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Philosophy - Science method

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Forthcoming in: Wittgenstein in Swansea: Philosophy and Legacy. University of Wales Press (2025)
Conference Paper
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Curso online del Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras de la Región de Murcia. Fechas: 1-3-25 al 31-5-25. Matrícula abierta. Más información en
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À partir de la question de savoir comment la science peut expliquer, ce texte pose la question à l’égard des formes d’enquêtes qui semblent inaptes à prédire. La question du modèle d’explication qui admettrait des données statistiques est ensuite confrontée aux idéaux rigoureusement prédictivistes et peut-être subrepticement déterministes. En discu...
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"Radical Freud: Reconstructing the Bisexuality Thesis" reveals a radical dimension to Sigmund Freud's sexual theory that picks up and continues from previous work by Thomas Olver. Olver argues that Freud's radical heritage has been transformed into an orthodox school with an internal stasis that is unassailable from within but increasingly challe...
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The history and philosophy of science course is among the very important courses for prospective teachers in terms of understanding the development of science, evaluating its social and cultural context, developing scientific thinking skills, and better understanding and teaching scientific knowledge. Studies on this subject are important in terms...
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This chapter examines the history of philosophy of psychology and philosophy of psychiatry as subfields of philosophy of science that emerged in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. The chapter also surveys related literatures that developed in psychology and psychiatry. Philosophy of psychology (or philosophy of cognitive science) ha...
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This article presents a visualist theory of design that contrasts with the instrumental rationalism that dominates the philosophy of design. My critique of rationalism is based on two omnipresent and paradigmatic phenomena in design: the variety of forms for one single function and the variety of uses of one form. Instrumental rationalism defines d...
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In the article “The Past 110 Years: Historical Data on the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy Journals,” Hassoun et al. claim that there is a connection between triple anonymous review and the proportion of women authors in interdisciplinary journals. However, the sample size of interdisciplinary journals using triple-blind review practice...
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A proposta do ensaio é lembrar como nós podemos e devemos tentar compreender (uma diminuta parte do que pode caracterizar) o Nhandereko, para evitarmos cair em armadilhas onde se correm os riscos de sacrificar um dos modos mais perfeitos e completos de existência social e filosofia coletiva para a substituição deste por um sistema de competição ali...
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This study explores the epistemological beliefs of pre-service elementary teachers in Korean language education and their impact on performance assessment task planning. Grounded in the correlation between teachers’ beliefs and instructional approaches, the research aims to redefine Schommer’s (1990) epistemological dimensions in tasks designed by...
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Causal cognition includes the ability and mental processes of feeling, perception, attention, learning, memory, thinking, reasoning, representation, etc. Causal cognition is embodied and situational, but the specific effects of body and environment on causal cognition are still vague. This paper introduces the classification of causal cognition, di...
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Este encuentro, dedicado a Joaquín Romero de Cepeda, autor extremeño de finales del siglo XVI, se celebrará el 12 de diciembre de 2024 en la Universidad de Córdoba (la sesión de mañana en el Edificio Pedro López de Alba y la sesión de tarde en la Botica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras).
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Der Text ist identisch mit dem Vortrag „Plausibilitaet und Possibilitaet in der Philosophie der Gegenwart”, gehalten am 15. Deutschen Kongress für Philosophie (Hamburg, 24-28 September 1990.)
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This paper explores the potential of abductive reasoning to enhance the analysis of international large-scale assessments which have traditionally relied on deductive and inductive reasoning. While these conventional methods have provided valuable insights into global student achievement, they often fail to capture the complexity of educational sys...
Full-text available 0000-0002-6548-4996 RESUMEN: Los oficios y saberes de las mujeres rurales develan aspectos cruciales de los pueblos que construyen día a día su economía, sus modos de relacionarse en una arqueología de intercambios. Persisten las economías campesinas gestadas por mujeres, en arraigo con la tierra y los modos de vida colectiva; la...
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Alfred Russel Wallace (1823−1913) is best known for his independent formulation of the principle of natural selection. In this work I first review my understanding of Wallace's intellectual development on this subject, including the notion that he had no model for the evolution of higher consciousness as of his first treatment of natural selection...
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This paper compares the views of Hegel and Schelling regarding the problem of individuation, i.e. the question of what makes an individual (a) numerically distinct from others and (b) the very individual it is. My focus is on how Hegel approaches this problem in his metaphysics and how that relates to Schelling’s views as articulated in his ‘negati...
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Laporan Akhir Penyusunan Naskah Akademik ini berisikan hasil kajian melalui pendekatan penelitian yuridis normatif dan yurudis empiris/sosiologis. Selain itu dilakukan evaluasi dan analisis peraturan perundang-undangan terkait serta membahas landasan filosofis, sosiologis dan yuridis sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dengan penyusunan naskah ak...
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Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that understands knowing the world as inseparable from agency within it. It thereby introduces some unique ideas and approaches to the analysis of concepts. Looking largely to pragmatism's founder, Charles Peirce, this chapter presents an account of concepts as habits which associate specific kinds of environ...
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The term philosophical generation , or generations , covers one such initiative in new readings in the history of 20 th century philosophy, ethics, and moral philosophy. It focuses its attention on interactions between philosophers as personalities, as teachers of philosophy, and their student-philosophers. It is interested in the interactions that...
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Still finding ways to improve my paper on Zhuangzi and Laozi and how they discovered some things that agree closely with quantum physics and our philosophy of science.
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RESUMO A Justiça Restaurativa com sua técnica de círculos de conversa dirigida, é uma alternativa para resolução de conflitos, amenizando ou extinguindo a violência que pode estar atrelada ao cotidiano escolar. Este trabalho trata-se de um relato de experiências ocorridas nos anos de 2018 e 2024, quando realizaram-se círculos de Justiça Restaurativ...
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The leitmotif of the article is an analysis and interpretation of disputes about the nature of Slovak philosophy in the contexts of the formation of individual philosophical generations from the middle of the 19 th to the middle of the 20 th century. In the content core of the article, the dispute is about the nature of Slovak philosophy in the fir...
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El presente trabajo tiene por propósito vincular el concepto de trabajo alienado en Marx con la noción de sacrificio práctico de la ética en el marco de la fenomenología husserliana, trazando las líneas de posible dialogo entre dos filosofías que tienen por principio la praxis. Lo anterior se procura a partir del ejemplo paradigmático de lo que se...
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En este ensayo se revisa la interpretación de Miguel León-Portilla con respecto a la concepción náhuatl del arte. En tres de sus obras (La filosofía náhuatl, Los antiguos mexicanos a través de sus crónicas y cantares y Toltecayotl. Aspectos de la cultura náhuatl) aborda con detenimiento el término toltécatl que en las primeras traduce como “artista...
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This article traces the development of Edmund Husserl’s approach to the concept of the ego through the different stages of the evolution of his phenomenological project. The aim is to delineate Husserl’s shifting viewpoints from a Humean to a Kantian perspective, particularly focusing on the transition toward a Kantian transcendental approach. Thro...
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Resumo Partindo do fato de que os direitos humanos significam uma realidade desafiadora para o continente africano, este trabalho (consequência de uma pesquisa de iniciação científica realizada, durante o período de julho/2020 a julho/2021, como bolsista PIBIC-UESPI) assume como seu principal objetivo discutir em que sentido podemos falar de uma co...
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This research explores the integration of beauty, functionality, sustainability, and biomimicry in industrial design, focusing on the challenge of balancing these elements. While sustainability and functionality are primary concerns, biomimicry often emphasizes utility over aesthetics, leading to more utilitarian designs. This paper demonstrates ho...
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El objetivo de este capítulo consiste en descifrar a qué se refirió Benjamin con esa figura y cómo se insertó con ella en una larga discusión sobre la utilidad de la historia como disciplina científica al interior de Alemania. Así, este texto se divide en cuatro partes: en la primera parte se presentan algunas ideas que sirven para acercarse a las...
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The aim of the present paper is to examine ethical and moral philosophical thinking in Slovakia in the 1950s and 1960s, with particular emphasis on the content of the journal Filozofia published by the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA). This study analyses how political and social transformations, especially after February 1948, influenced...
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Ainda que Skinner e outros autores defendam que a análise do comportamento é uma ciência natural a compor o domínio das ciências biológicas, é pouco frequente o diálogo entre o behaviorismo radical e outras propostas epistemológicas em biologia. Este ensaio teve por objetivo sanar ao menos em parte esta lacuna ao buscar possíveis aproximações entre...
Conference Paper
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Hasta el Siglo XIX la Ciencia en general y las Matemáticas en particular, asistieron a un proceso de diferenciación donde surgieron nuevas áreas disciplinares y se abrieron nuevas líneas de investigación, por citar algunos ejemplos tenemos las Geometrías No Euclideanas, la Mecánica Celeste, Teoría de Conjuntos Infinitos, … En el Siglo XX asistimos...
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Is there ethics within the doctrine of Heidegger’s philosophy of Being, Heidegger seems to hold a contemptuous attitude towards ethics and only places ethics under ontology, believing that it is rootless to talk about norms and goodness without properly addressing the issues of Being. Daniel J Schmidt even said, “Discussing Heidegger with ethical l...
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O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre o valor estético do desporto, explorando a relação entre os conceitos de mudança e homeostasia, tendo em conta as dinâmicas emergentes e as necessidades evolutivas das equipes desportivas, utilizando como referência o exemplo do futebol. De acordo com a perspetiva do modelo de homeostasia coletiva pr...
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Educational philosophy is the cornerstone of teaching practice, linking educators' values and beliefs to their instruction. This article explores how the development and implementation of a coherent philosophy influence learning, enhance teaching effectiveness, and foster a positive classroom climate. It presents various philosophical approaches, s...
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O mundo globalizado e competitivo exige das empresas níveis de qualidade e de controle de processos cada vez mais rígidos. O desafio por garantir um alto padrão de servicibilidade ao cliente demanda a execução de tarefas de forma a não desperdiçar recursos materiais e humanos, agregando valor ao serviço ou produto final. Dentro desse contexto, este...
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The article deals with Hegel's distinctive conceptualization of language, which takes a speculative form. Not only does language play a crucial role in understanding Hegel's speculative philosophy, but it also provides a novel way of understanding the inner mechanics of thought formation and explication. While language does fulfil a common communic...
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This paper reflects the practical importance of phenomenological, structural synthesis methods, which are universal research methods based on phenomenological methods. Also, the possibility of using this method in the interpretation of works of art was raised. In addition, phenomenological and structuralist synthesis method is explained within the...
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Living systems are complex systems made of components that tend to degrade, but nonetheless they maintain themselves far from equilibrium. This requires living systems to extract energy and materials from the environment and use them to build and repair their parts by regulating their activities based on their internal and external conditions in wa...
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El artículo que a continuación se presenta intenta dar muestra de la noción del arte desde la reflexión de la estética mexicana, subrayando el carácter emancipado de la plástica nacional a través del muralismo, particularmente el de Diego Rivera y su búsqueda por la autenticidad de lo mexicano, que se muestra como una contradicción y superación del...
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Pendidikan Islam memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk karakter masyarakat madani di era modern yang penuh perubahan dan tantangan. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan ontologis Al-Qur’an untuk mengeksplorasi transformasi konsep pendidikan Islam menuju masyarakat madani pada era modern. Metode literatur dengan pendekatan filosofis dan pedagogis d...
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This article starts with the general question about the role that religion played in Latin American philosophy in understanding technology in light of modernization and accelerated industrialization in the developmental periods of the twentieth century. As a first approach to the subject, the primary reference is José Gaos, one of the most prominen...
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John Dewey's philosophy of "Learning by doing" emphasizes that children learn through their own experiences, allowing them to draw lessons from those experiences and develop their cognitive skills, particularly their ability to solve problems independently. For this reason, the theory of "Learning by doing" is well-suited for organizing activities...
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In this study, we re-evaluate Du Guangting’s (850–933 C.E.) contributions to Daoist philosophy and religious practice during the late Tang and Five Dynasties period (755–960 C.E.), emphasizing his method of “broadly drawing upon various texts and thoroughly exploring their meanings” (廣引眾文, 窮指詳采). Through a primary analysis of Explications Expoundin...
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El presente artículo tiene como propósito tomar algunos tópicos kuscheanos como se presentan en su obra Geocultura del hombre americano para desplegar posibilidades conceptuales que permitan abrir senderos para reflexionar hoy a partir de tales inquietudes. Con lo cual, no se trata propiamente de un comentario sino más bien de una serie de resonanc...
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Józef Tischner, a Polish twentieth century priest and philosopher, is mostly known for his ideas relating to the theme of solidarity, as well as for his original ‘philosophy of drama’. This article examines selected aspects of his early philosophy, without which those two major contributions cannot be properly understood. I begin by a brief synopsi...
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In his later writings, Husserl posits the original life of transcendental consciousness as the ultimate subject of phenomenological inquiry. Through self-criticism in his work Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, Husserl realizes that the transcendence of representation remains unnoticed after the transcend...
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Kunst, for eksempel performanceteater, kan skabe og påvirke dybe følelsesmæssige og kropslige oplevelser. Dette essay giver, baseret på en fænomenologisk og interdisciplinær tilgang, der involverer teater, sygepleje, filosofi og psykologi, indblik i Teater Fluks’ arbejde med temaet demens. Med udgangspunkt i indsigter skabt gennem et dybdegående in...
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En este artículo presentamos resultados parciales de una investigación recientemente finalizada1y realizada desde un Instituto Superior de Formación Docente bonaerense. En particular, aquí exponemos las múltiples facetas y dimensiones que des-pliegan docentes y directivos del nivel secundario para hacer escuela a diario. Nuestra hipótesis es que di...
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La filosofía como una poderosa herramienta para sofocar la corrupción política en Honduras La filosofía permite desarrollar el análisis crítico mediante la reflexión de las condiciones en que se recrea la corrupción política en varios niveles. Su alcance envuelve a la ciencia en una meditación sobre su uso y aplicación. Su trascendencia involucra u...
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Estudios recientes formalizan los principales problemas que la filosofía platónica discierne cuando expone el proyecto de educación filosófica para la ciudad justa que, desde sus bases fundamentales, desarrolla la República. ¿Cuáles son el sentido y el horizonte del proyecto formativo-filosófico platónico? Para Platón, la educación filosófica de la...
Conference Paper
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We tested the ability of generative AI (GAI) to serve as a non-expert grader in the context of school-wide curriculum assessment. OpenAI's ChatGPT-4o Large Language Model was used to create diverse student personas. Synthetic artefacts based on exam questions from two Undergraduate courses on religion and philosophy were created. A custom GPT model...
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Beragama di Indonesia merupakan hak yang diakui dan dilindungi oleh hukum, namun juga muncul perdebatan mengenai apakah beragama merupakan suatu hak atau suatu keharusan. Penelitian ini berangkat dari perkara yang teregister dengan nomor 146/PUU-XXII/2024 mengajukan gugatan terhadap aturan yang membatasi kebebasan untuk hidup tanpa beragama di Mahk...
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El presente ensayo se propone examinar cómo los individuos en contextos de confinamiento carcelario - quienes han contribuido activamente en el desarrollo de esta investigación - pueden no solo experimentar la libertad de manera gradual, sino también producir libertad creadora a través de un proceso dialéctico en relación con su pasado, presente y...
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The idea that human beings have some fundamental rights goes back a long way in the history of philosophy. But the justifications for these rights have been quite different. The question has also been raised whether these rights are inherent or to be regarded as consensus among men. There can be no final agreement on these questions. At the same ti...
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O artigo trata da releitura no Correio do Rio de Janeiro do debate tipográfico português sobre a obra De la Philosophie de la Nature, ou Traité de morale pour le genre humain, tiré de la philosophie et fondé sur la nature, de Jean-Baptiste Claude Delisle de Sales e proibida pela Real Mesa Censória (1771). Ainda assim, traduzida e publicada anonimam...
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This article is an exploration of leadership in media education and some of its identifying features. As lecturers in media studies and production, our teaching philosophy weaves through these themes: active learning (Budhai 2021), learning by doing (Schank et al 2013), peer and self-assessment (Iglesias Pérez, Vidal-Puga, and Pino Juste 2022) and...
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Examinaremos aquí una interpretación del pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche, a menudo considerado misógino, que sugiere una lectura alternativa en la que se resalta la importancia de la figura de la mujer en su filosofía. Ciertos fragmentos de Nietzsche encuentran relación entre determinado tipo de figura de mujer con su noción de verdad y conocimi...
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O Socialismo de José Ignacio de Abreu e Lima foi publicado no Recife em 1855. O autor já era conhecido por suas atividades escritas na Colômbia, onde fora agraciado com o generalato também pela produção textual a serviço do regime bolivarista, no Rio de Janeiro, quando escrevera pasquins e livros de história, e em Pernambuco, onde continuaria com o...
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RESUMO: Como grande parte da população, professores também olham para as pessoas com deficiência (PCDs) com uma certa estranheza, a qual é desenhada a partir de uma lógica colonizadora, planificadora, dualista e abissal (Santos, 2010) que busca invisibilizar as alteridades, seus corpos, suas histórias, conhecimentos e saberes experienciados. Tendo...
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The Indonesian nation since the 1945 Constitution was established as the Constitution of the Indonesian state. In its development, this agreement has transformed into a common ideal which is also usually called state philosophy or staatsidee (state ideals). In the concept of democracy, it contains the principles of popular sovereignty (democratie)...
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Según la concepción de Epicuro el fin de la vida humana es la felicidad. Y para conseguir dicho fin no sería importante solo el cultivo de la filosofía, sino también el conocimiento de la música. Para ello es necesario sentir las ondulaciones de los sonidos, pues ellos causan sensaciones agradables y se convierten en cadenas de movimiento que van d...
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The philosophy of science needs large-scale science maps.
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Este libro constituye una obra fundamental para educadores y profesionales de la Educación (Física), la actividad física y el deporte, interesados en integrar valores y habilidades para la vida en sus prácticas pedagógicas. Basado en el enfoque pedagógico desarrollado por Don Hellison, el libro está organizado en tres bloques. El primero establece...
Technical Report
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Abstrak Tulisan ini memperkenalkan matcha, salah satu jenis teh hijau yang berasal dari Jepang, yang semakin populer di seluruh dunia karena manfaat kesehatan serta penggunaannya dalam berbagai makanan dan minuman. Matcha dihasilkan dari daun Camellia sinensis yang ditanam menggunakan metode khusus, di mana tanaman teh ditutupi dari sinar matahari...
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Esta investigación analiza la interpretación hegeliana de América. Por un lado, mostraremos su carácter más problemático, al reducir toda actividad del hombre americano como parte de la categoría «culturas naturales», aun cuando se registraron noticias de las civilizaciones azteca e inca. Por otro lado, también se revalorará a las civilizaciones al...
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Contextualização: A Reforma Protestante foi o primeiro grande movimento contra a tradição jurídico medieval vigente no Ocidente desde o Império Romano. Os reformadores, ao fundarem um positivismo religioso ou teológico de raiz cristã – erigido primordialmente sobre fontes positivas –, lançaram as bases para o surgimento de um positivismo jurídico,...
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In leadership forums it is often common to find the expression “lead to serve”, but this is only the first part of the adage, which in its complete formula ends with “serve to lead.” Wittgenstein’s practical philosophy delves into this double expression that ends up resolving into a simple Modus Tollens: to serve, to serve. If the most fruitful way...
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All the prophets provided an identical concept of God because their source of information was the same, that is, God Himself. Other methods like philosophy, esoteric inspiration, etc. are not valid and reliable mechanisms in this regard. Thus, we need to benefit from the teachings of the prophets to have the correct concept of God. For this, it wou...
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This review paper attempts to answer the question “do Imams’ (PBUH) prayers affect daily life and mental health of individuals who read them faithfully?”. In order to answer this question, Imam Sajjad’s (PBUH) prayers have been selected as sample and thus were analyzed by content. Hence, its various topics have been compared to standards accepted b...
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Este trabajo es una crítica al artículo del filósofo contemporáneo Jon Stewart, titulado: Borges and the Refutation of Idealism: A Study of «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius». En dicho artículo se desarrolla una interpretación kantiana del cuento de Borges «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius» como si fuera una refutación literaria de la filosofía de Berkeley, an...
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According to the prominent accounts of artifacts, artifacts are objects produced to serve a function (Hilpinen, Theoria 58:58–82, 1992; Preston, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2022a). If, as commonly suggested, artworks are artifacts then the lack of a viable functional account of artworks generates a problem and leaves us with one of the...
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In his account of the individuation and creation of thinking in Difference and Repetition Gilles Deleuze claims that there belongs “an experience of death.” What does this mean and imply for an attempt to come to terms with Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism? The following article presents a reading that explores this question, arguing that Deleuz...
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This is a further editing of the English version of my paper on Zhuangzi, Laozi, and the philosophy of science.
Conference Paper
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AZEVEDO, Victor; SANTANA, Laryssa. Avaliação Crítica do Tema Filosofia do Ensino Aplicada à Administração. Resenha do Artigo: O Efeito da Filosofia na Leitura Crítica: evidência da educação inicial de professores na Colômbia (2024). Em: VI Seminário Virtual de Liderança & Gestão do Projeto de Extensão LAB.LID / Programa de Extensão DEGECAR. Coorden...
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This paper delves into the philosophical underpinnings of administrative leadership, guided by Chinese philosophical traditions. It synthesizes the wisdom of thinkers like Zhuangzi, Wang Yangming, Confucianist Zeng Guofan, and reformists like Wang Anshi and Liang Qichao, while reflecting on the Japanese application of these philosophies through fig...
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Many biologists, especially in ecology and evolution, analyze their data by estimating fits to a set of candidate models and selecting the best model according to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC). When the candidate models represent alternative hypotheses, biologists may want to limit the chance of a...
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This essay will draw from the classical Greek notions of cosmopolis and cosmopolitanism—world citizenship—as a heuristic for contemplating the question of contemporary participation in a wholly good global society. The first part of this paper will explore how the ancient notion of cosmopolis offers contemporary thinkers a compelling hermeneutic fo...
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Lean manufacturing (LM) is a management philosophy focused on reducing waste while enhancing system productivity. Although its advancements have been more pronounced in the manufacturing sector, the benefits that LM are increasingly being recognized in other areas, including agriculture. Research on the application of LM in agriculture and livestoc...
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Resumen: El siguiente artículo se compone de cuatro secciones a lo largo de las cuales se desarrolla una problematización filosófica acerca de la relación histórica entre antropología y política. La primera sección discute el fundamento antropológico del concepto de lo político, identificando su irrevocable relación con una concepción antropocéntri...
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``A thoughtful story at Christmas time'' or ``A theoretical level where advanced religious notions and natural sciences occur as unity''. An intellectual experiment. The very first mathematical and graphical approach.
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Resumo Escrita por Marx e Engels entre 1845 e 1846, A ideologia alemã teve como objetivo acertar as contas com a filosofia idealista hegeliana, incluindo nesse acerto sua versão neo-hegeliana e o materialismo contemplativo de Ludwig Feuerbach. Trata-se do escrito em que, pela primeira vez na história da filosofia, foram explicitados os pilares do m...
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This article claims that information systems should provide reliable and trustworthy information, and that this demand imply a re-orientation of information science with knowledge organization from, for example, approaches based on studies of user’s preferences, towards studies of quality and the values and goals in the documents being mediated. Th...
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A partir de los estudios y las ideas de Weil sobre la geometría griega como un saber religioso sobre los dioses, este artículo está dedicado a una exposición en detalle sobre las relaciones entre medida y caos en la filosofía de Tales, orientada a marcar la diferencia entre las matemáticas antiguas y contemporáneas respecto a lo que está más allá d...
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En la sociedad actual, la intervención del Trabajo Social con las personas adultas mayores se convierte en una labor indispensable, debido a los diversos desafíos y retos que requieren del quehacer profesional, para enfrentarse a las problemáticas y necesidades sociales cotidianas de este grupo de atención prioritaria. En virtud de ello, el proyect...
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The neo-Kantian transcendentalist reading of the epistemic status of logical axioms in Frege argues that he is committed to the neo-Kantian idea that we are epistemically justified in accepting logical axioms because accepting them is necessary for achieving epistemically crucial goals. However, I show that Frege hesitates to be fully committed to...
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This article aims to explain epistemology in the view of Sohrevardi and infer its educational implications. This is a qualitative, theory-building research with the highest level of interpretation and exaction, based on Smith’s view that validates the possibility of concluding educational implications from a certain philosophy and that there is a r...
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This paper delves into the philosophical underpinnings of administrative leadership, guided by Chinese philosophical traditions. It synthesizes the wisdom of thinkers like Zhuangzi, Wang Yangming, Confucianist Zeng Guofan, and reformists like Wang Anshi and Liang Qichao, while reflecting on the Japanese application of these philosophies through fig...
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No es extraño que los antinatalistas consideren a Schopenhauer como uno de sus referentes inmediatos (básicamente, por su visión pesimista de la vida y del mundo), pero el tema ha recibido nula atención por parte de los especialistas en el autor (quizá debido a su aparente carácter secundario). Con el crecimiento de la literatura sobre este asunto,...
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No presente ensaio damos continuidade ao artigo “A lógica do Ser de Parmênides: entre a poesia e a Filosofia”, em vias de publicação pela Argumentos (revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Ceará). Agora pretendemos mostrar que a crítica de Górgias a Parmênides reside na diferença da concepção de ambos a respeit...
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O artigo almeja articular os horizontes do ser (Filosofia Antiga e Medieval), da consciência (Filosofia Moderna) e da linguagem (Filosofia Contemporânea) presentes na história da Filosofia, ressaltando a dimensão cosmológica, no primeiro momento, gnosiológica, no segundo, e linguística, no último, como uma forma de explicitar os paradigmas pressupo...
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p> The purpose of this article is to better understand the nature of mission and vision statements issued by universities and whether these statements reflect the values of the institution’s leaders, faculties, and students. The researchers, being employed as professors in a Japanese science university, sought to analyze their own institution’s mis...
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The “International Group for Lean Construction” aims to adopt a new management philosophy for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Learning this philosophy can be supported by using active methodologies, especially serious games. This work aimed to analyse the evolution of using serious games as a teaching technique based...
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One of the human efforts to keep living life is to interpret life based on philosophy. In the spiritual life, it emphasizes that the meaning of life is through the way of God. This study aims to analyze the relationship between life-based on Islamic religious philosophy and life satisfaction, self-esteem, and quality of life. This study is a quanti...
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The essay I present here addresses some of Jean-Paul Sartre’s most relevant considerations related to Marxist thought. For the French author, this current of thought is presented as a philosophy of revolution that aims to recover the central aspects of subjectivity linked to the development of human beings, in contrast to the schematism of various...
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Review of J. Aaron Simmons, Bruce Ellis Benson and Neal DeRoo, eds., Philosophies of Liturgy: Explorations of Embodied Religious Practice (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), pp. xvi + 309, ISBN 978-1350349308. £39.99