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Plant Morphology - Science topic
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Questions related to Plant Morphology
As my protein levels appears to be varying in different cell types and different layers and localization (cytoplasm/nucelus) of the root tip of Arabidopsis (in the background of Wild type and mutant plants).
I wonder what should be my approach to compare differences in protein expression levels and localization between two genotypes.
I take Z-stack in a confocal microscope, usually I make a maximum intensity profile of Z- stack and try to understand the differences but as the differences are not only in intesities but also cell types and layers in that case how should I choose the layers between two samples?
My concern is how to find out exact layers between two genotypes as the root thickness is not always same and some z-stacks for example have 55 slices and some have 60.
I have observed among the population of Croton bonplandianus near Salem City, Tamil Nadu India with distinct yellow veined variegated leaves. What is the reason for this kind of variation in the leaves of some plants while the other populations remain green?

I found the morphological mutation on my CRISPR/Cas9 transgenic potato tuber, in detail, which didn't enlarge ,was tiny and highly branched (secondary grew?), so that I want to know whether there are potato mutants of which phenotype is similar to my mut-tuber.
Dear RG Colleagues,
Can you please show me what kind of morphological characterisation for fruit from the genus LOMELOSIA.
Best regards

Hello everyone
I am working in mango micropropagation through nucellar embryogenesis in Ratna (Mono-embryonic). Among 722 developed plants. I found one off type plant, the morphology of one leaf quite different (but other leaves are normal). During in vitro phase, yellow patches were observed on dorsal side surrounding the midrib, but no out growth was observed on ventral side. But after 2.5 months of hardening period, (total 4.5 month old plan), wheat like of outgrowth was observed ventral side (opposite) of yellow patches. Now gradually it’s turning to brown.
Can anyone suggest the exact cause of this symptom?

Analysing morphology-habitat relationships in a montane plant species, I am thinking of using slope exposition (i.e., northern, southern slopes, etc.) as one of the habitat features, since a direct measuring of all the associated microclimatic factors appears problematic. I have plant samples from many sites within a montane area of ca. 1300 squared kilometres and for each site I have slope sexposition data (cardinal and inter-cardinal directions). I need to correlate this data with leaf morphometric anatomical/morphological traits.
I would be grateful if someone could also recommend some papers reporting relationships between plant growth/occurrence and slope exposition in mountains.
Symplastic loading is passive, and by definition does not require ATP for sucrose loading into the phloem. In apoplastic loaders, by contrast, ATP is required for sucrose loading into the phloem, which is provided through the Sucrose Synthase catalyzed breakdown of some of the sucrose actively symported into the sieve element companion cell (SE-CC) complexes. Is it then plausible that Sucrose Synthase would be found in the SE-CC complexes of apoplastic loaders and not in the SE-CC complexes of symplastic loaders?
Plant Morphology versus Molecular phylogeny
histological charectors of plants or microscopy of plant
According to published materials, it is not known to produce root suckers.... but many locals in my study site have observed p.nigra to produce root suckers....
can anybody help me to identify the species of Muncuna 2?
I am working on fruit anatomy of genus Echinophora (Apiaceae) that includes some fruits with woody tissues. Can anyone help me with providing a detailed fruit hand section or microtome section protocol for both woody and non woody fruits?
This is an image of Boehmeria glomerulifera . some fungal mycelium like structures were found in association with every inflorescence. Like to know about this association.

based on the phylogenetic trees, how likely are intergeneric crosses in the solanaceae family? For instance a cross between Physalis and Lycium?
There are any lessons that can be taken to the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
I want to match the pattern of vermin insect bite on leaves and detect the type of insect.
Hello all, I am using BRAHMS system to manage the specimens records from diffrent herbarium. Dose anyone know how to check if there are diffrent determination of same collection, i.e. duplicates in diffrent herbarium were identified as diffrent species.
Thank you very much!
I need to prepare sample for SEM. The samples are Rose petals and leaf. I need to remove the moisture from the leaves and petals to make it suitable for SEM imaging. How shall I do It?
can anybody help me to identify the species of Muncuna 1?
Can anybody help me to identify the species of Mycetia?

I am working on gynoecy and parthenocarpic expression in cucumber where gene sequence information is available. Now looking for the ideal marker and approach for designing the primer.
Hi all,
I work with Marchantia but this could be useful to someone working with leafy plants, too. I'd like to measure thallus area as well as width under different conditions, but very often Marchantia thalli curl up. This not only makes those measurements much harder, but in itself is also something that I want to measure. I am using a Keyence digital light microscope for this experiment. Any suggestions?
Is there any script of UTHSCSA image tool software or other software for automatic identification of phyllometric parameters in neural network analysis.
Hello everybody, please excuse me for my bad english. I need a help, because I want to do an A/Ci curves with the TPS-2 pp systems IRGA and I could not calibrate the led of cuvette leaf. I was wondering if anyone can help me or if anyone have the experience with the handling of the TPS-2 pp systems IRGA.
E'tienne Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire and Goethe through morphology and rigorous imaginative thought have discovered the unity of animal Type.The recent discoveries in developmental genetics and the discovery of the Hox genes in animal morphogenesis have resurrected some of Goethe's and Geoffroy’s optimism with regard to discovering a unity of plan in the animal kingdom through homologies.
As we Know there is many common ways to measure leaf area like leaf area metere system,computer ,scan method and finaly the formula suggested for citrus species by Chou,G.J1966:
Leaf area(cm2)= 0.665*L*W
do you find this formula accurate quite enough to use in citrus.
Dear colleagues,
I am looking for some information about the spikelets of Sorghum bicolor subsp. verticilliflorum (syn. Sorghum arundinaceum). Especially about the WIDTH of the fertile spikelets.
Thank you for your help in finding some references,
According to many studies, seedlings were treated at the 3rd leaf stage.
Why at 3rd leaf stage not 1-2 leaf stages or 4-5 leaf stage? I am looking for the reference but it couldn't be found.
In a morphometric variability study of montane shrub species populations, which I have just launched, leaf shape would be quite a promising character. Although commonly used in such studies, leaf shape is often analysed as actually a set of individual “shape-describing” linear traits and their ratios, leaf area and perimeter. But still, each of these traits is treated by the analysis as an individual independent variable. Thus, I am looking for a high-precision method to measure and analyse leaf shape as a single whole.
The supposed algorithm is following: on the photographed or scanned leaf images, a number of control points are placed along the leaf outline in a computer program. The program then analyses the differences between leaf outlines based on these points, resulting in numerical/graphical representation of the leaf shape variation.
Having reviewed some literature, I found that this can be done by so-called Elliptic Fourier leaf shape analysis using R statistics. Has anyone dealt with such kind of analysis? Is it applicable for within-species population studies? This analysis can be carried out by any of numerous algorithms, so did anybody compare their effectiveness? Also, are there any easier-to-use substitutes for this method? I would be grateful for recommending a relevant statistics and software, some manuals and publications.
I am currently trying to find any anatomical changes of the Lemna minor under stress conditions and I want to know which is the best metod of making sections of the fronds and roots. Also I am triyng to keep the material as fresh as I can to see if the substances that I use had entered in the cells of the plant.
I need a kek to differentiate mango cultivate by leaf morphology
Leaf length , width
Or may be other trees
I am starting a plant morphometric study and have got a lot of inspiration from Julien Claude's (2008) book. It uses the "Rmorph" package quite much, but I failed to find its copy on CRAN pages. I would be grateful if someone could send me a copy of this package or give a link where to find it.
This tree is about 12-15 m tall with compound leaves as can be seen in picture attached. The fruits are drooping and inflorescence long. it is grown for shade.
some times we need to calculate leaf area for any fruit trees species in the field using leaf width and length trait and i know that there are many researchers worked on this line ,but i didn,t find their papers in my search , so i hope that someone provide me with a source concerning with this matter.
This is for a review paper so it would help that the topic is well-studied.
some details about how to fix and locate them will also be appreciated.
I am studying tropical plants here in the Philippines and I would like to have a general background in the species that have diverse morphology
The aim of the study is to compare montane and lowland populations of a plant species with respect to leaf anatomy. The montane populations also include those situated on different altitudes. I collected 25 plant individuals from each population on a defined area: the whole plants as a herbarium material as well as the shoots with leaves (3 vegetative and 3 flower-terminated ones from each individual) as alcohol-fixed material. The plant is small-leaved and each individual contains dozens of leaves on both types of shoots.
Now the question is how many leaves of each individual to analyze anatomically and how many measurements of each particular quantitative trait (e.g., size and density of stomata, hairs, leaf thickness and size, etc.) to take from each leaf? Also, what would be the statistical methods most suitable to use in such a study? Thanks in advance.
For the purpose of laser capture, I am taking infected Arabidopsis root tissues. First I collect the samples in Ethanol:Acetic Acid (3:1) and then replace the solution with 30% sucrose solution. After that I embed them in OCT and use for cryosectioning. But the morphology of sections indicates that they have shrunken. Is there any solution to maintain tissue morphology?
I am characterizing blackberry germplasm in Kenya ( genetic and morphological) and would like to know about the genetic diversity of the same around the world. Any information on the same would be helpful in my research. Regards
Hello everyone,
I'm working on an experiment in which we need to know phenolic contents of marine angiosperms (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa). In addition to this variable many others measurements will made, some of which have to be made with fresh material, so it would be very desirable to delay in time (days or weeks) analysis of the phenolic content. This analysis would be done by extraction in methanol (80%) and subsequent determination with the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Conservation methods used (in both marine and terrestrial plants) vary widely in literature including drying (at room T ° or oven), lyophilization, freezing in liquid nitrogen and conservation at -80 ° C, or directly conservation at -20º.
What conservation treatment would be best suited to ensure optimal measure of phenols in time?
many thanks
The heterostyled species have self-incompatibility gene is often linked with morphological traits of androecium (stamens) and gynoecium (pistils). However, inhibition of pollen tube can arrested in different parts of pisti ..
I used woody plant as starting material and petiole as my explants. Till now, my sample failed to elongate. What is the best medium for elongation.
I need the authentic coronal morphology of Vincetoxicum canescens. It includes the size & shape of the corona, and whether it is longer than gynostegium? Is it longer then half length of the corolla lobes?
It looks like a Poikilospermum suaveolens but there is no flower and it has a fruit.
I'm not sure if it is a P. suaveolens. Thanks.
Sorry for not good image quality.

I have a plan to conduct a study about the different cultivar of cassava found in Romblon. And, to determine the phylogenetic tree of cultivar, what kind of morphometric analysis should I use?
Thank you. :)
I need information on a root's adaptation to its environment.
Dear All,
I have sown some seeds of a Hodgsonia heteroclita fruit from Cucurbitaceae family, but the leaves structure which is thought to be the most important key feature for identifying the two species of this plant shows different morphological feature. It is recorded that H. macrocarpa leaves are three lobed and that of H. heteroclita are five lobed. However the seeds of the same when germinated produced two lobed, three lobed and five lobed leaves. What might be the possible reason and how can it be resolved?
I want to prepare microscopic slides of rice roots to study anatomical changes of them to different stresses.
I want to investigate the differentiation between leaves of the same species that grow under different light intensities.
I need a method for counting the stomata and epidermal cell number of a herbarium leaf with a very dense trichomes:
Can anyone suggest which physiological and genetic factors/genes affect the number of siliques in Arabidopsis thaliana?
I plan to measure some physiological parameter of different root parts, and I think beside the root weight the root surface would be the most adequate index to normalize the values.
I'm starting a project that will compile the existing literature of different morphological and functional traits of shrub and tree species occurring in the Atlantic Forest. I would like to know what researchers are working on this subject or compiling similar information in the same forest biome for a possible collaboration, or joint efforts to compile trait data of Neotropical tree species.
When in field trips or in situ identification.
I am working as a trainee on a phenology project and we are trying to convert animal surveys (e.g. of migratory birds) into a kind of code, like we use the BBCH-Code for plant surveys.
We are studying a material of Sceptronema but we can not find studies about its morphology. We would be very thankful if someone could help us. Thank you in advance.
Can anyone help me with the identification keys (morphology) of AMF spores?
I am trying to remove wax from Populus tremuloides x P. tremula leaves. I tried to use methanol, chloroform, acetic acid, boiled water - nothing works. I want to do stomatal imprints, but just to put nail polish is not working because of the thick layer of wax. Maybe someone has more experience with this? Maybe someone knows how to extract all epidermis from the leaf?
I want to know Brassica with shattering resistance before maturity.