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Plant Identification - Science topic
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Questions related to Plant Identification
This Schinus is naturalized in Saudi Arabia, I have seen several trees growing wildly in Saudi Arabia/ what is exactly?
Please help me identify this Potentilla species that grows in Saudi Arabia...I checked the flora of Saudi Arabia and I found only one species of which is Potentilla dentata (P. hispanica
The collected plant was herb with 25cm height , found in SBR, Odisha.
Please see the images attached.
The leaves alternate, single, hairy, acute shape. The flowers are white cone. Could it b from the convolvulaceae family plants?The leaves can be edible.
Pedicels and calix are covered with glandular trichomes, the number of leaflets runs 21.
I photographed this plant in the garden, Romania.
Blooms from May-June to July. In July matures and appear the seeds.
seeking help to identify this plant
thanks in advance
this is a new plant found by my friends in China, and I have compared with the flora of China, It seems not perfect match here.
the previous pictures I post got lots of quick and good comments. So I am very grateful and hope this species could also be identified.
Feel really bad when seeing the plants but without the name as a researcher of aquatic plants.
This Ardisia from limestone of Cat Ba NP, please ID
Kindly identify these two plants. I have found these from Himachal Pradesh, India at an altitude of 1500masl. According to me, 1st plant belongs to Acanthaceae family and 2nd one belongs to Fabaceae family. Kindly identify these at species level.Thank you.
Dear experts please help me to find the sp. name
Dear Experts Please help to identify this plant?
Dear Experts Please help to identify this plant?
How we can use AI in plant identification and botany?
The parasite was growing on the Sonneratia apetala plant, have reddish young leaves and the mature one is green. I have found it in the Sundarban mangrove forests of Bangladesh.
Habitat: Shrub
Having a strong flavor in leaf and fruit
Can one let me know the botanical name of this tree
It was a common plant od arid places. It is some 30 cm in diameter and some 10 cm tall. It was collected in Larnaca.
The picture was taken in the Colombian Amazon. The location of the picture is around Leticia in Colombia and the fruit was hanging most probably from a vine.
We have find this herb attached to a wall behind an irrigation canal in Upper Egypt, Please help me to identify it, thanks
My best friend found this curious plant at a store in Michoacán, México. Honestly, I do not have any idea if it comes from the desert or the forest. The townsfolk could not help him. I believe it comes from the forest, but I am not sure. Does anybody know the name of it?
this small herb find beside road of Protected area of rangmati, Bangladesh.
can any one identify this herb.
thanks in Advance. Rishad
Dear All,
Need your expert opinion about this climbers
Dear All.
Please help me find the botanical name.
Location. Kaptai, Rangamati. Bangladesh
thanks in advancd
Please kindly identify the weed shown in the photo.
Is this Galinsoga parviflora (a.k.a. guasca, mielcilla, gallant soldier, potato weed)?
If this is not Galinsoga, then what?
The plant is about 6 cm tall and blooms on wall crack...
Photo was taken in Katowice, Poland, on september 2014.
Could anyone identify these Murdania
Please help,
image 3 and 4 same plant. with lime smell
image 5,6,7 are same plant. with aromatic smell
I need a common name or scientific name or group to which it belongs
this plat was found in palm orchards with aromatic odeur
Dear Expert
Please help to identify this plants
thanks in advance
A Tall Tree near about 20m long. Most probably belongs to sapindaceae family.
Can some one identify? Locally known as Olera licthu
Fruits are small and edible
thanks in advance
this is a shrub
it is in dry zone. combine leaves, orange bunch of fruits in August, September.
The seeds were collected in autumn/winter. A pink thin shell covered the seeds. No pulp was found, the seeds are dry. The seeds were found in South Germany at the edge of the forest. Unfortunately I have no more information. I'm looking forward to any suggestions. Thank you :-)
Can anyone identifiy this plant? It's a Tilia europaea L.?
I found these seeds (photo attached) in the gizzards of Green-winged Teal (n=51), and I was hoping that someone on here could recognize them before I start diving into the seed manuals to identify them. I am not good with wetland seed identification but I'm pretty sure the second from the left in the middle row is Polygonum lapathifolium. If you have any book recommendations too please let me know, these were found in coastal North Carolina. Thanks!
Hey everyone, can anyone identify this plant? 0m altitude, Safi region, Morocco, march 2022.
Does anybody know this Asteraceae plant which was growing in a puddle at about 300 m asl in Liguria/Italy near Finale Ligure?
Between the new plant species and the plant subspecies exists narrow differences, When somebody can decide it? what are the essential elements to do it?
During my recent investigation in a montane cloud Rhododendron forest (1800m asl), I found this sponge like moss. Someone told me it's a species of carnivous moss. Yet I cannot find information about the plant. Could anyone provide scientific name to me? Thanks in advance.
This plant grow in wild habitat and flowers in July and August.
Now a days many techniques are available on crop nutrition such as soil testing, plant testing, foliar diagnosis, soil test crop response method and colour chart method etc. Though many number of methods are available to diagnose deficiency or toxicity of nutrients either in soil or on crop plants , identification of type and level of nutrient deficiency or toxicity is difficult for recommending nutrient application. In this connection, discussion on soil mineral resource identification, nutrient release from the particular mineral and quantity of elements release my give better idea on nutrient management for agri / horti /forestry crops especially in organic agriculture.
I would like to upload images of plants and get some identification (only name, for example). Maybe some service using Deep Learning?
Is there is a researcher that can help to know the botanical name of the plant with the help of a picture?
It is a coastal area along the Arabian gulf just before the mangrove plantation. So I want to identify the plant.
I have observed among the population of Croton bonplandianus near Salem City, Tamil Nadu India with distinct yellow veined variegated leaves. What is the reason for this kind of variation in the leaves of some plants while the other populations remain green?