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Plant Biotechnology - Science topic
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Questions related to Plant Biotechnology
No APC, journal in french, plant biotechnology, soil science, crop production
What is the best medium for the rapid multiplication of bamboo plantlets by micro-propagation ? Are there any rules of thumb in using ingredients including cytokinin, auxin and others that could promote rapid shooting and rooting? Appreciate if those who identified any tricks could be provided.
for oxalate, i used 1g sample, 75ml 0f 3M H2SO4 to soak it. filtered and took 25ml aliquot and warm and titrate against 0,05M KMnO4. (1ml KMnO4=2.2mg).
for phytate, i used 2g sample, soak with 100ml 0f 2%HCl, filter and took 25ml aliquot and to it, 53.5ml dH20 was added. 10ml 0.3% ammonium thiocyanate soln was added and titrated against standard iron III chloride containing 0.00195n iron/ml.
how do i determine these values in mg/100g?
thanks. swift response is anticipated
Hi I am looking for any alternative protocols to purify TMV virions, other than the commonly used PEG precipitation.
Two main problems that I have with PEG protocol is that,
1\ any macromolecule will co-precipitate as well
2\ so that PEG cannot purify full length (300nm) TMV virions from other shorter rods (probably breakage), and other small discs. (thanks to people responded to my earlier question)
So I am wondering if there is any purification protocol or method that can get mostly the full length rods and rid breakage ones and discs?
Thanks a lot in advance
During plant tissue culture researcher using citric acid and ascorbic acid to minimise the browning problem of explant. Under which mechanism these two compounds prevents tissue from browning .Please if references provided will be appreciated
we know that Secondary metabolites are non growth associated, and primary metabolites are growth associated, so can the answer be No they have no role? or there are some of them that have role
Can anyone tell me the procedure to apply for German Patent?
How long does it take grant the patent?
Some strains of Pectobacterium sp. and other plant pathogenic enterobacteria are known to produce Trimethylamine, responsible for "fishy" smell of infected plants and bacteria on agar medium. Such bacteria were very rare in Russia until recent years.
Trimethylamine smells, trimethylamine N-oxide does not. Trimethylamine N-oxide increases osmotic concentration and thus depress the freezing point in bacteria, an important detail for Russian population of plant pathogens. Does anybody know abount frequency of this trait in pathogen populations in other areas and possible use for diagnostics and evaluation of climate change impact in plant pathology?
I am happy to announce that the latest special issue of PCTOC, on Secondary Metabolites and Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, will be in print any day now. Meanwhile you can check the Preface by the editors at to see its contents. Articles are online already.
During Tissue culture of Brassicae when explant(hypocotyl) was provided Ms medium containing NAA -0.125 mg/250ml and BAP-0 mg/250ml. The hypocotyl burst and formed shoot, in direct-embryogenesis we expect the formation of somatic embryos from the explant. Please explain is this organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis. Rectify please if I'm wrong in some interpretation. The snap is attached below.
Thanks in advance.

C4 rice variety development project, involving an international consortium of researchers..
I'm designing a fusion protein for expression in plants. The first protein is about 1,400 amino acids in length and the second is about 350 amino acids in length. I am considering putting the SV-40 (cctaagaagaagaggaaggtt) NLS signal directly after the first larger gene followed by a flexible glycine-serine rich linker. My question is whether I should add an additional SV-40 sequence at the 3' end of my fusion directly after the second gene. I have read about concerns over the two identical NLS sequences potentially bonding together and disrupting the expressed product, but I have also seen publications where two of the same NLS signals are used to effect. Any advice would be helpful.
Why there are two names for the same growth regulator?
For the initiation of tissue culture of Philodendron pink Princess, I am curious about the starting material. There are some reports on different varieties of Philodendron concerning tissue culture from leaf explants, but couldn't see it for the pink princess. Have you ever tried tissue culture for this ornamental crop from its mature variegated leaves? Thanks.
We know that somatic embryo can be used as an artificial seeds, but encapsulation include many kind of material. I ask to researcher to give their experience for us.
I'm new here so sorry If I'm in the wrong place.
I've been working in UK Agriculture for around 10 years now and I've decided to pursue a career in R&D and plant breeding after working for a seed production company with a local breeding site. I found it all fascinating so I've started a biology degree at Open University and I'm hoping to get a job as a technician or something similar soon.
I know I'm still a fair way from my ultimate goals but in the mean time I'm looking for any good books that go into detail on agricultural plant breeding methods, plant biology, genetics and modern techniques such as Marker Assisted Selection, Doubled Haploid and tissue culture.
I'm looking for something that covers these subjects in detail but on a suitable level for a student (I like diagrams and pictures haha). One of the best looking ones I've found so far is "Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques, and Applications" by C. Neal Stewart Jr. But i could do with some advice from anyone who's read any books like this in the past.
Many pieces of researches have shown that responding explant percentage, embryo number, plant regeneration and also response rapidity increase in TCL explants compared to larger size explant. Now, I ask all researchers to share their experiences and reasons.
agriculture, soil, mycorrhizal fungi, biology
Can turmeric be used as a substitute for the other comercially availble antifungal agents during plant tissue culture?
Vitis Vinifera : Transcription factor proteins NAC1, NAC08, NAC17, NAC26 already showed a resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses via different articles.
My Vitis Vinifera NAC36 gene might have same function like them ? What the best way to start with this comparison ?? and is it possible ??
How to prepare FeEDTA by adding Feso4 7h2o and NaEDTA, avoiding precipitation?
On the same medium composition i.e. 2mg/l 2,4-D and 0.4/0.5mg/l Kn MS medium(1962). It is found that leaf and petal explant gives embryogenic callus and node, internode and petiole derived explants with nonembryogenic callus.
In the same study I have performed one more experiment: node, internode and petiole derived callus were transferred to cytokinin rich medium for shoot regeneration; after one month shoot bud differentiation was observed in all the calluses (node, internode, and petoile derived callus) but there is significant difference in morphogenetic potentials of each explant derived callus. I have further subcultured each callus maintained separately and studied for 7 subcultures... during subculture on callus maintenance medium I tried the same composition. During each phase of subculture I have studied morphogenic potential of node, internode and petiole derived callus.. during this study I have found that petiole derived callus retain morphogenic potential up to six subcltures, while the other explants fail after 3rd and 4th subcluture... I need references for a similar study. If anybody has any suggestion please recommend some research papers on related work.
How can I wash it? Please suggest how.
Although it's not a very effective sterilizer alone for plants but still being part of treatments in all researches. i wonder over its widely essential use and what factors decide the time of ethanol treatment?
I have a question about the role of NaCl in the DNA extraction process. So for NaCl concentrations under 0.5M, CTAB and DNA molecules can create complexes. In those concentrations, proteins and other hydrocarbons are still soluble in water except the DNA-CTAB complex. If we raise the concentration of NaCl then the complex of CTAB-DNA will be soluble to water too. Correct me if I'm wrong until now.
So I don't understand something. Why do we use NaCl?
Let's assume that we don't add NaCl. Will the CTAB create complex with DNA or not? As I read CTAB creates ionic bonds with DNA (phosphate groups). So in this situation (without NaCl) CTAB must be able to create complex with DNA too.
So why did we use NaCl? Just to keep proteins and other hydrocarbons soluble in the water or there is something else that NaCl helps in this complex creation?
For example, if I used 40% of methanol, 60% of methanol and 80% of methanol to extract the herbal plant, is there any difference? Is it true if the higher concentration of solvent can extract more chemicals compound from the plant? Can anyone here provide me the references. thank you.
1. Chemically induced mutagenesis in seed and qPCR detection and amplification of desired trait.
2. Site-directed mutagenesis in qualitative traits of a multiline seed.
How to find the candidate genes to validate their role through functional genomics experiments such as cloning, transgenics, over-expression, localization, and its interaction with other proteins and DNA, etc.
1)Do we need to study a lot of literature and see which genes role is not deciphered in particular traits e.g. drought stress?
2.) Do we need to perform our own transcriptome or comparative genomic studies or analyze already published studies from literature?
3. ) Do we need to perform our own marker traits association(QTLs) study or already published studies?
4.) Some people functionally characterize already known genes(say arabidopsis) to plant of their interest (legumes). But is it a significant or novel research problem to work upon?
5. all of the above.
Because in references Astaxanthin content of B. braunii less than 1%.
Dear Researchers,
I am doing transformation in cotton plant. Now I want to check GFP expression in transformed tissue. Can anyone suggest a standard protocol for preparing tissue sample to visualize GFP under fluorescence microscope? Thanks in advance.
Is there any DAB staining method for ROS detection in pea leaves??
I know they are required for the transfer of T-DNA and are transferred along with it. But how is it useful exactly, apart from transfer. And how are they cleaved
I am looking for few common tobacco pathogens as well as other general plant fungal pathogens. If anyone will be willing to provide it then please contact me.
any one knows what is the effect of applied biochar upto 15 t ha-1 on maize yield and yield components?
like total grain yield, biological yield, thousand grain weight ,, stover yield and NPK uptake by the plant.
Dear Experts.....I am doing the superoxide radical scavenging assay.The result I got was opposite to what I found in theory/literature. I used NADH-PMS system. According to literature, the reaction must give the blue formazan dye.When I add the antioxidant standard to the reaction mixture, the color intensity should decrease.But I got the opposite result like the NADH-PMS-NBT system doesn't give any color formation. But when I add the ascorbic acid to the system, it showed blue color formation. But for the medicinal plants extracts, color doesn't change.Please give me any advice or show me how to correct the protocol.

I am using Genalex to analyze binary AFLP data of two Fusarium populations. What conclusion can I make from having greater within population variation, than between population variation?
Journal Scopus indexed, ISI indexed that publish articles for free of charges in the field of plant biotechnology
As we know that guide plays a vital role in the entire tenure of research leading to PhD, what are the qualities a scholar must look into consideration while selecting a guide?
I have difficult for to development of hybrids in Leucaena. I was applied common method but I can't create hybrids in this plant. Pls give idea or any specific method for producing hybrids in Leucaena and also give me some reference article.
I have 2 genotypes, one resistant and another susceptible with two repeats of each genotype for stress and control condition. I will analyze them with one concentration of heavy metal at two time points in comparison with control genotypes. Briefly two genotypes, two time points, two repeats for heavy metal treatment and control, one heavy metal concentration. Totally 16 samples. could any one give aa advice? Regards
The solution for immediate stabilization of DNA, RNA, and protein in tissues.
The research area is not only limited to plant biotechnology, but also extends to plant physiology and biochemistry/Genetic engineering/plant growth and development/secondary metabolism and regulation/stress physiology/Plant molecular biology etc.
your valuable suggestions will be highly appreciated.
I need a comparison between Endomycorrhiza and Piriformospora indica in some crop production.
I want built a small biochemistry lab for research purpose ( Phytochemical Study).
Phytochemical screening
It refers to the extraction, screening and identification of the medicinally active substances found in plants. Some of the bioactive substances that can be derived from plants are flavonoids, alkaloids, carotenoids, tannin, antioxidants and phenolic compounds.
Please give me some guideline and references for built a small laboratory.
The attached image shows chromatograms from the same FAME sample run three times on our GC-MS. As seen, additional peaks show up if running the sample several times. From the MS spectra the additional peaks seem to be plasticizers. If I heat the column to max for 30 min and then rerun the sample the peaks are gone. The additional peaks elute at approximately the same in all samples. I have tried changing septum, liner, injector needle, needle wash whiteout any improvements. Any suggestion how to lose these peaks? Thanks in advance.

Resistant starch and its implications in relation to fish diets Can someone help me with materials on resistant starch in legumes and how they can be determined in relation to fish diets?
Dear Colleagues/Editors/Reviewers,
Comment those journals which are going to receive its first impact factor in JUNE 2020 and currently indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS, PubMed, etc.
Journals must be related to plant physiology, plant biology, plant sciences, agriculture, and biotechnology, etc.
Note. Please don't comment any predatory journals. Thanks in advance.
Recently I was performing some rooting trials with in-vitro produced walnut plants, at this time a lot of those plants have died from fungal infection.
I mention some background about:
- Induction in DKW 1/2 for 5 days in darkness
-Rooting in humidity chamber ~ 90%
- Peat-Perlite Substrate 1: 1 and Jiffy 7C
-In in-vitro conditions some of these plants had a white halo in the callus.
-Substrate humidity controlled
In previous tests I never saw anything like this.

we placed plant in a dark conditions (in growth chamber without light) before isolation of mtDNA but still we have little contamination of chloroplast DNA. Is there any other method to control it..
I want to test the in vitro phosphorylation of a LAMMER kinase against an external substrate. How can I non radioactively achieve this? Also,what are the general effects of autophosphorylation on kinase activity?
My friend said to me to use different levels of peclobutrazol and monitol on potato micropropagation. Is it ok, if so what is the process for that please.
I need to know about the bioinformatic database and resources for abiotic and biotic stresses?
For Example:
PRGdb: a bioinformatics platform for plant resistance gene analysis
2-iP, Zeatin, BA, Picloram, NAA, IAA, IBA, CCC, etc.
Its unclear the role of plant hormone in plant resistant.
It is difficult to work on crops and chances of successful experiments are very less, that is why we prefer these model organisms to study the mechanism and then apply the same knowledge on other crops. So, according to you, for different traits and developmental studies which is better?
Hi All,
I am looking for several plant expression vectors (pML-BART, pART27 and pART7). Could anyone please tell me where I can find these vectors? I have searched in google but did not get any source where I can buy them.
Dr. Mahmudul Hassan
Postdoctoral Research
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
i want to estimate the saponin content in crude extract of aloe vera using HPLC. which standard of saponin should i use to estimate the saponin or which type of saponin is found in Aloe vera?
Suppose someone is working on molecular characterization of particular fungus using ITS region. He obtained the DNA and amplified using specific primer pairs and went for sequencing. However, without submitting the sequence to GenBank or any other related databases, is it possible to publish in journal or PhD thesis. How authentic/ scientific is such type of work?
Anticipating a positive response.
Thanking you.
We have isolated a Xanthomonas from Salvia with leaf spots. The isolate could not be identified yet, as it was not amplifyable using the gyr primers of Parkinson. It was identified as X. sp. via biochemical tests and 16S DNA sequencing.
I am a PhD student working on genetic diversity of Strychnos cocculoides
I have some Catharantus roseus callus tissue (about 25 days on medium) that I kept in 12 hrs light condition on MS medium with 1 mg/L NAA and BAP. I don't want to let them differentiate and I need to maintain them in the undifferentiated mode. They are already green. Can I transfer them to dark now or is it too late?
Thank you
I am a plant biotechnology researcher basically working in plant tissue culture and secondary metabolites genetic engineering. I would like to move in the field of immunology and medical biotechnology, however, no one is supporting (No one accepting PostDoc application and no funding agency supporting new projects in new field for being a plant biologist).
What should I do ?
The Foxtail Millet has a lot of data related to rice ILP markers. How is this data best utilised?
I have a paper to do and I have little to no experience in the field of genetically modified organisms. We did not cover this subject yet and I would like to get a head start (as well as finish my paper). Do you have any novice-level articles to recommend? Thank you.
Invitation for MS contribution in edited book Plant Biotechnology
Plant scientists are cordially invited to contribute a chapter on “Genome editing technologies for value added traits in plants ” for edited book on Transgenic Technology Based Value addition in Plant Biotechnology; to be published by Elsevier Inc. Acceptance Deadline Jan 25, 2019
Invitation for MS contribution in edited book Plant Biotechnology
Plant scientists are cordially invited to contribute a chapter on “Transgenic approaches for improved shelf life and nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables” for edited book on Transgenic Technology Based Value addition in Plant Biotechnology; to be published by Elsevier Inc. Acceptance Deadline Dec 15, 2018
Whatman CF 11 cellulose powder (Cat. No. 4021-050) has been used to separate dsRNA elements from ssRNA, ssDNA and dsDNA. Column chromatography under 15% ethanol concentration, CF 11 cellulose specifically binds dsRNA fraction. Now the producer of CF 11, Whatman, does no longer produce it. Does anyone has experience with alternatives? I need it for dsRNA-binding purpose. I look forward to hearing from you...
I am seeing that microbial biotechnology field is having great work as compare to plant biotechnology.
Hi there, sometimes we have trouble dissolving 1 % (w/v) birchwood xylan for use as a substrate for xylanases. Any suggestions?
I'm trying to look at the induction of candidate genes involved in plant defence when I block the signalling pathways related to JAs and ethylene and apply different stresses. For ethylene I can use the AVG, an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, but as far as I know, there are no inhibitors of the jasmonate signaling pathway. Do you have any info about it?
Generally during the transportation, DNA is often degraded, specially the High Molecular Weight DNA which is extremely fragile to external shocks. I am looking for suggestions/recommendations regarding export of High Molecular Weight DNA (more than 50-100 Kb) from one country to another, without losing the integrity of the DNA.
Does anyone have experienced this before?
Thanks in advance
In what ways could one commercialize plant biotechnology or it's products?
Currently I am working on stevia protoplast fusion. Do you have any information on how to set up experiments to investigate batch sorting of protoplasts?
In VIGS we silence genes but i wish to know if the silencing signal spreads in root or not. Putting it in other way, are silencing signals by VIGS or dS RNA degradation spreads equally from top (shoot/leaf) to bottom (roots) and bottom to roots (consider a RNAi construct in hairy root or VIGS) in plant systems.