Science topics: Performing ArtsPerformance
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Performance - Science topic
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Questions related to Performance
Dear Colleagues,
I'm currently researching the relationships between participation in creative-cultural activities, the mental well-being of individuals and the influence of this link on the individuals' work/study performance.
To do so, I developed a questionnaire which combines already validated and well-known scales into a unique framework.
However, to proceed further with this investigation, I need thousands of answers to the questionnaire to perform statistical analyses properly.
Thus, I would be immensely grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time completing the questionnaire ( and if you could share your observations and suggestions with me.
Thank you in advance for your precious help!
Today AI is emerging rapidly than ever. When it comes to production we have so many arguments about how to add artificial intelligence or where to add artificial intelligence. Even to monitor the production performance we still do it manually. Image processing AI to gather from live video data needs a lot of processing and great quality infrastructure. What do you think about monitoring production performance, can we use Image processing technology, and how to make it more precise?
I would like to carry out a training study using gamified cognitive tasks. The main goal is to keep the training session engaging. Any suggestions? Many thanks.
Anyone here who is interested to do a project about the impact of macroeconomics variables on bank performance
I found that, latches can capable to hold the correct data even the data changes slightly before the falling edge of the clock.
We are finalizing the experimental design of a new study and researching the best tests to evaluate performance in wrestlers. If there are any specific tests for wrestling, I would appreciate. I would be very grateful if you could offer some suggestions.
Best regards
What is the major difference between the pre-layout and post-layout simulation?
Hello Researcher, If we have ensemble model which apply different Association mining algorithms such as Apriori, Terius and Clustering Algorithms such as K-Means, Cobweb on same dataset, I want to analyse which algorithm is better among all. Is there any automated simple way to compare the performance of above Association mining and Clustering algorithms based on accuracy , time etc in Weka tool?
Dear researchers,
I am analysing the relation between productivity and quality in hospitals, using performance indicators. The number of hospitals is not big, below 45 per year. Is it possible to broad research on multiple years using same hospitals more than one time? Certiainly, that will harm assumtion on independent observations. However, I am sure that that there is no (systemati or planning) intervention in order to change hospital performances.
What do you think about my approach?
Looking to study the culture of an academic campus and its impact on the performance of faculty.
I don’t think that the textbook scaling equations can be used for fair comparisons for recent nodes.
Hi all, I am looking for some general feedback and information from those that have experience using handheld/portable systems? I am looking at the prospects of using an off the shelf system from the likes of Bruker/Agilent/B&WTek/Anton Paar. I have formed a list of systems but wanted to hear some real-world experience in terms of use/ease of measurement/data transfer and anything else useful. Many thanks in advance.
I am doing text mining on the performance on research for development interventions in low income countries. I need some standard dictionaries and typologies to map the content of the paper in a standardized way. Can you the international standards you are aware of? Thanks in advance.
Dear play goers, actors, directors, critics and researchers on theatre, how would you read and interpret Elizabethan dumb shows?
I need to find a data set to compare Smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, Nokia) performance. I searched in Kaggle,, but couldn't find. Anywhere I can download a dataset(CSV)?
I am currently working on a project (Correlation Between the Time of ADHD Diagnosis and Performance) for my principles of research course and I am having trouble locating/ accessing a document that mentions or lists the questions/criteria used to assess their patients.
In my research, I would be using a modified version, as I only need this scale to give an empirical definition to the word performance.
The origin of the PSP comes from Morosini et al. Development, reliability and acceptability of a new version of the DSM‐IV Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) to assess routine social funtioning.
I am unsure if they include the observation criteria within their research, as the journal is hidden behind a paywall.
I have a survey already created: though, it will not be completed until I am able to add in the criteria for assessing the participants performance levels.
I would appreciate any feedback on my survey, tips on how to effectively collect this data and proceed with this research, and of course any links to the original testing criteria. If none are available, I would also appreciate anyone who would be able to help me come up with efficient questions that would assess a persons performance.
Thank you!
Edit: I have found the questions that I need and have completed the survey. Thank you all for your help and feedback.
I was currently reading a study about the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance.
There I read, that the KLD ratings are publicly available. Is that true? I can`t find information about that on MSCI.
Anyone having experience with this?
Thank you!
Best Regards
Say I am interested in examining individual differences in cognition and behavior and am interested in how specific survey scores and parameters predict/covary with performance on a task. How would I analyze this data based on the literature?
Are there conventional methods for analyzing differences in psychological phenomenon across individuals? Is that exactly what uni/multivariate statistics is for? Or are there alternative methods? Are there where advanced statistics comes in?
Is it more compelling and/or informative to analyze individual differences in a single subject design, an aggregate model/submodel (GLM), or as a dynamical system?
What does the basic and current literature say? What papers or books explicitly discuss this?
Hello all,
I would like to perform a hydrological analysis using RCM (CORDEX) data that need to be downscaled and bias corrected prior to application. I need an advise on which tool I could use to perform this.
Thank you
I want to setup a 4 nodes (each one with 4 cores) Raspberry pi cluster and install quantum espresso on it for simulations. Does anyone know how good it works compare with core i7 PC computer for simulating nanostructures?
any test on it?
I'm currently thinking about "what topic" can impact the performance of startups. Basically correlating the "topic" and the performance to see if the "topic" can help build the startups. In addition, how do I measure it (the impact on performance)?
There have been many articles on psychological traits in the organization, and almost all of them have emphasized the effect that personality traits have on the performance of the organization. But in practice some organizations ignore or even disrespect the personality traits of employees. What do you think is the solution to pay more attention to the personality of the employees and thus improve the performance of the organizations?
Dear Scholars,
For the time being, my colleagues and I are working on a paper which investigates the relationship between Strategic Sustainability Orientation and firm performance by considering Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Environmental Management as mediating factors. Accordingly, I have explored the literature profoundly but unfortunately have not found any related papers. Have you ever found any articles incorporating the aforementioned factors simultaneously?
Looking for your valuable suggestions.
I am interestet in simulating the distribution of energy from sea waves onto a shore line.
Ex. Helmholz would do the job I think as we can approximate sea waves with ordinary wave equation for shallow water, but this is to slow for the purpose.
Thank you.
Ivar Bratberg
How do Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data (Business) Analytics (BDA) contribute towards designing Strategic Performance Management Framework?
Kindly share your comments, thinking and any relevant research on it. Thanks in advance.
Hey everyone,
I'm reading the "Stability- and performance-robustness tradeoffs: MIMO mixed.." and I need to simulate everything.
I would like to know if there is a space/place where the Matlab code has been shared, so that I can simulate the reported results as I need.
Is the paper code available anywhere?
If anyone could help, I would be immensely grateful!
Link to the paper openly available ->
Very important question to avoid surprises...
How is performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as compare to other machine learning or artificial intelligence technique? How is ANN's performance measures? Particularly, in the field of engineering applications.
After applying SMOTE technique to my imbalanced dataset, the performance of my classifiers used actually improved. Now the question to ask is how does this technique(SMOTE) affect the nature of my data to improve the performance of my classifiers ? I would appreciate answers with references
I used ROA, ROE, profit margins, and sale rate as measures for organizational performance. However, I am looking for intervals for each measure as i dont want to make an open question and respondents will be reluctant to answer it.
There are many literature that disscuss the lean production system to operational performance. However, I find a lack of literature that investigate Lean Production and Individual Performance.
Interestingly, lean production system is derived from Toyota Production System, which discuss the human factors as the most important things. Thus, this question remained in my mind and I want to see if there is any correlation between Lean Production and Individual Performance (Related to human factor).
I am really appreciate if you can give me a slight enlighment regarding this question.
I need article which are published in refereed Journals.
Corporate Governance
Islamic Corporate Governance
Sustainable Financial Performance
I need to know if the number of hidden layers effect the performance and accuracy of a neural network, in other words does the increasing in the number of hidden layers of a neural network increase the accuracy but decrease the performance or there is no rule for that?
Thanks in advanced
What indices can be used to measure the performance of the battery chargers used for EVs?
In order to test the hypothesis of my thesis I need to find or create a database of start-ups, microentreprises, SMEs.
I would need in this database to have the name of the founder and the email adress of the company.
The goal is to analyse the possible correlation between the founder's human captial and the performance of his company.
Thanks a lot for you answers
How can I compute CI or any other measure of precision for within-subject performance?
Assume a participant is conducting a task where s/he has a 1/10 probability of being correct by chance. I want to test whether the performance of this participant over a series of trials is better or equal to chance. I want to also be able to say something about how certain I am in this being better or equal to chance. Moreover, assume the mean performance over 100 trials is 60% correct. I also want to give confidence intervals for this value.
Any references to papers discussing different possibilities are very appreciated.
what are the key ratios to measure the financial Performance of a Banking Company?
thanks in advance
I'm studying C/P issue and now applying a multi lineer regression model to my project. I added some variable such as ROA and debt to equity ratio as financial variables and size and age as corporate control variables. In addition my dependent variable is ROE. I choose the Denison's Organizational Culture Model for the corporate culture variables and added them in a row, finally added organizational culture itself to the model. I wonder how I can get and assembly the results in a discussion section and whether this model may be enough for my analysis?
In the summer the solar irradiance and the temperature are high in comparison with the rest of the season, while the opposite occurs in the winter.
Do these meteorological changes nearly counter each other i.e. the energy production in the summer is almost the same as the winter?
Please answer based on your practical experience. Case studies will be appreciated.
what is the importance of Interest income to total assets ratio of a banking company in analyzing its performance?
thanks in advance
can anybody suggest standard case studies on Balanced Scorecard which are freely available for downloading.
thanks in advance
The assessment of faculty teaching performance is normally based on student course evaluations. However, easy grading and not a very demanding instructors produce high student course evaluations. Are there other mechanisms and factors that you would recommend to better assess the quality of instructions?
Please provide me with details regarding handling of software for gamry instrument required in order to perform a galvanostatic charge-discharge experiment
I have used both qPCR instruments on one set of samples and have found significant differences in efficiency. I have being trying to find articles comparing the 2 instruments but have found nothing yet. Has any comparative study being done on the performance of these instruments?
what type of information can be obtained by performing cyclic voltammetry for my redox flow cell?
Is the absence of managerial a major cause in achieving heavy administrative tranquility ?
If more than one working person has the same skills ... will this lead to the cancellation or reducing of managerial tranquility ?
Respected Colleagues, I need a Questionnaire for measuring Transparency and Performance. Has any previous study used the mentioned questionnaire?
Does our level of performance depend solely on these factors? Or are there other factors?
I am working on anti diabetic new drug, I seek guidelines whether I should carryout OGTT on normoglycemic or TI and TII DM animals or on both.
Thanks in advance
I am not able to reason out the similarity in the surface areas of the CVs. What could be the reason, as both have been performed under the same conditions
Dear researchers, what variables would be possible to fill the gap in job analysis, selection, personality and job performance relationship?
I am evaluating the performance of Sensible Heat TES
I am working on a research for diversity management and organisational performance, employee performance, and whether does a diverse workforce has an impact on the firm performance .
Precisely articles and journals from countries with different perspectives about diverse workforce and its contribution
I want to perform JR curve simulation using Abaqus. I have performed fracture toughness experiments on 0.5CT specimen of F/M steel. Pls provide me link
While performing EFA, if two variables are loading on same dimension in "Pattern Matrix", what does it means.
I want to test the performance of ANP. So if you know, please advice me
are resources utlisation a criteria of measuring a firm's performance, besides the usual criteria of profit?
I am helpingwith a research on effects of increasing level of documentations on seafarers and marine superintendent's performance.
While performing the signal classification process, say it for example in EEG signal classification for detection for any wave parameter, which classifier gives most efficient and fast performance result?
so if I have for example an inhibitor that shows only 20% of inhibition (that being maximum) of some enzyme
Can I still do the kinetics study?
It may perhaps be useless to do it - but still, could it be done?
Are there some limitations to maximum inhibition percentage to even start with kinetic study...
What variable can explain succusseful divestiture, other than financial performance? Thanks for helping.
i am currently working on job performance of on-campus college working students. so far most of the researches available are into academic performance. any related literature that deals with such a concern would definitely be appreciated. thank you.
I am doing Gap analysis for my Healthcare centre. could anyone guide me with some assessment?
If effort is to be graded, how do we measure it objectively and fairly?
performance metrics of static and dynamic memories
I want to check anti diabetic effect by insulin receptor activation. Which assay i could perform to check insulin receptor activation.
I have created matlab function for 8 bit binary multiplier. I have to use this multiplier function (.m file) to perform multiplication of two images. Can anyone suggest me how to do this
While performing the immunoflurosecnce in paraffin embeded sections I am getting background staining of Alexa Fluor 488. So what precautions are required for reducing the nonspecific background.
Do you have experience on the effect of YE from different suppliers on fermentation performance (i.e. max biomass and product concentration)?
I want to perform a SA on the pairwise comparison data I have got but in my hierarchy alternatives are different for different criteria .
Most of the invitro studies were performed on dengue virus serotype 2. Why this serotype is given more importance than the others?
Dr. Raut,
This project looks very promising. Let me know if you ever need a collaborator to perform highly precise multi-dimensional fluorescence microscopy for you.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Sebastian
I am planning to perform a double ligation, with a vector that has one overhang for BsmBI and one for BamHI. One insert has 2 BamHI overhangs, and the other one has a BamHI and BsmBI overhang. Thus the insert with 2 BamHI overhangs can be integrated in 2 different manners, decreasing the efficiency. Can anyone give me advice about what molar ratios to use?
Hello! Does anyone know a good protocol to perform immunohistochemistry on the skin of mice tail?
Thank you very much in advance :)
How can I improve neck-in performance of LDPE film?
The Popular sayings, " What gets measure gets attention” or “What you measure is what you get," inform that measurement is an important concep