Science topic

Performance Evaluation - Science topic

How do you see the best way assessing the employees in different sectors? Do you evaluate your marketing employees different than your technical employees and how? Do you prefer using qualitative or quantitative method in your evaluation procedures?
Questions related to Performance Evaluation
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
What are the key elements of an evaluation and how the results may affect one's salary and bonuses?
Focusing on multinational corporations
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Employee evaluations directly influence our salary through merit increases, promotions, and performance bonuses. Positive evaluations often lead to higher salaries as they position us for salary adjustments and advancement opportunities within the organization. Conversely, poor evaluations can result in limited salary growth or even salary reductions. Reviews serve as a key determinant of your performance-based compensation and career development prospects, shaping your earning potential within the company.
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
I have developed a new technique. Although I have performed multiple experiments and obtained various "meaningful" results, I am unsure about how to evaluate the technique's performance and ensure the confidence of the obtained results since there are no other techniques available for comparison. What are the best practices for evaluating and validating a new technique in the absence of a benchmark tool or dataset?
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I would argue you can always compare to some state-of-the-art techniques. Then you can build up the comparison as "To evaluate our technique, we compare it to <state-of-the-art technique>. Although <state-of-the-art technique> works inherently different than our technique, comparing results enables us to evaluate how we measure up to state-of-the-art."
In the discussion part you can then discuss the results of your technique and how it relates to state-of-the-art. Is your performance better? Do you make a better trade-off between criteria? Are you approximately as good as state-of-the-art but easier to apply? etc.
As long as you explain why you set up a certain comparison and why you select specific state-of-the-art techniques, the evaluation has value.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
Dear Scholars,
I am looking for a top Journal paper on the Computational Complexity of the Proposed Algorithm. What I am interested to read in the paper that evaluates their proposed algorithm should be around finding the complexity of the proposed algorithm. Your recommendations are welcome. Thank you
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Top Paper on Computational Complexity of the Proposed Algorithm?
1. "Computational Complexity Analysis of a Proposed Algorithm" by Murat Kantarcioglu, Mohamed Shehab, and Sushil Jajodia.
2. "Computational Complexity Analysis of a Proposed Algorithm Using Big-O Notation" by Kim T. Nguyen and Neeraj Kumar.
3. "Computational Complexity of a Proposed Algorithm: A Case Study" by David S. Johnson and Shlomo Zilberstein.
4. "Analysis of Computational Complexity of a Proposed Algorithm" by Ling Liu and Shouhuai Xu.
5. "Computational Complexity of the Proposed Algorithm: A Performance Evaluation" by Tsung-Chih Lin, Yi-Chun Huang, and Yen-Hsiang Huang.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
9 answers
The COVID-19 Global leadership Performance Index
I like to improve methodology and survey questions for the project- The COVID-19 Global leadership Performance Index. Link to survey form is given below:
fur further details, kindly refer to the project section. I seek academic collaboration from different countries' researchers and seek cooperation from them in collecting survey information and ask them to join me in this academic pursuit where they can be part of a research team, which will publish papers based on data.
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Dear Dr. Masood Ahmed ,
Visionary leadershipin Covid-19 is essential for the development of a Company and the motivation of its employees. Keeping these factors clear, here are some questions you can include in an Engagement assessment to find out how "your team" is doing:
Labor Clarity:
Do you know what your role is in the company?
Do you know how your work impacts the company?
Do you consider that you have the necessary skills to do your job in the best possible way?
Quality of Labor Relations:
Is there trust and respect within your team?
Do they share and teach knowledge within your team?
Does your team help you complete your work?
Leadership Quality:
Does your boss give you feedback, telling you what you do well and how to improve?
Does your boss worry about balancing your workload so that your work doesn't interfere with your personal life?
Does your boss treat you with respect?
Please see this links:
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
7 answers
The COVID-19 Global leadership Performance Index
I like to improve methodology and survey questions for the project- The COVID-19 Global leadership Performance Index. Link to survey form is given below:
fur further details, kindly refer to the project section. I seek academic collaboration from different countries' researchers and seek cooperation from them in collecting survey information and ask them to join me in this academic pursuit where they can be part of a research team, which will publish papers based on data.
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The above are old lits though but details comprehensively traits of visionary leaders pre-covid.
Also see bluecolar leadership on Linkedin.
Hope it helps.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
9 answers
I have prepared a sample for proposed above SCI paper.
Title of The Research Paper: So keep the title brief and clear. Use active verbs instead of complex noun-based phrases, and avoid unnecessary details. Moreover, a good title for a research paper is typically around 10 to 12 words long. A lengthy title may seem unfocused and take the readers' attention away from an important poi
Abstract: How Long Should an Abstract be in a Research Paper? Abstract recaps the major and important aspects of whole research paper and it should not be more than 300 words. However, it is good that words should be less than 300 words.
1. Introduction
1.1 Some Introductory details ½ page to ¾ page.
1.1 Motivation [(Some 4-6 lines details then pointwise details (1-5 points), each point might have maximum 4-5 lines)
1.2 Our Contribution
1.3 Notation
1.4 Road-map of the Rest of the Paper
2. Background Works & Related Research
3. About the Field of Your Work (i.e. WSN, FANET, Cryptography, Blockchain, IoT. Etc.): CHARACTERISTICS AND DEFINITIONS.
4.1 Network Model
4.2 Problem Formulations
5. Your Algorithm (Algos, Flowcharts etc.) for Your Application Area/Field ((i.e. WSN, FANET, Cryptography, Blockchain, IoT. Etc), explain in different phases.
6. Performance Evaluations (Result Analysis): (a) Formal Analysis (Assumptions, Models, Definitions) (b) Mathematical Preliminaries, Mathematical Analysis using some well know models of your research field (c) Proof of theorems used. (d) Verification for work using simulation or any programing language.
6.1 Experimental Setup
6.2 Analysis
6.3 Performance Evaluation
6.4 Analysis On Parameter/Indicator1 with graph and table
6.5 Analysis On Parameter/Indicator2 with graph and table
6.6 Analysis On Parameter/Indicator3 with graph and table
6.7 Analysis On Parameter/Indicator4 with graph and table
6.8 Analysis On Parameter/Indicator…n with graph and table
7. Conclusions & Future Work
CRediT author statement: The conceptualization of idea, design of methodology,
security verification testing, formal analysis, writing of
original draft and editing of the paper have been performed
by both the authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding
the publication of this paper.
References: I have spoken to Qualitative Researchers who were told they had to have a minimum of 30 references but not more than 50 references. The optimum number of references in the References Section of a research paper is the exact number of papers quoted or paraphrased in the body of the paper.
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Innovation is the soul of an article!
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
The algorithmic management of today comes in the form of AI-based solutions but it still is an algorithm with a binary system intact. What do you think of its usage and its novelty? How can we use AI-based evaluation to measure the efficiency of someone's work?
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Hi @Valeria Demchenko
This is an interesting discussion !
I believe that artificial intelligence can make Taylor's vision more efficient in many ways and with new methods.
What do you think about the fuzzy attitude and rules of the Taylor Theory?
I suggest you think about this.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
How should the Performance Evaluation in Medical Education be?
Can a Guideline be prepared in Performance Evaluation in Medical Education?
The assessment of clinical competence is becoming increasingly complex. Increased faculty workload, discontent with traditional methods of clinical skill assessment have led to the formation of new models of performance assessments.
Based on the changes, we need to documented guidelines.
  1. What do you think should be the basic values ​​to be used in performance evaluation?
  2. What do you think should the guidelines include to be used in performance evaluation?
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I assume by performance evaluation you mean evaluation of the educator's performance by the audience. That process should include three major performance domains:1- Professional skills: Skills related to the performer's experience in the related training topic, 2- Teaching skills: skills related to performer's ability to deliver clear message and attract the attention of the audience during the session, and 3- Communication skills: skills related to performer's ability to build a continuity with audience after the end of the session by providing them with online references and access point to answer their questions after the end of the teaching session. Each skill has its own achievement guidelines. The performance evaluation process should be done at the end of each training session, in the form of a Likert scale, evaluating each of the 3 domains with a space left for comments at the end of the evaluation form.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Hello fellows, I'm about to begin my Master's thesis in 2 months. The thesis regards the modelling of dependencies in network-based Edge Clouds as well as the performance evaluation. I've done some research on which modelling language is the best one for my thesis.
Now I've got UML and SysML. My plan is to build a model with one of those languages and then transform the model into a Petri net model (or another quantitative model such as CTMC) in order to evaluate the performace, reliability, availability, and so on.
Could anyone tell me which of both language mentioned above or another modelling language I should use? I'd very much appreciate your help/ideas!
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SoaML and ModaCloudML are nice UML profiles targeting the cloud.
SysML is a more generic component based language.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
What are the different methods or techniques with which we could evaluate the performance of channel estimation algorithms in wireless communications systems, especially in Massive MIMO OFDM systems?
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The channel estimation algorithms are evaluated by calculating the the bit error rate versus the signal to noise ratio Pe vs. Eb/N0.
In order to carry out this calculation you need to build the system in form of functional block diagram. Then expressing the signal symbols at the output of the transmitter, inserting the channel transmission matrix according to the channel model. Then model the reliever and assuming at its input specific noise power.
Having the S/N to ratio at the receiver one can calculates the bit error rate.
Then one changes the estimation method and recalculate the bit error rate and assess the results.As an example the zero forcing method, minimum mean square error and the maxim liklihood methods.
There are many papers treating this problem using matlab.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
VoWiFi means that radio waves is used in wireless networks to exchange voice instead wired network. It enables VoLTE subscribers to access EPC network using WiFi register with IMS network. So that, they can use IMS services as voice calls, SMS, and other supplementary services and Subscribers can use WiFi to access EPC network when LTE is unavailable. VoWiFi is needed for Coverage Enhancement, If there is an area which has poor coverage but WiFi is available, Competence Enhance, Operators are willing to provide new services, Customer Retention, Operators provide free or unlimited services to attract more user, Saving Roaming Cost , Operators has WiFi roaming agreement in a suitable market, Less cost for operators, No need to build BTSs, In VoWiFi the caller and callee do not need to have the same application to talk to each other in contrast to OTT. The callee does not need to have internet connection to accept the call, and VoWiFi is seamless, handover is very simple and smooth VoWiFi has only three available choices, Untrusted access network and Trusted access network, IMS direct access, VoWiFi subscribers access a WiFi network, use the ePDG to attach to an EPC network, and then register with an IMS network, ePDG and AAA server is the new network elements for VoWiFi solution, all traffic is secured by AAA server and IP sec protocol, it depends mainly on VoLTE solution.
Priyanka Luthra, M.Tech CSE, D.A.V.I.E.T, Jalandhar, Manju Sharma Associate Professor IT D.A.V.I.E.T, Jalandhar, “Performance Evaluation of Audio Codecs using VoIP Traffic in Wireless LAN using RSVP,” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975
– 8887) vol.40– No.7, February 2012.
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I disagree, for Voice services, the only valid criterion is M. O. S. as used in any ITU-T voice quality assessment. Typically you need a user lab, and sessions with 8-10 human subjects, rating between 1 and 5 what they hear (which is a representative sample of spoken sentences, under different channel conditions). If you get 4 that's good, and closer to 5 even better
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
17 answers
Now that most of the MNCs slowly replacing the age old practices of yearly appraisals with the new methods, what do you think are the best performance appraisal methods in a company. Kindly share your thoughts.
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How often should Performance Evaluation (PE)/assessment be done? This is a timing issue of PE to be decided in terms of formulating a clear policy. This issue involves determining frequency of PE. PE can be carried out in the following ways: Annually, Semi-annually, Quarterly, Monthly, Biweekly, Weekly, Daily or Any other time. Psychologists have found that feedback on performance should be given frequently, and the closer the feedback to the action the more effective it is (Glueck, 1979). It is the best for the organization to do PE daily. But it is impossible to do so practically owing to the cost involved, specially time and effort.
Mamoria (1972, p.440) notes:
In most organizations employees are formally evaluated once a year, in others twice a year. New employees are rated more frequently than the older ones. The ideal thing is that each employee should be rated three months after being assigned to a job, after six months on the job and every six months thereafter.”
When the frequency is low, it is most likely that the evaluator forgets many things relating to job performance of the employee. If the frequency of PE is high it is most likely that the degree of evaluation enhances by reducing the degree of recency effect ( when an evaluee’s job performance is rated solely on performance occurred in the recent period of time irrespective of performance occurred over the entire period of evaluation, the error of recency effect happens.). Conducting formal PE at least twice per year can be recommended. The frequency of PE should not be more than one year. Factors such as job cycle, nature of work, time, scope and depth of evaluator’s job, etc should be considered in deciding frequency of PE.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
17 answers
Hi there, ML experts!
What are the various ML evaluation method available to evaluate the effectiveness of the model. In other words, evaluating the ML model performance.
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Dear Selamat,
In order to evaluate the machine learning models, you will have to know the basic performance metrics of models. For example, accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, or AUC values are important measures for classifiers. Following this, you are also requested to go through other supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
Work sampling is a methodical approach for measuring the share of time that individual spent performing certain activities. And i want to know whether there is a specific method to use when evaluating the performance of staff in an office environment, considering different departments. we already have conducted a business process mapping into the organization to avoid any repetitive operations.
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good question! 360 approach
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
The practice of nursing in ICU varies from country to country, even within them. This is why some tasks are delegated to technical staff which probably affects the scores of the Nursing Activities Score.
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Dear Fortunatti
Fernandes etal. 2010 mentioned that, In an ICU, nurses note daily whether critical patients will require prolonged assistance regarding the performance of routine procedures both upon admission and during their stay because organ instability can occur at any time over the course of the patients' stays in these units.
Panunto 2012 stated that Nursing workload consists of the time spent by nursing staff to perform the activities for which they are responsible, whether directly or indirectly related to patient care. These activities can change depending on the patient's degree of dependency, the complexity of the disease, the characteristics of the institution, work processes, the physical layout and the nature of the professional team.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
I am given with a BER of 1E-12 and 0.5UI eye-opening for the RX of a SerDes. Now, I have to design a PLL (frequency-synthesis) such that the 1E-12 BER spec is not violated.
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A more detailed description will help. But based on some assumption I can provide to you my opinion/approach towards such problems.
1. This is a synchronous link (your RX PLL frequency is exactly the same as the received signal rate)
Also assuming NO multi-phase PLL for simplicity (as in using rise and fall edge of a 500 MHz clock to receive a 1GS/sec data)
2. You don't have any tracking capability  (no closed loop or phase selection capability implemented)
3. Your PLL phase is aligned to the center of the bit (on average) with a maximum guaranteed error of X UI (X is for sure less than 0.25 in your example)
This includes any error in estimating the center of the bit and any deterministic Jitter expected
4. I'm assuming
1. What does 1e-12 BER mean
Your maximum allowed error in any direction is 0.25 UI you are allowed to only fail this requirement once every 1e12 clock cycle
2. We assume the worst case error in centering the PLL phase of X UI
3. we assume X is large enough that the failure probability is dominated only by X+jitter > 0.25 UI (Jitter > 0.25 UI - X)
4. Take care that you are violating only on one side of the Gaussian distribution of the Jitter. The 1e-12 probability is equivalent to 7.05 sigma of the jitter
5. random rms jitter (integrated/long term not cycle or cycle to cycle) < (0.25UI-X)/7.05 [UI]
<(0.25UI-X)/7.05*2*pi [rad/sec]
6. This number in rad/sec is the spec for integrated Phase noise (both sides around the carrier) from 0 Hz to Clock frequency/2 (in reality 2 decade above the PLL bandwidth should be enough unless you have a very bad clock buffers)
Special case is when X is equal 0 and here you violate on both sides and the equation will be (0.25)/7.15*2*pi (7.15 instead of 7.05 not much difference with this 1e-12 BER)
Another variant is if you this guaranteed X=0 is due to  some sort of feedback phase tracking Clock recovery (on top of the PLL, not the PLL itself) then this loop will act as a high-pass filter to the random jitter of the PLL and you need to multiply the Phase noise of the PLL to this high pass filter before integration.
If the PLL loop itself is the one doing tracking don't apply this high pass filter a second time as it's already applied to the free running oscillator jitter
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
15 answers
Hello dear all,
I am working on real-time image authentication and I want to prove the real-time aspect of my method, I have computed the cost in complexity and time but I need more experiments. Can you suggest me what can I do prove the real time aspect from the theoretical point of view?
Thank you very much
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Thank you very much Dear professor. I understand now the point
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
The link provided is not working. The PETS (Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance) data sets are hosted by University of Reading. I trying to contact the Professors that manage the data sets but they did not reply yet.
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xml format of the ground truths is available but I don't understand how to proceed further.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Lower level management employees basically who are permanently employed in an organization.Eg Site supervisor, CAD operator or draughtsman, clerk in administrative section  etc.what are indicators to evaluate the lower level management employees in Construction Organisation?If you have any material regarding this please send it. 
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Some agencies rely on billing records. If the employees are working on a project . The n their time spent on these related tasks are billed to it. Meanwhile, if they are not working on a specific project. then their time is billed internally. Good employees are those with high billable percentages compared with internal charges.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
Suppose we well train the beginners to a stimulus 'X'  for task 'A' which (stimulus) actually is an indicator of a critical practice 'CT' for task 'C".
 Now, As and When the critical situation/ task 'C" arises, since the trainees have been trained thru' its pseudo stimulus 'X' will they respond to its required/ expected practice 'CT' with task 'C' or to the task A for which they have been trained. 
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It goes without saying that, where technology is of the essence, training to guarantee alignment with standards is necessary to maintain quality and manage risk. This said, one might reasonably expect that related syllabuses would cover possible reactions to unforeseen circumstances, such as those this question alludes to. The Critical Incident Technique, available at, discusses a technique that was conceptualized from the onset as a set of procedures for collecting direct observations of human behavior in such a way as to facilitate their potential usefulness in solving practical problems and developing broad psychological principles where responses to unforeseen incidents need to be worked out. From there, one might strengthen syllabuses to improve training in such ways it both delivers on quality maintenance and risk management and inculcates desirable reactions to critical incidents.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
Quality management facilities techniques, is balanced scorecard applicable to performance evaluation of office buildings? What are other available techniques of performance evaluation?
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
5 answers
Any scale which measure the firm's social performance besides the economic or financial performance? 
Relevant answer
You can go through
Measurement of corporate social performance: an Indian perspective
Toward a Subjective Measurement Model for Firm Performance
Measuring Corporate Social Performance:
An Efficiency Perspective
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
Recently,my team submitted a meta-analysis.In our meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis was tested by removing one study at a time to calculate the overall homogeneity. Funnel plot, Begg’s and Egger’s test were performed to evaluate the presence of publication bias. One reviewer asked a question as follows:Would be of the use and more informative to the reader to add a scatter plot for sampling-based sensitivity analysis that the authors carried out.
    After reading a lot of literature, I still do not know how to answer this question. Can anyone tell me how to draw a scatter plot for sampling-based sensitivity analysis in a meta-analysis? If anyone have read the literature in this area?
    I look forward to receiving a reply.Thanks for the help.
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RevMan will do this for you very easily as will Comprehensive Meta Analysis. Honestly it seems unnecessary if you have already presented them with the quantitative assessment of bias via an Egger's and Begg's but I suppose if they're asking you're obliged to since it is simple enough to do. Demonstrates a lack of understanding on the reviewers part I would say.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
Lets say I have a prokaryotic proteome. I want to calculate PR for each protein. PR calculation requires a database of protein sequences for different organisms. How many proteomes do I need to consider to calculate PR for each protein in my given organism?
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Power System Voltage Stability (Electric Power Research Institute Power System Engineering)
amazon -
ISBN-13: 978-0070631847
ISBN-10: 0070631840
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Most structured observation methods that i found during my research cover an educational context and are very specific. 
I search for a method or instrument that covers indirect performance evaluation (usability tests).
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
8 answers
Please share your experience in this field. How can we do performance evaluation with the help of KPI
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With the opening of Indian economy and government focus on infrastructure , construction industry has witnessed the phenomenal growth over last decade. Blending of advance technology with skill semi skill and non skill manpower in this sector has called a need to measure its strength. Some of the KPI of the employees in this sector may be developed as:
Client Satisfaction
Rate of Defects
Construction Time & Cost relationship
Employees Productivity
Employee Satisfaction
Staff Turnover
Employees Sickness and rate of Absence
Employees Working Hours
Employees Qualifications & Skills
Employees consciousness towards Environment
Whole Life Performance
Employees inclination towards Waste management etc
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
Hi all, 
Currently, I am doing a research in classifying RBCs into four groups.
After extracting best features, I trained a pattern recognition Neural Network and performance is evaluated by 10-fold cross validation check. Miss-classification rate is around 6%. 
In another experiment, I tried to use SVM model to classify one group and three other groups so called one-versus-rest classifiers. Then again repeated same strategy for the 3-group class until there is no need for another binary classification. Performance is evaluated by the same technique applied in the Neural Network strategy. Miss-classification rate for the first binary SVM classifier is zero and for the second and third binary SVM classifier is 2.1% and 3.2%. Which strategy is better and why?
If multi stage SVM is outperforming NN strategy, how can I evaluate the miss-classification rate?
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If each of your examples belongs to only one of the four classes, your problem is a multi-class one, and there are many ways to solve it. SVMs can also be non-linear if using a kernel. As Niall already pointed out, there is no a "best" method for all the problems, and you need to look for understanding of the dataset, or to make empirical comparisons.
The F1 measure is a good metric of performance in multi-class problems. There are two versions of this: macro-F1 and micro-F1. However, since you have a single-label multi-class problem, the micro-F1 is the same as the accuracy. The macro-F1 measures the performance per class, and in that way, it compensates for class imbalance. This is computed as:
F1i = 2(Pi)(Ri)/(Pi+Ri)  --> Macro F1 for class i
Pi = TPi/(TPi + FPi) --> Precision for class i
Ri = TPi/(TPi + FNi) --> Recall for class i
TPi = Number of True Positive classifications for class i (positive examples classified correctly)
FPi = Number of False Positive classifications for class i (negative examples classified as positive)
FNi = Number of False Negative classification for class i (positive examples classified as negative)
After computing the different F1 for each one of the four classes, you can do a simple average to estimate the general performance of the model.
In addition, you can run a statistical test between the results obtained from two different models to see if such results are significant. One good test in classification is the McNemar’s one.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
Bag filters are used to control particulate emission in industries. Their performance depends on pressure drop, flow, A to C ratio (air to cloth ratio) etc. We have to check bag filter frequently to know their working efficiency. And, to check their efficiency, we need to conduct performance audit or evaluation. So, is there any standard procedure to conduct performance evaluation of bag filters? 
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Read EPA methods or IS Standards.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Can anyone suggest what would be the best benchmark for VM/ docker container performance evaluation? Also is anyone aware of real docker container workloads that are run in real production systems that I can obtain for performance evaluation?
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I have not used docker VMs, but for common virtualization solutions like xen, virtualbox, I used Phoronix benchmarks. they provide a lot of options in terms of system specific modules, test cases, and repetition of tests. 
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
in your view what exactly is strategic employee compensation and does HR management actually make real contributions to successful employee compensation? How effective are U S regulations, laws and mandates effecting compensation; including protecting against discrimination especially age related, circumventing FMLA, or prevailing wage laws.
thank you
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Strategic Compensation (SC) involves rewarding employees in terms of wages/salaries, incentives and benefits (welfare facilities) for gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. Should we put emphasis on variable rewards or uniform rewards? Should we focus on either relational compensation or transnational compensation? Should we have either concern of job-based pay or concern of competency-based pay? Should we decide one of the three pay level strategies (meet-the-market strategy, lag-the-market strategy, or lead-the-market strategy? A useful text in this regard is HRM by Stewart and Brown (2009). There is second edition also.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
13 answers
I am asking this question here on research gate as I think there are a lot of experts out there in this field like you, so it would be an honor if you could share your thoughts about my questions. :)
Currently I am writing my Bachelor's Thesis and I would need to know whether there is an existing model that makes it calculable how KPIs and PIs affect the EBIT of a company or not.
Furthermore it would be interesting to know how to deal with the uncertainty of the effects of KPIs and PIs (e.g. if it is only possible to assume certain future values/effects)
To illustrate what I mean: Some KPIs may are obvious in terms of how they affect the EBIT, but what is with KPIs that are more soft KPIs where it is difficult to find out what the real effects will be?
First of all I would really like to thank you for every answer. If anyone needs further detailed explanation about my questions than just ask and I will answer it.
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Patrick ... Thanks for taking time to review my two articles. First, to manage your expectations, I am unsure if any organization has actually calculated the "correlation" among what I call "influencing to influenced KPIs". I became aware of the possibility of such a calculation from my SAS colleagues before I retired from SAS.
With that said, my understanding is that one would need a sufficient sample size of KPI periods (e.g. 12-24 months of actual KPIs. Targets for KPIs are not relevant. What is relevant is how changes with "influencing KPIs" impact "influenced KPIs from bottom to top in the Kaplan and Norton's strategy map 4 perspectives.
Gary ... Gary Cokins
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
I want to develop questionnaire to carried out survey on  performance evaluation of green practices.
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First you need to clearly identify your research objectives and questions, otherwise don't waste your time, objectives will lead you to variables of your research and questionnaire.
Then, you need to do one or both of the following methods:
1- read previous studies and surveys about practice green (keywords for searching: surveys, food behavior, health, green practice). You will get many good ideas for questions.
1- Exploratory study: make some interviews with some people about what they are interesting about green practice.
it is also will give you some ideas.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
7 answers
Evaluate of employee is important and difficult, Is there any way to use artificial intelligence to evaluate employee's efficiency by organization data?
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It is being used today in a wide variety of domains, using different forms of AI. The machine learning/ "Deep Learning" algorithms have various forms of bias, including Google's system, but the psychometric versions of artificially intelligent performance measurement explicitly avoid or adjust for these sorts of bias. This is crucial for ethical, and legally defensible use of artificially intelligent performance management.
My forthcoming Annual Review paper on "Adaptive Measurement and Assessment" goes into a bit more detail, and I can forward a pre-print copy to interested scholars.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
I am working on a test rig, the test includes measurement of some parameters : pressure, temperature and water flow rate. For monitoring the variation of temperature, I was wondering what type of thermocouple that I could use, in other words, what are the test conditions that need to be specified to choose the suitable thermocouple, is it temperature range or the rate of temperature change or other factors?
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Dear Elsharif,
The National Instruments (NI) issued the attached file which gives a comparison between many types of the thermocouples including the maximum errors over
a full temperature range and typical errors at room temperature. 
Please have a look at the attached PDF file. 
Best Regards
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7 answers
Currently, I'm on the process of making my research paper. I made my own satisfaction survey questionnaire. Is it okay to make my own? How can I measure the reliability of my questionnaire? Moreover, my variables are FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE and TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE of a building. Attached here are my evaluation instruments. Please, feel free to comment or suggest. Thank you so much. 
P.S I want to validate my instruments if they are applicable for use in building performance evaluation. At the same time, I want to assess the building performance of the building. Just having a hard time on how to show relationships of functional and technical performance with the building performance.
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You've gotten some really good feedback from others.  I'll just chime in a bit.  While you can develop a new measure, keep in mind that the psychometric properties of that instrument may (actually probably will) be called into question when/if you try to publish the findings.  The DeVellis text provides a really good overview of scale development.  It sounds like you are using the Gronroos model for service quality (technical vs. functional quality).  Generally speaking, you are better off using an existing instrument that you can adapt for your purposes.  Still, creating a new one may be necessary.  Just don't forget to actually speak with the people who are in the target population so that you can ensure that you are tapping the domains of importance to them (and creating items that reflect those).  It's possible that the Gronroos model may not be the best fit for your particular instance.  If you adapt an existing instrument or create your own, you can always at least provide a basic estimate of reliability (e.g., Cronbach's alpha) to appease some reviewers/readers.
Best of luck!
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8 answers
In my study, performance of employees was rated by their supervisors,  Employees were randomly selected from 5 organizations through stratified random sampling, and total 308 employees provided data on different constructs, but their performance was evaluated by their supervisor.  There were 15 supervisors, do I need to calculate ICC, 
Kindly guide on how to calculate ICC, 
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Thanks Sir Rehan
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
9 answers
What framework or approach could be used by customers in order to evaluate the consulting assignment
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This is a really difficult question on how to measure the performance of a project in general. On this topic there in no concensus since there are hudreds of project metrics.
From all the metrics, closer to customer perspective are those related to project success such as
  • Benefits achieved
  • Value achieved
  • Goals/milestones achieved
  • Stakeholder satisfaction
  • User satisfaction
There is a very good book dedicated to PM metric,
Project Management Metrics, KPIs and Dashboards by H. Kerzner, John Willey and sons. It worths taking a look.
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7 answers
Please send me the different formulations in this regards.
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Dear Amir, Thanks for your nice answer. Based on your proposed references the bellow book seems to be very helpful, in this regards.
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I want to write a litrature review over the topic "Performance evaluation of Femtocells". Can any body provide me the data for writing either in hard or soft form? Your help will be appreciated. Thanks
M. S. Jamal
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If you have pdfs kindly attach them.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
As per I know NS3 does not provide any facility for D2D simulation. If available kindly provide me. ETRI developed a System-Level Simulator for Evaluating Performance of Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying LTE-Advanced Networks but it is not open source. I need an open source simulator for performance evaluation in D2D communication.
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Now, I am little bit sure that NS3 does not provide D2D communication. So, I am trying another way to solve the problem. You can use NS3 wife direct if possible.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
9 answers
Often Management by Objective comes ahead about when we talk about setting goals during the performance appraisal process. But MBO might not suitable in all kinds of circumstances and organizations. 
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@ Faris Alshubiri - thank you for such a relevant article.. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology is a heard-about journal. cheers!
@Zeynep Aksehirli - i agree with your perspective but MBO is not effective in some organizations (esp govt) considering their structure and nature of work. My quest is another PA tool or combination of tools that does the work of  intrinsically' motivating employees as MBO does. Thank you for your effort and opinion :)
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
5 answers
I am currently working on performance evaluation of a solar thermal device. For this i have collected experimental data on the device that includes Solar radiation (direct and diffused), wind speed and 7 different temperatures. Each experiment last for 9 hours and the total number of experiments is 20. Experimental data is observed every 15 minutes. This makes huge amount of data to be presented. What is the best way to possibly represent this kind of data effectively.
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Dear Basharat,
u can use excel 3D dimension.
or anther software. 
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
Please let me know if in a generic thermodynamic cycle the thermal regeneration always increase the thermodynamic efficiency of said cycle or not. For example, in the Brayton cycle the thermal regeneration could increase or decrease the thermodynamic efficiency of the cycle in relation to the value of Tmin/Tmax and Pmax/Pmin. So I think that a priori the effect of the thermal regeneration in a generic thermodynamic cycle is unknown, in other word it is necessary to perform evaluation by means of simulations/calculation. Thanks
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decreases, but it is done on practical purposes e.g. to avoid wet compression in a refrig. cycle or to enhance heat transfer in the kettel of a power cycle. So does the mixing and splitting of different streams too.
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8 answers
For example, some researchers suggest that gross profit can be used as an indicator for Customer Perspective or R&D costs for Learning and Growth. Are there any other indicators that you are aware of? I believe that finding such indicators is easier for manufacturing than service companies, any suggestions?
I appreciate any input you may have.
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Dear Mohamed Umlai. I believe a paper by Wang (2005) is very useful to answer your question.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
Organizational performance evaluation methods
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International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 10-20
(2008) HOW TO ASSESS KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: DEVELOPING A QUANTITATIVE MODEL by Mohammad Fathian, Maryam Sotoudehriazi,Peyman Akhavan,Ali Amin Moghaddam
A.The Knowledge Management Assessment Tools, APQC’s Road Map is used .This assessment model is actually a systematic maturity level assessment. According to this model five levels are considered for organizational maturity, which contain the questions that we can only answer yes or no to them. In every part, when most of them are answers positive, the situation of knowledge management will be probably on that level.
B. The Know-Net Assessment .This model assess knowledge in three dimensions
-Properties of Knowledge: it contains human, organizational and market properties.
-Knowledge Management Structures: strategy, process, structure and systems.
-Levels of Knowledge Nets: people, teams, organization, and internal environment of
organization (inside of organization)
(i)Aminmoghaddam, A., 2005, “A framework for the assessment of knowledge management, case study: The consultant company (metra),” Business School of Sharif University
(ii)Sotoudeh, R. M., 2006, “The model for the assessment of knowledge management, case study: Iranian organization,” Iran university of Science and Technology
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
13 answers
I want to do research on corporate governance and firm performance. In this regard, I want to find a new dimension. Does any one have any idea about it?
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You may want to take a look at the paper by Parsa, Chong & Isimoya
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
Hi, I am trying to find a complete framework that I can use to test, evaluate, benchmark the performance of a given local IaaS service provider.
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There are many aspects of Cloud IaaS Performance - storage, CPU, and network performance can be completely orthogonal and yet all can affect applications running on a Cloud.  I suggest looking at the ODCA's Standard Units of Measurement for IaaS document, which I have linked to below.  It talks about some of the general issues of measuring cloud performance - you might want to benchmark specific things like storage or CPU or even at the higher level with a specific application.  It also has some suggestions of possible benchmarks.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Dear Community, 
as part of an ongoing research project we are trying to evaluate the research quality of different medical research labs. There is an ongoing discussion which indicators are the best to determine the success of an lab. What do you think ? 
Is it numbers of research papers, numbers of citations of the research papers (Impact Factor), patents (especially in cooperate research),funds of the lab etc. ?
As a researcher what is your opinion? Thank you.
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Your question may lead to different responses because the term "research facility" is a bit ambiguous. A facility can be an investigator's laboratory, a department within a bigger organization, a school/college within a university, a university, a national laboratory or private sector entities. There may be very good labs within a mediocre college or university, so what do we judge? If the entity is defined, then the quality of publications (impact journals), duration of significant competitive funding, quality and success of trainees after they leave the program and development of applications based on discoveries are all important.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
Looking for factors affecting postgraduate by research students performance. The respondent is business/management postgraduate students. Any measuring scale?
Thank you in advance
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Dear Sir,
Output of research take its own time, hence performance of student (research scholar) should be measured  owing to short run and long run perspectives. in long run quality of research publications and its utility to respective stakeholders  is performance measurement. in short run quality of work done at excelling stages of research be measured by students and research supervisor. the average ratings of student and supervisor can be termed as performance measurement.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
5 answers
Hello respected people; I have got one question today. Lets us say that I am conducting a research on budget management and control in one hospital. So, I have 6 specific research objectives such as : to identify the primary purposes served by budgets in the hospital, to uncover the budgeting process in the hospital, to identify the challenges associated with budgeting in the hospital and 3 other specific objectives. But one of my 6 research objectives says “To examine the extent to which formal authority is delegated for the clinician managers in the hospital to run their unit”.
My reason to have this particular specific objective is that, previous studies demonstrated allocating formal authority for the clinicians is believed to influence clinical practices by holding them more accountable for their actions in allocation and use of resources (Abernethy, 1996; Abernethy & Lillis, 2001; Abernethy & Vagnoni, 2004; Campanale, Cinquini, & Tenucci, 2011; Cinquini & Campanale, 2010; Fitzgerald, 1994; Heyssel et al., 1984; Jones & Dewing, 1997). Being held accountable means that their performance is evaluated based on their compliance with formally specified financial targets (in particular with budget target) in their units. The desired outcome is to create a hospital that is not only responsive to the demands of patients but also one that is financially viable.
Thus, previous researches clearly shown formal authority of clinicians and budgetary control is significantly and positively correlated.
I didn’t do any statistical analysis by my own to investigate the degree of correlation between formal authority and budgetary control. I simply measured the level of formal authority given for the clinician managers in the hospital using likert skale. Thus, based on the findings from previous researches, my intention is to give recommendation to the hospital if the level of formal authority delegated for clinicians is low.  
Can I do that ? I mean without checking myself the degree of correlation between formal authority and budgetary control, but just only measuring formal authority and depending on previous researches that proved positive significant correlation between the two, can I recommend the hospital to give more formal authority for the clinicians?
Many thanks!
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Yes, you can based on a review of extant literature. Thus, you are simply taking a position based on a review of previous studies. But since you planned to make recommendations to   the hospital, I suggest you do an empirical study to make your results and recommendations more appropriate to the hospital. That is my view
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
6 answers
I work with the assessment of production system configurations with respect to operational, economic and environmental performances.
A production system configuration is meant to be a facility with specific equipment, layout, numbers of operators, etc.
The assessment involves a comparison of the configuration being studied with other alternative configurations (for instance, a case "yes, new equipment" VS "no new equipment, status quo"). The comparison is being done through discrete event simulation.
Now, my doubt is on how to make sure that the evaluation compare the two cases fairly. 
Beyond the fact that the two systems get supplied with the same input distribution of pieces to process, I wonder if I have to make sure that the two systems are evaluated and compared with the same level of performance operations wise (e.g., same yield, same efficiency).
To me, this is to make sure that both systems' operations are managed by the same people having the same expectations in terms of efficacy of operations management. 
An example of this approach is to optimizing both systems firstly and then compare the resulting performances. 
What are your thoughts on that?
Every idea and source is most welcome. I will particularly appreciate previous experiences in discrete event simulation of production systems and considerations about design of experiment in the context of production systems and operations.
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I think you are probably looking at this the wrong way round. It is not really a meaningful comparison if you start with assuming the two production systems are working at the same level of efficiency. You need to make the comparisons based on requirements of demand (quantity and variation) and input requirements (materials, labour etc), plus any relevant constraints.  You can then use (operational) efficiency as the measure to compare the systems. Of course you still need to decide how to measure "operational efficiency" in the cases you are studying.
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1 answer
The simulator should also be able to evaluate System throughput, scalability and capture concurrency, parallel computing. I will will be very grateful
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sorry I do not have the expertise to answer this question.
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4 answers
     I'm looking for a familiar guys with Open IMS core. Actually i wanna define a new authentifcation scheme for IMS network. so for performance evaluation purpose i'm gonna use the OPen IMS core with IMS bench SIpp.
can any one guide me what are the main files to edit in Open IMS core in order to define a new auth scheme
A lot of thanks
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Hi Negar
I mean define my own new scheme not the existing ones
PS: where cheking the HSS authentication sheme? is it in the web interface?
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
26 answers
I’m interested in the factors that predict employee evaluations, especially comparing the contribution of job performance and that of the quality of the employee-supervisor relationship. I’m a social psychologist who focuses on organizational phenomena, so perhaps I don’t have the right vocabulary or constructs in mind that are used by industrial psychologists.
Does anyone know of a study comparing the fraction of variability in performance evaluations due to the quality of employee-supervisor relationships with that associated with job performance?
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I hope these journals lead you in the right direction:
  1. Varma, A., & Stroh, L. K. (2001). The impact of same‐sex LMX dyads on performance evaluations. Human Resource Management, 40(4), 309-320
  2. Duarte, N. T., Goodson, J. R., & Klich, N. R. (1994). Effects of dyadic quality and duration on performance appraisal. Academy of Management Journal, 37(3), 499-521.
  3. Erdogan, B. (2003). Antecedents and consequences of justice perceptions in performance appraisals. Human Resource Management Review, 12(4), 555-578.
  4. Kacmar, K. M., Witt, L. A., Zivnuska, S., & Gully, S. M. (2003). The interactive effect of leader-member exchange and communication frequency on performance ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(4), 764.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
7 answers
for example: Balance scored sheet, bench marking ... Etc 
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The idea is you want to match your strategic objectives with your measures/metrics/financial goals. For example benchmarking your lean initiatives. You should find the strategic-performance-benchmarks relationships you are looking for here:
Zhong-hua, Z., & Xiao-feng, J. (2011, September). Research of enterprise strategic performance evaluation system based on partial least square-structural equation modeling. In Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE), 2011 International Conference on (pp. 394-400). IEEE.
Neely, A. D. (Ed.). (2002). Business performance measurement: theory and practice. Cambridge University Press.
Cravens, K., Piercy, N., & Cravens, D. (2000). Assessing the performance of strategic alliances:: matching metrics to strategies. European Management Journal, 18(5), 529-541.
Yang, Y., & MacLean, R. (2004). A template for assessing corporate performance: Benchmarking EHS organizations. Environmental Quality Management, 13(3), 11-23.
The link will lead you to all sorts of formats:
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
5 answers
Validated Questionnaires which can be used to study the effectiveness of the PMS system in a Large organization.
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Is there any tool to check the effectiveness of the system?
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11 answers
I need to compare them and identify any gaps that might exist....preferably those that might be relevant in a developing country's point of view
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Dear Kalinzi,
The literature on procurement performance measurement presents several studies about supplier selection (focus on multicriteria decision making), criteria for supplier selection and evaluation, supplier evaluation for development among others. I suggest you read these papers:
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
4 answers
I Realize studies on recognition of internal and external barriers that apply to the successors of family businesses during the succession.
Would You be so kind and give the three such barriers please.
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Few barriers are:
1. Acceptance
2. Experience
3. Professionalism
4. Competition from professional firms
5. Limited exposure, etc.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
28 answers
I've come across many organisations during my past service with a number of Nepali public enterprises and commercial banks that many of them let their employees first fill up their self performance appraisal before their supervisors really would evaluate their performance. Is it really necessary, or does it serve like any basis for the real performance appraisal?
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Absolutely. If you are going to undertake PA and wish to frame it as a conversation, rather than a potentially punitive assessment, then the employee should get a say. It is widely used in Australia in private and public sectors. I would however flag that for it to be of any value it does need to be a discussion about targets, future learning and development needs, career planning options etc. rather than a tick the box, likert scale type exercise around metrics, which can and will be easily manipulated.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
12 answers
there are so many methodologies to assess the overall organization performance using Multi-criteria framework
how I could choose ? 
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Total Quality or Performance Appraisal: Choose One is fine resource about your issue of choosing the methodology for overall performance evaluation!
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5 answers
Performance evaluation of Containers(Docker/LXC) for HPC 
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1 answer
I work on a project related to Performance evaluation especially for technical staff. What are the materials that should start reading?
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For any performance evaluation project, I suggest you to start by identifying what will be the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of your system. Then, make a correlation and causation analysis involving all your KPIs. This starting point will help you to identify the performance parameters that you will take into account and the way they are related.
Hope this can be of any help.
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3 answers
Deepak Agarwal, Lokesh Kumar, Avinash Kumar Agarwal,Performance evaluation of a vegetable oil fuelled compression ignition engine
Renewable Energy;  33 (2008): 1147–1156
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I agree but the only suggestion for developping fuels that cut CO2 emission during the process and are suitable for export is in my opinion HVO or further Fischer Tropsch process. In other words all properties are deriving from the chemical composition and alkanes only is better. 
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2 answers
The modeling problems using layers of detail facilitates the understanding of the phenomenon under study and simplifies the implementation of solutions. When performing the simulation of a layered model, can the clock used in one layer be used in the other? For example, in the agent-based systems approach each agent can have a clock and all agents are subject to a universal clock? What are the criteria for the randomness of the events studied? And how do you use the clocks in these simulations?
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I agree with Fernando's reply requiring a little more information about the problem. However, I think I can provide an example of how you can deal with a similar synchronization problem in pedestrian simulation:
In the linked paper we clarify how to introduce heterogeneous walking speed in discrete pedestrian models: we actually have a time discretization determining what can be the highest walking speed, in other words the time step of a global timeline. Then each agent has a property (his/her own desired walking speed) indicating how his actions relate to that timeline.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
Evaluation metric: Is there some IR metric like weighted precision where the correct retrieved results are weighted by their ranks. For example:
Precision@5 gives equal weights to all the correct hits within top-5. However, I would like to give higher weight to hit at Rank1 then hit at Rank2 and so on until rank 5. 
I was doing it as follows: weighted precision= Sum51([# of hits at k]/ k)
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See the normalized discounted cumulative gain...
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
Computer evaluation and comparison is becoming more and more challenging. Suppose that we have the same number of multiple cores and the same hardware.
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Why are you discussing 2 or 4 cores when a typical GPU has 1000s of parallel computing resources?
This is a bit tricky calculation as these are VLIW processors and they have typically 30-60 cores and 16-32 calculation engine per core per instruction but it clearly demonstrates that these parallel computing engines provide performance on a completely different scale. And typically every desktop has one of them.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
2 answers
When one measures hospital activity of individual clinicians, units, and departments, there is always the challenge of aiming for balancing workload. However, it is a known fact that there is a human level variation as regards speed, focus, and efficiency. Obviously, volume is not a measure of quality of care, for which we need key performance indicators. I am interested to know of evidence or experience whereby volume and quality can be effectively reconciled.
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This isn't an easy question to answer.
Firstly you have the planned operation and the expected complexity of that operation, then you have waht actually happened, part of which can be the result of the sugeon and part as a result of the patient.
Next you rightly say you have the quality. then you have the speed and the natural variation.
Then there is the issue of balancing workload. What is a balanced workload and why do we want to achieve this. Are we measuring for planning purposes or ....?
Personally, I would probably not focus on speed of operation too much. What we want is an operation that gives a good outcome for the patient in terms of clinical results aand quality of life, without rework.
Does that help at all?
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
We have conducted an experiment on determining the prediction accuracy of a recommender system using two different data sets. Which statistical analysis is to be performed in order to correlate the results?
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You may please try Non-Parametric Methods/Tests (NPT). For correlation, Rank-correlation can be acceptable to great extent.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
In addition to testing knowledge, my focus is on actual performance assessment using standardized performance examinations.
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Education and practice are inseparable. I suggest development of predictor test to measure KSA with questions common to both areas of education and practice. Another set of predictor test that specifically measures KSA in education and practice. Predictor test should be curriculum-based. Use your curriculum in nursing as guide in formulation of test questions. Make validity and reliability test of your predictor test for standardization.
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8 answers
Considering systems transmitting the signals from the analog sources, Shannon proposed to use, as a criterion of their performance (fidelity), the mean distance between the recovered and input signals, that is the mean square error (MSE).
This criterion is commonly used and has relatively easily measured analog - empirical MSE.
Nevertheless, MSE is not used in modern communications being replaced by several internally connected criterions: bit-rate and its closeness to the capacity of the channel, BER and by the power – bandwidth efficiency of transmission.
What is a reason?.- These criterions create a lot of tradeoffs which substantially complicate evaluation and comparison of real performance of different systems.
MSE seems to be much more convenient and adequate.
I would be pleased if somebody could give the examples of communication systems whose performance is assessed by MSE.
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If it would be so...
It is pity but BER is a problem. SNR at the channel output diminishes as 1/R^2 and at the greater distances, BER attains unacceptable values. This confines the range of reliable transmission.
Recently, BER is a single characteristic more the less directly concerning a quality of transmission. The bit rate is used as a characteristic of degree of the channel resources utilisation, not as a measure of the recovered signals accuracy.
Nevertheless, there exist rate-distortion theory which employs MSE of transmission but did  I not see its applications in practice.
P.S. I'll add that measurement of BER is not easy task. It is enough to look at the ZigBee documentation and proposed there method of BER measurement. The same concerns the bit-rate and power-bandwidth efficiency of transmission.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
3 answers
I need a method to measurement an ranking of health system (county by county) in Iran.
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Dear Nader,
There are many ways of assessing health system performance. One of the most notable is the WHO model included in "The world health report 2000 - Health systems: improving performance". The Commonwealth Fund also have an interesting approach (, Basically most approaches focus on some measures of efficiency, equity and responsiveness. For efficiency it's basically what resources are used and what is the result. Equity tends to relate to financing and access. For a county by county approach you would probably need to look at comparing resource use per capita by each county health system - though comparability might be tricky. Material around geographic resource allocation formulae (e.g. RAWP or Wagstaff and van Doorslaer) might also be useful.Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Performance Evaluation
1 answer
I tried but couldn't build .cfg file according to my system. I saw results but all used Intel compiler but I am using MS visual studio 2008 compiler. My Operating systems in windows 7 32bit , Intel Core 2 Quad 84000 (dell OPTIPLEX 380). I used bulletin "Example-windows-ia32-visualstudio.cfg" it builds successfully but give several errors.
Command errors:
1354975493.27: Could Not Find C:\cpu2006\benchspec\CPU2006\400.perlbench\build\build_base_none.0000\perlbench
I was trying to run "400.perlbench
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