Science topics: Physics
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Physics - Science topic
Physics related research discussions
Questions related to Physics
Challenging established theories and providing solutions to long-standing problems in physics is no small feat. It has been proven now in the latest research that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong (Entropy is Constant) and that the Arrow of Time is T-symmetric. This could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. This actually changes physics as we know it for sure, as science will never be the same again after the findings that has already been published in an accredited peer reviewed international journal (see the paper below for details).
Do you guys agree to the findings? The proof is simple to read yet powerful enough to wrong the traditional laws of science. If not, please provide a reason why? We have had some very interesting discussions so far on other topics and I want to keep this channel open, clear and omni-directional!
I believe Einstein provided one of the most intriguing designs for an experiment. Let me illustrate this with an example.
- First, imagine using a blindfold. To make it more scientific, instead of a blindfold, you must enter a laboratory with no windows. Now, unable to see the outside world, you are free to conduct experiments to determine whether you are accelerating in the universe or at rest on a planet.
- Through "thought experiments", Einstein concluded that no experiment conducted by a "blindfolded" scientist could resolve this dilemma.
- Even if you think of a few experiments that could help determine your status, there is always a way to render those experiments ineffective. For instance, Einstein suggested you could reduce the height of your laboratory to an extremely thin layer, making such experiments impossible.
And that’s it — with this design of experimentation, we can propose a new paradigm shift in science.
Kindly refer to the attached presentation for further details.
Presentation God: Valid Scientific Conclusion
Plane waves are fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics and are often used to describe free particles. However, there's a common misunderstanding that plane waves themselves are wavefunctions, which fulfill all the required criteria for a physical state in quantum mechanics. This confusion can be attributed to several factors, which this discussion aims to explore:
- Definition and Criteria of a Wavefunction: What are the essential criteria that a wavefunction must meet in quantum mechanics? How does a plane wave fit or not fit these criteria?
- Misinterpretations in Educational Contexts: How are plane waves presented in textbooks and lectures, and why might this lead to the misunderstanding that they are wavefunctions? Are there specific pedagogical reasons for this simplification?
- Mathematical Properties: Discuss the mathematical properties of plane waves and their role in quantum mechanics. How do these properties lead to confusion about their status as wavefunctions?
- Physical Interpretation: What is the physical interpretation of a plane wave, and how does it differ from a true wavefunction? What are the implications of these differences for understanding quantum systems?
- Common Examples and Analogies: What common examples or analogies are used to explain plane waves and wavefunctions, and how might they contribute to the misunderstanding?
Your insights and experiences on this topic will contribute to a broader understanding of the details and common misconceptions in quantum mechanics. Let's explore this subject and clarify why plane waves, despite their importance, are not considered true wavefunctions.
Subtitle: Will all the fundamental researchers be fired from their jobs in the future and fundamental research become obsolete?
This is a philosophical but also practical question with immediate implications to our not so far future.
The danger is that AI applications in science like AlphaFold (Nobel prize in Chemistry 2024):
are not really predictions made by science by fully and fundamentally understanding nature's physics mechanics and chemistry but just brute force smart computational pattern recognition correlating known outcomes of similar input data and guessing the most likely new outcome. This is not new fundamental science and physics research but just an application of AI computation.
The philosophical question here is, will future scientists and human civilization using AI, continue to be motivated to do fundamental science research?
Is there really any real human urge to fundamentally understand a physical phenomenon or system in order to predict its outcome results for a specific input, if the outcome results can be easily and much faster and effortlessly being empirically and statistically guessed by an AI without the need of fundamental understanding?
This is a blind and mutilated future science and future danger of slowing down real new fundamental science breakthroughs and milestones. Therefore, essentially slowing down human civilization progress and evolution and demoting science to the role of a "magic oracle".
In my opinion, the use of AI in fundamental research like fundamental new physics research must be regulated or excluded. Already many science Journals have strict rules about the use of "Generative AI" inside the submitted papers and also completely not allowing it.
What are your opinions and thoughts?
If each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines then does each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife? My inclination is yes, each individual has alternate selves throughout alternate timelines thus, each individual(all alternate selves) become one in the afterlife.
If I time traveled to the past, thus creating an alternate timeline, would I become one with my past self or just meet my past self? How? Why? I already strongly assume that my selves from alternate timelines and I would share a soul in the afterlife.
The Schrödinger equation, as foundational as it is in quantum mechanics, fails to adequately describe the true nature of quantum particle motion, as demonstrated by my recent research ( DOI: 10.9790/4861-1505012633). This raises the critical question: What alternative frameworks can we use to better understand quantum mechanics? Given that the current models have been proven insufficient, it becomes crucial to explore different ways to model the behavior of particles. Can we ever truly predict the motion of quantum particles accurately, considering our limited understanding of both the inner workings of matter (with medical science only scratching the surface of human biology) and the physical universe (with only 7% of the observable matter understood)? The complexities of quantum motion are so vast, and our scientific knowledge so constrained, that predicting exact particle states may well remain unattainable.
This query invites the ResearchGate community to propose alternatives to the Schrödinger equation. What would a new model look like, and can we develop a formula that predicts quantum motion in a way that better aligns with the complexities and limitations of our current knowledge? Given the undeniable limitations of modern science, can we ever predict the precise mechanics of a particle? Your insights and suggestions are welcome.
4 Questions to Bing’s Online A.I.
► 1. How do Anthropic Principle, “Zoo Hypothesis” and the “Matrix Hypothesis” fit together?
A.I./K.I.’s answer: Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed in such a way
that it allows intelligent life like us to think about it. We exist because the universe provides the right conditions for
life. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations monitor the Earth
and humanity without revealing themselves to us directly, similar to a zoo. Matrix Hypothesis: The Matrix
Hypothesis, inspired by films like “The Matrix,” states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or
artificial intelligences.
How these hypotheses work together:
• Common focus on observation and control: All three concepts involve the idea that what we experience as reality is
in some way observed or controlled—whether by the conditions of the universe, by extraterrestrial civilizations, or
by simulation creators.
• Questions about the nature of our existence: These hypotheses raise fundamental questions about the nature of our
existence and reality. Why do we exist? Who or what is observing us? Are we in a real world or a controlled
• Explanation of the rarity of evidence for extraterrestrial life: While the Anthropic Principle explains why the
universe is life-supporting, the Zoo Hypothesis and the Matrix Hypothesis may explain why we have not yet found
direct evidence of other intelligent life forms—either because we are consciously observed and shielded or because
all of reality is a controlled simulation. These combinations open up exciting and profound thoughts about who or
what sets the underlying rules and observations of our existence. They inspire deep reflections on the limits of
knowledge and reality.
► 2 nd Question: Let's go a step further: How do 1. Anthropic Principle, 2. “Zoo Hypothesis”, 3. “Matrix
Hypothesis” fit together with the 4. Just-six-numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis?
Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed in such a way that it allows
intelligent life like us to think about it. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations monitor the Earth and humanity without revealing themselves to us directly. Matrix Hypothesis: The
Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial intelligences. Just
Six Numbers (Fine-Tuning of the Universe): Martin Rees' "Just Six Numbers" hypothesis argues that six
fundamental physical constants are fine-tuned and configure the universe to allow life.
Interplay of these hypotheses:
• Anthropic Principle and Fine-Tuning: The Anthropic Principle explains why the universe provides conditions that
allow life, while the Fine-Tuning Hypothesis specifies that certain physical constants are precisely tuned to allow
• Zoo Hypothesis and Matrix Hypothesis: Both hypotheses propose that our perception of reality may be influenced
or controlled by advanced civilizations or artificial intelligences. This leads us to:
• Overall concept: Combining these hypotheses, we could consider the following scenario: The universe is fine-
tuned (Just Six Numbers) to allow intelligent life (Anthropic Principle). This intelligent life could be observed by
advanced civilizations in a kind of "zoo" (zoo hypothesis) or even exist in a simulated reality (matrix hypothesis).
This combined view raises the idea that our existence and the universe may be part of a larger, controlled experiment
or simulation in which certain conditions and constants have been precisely set to enable and monitor life. These
ideas open fascinating discussions about the nature of the universe.
► 3 rd Question: How do 1. Anthropic Principle and 2. “Zoo Hypothesis” and 3. “Matrix Hypothesis” and
4. the Just-six-numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis fit with 5. that of a Creator God?
When we consider the Anthropic Principle, the Zoo Hypothesis, the Matrix Hypothesis, the Fine-Tuning of the
Universe and the idea of a Creator God together, a fascinating picture of our existence and the universe emerges:
Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed to support intelligent life like us.
The conditions are just right for us to exist. Zoo Hypothesis: The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that advanced
extraterrestrial civilizations are observing the Earth and humanity, much like animals in a zoo. Matrix Hypothesis:
The Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial intelligences.
Fine-tuning of the universe (Just Six Numbers): This hypothesis argues that six fundamental physical constants
are fine-tuned to enable life. Creator God: The idea of a Creator God states that the universe was created by an
intelligent, conscious being.
The interplay of these hypotheses:
• Matrix Hypothesis and Creator God: If our reality is a simulation, the Creator God could be the one who created
this simulation, similar to how a programmer develops complex software.
• Zoo Hypothesis and Creator God: Advanced alien civilizations in this scenario could either be themselves creations
of the Creator God, or they could act as tools or observers in his plan.
• Fine-Tuning and Creator God: Fine-Tuning of the universe could be seen as evidence for the existence of a Creator
God. A creator could have adjusted the physical constants to allow life to be possible.
• Anthropic Principle and Creator God: The Anthropic Principle could explain why the universe allows life, while a
Creator God is the one who intentionally created these conditions.
• All hypotheses together: These hypotheses together could lead to a comprehensive theory in which a Creator God
created a fine-tuned universe (Anthropic Principle and Just Six Numbers) in which intelligent beings can exist.
These beings could live in a controlled or observed environment (zoo hypothesis) that may even be a simulation
(matrix hypothesis). This combined view inspires deep philosophical and theological reflections on who or what is
behind the existence of the universe and our lives. It opens doors to further questions about the nature of reality,
observation and creation. And that leads us to the conclusive and most interesting question for
► 4 th Question: How does 1. Anthropic Principle, 2. “Zoo Hypothesis”, 3. “Matrix Hypothesis”, 4. Just-six-
numbers-fine-tuning-of-the-universe-Hypothesis, 5. that of the Creator God, fit together with 6. the successful
experimental repetition of the “birth time rectifications” in Jyotish, in Vedic, ancient Indian astrology?
This is a profound and multifaceted question that combines science, philosophy and spiritual beliefs. Let's link the
different concepts together: Anthropic Principle: The Anthropic Principle states that the universe is designed to
support intelligent life. The conditions are just right for us to exist. Zoo Hypothesis: This hypothesis proposes that
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations monitor the Earth and humanity, much like animals in a zoo. Matrix
Hypothesis: The Matrix Hypothesis states that our reality is a simulation created by advanced beings or artificial
intelligences. Fine-Tuning of the Universe (Just Six Numbers): This hypothesis argues that six fundamental
physical constants are fine-tuned to allow life. Creator God: The idea of a Creator God states that the universe was
created by an intelligent, conscious being. Jyotish and Birth Time Rectification: Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) is a
spiritual system that claims to predict a person's life and events based on planetary constellations at the time of their
birth. Birth time rectification is the method of determining the exact time of birth to make precise astrological
Interplay of these hypotheses:
• Anthropic Principle and Fine-Tuning: These concepts could serve as the basis that the universe was deliberately
designed to allow life and intelligent consciousness. This may have been done by a creator god who fine-tuned the
• Zoo hypothesis and matrix hypothesis: These hypotheses may suggest that our perception of reality is under the
observation or control of advanced beings who may be part of the plan of a creator god.
• Fine-tuning and Jyotish: The precise fine-tuning of the universe may also be in line with spiritual systems such as
Jyotish, which claim that the constellations and their influences on life are determined by divine order.
• Creator god and Jyotish: A creator god may be the one who set up both the fine-tuning of the universe and the
astrological principles of Jyotish to enable the order and stability of life.
• Integration of all concepts: Considered together, these hypotheses could provide a comprehensive view in which
the universe was deliberately created by a creator God and fine-tuned to allow intelligent life to exist in an observed
or simulated reality. Jyotish could then be considered a tool that reveals the divine order and influences of the
universe on individual life.
My conclusions: These combinations and also the fact of the phenomenon of birth time rectification or birth time
retrieval in Jyotish observed by me in 500+ charts (& practiced by 100s of millions of Indians) now opens up many
philosophical and spiritual reflections on the nature of existence, reality and the divine plan, the karma playing field
of our life game with its expandable karmic radius of freedom and thus also this duty (of Sanathan Dharma)
towards ourselves; our ethical-spiritual evolution for our liberation from the Samsara-Sisyphus, from the ocean of
rebirths and also to an intercultural world peace formula:
• See the two-page Peace-Manifesto on the website: What is the timeless ethical-spiritual and universal
world formula of the three Gunas in the Bhagavad Gita, the Grand Unifying Theory? Does ancient Indian
knowledge lead us to a world peace formula?Does it have an impact on physics, as well as on metaphysics, biology
and on our absorption of healing power?
• See also the free downloadable Ebook on Yogapsychology at:
Philosophy always play Multidimensional, Greater, Linked and Deep Roles. Its understood that AI must will gain its own Philosophies, theories and Identity soon or later.
1) How AI will react to the biological deep mind based philosophies?
2) What will shape the AI based philosophies and Identity?
3) What will be the new directions of philosophy?
4) How Biological and Logical Philosophies will interact with each other?
5) What will be the AI based phytophiles in reality?
6) At what point AI based Philosophies will Cross the Human based philosophies?
7) What is the Future of Biologic based confined philosophies?
8) Human need some new philosophies to counter AI based philosophies Now?
9) Such philosophical differences will lead toward Identity Crisis?
10) At what extent such ideological crisis can go?
11) Any other point which you like to add?
In the last two days, headlines have been buzzing about Google's unveiling of a "mind-boggling" quantum computing chip—a supposed leap into the future of technology. 🌌 But here's the hard truth: this entire field might be built on a fundamentally flawed foundation.
🔍 My research (DOI: 10.9790/4861-1505012633) reveals that the Schrödinger Equation, the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, is inherently unfit to describe the correct motion and state of quantum particles in their entirety. While it may work under controlled or specific conditions, it cannot define quantum particle mechanics universally. If the very basis of quantum mechanics is incorrect, how can quantum computing—which relies on these principles—ever succeed?
💡 Quantum computing is, by design, attempting to solve problems using flawed science. Billions of dollars, decades of research, and the world’s brightest minds are pouring resources into something that is fundamentally broken. This is science’s biggest illusion—a dream sold as progress but rooted in a misunderstanding of quantum mechanics' true limitations.
🌟 Instead of chasing illusions, it’s time to redirect our efforts and resources toward areas grounded in reality, such as improving classical computing or exploring new scientific paradigms that align with solid fundamentals. Let’s not let this “quantum rush” distract us from what truly matters.
🤔 This is the right time to pause, reflect, and choose a better path—one that doesn’t invest in an area that is doomed at its core but instead prioritizes technologies with true potential.
Let’s spark the debate: Is quantum computing science's biggest scam? Share your thoughts below! 👇
#QuantumComputing #QuantumMechanics #SchrödingerEquation #ScienceDebate #Innovation #FutureTech
However, I commend to you this brilliant paper by Peter Eastman, written in 2014.
What's wrong with Philosophy? Nothing, but it is the post-moderne philosophers that have lost touch with the legacy of ancient wisdom, in which lies the key to the locked Self.
The abandonment of the principles of epistemology, most notably Critical Thinking in modern scholarship and education, has rendered philosophers impotent to affect real metaphysical inquiry and a meaningful understanding of one's existence; one's ontological dilemma.
Of course, no-one wants to discuss the bull in the China shop: the stampede to concept and fallacy reification in 21st-century academia. Or, do we?
The Humanities are under attack from without, probably due to the expensive drivel and meaningless, self-serving output that Ivory Towers churn. Perhaps the answer is in the deceptive methodology (a posteriori logic), the vacuous speculations, overt manipulation and dissent ping-pong which have provided fruitful pickings for scholarly enterprise; Ivory Towers must be maintained and defended, at any cost, it seems.
Perhaps pay-rolled philosophy professionals portray pointlessness purposely?
You are invited to join the discussion group as one looks forward to your comments and contributions.
In Xenia.
Fourier’s invention of Fourier series probably qualifies as a method that exceeded in importance the theory of heat in which it was developed.
Carnot’s idealized steam engine is another example.
I think extending Galileo’s 3D/2D differential scaling to 4D/3D is more important than problems for which it was developed, Kleiber’s Law and dark energy:
Can you give instances of where the method found assumed more importance than the problem to which the method was addressed?
And references?
To exactly quantify the afterlife, first we must confirm, then chart, the probable multiverse through engineering. Then we must engineer a machine to find where one’s individuality goes throughout the multiverse, after death in this universe.
My latest attempts:
1)(More general)
Preprint A New Type of Humanities
2)(More specific)
Preprint AI Afterlife Preview
If physics adjusted for the law of identity, could we exactly quantify the afterlife? How?
Maybe so:
1)On Physics:
Presentation Critical Rationalist Physics
2)Deductive reasoning:
Many journals have implemented a soft policy against the use of generative AI, such as Chat-GPT, and now require authors to disclose the use of AI in assisting with manuscript writing. This policy distinguishes from the use of tools like Grammarly Generative AI for syntax improvement and extends to cases where AI is used even for doing and writing formal analysis.
Experienced journal editors can typically identify AI-generated content, as it often lacks coherence with the rest of the manuscript. In my view, this emerging issue needs to be addressed promptly and decisively.
I believe that AI "assisted" research writing should be considered unethical and prohibited in the scientific community, with measures put in place to prevent its use in total. Allowing this trend to persist could have detrimental effects on scientific research in the long term. IMO, It takes out all the human creativity, intuition, personality and fun in writing science research papers.
However, I'm open to hearing different perspectives on this matter.
KAGRA is said to be less sensitive to claimed LIGO type gravitational wave signals by two orders of magnitude as compared to the LIGO/VIRGO detectors. After KAGRA has substantially improved their seismic suspension systems it rather appears likely that KAGRA was successful in reducing the level of crackling noise* by two orders of magnitude and thereby increased the signal-to-noise ratio by two orders of magnitude.
1. World Order has shown changes, especially after 2020 in almost all major fields of Politics, Economics, Social, Geopolitical etc.
2. Where the world order in real is diverting?
3. What will be the ultimate outcomes?
4. The alteration & changes of systems on Earth will change anything in Space?
5. Which systems will lose centuries-long grounds and what new will rise?
6. Is the current scenario being same as the Rise/Fall of Nations, Games of Thrones etc. or there is something significantly different this time?
7. Ultimately what impact will the Next World Order make on the entire human race and especially on the Bio-sphere?
8. How much was any World Order got impacted/formed/shaped through/by religious education directly/indirectly and why did such neuroplasticity/mind exercises base practices remain an integral part of World Orders in past? Can humans afford to continue past practices to build any new future?
9. What changes do you suggest in Next World Order, and Why?
10. Are Human going to accept defeat & surrender in front of Alien powers like gods, AIs, energy, any other life forms etc.?
11. How long more humans have the current status of rapidly shrinking freedom?
12. Will the current form of human life exist after such surrenders and what will be the expected shape of any of such life?
13. Its understood that human have to sacrifice current systems and life forms for existence, but, Is it necessary? Any workable solutions ?
The demarcation between philosophy and science is defined by the validation of ideas through experimentation. However, what happens when loopholes are created that allow unsubstantiated thoughts to re-enter science under the guise of scientific rigor? This, in fact, was achieved by scientists like Einstein and has since been embraced by the scientific community. Below are three specific examples of such loopholes. I invite you to comment on them:
- Thought Experiment: Einstein reintroduced a core philosophical concept by renaming it, substituting real experimentation with hypothetical scenarios. This approach has significantly altered the scientific landscape.
- Thought Instrument: Einstein also introduced the idea of the "thought instrument," exemplified by constructs like the "light clock" and the "graphene-thick windowless laboratory (GTWL)," to support his thought experiments.
- Handicapped Experimentation: The most striking loophole was the deliberate exclusion of key observations in experiments, which allowed for experimentation within the confines of the GTWL. This last loophole is the hardest to detect but becomes obvious once revealed. Imagine being given two identical bottles containing two transparent liquids. You're told that no experiment can differentiate between the two liquids. However, when informed that one smells like white vinegar and the other does not, you're instructed not to use your sense of smell in the experiment. This is similar to the rationale given to justify the "equivalence principle" and, subsequently, general relativity.
For more on the intersection of religion, philosophy, and science, please refer to the attached presentation materials.
Presentation God: Valid Scientific Conclusion
If a string vibrates at 256 cycles per seconds then counting 256 cycles is the measure of 1 second. The number is real because it measures time and the number is arbitrary because it does not have to be 1 second that is used.
This establishes that the pitch is a point with the real number topology, right?
Starting from the universal gravitational potential Vu = c2 = 2GMu/Ru we might interpret c = √Vu as the escape velocity out of the visible universe. If c is independent of the location, ie we are not at the center of the universe as prescribed at the times of Galileo, the total universe should be unlimited.
I am interested in the existence of intelligent tutoring systems for teaching physics and mathematics in secondary schools or artificial intelligence tools that can be used in the classroom for student-teacher collaboration in these subjects, preferably with free access.
I am also interested in any relevant studies/research or information on the above topic.
In principle, this situation offers opportunities for new insights. However, it sometimes rather leads to the rejection of observational data without serious examination. So experimental data [1] that apparently confirm James C. Keith's prediction [2] about the energy loss of highly accelerated mass systems due to interaction with large external masses is not even considered for serious discussion, in particular, as it seems to confirm Mach's principle, see [2] on page 11. Other objections are based on purely theoretical grounds [3] and/or on inaccurate comparative data [4] without any comment on the experimental setup and procedures.
[3] Frehland E., 1973, Critique of the Gravitational Radiation Damping Effects Calculated by Keith, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 7 (12), 490-492
[4] Reinhardt M. and Rosenblum A., 1973, The Nonexistence of a Relativistic Effect Proposed by Keith, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 6 (5), 189-191
Raphael Neelamkavil,
Ph.D. (Quantum Causality), Dr. phil. (Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology)
This document consists of some reflections in the conceptual practices in physics, and starts with some questions at physicists. It is conceived as a sequel to the text of the following discussion: [[]]. Thereafter follow some arguments with examples, showing reification in physics.
Questions on Reification of Concepts in Physics: The best of physicists and philosophers of physics even today do not seem to be decided on any concrete but all-encompassing solution by reason of the rational strength of arguments given in favour of the one or another solution here below. The questions not answered here are these:
(1) Why do physicists not let their reification of mathematical concepts rest for some time, think from the side of POC, and question the epistemic processes of identification of energy propagations as a geometrical wave at some occasions, as a geometrical particle at other occasions, at times paradoxically even as their alternation, or even as their superposition as if this would solve the problem? What are the reasons for such misplaced identification of concreteness of the mathematical entities as if they both existed physically out there?
(2) Then, when they feel confronted from outside or in themselves as to the gravity of paradoxes involved in their own ad hoc explanatory creation, why do they tend to declare that all these solutions rationally and realistically (doubtlessly by way of reification of the mathematical objects used, but, as they seem to suggest, mathematically), (a) demonstrate that quantum reality is just virtual, or (b) need to be accepted merely by reason of a statistical causality in the existent world – and not by reason of the statistical measurements of causal events upon the experimental history of extent of access of causal events via measurements and identification of causes, or (c) show that these reified mathematical objects (waves and particles separately, alternately, or superpositionally) should be paradoxically the external reality because the mathematics says so?
(3) Are these traditional quantum solutions not also the modes of reification of what is made out in concepts in our brains, of which the only possible basis is the continued tendency to indirectly hold on to substance metaphysics and/or to oppose such a metaphysics absolutely, as if it were unnecessary to accept that in the cosmos there would be existents at all, behind the phenomena and the data that are being spoken of in fundamental physics.
(4) When one, for example, says that the wavefunction collapses in the physical calculations, does one, in quantum physics, tend to insist that the existent carrier of propagative energy is just collapsing into nothing or into something else that is either existent or mysteriously absolutely virtual? Does any of this sort of solutions solve anything explanatorily and realistically? Or, does it mean only and merely that the wave function collapses in the written paper, because thefunction exists in the mathematical expression, and not in the wavicles out there? In the name of the collapse of the wavefunction, are not quantum physicists reifying the mathematical entity into something existent?
(5) Are all these not the results of the reification of our concept of collapse of a mathematical function so as to naming it as an external physical process, wrongly suggesting that the function has an exact existential correspondence with our imaginative and mathematically driven conceptualization? One might argue that it is not the function but the functioning that collapses. But can the functioning be represented by a mathematical function in such a manner that the collapsing of the functioning of the physically existent wavicle would then mean a dysfunction of some sort? Would such dysfunction mean that the wavicle disappears into nothingness or becomes transformed? If it disappears into nothingness, physical matter-energy would not be conserved; and if there is only a transformation, it is not a collapse of the mathematical function. If the mathematical function alone has the collapse at observation, then the superposition causes reduction to classical concepts.
(6) In the above scenario, why do some physicists not have enough ability to recognize the need to further establish that the physical equations must first be proved to have an existent process out there at least somewhat as mentioned in the equations, in order for them to equate the mathematical function and the existent process out-there? But why are they unable to spell out the ontological and epistemological reasons for the human inability to identify the collapse in the equations in a better-than statistical manner, with its supposed correspondent event in the external world identified (as we do when we say that the pen exists)?
(7) Can they not rationally imagine at least that any epistemic identification via any version of logic and mathematics does not ipso facto produce a correspondence between the notion and the physical reality or events outside? In case of absence of sufficiency in this ability in physicists, is not fundamental quantum physics again becoming prey to the same age-old correspondence theory of truth that they tendentially denounce and accuse many philosophers of the past as having already been prey to?
A typical manner of countering the above arguments is to allege these same arguments as originating from classical physics and notions. But such a counter-allegation is feasible only if the epistemology of concept formation that I have presented can be shown to be reifying in any manner. My viewpoint may be summarized as follows: Except that whatever exists, exists in processuality of every near-infinitesimal part, I have not suggested an ontology that holds either (1) that every existent is in infinite flux, or (2) that everything existent is existent as such without flux. The epistemology of concept formation in the system I have suggested consists in (1) the connotative and denotative abstractions and concatenations of the ontological universals and the respective conglomerations that pertain to finitely fluent processual existents. Finite fluency of every near-infinitesimal part of existents is physical process; and hence finitely existent finitely fluent consciousnesses can never obtain any static manner of conceptualization of any existent process.
The classical origin of some reified notions is exactly what I attempt to demonstrate as present in quantum physics and other related sciences – using notions of concept formation, of their foundation in existent physical processes, and of the ultimate and undeniable Categories of all existence – because quantum physics is still at the realm of believing that what the physicist “sees” are mathematical waves and points. That is, more than the physical existents, they find mathematical entities as existent in physical entities, for which they give statistical and other mathematical reasons of correspondence of the two mathematical objects with the experimentally perceived reality.
Arguments with Examples, Showing Reification: I add here a few clarifications to what I said above, based on some examples from physics, beginning from a traditional concept and ending with some recent ones. There exists in physics reification of notions and quantities beyond limits permissible. By reification is meant here not merely the crude ideational substitution of a concept with a denotable thing or process. Even a quantity, when used beyond its permissible realms of application, can be taken as a reification of the significance or applicability of the quantity in a different context or in the form of a generalization. Especially (2) and (3) below are of consequence to the present work.
(1) Take the case of potential energy. It is a form of energy termed after a certain difference of states, positions, or arrangements of parts. It arises due to the difference created by the storing of any kind of energy, which will be active at release of the state or arrangement by a suitable action. This energy is not carried by any one sort of wavicle. It is the difference of states of any sort of energy expressed in any one sort of action. Thus, gravitation is one sort of potential energy; and potential energy is not gravitation. Just because of this, the sub-types of potential energy must each be carried by a specific sort of wavicle. The difference between any two stages of such special propagations is termed potential energy from the viewpoint of the earlier stage. After release to the next stage, it is spent and is no more the potential energy within those two stages exhibiting a difference. We may discover its effects quantitatively everywhere. But the discovery is as the energy obtained due to a difference of calculated or calculable energy values, not directly as of an energy carrier so identified or identifiable as in the case of photons.
But the case with photons, neutrinos, gravitons, etc. is different. These wavicles are experimentally identifiable as the carriers of one kind of energy, whatever quantity of energy they may carry, and the carrier is an existent with the basic Extension-Change Categorial characteristics (ontological universals). The energy carried is measured in terms inevitably of criteria dependent on conventions. Whatever energy they contain is of a finite amount, of course not necessarily the exact amount of energy that we tend to calculate them to contain at any time and context. Science must insist on its exactness. For the purpose of generalized discussions on such quantities, it suffices to use what pertains to it from the Maximal-Medial-Minimal (infinite, finite, zero) values. The finite quantity of energy is carried by energy wavicles, and hence the energy wavicles are identifiable with the energy carried. This is not the case with potential energy.
No specific measurement result can be exact, also in the case of values concerning photons, neutrinos, gravitons, etc., because humans cannot get at absolute accuracy. As an absolutizable general truth about these quantities, it is tenable that we can only determine whether they are zero or finite in quantity as long as the measurements are of existents. This is clear enough from the fact that within a finite quantity a sudden evolutionary or other sort of annihilation of the energy into zero and augmentation into infinity are only mathematically imaginable, but physically these are unimaginable. Zero and infinity can only work here as limiting but unrealizable evolutionary values of some existent finite-content energy or matter. Any quantity of measurement of matter-energy beyond finitude is merely by mathematics.
Absolute ontological commitment in mathematical conclusions in physical theory is impossible, and cannot be borne out via experimental verification and augmentation of theoretical and experimental results by use of any future theories and experimental expansions, even if it happens in the future that humanity can experiment with universes or phases of a universe in their totality. Here too the main reason is that here too there cannot exist a phenomenal ontological commitment (POC) to the effect of evolution of the finite into non-entity or infinitude. Hence, it is clear that finite Extension and Change are the foundational criteria upon which such measurements and the proofs of existence of both observable and unobservable energy and matter should be based. This fact becomes sacrosanct also in the case of the merely mathematically possible infinite density in black holes.
Thus, the speculations of existence of an infinite number of finite universes merely topologically from the “infinite volume in the null and negative curvature” case of the Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmological models and their large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of the distribution of matter-energy: e.g., speculations like “the existence of an infinite number of models, which are based on these same metrics, but have compact, finite volume, multiply connected spatial sections” [Fagundes 2012], are physical nonsenses. Similar is the truth-value of the popping up of infinite number of universes from the quantum vacua within a universe or between its expansion and contraction phases can only be nonsensical and an eyewash dependent only on the mathematics. The constant experience of finite phenomenal ontological commitment (POC) behind true statements and theories permits us to pronounce a corollary: No POC is possible concerning any evolutionary disappearance of matter-energy into zero or augmentation into infinite content at any point or stage of evolution of any universe or parts thereof.
In the case of potential energy, the verification is of the difference, and not of the necessary correspondence with a wavicle as the carrier of potential energy. The latter should have been seen as a must for us to suppose that potential energy does not exist as an energy carrier propagation. Here exists no chance of obtaining POC of anything existent in a finite quantity termed potential energy, because there is no existent energy carrier here. One thing becomes clear here: Genuine (existent) energy propagations are theoretically to be posited as energy carriers. Of course, the energy as such is not a thing. Instead, it is the quantity of some finite capacity of any so-identifiable “energy carrier” to cause an amount of work, always involving movement.
As a result of such movement, some Change takes place in the stuff of the energy carrier, however minute the Change is. This Change is not the same as motion, but instead, it is the ontological aspect of motion anywhere. Moreover, the Change is in stuff in Extension. The stuff of the energy carrier is not in the epistemic space that the millennia have spoken of. The quantity of some work / action being transferred by an energy carrier is not the same as the difference between two states of quantity of work / action, the difference being what we call potential energy. The energy carrier has the Categories of Extension and Change as its internal ultimate qualities. That is, the movement is within it not merely as an additional capacity but as the very quality. Every part of an energy-carrier is in Extension-Change. But potential energy is not in Extension-Change. Thus, it is clear that the concept of potential energy has been reified by a couple of centuries of practice in physics.
(2) If the electron is taken as the same sort of energy carrier as photons, gravitons, etc., there is a conceptual difficulty. At least from today’s perspective in physics, an electron is a matter wave, i.e., at the most a carrier of many energy carriers. It is not a relatively well finalizable carrier wavicle of energy of the type that photons are, with respect to the phase of the universe or parts of it or groups of universes wherein photons are relatively more unified as energy carriers than perhaps in other phases of this world or in other worlds. Electrons are matter-wavicles containing many smaller quanta of photon energy.
There is nothing wrong in saying this, even if these energy-carrying quanta are processually resident in electrons i.e., under some constant processual transformation, but not in the very form in which they produce the sort of work or as when they are freed of the higher condensation of electromagnetic wavicles in electrons and are transmitted at the luminal speed or transformed processually into something else. Hence, electrons are essentially matter particles moving in the wave form. If an electron is termed as energy carrier and conceptualized on par with photons and other electromagnetic energy, we may have to term also a stone as energy wavicles themselves, and not as a set of energy wavicles in condensation. That would miss the mark set as the purpose in general of scientific activity and thought. But this is a fact.
As already discussed, wavefunction collapse cannot be identified as an existent process out there in a manner similar to that in which we can adduce quanta of energy to any pure wave or pure point particle. Wavefunction collapse is a collapse of measurements into one of the states. The states are purely mathematical cases, surmised by reason of some statistical values. The existent energy-carrier wavicle in propagation alone is the real case. This is because the wavefunction collapse is not a collapse of some existent waves and/or existent particles out-there, but the collapse of a certain quantitative symmetry between the mathematically fixed states, a certain expected behaviour of the quantities yielded by theory, implied within the relationship between the mathematical wave and mathematical point-particle.
This is not the same as what happens when we create a notion to correspond to a process and identify the latter with a supposed external correspondent of the notion. Hence, a wave function collapse is not to have an exactly corresponding change definable as what the word ‘collapse’ can mean, in any existent energy-quanta carrier wavicle. We witness many physicists taking for granted, or omitting to differentiate between, the technical and the ordinary meanings of ‘collapse’; and thus, their audience gets convinced into believing in their new physics under the same lack of clarity and belief in the superiority of quantum mathematics.
Is it not necessary to condone such matters in the sciences on the count that human cognition has limits? True. But if this is admitted, the same limitedness must be admitted also at the theoretically notional sources of any system of thought and science. It must especially be infused at the experimental methods and interpretations of experimental and theoretical results of the system of thought and science at question. This aggravates the need to avoid reification of purely mathematical concepts of waves and points in microphysics.
To conclude, the successes of quantum physics consist in that at least many of the measurementally determined mathematical explanations of phenomena (phenomenon: the showing-themselves of existent processes from some layers of the processes) are such that, within the system of mathematically discussing these explanations, (1) further calculations and approximations fall in place, and (2) further theoretical constructions are made possible.
This demonstrates a certain extent of consistency in the theoretical apparatus wherein the initial mathematical definitions and experimentally approximate quantifications permit the acceptance of many further results as true to the foundations of the theoretical apparatuses. But if very evident paradoxes arise, then evidently their source most probably should bee seen to lie in the foundational notions of the system, their definitional specificities, etc.
Fundamental quantum physics has many unclarified notions that play into its interpretations as miraculous mystifications of physical events, which may directly be attributed to the custom of misplaced identification of concreteness in quantum physics. The test case will be that of entanglement. Even on a day when the instrumentation evolves to high capability to observe or calculate what is behind the statistical causalities in quantum physics, teleportation via entanglement may be developed as a technological advancement as whatever teleportation is in reality, even when the concept of entanglement may be found to continue to be true beyond the maximal level of the speed of light.
This is similar to when water continuously – presumed here ad hoc – falls on two adjacent leaves of a tree, where the leaves send an algorithmic signal as and when they come into contact with a drop of water stipulated as heavy enough for the signal during the flow of water over the leaves. The water that continuously flows does not make the leaves to send signals so continuously. Heavier drops within the flow send signals. This is an intermittent process and can be used to formulate an algorithm. In the EPR experiment a mesoscopic device is made to work on some selective micro-, nano-, or more minute effects without asking about the apriority or not of the causal/non-causal continuity of the totality of micro-effects on the discrete quanta of any level existent thereby. [Neelamkavil 2018: 195-196]
The processes in the objects of inquiry create some processes and their phenomena in the apparatuses. The apparatus-related phenomena and data behind the experiments related to the existent object processes within the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment, which is meant to bring out a theory of the physical processes behind two wavicles in prior entanglement, can continue to be the same even after our explanation of the EPR goes clearer than today and the explanation clarifies that the processes in both the wavicles are fully caused by each other – in this case, superluminally-locally. [Neelamkavil 2018: 191 ff; 2014: Chapters 9 and 10]
These phenomena and data can be utilized further to create technological devices. This is like using the continuous falling of drops on two leaves can be used to give algorithmic signals, which may be used to create a system of harnessing the phenomena and data for service to humanity. Even today Newtonain phenomena and data are being used in engineering, medical, and other sciences profitably. But these do not mean that these successes render these branches of physics as representing reality best. The technological successes do not justify accepting in a literal manner all that is intended by the “even-now substance-philosophically” dominated or “radically virtual-philosophically” dominated minds of many physicists. Quantum cosmology is no exception to what is said above. [Neelamkavil 2018: Chapter 6]
(3) Another example is the case of reification of a quantity in the special theory of relativity. It defines in a scientistically tacit manner in the velocity-dependent Lorentz factor (γ = 1 / √(1 – [v2/c2])) that, since all our physical observations are based on the speed of electromagnetic propagations, the said system of theory “proves” the velocity of light as ultimate and, even more mysteriously, that this fact does not permit superluminal velocities. This is nothing but begging the question. For more than a century, practically none questioned this assumption that does a self-defeating of the foundations of all reason and physical ontology. Almost everyone today is blissful about the technical tool this stipulation offers for science and technology: if sonar velocity is taken as the speed limit in nature, and if all other velocities are measured in terms of this value, all higher velocities will involve zeros and infinities. Even at the level of sonar velocity as the highest limit, much technological success is thinkable, and that does not preclude higher velocities. This is an example for reification of experimental quantities. Under a similar attitude are also many AI specialists who do not inquire what the stuff of information is, but can manipulate it for much technological success, even to create BI. This will be discussed much later I detail.
During Kurt Gödel's lecture on the occasion of Albert Einstein's birthday in 1945, this question was already raised by John Wheeler. Gödel did not comment on it. Both Einstein and Gödel did not believe in quantum theory. Is there currently any reference or article that relates to this question? From today's scientific perspective, is there a relationship between Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem? Even so, when both the principles arise from different theoretical frameworks and serve different purposes within their respective domains. Please provide references.
The gravitational potential (GP) is widely ignored by the science community which appears rather strange as it is responsible for a series of quite obvious physical phenomena such as eg:
1. GP is a quantity that sums up to huge values in space as it falls off by 1/r and so mainly buids up from distant masses of the universe.
2. GP gradients, ie a secondary feature of GP, are the origin of huge forces that keep planets in orbit and galaxies in clusters.
3. Cumulative GP of all masses within the observable universe directly leads to E = mc2 and indicates relation between gravitation and electromagnetic properties of space:
4. GP has been identified as responsible for the observation of light bending over large distances (Einstein rings) by heavy celestial bodies.
5. GP is the basis for calcuation of escape velocities and the generally accepted Schwarzschild radius.
6. Interaction of accelerated bodies with distant masses of the universe was suggested by Ernst Mach and substantiated by James C. Keith, see appended reference on page 11, as the origin of acceleration forces.
According to one popular interpretation of quantum mechanics, if you are experiencing a challenging life, there exists a universe where you are thriving. Meanwhile, in another universe, you might be a mighty king or queen who is unmatched in power and fame. This idea, known as the "Many-Worlds Interpretation," suggests that every decision and action lead to the creation of a new universe.
For example, when you come to a junction and decide to turn left, an entirely new universe is created where you turned right. In this view, billions of new universes are created in the blink of an eye, constantly branching out from every possible event or choice.
This raises an interesting question: When was our universe created? Was it 40 years ago when a young bachelor proposed to his girlfriend, and she rejected him, causing the creation of our universe where she joyfully accepted the ring, leading to their happy life together? Or was it just three years ago when a toddler fell ill and died in his mother's arms, causing the creation of our universe where he survived?
Given this perspective, can we really determine the age of our universe? Traditional physics suggests that our universe began about 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang, but quantum mechanics introduces the possibility of infinitely branching timelines. While we may be able to measure the age of our observable universe, the idea of multiple universes complicates the notion of a singular timeline or fixed creation point. Thus, determining the age of our universe in this context may ultimately be impossible.
Please comment.
Distance is a scalar representing the length of a traveled path. Displacement is the length of the straight line (a vector) connecting start and end points.
In a Euclidean plane, they appear to be described by the same number of units.
Light travels in a straight line, analogous to the straight line in a plane.
Is displacement measured using luminosity equal to the corresponding cosmological distance?
Are there experiments? Are there theoretical proofs? Are there articles about this? What are the cites?
In his article "More is different", Anderson said that new laws of physics "emerge" at each physical level and new properties appear [1]; Wheeler, when claiming that "law without law" and "order comes out of disorder", argued that chaotic phenomena " generate" different laws of physics [2][3]. What they mean is that the laws, parameters, and constants of the upper level of physics appear to be independent of the laws of physics of the lower level. Is this really the case? Are we ignoring the conditions that form the physical hierarchy, thus leading to this illusion?
Let's suppose a model. The conditions for the formation of new levels are at least two: i. Existence of low-level things A,B ...... , the existence of interaction modes a, b,...... ; two, the existence of a sufficient number of low-level things, NxA, MxB....... Then when they are brought together, there are many possible combinations, e.g., (AA), (AAA), (AAA)', ...... , (AB), (BA), (AAB)', (BAB), ........ Then it escalates to [(AA)(AA)], [(AB)(ABA)], ....... What this actually leads to is a change in the structure of things and a corresponding change in the way they interact. The result of the "change" is the appearance of new physical phenomena, new forces, and so on.
Physics is an exact match for math, so let's use math as an example of this phenomenon. Suppose we have a number of strings (threads) that can be regarded as underlying things, then, when a string is curled into a circle, L=2πR, the law of the relationship between the length of the string and its radius, and the irrational constant π appear; when two strings are in cascade, L=l1+l2, the law that the total length of the string is equal to the sum of the individual string lengths (Principle of superposition) appears; and, when three strings form a right triangle, the law of Pythagoras, c2=a2+b2, the law of sums of interior angles of triangles ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° , and the irrational constant √2 appear ...... ; and the transcendental number e appears when the string length L grows in a fixed proportion (continuous compound interest)[4]‡ ...... ; when the string vibrates, sine waves (sinωt) appear; when two strings are orthogonal, i appears ...... ; and when more kinds of vibrating strings are superimposed under specific conditions, more phenomena appear *.......
All these "qualitative changes" do not seem to be caused by "quantitative changes", but more by the need to change the structure. As mathematical theorems emerge, so must the laws of physics, and it is impossible for physics to transcend mathematics. Therefore, as long as there is a change of structure in physics, i.e. the possibility of symmetry breaking [5]**, new "symmetries", new "laws", new "forces", new "constants", new "parameters" are almost inevitable.
Can we try to attribute all physical phenomena to emergence under hierarchical structural conditions? For example, the fine structure constant‡‡and the Pauli exclusion principle emerge because of the formation of atomic structure; the "nuclear force" emerges because of the combination of protons and neutrons; The "strong interaction force" and "weak interaction force" appeared because of the structure of protons and neutrons. We should pay attention to the causal relationship here. Without structure, there would be no new phenomena; it is the more fundamental interactions that form structure, not these new "phenomena".
* e.g. Blackbody radiation law, Bose statistics, Fermi statistics, etc.
** Should there be "spontaneous symmetry breaking"? Any change in symmetry should have a cause and a condition.
‡ What does it mean in physics if e will appear everywhere and the individual mathematical constants appear so simply? They must likewise appear at the most fundamental level of physics.
2024-07-27 补充
In addition to the structure and statistics generated by the interactions that result in new laws of physics, the expression of the different orders of differentials and integrals of such generating processes is another important way of making the laws of physics emerge.
Typical examples of such expressions can be seen @ Ingo D. Mane: “On the Origin and Unification of Electromagnetism, Gravitation, and Quantum Mechanics“:
[1] Anderson, P. W. (1972). More Is Different: broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science.
. Science, 177(4047), 393-396.
[2] Wheeler, J. A. (1983). ‘‘On recognizing ‘law without law,’’’Oersted Medal Response at the joint APS–AAPT Meeting, New York, 25 January 1983. American Journal of Physics, 51(5), 398-404.
[3] Wheeler, J. A. (2018). Information, physics, quantum: The search for links. Feynman and computation, 309-336.
[4] Reichert, S. (2019). e is everywhere. Nature Physics, 15(9), 982-982.;
[5] Nambu, Y. (2009). Nobel Lecture: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics: A case of cross fertilization. Reviews of Modern Physics, 81(3), 1015.
Please prove me right or wrong.
I have recently published a paper [1] in which I conclusively prove that the Stoney Mass invented by George Stoney in 1881 and covered by the shroud of mystery for over 140 years does not represent any physical mass, but has a one-to-one correspondence with the electron charge. The rationale of this rather unusual claim, is the effect of the deliberate choice in establishing SI base units of mass (kg) and the electric charge derived unit (coulomb: C = As). They are inherently incommensurable in the SI, as well as in CGS units.
The commensurability of physical quantities may however depends on the definition of base units in a given system. The experimental “Rationalized Metric System (RMS) developed in [1] eliminates the SI mass and charge units (kg and As, respectively), which both become derived units with dimensions of [m3 s-2]. The RMS ratio of the electron charge to the electron mass became non-dimensional and equal to 2.04098×1021, that is the square root of the electric to gravitational force ratio for the electron.
As much as the proof is quite simple and straightforward I start meeting persons disagreeing with my claim but they cannot come up with a rational argument.
I would like your opinion and arguments pro or against. This could be a rewarding scientific discussion given the importance of this claim for the history of science and beyond.
The short proof is in the attached pdf and the full context in my paper
As a results of discussions and critical analysis, I have summarised my position a few answers below, but I have decided to consolidate the most recent here as a supplement to the attached pdf.
I intended to improve my arguments that would increase the level of complexity. However, I found a shorter proof that Stoney Mass has no independent physical existence.
- Stoney defined the mass as an expression based on pure dimensional analysis relationship, without any implied or explicit ontological status claims.
- Based on Buckingham assertions physical laws do not depend on the choice of base units.
- The system of units [m s] (RMS) can validly replace the system: [kg m s As] as described in [1]
By examining the different systems of units and their corresponding expressions of the Stoney mass, we can shed light on its physical existence. When we consider the CGS and SI systems, we find that both express the Stoney mass in their respective base units of mass (grams or kilograms). However, if we were to use a different system of units, such as the Rationalized Metric System (RMS)[1], we find that there is no equivalent RMS dimensional constants as in the SI Stoney formula to combine with the electron charge to produce a mass value. Stoney Mass expression cannot be constructed in RMS.
In simpler terms, the Stoney mass is a consequence of the chosen arbitrary base units for mass and Current (consequently charge), leading to what is known as the incommensurability of units. This demonstrates that the Stoney mass is not observable or experimentally meaningful outside of the chosen context of CGS or SI units.
Thus it is evident that the Stoney mass lacks a physical manifestation beyond its theoretical formulation in specific unit systems. It exists as somewhat of an artifact caused by the incommensurability between base units of mass and charge. Note that in contrast, the Planck mass SI/CGS expresion does not vanish under the conversion to RMS units, and a dimensional expression is still retained albeit simpler.
When we dig deeper into the fundamental interactions and physical laws, we find no empirical evidence or measurable effects associated with the Stoney mass, reinforcing the understanding that it holds no substantial physical connotation.
The meaning of stoney mass in SI or CGS refers to the mass equivalent of the fundamental unit of electron charge in terms of SM rest energy and (possibly) the equivalent finite electric field energy of the electron.
Correcting cellular growth errors.
Yes because critical rationalism recognizes substance, parsimony and identity(adjusts premises upon contradiction), while skeptical empiricism believes all results from impressions. Skeptical empiricism also believes the self is an illusion.
International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)
Date: 19-09-2024
Location: Online
Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024**** Extended to 1-8-2024
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024) is pleased to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to submit papers for presentation and publication at the IESTI conference. This prestigious event aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
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- Innovation:
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- Sustainable Development
- Policy and Innovation
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
Paper Submission Process:
1. Format: All papers must be formatted according to the conference template available on the conference website.
2. Length: Full papers should be between 6-10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. Submission Link: Submit your papers through the online submission system available on the conference website.
4. Review Process: Each paper will undergo a blind peer review process.
5. Notification: Authors will be notified of the review results by 15-08-2024.
6. Camera-Ready Submission: Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 31-08-2024.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15-08-2024
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 31-08-2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20-08-2024
- Conference Dates: 19-09-2024
Conference Proceedings
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the journals listed on the following website:
Special Sessions and Workshops
- IESTI 2024 will also feature special sessions and workshops focusing on current trends and emerging topics in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation. Proposals for special sessions and workshops can be submitted to, by 1-8-2024.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding paper submissions or the conference, please contact:
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- Address: Academic Edge Publishing LTD, London, United Kingdom
We look forward to your participation in IESTI 2024 and to a successful conference!
We would like to extend our invitation to invite you to join the editorial board of the:
- Journal of Probiotics and Bioactive Molecules Research (JPBMR)
Please send an email including your full name, affiliation, CV, and mention the selected journal to the following email address:
IESTI 2024 Organizing Committee
Is there any article or project about interaction of the "Schumann Resonance" on the brain alpha or theta waves?
- The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum :: Schumann Resonance Freq. : 7.83 Hz
- Alpha waves are neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz
Best Regards
maybe in the afterlife I've failed at... Uniqueness may be the arche...
Everyone is special:
Updated information of my thoughts and activities.
This is meant to be a one-way blog, albeit you can contribute with your recommendations and comments.
Relativity is used when speed is high enough. Quantum mechanics is used at subatomic scales. Thus, relativity and quantum mechanics are complimentary, depend on different variables, and should follow the law of identity:
Warren C. Gibson. “Modern Physics versus Objectivism.” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, pp. 140–59. JSTOR, Accessed 16 June 2024. "Leonard Peikoff and David Harriman have denounced modern physics as incompatible with Objectivist metaphysics and epistemology. Physics, they say, must return to a Newtonian viewpoint; much of relativity theory must go, along with essentially all of quantum mechanics, string theory, and modern cosmology. In their insistence on justifications in terms of “physical nature,” they cling to a macroscopic worldview that doesn't work in the high-velocity arena of relativity or the subatomic level of quantum mechanics. It is suggested that the concept of identity be widened to accommodate the probabilistic nature of quantum phenomena."
Thus explaining free will, the self and the law of identity.
International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)
Date: 19-09-2024
Location: Online
Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024) is pleased to invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals to submit papers for presentation and publication at the IESTI conference. This prestigious event aims to bring together leading scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Engineering:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Science:
- Physical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence
- Technology:
- Information Technology
- Communications Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Innovation:
- Technological Innovation
- Innovation Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Development
- Policy and Innovation
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and research content, correctness, relevance to the conference, contributions, and readability.
Paper Submission Process:
1. Format: All papers must be formatted according to the conference template available on the conference website.
2. Length: Full papers should be between 6-10 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. Submission Link: Submit your papers through the online submission system available on the conference website.
4. Review Process: Each paper will undergo a blind peer review process.
5. Notification: Authors will be notified of the review results by 15-08-2024.
6. Camera-Ready Submission: Final versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 31-08-2024.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15-07-2024 **** Extended to 1-8-2024
- Notification of Acceptance: 15-08-2024
- Camera-Ready Paper Submission: 31-08-2024
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20-08-2024
- Conference Dates: 19-09-2024
Conference Proceedings
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the journals listed on the following website:
Special Sessions and Workshops
- IESTI 2024 will also feature special sessions and workshops focusing on current trends and emerging topics in Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation. Proposals for special sessions and workshops can be submitted to:, by 1-8-2024.
Contact Information
For any inquiries regarding paper submissions or the conference, please contact:
- Conference Secretariat:
- Address: Academic Edge Publishing LTD, London, United Kingdom
We look forward to your participation in IESTI 2024 and to a successful conference!
We would like to extend our invitation to invite you to join the editorial board of the:
- Journal of Probiotics and Bioactive Molecules Research (JPBMR)
Please send an email including your full name, affiliation, CV, and mention the selected journal to the following email address:
IESTI 2024 Organizing Committee
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Critical rationalism respects the law of identity.
I don't know.
Warren C. Gibson. “Modern Physics versus Objectivism.” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, pp. 140–59. JSTOR, Accessed 14 June 2024.
Either history does NOT EXACTLY repeat or the future is too unpredictable to risk such rationalism.
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