Science topic
Personality Assessment - Science topic
The determination and evaluation of personality attributes by interviews, observations, tests, or scales. Articles concerning personality measurement are considered to be within scope of this term.
Questions related to Personality Assessment
I am trying to study the effects of Narcissism, more specifically Vanity (a facet of Grandiose Narcissm) (Foster et al., 2015) on content consumption, interaction, and creation on social media. The idea is to create two groups where one will be exposed to a stimuli relating to Vanity, and another with a control stimuli/one that does not promote Vanity.
I am trying to figure out what treatment method works best here as the subjects will be studied online and if there any important considerations to keep in mind. Looking specifically for literature that has manipulated narcissism through visual (or audiovisual) stimuli.
Thank you
Dear All,
I'm a postgraduate student in psychology, and I recently encountered difficulties with the accuracy of personality measurements.
Among the five domains of the Big Five personality measurement, which domains are more accurate in self-reporting and which domains are more accurate in others' reporting? Is there any relevant newer literature?
I look forward to getting some help. Thank you!
Hi all! I’m conducting a study where we test to see if our personalities affect how we each perform on certain tasks and react. This study involves an anagram task, and then will give you feedback on your performance. You will be asked to give your opinions on this feedback you received. And finally, you will be asked to fill out a short series of questionnaires! This will only take 20 minutes max to complete
The Ethics Committee has approved this study of Sheffield Hallam University. Please note: you need to be 18 or over to take part. I am in need of at least 180 participants please and thank you
Link below to take part!:
I have a long survey that includes the BFI-2-S along with other preference related questions, I want to incorporate a questionnaire about MBTI as well. However, the survey is too long and I need a very short or abbreviated form for MBTI; maybe like a 3 to 4 questions per domain (mind, energy, nature, tactics). Is there something already tested or is it okay to make up single-choice questions about each of MBTI four domains' traits? I prefer if there is a 5-point scale abbreviated inventory.
In the field of psychology, I am evaluating three kinds of measurement including single measure ment (e.g., answer for just this question: what is your overal well-being? ), mean scores (averaged across answers to questions regarding different areas of well-being), and factor analysis (i.e., the letent variable underlying all the questions about areas of well-being). How should I compare the results of these to determine what the best measurment is for well-being?
I'm searching for an online platform that, on top of setting up and collecting survey data for participants, would also allow automatically generate individual feedback profile unique for each participant based on the questionnaire they had just filled in. Such as, for example, pie charts generated with various online personality questionnaires.
If anyone knows anything, the advice would be much apprecited!
Kind regards,
To measure general personality the FFM-based inventories are frequently in use by researchers. Most of which are long and contain 50/60-120 items. As our research design contains other constructs than personality, we are looking for a suitable inventory. Thank you
Anybody interested in a colaboration and co-authorship? We are looking for a person who can help with statistical analysis on the topic of personality and its relation to other variables. You should be familiar with analysis techniques and softwares. If of interest, please leave your email address. Thank you.
I plan to use the NEO-PI3 to measure Opennes to experience, but I'm not sure if I can only use the scales of this trait while discarding the others, in order to shorten my full questionnaire...
Is it a psychometrically valid use of the tool?
It's important to me to get a round and detailed look of the concept of Openness to experience, including it's aspects, such as aesthetics and ideas. If I can't use the NEO for that, can I use another questionnaire?
I would appreciate any information about the research of personality using the objective, behavioral tests as measures of personality traits or dimensions.
Since Cattell's work on so called T-data (personality data collected by objective tests) this approach to measuring personality has been almost completely abandoned. Nevertheless, the data obtained by fully objective measures can serve as important basis in research of personality structure, which is not underlying the biases of prevalent self-report or other-report measures.
The links for more recent published empirical results are especially desired.
I am using the technical manual and am unsure if I am doing it correctly, or am even able to; Im trying to calculate a linear t-score for a scale not part of the test. The CRIN scale is on the MMPI-A-RF but not the MMPI-2-RF. I am doing a project that could really benefit from having the same linear t-scores for CRIN along with what I have in my dataset for the other validity scales. Please and thank you.
We are looking for experts in psychology-related statistics who can provide advice in data analysis and modeling. We have a couple projects avaliables. You will be listed as one of the co-authors depending on yor contribution. Leave your email addrss if you are intrerested.
Hi, I'm trying to divide my participants into 2 groups based on being "extrovert" or " introvert". In the manual I see no guidelines on how to classify a person as extrovert or introvert.
I looked up the information on some non-authentic sources, and they instruct that there are 24 ,24 and 9 for extrovert, neurotic and lie score. The more point you have the more extrovert, neurotic you are.
That being said, I have 2 questions:
what would you rate a participant 's personality if they score 12/24 in Extrovert scale, is the person an I or an E ?
A person with larger than 5 score in lie scale will be as trustworthy as someone who score below 5 ? or should they be eliminated from the respondent list ?
Hello and regards, our study investigates the relationship between latent toxoplasmosis and psychiatric and psychological mental disorders. It is part of my research (Ashkan Latifi, postgraduate student of psychology at University of Tehran- Iran) in partial fulfilment of the requirements of my master’s degree. By filling in this questionnaire, you have been of great help to me and to those with toxoplasmosis. In addition, by optionally sharing your email with me, you allow me to inform you of any possible toxoplasmosis-associated psychological/psychiatric problems in you under the supervision of two professors of University of Tehran (Dr. Abbas Rahiminezhad, psychologist and Dr. Reza Rostami, psychiatrist) for free. You can participate in this study if you have latent toxoplasmosis (other than congenital toxoplasmosis) and are at least 18 years old. The approximate response time to the questionnaire is ten to fifteen minutes. Thank you in advance for your participation in this research.
Link to the questionnaire:
I’m disillusioned by the emphasis on the frantic continuously changing rat race work culture. In my remote job search now, I’m looking for alternative models that fit with people, like myself, who work better in a steady environment. I’m compiling a list of companies that embrace this , or at least tolerate it .
Would you suggest any companies that fit this description?
I am thinking of looking into understanding the personality makeup of individuals who are more accepting towards others of different races, religion, culture. Will appreciate if anyone can recommend a good scale that specifically measures acceptance of differing opinions, worldviews of perceived "outgroups". Thanks.
Can self-image among different individuals be similar or is it necessarily of an individualistic nature? What conditions influence it?
I'm looking for meta analyses or reviews, summarizing which knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs, especially personality traits) are most frequently researched in scientific papers. Thanks
When it comes to Ambivalence, it can be a symptom of mental illness but it is also something we experience in our everyday life ( I certainly do, and my wife hates it) . Where would you draw the line between normal ambivalence and pathological ambivalence? Also what is the role of attitudes (if any) towards the object? I wrote an article about attitudes a while ago. The article can be found here:
The word is free..
I am in need of a dataset that features stream-of-consciousness essays/texts for a user and his/her Big-5 personality score. Right now I have the Pennebaker and King (1999) dataset, from, which has 2400 instances and binary value for each five of the big five personality trait. Is there any larger or extended version of the dataset available ?
I developed a stand-alone, self-report scale to assess social desirability/ positive impression management in juvenile delinquents being evaluated for legal disposition purposes. Based on very preliminary, small sample size field testing, this scale was found to have high correlations with other scales, e.g., the Defensiveness scale of the Personality Inventory for Youth, the Denial Scale of the Jesness Inventory-Revised, and moderate, inverse correlations with scales such as the Externalizing, Rule-Breaking, Anxious/Depressed scales on the Youth Self-Report. Does anyone have the interest and resources to field test this measure with larger samples to examine convergent and discriminant associations?
Robert Semel, Psy.D.
Hi everyone,
the last part of my Ph.D. would aim to measure how stereotypes and personality influence men and women in choosing their educational and career paths. The main idea is that stereotypes represent external factors influencing the individual while personality is internal. Browsing online I could not find a survey/database from which to extract the information I need for the analysis. Does anyone have any advice?
The analysis will focus on both Finland and Italy so ideally, the data should have also information on these two countries.
Thanks in advance to everyone who will take part in this discussion. Any suggestions are more than welcome.
The manual of the inventory that is available from Google search and is provided by Fredrick Coolidge on his website, doesn't mention the item numbers of Narcissism scale. One of the earlier versions of the manual indicates that the scale has 26 items. Can anybody please tell me the item numbers of Narcissism scale in CATI ?
He is interested in collaborating in a multicultural project of psychometric network models on the multidimensional concept of the light triad (humanism, faith in humanity and Kantianism) and dark personality traits, to date we have collaborators from Brazil, Poland, Peru, Nigeria and Colombia. The first multi-country study is presented as evidence (DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4347559), and several similar cross-cultural projects are being developed simultaneously with other mental health and personality concepts (if you accept your participation you can consult the OSF for the most current network research). Some of the work being done on these personality concepts also includes data from South Africa, Turkey, Slovakia, United Kingdom, El Salvador and the United States. Therefore, we invite interested researchers who can survey in their respective countries, who will co-author SCOPUS Q1 articles with the contribution of their respective surveys (minimum 400 participants per country).
Study mentioned
My profile demonstrates correlational, comparative and longitudinal network studies with new methodological contributions.
I want a dataset in which personal information of participant is recorded like age, sex, background information etc., along with few tasks performed by these participants like annotating, tagging, QA, emotion tagging and so on.
Can someone please mention the name and details of such dataset?
Some recent research has established this difference is it useful to be aware of this, in the study and treatment of patients?
I am proposing a research study where I am measuring peoples personality (using BFI) across 9 years, as well as the life events they have experienced and their perceived stress. I want to see whether stress moderates the effects of life events on personality change across the time span. However, my participants will be split into 3 groups depending on their age; 18-30, 31-50, 51+
For my intended analysis I have suggested doing a moderation regression using PROCESS by Andrew Hayes. However, I'm not sure whether I can do that if I have 3 groups. Do I also need to do a 3-way ANOVA?
Super confused and not sure if I'm even right with the type of analysis.
Looking for suggestions of actual tests, not methods nor processes (like ECD).
I am looking for a version of the NEO-FFI questionnaire, but cannot seem to find it. There are physical copies at the library of my university, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak this is closed. Would be very appreciated if someone could help me with a link.
Thank you in advance.
Hello. First of all I want to thank you in advance for you responses. I'm a rookie researcher and I'm having trouble reporting the results of a Logistic Regression I ran. I'm doing a research in the psychology field that is exploring the relationship between Temperament traits (i.e. the part of Personality that is ruled by biology and neurotransmission) and Drug Consumption in intelecutally gifted adolescents. Temperament traits are my independet continuous predictor variables, which are represented in a score calculated through the tabulation of a shortened version of Robert Cloninger's TCI-R. Drug Consumption is my dichotomous (Yes or No) dependent variable.
My Hypothesis was that "The Temperament traits that are significantly related with Drug Consumption are the same between gifted adolescents and the reported from heterogeneous population of adolescents". Running the Logistic Regression I get a confirmation of my Hypothesis: The Temperament trait denominated "Novelty Seeking" has a statiscally significant relationship with consuming various drugs in various sets of time (once in my life, in the last year, in the last month, and in the last week). I observe the effect of the different traits by observing the P values of each trait in relationship with each of the drugs and each of the time sets.
Now my query. I'm not sure how to correctly report this results, I found little (none) information and researchs on my field that uses Logistic Regression this way (not for prediction, but to observe relationships between variables). Do I have to report just the P values? Do I have to conduct another type of analysis?
I'd be very grateful If you could guide me a bit. I used the JASP software for the analysis.
Thank you all!
I was thinking on using the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) but the self-report version has only 9 items (with dimensions being addressed with only 2 or 3 items) which is probably not methodologically appropriate. Any suggestions?
I need the entire set of questions from Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire consisting of Novelty Seeking (34), Harm Avoidance (34) and Reward Dependence (30).
How do you build your personality and reputation as a fair leader in your organization?
Respected fellows,
I have recently started a deep dive in gamification of psychological concepts to help me understand it, like Pymetrics, Cognifit , Lumosity, etc., and I am having difficulty finding literature that might help me in adapting these concepts into games. Can someone please help me find any literature regarding this, or even how to further proceed?
Azka Safdar
Dear All,
In our research paper can we use Big Five Inventory‐10 (BFI‐10) scale as a independent variables .
and which can be dependent variable ?
how can I tell if the results are either positive or negative? I understand you get two scores, one from the PA and the other from NA but if I'm only interested in the NA, how can i tell from the score on NA that it is infact negative?
Nosso grupo de pesquisa está precisando de instrumentos padronizados de avaliação de personalidade em usuários de substâncias psicoativas
I am working on a project where I have to measure Personality Type A/B along with two more variables and the battery I have seen is having too many questions. I am interested in smaller version of questionnaire in order to ensure high response rate.
I am trying to decide which personality measure of impulsivity to use in a study on unhealthy snacking/eating among a non-clinical sample. While I can find a range of review papers, I am yet to find a meta-analysis that focuses specifically on personality based measures of impulsivity (e.g. UPPS-R, BIS-11, I-7) in respect to unhealthy snacking/eating, thus allowing me to pick the best measure. Does any-one know of such a paper? Or have any advice? I am also trying to decide on a behavioural measure (e.g. delay discounting task, Go/No-Go task) and am encountering the same issue so any help/advice in regards to these tasks too would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
Can somebody direct me towards some good readings on the subject?
Thank you
Designing a study on Big-5 Personality Traits as Predictors of Theoretical Orientation in a Sample of Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidates. Just sending out a call for any pertinent research as part of the literature review process.
I am working on an integrative scoring system for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) stories and other personal narratives. In order to move this project forward, I will need to work with a fairly large number of stories - preferably from various populations. I know there has been a good deal of research and clinical work using TAT-type measures and early memories. Does anybody know where to access the raw data from any of these projects? Obviously an on-line resource would be fabulous, but physical collections that can be accessed would be almost as good.
I found a quite old research paper assumes that mental and physical health of aging users can be detected/predicted from the personality he/she hold.
Abstract of that paper says: '' Participants were spouse caregivers of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Results showed that neuroticism and optimism were significantly related to mental and physical health. Furthermore, neuroticism had significant direct effects on all of the health outcomes, and substantial indirect effects, through perceived stress, on mental health outcomes. Optimism showed stronger indirect than direct effects on all health outcomes''.
So, can we generalize and carry on further research to answer this question? can we derive from this findings that users who have high neuroticism trait in Facebook could suffer from mental and physical
health outcomes in future?
Many thanks for any redirection.
Dear all,
I used the IRI scale in a study and cannot find in papers the mimimum and maximum scores of this scale. Also, I would like to know if there are some cut-off scores, determining excessive lower or higher scores.
Thank you very much for your help,
I am interested in finding out whether culture will influence positive growth (or PTG) and prevalence of PTSD following extreme trauma, based on data collected in Nigeria (Africa) and any non-African contexts.
Hey there,
As I'm processing my data and trying to find significant relations, I'm having some problem with one of my moderating variables, which is Personality. I'm measuring personality with the Big 5 personality model. Thus, I want to measure the effects of each different aspect of the Big 5 model (Agreeableness, Extraversion, Consciousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to experience) with each different aspect of the CFIP privacy model (Use of information, Collection of information, Unauthorized access and errors). All variables are measured on a 1-5 Likert scale. Also, I'm using SPSS(beginner). Hope you can clarify!
Kind regards,
I am intending to use BART to study the ERP parameters of adolescent risk taking.
My sample size is 280. Should I first determine specific cases/respondents that are Extroverted, Neurotic, Agreeable, and so on? Or can I use the entire data set, and take corresponding personality trait items as IV to look for their predictive power on DV?
Looking for a self-report measure
The measure should preferably be domain-specific to teacher-leader trait EI.
can someone please help me where I can find this scale Jenkins Activity Scale or Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Abbreviated, please
am looking for one of these scales so I may use in my study- if you know how i can get them I will appreciate
I guess I am posting this because I need other people's opinion about my thesis idea. Maybe a validation perhaps?
I will get straight to the point. Below are my Research questions and purpose.
My RQ is: “How Do High and Low Agreeable Individuals Deal with Anger?”
(I want to explore and compare the experiences of Anger from the stand point of highly Agreeable and Disagreeable individuals themselves.)
a. What triggers high and low A individuals to be angry? (what provokes-triggers)
b. How do high and low A individuals react to angry situations?
c. How does Anger impact their lives?
*Agreeableness (A) is part of a personality trait that measure friendliness, cooperation, harmony, sympathy, tender-heartedness (opposite pole of A are people who are usually being blunt, cynic, etc.) --> assuming that those high A people do not express Anger, I want to know the how's and why's in the process of 'feeling anger' to 'dealing with it' to 'the impact it has on their lives'.
Why the comparison with low A? For richer comprehension on Agreeableness.
Why qualitative? Not only that people focused more on the quantitative methods to understand traits and Anger, I feel like we can understand more 'Emotions' with a qualitative one. And this study is not meant to generalize but to focus on those who are highly agreeable (what goes through their heads, how are they feeling, the reasons for such reactions to anger, etc.) Things that might not be too obvious to 'others', I'd like to reach in (I'll be using a phenomenological design by the way).
Purpose: There really is no particular 'problem' that I am addressing (e.g. lived experiences of transgenders-to spread awareness or how children cope with child labor..etc.) but more like an approach to understand more that we weren't able to tackle in the field.
This research may not have direct applications to the real world but can be very informative in developing Anger management intervention approaches perhaps. My purpose here is really to know/understand/explore beyond what we currently know about "Anger and Agreeableness", I don't have any practical problems to solve.
Aside from my main question, please feel free to comment on the things I wrote (if there are any).
Thank you!
I am looking for TAT protocols having already been administered to validate an assessment framework based on object relations theory.
I need to compare Big Five Personality measurement. I had the Neo FFI with 60 items, but when I used it I always have weak reliability coefficient. So I need the other version of Big Five Personality Inventory
Trying to assess personality and motivation to use Snapchat. Different studies have different established relationships between Big 5 traits and motivations to use social media.
I received an interesting question whether what the PTCI and the PTGI are measuring could be an overlapping construct. I am not aware of any studies having reported this, so I was wondering if anyone could direct me to any resources on this subject.
The PTCI is a measure focusing on the negative cognitive content of traumatic events whereas the PTGI would rather focus on the positive consequences of trauma. I doubt there would be much overlap anyway.
Thanks in advance.
The Jesness is considered part of the gold standard interview for forensic youth assessment, but there are some criticisms of the validity scales. I am interested in creating and testing the utility of a new validity scale, but need a larger database of completed Jesness Inventory- Revised (JI-R). Does anyone have such a database that would like to collaborate on a brief project with possibility for publication?
Please, does anyone know how I can avoid the negatively orientated MMPI for a very vulnerable patient?
A few months ago we published a paper in which we correlated the instrument of 16 factors of the personality of Cattell with the notion of hyperrationalism proposed by Jon Elster. However, we would like to deepen this study, corroborating the results of the research. Therefore, we would like to know if anyone knows any model or instrument that allows us to evaluate the excess of rationality and its consequences.
Does anyone know of a situational judgment test to measure the big 5? Or why it may or may not be an appropriate approach to mesure the five factors of personality? Thanks!
Hi, I'm trying to score my participants score into their BigFive Personality but have not got the scoring sheet. Does anyone have it or know where can I get that?
I am doing a lit review on empirical treatments for Schizoaffective Disorder, and surprisingly the literature is scarce. Does anyone have any articles they would like to point me in the direction of?
We are looking to compare diagnostic efficiency of ideal cutoffs across tests.
I don't mean how effective using different interrogation techniques is, but rather how personal biases, temper, way of treating witness/suspect etc. affect the outcome.
Any answer or hint would be useful, so thank you for your involvement.
I am looking for a brief instrument to assess personality traits in persons with alcohol problems. Anyone who can recommend one?
The assessment is to be used as a baseline measure and following the implementation of WHS systems a post assessment will also be conducted.
i need to assess the personality of prisoners children .
Has the Five Factor Model (FFM; "Big Five") of human personality ever been derived using behavioral data? I know that there have been various construct validation studies where FFM ratings were correlated with behavioral measures, but I am interested to know if anyone has ever used non-rating data to derive congruent trait dimensions.
Is there a preferable measure to use in examining deep personality trait changes over time?
Hi all. I am doing a project on bullying and looking into guilt as a factor. I am looking for a scale to measure guilt. I have found one (TOSCA-3) but it's quite lengthy. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
I am conducting a study that involves measuring various personal characteristics that can influence the way people respond to apologies -- one of which is, naturally, dispositional (or trait level) forgiveness. Various scales/ questionnaires exist to measure dispositional forgiveness, such as the Tendency to Forgive Scale and the Heartland Forgiveness Scale, but I am wondering if anyone has experience with such instruments and can recommend a preferred scales. The fewer items in the scale the better. Thanks! JS
Where can i find this reference in full text?
Costa, P T. & McCrae, R. (1992) Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five Factor Model (NEO-FFI) Professional manual. Odesa, FL; Psychological Assesment Center
Thankful for help!