Science topic

Platform Economics - Science topic

Two-sided markets, also called two-sided networks, are economic platforms having two distinct user groups that provide each other with network benefits.
Questions related to Platform Economics
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
I am a student and currently searching for a research topic in the area of Online Platforms, it can be from a marketing perspective, how to market a platform, can from a management perspective, also can from a startup perspective, and the initial approaches on solving chicken and eggs problems.
If you could point me to the current hot research topics of Online Platforms, that'd be great.
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Dear Ruolei Shen,
I propose the following research topic in the field of establishing and developing Online Platforms: Analysis of the possibility of building multi-criteria simulation models in which, with the help of digital twin technologies, Big Data Analytics of data obtained from the Internet, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies, the potential economic effects and the usefulness of newly established startups whose business model would be based on a new online portal of the Online Platforms type with the assumption of profiting from the activities carried out as part of Internet marketing. For example, the analysis of multi-criteria, computerized simulation could concern the economic analysis of the potential establishment of a new type of Internet social portal that would respond to the new needs of Internet users, would offer a new type of currently missing information services that would be available to portal users free of charge, and the portal would earn money on Internet marketing conducted in the formula of viral marketing and Real-Time Marketing using new technologies, Industry 4.0. I hope that I helped with the selection of a current, developmental and future-oriented topic for my thesis.
Kind regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
Are there any recommendations for publications on freemium and customers retention/termination?
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You might have a look at the below articles for your research:
Ross, N. (2018). Customer retention in freemium applications. Journal of marketing analytics, 6(4), 127-137.
Ascarza, E., Netzer, O., & Runge, J. (2020). The Twofold Effect of Customer Retention in Freemium Settings. Available at SSRN 3725224.
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
15 answers
We have just started to explore Digital Platforms as Global Public Goods. I am wondering whether others have ventured into the same and if there are other works in this area.
For your reference, you can find an early paper on this here:
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Petter Nielsen Bulcsu Szekely Loretta Anania , many thanks for your insights.
Two recent developments can be noted, showing different approaches towards a similar recognition of Digital Platforms and infrastructure as goods of common interest for Society:
-the USA initiative on infrastructure, following the inaugural speech of President Biden on the need to develop infrastructure (as a public/common good)
Public role is recognised, an the common need is promoted, with consideration on the growth impact on the economy for any investment in the infrastructure [1]
-the EU interest on Data Sovereignty, which may not give answers yet, but emphasises the importance of infrastructure (and its digital aspects: digital infrastructure as such, and digital twin of physical infrastructure) [2]. Workshops are happening on the potential impact for AI linked to Data Sovereignty scenarios for the EU, and more general aspects of decision autonomy as in this activity reported by the European Parliament [3]
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
5 answers
Even though the idea of a "pay with money not with data" principle is not new in the literature, so far this idea has not translated into domestic legislation. Why? Are there hurdles or obstacles to it? if so, of what nature (legal, political, financial)? If such principle were to be implemented, what should be the features of a corresponding legal provision under domestic law? Regarding the international regulatory framework of data protection, you are welcome to look at my last research on the matter at :
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Interesting question for sure. There is a semantic difficulty since "paying" somewhat presuppose a financial transaction with money. While data is certainly something that worth money, it requires quite a lot of intermediate steps to do so.
Any basic website collects automatically lot of data (connection logs, information on browser and location, sessions...). To distinguish data collected as payment from data collected not as payment might not be very easy (you would need to carefully examine the use of data in many steps).
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
6 answers
I am trying, as a part of my Post-Doc to find a link between GIG economy and entrepreneurship, in other words the use of gig workers by new entrepreneurs, the reasons for this selection and any value added of GIG workers on new ventures. Is there any previous research on this issue?
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Dear Vasilis Koniaris,
Among workers, the gig economy is creating a new set of expectations and attitudes to work.
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
4 answers
Hello everybody,
While analyzing my PLS Model on Industrial Internet of Things Platforms, the results suggest that the control variable "Price Fairness" has no effect on user loyalty. How would you interpret this finding? Is there a possible explanation I'm overlooking right now? Or would it be better to just report this finding without an interpretation due to the fact that the results object to my hypothesis?
Looking forward to reading your replies.
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Hello Fabian,
the expected but missing effect should lead you to some questions:
- Did we really used a research design to measure causal effects of price fairness on user loyalty?
- Did we elicited revealed or stated behavior and if it is stated behavior might it be possible that there exists a hypothetical bias?
- Did the participants really experienced price fairness differently?
- Is the used method really appropriate for analyzing our data?
- Did we removed outliers that might overlap the existing effect?
- Is the relation between price fairness and user loyalty really as modeled?
If you answer all these questions with yes, than you should start think about an interpretation of this finding. I would not neglect to interpret this finding, because it reveals that you have no idea of what has happened in your study. One explanation might be that price fairness is not of relevance for your participants. This is not surprising if price fairness refers to price fairness in general and not price fairness for me as just one user. As a user I expect to get a fair price but I'm not necessarily interested in other users' price fairness.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
Platforms are disrupting the welfare model based on an economy where labour was regulated. The current "laissez faire" attitude, or just simply a lack of motivation to regulate these industries of some political elements, has created an environment of labour insecurity. that being said, how can the Welfare State evolve to meet this challenge?
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Given the current economical factors and labour insecurity, the welfare state is as vital as ever. However, there does have to be changes. The current system of minimising claim numbers does nothing to tackle the wealth inequality or poverty levels as described in the recent UN report. Rather than looking at previous models of state intervention and benefits, we should be considering Esping-Anderson's theories on the future of welfare and the possibilities arising from a universal basic income.
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
In recent times there has been a constant duplication of more and more online platforms, each talking about disruption and innovation. Given the realities that besets e-commerce in Nigeria do we think the return on investment from such platforms justifies the amount of resources invested into it?
And how best can we adapt our platforms to solve real problems peculiar to Nigerians?
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Construction projects are executed on the following main steps
A. Engineering Design – to produce engineering drawings
B. Material Procurement – based on drawings, datasheets
C. Logistics – purchased material is brought to the construction site
D. Construction – is done based on the engineering drawings, using the material at site
E. Commissioning – built facilities are started and handed over to owner
Regarding the ROI which country does follow and which country does not follow that depend upon the maximization of construction management science along with art, that you can have for a project management platform. ROI is purely project finance or financial management that need to tie up simultaneously with project management. It need to manage integrated project-finance-management.
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
How can RS and GIS be used to characterize and analyze the impacts of the different political platforms to economic development and level of urbanization in Butuan City? What articles related to it??
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Because of it's visualization capabilities, to allow for representations and measurements of the spread and the boundaries of urbanization. Also to allow for a peel-away of layers of the "urban fabric". Such that we get cutaway views of different dimensions of the urbanized space. Allows for the characterization of social influences in terms of spatial/geographic signatures.
  • asked a question related to Platform Economics
3 answers
In the market of razor and blade, some consumers own multiple razors like owning Gillette and Schick razors at the same time. Consumers then have to decide which razor to use for shaving when they own multiple razors.
Questions arise: (1) What is the percentage of consumers who own multiple razors? (2) Would the majority of consumers keep using the same razor even if they own multiple razors or they switch quite often? 
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Should vary within consumer groups.  Based on psychographics for instance for a metrosexual a razor would hold a completely different meaning as compared to someone who is looking for just  decent.
Another dimension could be skin type and dermatological consderations. Also frequent travellers may use schick for on the go whereas gillette for regular use,