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Photonics and Optical Communications - Science topic
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Questions related to Photonics and Optical Communications
I am trying to simulate an MMI coupler based on 0.5um thick TFLN. I got results; optimized taper width, taper length, and core length, as you can see in Image 1. I used this model mentioned on the Lumerical website for reference: MMI coupler - Lumerical Now I tried to change BC from the default setting (Metal, Metal, Symmetric, Metal for Ymin, Ymax, Zmin, and Zmax) to PML (because that's what I used in waveguide simulation). I was careful that the boundary of PML is around 15lambda away from the structure, but still I am not getting the good simulation result: transmission is very little. I have attached the screenshots for reference. So regarding this now,, I have few questions:
- Why was a symmetric condition used for Zmin? On the website, it is mentioned that it is to reduce the simulation time by limiting it to solving only TE and TM modes in the interface. I don't understand how.
- Why is there such a difference in simulation results when I use PML? I have used PML in waveguide also, but there I didn't encounter any problems.
- I read a few papers for MMI optimization, like this one .People vary different parameters like taper width, angle, length, and core length, but why does core width not matter much? I tried to find it online, but it was not very helpful.
- In another paper it is mentioned that for N output ports, the multimode section can support a maximum of N+1 modes. What does this mean?
Thanks for reading.
I use Fujikura CT-30 cleaver for PCF cleaving to use for supercontinuum generation. Initially, it seems like working fine as I could get high coupling efficiency (70-80%) in the 3.2um core of PCF. However, after some time (several hours) I notice that coupling efficiency decreases drastically and when I inspect the PCF endface with an IRscope, I could see a bright shine on the PCF end facet, which is maybe an indication that the end face is damaged. Also, I want to mention that the setup is well protected from dust and there is no chance of dusting contaminating the fiber facet.
Please suggest what should be done to get an optimal cleave, shall I use a different cleaver (pls suggest one) or there are other things to consider.
I want to proceed the experiment using optical fiber. However, there is a problem. In one of the processes, the temperature reaches almost 600 degrees(Celsius). I know that the glass transition temperature of the soda lime glass is around 600 degrees.
In addition, the commercial glass optical fiber is consisting of 3 parts, core(pure silica) cladding(doped silica),and buffer layer(polyimide). The company says that this fiber can endure even at 400 degrees because of the polyimide, which is heat-resisting polymer. But, I think that it can endure up to 600 degrees if there is no polymer. Is it true? I will use the fiber as just a substrate, so I don't need any other layer except the core.
After I etch the polymer, what is the limit temperature for the glass optical fiber?
I was trying to simulate the Directional Coupler example in Comsol and I started to have some questions. One of my questions is: Why he uses two input ports using the same boundaries and two not excited ports using others same boundaries? Other question: Can I use Beam Envelope with couplers with more than 2 waveguides? Would I have to use more ports in this case?
I am trying to simulate LNOI waveguide ( lithium niobate waveguide on SiO2). During simulation I found that as I increase the core size (0.5um to 0.9um), Neff increases. In commercial available LNOI, LN thickness vary from 500nm to 900nm. Now anyone would choose core size 0.9um because its giving higher Neff, then what is the point of having LNOIs with LN thickness vary from 500nm to 900nm?
- Doubts regarding Mode: How do I find TE mode(for which I want to design waveguide)?Is it mode 2 in simulation, with TE polarization fraction 99?
- Regarding Boundary condition: In attached screenshot I have chosen metal boundary. Should I choose PML instead? If simulation time is not of concern. Because both boundary conditions are giving me different results, metal boundary shows more number of modes supported compared to PML one.
An screenshot of simulation(capture) is attached for reference.
- I did one more simulation with core size 0.8um with PML BC (earlier it was at 0.9um with metal BC) to avoid other modes. In screenshot capture2 you can see there are two TE modes(both are fundamental- with gaussian profile), how is that possible!?
Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts.
I would like to calculate the Mode Field Diameter of a step index fiber at different taper ratios. I understand that at a particular wavelength, the MFD will be decreasing as the fiber is tapered. It may increase if it's tapered more. I am looking to reproduce the figures ( attached ) given in US Patent 9946014. Is there any formula I may use ? Or it involves some complex calculations?
I am trying to calculate the confinement loss in a PCF. So, I analysed 20 modes in 10 different wavelengths and calculated the confinement loss. Now I need to choose which mode from each wavelength I am going to use to plot the confinement loss graph, but I do not know how to do this. Which parameters I have to analyse to do this?
As we know, when we get a type of fiber from a company, we can get a few dispersion parameter D at corresponding wavelengths( lambda).so we can also get the dispersion slope dD/d_lambda.
Then how can we get the value of 4th disperison beta_4 with the value of D and dispersion slope dD/d_lambda?
I'm curious if anyone can share their measurement of the coupling loss as a function of the gap between two SMF FC/APC fibers at various wavelengths. If not, it would be great if you can refer me to a datasheet or a paper where this type of measurement was done.
Today, sensors are usually interpreted as devices which convert different sorts of quantities (e.g. pressure, light intensity, temperature, acceleration, humidity, etc.), into an electrical quantity (e.g. current, voltage, charge, resistance, capacitance, etc.), which make them useful to detect the states or changes of events of the real world in order to convey the information to the relevant electronic circuits (which perform the signal processing and computation tasks required for control, decision taking, data storage, etc.).
If we think in a simple way, we can assume that actuators work the opposite direction to avail an "action" interface between the signal processing circuits and the real world.
If the signal processing and computation becomes based on "light" signals instead of electrical signals, we may need to replace today's sensors and actuators with some others (and probably the sensor and actuator definitions will also be modified).
- Let's assume a case that we need to convert pressure to light: One can prefer the simplest (hybrid) approach, which is to use a pressure sensor and then an electrical-to-optical transducer (.e.g. an LED) for obtaining the required new type of sensor. However, instead of this indirect conversion, if a more efficient or faster direct pressure-to-light converter (new type of pressure sensor) is available, it might be more favorable. In near future, we may need to use such direct transducer devices for low-noise and/or high-speed realizations.
(The example may not be a proper one but I just needed to provide a scenario. If you can provide better examples, you are welcome)
Most probably there are research studies ongoing in these fields, but I am not familiar with them. I would like to know about your thoughts and/or your information about this issue.
I am trying to make a Matlab/Simulink model of Mach-Zehnder EOM but I won't able to add a laser source in it and how to apply electrical data in terms of half-wave voltage to the one arm of EOM?
When simulating light pipes, will the choice of a source (collimated beam vs angular beam) make any difference on the efficiency of the light pipe to channel light from source on one end to the detector on the other end.
Hi dears
I want to do the absorption of a structure for the wavelength range of 280 to 900 with the desired divisions. For example, I want the wavelength distance in this case to be 0.5 nano, in other words, it returns the absorption information every 0.5 nano.
Lumerical(FDTD) apparently does this for random wavelengths. But I want to get the absorption for wavelengths of 280 to 900 nano, at distances of 0.5 nanometers.
In other words, in the image below, I want the value of "value", 0.5 Nano 0.5 Nano change.
Is there a way to do this in Lumerical(FDTD) ?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
I tried power point but now need more professionality
Hi every one,
I need your help in "How to customize the builtin equation " in Comsol Multi physics While simulating Chiral medium.
Can waveguide effect trigger coherent fiber lasing actions in weakly scattering system? And how do random fiber lasers develop in optical communication?
About zero dispersion fiber and pulse shaping.
I have been trying to simulate the angular far field radiation pattern of silver nanoparticles on a glass substrate.
In quantum key distribution (QKD) optical fiber networks, the quantum channel (QCh) is used for establishing and updating secure keys which are used to encrypt data [1]. Public interaction channel (PICh) is used for exchanging other key related information [1]. Traditional data channel is used for transmitting encrypted data [1].
My question is, what are the modulation schemes to be used for QCh and PICh?
I could not find information regarding the modulation scheme in any of the published articles I read. Please answer this question or suggest some articles that contain this information.
Please note that I am not looking for modulation schemes used for transmitting traditional data.
[1] Zhao, Y., Cao, Y., Wang, W., Wang, H., Yu, X., Zhang, J., Tornatore, M., Wu, Y. and Mukherjee, B., 2018. Resource allocation in optical networks secured by quantum key distribution. IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(8), pp.130-137.
Hi everyone ;
I wish to draw the distribution of electric field amplitude and phase at a given distance from my patch antenna in cartesian coordinates.someone has already done!?
Thank you
Out of RGB, HSV, HSL,HSI, CIE 1931, CMYK and XYZ, which of these are color space and color models.
Any help will be very useful.
Dear colleagues,
Without nonlinear absorption, the Z-scan curve corresponding to the pure nonlinear refraction will be symmetric around the origin O. The nonlinear absorption will lead to asymmetry of Z-scan curve. Thus, the closed aperture Z-scan of a material with nonlinear nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction give an asymmetric curve. Therefore, we can develop a matlab program to automatically generate nonlinear absorption curves so that these curves multiply with the closed aperture Z-scan curves reproduce a symmetric curve [1]. From this symmetry curve, we can calculate the nonlinear refractive indices, and from the nonlinear absorption curve produced by the matlab program we derive the nonlinear absorption coefficient without the open aperture Z-scan measurement. I have implemented the above idea on closed aperture Z-scan data in works [2] and [3] and found that results perfectly consistent with results in above works. In summary, we can use the matlab program or the numerical methods (fitting curve) generally to determine n2 and beta from the closed- aperture Z-scan data. But why in most works did open aperture Z-scan measurements implement to determine n2 and beta, are this measurements really necessary?
Thank you and hoping for your insightful response.
[1] Beam radius based Z-scan + Matlab method, Link:
[2] Sheik-Bahae, M., Said, A. A., Wei, T. H., Hagan, D. J., & Van Stryland, E. W. (1990). Sensitive measurement of optical nonlinearities using a single beam. IEEE journal of quantum electronics, 26(4), 760-769.
[3] Abrinaei, F. (2017). Nonlinear optical response of Mg/MgO structures prepared by laser ablation method. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 13(1), 15.
Dear colleagues,
I have used LBP-1-USB Laser Beam Profiler, Newport. This device can measure two-dimensional and three-dimensional beam profiles as well as measure the beam radius very well. The device can also measure relative power (compare two powers). However, the results are very different from that of the optical power meter. At present, we have made laser beam profiler according to the work of Prof.S. De Iuliis:
However, I still wonder if the laser beam profiler can measure the power accurately theoretically?
I hope to receive your answers. Thank you in advance.
For Nonlinear optical phenomena and materials that are used in the field of nonlinear optical
Dear Colleagues,
I'm studying self-defocusing effect in organic material. In the light beam on the screen, I observe the rings like attached images. Is this the result of diffraction? What is the physical mechanism behind it? And how does it affect radius measurement since we usually measure the radius of a continuous light beam, with no interruptions (at dark rings)?
Thank you and hoping for your insightful response.
We know that organic material often has a strong nonlinear optical effect due to delocalized electrons at pi-pi* orbitals. However, I still do not understand why they always have negative nonlinear refractive indices. When I iluminate CW laser on organic material I always see self-defocusing effects.
I am using DPSS continuous wave laser to study Nonlinear optical properties say it Z-scan technique. What else I can research using these sources, I just want to try something new with the available facility. Any answers would be appreciable. Thank you for your ideas in advance..
Are any different types in Optical Parametric Devices configurations?
I mean to know is there any particular work like gas sensor,bit rate etc. use the birefringent and dispersion simultaneously.
When I expand the phase mismatch (for three signals interacting nonlinearly in optical fiber delta-beta with dispersion slope (dB = B(f1) + B(f2) - B(f3) - B(f1+f2-f3) , where B (Propagation Constant) will expanded using Taylor series around f0. The result will depend on f0, which seem unlogical because the phase mismatch will change according to the point of your expansion!
Did anybody face the same problem before?
When I plot the FWM mixing with f0 and without f0, I find a big difference.
Hello everyone.
there are different type of relationship to calculate the phase matching angle, I bring two of them in attached, which I can derive the second one. and we found that the first phrase (phase matching condition ) is not true. I need to derive the irradiance of frequency doubled beam varies with theta when phase matching condition is not obeyed (the yellow part marked in the picture).
I will be grateful to anyone can help me.
Best regards,
In order to measure reflective and incident power in high frequency power electronic circuit, i need a directional coupler to measure it. But i'm not sure whether the directional coupler can cope high voltage and current source or not.
The resonance condition of microring resonators is given by
n_eff*L = lambda*m, where L is the circumference of the ring given by 2*pi*r, r being the radius of the ring and lambda is the resonance wavelength. In such case, what will be the effective refractive index if we are going to design the resonator on SOI platform.
I would like to know the latest techniques for path optimization in wavelength convertible networks.
Hi, I'm doing a design of a photonic crystal coupler. In nanometer scale of 17X21 dimensions. I need to generate the graph of the transmission in the consol. how do I do that? Can someone help me? Thank you very much in advance.
The optical limiting is s higher harmonics process which are used some material to prevent the higher power optical waves in constant level to be passed in order to protected the optical instruments as well as the human eyes from the higher power damage, some material and polymers as well as used for this goal, it is possible to uses single photonics crystal for this purpose?
The Pockels cell is an electro-optic device (much like an electro-optic modulator) that consists of an electro-optic crystal through which light is transmitted.
why bending losses major losses in photonic crystal fiber????
Laser Q switching and modulation not laser application it is essentially lasers, have you other articles in application such as medical, communication, fiber optics?
What is the most important applications of free laser communication systems (point to point)?what is the simplest application that can be performed in laboratory?
Hi all,
I am a first year PhD student, working in the area of nonlinear silicon photonics. I am modelling the nonlinear Schrodinger equation using cross phase modulation with all the losses (TPA, FCA and FCD) for silicon waveguides in MATLAB. I have the code but the results are not matching with the paper I am following: I am basically calculating the phase shift with only Kerr effect and with all losses (Kerr + losses).
I will be very thankful if anyone let me know who has worked on the said area so that I can send him/her the code.
What I think is that I am making some mistake in calculating the carrier density (N). I am calculating the N in the loop and multiplying it with the step size (h). I will be very thankful if someone can help me in this regards.
Thank you.
Below are some lines of split step loop:
signal_0 = A0_signal.*sech(t/T0).*exp(-0.5i*chirp_p*(t/T0).^2);
probe_0 = A0_probe.*exp(-0.5*(1+1i*chirp_p).*(t/T0).^(2*mshape));
D_signal = fftshift(exp(((-0.5*alpha_Lin)+(1i*0.5*beta2_signal*omega.^2))*h/4));
D_probe = fftshift(exp(((-0.5*alpha_Lin)+(1i*0.5*beta2_probe*omega.^2))*h/4));
for n=1:step_num
t_integral = linspace(T0,10*T0,n_point);
NC_integral = trapz(t_integral,(abs(pump_Signal).^4));
Ncc_signal = (((beta_TPA.*lambda)./(2*h_constant.*c.*Aeff.^2)).*NC_integral) ;
Ncc_probe = (((beta_TPA.*1535e-9)./(2*h_constant.*c.*Aeff.^2)).*NC_integral) ;
spectrum1_signal = fft(pump_Signal,n_point);
spectrum1_signal = spectrum1_signal.*operator_D_signal;
pump_Signal = ifft(spectrum1_signal,n_point);
pump_Signal = pump_Signal.*(exp((i*(Gamma.*abs(pump_Signal).^2 + 2.*Gamma.*abs(CW_Probe).^2) - (0.5./Aeff)*(beta_TPA.*abs(pump_Signal).^2 + 2*beta_TPA.*abs(CW_Probe).^2) - Ncc_signal.*(Sigma/2) - i*Ncc_signal.*k0.*kc).*h));
spectrum1_probe = fft(CW_Probe,n_point);
spectrum1_probe = spectrum1_probe.*operator_D_probe;
CW_Probe = ifft(spectrum1_probe,n_point);
CW_Probe = CW_Probe.*(exp((i*(Gamma.*abs(CW_Probe).^2 + 2.*Gamma.*abs(pump_Signal).^2) - (0.5./Aeff)*(beta_TPA.*abs(CW_Probe).^2 + 2*beta_TPA.*abs(pump_Signal).^2) - Ncc_probe.*(Sigma/2) - i*Ncc_probe.*k0.*kc).*h));
spectrum1_signal = fft(pump_Signal,n_point);
spectrum1_signal = spectrum1_signal.*operator_D_signal;
spectrum1_probe = fft(CW_Probe,n_point);
spectrum1_probe = spectrum1_probe.*operator_D_probe;
Final_Pump_Signal = CW_Probe + pump_Signal;
The wavelength distribution of monochromatic laser source implies the quality of the source. As an example, for the power source, the narrow wavelength distribution is more sophisticated than the broaden wavelength distribution.
I need to know which one is more appropriate (either narrow distribution or broaden distribution) for the SERS sensing application.
How can I use Phase modulator to apply quadratic phase on previously generated pulses from intensity modulator?
How do I determine which type of dispersion is important for step index optical fiber if the group index of HE11= group index core material?
For a single mode optical fiber having Δ= (n1- n2) /n1. What happens with the zero dispersion wavelength if Δ increases?
I merely fused two ports of the coupler together.
The coupling ratio is 99:1 and the port configuration is as below.
Besides, all the fibers are single mode fibers, no polarization-maintaining property. The whole optical system is placed into a vibration and thermo-isolator.
What can the reason be causing these non-periodic resonant dips?
I'm going to assemble passive q-switch, so between the cavity mirrors there will be laser crystal and absorber crystal.
Could anyone recommend the software for simulation of these scheme?
Big thanks.
I wanna to measure an unknown LED electro-optical parameters specially intensity and dominant wavelength and Spatial Distribution.
Which way is best? using a photodetector and tunable filter in visible range?
or using colour sensors such as TCS3200 and TSL200?
or other methods?
tolerance between +/- 20 nm is negligible for our products.
Please state your experience.
tanks so much ...
Dear sirs,
I asked a bout the ways to solve non-linearity in WDM especially XPM and FWM using optisystem.
Thank you
looking to understand the philosophy to choose the bent-pipe repeater equipment for design...etc.
Such a process is essential to theoretically predict the response of various distributive fiber sensor............
I winded a few meters of optical fibers on a PZT tube which is driven by a signal generator, then made a fiber optical resonator with direction coupler. The source which I used is a 1550nm laser and the detecor is made of InGaAs, the signal is demonstrated on a oscilloscope.
What I observed is that the resonant curve on the oscilloscope is swinging, which means the resonant dip is drifting during the modulation process.
I wonder whether there's something wrong with my PZT tube or the phenomenon is normal while modulating with PZT. If it's normal, how should I remove or suppress the drift of resonant dip?
how can we calculate the effective refractive index in photonic crystal fibers?
Its clear that the paramaters affecting the Photonic Bandgap of Photonic crystals of 2D structure is its Lattice constant 'a' and the refractive index ratio (n1/n2) . How is this exactly related?
i'm doing simulation optical ofdm with optisystem ver 14, but the results of BER cant showed, i dont know which one was mistaken, anyone knows?
I know that dispersion changes the speed of light depending on the frequency, and that makes a a unstable signal, but if the frequency inside an optical fiber is constant It wouldn't be problem right?
I also noticed that dispersion in optical fibers (glass) is lower on 1300 nm than 1550 nm. Why we generally use 1550 nm instead?
And are there other reasons why we avoid dispersion?
I am mostly using FDTD based commercial software (OptiFDTD) to model different photonics integrated circuit (PIC) systems.
In passive optical network (PON), I used an AWG at the remote node. I want to change the central frequency of the AWG dynamically. How can I do it ?? please help me.
I asked a bout how can download data of Impulse radio-ultrawideband (IR-UWB) with coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM).
I am very grateful to any answer that help me
Is it possible to use a bulk medium active element in a optic fiber resonator as a active part of laser ? Any suggested publications ? Thanks!
I am working to quantify the losses associated with free-space to Multimode fiber coupling. The setup is as follows:
Collimator --> Lens (NALens) --> 200um core MMF (NAFiber) --> Power meter
NALens ~ NAFiber (Numerical apertures are approximately matched)
I have two questions:
a. I obtain about 60% coupling efficiency into the fiber for the above scheme, wherein I expected close to 90% coupled energy. What are the dominant factors/mechanisms that cause such losses? (I can think of Fresnel loss, NA mismatch, fiber propagation loss)
b. Will there be any difference in coupling efficiency for different fiber core diameters (100um, 200um or 400um), if the NA's are all matched, and the focused spot diameter is < 10um (for example).
I need to control the probability of transmission/reflection with a PBS and a halfwavelength plate. Diode lasers don't usually have a nice beam shape i.e. it is not Gaussian. Does this affect (even if it is several orders lower) the functionality of the waveplate and the PBS or a BS?
My laser beam is TEM00 mode and has horizontal polarization, and the PM
fiber is panada configuration. I use a collimator with fixed focal length connected to the fiber, this system is also mounted on a rotation mount , so the fiber slow axis can be rotated to match the laser polarization. And a beam walk method with 2 mirrors is taken to get the largest coupling efficiecy. However, the output power often fluctuates. Is there any other methods to handle PM fiber?
This is more of a practical question about what optics are on the market. I have a 1550 nm femtosecond laser in fiber (100 fs pulses, 200 mW, 100 MHz, spectrum ~1500-1600 nm).
I'd like to focus this laser as tightly as possible (for coupling into hundred-nm-scale waveguides). Currently, we are using an aspheric lens from Thorlabs with NA=0.6.