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Plasma Technology - Science topic

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Questions related to Plasma Technology
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
18 answers
I have patterned my sample using SPR700 with iline autostep, then I did RIE etching. After I was done with etching, I wanted to remove the photoresist with acetone and Remover PG, but it didn't remove photoresist. Any suggestion how can I remove photoresist completely?
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We developed process with Oxygen plasma combined with forming gas and fluorine gas in a remote plasma reactor with good results.
Technology is called "HDRF" for High Density Radical Flux.
It's pure chemical etch based on O*, F* and H*.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
NEWfertilizer is generated using non thermal plasma technology to ionize air and bubble it through water creating dissolved nitrates. The only input is air. Electricity is used to generate the plasma field. The final product contains dissolved nitrates in water. The water is only used as a way to apply the nitrates. Organic farming does not allow the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Synthetic fertilizers are defined as being chemically produced. NEWfertilizer does not use a chemical process to generate its nitrates. I would like to hear people's thoughts. I assume that different countries might have different standards as well.
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John Ireland Sure! I don't update it very often, but we can connect there if you want.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
1 answer
What are the biggest technological challenges in the production of core-shell nanomaterials?
Can you please tell your experience and/or give comments on morphology control, synthesis precision, stability and durability, economic viability, etc.
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The production of core-shell nanomaterials presents several technological challenges, some of which include:
  1. Controlling the morphology: The morphology of the core-shell nanomaterials can have a significant impact on their properties and performance. Achieving precise control over the size, shape, and composition of the core and shell is therefore critical for producing high-quality core-shell nanomaterials.
  2. Achieving synthesis precision: Core-shell nanomaterials can be synthesized using a variety of methods, including chemical vapor deposition, electrospinning, and sol-gel synthesis. However, achieving high levels of synthesis precision can be challenging, particularly when it comes to controlling the thickness and composition of the shell.
  3. Ensuring stability and durability: Core-shell nanomaterials can be prone to degradation or instability, particularly if the shell is not able to protect the core from environmental factors such as moisture, heat, or pH fluctuations. Ensuring the stability and durability of core-shell nanomaterials is therefore critical for their long-term performance and viability.
  4. Addressing economic viability: The production of core-shell nanomaterials can be expensive, particularly if large quantities are required. Finding ways to produce core-shell nanomaterials at a reasonable cost is therefore an important challenge for the field.
My experience with core-shell nanomaterials has primarily been in the area of nanocatalysis, where core-shell nanoparticles are used as catalysts in a variety of chemical reactions. In my experience, controlling the size, shape, and composition of the core and shell is critical for achieving high catalytic activity and selectivity. Additionally, ensuring the stability and durability of the nanoparticles is important for maintaining their performance over multiple catalytic cycles.
In terms of economic viability, finding ways to scale up the production of core-shell nanoparticles while maintaining their quality and performance is a major challenge. This often requires the development of new synthesis methods that are cost-effective and scalable, without compromising on the precision and control needed to produce high-quality core-shell nanomaterials.
Overall, the production of core-shell nanomaterials presents several technological challenges, ranging from controlling the morphology and achieving synthesis precision, to ensuring stability and durability and addressing economic viability. Overcoming these challenges will be critical for the widespread adoption and application of core-shell nanomaterials in various fields, including catalysis, energy storage, and biomedicine.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
Hello, can anybody tell me if there is a conference about using plasma technology in the feild of fabric finishing please?
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Crisis and emergency alert Time for the people to stand together to bypass, help us build the bypass. We have the foundation's know
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
In a Z-pinch test using Pulsotron-3 fusion reactor, I have seen at high-speed camera that a pyrex glass generated a beautiful green light during some milliseconds after the electromagnetic pulse was finished.
The magnetic field was over 300 kilotesla in the target that was several centimeters from the pyrex glass.
It can be seen under "Project log" here:
The pyrex glass was broken but I think there was not a high-temperature raise in the glass. What could generate the luminescence?
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Hola Javier,
Very intereasting observation. From our research on Xe excimer discharge lamps using a quartz or borosilicate glass vessel, we observe sometimes green luminescence, which we have attributed to the loss of Oxygen which goes hand in hand with the breakage of Si-O-Si bonds and thus subsequent Si2+ formation. These low valent Silica species cause defects in the glass structure and the vessel might be destroyed upon long term operation. Possible degraded glass can show luminescence due to either an [Ne]s2-[Ne]sp transition of Si2+ or other colour centers (low valent boron species).
You may find more information on the quartz /glass damage in the following paper, while I assume that pyrex (borosilicate glass) behave similar:
Green luminescence in silica glass: A possible indicator of subsurface fracture
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 114103 (2012);
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
To design a bias circuit (constant current source) for a plasma discharge, is there an "equivalent circuit model" for the plasma itself to simulate the circuit?
I'm trying to do both: DC and RF plasma and I need a constant DC & RF current
Thank you
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The plasma discharge devices have specific I-V curve. It is in form of an S-Curve.
There are two types of models: the physical model and the behavioral model.
The simplest form of the behavioral model is the piece wise linear models. The I-V can be composed of the three linear pieces. The off branch, the on branch and the negative resistance part connecting the two pieces.
It has also a small signal linear model with R-C-L in parallel.
To operate the device into certain point it is advisable to use a consatnt current source. You can build this consatnt current source according to the measured characteristics of the tube.
It can be handled as any other electronic device.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I am pleased to invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to the Journal of Current Alternative Energy (Bentham Science), for the Special Issue “Waste management and plasma technology” with open access and free of charge options, additional details are available at
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Thanks for the information.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
Though the concept of corona treatment and plasma surface treatment are similar, which makes the difference in their name.? 
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The corona plasma is not an arc, but is a plasma surrounding a conductor at a high voltage relative to its surroundings. It does not carry a current, but the electrons gain energy from the electric field surrounding the charged conductor.
The charged conductor appears to be a resistor, as seen by its power supply.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I have obtained the behavior of potential as a function of distance from the probe, for different value of electronegativity, i.e., density ratio of negative ions with electrons. And, I find that potential profile initially decreases up to electronegativity equals one but later on it increases with increment in electronegativity. However, in literature I find that potential reduces with increment in electronegativity. How can I explain my results? Are they correct or not?
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Kashif Arshad Thank you for providing me the suitable research articles that are related to my problem.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
Now new term waste to Energy is getting heat in India. So want more information, how this Waste to Energy termed as Plasma Technology can help society to reduce risk of solid waste and develop with this new technology?
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In this technology waste materials from the society are used for power generation. This is a clean energy. This process is beneficial as it helps in making environment pollution free. For detail you can go through the following reference, which will be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
tinking of 3D printing with a special source based on MVP.
the MVP design could also be used as sputter source? when reaching a self-sputtering mode, this would be a perfect material source.
But of course needs to run in vacuum. (Plasma sheath or is there some sheath at atmo pressure? how big, enough for a travelling wave? if atmo, there is no different to plasma-spraying with DC or rf torches) Some 50 to 100 Pa in the source, and a vessel at contamination limit depending on deposition speed.
Kousaka-sensei can go to PECVD with 1mm/hour deposition (more polymer like then diamond-like probably, not so sure..)
But 1mm/hr Titanium coating locally as a 3D-printing plasma-source-head? Still too slow to compete?
just an idea..
busy with all but plasma technology.. sad to say.
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Yes , exactly.. but too lazy to fit this into octave or scipy.
starting pressure, deposition rate and sticking coeff. , what is the rate needed when starting at 100Pa base pressure. (chamber size, new parameter.. temperature (outgasing) next one..)
No Student without a task around?
Next step is then building the material source capable of delivering the needed rate. Of course it should run in self-sputtering mode..
also there there should be this kind of table.. which material/pressure/bias-current-density self sputtering occurs.. (Anders & Co.)
At the end one could find out if 3D plasma-sputter printing is viable or not? or one would need a kind of plasma-jet-cvd stuff. (which of course makes the equations more complex) (Bogaerts & Co)
Some are on this way.. (Lundin and friends..)
Would love to see Kousaka's MVP plasma running in self-sputtering mode.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I heard that arc discharge with 2kv is required to ablate the surface and ionize it but i dont know the relation. i hope that this relation will help in knowing the amount of energy required to ablate various propellants
                            thank you 
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I think it depends on how the energy delivery to the teflon surface. How is the structure of the discharge device? I think the literature in Prof. Mohamed A. Abd Al-Halim can provide many useful information. Moreover, you can also search the other articles on the ablation controlled arc.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I would like to produce as much atomic hydrogen as possible. The operating pressures have to be in the 0.1-100 Pa regime. The gas will be either pure Hydrogen/Deuterium or Hydrogen/Deuterium-Helium mixtures. I would like to find a better way then atomisation with a hot filament. Ideally the source is not beam like, but emits over a large surface.
Thanks in advance.
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A Helicon plasma can produce high hydrogen atomic flux .
you can see a review paper on this type of plasma source in the following link:
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
How can we calculate the beam beam reaction rate for cylindrical IECF device?
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fusion source regimes within the IECF devices. are divided into five categories namely: converged core (beam-beam), embedded (beam- target), volume source (charge-exchange-neutral), beam- background reactions that occur near and inside the cathode, and wall-surface reactions (charge-exchange-target). You can found details for the beam- beam reaction rate calculations in our following publication:
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
Hi every one... I would like to do research work on cold plasma technology for preservation of food. I am looking for a right person who is working on this in india
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Prof. R. R. Deshmukh, Physics department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai. He is working on the cold plasma processing of food. You may see his publication in google-scholar
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
I have an mCherry fusion protein construct that I am attempting to localize to the plasma membrane. Currently, the N-terminus of the construct contains two transmembrane loops of a membrane protein as well as an ER Export signal (KSRIT sequence) buried within the construct. We have used this strategy to efficiently get membrane expression however for this particular construct, confocal images show mCherry perinuclear staining so it does not appear to be reaching the plasma membrane and is probably stuck on the ER. 
Any strategies to help get this guy to the membrane would be great.
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Ok. Thank you for your recommendation. I'll look it up. Good luck to your research anyway !
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
10 answers
Hi all,
I have a question about the profile of the hydrogen alpha peak in our plasma system. Our plasma is a nano-second pulsed plasma generated in argon mixed with water. The shape of the hydrogen alpha peak looks unusual in our plasma system (see attached picture). There is a dip on the left of the peak. I used to think it is a tiny peak near hydrogen alpha peak which is not fully resolved. But it seems not the case. Does anyone know what causes the dip? Are there any methods to determine the Stark broadening of Hydrogen alpha peak in this case? Thank you in advance for your help!
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In order to check if the fiber is a bad one you can use a tungsten lamp to acquire spectra with and without the fiber and compare the results. A standard calibration lamp is the better option to do the work, but any tungsten lamp operated with a DC current power supply is worth for this purpose. A low pressure hydrogen discharge, as Dr. Andrei suggested, may also be used. With these tests you will be able to know if the problem is the fiber or the spectrometer.
The possibility of it be related with saturation can be verified just reducing the intensity of the light you are collecting.
About the Stark broadening calculation, it is possible to use it as is by fitting the peak before the calculation. But only if the peak is centered at the predicted  wavelength for the H-alpha line AND if you are sure that the peak would be symmetrical in relation to its center. Otherwise an error will be introduced in your result.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
Please help, it says that ECR plasma has bombardment effect, but where does the kinetic energy of ions come from? Does the substrate has to be negatively biased? I
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Thanks for the help. 
So the kinetic energy comes from the sheath potential and ambipolar diffusion of ions and electrons
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
For plasma with Radio Frequency(RF) heating, dose higher electron density have better RF heating effect?
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The heating process depends on RF wave penetration depth into the plasma, which, if no magnetic field is applied, can be evaluated in planar incident wave approximation with Appleton equation, knowing the electron-neutrals&ions collision frequency and plasma frequency, which is related with electron density. The reflected power can be calculated numerically and sometimes evaluated analytically, also it can be measured. Then the efficiency can be derived from the absorbed power. Also the heated volume is related with penetration depth value. Here I don't mention the heat exchange in plasma via few mechanisms, which are significant for high energy density applications.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I am using a pulsed DC plasma (~10 kHz pulsing frequency) with CH4 and H2 in a simple plate condenser set up. I use pressures of a few mbar and temperatures of 700°C-900°C. If I use non conducting substrates (e.g. glass, quarz) I see a dark spot above the substrate in the plasma (see attached pictures). What could be the reason for this dark spot? Does the substrate charge up and thus no plasma can be sustained? Or is it because there is no plasma sheath and thus no potential drop at this spot? Does anyone know something about such a plasma?
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Look up Debye Sheath. There should be quite a bit of literature available. Basically it is caused by the accumulation of positive ions at the surface as a result of their relatively slower speed in the plasma than electrons. This charges the surface negatively and creates an ionic double layer boundary.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I have found numerous papers considering microarc etching of Al alloys in electrolytes. Are there similar studies for air low-current discharges, namely DBD, glow, corona etc? Will be thankful for any references
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Dear Tomas!
Many thanks for your reply.
We are working on the durability of the corona electrodes and MD dynamics in the assymetrical surface DBD.  The discharge is always filamentary for our conditions. The technical  application- various systems utilizing the mentioned scheme- from ozone generators to aerodynamic applications.
The changes we observe for Al electodes is the deep oxidizing of the electrode edge, with the formation of tiny (0.1um) perforation of the oxide layer. By now, I have found the similar structures in the description of the electrodes erosion in negative corona, where the process is associated with dielectric film breakdown in the beginning of Trichel pulse; and also in the description of microarc processing of the Al.
The question is whether it is a studied effect in surface processing by air/oxigen DBD plasmas?It seems it should be as both method and object are widely used.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
Plasma, produced by dielectric barrier discharge, is extinguished when dimethyl sulfide flows through but not happen with air. Gas velocity is around 5m/s. And Applied High voltage is 35kV. Anybody sees the same circumstance. Please share your ideas.
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As an additional thought to that of Tomáš and Gianpiero
1) Is your DMS sprayed as a liquid, or is it a gas? Before a plasma can be generated, the DMS must first change to a gas and then to the plasma state. It therefore requires far more energy to generate a plasma as you have to supply the enthalpy of vaporisation followed by ionisation. The liquid would be a pretty effective sink of electrons. Especially when you consider that the density of a liquid is 1000x greater than a gas, meaning a vast amount of energy would be required to vaporise it all! 
2) Can you move you DBD electrodes closer together? That might help you to ignite a plasma.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I know Energy density = Input power/ Plasma discharge volume
I have Input power, Plasma pressure, reactor/ tube dimensions and plasma temperature. Can I used the reactor volume as the plasma discharge volume?
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Well, you can only do this if you aim at a sort of bulk value for the energy density. The question is for what you need the information. I would assume e.g. that your system is arc-driven. If so, then the power density in the arc zone would be j^2/sigma where j is the current density (A/m^2) and sigma is the electrical conductivity..... But there is much more to say... likely if the purpose you are aiming at was clearer.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
see the surface wave plasma device of Prof. Kousaka, nowat Gifu Univesity
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good question
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
someone who does the research about plasma control  may know the answer
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Dear Yanli Peng,
high temperature plasmas can only be achieved when isolated from any materials. Otherwise the contact to a structure material will cause a too strong cooling of the plasma usually via impurities coming from the wall.
For the confinement 2 possibilities exist: like in the sun gravity or magnetic fields. At earth we cannot succeed with gravity but do the nect best using the inertia of a dense material while heating up (inertial confinement). The second option is a megnetic confinement of the charged particles. Due to the nature of the game the charged particles can move rather freely along the magnetic field lines while the perpendicular motion is in zero approximation inhibited by the Lorentz force. Therefore closed magnetic field lines are used to confine the plasma. Closing the field lines required a bending of the field lines.
A transport perpendicular to the field lines can happen via collisions only or by drifts in electric fields or curved magnetic fields. In any case the perpendicular transport is slow compared to the parallel one. Nevertheless, the alignment of magnetic field and vacuum vessel is not perfect and somewhere exists an outermost magnetic field line which hits the vessel wall. Particles stream with high velocity parallel to the fiel line and bombard the wall at rather high energy. The still existing perpendicular transport causes a continious filling of this field line keeping the process going.
Since this cannot be avoided it is preferable to introduce a defined contact point of plasma and wall. The limiter is a protruding wall element which can withstand high particle fluxes at rather high energies. This is supported by shallow inclination angles between wall and magnetic field to increase the area of impact therefore, reducing the incoming power density. Furthermore limiters are cooled to get rid of the energy as soon as possible. Still the incoming power density can be easily above the material limits. A limited life time due to erosion is also a concern. But even without these effects the limiter configuration has a substantial disadvantage especially when made from high Z materials: the sputtered material enters the plasma and can caus tremendous radiation losses, cooling the plasma even up to a plasma collapse.
This can be overcome by the divertor concept. Here the outermost region of the magnetic field consists of open field lines. These field lines guide the particles outside a certain plasma radius away from the confined region of closed magnetic field lines. The open field lines are connected to limiting wall structures (divertor). The  geometry is chosen in such a way that the connection length of the open field lines between the area where they are filled by the plasma to the wall structure becomes very long (~100m). This is a key feature of the divertor concept  - separating wall contact area and confined plasma - and allows the plasma to cool down.  The wall structure itself is in large fusion devices separated from the main vacuum chamber via a narrow throat. This throat allows for high neutral densities inside the divertor chamber cooling the incoming plasma further. A cold high density plasma exists in front of the divertor wall (divertor plates). The wall material can better cope with high densities than with high temperatures. This rather cold high density plasma in front of the divertor plates acts as a buffer for the material and also prevents sputtered impurities to reach the confined plasma.  This is a key feature for future fusion devices. Otherwise the impurities will cause a radiation collapse of the confined plasma. The inclination angle between magnetic field lines and divertor plates is also kept small to allow for a wide power spreading.
Hope this explanation helps.
Best regards,
Werner Müller
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I still confuse about the color of plasma. If we using different type of gas, the color of plasma that appear is different too.
what causes the plasma have different color? Can you help me get the explanation?
thanks for your reply
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The color of a plasma is determined by the photons, which are emitted when the electrons recombine with the ions (or when excited electrons relax into a lower energy state). The photon energy and, hence, it's wavelength (which determines the color) is dependent on the energy difference between the two energy levels.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
Can anyone provide me the formula for calculating impulse bit and time of pulse in PPT?
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Hi Julin
I think that you can use geometrical method where ; Risetime: (10 − 90%) = Tr and Pulse duration: (50 − 50%) = Td.
The double exponential pulses happen to be very simple to treat. The effect of variation of pulse amplitude, rise time and pulse duration can easily be studied. The real pulses have a large variation in appearance, which makes it feasible to describe bands within which spectra can fall with various probability. The double exponential time function can be characterized as: f(t) = A ∗ (exp(−at) − exp(−bt))
For more informations see Wik's article : Manuel W Wik, Double Exponential Models for Comparison of Lightning, Nuclear and Electrostatic Discharge Spectra, Defence Materiel Administration,S-115, Sweden, 1985.
Good Luck,
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
Oxygen plasma is well-known to improve hydrophilicity of different materials. However, I read many scientific papers that used oxygen plasma to increase the surface nano/micro roughness, which helps to improve the contact angle after a plasma deposition.
For example: Oxygen plasma followed by a fluorocarbon coating (by plasma) resulted in a superhydrophobic surface.
My question is:
Can the effect of improvement of hydrophilicity superimposes the effect of roughness? It means, the oxygen plasma hinder the following thin film deposition instead to help creating a superhydrophobic surface.
Anyone can help me?
Kind regards,
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I expect successful etching and increasing of wettability and roughness of wood surface during first stage (oxygen plasma treatment). Then you want to use fluorocarbon containing gas to eliminate wettability and increase water contact angle. Here the problem starts. It is possible but I expect problem because of atmospheric pressure reactor. Residual moisture will split to hydroxyl group and hydrogen, certain amount of hydrogen will bond to florine and fly off and it could decrease the efficiency rapidly. That's the reason, why this treatment is mostly made in vaccum systems with strong pumps as you read. Lower base pressure better. The wood could hold residual water also.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I tried to find any reference of the %Al in gamma alumina that should be detected from the ICP-OES, but I couldn't find any
Any suggestion will be appreciated
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Dear Sir,
Pls find herewith attached reference article.
Ceriodaphnia dubia as a Potential Bio-Indicator for Assessing Acute Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticle Toxicity in Fresh Water Environment (Sunandan Pakrashi et al., 2013), PLOSONE. Published: September 5, 2013
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
9 answers
What are the requirements regarding the selection of the carrier wafer for Si3N4 deposition using ICP PECVD? Could it be silicon wafer?
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First of all, you got 15 nm of deposition, so obviously the growth works in principle (in general the deposition rate in any plasma assisted process is highly dependent on a lot of parameters and, frankly, I have to say the reproducibility is not always given as well as it should be due to the highly non-linear nature of the plasma). I guess you used exactly the same conditions that you had in your training with the specialist. If you don't achieve any growth at all (which is not the case in your experiment), you can either be well of the "sweet spot" in your plasma parameter regime or you have a substrate that has a totally different lattice constant then the film, which you want to have (or some chemical inertness, which hinders the film particles to bind on the substrate).
However, as I said, there are hundreds of publications from the solar cell community who deposited Si3N4 on Si wavers, so there is a large set of data that confirms that it can be done (a general piece of advice - be always skeptical, if someone tells you that something cannot be done without giving any good reason - sometimes, someone was not able to do something but that doesn't mean that it is impossible in general ;))
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I treated my two PDMS substrates with plasma and then tried to bond them together however, it was not successful! what operations should I do on them to be able to re-treat them with plasma again. 
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Whenever using O2 plasma to PDMS, the surface becomes hydrohilic. However this is temporarily, so you need to perform bonding directly after treatment. When the bonding is not succesful, you might consider a simple cleaning in ethanol in a sonicating bath, After drying in N2 you can expose the PDMS again to plasma for another bonding. 
You might also consider to use one a thin not-fully cured PDMS intermediate layer. This will result in a much stronger bond.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I have to form a patterned platinum top layer (electrode) on titanium dioxide. (to make a Pt/TiO2/Pt resistive switching memory)
During lift-off process (using AZ5214), the sputtered platinum delaminates from the TiO2. (Metal mask seems unavailable since the line pitch(~5um) is too narrow. Sputter cleaning is unavailable either.)
Additionally, due to the device structural problem, it isn't able to insert any adhesion layer (i.e. Ti, Cr).
Is there any useful method to improve the adhesion, making strong enough to undergo lift-off process? For instance, changing the process pressure or plasma power, lowering the dep. rate and so on.
Thank you in advance.
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Hi Do Hyun Kim,
Very familiar problem. Noble metals do not adhere well to oxidic surfaces (SiO2, Al2O3) since they do not form an oxide bond (Ti-O-Pt) with TiO2. You normally would need an adhesion layer but since you cannot use this the only way to get (temporary) adhesion is to sputter the Pt with low pressure (large mean free path) and high power (voltage) to give the Pt neutral atoms coming from the target as much kinetic energy as possible so you will get some atom mixing at the TiO2 surface. A sputter etch of the substrate normally improves adhesion enormously but since you do not have that make sure you have very good vacuum and very low H2O and O2 levels. Surface water normally lessens the bond strength. So, heating the sample before you put it into the vacuum will help you to make the sample more waterfree. Leave the sample long enough at base pressure to degass. Make sure you have low H2O (<10-7 Torr) and low O2 (<10-9) partial pressures.
It could well be the adhesion will only be temporary, you see this a lot with Au and Pt layers without adhesion layers. Using lift-off and spraying with high velocity agressive solvents on the film will not help you in that sense. If for some reason it does not work, Try finding a system which does have sputter cleaning.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
Dear all,
I would like to study negative corona discharge for poling non linear optical crystals e.g Lithium Tantalate. I have however attempted to use plasma model example in COMSOL but i don't seem to succeed. Can anyone please advice on how I can got about this challenge. My goal is to get the electric field strengths and distributions for different separation distance and different applied voltages on the coroning wire electrode as well as the corona onset voltage keeping the plane electrode grounded.
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Look please my Article in Condensed Matter Physics 5(3) January 2002
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
I know that O2 plasma is usually applied to PDMS-glass bonding,
however I want to know whether glass-glass could also bond to each other via this way?
Does anyone know about this?  please give me some advice, thanks!
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Oxygen plasma is applied to PDMS to achieve OH groups at the surface and enhance the bonding between PDMS and glass. You can achieve a bonding between two glass substrates if they are thoroughly cleaned and pressed together. However this bond is caused by Vanderwaals forces and is not so strong. This bond is also called a prebond in fusion bonding. If you want to have a permanent bond, you need to additionally anneal the substrates close to the glass transition temperature for a few hours. If you are limited in using high temperatures, then you could also think of adhesive bonding. 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I want to provide the plasma spectra with CCD Camera. Which Camera is better to plasma spectroscopy? How much price is it?
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Hi Davood,
you can detect plasma spectra by Avantes compact spectrometers  with the spectral resolution not better than 0.8 nm (with the slit width 10 mkm and a grating with 600 grooves/mm you will be able to detect the spectra within the range 520 nm). If you will get HR4000 spectrometer from Ocean Optics (the slit width 5 /10 mkm and grating with 600 grooves/mm) you will be able to detect the spectra within the range 450 nm and the spectral resolution 0.25/0.46 nm respectively.
The better way is to buy an Andor Shamrock SR500 spectrograph  equipped with CCD detector and a switchable support for 3 different gratings. Then you can see spectra within whole broad optical range of interest with the low spectral resolution or in some specific regions with the higher spectral resolution (up to some tenth of Angstrom). Such a solution will be 5-6 times more expensive. 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
I am attempting to build a triple Langmuir probe and will need to select a power supply which can achieve the potentials and currents required.
I have found some literature stating bias potentials of +/-120 Volts, but these potentials were for use of a triple Langmuir probe in "voltage mode". I plan to use the probe in "current mode" - the literature states this is a more ideal setup for measurements of a pulsed plasma. Are the bias voltages required to be this high for a current mode measurement?
My plasma density is assumed to be in the range of 1e8-1e12 [cm^-3] with the electrons magnetized. The Larmor radius of the ions may or may not exceed the radius of the plasma chamber.This can be adjusted.
An additional question for anyone experienced with the use of this diagnostic. Is there a lower range of electron/ion temperatures which this diagnostic can resolve?
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Dear Nathan,
For Langmuir probe measurements in RF discharge plasma please check a book Raizer Yu P, Shneider M N, Yatsenko N A "Radio-frequency Capactive Discharges" (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1995), Chapter 4. The question of RF discharge physics discussed in the other chapters of the book may also be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I am working in glow discharge plasma system. Frequency of my experimental signals are 400-600Hz..I have found FIFO memorise is used for delaying a system. Can anyone suggest the electronic specifications? Is there any other method can be used for the purpose?
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It depends on your need and the strength of the signal.
May be attched design would be useful. Also, you may check the feasibility using your FIFO system. Else look for some degita delay generator.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
I'm using atmospheric plasma with H2(5%)+N2(95%) air source. And plasma is making spark(looks like arc discharge) to the specimen. i think this spark is transporting a lot of energy to the specimen. So specimen has got really fast speed of reduction reaction.
Does anyone can tell me why is this happening? i have to fix this trouble. but i cannot find any references about this.. Thanks so much. 
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I think it is not that easy to answer this question without addtitional information - what kind of discharge do you have? - DBD, mini arc, rf, microwave
What kind of specimen do you use? - is the specimen biased, is it conductive...?
What is the distance between your source and the sample?
It is also not necessarily the hydrogen - I myself used hydrogen admixtures at atmospheric pressure (several %) and I had no sparking whatsoever.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
I collected the Raman spectra of 5 pellets made of petcoke (vacuum residua). They are the same sample, obtained under the same conditions and measured the same day, keeping the laser beam at the same wavelength and the spectrophotometer with the same calibration, but I get spectra with vastly different intensities and the same peak positions. What could be the reason? Thanks in advance.
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I had the same issue with my analysis and I can name several factors which impacted my data.  
- Fluctuations in general background light: usually a dark spectrum correction can solve this problem during acquisition, or reduce your acquisition time if possible);
- Fluctuations in your excitation source power: I'm currently using a blue laser with low power and the crystal takes some time to "warm up", so I always turn the laser on at least 15 minutes before taking measurements. Even though, you are always going to have some variation in power (and consequently, the number of photons emitted/scattered are also going to vary and you Raman spectra will have different intensities). If you are working with unpolarised light, this is not a big issue.
- Normalization, baseline correction and mathematical filters: check if your signal/noise ration is constant among your measurements and try to correct the baseline from your data. You can try to normalize them based on the area below the curve; you can also apply some smoothing filter as Savitzky–Golay (first or second order, it depends on your data).
I hope these information can be useful.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
Hutchinson's PIC code in the paper "Ion collection by a sphere in a flowing plasma: I. Quasineutral" indicated that the ion current ratio of a unmagnetized mach probe can still be related to the mach number using the standard exponential expression and K = 1.34; however, this PIC code does not include the effect of collisions (ionization, recombination, charge exchange). I have read in Chung's papers that ionization and recombination can affect the deduction of mach numbers. I have a helicon discharge with Te > 4 to 8 eV, hence it is ionizing, can I still reliably deduce the mach number using Hutchinson's PIC code result?
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Hi Deepak, Thank you for your response. I will look into this reference
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I am confused with the emission wavelength of super oxide and hydrogen peroxide radical generated from atmospheric pressure plasma jet. I have found only few articles which discuss about its emission wavelength. For Super oxide,  few articles mention 245 nm but I don't see at 245 nm (but emission occurs at 247 nm which is from NO \gamma) and few mention 517 nm. My plasma has 517 nm emission line. Is it from super oxide ?
Further, very few papers talk about the emission wavelength of hydrogen peroxide. One paper mentions 254 nm but it doesn't have satisfactory source. Few other talk about 590 nm but I am not clear.
Can any one help me with the suitable citation source ?
I would be grateful for your answer..............
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For OH, this might be useful: Eur. Phys. J. D 54, 77–86 (2009), DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2009-00174-9
Other than that, if you have to calculate something more in-depth, here are some cross sections for OH A-X band generated from H2O cracking by e- impact: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2005
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
8 answers
Today the plan for a Torus fusion reactor is to use the radiant energy to boil and superheat water for steam turbines. This represents a massive reduction in the potential thermal efficiency. At 100,000,000K the potential efficiency is close to 100% but the steam cycle at , say 500 DegC is only good for, say 32%. To realise the potential efficiency is, of course, an unknown technology today. My guess is we should use electromagnetic induction to directly provide electrical power. Does anyone know about attempts in this direction, or ideas?
cheers Martin Rose
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Dear Paul, thanks for the reply yes I had MHD in mind. But the idea of inserting electrodes sounds far fetched to me. The temperature of the plasma is so high anything would vapourise surely? I think there should be another way of using MHD. If the current in the plasma could be made to oscillate the resultant magnetic field would alternately grow and then shrink. If this change in magnetic field were to link with electical coils an induced EMF would result. Faraday learnt that the inductive effect only occurs as the field changes. But if we could have an unsteady field we dont need the electrodes at all! I am sure the physicists have sweated blood to stop oscillations, but maybe its just what is needed to extract power.
cheers Martin
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
9 answers
If i dissolve fibrinogen into a plasma (bovine) with anticoagulant (herparin/EDTA or citrate) will this prevent me from forming fibrin gels when mixed with thrombin? Will this anticoagulant in solution stop the fibrinogen - thrombin interaction required for fibrin gel formation. 
Can one buy plasma without anticoagulant?
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Hi Rob
Citrate is the recommended anticoagulant for plasma to be used in coagulation tests. 
By definition, plasma has to be anticoagulated – if it isn’t, the blood clots and you end up with serum, which is deficient in clotting factors.
Regards, Rosemary
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
Nowadays I use a hight voltage electrode based on a Corana plasma device and a ground electrode as used to  DBD plasma.  I can't observe a plasma jet outside the device.
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Take a look at attached article & reference thering. I think it will explain some of your questions and lead you to further references.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
1 answer
When doing analyses with ambient plasma sources (e.g., DART, LTP), there is typically a high background due to junk in the air getting ionized (such as vacuum oil, plasticizers, detergents, etc). Has anyone found a good way to reduce that background signal?  It can interfere significantly with any analysis you do.
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As far as I know, the only way to reduce background is to keep your experiment in clean air. We take great care to use only the cleanest air - either blow top grade bottled air over your experiment or install special air conditioning for the whole lab with positive pressure to avoid contamination from outside. Neither of these solutions is cheap. I hope someone else has a more affordable suggestion...
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I need a reference / article saying something about how long period of time you need in total to perform an LLE procedure from plasma. Of course, I know a lot about LLE itself, but I need documentation on the time consumption for a fair comparison with some of our sample prep techniques. Does anybody know?
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Thanks for your answer, Ron. According to your phrase tips, I found excactly what I was looking for. I tried to google it myself, but obvious not with a good phrase.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
I am very confused  that which kind of plasma is more appropriate to assist combustion and how to judge it.
The non-thermal plasma is said to assist the combustion with less energy consumption than the thermal plasma. But is it really true under any conditions?
Also the non-thermal plasma could be produced with different methods like DBD, gliding arc, rf, microwave etc. Which one is better or how to choose the right one in the practice? Could you give me some examples and suggestions. Thank you!
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Plasma provides an unprecedented opportunity for combustion and emission control owing to its unique capability in producing active species and heat and modifying transport processes. New reaction pathways, such as atomic O production from the collisions between high energy electrons/ions and oxygen molecules, can be introduced into combustion systems to modify the fuel oxidation pathways considerably.
Plasma is a collection of neutral and charged particles which are electrically neutral on average and exhibit collective effects.
There are two types of plasmas, one is the equilibrium plasma in which the electron temperature, rotational and vibrational temperatures of particles are in equilibrium and the neutral gas temperature and electron number density are very high.
The plasma torch and spark plugs belong to this category.
The other is the non-equilibrium plasma in which the electronic, vibrational, and rotational temperatures are very different and the neutral gas temperature and electron number density are relatively low.
Plasmas such as microwave discharge, dielectric barrier discharge, gliding arc, streamer discharge, and glow discharge belong to this category.
Compared to equilibrium plasma, non-equilibrium plasma has higher electron temperature (1–100 eV) and is more kinetically active due to the rapid production of active radicals and excited species via electron impact dissociation, excitation, and subsequent energy relaxation.
Hope you can now select the plasma for your pupose.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
7 answers
I have a plasma chamber, capable of producing plasma having density (n_e or n_i) ~10^16 /m^3 and electron temperature ~6-8 eV, ion temperature ~ 0.1 eV at 5 X 10^-5 mbar working pressure for Ar gas. Now I insert a Tungsten sheet of dimension 10 X 10 X 1 mm^3, and want to calculate the temperature raised in 'it'(in Tungsten sheet) due to the plasma particle's flux (electron, ion both...) falling on it..
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Simple way is to use calorimetric diagnostic by calorimetric probe.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
Dielectric barrier discharge is an electric discharge between two electrodes separated by an insulating dielectric barrier
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As you know you are using two electrodes and they are open. So when you apply some current (or voltage), there should be some return path. So to make the circuit complete plasma develops a displacement current through this dielectric. May be Maxwell's 4 th law will give you beter idea.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
Does AC plasma jet work in rectification mode?
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Dear Mr. Sahu, My point was not towards the type of power supply used in plasma jet rather I had queried about the discharge pattern like does it work nicely in only one particular configuration like center electrode positive or vice versa. If yes, then there is no use of AC supply of whatever frequency across the electrodes.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
9 answers
Dear all 
Ii have a doubt since many days that if suppose we have two or more system of flow analysis with different scaling in size of object as well as system size, but the dimensionless no. Reynold no. of each system found to be almost same, then may i assumed that the dynamics in all the system will be more or less the same in nature.???
Thank you.
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When you take an incompressible fluid in a pipe with samll diameter d_s and another pipe with large diameter d_l. The viscosity should be the same in both systems (same fluid). Then you will observe that in both cases turbulence sets in at about Re=2300. This requires a higher velocity at smaller radius. But you must be aware that we talk about the diameter averaged mean velocity.
Two different systems (e.g. different size) will deliver the same answer when they show the same Re number. The art is to define the adequate characteristic length of the system when the geometry is getting more complex.
The concept of the Re number is also useful to trasnlate the result not only from one pipe system to another but also to do measurements in oe fluid and to translate the result to another one. Same behaviour at same Re number.
Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
I am using copper as a hard mask for plasma dry etching for Si deep up to 50 um. I'm using SF6 with O2 gases for RIE and ICP etching. The problem is that my copper mask cracks and delaminates after 5-10 min. I tried several ways to solve it but was not successful. Could anyone help?
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I think there could be two reasons: the first is that the Cu mask is heating up and with expasion stress it's peeling off. If this the case you might need to check have better adhesion of the mask on silicon. The seconnd reason could be that Cu mask is charging up and micro-arcing could happen. But in this case you should traces of arcing. If this is the case you can connect electrically your mask to substrate holder to evacuate the caharges during plasma etching. Of course be carrefull to short-circuit. 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
As for the non-thermal plasma, the rotational temperature is commonly believed to be close to the translational temperature. But is there any non-thermal plasma with much higher rotational temperature? Furthermore, I am very curious that whether the rotational temperatures of different radicals in the plasma are quite different. Hope to find some related literature and studies. 
Thank you!
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in non-thermal plasmas R-T relaxation time is shorter than V-T, therefore usually a non-thermal plasma has two different temperatures, translational and vibrational. A high rotatonal temperature has the short lifetime against the common time intervals in plasma, meanwhile  rotatonal energy levels are close together and excitation to very high energies for this channel is difficult .usually rotational temperature is equal to translational temperature  with good approximation. For more information you can see "plasma chemistry " by freedman.
Best regards 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
during fractionation process, there are chances to increase in polymer & aggregate in albumin during fractionation process. which factors are responsible and what are the preventive step to minimise the rist of increase in polymer & aggregates in albumin during early plasma fractionation process.
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For the conrol of early fractionation of plasma you may need some serom to use and rovoke reactions.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
9 answers
We aer using RF sputtering to deposit SrTiO3 films on Si. However, we are facing a problem that after 2-3 hours of deposition, plasma goes off automatically.Sometime we see some sparks inside deposition chamber.
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Dear Amiya,
Sparks in the chamber, did u mean arching? If so please check the RF generator capability. Try changing it once if you have a spare. 
Also I would recommend pls check the RF connectors also - if they turned black at the male and female connection points.  
Also pls check the chamber contamination after 2 hrs of continuous plasma - do an eds on sputtered film. May be some thing is getting sputtered from the weld joints. 
Pressure could be constant and we cannot rely on the pressure when comes to ionic impurities. 
Also if you are using any coolant for the chamber, pls check if the coolant/water is clean if not pls replace with DI water so there is no chance of ionic impurities. Continuous plasma may generate ionic impurities if the coolant is not good. Which may create arcing in the chamber and in turn the RF generator may switch the generator off. 
Hope it helps.
best regards,
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
In the dc discharge case, it is well known that the ions streaming toward the cathode surface and follow the flux conservation from sheath edge to the wall. According to collisional dominated child's lang. law, the current associated with ion flux is related to the sheath thickness and potential on the cathode. If the potential on the cathode surface is changed to higher negative value that leads increase in the current to the cathode and reduces the thickness of sheath. For a given pressure, the change in sheath thickness has impact on the ionization rate and electric field gradient. With increasing the ionization rate, ions density is increased. On other side, higher field gradient may increase the ions velocity at the sheath edge. Since, total flux is multiplication of density and velocity therefore it is difficult to isolate the contribution from density and ions velocity to total increased flux. is there any paper or letter that can give some estimation about density and ion velocity variations with the sheath thickness or cathode potential ? 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
9 answers
I am using multistage UV-LIGA process for fabrication of MEMS switches.  PVA Tepla microwave plasma asher is used for removing SU-8 mould. The required switching action is governed by metal layer and nickel structure. But after plasma ashing, the stubborn residue is seriously affecting the conductivity of exposed metal layer. Is there any method available to completely remove residue of SU8?
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piranha will also attach nickel
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
I read this:
Nice idea, but is it realistic? Does anybody know of such a system?
Looking for a window between ambient air and vacuum (10 hPa) system where one could pass-through moderately accelerated ions. Not keV or MeV ion energy ranges, but some 10 or 100 eV?
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Next is how much current can be carried?
I was fantazising on 3D-printing. Now there is laser melting (or arc melting) of powders. What if a beam of material is available?
any way a clean atmosphere will be needed to prevent chemistry, so we may go back to vacuum, and then it is nothing else than some kind of PVD.
Well some very high-speed local PVD still has its charm.
So mass carrying capacity of a plasma is the key. A neutralized focused ion-beam with A/mm^2.  No electron torch but metal-torch.. I believe electrostatics won't help.
just for fun..
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
The analysis was taken in HATR mode.
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The peak at 1577 is small and sharp peak.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I am using bilayer PMMA (495A4 / 950A2) as a resist in electron beam lithography for patterning. My pattern size is not less than 500nm. I want to ash the remaining PMMA from the developed portion of the pattern using oxygen plasma to make sure a good contact. Can anybody help me with the parameters should be used for etching or how to optimize systematically. instrument is oxford instrument plasma technology (RIE-Cl). Also how much should i etch to remove the unwanted PMMA after developing? 
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I wouldn't do that if i were you. I would just develop a bit longer (60s at RT in a 1:3 MIBK;IPA, eventually with a few % MEK) and I would use in situ Ar plasma for a few tens of seconds before the evaporation. This should be enough to remove any remaining MMA without enlarging too significantly your EBL features. You can also use PMMA 50k to get less residues instead of the 495k. Anyway, I almost never do any of this and the lift off works very nicely, as long as you put an adhesion layer (a few nm of Ti, Cr, Ta) and your total thickness is below half of the bottom PMMA... If you really wish to use the RIE, pay attention to the bias; in our system we get to 100V at 10W (not sure about the pressure; could be a few tens of uBar) for max 30s. In principle you can measure the etch rate of the PMMA by using a profilometer before and after the etch by assuming, in first approximation, that you have almost no PMMA on the exposed/developed areas. I get around 10nm/min for the Ar, so I expect around 100nm/min for the O2, but this will depend of course on the parameters you will be using (power, pressure, bias). 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
7 answers
carbon materials, chemistry , plasma 
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Graphene materials could be synthesized by Plasma,in vacuum to atmospheric pressure of Gas phase,at interface between gas/liquid ,and submerged liquids. our group have developped submerged liquid plasma[SLP] method.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
Particle in cell methods outputs data which is "used for diagnostics". How? How is a complex dispersion relation analyzed through a code? Is it just simply substituting for the different values of E, B etc appearing in the relation, from the output of the code?
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Because u said u r beginner, two stream instability is probably the best problem to start with to study dispersion relation. It needs minimum PIC tools to solve this problem and to understand basic logics underlying PIC code. Two stream instability can be solved for an electrostatic plasma problem in minimum one dimension. Hence one don't need solving Maxwell's equations to start with PIC and just solving Poisson's equation will work. There are several free/open-source 1-D electrostatic PIC codes available on web in C++/fortran/Matlab(I started with this version) and in possibly all high level languages.  Just google search. If you having trouble, write be back and I will send you those beginners code.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
7 answers
Training for operating PECVD to fabricate vertically aligned CVD
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You should try and contact scientists at
1) Central electronic Engineering institute, Pilani.
2) Also Hind Hivac systems in Bangalore manufacture PECVD systems, you can check from them if they have supplied anywhere and thereby contact the users.
3) You can rite to the Director of "Solid state physics labs, Timarpur, Delhi, and find out if any kind o training is possible on their PECVD systems.
4) IISc Bangalore has a center for microfabrication facility for MEMS devices, and and you check with them or look at the website, and contact the actual people working there.
5) Anna university has a CVD system, check with them in case they have  PECVD system.
I hope some of these leads will be useful to begin with.
K. Sreenivas 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
7 answers
I am trying to characterise pulsed plasma by Langmuir probe using fixed bias from oscilloscope, but there is one problem.
At the rising and falling edge of discharge voltage there lies a corresponding delay of 100-200 micro seconds in ion saturation part then it starts decaying decaying, which is unusual. 
Someone can explain why this is happening?
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the decay of ion saturation current may be due to the collisions of ions with probes causes to heated  the tip of probes which cause to increasing its resistance and then the ion current decreases.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
1 answer
its is regarding breakup of molecular structure required energy value in plasma environment at different variable parameters like pressure, power, duty cycle, electrode configuration, etc?
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Please check my publication which is given below:
Effect of Argon addition on plasma parameters and dust charging in hydrogen plasma, B. Kakati · S.S. Kausik · M. Bandopadhyay · B.K. Saikia · Y.C. Saxena
Journal of Applied Physics, 10/2014 116(16) 116304. 
In that publications, I have explained about the degree of dissociation of hydrogen molecules in plasma. Please check my profile which is attached in my publication list. 
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
I am working on plasma wall interaction field. To quantify the desorption rate of hydrogen during He GDC accurately, it is necessary to know the dissociation probabilities of water, Methane and Ethane during He GDC. Generally, the electron density and temperature of He plasma during GDC are 10^8/m^3 and 1 eV. Please provide me the minimum electron temperature range to dissociate the above molecules in low pressure plasma. 
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what Timothee says is true, but I also would recommend to look up the dissociation cross sections (by electron impact) of your substances as at low energies there might be an energetic threshold that increases the energy needed for dissociation. Hence the binding energy alone will only give you a minimum limit, which is very unlikely to hold.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
Hi all,
Do you have any strategy to clean the aluminum etch residues on PECVD oxide layer? There is also a ARC TiN layer on Al. The etch gases are Cl2 and HBr. O2 plasma is applied right after metal etch.
The focused ion beam inspection shows no residues but still have some leak current between the submicron metal patterns.
I couldn't reach the paper 'Post Metal Etch Treatment for Submicron Applications'. It would be really appreciated if anyone who has the paper shares it.
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Thank you very much Talita.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
17 answers
When we use a simple langmuir probe in I-V measurement in RF Plasma, there is a Problem in data acquisition in positive bias side of the I-V curve and also the ion saturation region is not properly figure out. Is there any problem in acquiring I-V data with Simple langmuir probe instead of RF compensated probe? (N.B.- Our plasma is Ar plasma with gas pressure in mBar range and we use RF source(Frequency ~MHz) to ionize "it") .
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Dear Satyajit Chowdhury,
from my point of view there are 3 subjects which have to be taken into account:
a) pick up noise
b) measuring the RF plasma dynamics
c) averaging over the RF plasma dynamics
for a) One has to assure with a proper diagnostic set-up to pick-up any noise of the RF. Your probe/wire/(DAQ) system is in principle a nice RC circuit vulnerable by any EM radiation.Therefore, a set-up using shielded wires and proper grounding is vital. 
If a) is fine you will measure the RF modulated plasma. Usually you can measure slowly. With the according low pass filter the fast modulation by the RF will not occur in your signals.
But there comes (c) in. While with a sufficient high biasing for saturation current measurements the mean saturation current will correspond to your mean density the situation is more complicated for your charcteristic. As mentioned above thr RF field is able to vary your sheath. Since the characteristic is nothing else but the measurement of the sheath resistence this has to affect your characteristic. Now there is the exciting question if the mean characteristic represents the undisturbed characteristic to drive the electron temperature. Most probable not. Nevertheless often it is assumed that non-linear effects are small and the mean characteristic is a good approximation. At least you can estimate the maximum error by applying extreme fits for the analysis. In general it is a good approximation that the real temperature is in between these extrems.
 Best regards,
Werner Müller
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
3 answers
I understand that NF3 (or others fluorine-based molecules) plasma cleaning is a standard process everywhere throughout the semiconductor industry but I'd like to know how often is it safe to perform it and under what conditions. Mostly, can I do it at temperatures of ~200ºC?
We have a PECVD system that we use for the deposition of a-Si:H and µc-Si based films and alloys (C and O). The chamber is made of stainless steel so we have tried to avoid a plasma clean as much as we can, with maybe doing 2-3 plasma clean runs a YEAR and always at room temperature.
I recently contacted someone who performs a daily plasma clean at temperatures of ~200ºC without encountering any problems. But their system has ceramic walls and I was wondering if this is a major difference that I simply cannot overlook.
I am mostly interested in performing regular clean runs to see if we can improve reproducibility and better avoid cross-contamination from dopants. For this, it would be desirable if we didn't have to lower the temperature. Simply do the plasma clean, maybe followed by an H2 plasma (to remove F from the walls, or so I read) and the deposition of a dummy a-Si layer.
Some information about our system:
Stainless steel walls.
Fombling oil in all of the pumps.
Access to RF and VHF. Capacitevly coupled. No access to remote plasmas.
Endpoint detection limited to pressure readings or DC bias readings. No OES available.
Can use He to dilute NF3
Thank you all for your help!
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We dry clean our reactors regularly - though they are aluminum, not stainless.  In order to keep process repeatability, it is common do run a short "pre dep" process of the film of interest with no wafer to condition the system immediately after the dry clean process - prior to running additional product wafers..
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
5 answers
I am trying to coat wood using SF6/Argon cold-plasma with low-pressure (0.3 torr). My aim is to increase wood hydrophobicity. However, I always obtaining a hydrophilic surface. I used higher SF6 flow rates (50 sccm) and lower argon flow rates (5 sccm); different discharge times (5-10 min) and power levels (50-100W) but surface samples became fully wetted. 
Anyone have expertise in this topic?
Kind regards,
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I think that use some numerical model to get some optimal parameters before performing an experiment if possible.
Comsol might help you to save time and resources.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
1 answer
Assume Magnetron sputtering and PECVD processes.
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Thermocouple will be Ok, which is uesd to detect the environmental temperature in vacuum.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
16 answers
Plasma properties:
  • I'm trying to generate a DC discharge in atmospheric pressure:
  • Electrodes: a 200um copper electrode and a steel substrate (large size if compared to the electrode)
  • Gas: is Argon, pumped via a plastic tube with its ending oriented between the two eletrodes
  • Voltage: Up to 500V DC source.
  • The glow keeps turning on and off
  • The current is not constant with time (changes from 5mA to 15 mA)
  • The color of the glow is supposed to be violet for Argon, sometimes it change to golden and the discharge becomes large and emits from the sides of the electrode
Any suggestions from people who did experimental work with plasma ?
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Dear Ahmed,
The I-V characteristic of the gas discharge tubes is in form of an S-curve. To set an operating point which is stable you must use constant current sources rather than voltage sources. So, You have to stabilize the current in tube at the required value.
The best operation is achieved by a constant current sources. Constant current sources can be built by transistor with the collector or drain current passing through the gas discharge tube and the current is controlled by the voltage on the gate or the base current according to the transistor type.
It will work ISA.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
2 answers
The fast imaging study of sputtering magnetron plasmas reveals amazingly varied and "even more .... than anticipated" structures, sub-structures and changes thereof in these plasmas.  This is apparently true even for DC plasmas that appear visually stable and quiescent.  Please see the abstract attached.
Can we model these plasmas?  Are such plasma flares, discrete ionization zones, reversals with respect to expected E x B direction and other features predicted?  In detail?
The authors write: "The discovery of reversal moving direction, plasma flares and sub-structures greatly modified and promoted the particle transport theory governed by zone-related instabilities and turbulence."  Is such particle transport theory sufficient to calculate the overall plasma structure and time evolution, as a complete or isolated system?  Or is the state of the art more-or-less that we can use particle transport theory to estimate plasma features and trends in local plasma zones, if we can measure some parameters of those zones.  (Even this latter would be quite fruitful to help elucidate plasma behavior.)
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Dr. Rao:  I understand that most of the same phenomena are observed in both DC and pulsed sputter magentrons.  I believe the subject abstract from Yang et al was mostly about DC plasmas.  They mention prior studies on HiPIMS merely to point out that the direction of rotation is sometimes opposite from DC magnetrons (as well as possibly other differences).  But my understanding is DC magnetron plasmas are quite complex.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
4 answers
in dc glow discharge , sheath will form around the cathode. if we put a cylindrical object in this plasma then it sits on a potential to balance the electron and ion current. a sheath is formed around this object. the potential profile will follow the exponential rule  from the surface to the sheath edge. In the planar cathode , potential is varying in z - direction( Ez) and around the cylindrical object , potential varying in radial as well as -z direction. ( Er and E-z components). now , when this object is immersed in plasma then its sheath field will not affect the sheath potential profile around the cathode ( planar). bur, when we move the object ( perpendicular to plane of cathode ) toward the sheath edge, then how the potential profile as well as ion bohm velocity will be affected.? also, if we put it in the sheath region then how the both sheaths ( cathode sheath and sheath around cylindrical object) will interact and what will be the resultant field around the object?. if anyone having knowledge about this topic please give me answer this problem.  
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Mangilal, your statement "if we put a cylindrical object in this plasma then it sits on a potential to balance the electron and ion current." implies that your cylindrical probe is floating  (floating = no net current, i.e. electron and ion current cancel or "balance").  The sheath around the probe forms to accomplish exactly this: making the electron and ion currents cancel.  
This is not the case for the sheath at the cathode of your glow discharge.  There, the sheath establishes itself  to get the right current to the cathode, i.e. for the current determined primarily by the circuit of the discharge.   
Now, the sheaths will always adjust to fulfill their functions.  When these two sheaths connect you get a complicate situation as you combine a planar geometry (cathode) with a cylindrical geometry (probe).  The situation is 3D and may be treated in 2D as one could still apply axial symmetry with the probe axis as the axis of symmetry.   As the probe's sheath touches the cathode sheath, the sheath will connect but assume a complicate shape and internal potential structure is which determined by their function of controlling currents.
Finally, I'm not so sure the statement "potential profile will follow the exponential rule from the surface to the sheath edge" is applicable at the pressure of a glow discharge.  There are collisions in the sheath at glow discharge pressures.  You cannot assume that the rules of a collisionless sheath apply.  
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
1 answer
In laser produced plasma. What would the effect of ablated laser beam wavelength changing be on the x-ray source.
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I suggest reading this paper, where a full description of the situation is presented:
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
6 answers
I am trying to get the structures obtained in the figure I attached. Basically I need an isotropic plqsmq etch of SiO2 with CF4. Ive only been able to obtain quite vertical sidewalls so far for some reason. I'm using a home build sputtering/etching system with DC-pulsed power source. Ive tried ranging from pressures of 5e-3mbar to 0.5mbar and powers of 150W to 50W and still seem to be getting vertical sidewalls. Any suggestions as to how else I can get an isotropic etch with plasma etching? 
I have also tried HF etching already, however it seems my layer underneath has some pinholes and seems to peel off if I use HF. 
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Depending on your hardmark, you could use dHF wet etch to get you higher selectivity.
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
24 answers
Some authors reported that some kinds of plasmas (even for some non-thermal plasmas) have gas temperatures of larger than 2000 K, but if it is true, why the electrode (mostly made of ion with a melting temperature of around 1700 K) won't be melted?
Additionally, for some DC arc plasmas, how about the temperature of anode or cathode spots? Is it higher than the arc column?
Thanks very much!
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The main difference of cathode and anode spots is their creation mechanism. While  anode spots mostly ignite via electrons that are excited in the sheath that surrounds the spot and make additional impact ionisations, cathode spots are more complicated. The opinion of the formation of the latter ones include sputtering on the cathode surface, evaporation processes or even micro explosions on the cathode (along with other possible reasons).
  • asked a question related to Plasma Technology
17 answers
I am studying the properties of lab-made low temperature plasma. During my study, one question confused me a lot: what decides the volume of low temperature plasma? If the plasma was confined in a cavity, the dimension of which was on the order of hundreds of micrometers, the plasma volume might be decided by the cavity dimensions. But if the plasma was sustained in a large cavity,  what affected the volume of the plasma? 
And was the sheath generated between the plasma and the wall of the cavity, no matter how large the cavity dimension was?
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This depends on the definition of the "volume". It also depends on the condition for charged particle generation and transport, mainly pressire and power. At low pressure, the plasma always extends to the wall.