Science topic
Pharmacodynamics - Science topic
Pharmacodynamics is the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on the body or on microorganisms or parasites within or on the body and the mechanisms of drug action and the relationship between drug concentration and effect.
Questions related to Pharmacodynamics
I can fathom the idea of PK being different b/w dogs and rodents, but why would I be seeing a significantly different PK profile for the same drug tested on rats and mice?
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences, adjustments drug dosages in children to ensure safe and effective therapy.
Describe the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes that affect drug metabolism and response in pregnant patients. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes occur during pregnancy, impacting drug metabolism, distribution, and response in pregnant patients. Understanding these changes is crucial for safe and effective medication management during pregnancy.
Dear Master Degree, MPhil, and PhD Research Scholars,
We're excited to invite you to the CIMPA School 2024 on Mathematics for Medicine and Health Sciences at Silpakorn University in Thailand.
The CIMPA School will be held from May 20 to May 31 2024 at our esteemed university campus. This school aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the application of mathematics in the fields of medicine and health sciences. The program offers a diverse range of courses and training sessions led by renowned experts in their respective fields.
During the school, you will have the opportunity to attend introductory courses that cover various topics such as pharmacokinetics, disease modeling, big data analysis, and numerical implementation of blood flow. Additionally, advanced courses will delve into specialized areas like big data and machine learning for public health, modeling of waterborne diseases, and coagulation-fragmentation modeling.
The CIMPA School at Silpakorn University will serve as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, fostering collaborations among participants from different countries and backgrounds. You will not only gain valuable knowledge but also have the chance to network with fellow researchers and professionals, opening doors to future collaborations and opportunities.
We are pleased to inform you that CIMPA is offering financial support for eligible participants. If you require financial assistance, we encourage you to apply for CIMPA financial support through their website:
To learn more about the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University, please visit our official website: You will find detailed information regarding the registration procedure, program schedule, and other relevant details.
We believe that your expertise and contributions would greatly enrich the learning experience for all participants. Your presence at the CIMPA School would be highly valued, and we look forward to welcoming you to Silpakorn University.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us ( or
Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the CIMPA School at Silpakorn University.
Best regards,
P. Pornsawad
''Using the pharmacokinetic parameters and a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model, it is possible to predict the pharmacodynamic response to certain drugs; this provides useful information for understanding drug action and determining dosage regimen''. (Baggot, 1990)
Baggot JD. Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship. Ann Rech Vet. 1990;21 Suppl 1:29S-40S.
Is it possible to determine the correction factor (Km) to estimate the (AED) for Lepidopteran species? Haven't found any literature that discusses the MRSD for Lepidopteran species. Would very much appreciate it if someone has any insight into it. Need to calculate the drug dose for Bombyx Mori.
Did you ever experience a conceptual change in pharmacology where was a discrimination b/w phenomena/concepts that you previously regarded as a single phenomena/concept?
For instance, proton pump inhibitors are often thought to be interchangeable, but some differences have emerged in their pharmacological properties, which may be reflected in some aspects of clinical efficacy. Such differences include potency, speed of onset and duration of pH 'holding times' (2004)
Robinson M. Review article: the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of proton pump inhibitors--overview and clinical implications. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2004;20 Suppl 6:1-10. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2004.02160.x
In the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of frusemide
I have harvested urine and serum at various time intervals from rats that have been given a crude extract . I want to assess the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the individual compounds in the extract. However, I am not sure which method will work better for the pharmacokinetics because I do not know the proportion of each of the compounds in the extract.
I want more information about role of chiral drugs on drug delivery based on pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, recepter binding, dose, potency , toxicity, safety with lot of examples. If you have any reference materials like article, book, or other formats and you please send to me.
Thanks you.
Mechanism of Drug action (MOA) is central to the understanding of the pharmacodynamics concepts. A thorough comprehension of this concept can reinforce the advanced level of practice and acquisition of skills linked to the pharmacotherapeutic management of drugs. Improvement of which broad level or practice concepts are linked to the understanding of drug mechanism of action?
Dear all,
I am using corn oil as vehicle for subcutaneous injection and I want to reduce the viscosity of the vehicle (corn oil) to enhance the delivery of the main compound of interest. Sometimes, the oil accumulates at the point of administration along with the dissolved compound. Kindly assist on this.
Sunday Josiah
I am planning to investigate the effects of agrochemicals on the function of kidneys using an animal model. Ideally I could use a primate model. But i am reluctant due to handling/ maintenance concerns. What animal model (rodent, rabbit, dog etc.,) would have the pharmacodynamics of ingested agrochemicals more similar to that of humans?
- What is the time taken for steady state to be established in adults for ( Mycophenolate mofetil ) ?
Does anyone have any recommendations or references on how to study the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of bacteriophages using in vitro cell line assays?
Should I focus on comparing or fitting models to data for phage-bacteria interactions, or fitting the proliferation and inundation thresholds to investigate whether single values of the thresholds adequately explain the dynamics of the phage and bacterial populations over a range of conditions?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
We are planning to systemically deliver a synthetic pharmacological compound in rats. When looking for specific dosage and administration protocols, we only found studies with mice. Although they provide an outstanding characterization of the compound (even with in vitro pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics), the fact that they were tested on mice is problematic.
Should we get a rough idea of the doses range from converting the provided doses from mouse to rat (calculations based on body surface - for rats it would be ~1/2 the mice dose) or it is not accurate enough?
Of course, the ideal thing is to carry out some pilots, but we need a starting point.
At the beginning Freud disliked transferential reactions, considering them interferences, without a specific meaning ( like " suggestion" ). In order to distinguish the real therapeutic problems from " transfert " resistance and " suggestion" improvement, he recommended the analist "opaqueness" to his disciples. Then he discovered the specificity of the"transfert" still recommending the analist "opaqueness". Today we want to distinguish the "placebo" effect from the pharmacodynamic effect in a therapeutic drug. But it's the first homogenous and non specific in the general population ?
What is the best method to digest the tissue samples as there is lot of interference of lipids?
Aren't we suppose to see the peak effect after 4-5 half lives of the drug? After reaching the Css? I did view the drug monograph, and it states that the peak effect is seen after 6 hrs not after 4-5 days with once daily dosing?
The Workshop is designed for pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacologists and other scientists, pharmacists, and physicians wishing to use pharmacokinetics in drug selection and development, drug protocol design, drug evaluation, drug registration and in the establishment of dosage regimens. Emphasis is placed on relating pharmacokinetics to underlying physiological processes. Only limited exposure to pharmacokinetics is assumed.
The Workshop is divided into lectures and small group workshops, in which participants will solve practical problems. A manual, comprising lecture outlines, derivations, problem sets with answers, and additional reading material will be provided. Participants should come with a scientific hand calculator.
1. Physiological aspects of drug absorption, distribution and elimination
2. Clearance concepts in pharmacokinetics
3. Assessment of pharmacokinetic parameters, from plasma and urine data, following intravenous bolus, constant rate infusion and extravascular (oral) administration
4. Assessment of rate and extent of drug absorption; bioavailability
5. Multiple dosing
6. Integration of physiological concepts with pharmacokinetics
7. Interspecies scaling
8. Distribution kinetics: introduction to assessment of parameters and consequences in pharmacokinetics
Is it just you go check graded dose response curve for comparing different pharmaceutical agent ? Or there is another fast quick method ? Lets say you want to give the most available otc analgesic ? which method do you follow (regardless of side effects now) ?
I wanted to know can there be / is there a compound which by itself has a very low bio-accessibility but when given with other compounds increases bio-availability of that compound?
The maximum dose is 10 mg/day, so why let it available while having such narrow therapeutic window?
I'm not sure why d they mention rare adverse reactions? Any idea, of what purpose does this serve? Like here in the case of Cetirizine
It is known that IC50 = Kd + [L] so IC50 is always higher than Kd. But are there any cases where Kd is higher? if it happened then what explains it?
We know that natural products aren't regulated by the FDA, so when checking the safety of natural products/Herbs, should I check for adverse reactions and toxic dose only? Or should I also check for carcinogenic capability? Or carcinogenic capability will be listed as a default under adverse reactions? (I mean whether this product is carcinogenic or not)
So like the attached image. There should be a purpose behind mentioning rare adverse reactions, otherwise why they would mention it.
In other words, which websites list the adverse reactions of the drugs instead of listing the adverse events (no causality established)? I know of which lists SmPC, any other websites?
Reference that can list side effects according to cause & effect relationship, so I can know with certainty that this drug will be the cause of the side effect. Do you use Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs as your reference?
Why most websites report frequency of adverse reactions of drugs(In terms of common, rare, etc..)? Does this indicate causal relationship? Like common adverse reactions is established to be induced by the drug and not as an adverse event? Like here in the case of cetirizine or reporting the frequency serves another purpose?
or the drug could be harmful with no apparent adverse reactions and the bad effects appear after chronic use?
How can I view the side effects of any drug and make sense of it, and gather some insights? Will I have to know the adverse drug reaction type? Or the frequency of the reaction?
I can collaborate, and my field of interest is Pharmacodynamics, Toxicology, and Herbal Medicine.
When comparing the safety of two drugs, do you look for specific side effects/adverse reactions? Or you just look for LD50 to compare toxicity of both drugs?
How can I make sense of the side effects data of any drug with regard to safety? Will I have to check for the frequency of each Adverse reaction? Will I have to know which type this Adverse reaction is, like whether it is type A, or B, etc.. Or I have to go beyond that? In other words, what do you look for when you look at the side effects of any drug?
Will classification of drugs adverse reactions into groups A, B, C, etc.. will give me insights into their safety and comparing their toxicity? Like here in the case of ibuprofen, classifying nausea as group A Adverse reaction, and hemolytic anemia into group B (Bizarre) adverse reaction? or it doesn't matter?
Which parameters are the most important and that I should check when comparing safety of two drugs?
The Phthalates are used as a plasticizer in Plastic products, and it will expose when are used this plastic packed products. These phthalates are migrates form plastic packaging.
one of the major side effect of Phthalates is affecting male reproductive system.
So, It was questioned that..
Any mechanism by which the Phthalates will affect the male reproductive system ? or
Any report that will represent pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic or toxicity of Phthalates and its metabolite and its relevance to male reproductive system.
For lipid peroxidation
drug X (1 mg/kg)
drug Y( 40 mg/kg)
drug Z (15 mg/kg)
the combination of X+Z and Y+Z
and Y+Z
to their effect on lipid peroxidation
How to plot a log dose response curve?
May I know what is an acceptable R-square value for modelling of drug release kinetics?
I have fitted my experimental data for drug release to first order (gastric simulation) and Korsmeyer-Peppas (buccal cavity). The R-square values obtained are in the range of 0.85 - 0.99.
Thank you!
I'm looking for best formula for oral (cavage) capecitabine delivery for mice. The problem is that we are limited with 10 ml/kg volume (for ethical reasons) and the solubility of capecitabine seems to be so low in aqueous solutions that we would not reach the targeted dose (1.15 mmol/kg, or 413 mg/kg). The solubility to DMSO is also not great, and using ethanol would mean that the final EtOH in the delivered solution would be 20% (high).
One of the problems is that the information about the solubility of capecitabine varies enormously depending on which manufacturer/provider/article you are looking. I would be grateful if anyone has some hands-on experience with this drug and could give me some tips.
Thanks in advance!
we want to test a drug (a kind of protein with small molecular weight) on mice, and do not know how to chose the method of administration.
It could be pharmacokinetic- or pharmacodynamic herb-drug interaction.
In other terms, I am looking for compounds (of any nature) with the narrowest window of concentration.
Thank you
Hi, I am trying to design a study to determine the MTD of a small molecule on rats. Due to the poor solubility of our compound, the maximum dose for single injection were limited to 50 mg/kg, IV. To satisfy the requirement of ICH guideline, should I set a multiple dosing to satisfy the higher dose like 100 or 150 mpk? If so, the MTD should be determined as the Cmax or as the total dosing?
I'm looking for a good comparison across different routes of administration, and how the route affects bioavailability. Thanks!
I'm trying to create The ED50 isobologram described by (Chou 2005) to study the drug combination studies, Can anyone tell me how can I do it? thanks
I am looking for a biology collaborator to perform binding studies for 60 small organic molecules on cannabinoid receptors CB1/CB2 (ki determination) and functional activity for those most active and share the outcome as a co-publication?
Hi Adedeji,
This is Jingxian from UNC Chapel Hill, USA. We are classmates in 2016 UPSS. I remember in the student poster section in UPSS, if I remember right, you planned to use zero-order input and first-order elimination to describe CD4 kinetics. But in your paper, the two parameters you estimated were asy and c (steady state cell count and elimination rate). I think you did this since it is easier to interpret? Or did you encounter any problems when implementing the first one?
I am currently working on a similar project. I am wondering how you coded the baseline CD4 for NONMEN. I tried using the AMT item, but not that's the correct/best way. I would like to see how you did it.
I appreciate your help! Look forward to hearing back from you. If you would like to talk more, please email me at
I want to inject metformin prepared in normal saline to hamster model of proteinopathy...can anyone suggest the best dosage with possible reference?
I am working on drug target identification using an overexpression (OE) Library. The approach relies on the calculation of drug EC50 shift among OE cell lines. I am dealing with the issue that in some cases, the OE seems to be toxic to the cells, affecting the cell growth rate.
The workflow used was based on the normalisation of the data considering positive and negative control points and posterior analysis using GraphPad Prism to calculate the EC50 using nonlinear regression (log Agonist vs normalised response).
Once I have normalised the data considering controls, the OE cell line shows a top value about 160-200% of survival (Somehow, in low concentrations, the drug-target interaction actually blocks the toxicity of the target OE and then these points have more cells rather the control (just OE cells), and subsequently the percentage of survival is greater at these points.
GraphPad gives the option of fitting the dose-response curve normalising the data again, constraining the curve to run from 0 to 100%.
The problem is that with the double normalisation the results are different if I compare it with a single normalisation considering controls, and not fitting the curve again for a range 0-100. Thus, I wonder how many times should I normalise the data to adapt the slope of the curve facing the different behaviour of the points according to cell growth.
Should I use the same route of administration when comparing the effects of drugs on experimental animals?
I'm going to start an experiment in which I look at hepatotoxicity of a medicine and I use HepG2 cells. I need to use an positive control. Anybody knows which one is reliable?
I want to study ECG on Wistar rats, How to study simultaneous drug effect on ECG recording. Is there any protocol or experimental procedure to inject drug in rat while his ECG is being recorded. If there is anyone please share. As I too know that I have to design animal model procedure. But I want to know about studying drug ECG relation in animals.
Which celline is better to study hepatotoxicity after use of a medicine: Hep3B, HepG2 or Huh7? Which are the most important differences between them?
I have a tagged peptide which i am planning to inject systemically. But I am not sure for how much time should i wait afterwards. Peptide is just 5-6 amino acid long.
How can I calculate hepatic clearance for liposomes given only physicochemical properties (like pKa, Log D, size, etc.) and some pharmacokinetic properties/ADME properties. I don't have any microsome or hepatocyte data at all.
Actually i am working on retinoids and they are causing toxicity in fetus
I am trying to find other animal model study other than tail bleeding assay to analyze pharmacodynamics in hemophilia A mouse model (FVIII KO). I am aware of transection model, however I want to know whether there are different ways to analyze pharmacodynamics of recombinant FVIII.
The procedure I am following for drug release is:
A known quantity of drug impregnated microparticles were dispersed in 200 ml of phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS, pH=7.4) at constant temperature of 37 0C under constant stirring (100 rpm). The aliquots of 1 ml were withdrawn at different time intervals and same volume of fresh PBS solution was replaced in a receptor medium immediately after each withdrawal to maintain the sink condition. The samples were further diluted approximately and analyzed using Shimadzu UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 264 nm.
Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
I am working on organbath instrument. i am facing problem in dissolving quercetin. Although i have dissolved it in dmso 100% but when aliquot lower concentration in PBS with pH 7.8 after sometime it starts precipitating. so i am not sure whether it is effective after adding to organbath or not.
one patient factor that affects either pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetics, its efficacy and safety
thought drug interaction with simvastatin will be a good one to look at but unsure
Dear all, I have been looking for information on the half life of activity of the alfa adrenergic antagonist, phentolamine. I have used an intramuscular dose of 2 mg/kg in rattlesnakes maintained at 30°C and I could see a blockage after 6 hours given an injection of phenylephrine at a concentration of 2 micrograms/kg. I would like to know if there is some information regarding other organisms so I could compare my results - preferably reptiles, but any other organism would be relevant.
Thanks in advance
I want to analyse the additive effect of two drugs and I am of the understanding that Compusyn will be up to the task. However, I am unable to enter data into the software. It would be a great help if someone who has used the software could offer suggestions.
For the administration of drugs in the laboratory animals we use various route like Intraperitoneal, Intravenous, Subcutaneous, oral etc I was just wondering if have to inject the drug to the mice via the different route what would be the concentration of drug through various route?
I have an issue in analyzing the graph to determine the IC50 for drug A and C which are categorized as a mitotic inhibitor and B is HDACi. I know the possible reason is could be mitotic slipage but I have no idea how to determine the IC50. I have repeated the experiment to make sure it was not caused by technical mistake. Graphpad has the function to calculate the EC50 for biphasic model but I do not really understand the output of the results because when I calculate the log EC50 given by graphpad, somehow it did not make sense. This was because the adjusted/trendline/best fit line did not show a clear cut of IC50. Is this correct for biphasic or any other way to go about calculating the IC50. The mitotic inhibitor has been found to be biphasic on a few papers I have read. But no mention of IC50. They only mentioned that there are 2 range of inhibition/ stimulation. Should I split the graph for each mitotic inhibitor and calculate IC50 manually? Low and high range IC50. Or did I get it wrong using biphasic model?
To avoid re-entrainment, the collection surfaces need to be coated with a suitale material.
I choose three coating matrials(glycerol coating, 1%Span in hexane ,1% Tween in EtOH) and uncoated cups to test, and having results between the four groups. But how to evaluate which one is better to my DPIs products?
When we do Chip-seq using Flag system. We normally incubate cell lysates with anti-flag antibody overnight, then Immunoprecipitated with protein G beads. My question is can I use anti-flag m2 beads direct incubate with cell lysates for chip-seq?
I want to do pharmacology study on heart muscle, but i am confused which muscle i should take for study. and what are the agonists used for cardiac muscles?.