Science topic

Plasticity - Science topic

In physics and materials science, plasticity describes the deformation of a material undergoing non-reversible changes of shape in response to applied forces. For example, a solid piece of metal being bent or pounded into a new shape displays plasticity as permanent changes occur within the material itself. In engineering, the transition from elastic behavior to plastic behavior is called yield.
Questions related to Plasticity
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
Hi, could anyone please explain the difference in numerical modeling between ordinary concrete and geopolymer concrete using Abaqus? Specifically, is it appropriate to use the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model for geopolymer concrete? I’ve noticed that many articles mention the properties of geopolymer concrete as if they were the same as ordinary concrete. Thanks in advance for your help!
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The CDP model in Abaqus can be used for geopolymer concrete, but it requires careful calibration. Geopolymer concrete differs from ordinary concrete in tensile behavior, fracture energy, and ductility, often showing higher tensile strength but lower ductility. Parameters such as dilatancy angle and damage evolution must be adjusted based on experimental data to reflect these differences accurately.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
El uso actual de las neurociencias en la educación es un campo en constante evolución, y se enfoca en comprender cómo funciona el cerebro humano y cómo se puede aplicar este conocimiento para mejorar el aprendizaje y la enseñanza. A continuación, se presentan algunos ejemplos claros de cómo se está utilizando las neurociencias en la educación:
  1. Neuroplasticidad y aprendizaje: La neuroplasticidad se refiere a la capacidad del cerebro para cambiar y adaptarse en respuesta a la experiencia y el aprendizaje. Los educadores pueden aprovechar esta capacidad para diseñar programas de aprendizaje que promuevan la neuroplasticidad y mejoren la capacidad de aprendizaje de los estudiantes (Draganski et al., 2004).
  2. Atención y concentración: La atención y la concentración son habilidades fundamentales para el aprendizaje. Los estudios de neurociencias han demostrado que la atención se puede entrenar y mejorar mediante la práctica y la repetición (Rueda et al., 2005).
  3. Emociones y aprendizaje: Las emociones juegan un papel importante en el aprendizaje. Los educadores pueden utilizar estrategias para promover emociones positivas y reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, lo que puede mejorar el rendimiento académico (Damasio, 2004).
  4. Diseño de entornos de aprendizaje: Los entornos de aprendizaje pueden diseñarse para promover el aprendizaje y la neuroplasticidad. Por ¡
  5. **Evaluar
Damasio, A. R. (2004). Buscando a Spinoza: La alegría, la tristeza y el cerebro sensible. Libros de la cosecha.
Draganski, B., Gaser, C., Busch, V., Granner, S., & Buchel, C. (2004). Plasticidad neuronal en el cerebro de músicos: un estudio longitudinal. NeuroImage, 23(1), 311-318.
Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). El poder de la retroalimentación. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 77(1), 81-112.
Kaplan, S. (1995). Los beneficios restauradores de la naturaleza: Hacia un marco integrador. Revista de Psicología Ambiental, 15(3), 169-182.
Rueda, M. R., Rothbart, M. K., McCandliss, B. D., Saccomanno, L., & Posner, M. I. (2005). Entrenamiento, maduración e influencias genéticas en el desarrollo de la atención ejecutiva. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 102(41), 14931-14936.
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Les neurosciences permettent une meilleure compréhension des fonctions cognitives telle que l'apprentissage support de l'éducation. L'apprentissage passe par certains processus pour l'apprenant : l'attention, l'engagement actif, le feedback et la consolidation des acquis. Cela permet de comprendre les difficultés des apprenants et d'orienter les méthodes pédagogiques pour un bon résultat.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
The system matrix has 172 negative eigenvalues.
Displacement increment for contact is too big.
Displacement increment for contact is too big.
The strain increment has exceeded fifty times the strain to cause first yield at 138240 points
The strain increment is so large that the program will not attempt the plasticity calculation at 232 points
The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 2 points
Excessive distortion at a total of 949 integration points in solid (continuum) elements
The system matrix has 3 negative eigenvalues.
Displacement increment for contact is too big.
The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 1 points
The system matrix has 2 negative eigenvalues.
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Thank you for your answer. I will try this method@Joshua Depiver
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
7 answers
If you can share it with me, please email it to
Many thanks in advance!
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  • asked a question related to Plasticity
11 answers
Dear Community,
I am looking for an article that contains experimentally determined coefficients of restitution for specific material pairings.
These must be impacts between spheres and plates, whereby the spheres must be made of a (highly) plastic metal such as aluminium or lead. For the plates, a certain comparison is important to me. On the one hand, the experiments must have been carried out on hard/ elastic plates (e.g. made of glass or steel) and on the other hand on soft/ damping plates (e.g. plastics such as acrylic glass).
The impact velocity should be in the low to medium range.
Unfortunately, I have not yet found such an article. I would be very grateful for any help.
With best regards
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Thank you for the article!
I've taken a closer look at it.
Unfortunately, as I feared, the article doesn't really help me any further. It also contains some weaknesses - for example in the evaluation of the measurements (CoR), which are ultimately interpreted exclusively with a viscoelastic model. For example, the importance of the bending wave (Zener) - although relevant here - is underestimated and adhesion is not included in the analysis at all.
With best regards
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
I have written UMAT and it is showing correct results for tensile loading (displacement) in both (X and Y) directions. But under shear loading (shear displacement) it is not working.
I am attaching the results for all three cases. Please guide me how to resolve this problem?
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can you give some more details? Are those shell elements or solid elements?
How do you calculate the tangent stiffness matrix? Is the indexing of the stress/strain/stiffness tensor that you are using, correct?
For example if the shown model contains CPS4 (plane stress) elements, then you must specify a 3x3 stiffness tensor and 3x1 stress/strain arrays. In case of CPE (plane strain) elements then 4x4 and 4x1, and in case of solid elements 6x6 and 6x1 respectively.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
As a beginner in Abaqus, I am currently simulating metallic foam materials. Some literature uses Crushable Foam Hardening, while others only provide plastic strain and yield stress for hardening. I am curious whether plasticity's plastic behavior should be used for simulation, especially in 2D cases. Additionally, in articles where Crushable Foam is not mentioned, plastic strain is often used, particularly in 2D models. Furthermore, literature sometimes provides ultimate tensile stress, and I am unsure of its application, such as in failure criteria. Additionally, when attempting to export stress and strain xy plots from Abaqus, I sometimes experience crashes or freezing. Is there a solution to this issue, or should I use another software to read the ODB files?
Relevant answer
No, there is no need for any other software to read the odb file. In simulating metallic foam materials in Abaqus, the choice between Crushable Foam Hardening and plastic strain with yield stress for hardening depends on the specific requirements of your simulation. Crushable Foam Hardening is used to model the behavior of compressible foam materials, while plastic strain and yield stress are more general parameters for hardening. In 2D cases, both approaches can be applicable, with Crushable Foam providing a more specialized model for foam materials. Ultimate tensile stress is crucial for failure criteria and can be used to assess material failure.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
2024 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Applied Mechanics (ICMEAAE 2024) will be held from March 15 to 17, 2024 in Changsha, China.
ICMEAAE 2024 provides an enabling platform for Materials Engineering and Applied Mechanics experts to exchange new ideas and present research results. This conference also promotes the establishment of business or research relations among global partners for future collaboration. We hope that this conference could make a significant contribution to the update of knowledge about this latest scientific field.
ICMEAAE 2024 warmly invite you to participate in and look forward to seeing you in Changsha, China.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Materials
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Nanomaterials
- New Energy Materials
2. Applied Mechanics
- Vibration Science
- Elasticity
- Particle mechanics
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: February 23, 2024
Registration Deadline: March 1, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: March 8, 2024
Conference Dates: March 15-17, 2024
For More Details please visit:
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Dear Sarabjeet KaurFor more details please visit the conference website:
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
8 answers
Hi everyone,
I have simple one bay reinforced concerete. I am trying to analysis it with Concrete Damage Plasticity model and I want to get the hysteretic curves to compare with the experimental results. Although I can get good results about max and min capacities of the structure, I can not get the pinching effect and rigidity degredation. Can anyone give me an idea how to get pinching in cyclic loading?
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While achieving pinching effects in ABAQUS can be tricky, especially with just Concrete Damage Plasticity, It is possible to capture it by combining UMAT, ULE, and connectors Here it is showcased in my project model, where pinching is quite satisfactory. Check out this YouTube video for a demonstration:
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
I am currently dealing with a non-convergence problem during meso-scale numerical simulation of a three-point bending test of concrete using a random aggregate model in ABAQUS, where the material chosen is a concrete damage plasticity model that is embedded in ABAQUS, and the load-CMOD curves obtained are incorrect, with a peak load of only about 60N. However, I got the correct results using the same material properties for the compression numerical simulation. In 3TB the contact between the support, the loading device and the specimen is face to face contact.
Please advise me what I should do next to modify the model?
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It seems you are encountering non-convergence issues with your mesoscopic simulation of a three-point bending test in ABAQUS and the load-CMOD (Crack Mouth Opening Displacement) curves are not reflecting the expected results.
Non-convergence in ABAQUS can occur due to a variety of reasons, and here are some general troubleshooting tips that might help you resolve the issue:
  1. Check Material Properties: Even though you mentioned the material properties worked for compression simulation, the tensile behavior in a three-point bending test can be significantly different. Ensure that the concrete damage plasticity model parameters are suitable for this type of loading.
  2. Mesh Sensitivity: Analyze the mesh density and element type. A finer mesh may be required in regions of high stress gradient, such as near the supports and load application points.
  3. Boundary Conditions: Verify that the boundary conditions applied mimic the physical test accurately. The supports and loading conditions should be modeled to reflect the actual constraints and degrees of freedom.
  4. Contact Interactions: The contact definition between the loading platen, supports, and the concrete specimen is crucial. Ensure that the contact properties (friction, stiffness, etc.) are defined correctly.
  5. Solver Settings: Sometimes adjusting solver settings can help with convergence. This includes switching from default to more robust solver methods, adjusting convergence tolerances, or using stabilization techniques.
  6. Loading Steps: Implementing smaller loading increments can sometimes improve convergence as it allows the solver to more accurately follow the path of the response.
  7. Convergence Criteria: Review the convergence criteria being used. It might be too strict, causing the solver to terminate prematurely. Adjusting the criteria may help.
  8. Crack Modeling: If cracking is expected, make sure that the crack propagation is modeled correctly, and the mesh is adequate to capture the crack path.
If after addressing these points you still face convergence issues, it may be beneficial to review the results of a converged step to determine if there are any physical reasons for the non-convergence, such as unrealistic stress concentrations or unexpected material behavior.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
8 answers
I'm trying to model a wood-steel connection in shear in ABAQUS CAE, but I'm having some troubles with convergence as the model aborts after running some iterarions. It gives a series of warnings during iterations saying "The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 'n' points". Any suggestions to corret this?
I attached the .cae and .inp file.
Best regards
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you can slow down the loading amplitude rate
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I have simulated the stress-controlled cyclic loading in DAMASK. However, I am having difficulty setting up the load-case file for strain-controlled cyclic loading between two given strain levels.
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Hi is this something you want?
Here i have plotted the xx component of the logarithmic strain vs increment.
The boundary condition is uniaxial tension along the x-x.
The load file has also been attached.
Let me know if this is what you were looking for
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
How to reduce elastic modulus and improve plasticity by doping pedot
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Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is a conducting polymer known for its high electrical conductivity and excellent stability. Modifying its properties, such as reducing elastic modulus and improving plasticity, can be achieved through the process of doping. Doping involves introducing additional substances (dopants) into the polymer matrix to alter its properties.
Here are steps to reduce the elastic modulus and improve plasticity of PEDOT through doping:
  1. Selection of dopants:Choose dopants that can introduce flexibility and improve plasticity while reducing the elastic modulus. Common dopants for PEDOT include various anionic and cationic compounds.
  2. Doping process:a. Chemical doping:Perform chemical doping by incorporating the chosen dopants into the PEDOT matrix. This is usually done through oxidative polymerization, where the PEDOT monomer is oxidized in the presence of the dopant.b. In-situ doping during polymerization:Add the dopant during the polymerization process of PEDOT to ensure even distribution and incorporation of the dopant within the polymer matrix.c. Post-polymerization doping:Dope PEDOT after the polymerization process by immersing the PEDOT film or structure in a solution containing the dopant. This allows the dopant to diffuse into the polymer structure.
  3. Optimize dopant concentration:Determine the appropriate dopant concentration that will achieve the desired reduction in elastic modulus and improvement in plasticity. Experiment with different dopant concentrations to find the optimal balance between conductivity, elasticity, and plasticity.
  4. Characterization and analysis:Analyze the doped PEDOT samples using techniques such as spectroscopy, microscopy, and mechanical testing to assess changes in elastic modulus and plasticity.
  5. Adjustment and iteration:Based on the characterization results, adjust the dopant concentration and doping process parameters as needed. Iterate the doping process until the desired reduction in elastic modulus and improvement in plasticity are achieved.
  6. Applications and testing:Test the doped PEDOT in specific applications to evaluate its performance, such as flexible electronics, sensors, or other relevant fields. Collect data and feedback to further refine the doping process if necessary.
Remember that the choice of dopant and the doping process conditions will greatly influence the properties of the doped PEDOT. It's essential to carefully design and optimize the doping process to achieve the desired properties for the intended application.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
I am an M.Tech structural engineering student working on the project ' Numerical analysis of Kath-kuni architecture ( a common masonry typology ) in Himachal Pradesh region of India subjected to earthquake loading in ABAQUS software' . The question of concern is that I am finding it difficult to input plasticity parameters for timber/ wood material that I have used in my model even after searching in various research papers. I have got only elasticity parameters and wood being an orthotropic material requires plasticity parameters and a plasticity damage model to be defined in order to understand the actual material behavior in ABAQUS software. So, kindly help me in finding the plastic properties and a damage model for timber, it would be very helpful to proceed in my current project.
Thanks and regards
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hi Nayak,
did you find a solution to your problem? i am also trying to define solid wood in abaqus cae. i have elastic data but plastic data and i can't find how to define this data in abaqus. I have limited time left for my master thesis. I need serious help from you and other friends.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I want to delete elements exceeding melting temp during thermal analysis.
It's transient condition, heating and cooling.
Domain is 2D.
Element used is Heat transfer.
Material is Al.
Defined temp dependent properties density, young's mod, poisons ratio, plasticity, conductivity, specific heat, latent temp, solidus temp, liquidus temp.
I am learning subroutines but please suggest simple way.
Thanks in advance.
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Deleting or "killing" elements during a transient analysis in Abaqus, such as removing elements that exceed a melting temperature, can be achieved using the subroutine-based approach. Here's a general guide on how you can implement this method:
  1. Define the Melting Temperature Criterion:Decide on the temperature threshold that determines when an element should be removed or "killed."
  2. Create a UMAT or VUMAT Subroutine:Write a UMAT (for implicit simulations) or VUMAT (for explicit simulations) subroutine to monitor the temperature at each integration point and modify the material properties accordingly. In the subroutine, you can set the stiffness and other properties to negligible values when the temperature exceeds the melting point, effectively "killing" the element without actually removing it from the mesh.
  3. Compile the Subroutine:Compile the subroutine using a suitable compiler.
  4. Set Up the Model in Abaqus CAE:Build your 2D model for the thermal analysis. Assign material properties and boundary conditions. Set up the transient analysis steps for heating and cooling.
  5. Link the Subroutine to the Analysis:In the Job module, you must specify that Abaqus should use your compiled subroutine file during the analysis.
  6. Run the Analysis:Submit the job for analysis. The subroutine will monitor the temperature in each element during the simulation, and elements that exceed the melting temperature will be "killed" by setting their material properties to negligible values.
  7. Inspect the Results:Use Abaqus CAE to visualize the results, particularly to the regions where elements were killed.
Remember that this approach doesn't physically remove the elements from the mesh, but it alters their properties so that they no longer contribute to the simulation. This can create numerical challenges in some cases, and careful validation and verification of your model will be important.
This is a high-level overview, and implementing this approach will require some expertise in writing and debugging user subroutines. The Abaqus documentation and various online forums can provide more detailed guidance tailored to your specific application and needs.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Hello, I'm using UMATHT user subroutine in Abaqus (FEA) and I'm trying to see what hardening curve it applies. I introduce the hardening exponent, the yield stress and young modulus in the material module and there is some formulation. However, I'm unable to check the formulation used. Could anyone help?
The formulation regarding this is the following (where Sy is the yield stress, E is the young modulus and xn is the hardening exponent) :
! Get yield stress from the specified hardening curve
! Determine if active yielding
if (*Sf) then
! Calculate the flow direction
! Solve for Smises and deqpl using Newton's method
do kewton=1,newton
if(abs(rhs).lt.toler*Sy) exit
end do
if (kewton.eq.newton) write(7,*)'WARNING: plasticity loop failed'
I also upload the UMATHT file, in case someone needs it (public access)
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The UMATHT subroutine in ABAQUS lets users define their own constitutive model for a heat transfer analysis. It's used to define temperature-dependent thermal material behaviour. However, the code you posted appears to be for plastic deformation, not heat transfer, so it looks like it might be for a UMAT subroutine, not UMATHT.
The hardening curve equation that you provided is a common one:
It appears to be using an isotropic hardening rule (specifically, a power-law hardening model) where 'Sy' is the initial yield stress, 'E' is the Young's modulus, 'eqplas' is the equivalent plastic strain, and 'xn' is the hardening exponent. 'Sf' is the flow stress. This formulation calculates the yield stress as a function of the equivalent plastic strain.
In the loop following this, Newton's method is used to solve for 'Smises' and 'deqpl' until a certain tolerance is met or the maximum number of iterations ('newton') is reached. 'Smises' is the von Mises stress, and 'deqpl' is the increment in equivalent plastic strain.
Please note that while this power-law hardening model is quite common, it may not be applicable or accurate for all materials. It's critical to use experimental data or data from the literature to calibrate the model parameters ('Sy', 'E', and 'xn') for the specific material you are studying.
For a better understanding of the UMAT or UMATHT subroutines and their intricacies, it would be useful to refer to the ABAQUS documentation and user manual or to reach out to Dassault Systèmes' support. Additionally, consulting with an expert in the field or someone with deep experience in using ABAQUS and user subroutines can be very beneficial.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
I'm trying to simulate plastic deformation with COMSOL but i don't get any solutions. But if I simulate only linear elstic the simulation converges. What do I have to take into account when I'm using the plasticity module?
Thank you all in advance.
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Adjusting the solution's setting could fix the issue. Try to use the fully-coupled solution, change the nonlinear solution to automatic, increase the number of iterations, and reduce the tolerance factor. These may fix the issue. In addition to that, you should be sure that the meshing is well adjusted.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Hello All,
Is there a good book/reference/article that anyone can suggest to me to better understand the evolution of cyclic stress-strain curves under complex loading conditions?
By complex, I mean variable amplitude loading and not necessarily with zero mean stress.
Looking forward to some suggestions.
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The best book that would suit your requirement is 'Fatigue of Materials' by Dr. Subra Suresh. The google book link is below:
Happy reading!
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
6 answers
I have a tensile test experimental data. The samples had been loaded above the strength limit (Necking). Which model has to be used in Ansys in order to define that material using those experimental data? Is Multilinear Plasticity Hardening Model enough as this model consider the tension before the necking.
Best Regards
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1. Start in the Ansys Workbench by selecting the Simulation tab and then click the "Materials" icon.
2. Select "Edit Material" from the drop down menu. A window will appear with several tabs. Make sure the "General" tab is selected.
3. Enter a name for your material, select the "User Defined" option under Material Model, and select "Nonlinear" in the Nonlinear Model drop-down menu.
4. Use the "Add Data" button to select your experimental data. Make sure to select the appropriate units for your data.
5. In the Data Settings tab, select the appropriate model type (i.e., Stress-Strain, Creep-Stress-Strain, etc.) and interpolation.
6. Select the appropriate units for your data and enter the Number of Data Points and Maximum Time for your data series.
7. Click the Apply and OK buttons to complete the material model definition.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
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In the Mohr-Coulomb model, plasticity can be incorporated by coupling temperature through the use of thermal softening or hardening parameters. Here's a general approach to coupling temperature in the Mohr-Coulomb model to predict plasticity:
  1. Define thermal properties: Determine the relevant thermal properties of the material, such as the coefficient of thermal expansion and specific heat capacity. These properties describe how the material responds to changes in temperature.
  2. Establish temperature-dependent yield criteria: Modify the yield criteria of the Mohr-Coulomb model to incorporate the effect of temperature. The yield criteria define the conditions under which a material starts to deform plastically. You can introduce temperature dependence by including thermal softening or hardening terms in the yield criteria equations.
  3. Determine temperature distribution: Specify the temperature distribution within the material. This can be done by considering external factors, such as environmental conditions, heat generation from mechanical work, or heat transfer from adjacent materials. Finite element analysis or analytical solutions can help in determining the temperature field.
  4. Compute effective stress: Calculate the effective stress acting on the material by considering both mechanical and thermal loading. The effective stress is the stress that governs the plastic behavior of the material. It is calculated by subtracting the pore water pressure (if applicable) from the total stress.
  5. Evaluate the temperature-dependent yield criteria: Using the computed effective stress and temperature, evaluate the modified yield criteria equations. These equations should incorporate the temperature-dependent parameters, such as the angle of internal friction and cohesion. The yield criteria determine if the material is in a plastic or elastic state at a given stress and temperature combination.
  6. Plasticity and strain update: If the computed stress state exceeds the yield criteria, the material undergoes plastic deformation. Update the plastic strains based on the plastic potential function and associated flow rule. The plastic potential function quantifies the change in the material's state due to plastic deformation.
  7. Incremental analysis: Perform an incremental analysis to consider the progressive nature of plastic deformation. Divide the loading into small steps and update the stress and strain at each step based on the temperature and plasticity coupling. This process ensures an accurate prediction of plasticity under varying temperature conditions.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7: Iterate through steps 4 to 7 until the desired loading or deformation condition is reached.
It's important to note that the specific details of coupling temperature in the Mohr-Coulomb model may vary depending on the software or numerical method you are using for analysis. Additionally, obtaining accurate temperature-dependent material parameters and thermal loading conditions is crucial for reliable predictions. Consider consulting relevant literature or seeking expert guidance for your specific application to ensure proper implementation.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Kindly explain how VPSC8 carried out texture simulations? Does it uses similar Finite Element approach as is used in CPFEM UMAT in ABAQUS and PRISMS Plasticity or it carried out something else? Also is the RVE used in VPSC8 code is 2D or 3D?
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Put simply: In VPSC multiply grains are considered to live in one integration point, i.e. grains are not meshed explicitly, but their effect is only accounted for in terms of (homogenization) equations. VPSC is more suitable for larger scales in terms of calculation resource efficiency.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Dear everyone, now I have got the principle strain tensor (or increment) of a material point, as well as the reference hardening curve of the material (along the rolling direction) together with the anisotropic yield stress ratios. I failed to calculate the corresponding equivalent stress. I know that if the material is isotropic, the situation is very simple because I can get the equivalent strain first (igoring the elastic strain), and then find the corresponding yield stress from the hardening curve. But what can I do under the Hill anisotropic plasticity? Can anybody help me with that? Thanks so much. p.s., for simplification, the elastic strain can be ignored.
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Thanks very much for your answer, Corentin Levard
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Dear community,
I am trying to perform a tensile test simulation in ansys apdl . the test includes the Gurson damage model and the Chaboche plasticity model. however, when I run the analysis I get an error that says :
The stress updating does not converge for material 1 requested by element 600
anyone can give me a hint on how to solve this convergence problem
Ps: The code I wrote is attached.
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@Tomas yeah it is intentionally done cause the idea is to fix one end and apply a displacement on the other side for 100 step
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
hallo every one,
I know that the hardness of a substance means how strongly it can resist against penetration of a harder substance and the E means after the release of a stress the material will return to the initial shape.
Now, for example, by nanoindentation it was found that the hardness of a photoresist is 0.3GPa and its E modulus = 6GPa. Does it means that the fotoresist under 6GPa it will not plastically deform and from 0.3GPa will penetrate a harder material in the Fotoresist or how can we decribe that??
thank you very much!!
best regards
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Plastic deformation of the material is not associated with the modulus of elasticity, but with the yield point.
When determining the hardness, the material may already be in the plastic region.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
I am working right now on a paper that validates the experiment of the double shear on a wooden dowel, and I am using Abaqus for the numerical analysis of this connection. I am trying since a while to define the plasticity of wood in Abaqus, but I can not. Where can I get the values of the Plasticity of a specific type of Wood?
I can not simulate as well the failure that would happen to the connection.
It would be really helpful if anyone told me how I can overcome those two problems.
Thanks in advance
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I will read it. Thanks a lot for your help Simon Smith
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
the maximum value in the (yield stress) column in CDP definition should be :
fcm ??
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If you have compressive strength of concrete then you can find other parameter. If you have test data for the compressive strength of the concrete, you should use that data. It is important to note that the compressive strength of concrete is not the only material property that affects the behavior of concrete in the CDP model. Other important properties include the tensile strength, fracture energy, and tensile softening parameters. These properties should also be determined based on the specific type of concrete being modeled and the available data.
I think this video help you.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I have been working on a pile-soil interaction model in ABAQUS where the soil is consisted of 6 layers (1 Clay + 5 Sand layers or 1 Sand+ 5 Clay layers). My problems are as follows:
a. When I made the elastic input for all the layers separately, the analysis worked perfectly. Then I started inputting the plastic properties by applying it in one layer at once (First in layer-1, then layer-1+2, etc.). When the plastic properties of layer-1 (Clay) is assigned (rest remained elastic, sand), the analysis was completed as well. But when I entered plastic values for 2nd layer, the model started showing error “Too many attempts made for this increment”, and in the message it kept showing “The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at X points.”
b. I deleted all the soil sections, and assigned the elastic and plastic values of 2nd layer to the whole soil model. The analysis was stopped showing same message.
c. I made another model with 2 soil layers and assigned both the elastic and plastic values of layer-5 (Dense Sand). That model worked perfectly. But when I entered the same values for 6 layer soil model, the analysis stopped.
I am using M-C plasticity. I am completely clueless about this one. I would be grateful if anybody can suggest some solutions to these problems, I am feeling helpless.
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It seems that you are encountering convergence issues when you try to assign plastic properties to your soil layers in ABAQUS. Here are some additional, more specific suggestions that may help resolve the issues:
  1. Adjust the time increment: If you are using explicit integration, try decreasing the time increment to improve convergence. If you are using implicit integration, try increasing the time increment.
  2. Check your material properties: Ensure that your material properties are physically realistic, and consider adjusting them if they are causing convergence issues. You can verify your material properties using laboratory experiments or published data.
  3. Try changing the plasticity model: Different plasticity models may behave differently and help achieve convergence. You can try using other models such as Drucker-Prager, Mohr-Coulomb, or Cap Plasticity.
  4. Check your boundary conditions: Verify that your boundary conditions are appropriate and not causing convergence issues. Incorrect boundary conditions can lead to unstable solutions.
  5. Increase the maximum number of iterations: The maximum number of iterations allowed for the analysis can be increased to improve convergence. However, this is not a recommended solution as it may lead to long computation times.
  6. Check the mesh size: Ensure that the mesh size is appropriate for the model. A too-coarse mesh can lead to convergence issues, so try refining the mesh in the area of interest.
  7. Start with a simple model: Begin with a simple model with just one layer and gradually add layers to the model. This will help pinpoint the source of the convergence issues.
In addition, it may be helpful to review the solver output and error messages to identify specific issues that are causing convergence difficulties.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
7 answers
Hello, I need the solution manual of Theory of plasticity Chakrabarty. But unfortunately this source is not free in the net.
I'd be appreciate if anyone shares this source for me.
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  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
I am working on a RC column on Abaqus that uses concrete damage plasticity of Mander's model.
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You could create an own excel according to the following article:
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
I have seen different visual observation techniques written in a few papers (e.g.: Serrated plastic flow by P. Rodriguez) to identify the type of serration (Type A: sudden plastic flow followed by a drop, Type B: oscillations about general level, Type C: yield drops below the general level of stress-strain curve). However, not all serrations are perfectly shaped. So, identifying serration through visual observation only becomes difficult. Is there any mathematical model or any other way by which the serrations can be characterized?
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Look for this book, chapter 7. They have tried to model the serration mathematically. It may help you to set some conditions to identify mathematically which type of serration (A, B, or C)
"The Three-Level Model to Describe Serrated Yielding: Structure, Algorithm, Implementation" by Dmitriy Gribov, Fedor Popov, and Eugenia Chechulina
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
Dear Researchers,
As we know, the tangent modulus is the slope of the stress-strain curve after the yield point. Now my question is,
Is the tangent modulus for a material always fixed as the young modulus or it is changes during the deformation?
I recently read an article in which in bilinear hardening model is used to simulate an elastoplastic tube rolling process. A sentence written in the article is as-
“The approximate value of the tangential modulus of plasticity, Et, for the tube was 733 MPa. However, to investigate the effect material strain hardening on contact stresses, Et values ranging from 0 GPa to 1.2 GPa are considered.”
Is this can be done for the same material the different tangent modulus is considered to analyze the effect of strain hardening.
As per I know if the stress-strain curve is not changing due to any factors (like temperature etc.) the tangent modulus is also not changing.
I am thankful for your valuable suggestions and discussion.
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Dear Shyam Kishor Sharma,
With respect to the description given by you in the question, let us consider that the material is made out of a single constant manufacturing process, and the stress-strain curve obtained from experiments is fixed.
Let us further consider that during service, there are no external physics involved such as temperature-changes, moisture absorption etc. and the load applied onto the component is purely mechanical.
Therefore, with the above considered points, the stress-strain curve would remain fixed just like a material-property or material-behaviour.
Now, let us come to the question of Tangent modulus.
I would try to explain from a generalized 3D concept of purely isotropic hardening.
Kindly have a look into the attached file for understanding the description below.
Case-I : Let us assume that the stress-strain response is 'Linear Isotropic Hardening'. In this case, the hardening modulus ( H ) remains constant, just like the Young's modulus.
So, in the generalized 3D case, the expression of consistent tangent modulus matrix ( D-ep ) would be as shown in the attached file.
Here, we need to note that the tangent modulus matrix is dependent on a constant hardening modulus ( H ).
The response between equivalent total stress and equivalent total strain can be plotted as shown in the document with a linear behaviour.
But case-I is often not experimentally found. So let us move to case-II
Case-II: The stress-strain response follows Ramberg-Osgood hardening.
In this case, the tangent modulus matrix becomes a function of Ramberg-Osgood constant parameters (k , n) and also a function of varying values of equivalent plastic strain (epsilon-p) as shown in the attached document.
Therefore the expression of consistent tangent modulus matrix ( D-ep ) now incorporates a varying hardening modulus depending on the variation of equivalent plastic strain.
The response between equivalent total stress and equivalent total strain can be plotted as shown in the document with a non-linear behaviour.
Now let us come to the actual point of concern here.
In case-I, if simulation is performed, the iterative updating of variables would not incorporate any requirement of updating the Hardening modulus (since, it is constant in this case).
But, in case-II, if simulation is performed, the iterative updating of variables would compulsorily incorporate updating the Hardening modulus with every iteration (since, it is dependent on equivalent plastic strain in this case). This situation often leads to higher number of iterations required for achieving convergence, or sometimes even leads to non-convergence (if the stress-strain curve is too much non-linear).
Due to the above complexity in case-II, the computational effort is higher in there.
As such, many computational researchers assume that the hardening modulus is constant even though it shows a curved behaviour. In other words, they prefer an idealization of Case-II through Case-I. This often solves problems of non-convergence and also leads to faster convergence and less computational effort.
So, the fact which you are saying about 'some authors assuming approximate hardening modulus' is probably due to this reason.
Moreover, those authors might have probably done a little more tweaking. In order to accurately idealize the curved stress-strain response, they might have assumed a range of constant values of hardening modulus instead of one single approximate value.
This approach seems to have been by those authors mainly for faster simulations. In that process, they might have analysed the effect of the range of constant hardening values in their papers.
However, this does not mean the material-response or stress-strain curve is changing.
For any particularly manufactured fixed material, without any external influence of temperature, moisture etc., the actual stress-strain curved response and the dependence of hardening modulus / tangent modulus matrix on plastic strain would remain fixed.
Work hardening and strain hardening during service would not change it.
Only, if there is some alteration in the manufacturing process of the material, or if the material during service is subjected to high-temperature or other aggressive environments, the stress-strain curve and corresponding hardening modulus / tangent modulus would change.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
Does anyone have an idea on separating the elastic depth and plastic depth from the nanoindentation load vs displacement curve? An equation of elastic and plastic depth should be established for all the indentation depths.
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You can separate elastic depth or elastic displacement from plastic depth/displacement in nanoindentation techniques using the Sakai model. I have used the model in my several papers as displayed below:
1. Alao and Yin, 2016. Assessment of elasticity, plasticity and resistance to machining-induced damage of porous pre-sintered zirconia using nanoindentation techniques. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 32 (5), 402-410.
2. Alao and Yin, 2015. Nanoindentation characterization of the elasticity, plasticity and machinability of zirconia. Materials Science and Engineering: A 628, 181-187.
3. Alao, 2019. Elasticity, plasticity and analytical machinability prediction of lithium metasilicate/disilicate glass ceramics. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 96, 9-19.
4. Alao et al. 2022. Effect of polymer amount on the mechanical behavior of polymer-infiltrated zirconia-ceramic composite at different pre-sintering temperatures. Materials Research Express 9 (8), 085401.
If you don't have access to any of the above papers, get in touch so that I can provide their soft copies for you.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
I prepared a model for soil pile interaction. The model was arranged in three dimensions. When I want to perform geostatic analysis, the following warning appears. In the analysis, it gives a time incremet error.
How can i solve this problem? Thanks in advance for those who are interested.
A geostatic procedure with maximum displacement tolerances is supported only for the following materials: elastic, porous elastic, extended cam-clay plasticity model and mohr-coulomb plasticity model. In general, the use of other materials with this procedure may lead to poor convergence or no convergence of the analysis.
A geostatic procedure with maximum displacement tolerances is supported only for continuum elements with pore pressure degree of freedom and the corresponding stress/displacement continuum elements. In general, the use of other elements with this procedure may lead to poor convergence or no convergence of the analysis.
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Dear Mishra; First of all, thank you very much for your comments. I used the Mohr columb material approximation method for the soil environment. I noticed that because the cohessive yield stress value is zero, it gives this error. Increasing this value a little bit solved the problem.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
Has anyone seen this contact error before? I am having trouble understanding why the top plate is penetrating the core. The plate and the core are one part. I use power law plasticity for the material and the sphere is rigid. The sphere uses a automatic one way surface contact.
Is this problem more the contact or material? Or is there something else.
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This happens a lot when contacts are not defined properly. I have faced this problem few years ago when I ran my first Ls-Dyna model.
The reason why it penetrates is because it doesn't read that there's another surface thru which it needs to interact.
I'm pretty sure you haven't defined surface to surface contact between these two surfaces. Define it and let me know if you still l face same issue.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I have tree seedlings collected randomly from two populations and grow in a common garden. A subset of each population was then put in an environmental treatment (four treatments and two populations). These trees were grown from acorns and are therefore not representative of genotypes.
I'm having difficulty figuring out what plasticity index to use to compare these populations and how it would be calculated without genotypes. Any insight is appreciated.
Thank you!
Relevant answer
You could find some key elements in the manuscript: Quantitative estimation of phenotypic plasticity: bridging the gap between the evolutionary concept and its ecological applications
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
Hi all,
I have a question about the simulation of uniaxial tensile test of sheet metal. When I adopted the GTN Porous fracture model (it was embedded into the ABAQUS software) to simulate the uniaxial tensile test of sheet metal, I found that the simulation results vary with degree of the input material plasticity data. When I input material plasticity data upto 4 (extrapolated by swift law), the simulative displacement obviously exceeded the experimental displacement. And When I input material plasticity data upto 0.123, the simulative displacement Roughly equal to the experimental displacement. I can't think through the reasons behind it, and Can someone explain this?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
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Independent of which material model you take, you need to provide information on the hardening behavior in the post-necking regime in order to be able to simulate this region. Getting this information for a real material from experiments is not trivial. Though, there are established methods to extract true-stress vs. true strain data from the post-necking regime, e.g. using Bridgeman's correction or doing an inverse parameter identification (the latter is necessary definiely in case of complex stress states). A pragmatic approach is that you take the true pre-necking data and extrapolate them to the post-necking regime using an analytical law like a power law or a Voce law. Subsequently, the analytical law can be either rasterized to obtain the tabulated data for the built-in plasticity models of Abaqus or you implement it as a user-defined hardening law using the UHARD routine. Our GTN implementation (open source at ) supports power-law hardening by default.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Hello community,
I'm trying to simulate cracks with cohesive elements (in Abaqus), but I would like to reproduce reality as much as possible. Therefore, I would first like to have elastic behavior after which plasticity comes which brings plastic strain. Then after some accumulated plastic strain, I would like an opening of cohesive elements like a formation of a crack.
I've started examining this case with perfect plasticity or with a slight hardening, I've also tried with proper hardening but can not get a cohesive zone. All dissipation goes in plastic flow.
Do you have any advice on what to do to get first some plastic flow (like in reality) and the formation of the cohesive zone that finally breaks like a genuine crack?
Material is steel:
E: 200000 Poisson: 0.3
Plasticity starts at 250 (perfect plasticity)
Cohesive zone_ Traction separation law
Elastic properties 6000000, 6000000, 6000000
Damage int: ????
Damage evolution0.0001
With Damage Initiation, I was trying different things 250 like where plasticity starts, or with hardening, and then put initiation on 251 or 255 and different combinations. Nothing works.
Thanks a lot in advance,
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Thank you very much Francesco Cervellera, as I'm still building the model and not focusing on a specific material, I'm using parameters of steel.
Therefore, I think it's rather a possible problem in the setup of simulation or some constraint of cohesive elements that I'm facing rather than the material definition that I described in the original post.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
Hi all,
I am trying to model a joint connecting 1D BEAM elements using ABAQUS connector element with the joint behaviour obtained in a separate 3D analysis. For example, I have a joint modelled in 3D SHELL element and after analysing this joint I obtained a moment-rotation relationship of this 3D joint. This moment-rotation relationship is then assigned to an ABAQUS connector element connecting the 1D BEAM elements in the 1D BEAM model.
My question is how do you correctly define the elastic and plastic range of behaviour in ABAQUS connector element?
1. Is the Elastic behaviour option only for the elastic range of my moment-rotation relationship or do I have to define the full elastic-plastic range in this behaviour option? If the latter is correct, I then need to tell ABAQUS in the Plastic behaviour option from what moment onwards in the full elastic-plastic range defined in the Elastic behaviour option where it should behave plastically?
2. I tried to define negative values in the Plastic behaviour option as my joint can have load reversal, however, it keeps giving me error. Is the Plastic behaviour option only allow positive values? If so is that mean ABAQUS assumed the onset of plasticity occurs at the absolute value of the number I specified for both directions? What if the onset of plasticity of my joint is different in 2 loading directions? Do I need 2 separate Plasticity behaviour options (1 for each direction) for it to work?
I know this is a long question, hopefully, there is someone out there who read through this and could provide me with some direction.
Many thanks,
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Just found out there was a reply. Thank you very much for your help. I will try to use your method and see if that works for me. Currently, I am using 2 connectors with different plastic rotation behaviours (arranged in parallel) between the 2 connecting points so that they can each handle the loading in the two opposite directions. If I am able to get what you suggest to work it would save 50% of the time for me!
Thanks again,
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
concrete damage plasticity model in ABAQUS of reactive powder concrete containing steel fibers
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If you want to define CDP parameters such as eccentricity and dilation angle in Abaqus, it depends on the concrete used. So you shall calculate the parameters of the used concrete to define it correctly as it differs due to the additives used.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
For thermal contact conductance estimation, selection of plastic or elastic deformation models is based on plasticity index. At lower pressure at the interface, the deformation of surfaces may be elastic even though the plasticity index is greater than 1. Plasticity index will not account for pressure.
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Dear Researchers,
There are mechanical models for conforming rough surfaces whose contacting asperities deform (i) elastically, (ii) plastically, or (iii) elastoplastically. To know whether the deformation will be plastic or elastic in a given situation of temperature and load, the concept of plasticity index is used. The “plasticity index” indicates the mode of deformation occurring in the contact [8]. The deformation of an asperity is said to be elastic up to some given load for a given hardness of the material above which plastic flow will occur.
Source: DOI:10.1098/rspa.1966.0242
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I am running the tensile experiment (polymer material) in Abaqus explicit with the Ramberg model. But the solution exists with an error. It's showing "The keyword is not existed in explicit".
Then how I give the plasticity parameters explicit.
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It seems that this unfortunately is only available in Abaqus/Standard, so is not compatible with explicit.
Deformation plasticity can be used with any stress/displacement element in Abaqus/Standard.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
7 answers
Dear Researcher,
Suppose there is two concentric hollow cylinder and by some metal forming process the inner cylinder is plastically fitted with the outer cylinder in such a way that there is sufficient contact pressure is generated between the two cylinder interface and they are plastically shrink fitted.
Now this assembly place in a high temperature and high pressure environment and due to creep there is decrease in contact pressure.
Can anybody suggest me how to modelled this whole process in COMSOL so that we can find out the decrease in contact pressure with time.
I also have to modelled that if there is a very small hole (gap) at the interface of two cylinder then how the diameter of this hole is changes with time?
If someone using other FEA software or code then please suggest?
Thanks for your valuable suggestions.
Shyam Kishor
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For that thing you may try the following (but again in ANSYS, I hope similar options will be available in COMSOL):
1. Plot the radial deformation of nodes at the interface near the cavity in time history postprocessor it will show at what time point (or load step) diameter of cavity starts increasing.
2. If you are interested in understanding any leak through that cavity, contact pressure zero or contact status open may be used as the indication of the same.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Regular polygons of trigonal and hexagonal symmetry are used as yield criteria in theory of plasticity:
References for regular icositetragon (24-gon) as yield criterion are sought for a systematization of yield and strength criteria.
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The regular polygons of trigonal and hexagonal symmetry as yield criteria are summarized in Altenbach, H., Kolupaev, V. A., General Forms of Limit Surface: Application for Isotropic Materials, in Altenbach, H., Beitelschmidt, M., Kästner, M., Naumenko, K., Wallmersperger, Th. (eds.), Material Modeling and Structural Mechanics, Advanced Structured Materials, pp. 1-76, Springer, Cham, 2022. Both 24-gons are called the Rosendahl criteria.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Only temperature dependence is to be considered but I can't find the way to enter the working temperature or is it defined in the predefined field?
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Hi Saurabh Thakur,
When your model is temperature-dependent and has a high strain rate like impact, you should use the Johnson-Cook theory.
Depending on your simulation, you can define other variables as well. For example, in high-speed manufacturing processes where a large amount of inelastic strain exists, you need to define Inelastic Heat Fraction behavior, which indicates the energy dissipation rate as heat.
I recommend referring to the link below to see some examples and become more familiar with the Johnson-Cook theory.
Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
6 answers
Dear all
I have written a simple VUMAT for elastoplastic analysis of simple 3D element similar to Johnson-Cook plasticity model without strain-rate dependency or temperature involvement; Sigma = A + B*eps**n. I run the code for a single element and the results are in good agreement with results of the defined Johnson-Cook model of the Abaqus. But when I increase the numbers of elements; for instance 3 elements, as the analysis reaches the plastic state and after some increments, one of the parameters becomes NaN which is described as an unidentified parameter and the analysis stops with an error related to excessive distortion of the elements.
Has anyone faced this kind of problem? I would appreciate it if somebody helps me through this. Regards
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I have the same problem, "Floating Point Exception detected in increment ...Friction Work is NaN ". I used a built-in VUMAT function.
I'd appreciate it if you could let me know how I can detect and solve the problem-caused variant.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
7 answers
Dear Researcher,
Please help me to find CDP parameters of Ultra High Performance Concrete for ABAQUS input. If you have any excel sheet or previous study, kindly send it to me.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Engr. Tufail yup. The data is extracted from Python. Hence, no equations are seen.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Is it necessary to give Temperature dependency material properties, like Elasticity and plasticity while modeling in ABAQUS? When we are using Subroutine- USDFLD GETVRM (TEMP) to get Nodal point temperature in output.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Dear all,
I am looking for a research work that implemented an uncertainty or statistical framework to study the impact of the geometric parameters on the fracture response.
I appreciate any help.
Thank you in advance,
Moj Ab
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
hello, i am modelling a RC slab in Abaqus, the slab is supposed to fail in punching shear which is a sudden failure. i defined the nonlinear behaviour of concrete using concrete damage plasticity model, but i can't reach the desired results as the failure is not sudden (load-deflection curve shows that the load is decreasing gradually after reaching its max value, an it's supposed to be a rapid degradation not a gradual one). as well as, i know that whenever i there is a localization of cracks somewhere in the model (which is the case in my model), using concrete damage placticity model may make the results mesh-dependant. so what should i do? should i use GFI? or do i need to use concrete smeared crack model to simulate the nonlinear behaviour of concrete instead of using concrete damage placticity model?
thank you in advance.
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That is a good question.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
As stated above. I have a group of trees from two different environments that consists of sets of half-siblings and I'd like to test their plasticity to a climate change variable. Is this a valid approach since they are only expected to share one quarter of their genes? Thank you!
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Es posible.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
6 answers
For a RCC frame cyclic load analysis in ABAQUS, Materials designed as linear CDP, while submitting the job it shows the warning _
"The strain increment is so large that the program will not attempt the plasticity calculation at 4956 points"
then after 5 unsuccessful attempts shows the error_
"Time increment required is less than the minimum specified"
The simulation was under "General Static"
Incrementations, Error, loading Amplitude, Amplitude plot is attached bellow as .png file.
Please tell me how to overcome the problem that, I can run the simulation smoothly.
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You can 1) decrease the initial time increment or 2 )go to:
Step>other>gneral solution controls>(choose the step you already defined)>Time incrementation>more>change(IA) from 5 to 10 or more based on your problem.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
I'm trying to simulate the formation of segmented chips while performing turning of Ti6Al4V, I don't know why my mesh is getting distorted eventhough I'm using a fine one!!!
My wp consists of 3 zones, 1) uncut chip thickness zone where segmented chips are supposed to form, 2) Thin sacrificial layer, 3) Machined zone which results when chips have been formed. For 1 & 3 I've only applied material with JC plasticity no JC damage, for 2 I've assigned JC damge with evolution as well.
Please help.
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Amal Rai Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Abacus. I saw this approach in many papers. Recently I'm trying to adopt the Discrete Element Method to simulate the FSW process.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
Hello! can someone help me please?
I'm simulating a tensile test with flat specimen in Abaqus explicit using JC plasticity and JC failure criterion. I need the strainxstress curve, a need the total strain not only the plastic strain, but in the "creat xy data --> ODB field output" doesn't appear the E. But I have selected it in the "Field Output Request"
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Hi Juliana, you should settle down Logarithmic Strain (LE) in field output and consider (LE) results after completed running
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
During scratch test, the tip applies a force on the thin film surface and tensile stresses are generated behind the tip contact zone. A stress field then subsequently generates inside the film. The film deforms plastically and elastically to respond. Does the substrate deform plastically as well even though the tip doesn't make contact with it directly?
I know that substrate can relieve the stress through plastic deformation during film growth.
But is it similar to the case like scratch or wear test ( apply addition load on the surface)
Does substrate deformation help to relieve the stress generated by scratch tip? If so, plastic deformation or elastic deformation dominates?
Can anyone kindly share your opinion on this please?
Relevant answer
The issue of stress in thin films and functional coatings is a persistent problem in materials science and technology that has congregated many efforts, both from experimental and fundamental points of view, to get a better understanding on how to deal with, how to tailor, and how to manage stress in many areas of applications. With the miniaturization of device components, the quest for increasingly complex film architectures and multiphase systems and the continuous demands for enhanced performance, there is a need toward the reliable assessment of stress on a submicron scale from spatially resolved techniques. Also, the stress evolution during film and coating synthesis using physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and related processes is the result of many interrelated factors and competing stress sources so that the task to provide a unified picture and a comprehensive model from the vast amount of stress data remains very challenging. This article summarizes the recent advances, challenges, and prospects of both fundamental and applied aspects of stress in thin films and engineering coatings and systems, based on recent achievements presented during the 2016 Stress Workshop entitled “Stress Evolution in Thin Films and Coatings: from Fundamental Understanding to Control.” Evaluation methods, implying wafer curvature, x-ray diffraction, or focused ion beam removal techniques, are reviewed. Selected examples of stress evolution in elemental and alloyed systems, graded layers, and multilayer-stacks as well as amorphous films deposited using a variety of PVD and PECVD techniques are highlighted. Based on mechanisms uncovered by in situ and real-time diagnostics, a kinetic model is outlined that is capable of reproducing the dependence of intrinsic (growth) stress on the grain size, growth rate, and deposited energy. The problems and solutions related to stress in the context of optical coatings, inorganic coatings on plastic substrates, and tribological coatings for aerospace applications are critically examined. This review also suggests strategies to mitigate excessive stress levels from novel coating synthesis perspectives to microstructural design approaches, including the ability to empower crack-based fabrication processes, pathways leading to stress relaxation and compensation, as well as management of the film and coating growth conditions with respect to energetic ion bombardment. Future opportunities and challenges for stress engineering and stress modeling are considered and outlined
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Hi all,
I am culturing primary hippocampal cells from P0 mice and would like to measure whether synaptic plasticity is altered after treatment with different compounds, using whole-cell patch clamp.
What are your favourite techniques/protocols for plasticity measurements in dissociated cell culture using whole-cell patch clamp or other techniques?
We have the options of spike-timing dependent plasticity, chemically-induced LTP, etc.
Thanks in advance,
Relevant answer
Hi Annah,
in order to induce plasticity in neuronal cultures you can pursue 2 different streets. The first one is the chemical induction using a modified external solution supplemented with glycine at saturating concentration for 3 minutes. The second approach could be the dual patch where you will identify 2 connected neurons and after that you stimulate the presynapse in order to potentiate the post. However, the first method is easier than the second one, and it works pretty well.
Good luck for your experiments
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I want to simulate the plasticity for the Ti and its alloys with two phases (Alpha and Beta) in Abaqus. Now I have already created the microstructure model but unsure what properties I should assign to its two constituent phases, namely alpha and beta, as I only know the bulk material parameters (e.g., Ti-10Mn)?
Alpha and beta are part of Ti-8Mn; the only difference I see is that one will be HCP while the other the BCC structure, so how do I create such a material?
Relevant answer
I assume you are using some kind of crystal plasticity model.
You can find parameters for the alpha phase here:
and see the crystal plasticity implementation here:
In crystal plasticity, you will need to use two different material models for the two phases. Normally in Abaqus you would define two different user materials and assign them to the different grains representing different phases (sections of the geometry).
Best Regards,
Nicolò Grilli
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
36 answers
Elasticity, viscosity damping, horizontal seismic insulation, plasticity, and dynamics are the useful factors that increase the response of the structure to seismic shifts.
how each of these properties of the structure works?
what are the failure limits?
and finally what is the most useful property that the structure must have to react better to the earthquake.?
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Interesting and important query
Following to learn from experts
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
4 answers
I am working on developing a micromechanical FE model for predicting kink-band formation in UD composites. To model matrix plasticity, which model, out of Concrete Damaged Plasticity and Drucker-Prager, is preferred? Any insights particularly on the differences between the two models will be really helpful.
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If you want to calibrate a model with a compression test (epoxy shows different response in tension and compression), just use j2 plasticity, available in ABAQUS. All you need is the evolution of the plastic strain and the yield stress.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
Hey everyone,
Which plasticity model is suitable for modeling 316L selective laser melted steel in miso and micro scale modelling? Is isotropic hardening is good for this type of materials? (I want to model the fracture in melt pools )
Thank you.
Relevant answer
Dear Mojtaba Abdolkhani,
It is preferable to use a modulus of plasticity in the simulation of samples made by selective laser melting of 316L in a vase. This way, the simulation results will be closer to your experimental data. The use of foreign data will lead to deviations, which you will then have to specify with correction parameters. The connections obtained from the laser fusion have a strong influence on the mechanical characteristics and plasticity of the obtained products. Therefore, make standard test specimens by selectively melting the 316L. The obtained data, plasticity model and reinforcement curves are included in the simulation.
Wishing you success in your research.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Hello all
I intend to obtain orientation changes in the rolling process under the theory of crystalline plasticity. What model can I use to simulate rolling under the theory of crystalline plasticity?
Relevant answer
Sina Shokuhi This is your decision what you want to obtain. If you are interested just in the overall texture evolution you can use either a mean-field model like VPSC approximating rolling as a plane strain, see e. g. Eq. (7) in
Alternatively you can use finite element method to simulate the rolling process - in such a case you should provide the crystal plasticity model in each integration point. It can be either a single crystal model or a polycrystal (e. g. using Taylor or VPSC). This way you can obtain the spatial resolution of texture evolution but the simulation will be typically more costly.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
1 answer
I want to simulate the bulging of a circular thin steel plate due to fluid pressure and finally see the rupturing of it.
What is the best criteria to simulate the material properties in plasticity and damage for this type of problem in Abaqus software.
Material is SS316 or something like that which we have the uniaxial tensile test results. And has a 1mm thickness and 100mm diameter.
Loading is a simple progressive uniform pressure.
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Hi, This depends on the material response, i.e. the Stress - strain curve. If the material hardened after the yield, Hardening material properties should be considered, i.e. this depend in the slope of the curve after yielding however, elastic-perfectly plastic is most common in analysing to be safer for the design purpose.
Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Including the so-called kinematic hardening in phenomenological material models allows capturing the accumulation of plastic deformation in materials subjected to cyclic loadings. It determines that the size of the "elastic domain" in the deviatoric stress space remains constant and that upon plastic yielding, the domain is simply translated.
In largely deformed materials in tension, the kinematic hardening may result in a translation of the elastic domain to levels where the initial compression yield-limit becomes now a tensile stress value. This implies that upon unloading a plastically-deformed material (returning to zero loads), it may experience plastic deformation as well. My question is, is that physically possible? If yes, how can it be explained?
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Kinematic hardening is only a simplified model that is convenient for describing the Bauschinger effect. More realistic is the combined model that combines isotropic and kinematic hardening.
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
5 answers
Hello all,
I am confused about the definition of ratcheting for polymers.
For metals, when the material is subjected to cyclic loading, ratcheting is a phenomenon where plastic deformation accumulates progressively with each cycle.
For polymers, plastic deformation certainly causes ratcheting. I found most papers mentioned plasticity or viscoplasticity for polymers' ratcheting. But can the ratcheting occur within the yield surface? Or can the ratcheting be induced by time-dependence or viscous?
Looking forward to anyone's reply to give me some thoughts.
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Dear Yi Chen, no not only polymers, all materials that present accumutated strain under cycling show ratcheting. Please check this free access document. My Regards
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
2 answers
Hey guys,
I am attempting to model the installation of a helical pile into sand using Abaqus CAE (explicit). I am using a CEL model with a rigid pile and Eulerian sand part.
Every time I run the job, the sand part 'explodes' and has very large deformations. I have attempted to rectify this problem via the following trials:
-assigning cohesion to the sand;
-applying a pressure to the sand;
-beginning the installation with the pile already penetrated into the sand part.
Through an exhaustive trial-and-error process, I found that I have solved the exploding sand problem by changing the 'hard' normal contact interaction to a 'linear' contact interaction. However now, the history outputs show no plasticity/plastic deformation! This is kindof important as I am interested in finding the installation disturbance effects of screw-pile installation.
Is anyone aware of what I can do to accurately/realistically model the installation disturbance effects of a screw-pile being installed into sand? I am happy to provide any more information as needed.
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Dear @Harrison stamoudis,
You can assume a cohesion of 0.01kPa for sand as an aparent cohesion.
Feel free to get in touch with me.
Ali Ahmadi
  • asked a question related to Plasticity
3 answers
Dear community,
I would like to derive the formula for the calculation of the deflection of the plate at any point (see attached image).