection).
What do you think about?
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Dear Goffredo,
Treat the PCP
  • asked a question related to Pneumology
3 answers
Pressure? Max volume? Storage?
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We do lot of BAL extraction from mice. The protocol involved a initial flushing with 4mL of buffer; using a 1mL syringe, the buffer is injected into the lung of the mice through an incision in the trachea . Do a brief massage of the chest of the mice before sucking out the fluid. Repeat the flushing procedure for three times (3mL each) to achieve a total of 1.3mL. Depending on your plans for the BAL, we store the BAL at -80.
Good luck!