Science topics: Internal Medicine (General Medicine)Patience
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Patience - Science topic
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Questions related to Patience
I want to make a 3 1 1 supercell for phonon DFPT calculations, now it would give me 6 times structure dimensions. any suggestions about its accuracy or what should i do in this situation.
Thanks for your time and patience.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your time and patience in advance! I attempt to develop a pedagogical framework and a competence scale for my PhD project. I have developed the drafts of both. I adapted several theories and previous similar frameworks for the current pedagogical framework development. I wonder if the expert panel is an indispensable step before I design teaching materials based on this framework. (I totally agree that having an expert panel can without any doubt benefit my design)
I asked this question because organizing the expert panel discussion might be challenging for me due to the time and resources limit.
Many thanks for your answers!
Urgent, emergency action must be taken by UN and ICJ.
I have banged my head on every known walls, like many other fellow concerned human beings have been, to get right Action to stop the non-stop Massacres in Gaza. Now arrived to the threshold, entering into Ramadan.
We Muslims fast in Ramadan for Allah and faith, not merely only for blindness and customary. We Muslims do fast, seek blessings for the earth spiritually, maintain regulation teaching of discipline and self control, the promoting positivity to society. Nurturing diet discipline it's enables human being to maintain good health, and strength immunity trains our gut system to cope with and patience on low food amounts and lacking.
There are people, have no food, worse is they are under suffering condition in War zones, injured and in hostile condition. Children,babies and women in natal stages.
I urge, Those people, groups in War zones and past groups in asylum camps shelters, (those didn't go to Terrorism) the victims from War zones of Iraq, Syria and now Gaza, please take them to Eastern Europe. Some to - 1) Spain. 2) Italy. 3) Poland. 4) Chess/Bosnia.
Migration plan is must for for Climate damages and for War victims. Migration plan need to get done to reshuffle world population.
There April fool, marked a Shame stain in our History. April fool needs to be amended and it is now the best situation to act upon to correct past strains.
Fatema Miah
I have used two different models on some data and they have got two different results. Can some body suggest which statistical test can be used to test the significance of differences between these results of these two models.?
Thanks for ur time and patience
/ The innate morals such as forbearance, patience, generosity and courage grow by confirming and fixing them with the appropriate acquisition, and wither away through negligence or counter-acquisition.
I am reading Lloyd N. Trefethen's book "Spectral Methods in Matlab". For the fixed wall condition u(±1)=u'(±1)=0 of the fourth order equation, he used p=(1-x ^ 2) q (x) to convert the fixed wall condition into the Dirichlet condition.Then use the Chebyshev collocation method to solve. I would like to ask what substitution should be made for p when u (± 1)=u '' (± 1)=0? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your patience
There are indeed many models of the value of elementary electric charge origin, but all of them have introduced other types of new phenomena.
I solved this problem only based on the phenomena that are known and have been measured, in:
It is an article related to electric charge, Hubble's constant, fine structure constant, wave function collapse and reveals the quantified nature of spacetime, but please give more time and patience to read the material to the end, to see how beautifully come all these together (constants), forming a unitary whole (one theory).
I await your observations
When one would like to analyze and test the financial metrics/key indicators of two banks, like deposits, loans, expenses, incomes, net profit etc.., which statstical test would be used to test the hypothesis.? Pl guide me in this regard
Thanks for your time and patience
I've submitted some sequences with incorrect metadata. Already sent an email to NCBI. However, it would be way faster if I could just delete the records and resubmit them.
Thank you very much for your time and patience.
Please give advices or suggestions here,
I came across a very nice diagram in the following article, Fig. 2A
and since I've been wondering, how does one produce such a diagra in a (semi) automated way? Of course one could use Microsoft Paint with a lot of patience - but if any of you know an elegant solution, I'm very keen to know.
I chose to be involved in sustainability because it's right to give opportunities to future generations. In my editorial activity I always tend to answer all the questions that come to me via email, linkedin and research gate. Many times I see some young people impatient, as if they want to publish right away, as if they do not see the great advantages of a good peer-review. I have always thought that the responsibility lies with their supervisors. Those who are not used to publishing scientific work, how do they teach it to their students? Those who demand everything and immediately, how do they teach patience? At the same time, young researchers must perceive the suggestions of their colleagues, the ability to listen is a great weapon to do research. And I find the same in the choice of journal. I choose a journal with a high IF and in this way I think I have reached my goal. The activity of reviewing, even with less renowned journals, makes you grow. What experience have you had?
An academic/research advisor plays a crucial role in student development over several years. What are the main characteristics (e.g., patience, empathy, knowledgeable) you consider important in the role of a successful advisor?
I would like to know your thoughts...
So I'm looking for some inspiring answers that could help me with some questions I might be asked in my thesis defence day
The topic is about carpal tunnel syndrome
And here is some questions that I need some inspiring answers for it
Why did you choose this topic?
why did you chose these human caviares sampling ?
Why do you think your research is reliable?
I want to say that this research could make a difference and surgical and medical world and could have a positive impact on patient care as it helps reducing the intergenic incidence that could happen to the patience during surgery of carpal tunnel syndrome release
but I need a better way to say it
pleas help
WHO said that many countries had the wrong strategy to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic
This is what we fear will happen and why we emphasize in our scientific publication since almost 3 months ago in a Journal indexed by Scopus with the title:
‘The Need For Consensus On The Effective Approach To Control COVID-19 Outbreak’
Journal article:
Preprint: Amin, Firman Zulkifli, Sari, Mila Kurnia, & Amin, Zulkifli. (2020, April 26). The need for consensus on the effective approach to control COVID-19 outbreak. Zenodo.
Health is wealth
Every Problem has a Solution
Obstacles Bring Opportunities
Home is Heaven
Importance of Family Time
There is no Age to Learning
Savings are the biggest Assets
Patience is Strength
Cleanliness is God
No work is Small
Microbes are more powerful than weapon
Life moves on... come what may
I am working on voltage control of a Standalone DC Microgrid consisting of Single PV source, a battery and loads. The PV is interfaced through Buck converter to the DC bus, the battery is interfaced through Bidirectional DC-DC Converter(BDC) and the loads are directly connected to the DC bus. The aim is to maintain DC bus voltage at a reference value irrespective of variations in PV power and load power. Battery plays a key role in balancing the power and maintaining the voltage in the system. Accordingly I have designed a simple cascaded PI control(outer voltage loop control and inner current loop control) for BDC, such that the DC bus voltage and power balance is maintained. This control is working well and fine for all cases when SOC of battery is in between the limits (20% < SOC < 80%)
The problem which I am facing is that if I choose an initial SOC of battery as 85% (or one can assume that battery SOC has reached >80%) and in that situation I got PV generating more than load requirement for some time. In other times the PV power is less than load. When the case of excess PV power generation I thought of designing a logic to stop switch the BDC and moving the PV from MPPT (off-MPPT) and operate it. But the problem here is that the PV should itself do the voltage regulation and power balance. I couldn't achieve this properly inspite of my efforts. Please give some specific suggestions on the method to solve this problem.
PS: Sorry for a long question. Thank you in advance for your patience in reading it.
If we want to sail the boat of research smoothly, we must keep it free from ego, impatience, jealousy and comparison. Every researcher follows his or her own route to move forward in voyage to Reaearch Excellence.
Meanwhile, patience, sincerity, truthfulness, straight forwardness, transparency and Perseverence support the seeker of Research Excellence.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is likely to drive a range of security threats - conflict and militancy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Patience with government is starting to wane as the economic impact of restrictions is increasingly felt. As there are signs that patience is starting to wear thin as COVID-19 tests and results continue to contribute to the low levels of trust in governments.
While COVID-19 has taken centre stage, conflicts have continued uninterrupted. As Islamist militants in the Sahel and Mozambique have both carried out large-scale attacks in recent weeks, likely hoping to capitalise on distracted governments to advance their interests. In Lake Chad, Islamist militant group Boko Haram, seeks to discredit regional governments and recruit new members.
In the Sahel, the crisis is having a far more disruptive impact on the work of aid agencies, which are struggling to transport staff and supplies, and is likely to worsen humanitarian conditions in several conflict hotspots. COVID-19 is also likely to see conflict resolution processes and peacekeeping deprioritised amid travel freezes and budget cuts.
In the longer term, economic stress will push crime rates upwards. Routine patrols may be deprioritised in favour of enforcing curfews and reducing the spread. Organisations sending staff and executives on short-term trips will also need to plan for longer visits as they navigate travel restrictions, increasing their exposure to criminal activity.
Your contributions are needed.
For Ref, see.
Thomaz Favaro. COVID-19 – the security impacts in Africa. Control Risks. 1 Jun 2020. -
I am collecting ways to better organize the lab, the group and all the management tasks we need to do such as inventory, accountability, project management, lab purchases etc ... everything that can save time and facilitate our scientific life! Please share!
How to improve the bond strength of PVC and cement?What are the products of PVC reacting with hypochlorite? Whether it can be applied to recycled plastic concrete to improve compressive strength?
Thank you very much for your help and patience!
Dear All,
My question is if the material/impurity that sticks in the froth and floats to the top of the liquid media in froth flotation process, be recovered?
If so what are the methods available and how feasible they are economically?
Thank you for your time and patience!!
All RG members your score will improve
all RG members keep patience remain active things happens when time comese in life keep doing thing with more efforts, definitely get reward
Impact Factor (IF)-mania is a fast developing latest trend for almost all researchers in the world. Quality of a journal is determined by its IF. But nowadays IF-mania is probably destroying the very essence of conducting quality research or publishing the same in a journal of repute having "quality" consistently over a significant period of time. Honesty, hard work, patience, and perseverance is not always playing the key role both at researcher's as well as publisher's end . Increased competition in the field of good research has made it often difficult to abide by the ethical guidelines of scientific research and publishing.
Dear esteemed RG members, please share your views on:
Quality Research or Publication in High Impact Journal! What’s Important?
I am very new to real time PCR (I did my first run today) and i got nothing so i will really appreciate your patience and detailed answers.
As a beginning i wanted to test the expression of one gene only to get used to the technique and to get some results to interpret and understand how the system works, but unfortunately, i got almost nothing.
First i am using power up sybr green master mix and i am doing the run on biorad CfX system.
I put 400 ng of my RNA in the cDNA synthesis in a total reaction volume of 20ul. I assumed a perfect conversion of RNA to cDNA and that i got 400 ng/ 20 ul ( so my conc. is 20ng/ul).
For the syber green, i made a 10 ul total volume that contains 5ul master mix, 1 ul of my cDN (with no dilution = means that i put 20 ng cDNA in the total reaction volume), .5 ul of forward and .5 ul reverse primers (amount of the primers is 500nM) and the rest was water.
Did i made anything wrong in the reaction volumes?
For the set up of the cycling conditions i used the standard cycling recommended by the protocol of power up sybr green. However, the annealing temp i used was 55 C (I knew that people usually use 60 C)
For the dissociation curve, since i was using Biorad machine but power up sybr green protocol, so i could not exactly set up the conditions as the protocol said (the software didn't accept it ) so for example i ended up with a ramp rate of 1.6 c/second instead of .15 C/ sec.
the amplicon of my target gene was around 200 pb in size but my GAPDH control was around 600 pb (i knew that it was away too large :/)
All the results i got were straight lines and only one peak for my control (although i made it duplicate, i saw the peak in only one well)
Could you please advise me what mistake/mistakes i did ? and how exactly to proceed ?
I have cured MRSA infected patient ( 27 large open wounds all over the body some were deep and wide and even a golf ball drops in) . The patient contracted the diastase in the hospital and under isolated condition PT received Vancomicyn (infused). but did not control. I discussed with the infectious disease specialist and convinced him that herbal medicine (Topical , ingested and nasal spay) I prepared works better. I took the patience home and treated. In 30 days, all the open wounds were healed. ( during the 30 days of treatment, slough build up were not observed). Doctors at the Wound Care Center and all the nurses were surprised and said ' Wow You did it . and started clapping hand. The doctor said," it is amazing. Pharmaceutical industry must look into this." I said" ha ha . they don't want anything like this developed .This has been documented with colored photo). All the big pharma are conducting business on their greed. If the medical and pharmaceutical industry really want to help people. There are a lots of home remedies. I even have some already in powder form. Baking soda, Antiangiogenesis , high dose of Vitamin C and more.,
I have a paper I worked on during my undergraduate time that is about transgender rights in prison, and I was working with my professor at the time to publish it. However, I have not heard back from her in sometime, and I still would like to submit it to an Academic Journal. It was written in APA style format, and I would like to not change that. Are there any good journals or publications?
Thank you,
Hi everyone,
I stock in the vehicle wheel's camber modelling.
I want the main ( non-linear ) equation between vehicle's wheel camber angle and side slip angle.
The linear equation is in the form below:
alpha_star = alpha + K_camb * gamma
The book in which the linear equation is available states that the main equation is available in the following references, BUT I can't find these references...
1 - M. Mitschke and H. Wallentowitz. Dynamik der Kraftfahrzeuge. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 4. edition, 2004.
2- J. Reimpell and P. Sponagel. Fahrwerktechnik: Reifen und Räder. Vogel Fachbuch. Würzburg, 1995.
Thanks for your patience and cooperation.
Let me explain you my task and I will ask you if it is possible to do so in Abaqus.
Please, Assume I am doing a simulation on a pulley (or a cylindrical solid) with single step as Load on the external surface.
I collect the necessary stress values(S22, von mises, etc) at each node on a selected surface of pulley.
I also collect the cylindrical coordinates for that nodes. Now I do some calculations in excel using the stress values(Max principal stress, minimum principal stress, S22, etc) and find out safety factor for each node.
So, I have a new variable with me called SF(safety factor) for each node.
I will use CSV module of ABAQUS PYHTON to display this SF values in Kernel command line interface.
I hope you understood what I explained, please feel free to ask me if you did not understand any point.
Once I reflect the CSV values in Kernel command line interface, I am interested in displaying this SF value at the respective nodes in the Visualization module of the Pulley.
I am keen if you guys can shed some light on this as how can I proceed after this? I am able to print the tabular values containing the coordinates and safety factor in the command line.
I would highly appreciate you guys for your solution if this is possible or not? If not please let me know what can be the alternative solution for it.
The sample table looks like this in excel
Node R T Z SF
27 30,7 0,00 -15,4 1
4970 30,7 0,07 -15,4 1
4971 30,7 0,13 -15,4 1
4973 30 0,27 -15,4 1.3
4974 30 0,34 -15,4 1.3
4975 30 0,40 15,4 1.3
Sample output in kernel command line interface with the code
import csv
import pprint
infile=open(filename,'r') table = [row for row in csv.reader(infile,delimiter= ' ')]
[['Node ; R ; T ; Z ; SF] ,
['20,7 ; 30,7 ; 0 ; -15,4 ; 1 ],
[4970 ; 30,7 ; 0,07 ; -15,4 ; 1 ],
['4971, ; 30,7; 0,13 ; -15,4 ; 1 ],
['4975; 30 ; 0.40 ; -15,4 ; 1.3 ],]
Thank you so much for your time and patience.
Kind Regards,
Alluri Sai Preetham Reddy
Hello everybody,
I need to barcode some mites amplifying by PCR a stretch of their mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COX I). But I don't have its exact sequence, as this is the question the obtained PCR product is expected to answer after sending this PCR fragment for Sanger conventional dideoxy DNA sequencing.
I've already used before a pair with degenerate primers with one of them containing a stretch of 6 consecutive inosines and it (fearfully!!!) worked out just fine, as published here:
The calculated degeneracy of such primer is an elevated number of 4096 (4x4x4x4x4x4) and it worked out fine in spite of it.
But now I need to amplify this COI fragment without knowledge of its exact sequence. I've already aligned the closest available species with publicly available sequences in order to find the most probable degenerate primer able to amplify any of them (at least in theory).
I've been aligning these sequences searching for a common stretch among them with the lowest possible degeneracy that's well below 4096, actually equal or below 300.
At last here comes my question, which number would be roughly the top possible for a degenerate primer to amplify a single DNA product? 500? 1000?
Is it much different for these bases to be scattered along the DNA primer instead of a single long consecutive stretch of degenerate bases (such as the 6 consecutive inosines I've already used successfully)?
Thank you all in advances for the attention, and also for the patience needed to read such long considerations.
Hello to everyone.
I am working on the adsorption of Cu2+ from aqueous solution onto the biochar.
I found a strange result in thermodynamic analysis. At low temperature (15C), ∆G is 2 kJ/mol (∆G is positive). it means that the process is not spontaneous, and in fact, it shouldn't happen. But, adsorption happens in reality based on the experimental results.
At higher temperature, ∆G is negative.
I found ∆G > 0 results in a few papers but there is no explanations except that: adsorption is not easy if ∆G > 0.
{Yargic et. al., Assessment of toxic copper(II) biosorption from aqueous solution by chemically-treated tomato waste, Journal of Cleaner Production 88 (2015) 152-159
Hajjaji et. al., Adsorption of blue copper on a natural and electrochemically treated bentonite, Appl Water Sci (2016) 6:11–23}
I have used following equations found in literature:
∆G = ∆H - T∆S (equation 1)
∆G = -RTln(Keq) (equation 2)
Keq = (Qeq) / (Ceq) (equation 3)
Qeq is the amount of copper adsorbed divided by the mass of adsorbent (mg / g)
Ceq is the concentration of copper in the solution at equilibrium (mg/L)
Combining equations and the linearization will give:
lnKeq = ∆S / R - ∆H / (RT)
This equation was used for linear regression to estimate the values of ∆S and ∆H. ∆G was calculated by the definition.
I tried to find a reason. I really appreciate it if you could help me.
Explanation 1) Regression error
R2 is 0.96 in linear regression. There is an error in estimation of ∆S and ∆H, and therefore ∆G. Especially the value of ∆G is small.
Explanation 2) Physical adsorption
The equation (2) is defined for a reversible chemical reaction (Gibbs free energy isotherm equation). But, what if the adsorption is physisorption?
Is it necessary for ∆G to be negative even in case of physical adsorption? Especially, the formula used is defined for a reversible chemical reaction.
The value of ∆H is 30.2 kJ/mol. Based on literature, if the ∆H is less that 40 kJ/mol, the dominant mechanism is physical adsorption. It means that, in my experiment, adsorption is physical.
Explanation 3) Definition of Keq
if ∆G > 0, based on equation 2, Keq < 1 which means that:
Qeq < Ceq.
On the contrary, if ∆G < 0, Qeq > Ceq.
But, there is not any rule or limitation in the adsorption regarding the relationship between Qeq and Ceq. Especially, there quantities have different units and dimensions, and it is not possible to compare them.
It seems that the definition of Keq in adsorption is not appropriate. Based on equation (2), equilibrium constant must be dimensionless. Ln is a natural logarithm and therefore Keq must be a pure number and cannot have a dimension, since logarithms can only be taken of pure numbers. But, in adsorption, Keq is not dimensionless.
There is another confusing issue for me. If the assumption is equilibrium, ∆G must be zero. But, in all papers that I read, ∆G has a value either negative or positive. So, why?
Thank you very much for your time and patience to read such a long question.
We are students and we are now preaparing project about work performace (adult). We would like to use questionnaire about patience, forbearance or any simillar construct in this research.