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Photovoltaic Systems - Science topic
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Questions related to Photovoltaic Systems
In a recently exchanged correspondence, my use of the PVGIS software to collect data for subsequent analysis was questioned, with the view taken that this may not represent the most professional approach. In light of the fact that the software in question provides all the requisite data for calculating electricity production from photovoltaics and that other scientific studies have previously used it, I am interested to learn your views on this matter.
I'm researching Partial Power Processing for DC-DC applications and have found little information on "Fractional Converters". I would like to learn if these converters/partial power architectures are known by another name to locate additional references.
The articles listed below are those that I found which use the term "Fractional Converters":
- Xue, F., Yu, R., & Huang, A. (2017, October). Fractional converter for high efficiency high power battery energy storage system. In 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) (pp. 5144-5150). IEEE.
- Xue, F., Yu, R., & Huang, A. (2020). A family of ultrahigh efficiency fractional DC–DC topologies for high power energy storage device. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9(2), 1420-1427.
- Anzola, J., Aizpuru, I., Romero, A. A., Loiti, A. A., Lopez-Erauskin, R., Artal-Sevil, J. S., & Bernal, C. (2020). Review of architectures based on partial power processing for dc-dc applications. IEEE Access, 8, 103405-103418.
- Kwon, Y. D., Freijedo, F., Wijekoon, T., & Liserre, M. (2022, June). Partial power processing DC/DC MPPT Converters in Solar PV applications: Overview of Architectures. In 2022 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Thank you for your help
2025 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (ICSGGE 2025)
February 28th – March 2nd, 2025
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE & IEEE New South Wales Section
Organizer: School of Information Systems and Technology Management, UNSW
Co-organizers: Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Sanya Global Energy Research Institute, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center
Media Supporter: <Energy Conversion and Economics>
Official Website:
The University of New South Wales is honored to host the 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (ICSGGE 2025). Set against the backdrop of vibrant Sydney, Australia, this prestigious conference invites researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholars from around the world to converge for an enriching exchange of insights from February 28th to March 2nd, 2025.
Objective: ICSGGE 2025 aims to serve as a distinguished platform for the presentation and discussion of innovative research in the domains of Smart Grid and Green Energy. We are dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that promotes the exchange of experiences, pioneering ideas, and practical solutions to challenges faced in the evolution of sustainable energy systems.
Call for Contributions: We invite the submission of original research papers, case studies, and reviews that address various aspects of Smart Grid and Green Energy, including but not limited to:
Advanced smart grid systems, technologies, and methodologies
Renewable energy integration and energy storage solutions
Energy efficiency and demand-side management
Power system management, control, and stability
Sustainable and intelligent energy policies
Cybersecurity and privacy in smart grid technologies
Data analytics and machine learning applications in energy systems
Emerging trends in green energy and smart infrastructure
Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts electronically in accordance with the guidelines outlined on the conference website. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of quality and relevance.
Publication: Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be indexed by EI COMPENDEX and SCOPUS, providing significant visibility and outreach to the broader academic and professional communities.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: Februry 1, 2025
Camera-Ready Submission: Februry 21, 2025
Join us at ICSGGE 2025 to share your knowledge, explore groundbreaking advances, and contribute to the transformative discussions shaping the future of Smart Grid and Green Energy.
For more details, please visit the conference website:
We eagerly anticipate your contributions and look forward to welcoming you to an academically stimulating and enlightening conference in Sydney!

I'm currently exploring the economic implications of solar PV curtailment versus the installation of battery energy storage systems (BESS). Specifically, I'm interested in recent publications or data that compare the opportunity costs associated with each option. Could anyone point me toward studies or datasets that assess which approach is more economically viable under various conditions? Insights into factors such as scale, geographic location, and grid regulations would also be greatly appreciated.
I would like to know : In the context of photovoltaic systems, if it is essential to integrate diodes into modular series and parallel chopper topologies? What is the significance of this integration, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of adding diodes in these configurations?
Am working on Optimization of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Considering Land Surface Temperature Variability, I would like to know if Land Surface Temperature influence Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems.
Dear Researchers;
I have a short question. Let's say a factory consumes 4 MW of electricity per hour. (fixed consumption throughout the year).
I want to install an on-grid PV power plant for this facility. The average daily PSH value of the location is 4 hours. What is the on-grid PV capacity that needs to be installed for this factory?
For the same consumption how to calculate rooftop and ground-mounted type capacities?
Could you show me some academic resources on this subject?
I have made a calculation, but I would like to get opinions from valuable researchers and check my calculations.
Best regards.
I prefer to get the answer for Italy or the average amount of the European Union with a valid reference. Thanks for your contribution in advance.
Since EV battery has high voltage value (around 400V and more), how to implement this battery into PV system?
Can anyone suggest me or send me the MATLAB/SIMULINK file of optimization techniques based MPPT algorithm for solar photovoltaic systems??
We have implemented and installed a grid-connected PV inverter in two different locations. In the first location, it works well, but in the second location, the line voltage to the cubicle body increases and the inverter surge arrester burns. The earth resistance in both cases is below 1 ohm, which indicates that the earthing system is good. I know that high-frequency harmonics are generated by power electronic devices and can cause leakage currents and neutral-earth voltage, but I cannot find the difference between the two conditions. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
in the attached pic :
Yellow: line to cubicle body ( which is earthed)
Blue: line-to-line voltage
Green: inverter current

Any researcher who is interested in working together in the field of Powers Electronics & Drives, Converter & Inverter Design, MPPT Techniques, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Microgrid, EV Charging Stations. And also interested in publishing good quality paper. Kindly contact me. And also here Give your suggestion and feedback.
I am seeking guidance on the proper approach to simulating the solid components (PV, EVA, glass) in a Photovoltaic-Thermal (PV-T) model. Specifically, I want to know if the energy equation for these components requires the inclusion of a source term beyond conduction. This question is crucial for accurately modeling the behavior of the solid elements in a PV-T system.
Suggest one MPPT algorithm for solar photovoltaic systems which is not mentioned in this paper or which is better performance compare to other algorithms..
If you are willing to work in MPPT then I suggest you to follow this paper. This paper helps you to choose the best MPPT algorithm for your system.
If you are willing to work in MPPT then I suggest you to follow this paper. This paper helps you to choose the best MPPT algorithm for your system.
Is there anyone with expertise in coding or who has worked on a hybrid algorithm or optimization technique-based MPPT algorithm? I would like to collaborate with him to publish a quality research paper if he is intrested.
Which home heating systems based on green energy technologies should be developed in connection with the currently developing energy crisis and in the future also with the developing climate crisis?
If the currently developing energy crisis worsens significantly, how will you reduce your heating energy consumption and/or increase your household energy security in a situation where heating prices would increase by several tens of percent in the next heating season?
Nowadays, energy-saving solutions and systems are being developed due to rapidly rising fossil fuel prices. For example, solutions are being proposed for lowering the heating temperature in living spaces by a few percent when heating prices would still rise significantly. At present, many citizens are considering new investments in their household to increase energy security. Questions arise: maybe it is worthwhile in the near future, before the next heating season, to install new, renewable sources of heat and/or electricity at home, to insulate the house façade, etc.? Or are there already affordable new eco-innovations and green energy technologies that could be used now to increase energy savings? Besides, an energy crisis is currently developing and, in the long term, so will a climate crisis. When building a house now, it is important to take into account both the potential deepening of the energy crisis and the climate crisis in the future. In addition, the future correlation between the effects of both crises must be taken into account when planning heating systems and the electricity supply. Among the currently fast-growing green building heating technologies are the installation of heat pumps powered by electricity from photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of the house. In the future, the electricity supply for heat pumps may also come from domestic small-scale hydrogen power plants or nuclear fusion mini-reactors.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
Which home heating systems based on green energy technologies should be developed in view of the currently developing energy crisis and in the future also the developing climate crisis?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

What are the currently created eco-innovations and implemented green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels?
One of the important factors limiting the development of solar energy may be the still existing lack of eco-innovations and green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels, implemented on an industrial scale. In many countries, many new photovoltaic panels are currently being installed on buildings. The current energy crisis may additionally accelerate the development of renewable and zero-emission energy sources. However, for a few, a dozen or a max. Several dozen years, millions, and globally billions of photovoltaic panels will be dismantled due to wear and tear and should be disposed of, not landfilled. This is an important issue taking into account the potential contamination of the natural environment with toxic substances contained in photovoltaic panels.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the Distinguished Community of Researchers and Scientists:
What are the currently created eco-innovations and implemented green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels?
What innovative technologies for utilization of photovoltaic panels are currently working on by scientists and researchers in laboratories, which can become new eco-innovations and green technologies and can be implemented on an industrial scale?
What new eco-innovations and green technologies can solve the problem of recycling used photovoltaic panels in the future?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

I welcome reviewers who are willing to review the article based on designing and development of robots submitted to the Journal of Computers, Mechanical and Management, an emerging open access journal. Please message me back here with your email id so that i can request a review from you.
Journal Website:
a. Considering shadowing
b. PVsyst answer is 425000-panel (without considering shadowing)
c. coordinate system : X=53.2054 Y=30.6173
I'm looking for a practical solution that has been applied on a real scale.

I am looking for examples of using home energy storage to reduce energy peaks on a daily basis in the case of PV. There is a need to use many home energy storage (several hundred thousand in Poland) to cut PV energy peaks.
I am looking for simulation of dust effects on photovoltaic panels, what are the best simulation tools that can do that?
Any researcher who is interested in working together in the field of Powers Electronics & Drives, Converter & Inverter Design, MPPT Techniques, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Microgrid, EV Charging Stations. And also interested in publishing good quality paper. Kindly contact me. And also here Give your suggestion and feedback.
I am interested in any paper addressing the potential environmental effects (positive or negative) of floating photovoltaic systems: in reservoirs, lakes, etc. Any suggestion will be welcome!
A datasheet or a published research work demonstrating full updated cost analysis of power production from PV systems is required for research work. I want to do a cost comparison with BESS System. Getting a general cost trend from a reliable source specially for PV system, would be of huge help. Thank you.
I have previously conducted laboratory experiments on a photovoltaic panel under the influence of artificial soiling in order to be able to obtain the short circuit current and the open-circuit voltage data, which I analyzed later using statistical methods to draw a performance coefficient specific to this panel that expresses the percentage of the decrease in the power produced from the panel with the increase of accumulating dust. Are there any similar studies that relied on statistical analysis to measure this dust effect?
I hope I can find researchers interested in this line of research and that we can do joint work together!
Article link:
Can you suggest newer papers on experimental studies on a PV/T systems with thermal and electrical storage ?
Does anyone have any idea how to evaluate a supper capacitor with a 10Watt solar PV system?
Compared with traditional or overland PV systems, the floating PV systems can benefit from the natural cooling effect of water and operate with higher efficiency, since the decrease of the operating temperature of the PV module tends to increase the PV system efficiency. What is the difference in operational temperature between floating PV modules and overland PV modules?
That is, what parameters and indicators do they consider when they want to evaluate that a converter is better?
Do these indicators have minimum values as standard?
As continuity of previous discussion topic, what is the key advantage of using PCM-based PV cooling? (feel free to indicate published articles on this topic)
I am obtaining very high resistance in a solar(pv) system.
Instead of getting around 1 M ohm, i have it around 20 M ohm.
The plant is around 500 kw and recently had been cleared of a lot of moss on the rooftop(but nothing was on solar modules). I want to know what are the probable reasons for the errors in insulation.
I am obtaining very high resistance in a solar(pv) system.
Instead of getting around 1 M ohm, i have it around 20 M ohm.
The plant is around 500 kw and recently had been cleared of a lot of moss on the rooftop(but nothing was on solar modules). I want to know what are the probable reasons for the errors in insulation.
We have a variable load which is connected to a pv panel via a boost conveter. As depicted in the figure, the controller controls the output voltage, and doesn't grant mppt. What happens when the load changes from 8 to 16 ohms, supposedly. In direct connection of a load to a pv panel, we easily draw the I_V curve and load curves and determine the operation point. Can we do the same here?

Actually I want to know the concept behind it, How it is possible.
I am working on MPPT using Cuk converter.
Normally solar cells are interconnected in series or parallel within a photovoltaic module. Is there a general rule of thumb for this? Does this depend on the technology: poly-Si, PERC, HIT, CPV, Thin-film, or is there another reason? Thank you very much in advance.
Dear all,
Could you please recommend design guidelines for floating platforms supporting photovoltaic systems.
Best regards,
Paulo Rosa Santos
Anyone's can suggest me which optimization / estimation techniques is good for solar photovoltaic cells.
I) How do I measure common mode voltage in matlab simulation?
II) After knowing the value of the common mode voltage, how do I see the behavior of this voltage together with the stray capacitance generating the leakage current?
III) For example, with this circuit (a), where would I have to measure to get these graphs of common mode voltage and leakage current (b)?
Figures: M. N. H. Khan, M. Forouzesh, Y. P. Siwakoti, L. Li, T. Kerekes and F. Blaabjerg, "Transformerless Inverter Topologies for Single-Phase Photovoltaic Systems: A Comparative Review," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 805-835, March 2020, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2908672.

I am interested to work in the field of power electronics Converter & inverter, Renewable Energy, Solar Photovoltaic System, Battery management, fast charging proces, electrical vehicles, etc
Can u suggest me some topics and area, which one good and easy to publish journal & completed my PHD in within 3yrs..
I have an unpublished journal paper title "Describing and analyzing spatial patterns of household PV installation in Queensland, Australia". I want to submit it in a journal (Q2 or Q3). Can anyone suggest to me any good quality Q2 or Q3 journal that can fit this article?
The abstract of the journal is:
About 30% or more of Queensland's homes offer rooftop solar power systems i.e., photovoltaic (PV). Though, the reasons affecting the decisions regarding PV installations in regional and metropolitan cities in Queensland are still unknown. This paper studies the trends of solar power installations between the metropolitan city of Brisbane and some regional cities of Queensland and finds the important factors that influence the fluctuations of solar power installations between metropolitan and regional cities. Trends and patterns in PV installations were identified using ancillary data and a quantitative methodology supported by an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. This paper found that in the Brisbane metropolitan area PV installations would have an upward trend after 2020 while regional Queensland would decline after 2020 from its peak position at present. The study also found that owner-occupied separate houses with three or more bedrooms had more PV systems installed compared to those with less than three bedrooms. Therefore, these findings can help to target potential customers as well as future planning for PV expansion.
I want to have these components in a hybrid renewable energy system (energy storage (thermal energy storage or CAES), solar collector or solar PV, solar reactor, wind turbine, CCHP plant, biomass boiler, etc.)
Exergy and energy analysis is going to be performed in my project,
Thanks for your participation.
What are the factors that most influence the decision to purchase a photovoltaic system?
What do consumers think about photovoltaic distributed generation?
Are consumers' thoughts about the distributed generation of photovoltaic energy consistent with reality?
As far as I know, a PID controller is needed to keep the output voltage constant if there are any load changes. Additionally, it helps the tracking process in a photovoltaic system even more effortless with fewer overshoots, rise times, and so on.
Please correct me if any of my above statements are wrong, and feel free to add any more information regarding the PID controller and the MPPT.
But, I have no idea how to connect a PID controller with the MPPT. I need to keep my output voltage constant irrespective of any load or weather changes in the photovoltaic system.
Please help me out on this!
In both Grid connected and stand alone Solar PV system an inverter is used. Please clarify if we can use a same inverter for both grid connected and stand alone operation of solar PV systems?
I have another three questions about theoretical computations in photovoltaics systems. I was wondering if you could help me with.
1-If the module efficiency written in a catalog is 18% and the calculated efficiency for the given module in specific weather conditions is 30%, does the calculated value make sense?
2-Is it possible to obtain negative values in the calculations done for short circuit current?
3-If the negative value is correct for the short-circuit current, according to the formula ( p =I_sc*V_oc*ff) will the output power also be negative? And If a few days of negative power is achieved in a month, how the average power is calculated? Is it ignored or the absolute values are used in the calculation?
I have three questions about theoretical computations in photovoltaics systems. I wonder if anyone skilled in this area could help me.
1-If the module efficiency written in a catalog is 18% and the calculated efficiency for the given module in specific weather conditions is 30%, does the calculated value make sense?
2-Is it possible to obtain negative values in the calculations done for short circuit current?
3-If the negative value is correct for the short-circuit current, according to the formula ( p =I_sc*V_oc*ff) will the output power also be negative? And If a few days of negative power is achieved in a month, how the average power is calculated? Is it ignored or the absolute values are used in the calculation?
Hi everyone,
My research requires solar irradiance data and I do my research in Thailand. However, I can utilize irradiance data from any location for my research. So, can you please suggest me links which offer this information?
Thank you in advance,
The solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant uses commercial (non-concentrated) PV modules which are quite simple in design and reliable. They can work on fixed orientation and don't need the moving parts, i.e., solar tracker. However, concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems are more popular than ordinary PV systems from the research point of view.
Is there any scope of commercialization of CPV systems in the future?
Is there any PV plant existing in the world which has CPV modules?
Thanking you
Manoj Kumar Sharma
Dear Sir
I Ask to change this title of my paper '' Influencing length of the power line on grid-connected photovoltaic system '' by right title '' Influencing factor analysis of the short circuit ratioon grid-connected photovoltaic systems''
I need to measure the CCT from rotor angle graph >> is it possible ? HOW?
it will be highly appreciated, if you advice any method to calculate the CCT
Hello everyone, I have two questions and I would like it if you could help me out please.
- I need to know, in your opinion, what is the most efficient PV panel configuration between a distributed panel ( with power electronics panel level) or centralized panel ( with only one inverter)?
- What is typically used in the market right now? and why?
Thank you for your time.
I need to create and download a weather file (in SRW format) for SAM, can any one help me?
SRW weather file For custom points
In recent years a new development happened in solar refrigerator design by eliminating expensive and problematic energy storage batteries. The technology so-called, direct-drive refrigeration technology uses solar power to freeze water or other phase change material. During the night and cloudy days, the refrigerator uses the ice bank for cooling and maintaining the setpoint temperature. The direct-drive refrigerator is directly connected to the photovoltaic generators and which can run in low voltages
Can anyone explain how to calculate the cooling load of (W) refrigerator including energy storage in ice bank for the night and cloudy days? How to calculate the required level of PV panel? Some examples would be very useful . Thank you
Suppose, in a photovoltaic string with multiple modules (assume 10), all connected in series, each module is getting different values of irradiance uniformly throughout the module surface. Each module with 72 cells in series is as per the market standard with 3 bypass diodes for every 24 cells. I am trying to understand whether these would also lead to the formation of multiple MPPs in the voltage-current characteristic of the string, or will it still have a single peak, with a low short-circuit current due to the limiting effect from the module with the lowest irradiance. It would be helpful if you can suggest some suitable literature to study more on it. Thanks.
after a several time of research i can't find an example clearly explain step by step about PV systems simulation with TRNSYS software. can someone give me a link or reference or something like that.
I want to model, simulate and study the partial shading effects on the electrical characteristics of Series-Parallel, Brindge-Linked, Honey-Comb and Total-Cross-Tied PV array configurations under different shading patterns.
Can anyone recommend good tutorial materials and literature on 'grid forming and grid following converter models'?. I will appreciate your recommendations and suggestions. Thanks.
The ideal assumption is : uniform sized PV and battery storage system, and similar load for both configurations.
I have a project consisting of a solar water pumping system. It is composed of a PV system, an inverter, a capacitor, an asynchronous/induction machine that is driving the pump. In order for the system to work, the capacitor will act as an intermediate storage between the PV and the induction machine. In order to adapt the power given by the PV to the pump(to adapt the flow of water), and not overload or underload the pump, I need to stabilize the voltage across the capacitor.
I could not find any resource on the internet until now, I need a reference on the subject.
Thank you for your help in advance
Hello Everyone,
I am working on lead free perovskite solar cells. I am interested to calculate charge carrier lifetime from time resolved photo-luminescence spectroscopy (TRPL). Kindly guide me how can I find out charge carrier lifetime from TRPL Data?
As a requirment in my project, I have to synthesize Formamidinium bromide (FABr). According to the protocols which are mentioned in the articles, I've synthesized this material but I think there is an error in my work?
Does anyone has the experience of this synthesis?
Because in the articles, the authors don't express all the steps, I want to know if there is any critical strategy during the synthesis of FABr and specially in the purification stage of this process.
I would appreciate if you point out a reliable article which has mentioned all the stages of this synthesis with it's details.
Dear all,
I am trying to compute the theoretical efficiency of a photovoltaic cell using the method described in the attached paper, which is based on the classical Shockley and Queisser arguments (available here: )
Part of the calculation involves the efficiency factor n_rec = V_oc / Vg where V_oc is the open circuit voltage and Vg the bandgap voltage (Equation 13).
As a far as I understand, from a physical standpoint n_rec should be smaller than 1, since V_oc cannot be superior to Vg. Nevertheless, I do obtain n_rec values higher than 1 (i.e. V_oc > Vg), when I consider for instance a blackbody emitter at 6000K, a PV cell temperature = 300K, 100% radiative recombinations (f_rec = 1) and a bandgap of 1 eV.
Therefore, I am wondering: is there something wrong with my calculation ? or does the model have some limitation that I am not aware of ?
From a mathematical standpoint, I don't see what enforces V_OC < Vg, would someone be able to explain this?
Thanks a lot for your help!
I am trying to model a PV module in MATLAB that can get 24h data inputs of (irradiance, air temperature and wind speed) to produce the output.
Dear all,
Let I have 2 modules each one has a certain irradiance and I want to get the global mpp through mppt controller. my question is: how to connect this circuit ? if i connect them in series should I use one dc-dc converter or two (one for each). Also the input signals of P&O mppt controller.. I mean VPV and Ipv should I take VPV1+VPV2 and IPV1or2 ?
I should mention that I was able to produce the correct PV curve under partial shading but this without applying mppt controller. When I apply it everything goes wrong ?
Do you think that with increasing the penetration level of renewable energy power plants, synchronous generators can be removed from the power system? Is the system inertia not lost?
Does the change in load affects maximum power point in PV systems? (I think the answer is Yes). Then, why do all MPPT techniques only concern themselves with the changes in environmental conditions (irradiation)?
Hello all,
I need to fabricate a working solar cell (thin film 100 nm Si) preferably in vertical architecture (later architecture can also be done). I have SOI wafer with 300 nm SOI layer (lightly p doped , resistivity of 500 ohm/cm), 3 um buried oxide and then Si handle wafer. I usually thin down the SOI layer by dry oxidation and etching to 100 nm. For my work, I need to lower Si absorption as much as possible. However, I tried to fabricate a vertical p-n junction but my diodes doesn't show good diode behavior. One important thing to note is that the devices have all top contact. 1 chip has 7 devices of 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm, but only one common contact to the p-doped SOI (7 devices have individual 7 top contacts on n-doped layer). However, the common contact is approx. 3 mm-10 mm away depending on the device that is being measured. My understanding is that this way of making common contact is very bad. If anyone has any suggestion please let me know.