Science topic
Plant Environmental Stress Physiology - Science topic
Plant Environmental Stress Physiology is a biotic and Abiotic Stresses
Questions related to Plant Environmental Stress Physiology
I have performed several experiments with aquatic macrophytes and one species, Ludwigia peploides, had red roots. What could be the reason for this? A similar species L. grandiflora did not show these red roots. Is it because of nutrients, oxygen...?
I am looking for a post doc. position on plant nutrition, stress physiology or climate change in agriculture. I thank all the scientists and researchers who can help me on this topic.
I wondered if tomatoes could grow in a closed container last summer. So I put some soil in a water bottle and a few tomato seeds and coriander seeds on top of the soil and then covered the seeds with a very thin layer of soil. Afterward, I watered the soil very little, closed the bottle tightly, and placed it on the window side. I didn't touch the bottle again, but after a while, I saw that first lichen-like structures formed in the soil, secondly Elodea-like organisms emerged, and a plant had grown.
How is this whole process possible without anything but oxygen, regular watering, and seeds? And what could be those plants which are growing inside the bottle?
I would like to measure H2O2 on tomato leaves. Just need a fast and quantitative complete protocol for the determination of H2O2.
Hello everyone,
I am growing tomatoes plants in greenhouse on an inert substrate consisted of only perlite.
I would like to apply potassium K stress and thus I would like to use Hoagland nutrient solution.
As the nutrient solution is described for hydroponics, I was wondering whether it is useful to apply it also on perlite, and in case yes what is the procedure?
I could not find in literature but in case someone knows anything or knows a good paper please let me know.
The apoplast of higher terrestrial plants represents an essential storage and reaction space that connects cellular tissues, engages in transport of matter, enzyme catalysis and defense reactions, and also in gas exchange and storage of oxygen . Since the apoplast is that extracellular space within the plant through which energy-rich compounds have to pass before they are taken up into the cells through H+-symport. A fast and typical response to anoxia/hypoxia is the rapid acidification of the cytoplasm, which in many cases ranges around half a pH unit. For instance, the carbohydrate reserves that are recycled to be broken down in glycolysis and fermentation have to pass the apoplast from the site of storage to the cytoplasm. In case the apoplastic ionic milieu (especially the pH) has changed, the scarce energy that could be gained from fermentation cannot be harvested accordingly, with the consequence that the time span of anoxia tolerance will decline rapidly. Apoplastic pH is one of the most important parameters for transmembrane transport of organic matter. Organic compounds like sugars, amino acids, etc. are driven from the apoplast into the cytoplasm by H+ symport which critically depends on the so-called proton motive force (pmf).
Is it that chlorophyll content and protein level are significantly affected under drought?
Do drought-tolerant genotypes produce specific secondary metabolites? If yes what are the secondary metabolites?
What should one look for (in terms of biochemical parameters) when studying drought tolerance or sensitivity in legume or cereal genotypes.
Please see the link below:
I am working on factors affecting shoot tips of rice under water deficit and I have some problems to arrange the treatments as moderate and hard drought.
Hi all professor. Could you please tell me what cause this problem on melon. as you notice, some seeds germinated inside fruits. why?
Anyone wondered why and how Aloe vera leaves develop white spots.
(i) We’ve developed in vitro protocol for Aloe vera, and there were no white spots were appeared in the leaves when incubated under in vitro conditions.
Under in vitro conditions, white spots appeared,
(a) During delayed subculture
(b) When shoots are left with the minimal medium.
Similarly, the non-stripped shoots were developed white spots when transferred to ex vitro or in vivo conditions.
(ii) In the second experiment, the pups or offsprings (approx. 5 cm) developed from the mother plant’s root and rhizome, had no white spots. The offsprings were maintained indoor for 2 months and no white spots were observed. The plants developed white spots in the leaves when placed under shade as well as outdoor.
What is the mechanism behind the white spot development in the Aloe vera leaves?
Your valuable comments on the topic are much appreciated.
I saw in the paper from Nguyen-Queyrens et al. (2002) that osmotic potential = ( osmotic potential at full turgor × 100) / Relative Water Content, but it does not seem correct to just to calculate osmotic potential at full turgor, as (Osmotic Potential × relative water content ) /100. The resulting values are not reliable.
There is a growing interest in developing means of early detection of crop nutrient deficiencies. It has held that by the time a deficiency shows up in a soil sample, the crop is already under stress. Does crop sap analysis help to resolve this information gap? If so, how can we expand the use of this from high margin specialty crops to commodity crops?
I want to assay the ACC deaminase in my isolates, and the commonly used medium is the DF medium which contains MOO3 and gluconic acid. Can I replace them by sodium molybdate and glucose? Or can sombody help me with another minimal medium?
It is difficult to work on crops and chances of successful experiments are very less, that is why we prefer these model organisms to study the mechanism and then apply the same knowledge on other crops. So, according to you, for different traits and developmental studies which is better?
I am looking for scientific data concerning alterations in chlorophyll content, Chla/b and Chl/Car. How fast such changes can be in nature? Can they occur in hours, minutes?
I study about effects of chitosan in Diospyros kaki under salinity stress
anatomical changes by water stress in plants?
We are going to select more drought tolerant genotype among a population, which method is more reliable for impose drought stress for selection?
An experiment having 15 lines and 5 testers, need software to calculate as line X tester fashion.
I am looking to identify meetings and sessions in the field of xylem/plant water transport. If you have ever organized or attended a conference session or meeting dedicated to any aspect of this area of research please share the name of the conference. Any information is greatly appreciated.
We are trying to ascertain germination characteristics for an invasive plant (in South Africa): Cistus ladanifer and one suit of experiments will involve heat treatment to mimic a fire, but we cannot find reliable information on the range of temperatures with increasing soil depth (as a basis to guide our experimental temperatures for the heat trial).
Thanks in advance for any help on this!
Good day fellow researchers,
I am planning to find some methods on how to prevent or mitigate flood stress on plants/crops physically, chemically, biologically or anything that can be suggested? Just want to familiarize some researches on flood stress. Feel free to suggest research works. Thank you!
hi, I need the informations about the effects of putrisine on drought stress in hazelnut. can you help me?
I've been looking for possible physiological explanation (hormone interaction) about this topic but I could not find articles with direct answer.
My research is about urban green spaces Regeneration by native plants and trees species
Unfortunately I don’t have enough information about how can I evaluation (analysis)drought tolerance index on selective native plants
Is this method was applying in Horticulture or Agro-forestry systems ? Is this have any connection with physiological stress or evolution ?
Some of the ways in which water pollution affects plants may be fairly obvious. An increase in numbers or a dramatic swelling of a population can be relatively easy to detect. Other ways in which plants may be affected can be more subtle. Of, course besides known or observed effects there may well be those that are as yet unstudied and unknown.
Freezing tolerance of Safflower with respect to germination.
If we were to conduct a field experiment on drought stress to plants, what would be the experimental design so that if it suddenly rains, it would not interfere with the experiment?this plant is a creeper or climber type of plant.thank you.
I am looking for some physiological mechanisms in plants under phosphorus deficiency which are directly or indirectly to calcium nutrition
To evaluate many wheat varieties to water stress and carry out a green house experiment.
5 months ago i started do abiotic stress in alfalfa (50, 100, 200 mM). When goes salt stress these plants get fall down, little bit yellow. why it's not getting very yellow as much as drought stressed plants? Thank you.
I want to submit leaf discs to below zero temperatures as well conducting whole plant studies. In the past when I have conducted electrolyte leakage assays for heat stress or sub-zero temperatures I have submerged the plants in water. Do I need to moisten the leaf surface first with distilled water?
Can I place them in an empty centrifuge tube or test tube in a block on a dry bath?
Hi All
I exposed some plants to severe salinity stress and cut the plants, then I rewatering again with normal water. Some of these plants started to produce shoots but after 5-6 days, all of these plants died. What could be a possible reason in terms of physiology?
I am having plan to do gene expression analysis on plant under abiotic stress threat. However, there is no data about its genome or gene sequence of that, even in NCBI. How can I design primer to amplify my candidate genes if I dont even know its gene sequence? Can I use ETS sequence from closest phylogeny organism?
It is known that plant increase their metabolites with altitude, what will be the reaction when plants of diff. altitude grown in same environment ?
In the experiment of assaying the plant proline content under salinity stress, ten plants(replicates) were selected from each treatment randomly , then were oven-dried for analysis.The problem is, for time-saving, I suggest that grinding the ten plants together and performing the analysis on one gram of this homogenate tissue powders.IS THIS SUGGESTION IS RIGHT?
It would be my pleasure to have your advice for instruments and facilities in plant ecophysiology lab. We are working mainly on wild species from rangelands and forests in aridlands. Some photosynthsis, anzymes and leaf chemical physiological traits would be favorate parameters. It would be nice if you intrdouce the model of instruments as well.
Warm regards, Negar
We are looking for disturbances caused by expanding suburban development on plant distribution and physicochemical properties. What sort of equipment would we need to test for water chemistry and air quality, and how do we sample for those?
In literature, many authors used 10 to 15 days stress duration to study different physiological and molecular changes in plants…… Can anybody tell what are the possible reasons due to which many investigators like to study stress treatments experiments for 10 / 15 days?
Any reference or specific reason?
Freezing stress can induce water loss due to the fact that formed ice breaks the membrane and electrolyte flux out of cell. However, chilling stress can also cause water loss.several reports showed the close relation with water uptake inhibition in plant, but this can not explain the warter loss for detached horticultural products by chilling condition. So, how to undertand chilling-induced cellular water deficit?
I am interested to measure PAR under canopy of shrubs. There are some high quality devices (Waltz, adc..) but i would like to have handy field instrument (not very expensive!).
Do you have any advice or experience?
Warm regards,
I want to study the Seed Germination of Desert Plants under Different Water Potentials due to Drought and salt. i am using 54, 109 and 164 mM NaCl, how i can measure osmotic Potential of these solution and Prepare PEG solution of Equivalent osmotic potential.
NaCl caused an increase in plant height with low and medium concentrations and a decrease with the highest concentration in many researchs then why sodium is always considered as harmful to plants.
Dear Researchers,
Is it possible for cotton seedlings (10 days old) to produce antioxidant enzymes in cotyledons and other parts under short duration (6h,12h and 24h) of salt and drought stress (stress treatment in distilled water supplemented with various concentrations of NaCl and PEG)? I came across so many articles dealing with leaf and other plant parts only not with cotyledons. I want to estimate antioxidants in whole seedlings after stress tretament. Kindly give your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
When onions grown close to each others plants commence to buld earlier, as compared to low plant populations
Plant species exhibit different mechanism to tolerant the effect of Al3+-toxicity. Al3+ can also be translocated to the different parts of the plant through a pathway of other elements. Thus, plants can accumulate Al3+ in their roots and shoots. Al3+ contents in roots and shoots has been studied in some of the crop species. Would you please, suggest me or attach me articles related to this? I am in short of them.
O2 is indispensable for energy generating in plants and all plants functions such as absorption of water and minerals ..etc required energy
I am interested in evaluating the correlation between species diversity and primary production. I know that evapotranspiration is often used as an indirect measure of the primary production; however, it is calculated from values of rain and temperature that we miss. Instead, we have a measure of the ‘plant available water content’.
Which metabolic mechanisms are adopted by plants and why?
fruits, leaves and stems exposed to light manifested intensive color. If we cultivate the same cultivar in wall shadow, plants shadow or under sunlight, we find morphological, anatomical and physical variations in tissues constitutes the plant of varing raised plants of the same cultivar. Thanks indeed
Cell wall hardening is of high significance in plant protections, particularly, fungus, lengthening shelf life, and tolerating stresses. We need to understand the mechanism of cell wall hardening. Thanks
Can you tell me various types of stress by which one can enrich secondary metabolites in plants. I have maintained plants in solid agar medium. I want to provide stress. Please tell me by which way I can give stress to my plants. How can I remove plant from agar media without making injury to plant.
We conducted a research on sesame plants. we would like to find out effects of different concentrations of paclubutrazule and drought stress with different levels on three genotypes of the plants..
We selected the following genes for our gene expression assay.
let me know your opinion about these candidate genes.
1: SiHistone, as reference gene
2: starch synthase (SiSS) and glycosyl hydrolase family protein (SiGH).
3: FAD7 Fatty acid desaturase-7
4: five homologous stress-responsive genes (SIN_1024017, SIN_1022545, SIN_1021853, SIN_1021706, and SIN_1012279)
Thank you in advance
It is know that semi arid and arid plants hold higher water content in plants to overcome the higher transpiration. if so what are the desert plants that hold higher water content. Is there any taxonomic group of plants that hold higher moisture percentage. is there any studies related to this topic
If i wanted to know the physiological and biochemical response of plant to salinity stress, do i need to study it at both in-vitro or ex-vitro condition?
If I detach leaf from plant,place them in distilled water and give stresses like salt, drought ,cold,etc.Will i get more response to the specific stress that i have given or due to the plant being detached.Please give physiological logic behind it?Or,Can I give different stress treatments in detached leaves in distilled water , wont there be any big physiological change because of plant being detached?
Whole seedling soluble sugar content decreased under stressed condition, how to explain this? and ratio of coleoptile to radicle in soluble sugar decreased as well? Any answer is welcome.
I have to conduct a pot study for remediation of heavy metal. How much bacterial suspension (10^8 cells/ml) should be added to pot (2kg soil/pot) having five plant seedlings/pot. How much volume of bacterial suspension is needed to inoculate single pot. The water holding capacity for soil is 60% and I have to maintain 30%. In some research paper it is mentioned 20ml bacterial suspension/pot and in some 50ml/pot and in some 5ml/pot. So it is very confusing to plan the experiment properly.
Anyone who can help me to explain the phenomenon why leaf margin of citrus seedlings become yellow and dry?And what I can do to deliver this phenomenon?
Based on theory, net assimilation rate will give positive response to water use efficiency. In my study, it is vice versa. Need some explanations to validate my data.
Dear All,
Could you please share if any one have detailed protocol to measure electrolyte leakage in cold stressed wheat/ any plants?
Thank you very much
in my study i found that hoeing treatment affects on cotton root length so i want to know the appropriate explanation for this strange matter.
I have tried Sodium hypo chloride and have used 3% volume. We seem to sterilize the contamination but it seems that the tiny seeds are killed in fungus the process. Can someone give any other suggestions of what we can use because we want to use the tiny seeds for tissue culture?
I need a standard protocol for growing rice hydroponically to assess salt stress and nutrient uptake. It would be really helpful if it includes details of media used, pH, replenishment of media and if it is necessary to include an air pump.
I am searching for quantitative information regarding crop yield reduction caused by road dust deposition. Thank you in advance!
If we were to induce drought stress to several species in an experiment, would we rather stress all species for the same amount of time, living with the fact that some species might not "feel stressed" at all while others might already show severe damage? Or would we define indicators for stress such as "wilting of 20 % of the samples of one species", which would mean that the duration of drought would be different for each species? When chosing the second approach, would it be allowed to compare statistically between species? Thank you for your thoughts and experiences!
Will you share me about cold stress screening in rice at seedling stage (including protocol how to give cold stress)?
Drought is attributed for meager water supply in which plants are in a position unable to absorb water from the soil. The reason can be osmotic stress (due to solute accumulation) or due to lack of moisture in the soil. A method that mimics this condition is required to test the performance our test materials while our plants are being grown in hydroponic culture. So it is your turn to forward any suggestion for this.
what is the best way to conduct a drought experiment for Arabidopsis in soil media? and what are the important parameters to measure?
(Rght now plan is to Grow the seedlings on known weight of soil + water and after canopy cover the soil, allow plats for drought stress. During stress period weight of the pot will be measured and supplement the water to maintain the required weight throughout the stress period)
Hello Researchers.In protocol of POD it is written that change in absorbance/minute at 430 nm.
I just want to ask that absorbance become increase or decrease in stress plant sample?
Also guide me calculation of POD with example. Please
I am curious about this topic. Most of the research about microgravity is focus on the morphogenesis and tropism of the plant. As far as I know, the microgravity can affect the production of plant hormone. That is the reason why the growth of plant is not normal. If the plant growth is not normal, is photosynthesis must be affected?
Experts, I need your help and share me some literature about the microgravity, knowledge and wisdom in writing a research proposal.
I am interested to make a study and write a research proposal.
Thank you and more power!
Is one could give me information about how to identify the genes responsible for drought tolerance in maize
I visited last week to Tthari village of Narmada district. I observed Banana crop scorched. I asked farmers to know the reason of scorching of banana. Farmers replied that this was because of low temperature. The question is that banana plant gets scorched if temperature goes down to 10 C. What physiological changes takes place in banana plant if temperature goes down?
Absorbance of control is less so overall negative SOD value is obtained. Values within replicate are not stable.