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Passivation - Science topic
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Questions related to Passivation
Short circuit current density and efficiency are increased and it can be explained using the suppression of recombination.
entry exit points with single antennas are to be used for directional tag reading
as metallic environment is considered all tags are read by all the antennas
Fuller, Russell J; Han, Bing; Tung, Yining, 2010, “Thinking about Indices and "Passive" versus Active Management”, Journal of Portfolio Management 36(4), pp. 35-47.
When constructing a building (In our case in the Netherlands) you can use horizontal fixed louvres paralell to the plane of the window to provide shading. The question is what the optimal angle for the louvres is as a function of latitude and exposition of the facade. I have found some references for angles in Australia based on allowing mid-winter sun entry, but not the method to calculate them.
Also, the spacing between louvres could be considered.
Kindly asking. Due to the passivation of the alloy, the potential and current of the alloy in ECN monitoring have the same trend of change, resulting in almost no change in Rn value. Is this reasonable?
Interested in learning about media power and the role of the media system, have a look at my latest article:
#mediapower #discourse analysis
The Cr nanolayer (formed by the PVD method) is resistant to strong acidic solutions (i.e., H2SO4, HCl, ...), however, the bulk Cr metal dissolves slowly. I think maybe this is because of the passive layer on the nanolayer. If it is true, is there any chemical procedure to dissolve the passive layers?
How can I define Planetary motion in ABAQUS CAE, how define motion of three rollers around a central axis and passive rotation about their own axis?
Hi everyone
I'm trying to fabricate perovskite on FTO/c-TiO2/m-TiO2/Li-TFSi.
After fabricate perovskite, some crystals coming.
And after that, passivation with OAI. Also coming some holes with washing scratch(?).
Is it because of Perovskite? or other reasons.
If someone know these problem, please help me.
Picture is after perovksite, and after passivation
Thank you very much.

I want to add silicon diooxide layer in my solar cell Struture as passivation layer. I am using Silvaco Tcad Softwere.
code that I write as follow
Region num = 7 x.min=0 x.max=1 y.min=0.5 y.max=0.6 mat=Sio2
material mat= Sio2 sopra=Sio2.nk mc=0.42 mv=0.16
Only adding this layer cel desnot show any output.
I dont know what to do next?
hey, when i read some papers and books about corrosions of metal materials, there are some descriptions like "The 400-series stainless steels will pit in propionic acid solutions, probably because of borderline passivity....", "Field experience has been that type 304 demonstrates borderline passivity above 80% and is not suitable for such service.".
I don't know the meaning of borderline passivity?
Dear all,
We recently conducted a study to enhance the performance of Triple Cation perovskite-based solar cell devices in both outdoor and indoor conditions. By employing various passivation layers on the absorber layer surface, we achieved promising results. However, despite repeated measurements at different conditions and setups, and in different labs, our photoluminescence (PL) intensity peaks trend do not align with the performance trend of devices with different passivation layers—except for the Reference case without any passivation layer. Specifically, we measured PL signals for both "glass/ETL/Perovskite" and "glass/ETL/Perovskite/passivation layer" samples.
I would greatly appreciate any guidance on factors to consider in order to reconcile our results with our expected outcomes.
Thanks and regards,
Usman Ali Shah
BBB we know prevent bacterial & viruses crossing but how Drug can pass through BBB & what is the role of Passive transport in it. Kindly explain it Diagrammatically preferably.
I am working on Condensation of plasmid DNA(pDNA) by using PEI passivated Carbon dots (CDs). To verify whether PEI-CD is complexing , I am measuring zeta potential of pDNA-CD complex. But the results are not convincing. Is there any specific protocol for measuring the zeta of DNA?
Any insights in this regard is appreciated
Thank You
Charles Fillmore’s Deep Cases are determined not by syntax, but rather by semantics. Rather than having Subject, Indirect Object and Direct Object, Fillmore uses such terms as Agent, Experiencer, Instrument, and Patient.
The semantic features often occur in contrasting pairs, like Animate vs. Inanimate, and Cause vs. Effect. Thus:
Agent: Animate Cause
Experiencer: Animate Effect
Instrument: Inanimate Cause
Patient: Inanimate Effect
In an Active Sentence the most active Deep Case is eligible to become the Subject and the least active is eligible to become the Direct Object.
In a Passive Sentence the least active Deep Case is eligible to become the Subject and the most active case becomes an Object of the Preposition “by.”
Normally, the most active deep case is selected as the subject of the sentence:
The Actor if there is one
If not, the Instrument if there is one
If there is no Actor or Instrument, the Object becomes eligible. Therefore we have the following:
The boy opened the door with the key.
The key opened the door.
The door opened.
Is Case Grammar an effective method for showing the interrelationships between syntax and semantics?
What are the educational processes that you think can be transferred from passive to active using the Internet of Things?
I have read that, "In a typical Polarization Curve, lower corrosion current density corresponded to lower corrosion rate and better corrosion resistance." But Corrosion current density represents the rate of transfer of electrons, leading to corrosion. So, would it mean that the metal is oxidized (metal oxide formation-passive region) until a threshold potential (trans passive) and post that potential metal dissolution occurs? (For e.g., Cr to Cr2O3 to CrO3). Does it also mean that on the passive region, higher the Current density higher the metal oxide thickness?
Tough language (Aristotle's Ethos) is the language of the novel. It tends to be written in a first-person (I, me, mine, we, us, our) narrative; it is subjective and informal or intimate, and Aristotle would call it (Aristotle’s Ethos). It is the language of the novel. Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms uses tough language.
Sweet language (Aristotle’s Pathos) tends to be written in the second person (you, your); it tends to be subjective and intimate, and sometimes “pathetic.” It is the language of seduction; it is also the language of the advertisement. Aristotle would call it “Pathos.” Walker Gibson calls Sweet language AROMA (Advertising Rhetoric of Madison Avenue). Sweet language is listener-oriented in an attempt to deduce listeners into buying products they don’t want or need. Stuffy language (Aristotle’s Logos) is the language of academe.
Where tough language is I-oriented, and Sweet language is you-oriented, stuffy language is it-oriented. Stuffy language is highly grammatical and highly formal. Infinitives, gerunds, present and past participles, nominative absolutes, perfect, progressive, and passive constructions normally occur only in stuffy language. Because it is so objective and straight forward, it tends to be dull—stuffy.
Comment on the three styles of discourse: Tough (the novel), Sweet (the advertisement), and Stuffy (the language of academe).
Hello, I made passivation on the Cu tape by just waiting in NaOH, it was necessary to coat it with a film of sulfuric acid and pyrrole monomer. But when an acidic polymer entered the solution, the passivation was gone, that is, it dissolved back. How should I passivation on a Cu tape or Al, in short, a metal surface so that I can produce polymers on it? Are there any publications you can recommend? Thank you
We know Cr can form a stainless steel. But can one explains me a detail for this corrosion phenomena.
I will appreciate if you please consider the following items when you answer.
1. Pilling-bedworth (PB) ratio of Iron is 1.9 and hence it should be passive by its own. What is the main role of Cr/Cr2O3/Cr(OH)2 on the surface film? why this Cr containg layer is passive while Cr-free layer is not?
Imagine a perfect single crystal of stainless steel, no grain boundaries, no inclusions, perfect homogeneous chromium distribution. Now we passivate this crystal and form a homogeneous passive film without any depletions in it. Will this passive film break due to halide ions if we apply an increasing potential?
KCl treatment perovskite solar cell is widely used for surface passivation purpose. I am working on KCl treatment of SnO2 layer. Can you kindly let me know the mechanisms and physics involved behind doing the KCl treatment in terms varios dopants, anneling temeprature, processing conditions of the layer?
Thank you
I would like to do Ar plasma treatment to the TFT device where Al2O3 is passivated.
Now, we have a sputter in our lab that we use to deposit electrodes, and I want to use it to do only Ar plasma treatment on top of Al2O3
What is the method?
I'm going to apply 30sccm 100w 0.25A without opening the Gun target, is this correct?
I need to passivation on the nickel film to create a polymer structure, but in acid this is not possible, the film goes away instantly. How can passivation be achieved other than acid?
I need to read passive tags in Metallica environments with directions and less reflections . Any new method for the same
I am unable to find it online anywhere.
What is the effect of surface passivation by SiNx or SiN/SiO2 on the diffusion length of Mono, Multi, and PERC type of solar cell
Some alloys passivate simoltaneously and not exhibit active behavior, what is the reson?
Many passive sampling techniques such as SPMD have been used to replace fish. I am looking for some information on why we should replace fish to measure the toxicants.
I hope I will get good guidelines.
Big thanks
In the picture, how is the exact value of the passivation area numbers (Ipassive) determined?

Considering any CMOS technology, I am eager to know what is the upper limitation of MOSCAP design. Also I want to know that MOSCAP is larger than conventional on chip capacitors or not. For instance how to compare 1pF MOSCAP and a 1pF on chip capacitor regarding die occupation. Totally avoiding passive elements in chips can save lots of area, so I am looking for methos for realizing larger capacitors with smaller die occupation.
I performed a GLMMs for each restoration method (active and passive) and would like to compare them through a usual test like anova in R.
Please explain the physics behind interface passivation by using intrinsic amorphous silicon. Can we replace amorphous silicon with microcrystalline silicon with similar quality?
By shifting from passive to active learning, the metaverse can transform the present learning paradigm into entertaining, engaging, meaningful, social, iterative, and joyous. It will change many aspects and create new ways of addressing our present learning styles' issues. The following are some questions that bring our attention to discuss further.
1) Will it help deal with diversity in higher education institutes, or will it be more complicated?
2) Will it help monitor exams more effectively in a non-face-to-face environment, or will it be cumbersome?
I have OCP, Tafel plot and EIS data for steel electrode but i have to find passivating potential from CV data which is new for me.
We have an electrocoagulation system for industrial wastewater treatment.
Once the system is operating, contaminants such as suspended solids or organics, etc. are adsorbed to the anode electrode (passivation problem), leading to the voltage increasing.
We are looking for a spacial aluminum material to be resistant against passivation.

I understand that Rn is "The fluorescence emission intensity of the reporter dye divided by the fluorescence emission intensity of the passive reference dye" (Thermofisher definition), but I'm a little unsure how that relates to RFU.
I am trying to understand the structures of modern passive NFC/RFID chip rectifiers. Any help would be appreciated.
I am looking for real world examples of passively powered RFID and NFC chips that are "long range" and utilize hysteretic switches. Any help would be much appreciated.
Dear researchers,
I did two experiment to confirm the energy dependent uptake. In 4o C experiment there is no uptake (inhibition is there) but when I am doing ATP depletion experiment by using sodium azide there is no inhibition and uptake is there so I am confused here regarding the mechanism? Does it means it is a energy independent process and my compound is going through passive diffusion?
An intelligent planning of rooms based on Passive Solar design could effectively mitigate energy consumption and also promort the comfort. Anyways, what are the different methods used in the construction industry to implement passive solar design in rooms? Any scientific theories? Any case studies?
I would like to receive feedbacks from fellow researchers.
The use of a combination of active and passive measures to increase energy efficiency in building applications is possible. Passive strategies look into mechanisms in building design and orientation, as well as the building envelope, to reduce overall energy demand for heating and cooling. Active strategies include the adoption of advanced technologies for improved energy supply and efficiency, whereas passive strategies look into mechanisms in building design and orientation, as well as the building envelope, to reduce overall energy demand for heating and cooling. To aid the transition to sustainable energy practices, an energy efficient building design should not only boost energy efficiency on the supply side, but also minimize energy requirements and consumption on the demand side.
Hi everyone, I am trying to calculate the effect size of a study I am aiming to replicate (to run a G power analysis and find my required sample size). The thing is the R-squared mentioned in the regression table of the said study is of 0,007... which gives me quite unreachable sample size given my resources (> 1 300), but I am precisely trying to see if I did something wrong (although in the original paper N = 1 268, but they found a significant impact of the intervention in question for smaller samples of 700 participants too)
The randomized experiment consists of 4 conditions (Passive Control, Active Control, Treatment, Importance Treatment), and tests the effects of these conditions and of "news type" (the main task in every condition consists of presenting 36 headlines to participants, which are either true or false - each participant, whatever the group, being presented an equal amount of true AND false headlines randomly selected from a constituted set) on their sharing intentions of said headlines.
So this would call for (but correct me if I am wrong this is all very new to me) a two-way ANOVA analysis with the DV "sharing intentions" and IVs "condition" (4 levels) and "news type" (2 levels : false = 0, true = 1) (the design being between-subjects for conditions, but within-subjects for news type, which I understood could be a source of problem for G power...).
In their regression table, authors of the original study specifically find an interaction between Treatment and veracity with the following values: b = 0.054; F(1,6772) = 11.98; p = 0.0005, so that they can conclude there is a significant increase in sharing discernment (defined as the difference in sharing intentions for true vs false headlines) in Treatment group compared to controls (they first collapsed Passive and Active controls, since a preliminary analysis didn't find any significant main effect of condition or interaction with veracity for Active controls compared to Passive ones).
I calculated the effect size, based on the R-squared (0,007) when choosing linear multiple regression in G power (or using the partial-eta squared formula based on the value of F(1,6772) = 11.98 with its specified df when choosing an ANOVA - fixed effects, special, main effects and interactions) and both give me a sample size of 1300 or more. Did I do something wrong?
In passing, I am also not sure about the number of predictors (or respectively groups) I should enter in G power, as we want to replicate the study but ideally add the IV "age" (comparing 2 age groups, submitted otherwise to the same experiment - all participants whatever the age, will be randomly affected to the 4 conditions mentioned).
Thanks in advance!
write a code for Mapping Approach for True Internet Protocol Geo-location Information by using Active and Passive Methods
In our study, we analyse some reflections contained in the education thought of John Dewey, Paulo Freire and Peter McLaren. The three thinkers, with mutually different methods, have, in our opinion, as common point the intention to show that no education system is neutral in relation to the way in which societies are organised: all systems of education aim at the constitution of a particular kind of society through the formation of a corresponding mentality in the individuals. The ethical and political foundations of a society are mirrored in the education system: any reform of the society should, therefore, begin with the reform of the education system; furthermore, any reform of the society cannot be effective unless it is founded on the reform of education. As regards Dewey’s observations, we concentrate our attention on his criticism of any education system based on the passivity of pupils and on the massification of students: Dewey steadily pleads for a system of education aiming at the individualisation of pupils. As regards Freire’s meditation, we point out Freire’s uncovering of the oppression exercised against the subaltern classes through the traditional education systems: the constant relegation of pupils of the oppressed classes to a condition of total passivity, which is the aim of the system of education described by Freire as the banking concept of education, destroys any sense and aspiration to autonomy in the pupils themselves. Self-depreciation of pupils is the result of the traditional system of education. McLaren points out that a correct system of education should have as its own aim the self-transformation and the empowerment of the students: educators ought to uncover the relations holding between knowledge, which is always a social construct, and the interests of the dominant class. Keywords Dewey, democracy, Freire, banking concept of education, McLaren, self-transformation.
I fabricate perovskite thin film solar cell and trying to passivate interfaces of absorbing layer with inorganic layer. I have already done TRPL measurements on the interfaces. It gave pretty good results. Now, I want to get more information about defect passivation at the interfaces. I tried DLTS, but didn't work. I am looking for other measurements so that the defect passivation argument can get stronger evidence.
To get a soliton train pulses from a ring laser cavity host a Saturable Absorber , we need to make a balance between the dispersion of the cavity active and passive elements . What is the EDF length that have to use and SFM 28 for example ?
Thank you for your advises !
Regardes .
The alkyl or aryl based ligands/passivating agents are frequently used for the passivation of metal nanoparticles or colloidal suspension during liquid-phase synthesis. How much should be the ligand concentration to fully passivate the nanoparticles? What is the right time to add ligand, for instance, before adding reducing agent or after adding reducing agent?
It is suggested that Au can be used for passivation but Au and prevent oxidation during processing. Yet Au is not allowed in many chambers. is it possible to passivate Cr with other materials such as Al?
Hi everybody,
I could find only very few articles on the transpassive corrosion behavior of iron. (Sato 1976, Kozlowski 1984)WITHOUT halide ions. Is it confirmed that the transpassive dissolution of iron does not lead to film breakdown but a constant, potential independent, film thickness? Is this also true for other passivated metals, or are there metals which loose theor oxide film during transpassive dissolution? As far as I know passive films of chromium oxide dissolve completely at potentials exceeding the transpassive potential.
What is the proposed mechanism for transpassive dissolution/corrosion of iron oxide? And why doesnt it lead to complete film dissolution?
Thanks for your answers and discussion.
Which Real-Time PCR Instrument is better? Those that work with passive reference dye or those that do not work with passive reference dye.
currently i study on a project passive ankle foot orthosis. i make a simulation of ankle foot orthosis during static midstance. for midstance position how much force need to apply for the make the test is suitable for analysis the stiffness of the ankle foot orthosis?
My questions are:
How can I calculate cut-off frequency if I want to design a passive LC filter when Inductance and Capacitance were not given?
Is there any mathematical relation between cut-off frequency and resonance frequency?
During a passive lengthening displacement, muscle spindle primary afferents activity increases, and if after the stretch, the muscle is passively moved back to its original position (shortening phase), the activity decreases.
But what happens when the muscle is shortened starting from a neutral position?
Would the Ia afferent remain the same or decrease?
Cyclic polarsation of bare steel in 3.5%NaCl
Hi, all
I'm struggling with fabrication of working electrode on SU-8 layer.
here is detailed fabrication process.
1. Ni sacrificial layer deposition by Sputtering (100nm, 5mTorr, 150W, 15nm/min)
2. SU-8 bottom layer patterning
- spin coating with SU-8 2002 (microchem) at 4k rpm
- pre exposure bake: 65temp 3min --> 95temp 5min
- UV exposure with MA-6 mask aligner --> 350W, 25sec exposure
- post exposure bake: 65temp 3min --> 95temp 5min and slow cooling
- Developing in SU-8 developer 2min with puddling
- N2 gas drying
3. Cr/Au working electrode patterning & deposition
- patterning with LOR 3A/S1805 PR
- ebeam evaporation of Cr with 1 A/sec, 5nm (deposition start at ~5 E-7 torr)
- thermal evaporation of Au with 1 A/sec, 100nm
4. Passivation with SU-8
- same procedure as 2.
after fabrication, electrochemical property (impedance, Nyquist plot) is measured.
but only 1~2 devices are working well among 50 devices.
what would be a problem in this case?
i have doubt about surface roughness or micro crack of SU-8 layer and Au electrode.
please let me know your opinion.
Thank you in advance.

Hello everyone.
I am trying to fabricate FAMA perovskite solar cell by sequential deposition method.
The first step is spin coating PbI2 DMF/DMSO solution and annealing at 70C for 1min.
The second step is spin coating FAI/MAI/MACl IPA solution and annealing at 150C for 10min.
Unfortunately, in many articles authors don't give out the volume of solution each step used and how and when to add the FAI/MAI solution.
I tried several times but I cannot reproduce the result of papers. The PCE is only 13-15%.
Has someone tried this method before?
1.Jiang, Q., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X. et al. Surface passivation of perovskitefilm for efficient solar cells. Nat. Photonics 13, 460–466 (2019).Jiang, Q., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X. et al. Surface passivation of perovskitefilm for efficient solar cells. Nat. Photonics 13, 460–466 (2019).
2.Wang, X., Wang, L., Shan, T. et al. Low-Temperature Aging Provides 22% Efficient Bromine-Free and Passivation Layer-Free Planar PerovskiteSolar Cells. Nano-Micro Lett. 12, 84 (2020).
I want to measure a solution's IV characteristics, So I want to have a passivation layer so that the solution does not contact the electrodes directly. I have Two option
1. SU-8 negative photoresist
2. S 1813 positive photoresist.
Which one should I use, Positive one is easier but I don't know whether I can use it or not
Hi I want to understand the undercut we get due to the etch and passivation cycle of bosch process. However i see that we get high scallops at the starting top etching compared to the lower bottom etching.. Can anyone explain me this ?.
what parameter should i control ?. I was thinking to reduce the etch/passivation cycle time to min so to have low scallops.. You think is there any other parameters i should consider ??
Hi everybody
I was wondering whether I could use Passive Lysis Buffer (PLB; used for Luciferase assay) for western blot analysis. Basically, I'd lysate cells in a 6-well plate and then split the lysate for luciferase assay and western blot, in order to use the same starting material for both the analysis (since we're having some problems).
Have someone already used it? any hints or protocols to share?
Thank you so much in advance!
My sample was 45 participants aged 18-25. My Cronbach's Alpha is different to what the researchers who devised the PAUM found. Could anyone offer an explanation for the difference in these results please?
Original Paper
Cronbach's alphas for all three factors demonstrated adequate internal reliability (Active social α = 0.80; Active non-social α = 0.78; Passive α = 0.70).
My Cronbach's Alpha
Active Social = 0.45
Active Non-Social = 0.62
Passive = 0.61
I ask a question concerning the robots which have active and passive links -the parameter dh
does not result in direct geometry
is that there is another method which results from the geometry
one apart from geometric methods (solidworks, vr ... ect)
Has anybody information of Chinese product "Growatt 80KTL3LV" inverters and which algorithm is used for and islanding detection. ( I know all about passive method in it U<, > and f<,> ... ) Are any other active method?
I am looking for recent data on the passive exposure of occupants of buildings containing asbestos. So far, I have not found much information on any measurement campaigns that have been conducted to find out about the background noise indoors (outside buildings where work or remediation is taking place).
Recently, I need to process the brightness temperature data of SMAP (soil moisture active passive) L1C 9km resolution and carry out freeze-thaw identification. Since I have not processed similar data before, I hope someone can provide some experience. Thank you very much.
Different methods have been used for sampling beetles in the study of Coleopterans. The two main methods are passive and active sampling. Passive can be less labour-intensive but cannot sample folivore insects. Active on the other hand can be rewarding for folivore but cannot be useful for wood-borers, granivorous and frugivorous insects. Therefore, I am asking if any colleagues can provide a leverage to better sampling of beetles.